Dataset Hole ID Drill Hole Type Coordinate - Grid System Survey Method Person Aquifer Type Aquifer Class Leases Prospect Core Diameter (mm) Hole Diameter (mm) Hole Status Drill Contractor Drill Contractor - Rig Drill Casing Type Drill Casing Diameter (mm) Drill Casing Recovery Downhole Survey Method Down Hole Survey Instrument Downhole Survey Company MAGUS SI Units MAGUS Instrument Ori Tool Mark Ori Line Position Ori Reliability Colour Hue Grain Size Hardness Regolith Primary Regolith Secondary Regolith Tertiary Lithology Lithology % Fabric Texture Facing Contact Alteration Mineral Alt Style Alteration Intensity Category Vein Type Vein Primary Composition Vein Texture Vein Intensity Vein Mineral $ Ore Mineral $Ore Mineral style $ Ore Mineral intensity Other Mineral Other Mineral Intensity Stratigraphy Structure Roughness Joint - Fracture - Surface Weathering Structure - Infill Folds Confidence Sample type Sample Method QAQC Type Assay Method Sample Quality Sample Contamination Bedding Foliation Spacing Bedding Development Weathering (Geotechnical) Rock Strength Soil Classification Soil Strength Code Description Description Code Description CoordinateSystem - Code Description Code Description Description Code Description Code Description Lease_ID Property_Name Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Code Description Code Description Code Description Description Code Description Code Description Code Description Description Code Description CODE Description CODE Description CODE Description CODE Description CODE Description CODE Description Sedimentary Igneous/Metamorphic CODE Term Description CODE Description CODE Description CODE Description Rock Group Rock Type LOGGING CODE CODE Description Term CODE Description CODE Description CODE Description CODE Description CODE Description CODE Description CODE Description Description 2 CODE Description CODE Description CODE Description CODE Description CODE Description CODE Description CODE Description CODE Description CODE Description CODE Description CODE Description CODE Description Code Description CODE Description JR JRC Amplitude Code ISRM Grade Term JCS Descrpition Code Term Description JA Code Description CODE Description CODE Description CODE Description CODE Description Description CODE Description CODE Description Code Description Spacing Code Term Description Code ISRM_Grade Term Description Discolouration Fracture Condition Surface Character Code ISRM Grade Term UCS Mpa Field Test Code Description Major Division Major Division 1 Major Division 2 Code Type Term Relative Density (pct) UCS (kPa) Shear Strength (kPa) Description Reynolds Reynolds Range ASRC100001 AC Aircore MGA94_53 "Zone 53, Map Grid of Australia, GDA 1994 Datum" DGPS Differential GPS GEO KB Karstified Bedrock VZ Vadose Zone E516729 AS Assegai NQ2  47.6 NQ2  75.5 ABANDONED GOREY-COLE Gorey and Cole Drillers KL1500 KL1500 - Multipurpose PVC PVC - Plastic Casing 150 RC Casing Recovered Calculated Calculated - Inferred EZ-Trac Reflex EZ-Trac - Multishot GOREY-COLE Gorey and Cole Drillers X10-2 KT-10 Hand Held Unit BH Bottom of hole BH Bottom of hole G Good gn Green L Light cy Clay <1/256 mm NA UC Unconsolidated Unconsolidated Relict Bedrock OverPrints / Duricrust Description Code Description Code Code Combo MJ Major >50% AU Augen at Adcumulate N North FC Foliated contact ac Actinolite FC Fracture Controlled WA Weak Partial replacement of primary minerals CNT Count (number of features i.e. veins) AN Anastomosing qt quartz BK Buck T Trace ac Actinolite as Arsenopyrite BB Blebs T Trace ac Actinolite T Trace TBA TBA BED Bedding PP Planar - Polished 0.5 0.5 0.1% F 1 Fresh 100% of Fresh Rock Defect surface unaffected by weathering A "Coatings only, Rock Contact" "Tightly healed, hard, non-softening, impermeable filling, e.g. Quartz, carbonate, epidote." 0.75 AS Asymetric 1 Good RE-RUN Sample Pulp Re-run RCCS "RC 51/2""Cone Split" ORIG Original sample MEMS61 Multi Element DG Dry - Good NC No Contamination CL Closely Laminated <0.6mm MA Massive No obvious development of bedding / foliation. Rock appears homogeneous FR 1 Fresh No visible sign of rock material weathering None Closed or discoloured Unchanged VW 1 Very Weak Rock 1.0-5.0 Crumbles under firm blows with the point of a geological hammer. Can be peeled with a pocket knife. GW "Well graded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, little of no fines" "Clean gravels, little or no fines" "Gravels, more than half of coarse fraction larger than 4.75mm" "Coarse grained soils, more than half the material is larger than 75 micron." CVSO Cohesive Very soft N/A <25 <12.5 Moulded easily by fingers. Head of geological pick can be pushed into the shaft of the handle. Twin Bonanza Twin Bonanza SBRCD100002 AUG Auger MGA94_52 "Zone 52, Map Grid of Australia, GDA 1994 Datum" GPS GPS AR FB Fractured - Fissurd Bedrock SZ Saturated Zone EL10139 SW Pargee FL Falchion NQ  50.5 NQ  75.5 COMPLETE HWT Steel HWT Steel Casing TBA NR Casing Not Recovered SSS Single Shot Survey EASTMAN Eastman Camera - Single Shot SURTRON Surtron Technologies X10-3 GMS2 Hand Held Unit TH Top of hole TH Top of hole F Fair pgn Pale green D Dark st Silt 1/256 - 1/32 mm NA VW Very Weak may be broken by hand V Inverted - ferricrete/laterite u Mafic Ultramafic k Calcareous Ultramafic Extrusive U Komatiite K UK MN Minor <50% & >20% AN Annealed fractures al Agglomerate S South UC Unconformity ab Albite FW Foot wall (VMS) MA Moderate Alteration approx. equal proportion to primary minerals DIS Discrete Measurement (Point Data) BO Boudinage cb Carbonate BN Banded W Weak ab Albite az Azurite BN Banded W Weak ab Albite W Weak TBA TBA CLV Cleavage PS Planar - Smooth 1 1.5 0.4% SW 2 Slightly Weathered 50% of fresh rock "Staining or discolouration of defect surface, with colour and texture of fresh rock still recognisable." B "Coatings only, Rock Contact" "Unaltered/Fresh joint walls, or surface staining only." 1 CV Chevron 2 Fair REFPULP Reference Pulp RCRS "RC 51/2""Riffle Split" CSDUP Cone Split Duplicate Sample MEMS61R Multi Element + Rare Earth Elements DP Dry - Poor C Contamination L Laminated 0.6mm - 2mm PD Poorly Developed "Bedding / foliation is barely obvious as a faint mineralogicallayering or colour banding, but bedding planes are poorly developed." SW 2 Slightly waethered Discoloration indicates weathering of rock material on discontinuity surfaces. <5% of rock mass altered. <20% of fracture spacing on both sides of the fracture. Partial discolouration Partial discolouration W 2 Weak Rock 5.0-25 Can be peeled with a pocket knife with difficulty. Shallow indentations made with firm blows with the pooint of a geological hammer. GP "Poorly graded gravels, Gravel-sand mixtures, little or no fines" CSO Soft 25-50 12.5-25 "Easily penetrated by thumb, sharp end of pick can be pushed in to 30-40mm. Moulded by fingers with some pressure." SBRCD100003 CH Channel INT Interpreted PS SG Sand - Gravel UCPH Unconfined - Phreatic EL10305 McEwin Hills OP Old Pirate HQ3  61.1 HQ3  96.0 INPROGRESS PR Partial Recovery GYRO Gyroscope Compass Compass X10-4 KT-10-Plus Hand Held Unit Reflex-BH Reflex-Bottom of hole REF Calculated from know geometries P Poor - OMG dgn Dark Green vf Very Fine 1/32 - 1/8 mm <0.1 mm W Weak Crumbles under firm blow with sharp end of geological hammer I In situ - ferricrete/laterite m Metamorphic f Ferrigenous Undifferentiated Ultramafic U UU WK Weak <20% & >5% BO Boudinaged ay Amygdaloidal E East DC Dis-Conformity am Amphibole FL Foliation Controlled SA Strong "Alteration dominant, some primary minerals remain" INT Interval (Thick qtz vein or fault Zone) CO Colloformed BX Breccia M Moderate am Amphibole bn Bornite DS Disseminated M Moderate am Amphibole M Moderate TBA TBA CNT Contact PR Planar - Rough 1.5 2.5 0.5% MW 3 Moderately weathered 10 - 30% of fresh rock Defect surface affected weathering to extent that staining extends across complete surface and the original colour of the fresh rock is no longer recognisable. C "Coatings only, Rock Contact" "Slightly altered joint walls, non softening mineral coatings, sandy particles, clay free disintegrated rock" 2 IS Isoclinal 3 Poor PERC Percussion - RC- AC - RAB Chip Samples RCRSC "RC 51/2""Riffle Split Composite" RSDUP Riffle Split Duplicate Sample AU - ICP21 Au - Fire Assay <10ppm Detection WG Wet - Good D Dilution VCB Very Closely Bedded 2mm - 6mm WD Well Developed Bedding / Foliation is apparent as distinct layers or lines marked by mineralogical layering. MW 3 Moderately Waethered <50% of the rock material is decomposed and/or disintegrated to soil. Fresh or discoloured rock is present either as a discontinuous framework or as corestones. >20% fracture spacing on both sides of the fracture. "Discoloured, may contain thick filling" "Partial to complete discolouration, not friable except in poorly cemented rocks." M 3 Medium Strong Rock 25-50 Cannot be scraped or peeled by a pocket knife. Specimen can be fractured with a single with a single firm blow of a geological hammer. GM "Silty gravels, gravel-sand-silt mixtures" Gravels with fines CF1 Firm 50-100 25-50 Indented by thumb with effort. Sharp end of pick can be pushed in to 10mm. Can just be penetrated by an ordinary spade. FLRCD100004 DDH Diamond Drill Hole TACH Tacheometer RR PR Perched EL10306 Russet SW SB Sabre HQ  63.5 HQ  96.0 PLANNED NR Not recorded X10-5 No Ori No ori No Ori No Ori gn-br Green-brown fg Fine 1/8 - 1/4 mm 0.1 - 1mm MW Moderatly Weak Cannot be cut by hand into triaxial specimen Erosional g Granitoid z Silcrete/silicified Basaltic Komatiite B UB T Trace <5% BX Brecciated bd Banded W West FT Faulted Contact ad Andalusite HW Hanging wall (VMS) IA Intense Total replacement of primary minerals CR Crustiform CB Comb-cockade S Strong ad Andalusite bs Bismuthinite LM Laminated S Strong ad Andalusite S Strong TBA TBA CRN Crenulation UP Undulating - Polished 1.5 7 1.5% HW 4 Highly Weathered 5 - 10% of fresh rock Bleaching and other signs of chemical decomposition evident. Porosity and strength may be increased or decreased. Colour and texture of original rock no longer recognisable. D "Coatings only, Rock Contact" "Silty-clay or sandy-clay coatings, small clay fraction, non-softening" 3 KB Kink Bands 4 Craptastic WCORE Whole Core DDHC Cut - Diamond Core COMP Composite Sample AU-AA25 Au - Fire Assay >10ppm Detection WP Wet - Poor X Sample Mixup CB Closely Bedded 6mm - 20mm VWD Very Well Developed Bedding / Foliation is apparent as distinct layers or lines marked by a distinct colour banding as well as mineralogical layering. HW 4 Highly weathered >50% of the rock material is decomposed and/or disintegrated to soil. Fresh or discoloured rock is present as a discontinuos framework or as corestones. Throughout Filled with alteration minerals Friable and possibly pitted. S 4 Strong Rock 50-100 Specimen requires more than one blow of a geological hammer to fracture it. GC "Clayey gravels, gravel-sand-clay mixtures" CST Stiff 100-200 50-100 Slight indentation produced by pushing pick point in to soil. Cannot be moulded by fingers. Requires hand pick for excavation. FLDD100005 RAB Rotary Air Bore PLAN Planned LF AC Aquiclude EL22178 Lake Sarah North 1 YG Yatagan RC 5 1/2 inch 139.70 NR Measured Measured X10-6 gn-bk Green-black mg Medium 1/4 - 1/2 mm 1 - 3 mm MS Moderatly Strong 5mm indentation with sharp end of geological hammer M Mottled saprolite i Felsic/intermediate n Manganiferous Ultramafic Intrusive U Undifferentiated U UU CM Chilled margin bx Breccia NW North West DP Depositional ai Anhydrite HY Hydrothermal EE En echelon CF Colloform I Intense ai Anhydrite cc Chalcocite NW Interstitial Network I Intense ai Anhydrite I Intense TBA TBA FLT Fault US Undulating - Smooth 2 11 2.0% CW 5 Completely weathered Extremely weak Rock exhibits soil like properties (remoulding) E "Coatings only, Rock Contact" "Altered joint walls, softening or low friction clay mineral coatings. I.e. kaolinite, mica, talc, chlorite, gypsum, graphite." 4 OT Over turned HQHCORE HQ 1/2 core SCOOP Scoop Sample LAB MILL QTZ Flush LAB Mill QTZ Flush TBA Screen Fire Assay MB Moderately Bedded 20mm - 60mm EW 5 Extremely Weathered 100% of the rock material is decomposed and/or disintegrated to soil. The original mass structure is still largely intact. Throughout Filled with alteration minerals Resembles Soil VS 5 Very Strong Rock 100-250 Specimen requires many blows of a geological hammer to fracture it. SW "Well graded sands, gravelly sands, little or no fines" "Clean sands, little or no fines" "Gravels, more than half of coarse fraction smaller than 4.75mm" CVST Very Stiff 200-400 100-200 Indented with thumbnail with difficulty. Slight indentation produced by blow of a pick point. Requires power tools for excavation. YGRC100006 RC Reverse Circulation NR Not Recorded LB EL22228 Border North East 1 BC Buccaneer gn-rd Green-red cg Coarse 1/2 - 1mm 3 - 10 mm S Strong Hand held specimen can be broken with single blow of geological hammer S Saprock s Sediment y Gypsiferous Pyroxenite X UX CR Crenulated ch Cherty NE North East IN Intrusive ak Ankerite IN Inclusion EX Extensional CH Chalcedonic ak Ankerite cp Chalcopyrite MA Massive ak Ankerite FLZ Fault Zone UR Undulating Rough 3 14 3.0% F Filled joints "Friction materials, sandy particles, clay free, disintegrated rock." 4/8 PT Ptygmatic HQQCORE HQ 1/4 core SPEAR Spear Sample LAB BLANK Lab Blank WB Widely Bedded 60mm - 200mm CW 6 Completely Weathered "Rock exhibits soil-like properties (ie can be remoulded), some rock fragments may remain" Throughout N/A Resembles Soil ES 6 Extremely strong Rock >250 Specimen can only be chipped with a geological hammer. SP "Poorly graded sands, gravelly sands, little or no fines" CHARD Hard >400 >200 SBRC100007 RCD "Reverse Criculation, Diamond Tail" RM EL22554 Stud Holme NR Not recorded gn-pl Green-purple vg Very coarse 1 - 2 mm >10mm VS Very Strong More than one blow of geological hammer required to break specimen P Pedolith Component h Hardpan Peridotite P UP CT Contorted cz Chill margin SW South West HN Hornfels ap Apatite MT Metasomatic FD Folded FB Fibrous ap Apatite cr Chromite PT Patchy ap Apatite FLD Fold axis (plane) SP Stepped - Polished 2 11 2.0% G Filled joints "Hard cohesive materials. Strongly over consolidated, non-softening clay." 6/10 RF Refolded NQHCORE NQ 1/2 core REFPULP Reference Pulp Standard 1 GLG302-4 VWB Very Widely Bedded >200mm RS 6 Soil "All rock material is converted to soil. The mass structure and material fabric are destroyed. There is a large change in volume, but the soil has been significantly transpoted. " Throughout N/A Resembles Soil SM "Silty sands, sand-silt mixtures" Sands with fines NVL Non-cohesive Very Loose <15 N/A Crumbles easily when scraped with a geological pick SBRC100008 SN Sonic Drill RB EL22555 Walkeley BY Bayonet gn-yl Green-yellow gn Granule 2 - 4mm NA ES Extreamly Strong More than one blow of geological hammer required to break specimen U Upper saprolite q Quartz d Magnesite Dunite D UD FD Folded cg Coarse-grained SE South East as Arsenopyrite PT Patchy GR Grouwth GL Glassy as Arsenopyrite cu "Copper, native" MW Stockwork as Arsenopyrite HNG Fold hinge (lineation) SS Stepped - Smooth 3 14 3.0% H Filled joints "Soft cohesive materials. Medium to low over-consolidated, softening clay" 8/12 RK Reverse Kink NQQCORE NQ 1/4 core RSF Field Riffle Split - Spoil Pile Standard 2 GLG302-3 SC "Clayey sands, sand-clay mixtures" NLO Loose 15-35 Small resistance to penetration by sharp end of a geological pick. OPRC100001 VAC Vacuum EL22848 Lake Sarah North 2 DG Dodger gg Green-grey pb Pebble 4 - 64 mm NA L Lower saprolite l Bleached Component Hornblendeite H UH FE Flattened - elongate minerals tx Crystal Tuff UH Up Hole ao Asbestos PV Pervasive LY Layered IN Infill ao Asbestos cv Covellite SE Stringers/Veinlets ao Asbestos FOL Foliation SI Stepped - Irregular 4 20 4.5% J Filled joints swelling clays. E.g. montmorillonite 8/12 or 12/20 SY Symetric NR Not Recorded NR Not Recorded Standard 3 G306-1 ML "Inorganic silts, rock flour, silty or clayey fine sands, clayey silts with slight plasticity" "Silts and clays, liquid limit Less than 50" N/A "Coarse grained soils, more than half the material is smaller than 75 micron." NMD Medium Dense 35-65 Considerble resistance to penetration by sharp end of a geological pick. OPRC100002 NQ Diamond Drill Hole - NQ EL22850 Border North East 2 OH Ohau br Brown cb Cobble 64 - 256 mm NA F Fresh rock d Pea gravel - lateritic - distal q Quartz FG Fragmented cm Cumulus DH Down Hole az Azurite SR Selective Replacement PL Planar IT Infill tension gashes az Azurite ct Cuprite SH Sheets az Azurite FRK Fracture RC Recumbant BLANK - FLUSH LAB Mill QTZ Flush Standard 4 G397-2 CL "Inorgaic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays" NDE Dense 65-85 Very high resistance to penetration by sharp end of a geological pick. Requires many blows of a hand pick for excavation. OPRC100003 NQ3 Diamond Drill Hole - NQ3 EL22924 Delny PH Pine Hill lb light brown bu Boulder >256 NA Depositional c Clay l Bleached Mafic Extrusive B Undifferentiated V BV FM Foliation moderate df Downhole fining ba Barite SV Vein Selvedge PT Ptygmatic LM Laminated ba Barite el Electrum VH Vein halo ba Barite JNT Joint LAB - BLANK Lab Blank Standard 5 G908-7 OL "Organic silts, and organic silty clays of low plasticity" NVDE Very dense >85 High resistance to repeated blows of a geologica pick. Requires power tools for excavation. OPRC100004 HQ Diamond Drill Hole - HQ FIELDY EL23208 Border East RW Reward dbr Dark brown pa Pegmatitic NA >30mm E Eluvium p Plasmic d Pea gravel - lateritic - distal Tholeiitic Basalt T BT FS Foliation strong fg Fine-grained bi Biotite RB Ribbon ML Milky bi Biotite en Enargite bi Biotite LIN Lineation Standard 6 G996-7 MH "Inorganic silts, clayey silts, micaceous or distomaceous fine sandy or silty soils, elastic soils." "Silts and clays, liquid limit greater than 50" OPRC100005 HQ3 Diamond Drill Hole - HQ3 NM EL23523 Supplejack North TP Taupo br-rd Brown-red C Colluvium w Pallid c Clay High-mag Basalt M BM FT Faulted fz Flaser bedding bn Bornite SA Saccharoidal RX Recrystallised bn Bornite gl Galena bn Bornite LYR Layering Standard 7 GBM307-2 CH "Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays" BCRC100006 PQ Diamond Drill Hole - PQ PM EL23655 Lander TK Tekapo br-bk Brown-black A Alluvium a Arenose p Plasmic Picritic Basalt P BP FW Foliation weak fx Flow top breccia ca Calcite SZ Shear RP Replacement ca Calcite au "Gold, native" ca Calcite SCH Schistocity (s-fabric) Standard 8 GBM996-4 OH "Organic clays and silty clays of medium to high plasticity, organic silts." BCRC100007 NR Not Recorded CS EL23880 Lander East br-gn Brown-green Y Playa i Mixed lithic and lateritic w Pallid Spilitic Basalt S BS GH Ghosted minerals gt Gradational cs Carbonaceous SH Sheeted SC Saccaroidal cs Carbonaceous ml Malachite cs Carbonaceous SHZ Shear zone/plane (c-fabric) PT Peat and other highly organic soils. Highly organic soils BCRC100008 DN EL23883 Waldrons Hill br-or Brown-orange Z Sand t Lateritic - proximal a Arenose Mafic Intrusive O Undifferentiated U OU KB Kink banded gn Granular cb Carbonate SG Sigmoidal SM Smokey cb Carbonate mo Molybdenite cb Carbonate SLK Slickenside BCRC100009 SH EL23884 Lander Central br-yl Brown-yellow W Sheetwash b Black soil i Mixed lithic and lateritic Gabbro G OG LN Lineated gp Granophyric sn Cassiterite SY Stylolitic VG Vuggy sn Cassiterite nk Nickeliferous sn Cassiterite VN Vein BCRC100010 JM EL23885 Rawlins br-gy Brown-grey N Marine v Gravel/pebble/cobble t Lateritic - proximal Troctolite T OT MY Mylonitic gd Groundmass cc Chalcocite ST Stringer VT Tension gashes cc Chalcocite op Oxidised sulphides cc Chalcocite BCRC100011 EL23886 Rawlins South rd Red G Glacial r Lithic b Black soil Norite N ON PO Preferred orientation lm Lamination cp Chalcopyrite SW Stockwork WH White cp Chalcopyrite pn Pentlandite cp Chalcopyrite BCRC100012 EL23888 prd Pale Red Speciall m Loam v Gravel/pebble/cobble Anorthosite A OA SC Schlieren tl Lapilli Tuff cl Chlorite VY Vuggy ZN Zoned cl Chlorite py Pyrite cl Chlorite BCRC100013 EL23898 Russet Ridge drd Dark red D Disturbed / Man Made Material g Gypsiferous r Lithic Dolerite D OD SH Sheared lc Lenticular bedding cd Chloritoid ZN Zoned DL Delaminated cd Chloritoid po Pyrrhotite cd Chloritoid BCRC100014 LABORATORY EL23926 Ngadiri rd-or Red-orange X Soil x Breccia m Loam Gabbronorite B OB SY Stylolitic lk Lithic cr Chromite CS Crack seal cr Chromite sc Scheelite cr Chromite BCRC100015 ALS CHEMEX EL23927 Yinabalbu rd-br Red-brown z Silt g Gypsiferous Magnetitite M OM XM Fractured moderately ma Massive cy Clay IN Infill cy Clay ag Silver cy Clay BCRC100016 GEOSTATS EL24299 St Claire rd-gn Red-green 4 Corestones x Breccia XS Fractured strongly mx Matrix cx Clinopyroxene cx Clinopyroxene sp Sphalerite cx Clinopyroxene BCRC100017 EL24344 Trinity rd-bk Red-black 5 Pisolite z Silt Intermediate Extrusive I Undifferentiated U IU XW Fractured weakly mg Mega-crystic cu "Copper, native" cu "Copper, native" sb Stibnite cu "Copper, native" BCRC100018 EL24436 Cody rd-pl Red-purple 6 Smectite 4 Corestones Andesite V IV BD Brittle ductile mc Mesocumulate co Cordierite co Cordierite su Sulphide co Cordierite BCRC100019 EL24437 Oakley rd-yl Red-yellow 7 Reduced 5 Pisolite Trachyte T IT mm Migmatitic cv Covellite cv Covellite te Tellurides cv Covellite BCRC100020 EL24454 Pulpit rd-gy Red-grey Code combo 6 Smectite Trachy-andesite Y IY md Muddy ct Cuprite ct Cuprite ct Cuprite BCRC100021 EL24473 Russet Ridge 2 pk Pink uq 7 Reduced Intermediate Intrusive I Undifferentiated I II oo Oolitic dp Diopside dp Diopside dp Diopside BCRC100022 EL24492 Egerton 2 bk Black ul Code combo Diorite D ID oc Orthocumulate do Dolomite(ic) do Dolomite(ic) do Dolomite(ic) BCRC100023 EL24567 Egerton South bk-rd Black-red ud kq Monzonite M IM pi Phyllitic el Electrum el Electrum el Electrum BCRC100024 EL24858 Erie bk-or Black-orange uc kl Syenite S IS pw Pillowed en Enargite en Enargite en Enargite BCRC100025 EL24915 Dufaur bk-br Black-brown up kd Porphyry P IP pk Poikiltic ep Epidote ep Epidote ep Epidote BCRC100026 EL24949 Huron bk-bl Black-blue uw kc ps Poorly sorted fd Feldspar fd Feldspar fd Feldspar BCRC100027 EL25030 Not Named bk-gn Black-green ua kp Acid Extrusive F Undifferentiated U FU pp Porphyritic fe Ferruginous fe Ferruginous fe Ferruginous OPRC100006 EL25031 Not Named bk-pl Black-purple ui kw Rhyolite R FR pb Porphyroblastic fi Fluorite fi Fluorite fi Fluorite OPRC100007 EL25033 Not Named bk-yl Black-yellow ux ka Dacite C FC pc Porphyroclastic fu Fuchsite fu Fuchsite fu Fuchsite OPRC100008 EL25034 Not Named bk-gy Black-grey ut ki Rhyodacite O FO sd Sandy gl Galena gl Galena gl Galena OPRC100009 EL25035 Not Named bl Blue ub kx Acid Intrusive G Undifferentiated U GU sh Shaley ga Garnet ga Garnet ga Garnet OPRC100010 EL25036 Not Named pbl Pale Blue uv kt Granite G GG si Silicification go Goethite go Goethite go Goethite OPRC100011 EL25041 Not Named dbl Dark Blue ur kb Monzogranite M GM st Silty au "Gold, native" au "Gold, native" au "Gold, native" OPRC100012 EL25042 Not Named bl-bk Blue-black um kv Syenogranite S GS sx Spinifex gs Gossan gs Gossan gs Gossan OPRC100013 EL25044 Not Named bl-pl Blue-purple ug kr Alkali feldspar granite A GA td Tesxtural destruction gf Graphite gf Graphite gf Graphite OPRC100014 EL25191 Lake Ruth bl-br Blue-brown ub km Granodiorite D GD tf Tuff gu Grunerite gu Grunerite gu Grunerite OPRC100015 EL25192 Tanami Downs bl-gy Blue-grey uz kg Tonalite T GT tr Trachytic gm Gypsum gm Gypsum gm Gypsum OPRC100016 EL25194 Mongrel Fault bl-gn Blue-green u4 kx Porphyry P GP uf Uphole fining hm Haematite hm Haematite hm Haematite OPRC100017 EL25630 Caspian pl Purple u5 kz Pegmatite Z GZ vb Volcanic breccia ha Halite ha Halite ha Halite EL25632 Jordan ppl Pale purple u6 k4 Aplite L GL vc Volcaniclastic hb Hornblende hb Hornblende hb Hornblende EL25844 Century Gap dpl Dark Purple u7 k5 wr Wallrock im Ilmenite im Ilmenite im Ilmenite EL25845 Ptilotus pl-rd Purple-red mq k6 Lamprophyre / Kimberlites L Undifferentiated U LU tw Welded Tuff kn Kaolinite kn Kaolinite kn Kaolinite EL25866 Placid pl-bl Purple-blue ml k7 Phyric lamprophyre P LP ks K-feldspar ks K-feldspar ks K-feldspar EL26590 Eastern Creek pl-gn Purple-green md fq Lamproite L LL ky Kyanite ky Kyanite ky Kyanite EL26591 Phillip Island pl-br Purple-brown mc fl Kimberlite K LK lu Leucite lu Leucite lu Leucite EL26592 Donington pl-bk Purple-black mp fd Carbonatite C LC lx Leucoxene lx Leucoxene lx Leucoxene EL26593 Suzuka pl-gy Purple-grey mw fc li Limonite li Limonite li Limonite EL26608 Pargee Gap yl Yellow ma fp Vein material VN VN me Magnesite me Magnesite me Magnesite EL26609 San Marino pyl Pale yellow mi fw Massive sulphide AM AM mh Maghemite mt Magnetite mh Maghemite EL26610 Highway dyl Dark yellow mx fa Contamination XX XX mt Magnetite ml Malachite mt Magnetite EL26613 Monza yl-or yellow-orange mt fi ml Malachite mn Manganese ml Malachite EL26615 Le Mans yl-rd yellow-red mb fx Sediment S Undifferentiated U SU mn Manganese mf Manganese-Co-Fe mn Manganese EL26616 Century Bore yl-gn yellow-green mv ft Mudstone M SM mf Manganese-Co-Fe mi Mica mf Manganese-Co-Fe EL26618 Mt Panorama yl-br yellow-brown mr fb Siltstone T ST mi Mica mo Molybdenite mi Mica EL26619 Assen yl-gy yellow-grey mm fv Sandstone S SS mo Molybdenite mz Monazite mo Molybdenite EL26620 Indy gy Grey mg fr Interbedded - mud & silt F SF mz Monazite mr Montmorillonite mz Monazite EL26621 Brands Hatch pgy Pale Grey mb fm Interbedded - sand & silt N SN mr Montmorillonite ms Muscovite mr Montmorillonite EL26622 Silverstone dgy Dark grey mz fg Conglomerate C SC ms Muscovite np Nepheline ms Muscovite EL26623 Ware Range gy-rd Grey-red m4 fx Breccia B SB np Nepheline nk Nickeliferous np Nepheline EL26673 Monaco gy-or Grey-orange m5 fz Limestone L SL nk Nickeliferous no Nontronite nk Nickeliferous EL26903 Stud Holme Split Off gy-gn Grey-green m6 f4 Dolomite D SD no Nontronite ol Olivine no Nontronite EL27124 Pugio gy-pl Grey-purple m7 f5 Coal K SK ol Olivine op Opalised ol Olivine EL27125 Gladius gy-br Grey-brown gq f6 op Opalised ox Orthopyroxene op Opalised EL27126 Ballista gy-bk Grey-black gl f7 Chemical Sediments C Undifferentiated U CU ox Orthopyroxene od Oxide ox Orthopyroxene EL27127 Scorpion gy-yl Grey-yellow gd zq BIF I CI od Oxide os Oxidised sulphide od Oxide EL27339 Tribulus wh White gc zl Chert H CH os Oxidised sulphide pn Pentlandite os Oxidised sulphide EL27378 Pilum gp zd Evaporites E CE pn Pentlandite pg Phlogopite pn Pentlandite EL27566 Spatha gw zc Massive Ironstone F CF pg Phlogopite ph Phosphate(ic) pg Phlogopite EL27570 Hasta ga zp Phosphorites Z CZ ph Phosphate(ic) pl Plagioclase ph Phosphate(ic) EL27604 Silver Hatch gi zw pl Plagioclase py Pyrite pl Plagioclase EL27705 Mallee Breaden gx za Metamorphic M Slate L ML py Pyrite px Pyroxene py Pyrite gt zi Unknown protolith Phyllite Y MY px Pyroxene EL27780 Not Named gb zx Schist S MS px Pyroxene po Pyrrhotite po Pyrrhotite EL27812 Not Named gv zt Gneiss G MG po Pyrrhotite qt Quartz qt Quartz EL27872 Not Named gr zb Granulite N MN qt Quartz ru Rutile ru Rutile EL27906 Not Named gm zv Marble B MB ru Rutile se Sanidine se Sanidine EL5888 Supplejack gg zr Amphibolite A MA se Sericite sc Scheelite sc Scheelite EL5889 Birrindudu gb zm Hornfels H MH sn Sanidine sr Serpentine sr Serpentine EL7911 Gardiner Range gz zg Metamorphic P Quartzite Q PQ sc Scheelite sj Siderite sj Siderite EL8434 Nicker g4 zx Sedimentary protolith Psammite M PM sr Serpentine sm Sillimanite sm Sillimanite EL8576 Peccadillo Central 1 g5 zz Semipelite E PE sj Siderite ag Silver ag Silver EL8602 Black Cat g6 z4 Pelite P PP sm Sillimanite sg Smectite sg Smectite EL8695 Sanford Cliffs g7 z5 Slate L PL ag Silver sp Sphalerite sp Sphalerite EL8696 Redvers iq z6 Metacarbonate/marble B PB sg Smectite sf Sphene sf Sphene EL8697 Redvers North il z7 Calcsilicate X PX sp Sphalerite so Staurolite so Staurolite EL8727 Not Named id nq Schist S PS sf Sphene sb Stibnite sb Stibnite EL8762 Winnecke ic nl Gneiss G PG so Staurolite su Sulphide su Sulphide EL8766 Rawlins West ip nd Granulite N PN sb Stibnite sv Sulphur sv Sulphur EL8809 North Breaden iw nc Amphibolite A PA su Sulphide sy Sylvite sy Sylvite EL8824 Officer Hill ia np Hornfels H PH sv Sulphur tc Talc tc Talc EL8825 Luckys Bore ii nw Metamorphic R Metafelsic F RF sy Sylvite te Tellurides te Tellurides EL8845 Lake Buck ix na Igneous protolith Metamafic M RM tc Talc to Tourmaline to Tourmaline EL8848 Lake Talbot it ni Meta-ultramafic U RU te Tellurides tm Tremolite tm Tremolite EL8932 Peccadillo Central 2 ib nx Schist S RS to Tourmaline wm White Mica wm White Mica EL9250 Stoney Ridge iv nt Gneiss G RG tm Tremolite wf Wolframite wf Wolframite EL9295 Mongrel Downs ir nb Granulite N RN wm White Mica zt Zeolite zt Zeolite EL9343 Egerton im nv Amphibolite A RA wf Wolframite zr Zircon zr Zircon EL9442 Superior ig nr Metamorphic Y Mylonite M YM zt Zeolite EL9449 Victoria ib nm Intensely deformed Cataclasite C YC zr Zircon EL9474 Farrands Hill iz ng EL9616 Tin Can i4 nx Hydrothermal H Undifferentiated U HU SEL23659 Mac Peak i5 nz Mylonite Y HY SEL23661 Wilson i6 n4 Skarn S HS SEL26825 Crawford 2 i7 n5 sq n6 Mining Codes W Mullock/Waste W WW sl n7 Tailings T WT sd yq cavity C WC sc yl Stope S WS sp yd Backfill B WB sw yc Stockpile P WP sa yp Lost Core L WL si yw sx ya st yi sb yx sv yt sr yb sm yv sg yr sb ym sz yg s4 yx s5 yz s6 y4 s7 y5 y6 y7 hq hl hd hc hp hw ha hi hx ht hb hv hr hm hg hx hz h4 h5 h6 h7 dq dl dd dc dp dw da di dx dt db dv dr dm dg dx dz d4 d5 d6 d7