Field Code Description Lith1_Code/Lith2_Code All Alluvium Lith1_Code/Lith2_Code Ark Arkose feldspar sandstone Lith1_Code/Lith2_Code Arn Arenite >90% qtz grains Lith1_Code/Lith2_Code Brx Breccia Lith1_Code/Lith2_Code Cgl Congolmerate Lith1_Code/Lith2_Code Cht Chert Lith1_Code/Lith2_Code Cly Clay Lith1_Code/Lith2_Code Col Colluvium - soil and rubble Lith1_Code/Lith2_Code Dol Dolerite Lith1_Code/Lith2_Code Fbx Fe rich breccia Lith1_Code/Lith2_Code Fmd Fe rich mudstone Lith1_Code/Lith2_Code Fsl ferruginous siltstone Lith1_Code/Lith2_Code Fst ferruginous sandstone Lith1_Code/Lith2_Code Gwk Greywacke dirty sandstone Lith1_Code/Lith2_Code Irs Ironstone sparse oolites Lith1_Code/Lith2_Code Lat Laterite Lith1_Code/Lith2_Code Lss Silicified limestone Lith1_Code/Lith2_Code Lst Limestone Lith1_Code/Lith2_Code Mdu Mudstone Lith1_Code/Lith2_Code NC NO CORE (CORE LOSS) Lith1_Code/Lith2_Code NR Not recorded Lith1_Code/Lith2_Code Oir Strongly oolitic rock Lith1_Code/Lith2_Code Pcl Porcellanite Lith1_Code/Lith2_Code Pir Strongly pisolitic rock Lith1_Code/Lith2_Code Qcy Quartz clay Lith1_Code/Lith2_Code Qst Quartz sandstone Lith1_Code/Lith2_Code Qzt Quartzite Lith1_Code/Lith2_Code Scy Sandy clay Lith1_Code/Lith2_Code Shl shale Lith1_Code/Lith2_Code Slt Siltstone Lith1_Code/Lith2_Code Sst Sandstone Lith1_Code/Lith2_Code Xcly Undifferentiated clay (inactive code) Lith1_Code/Lith2_Code Xcy Undifferentiated clay Lith1_Texture ms moderately sorted Lith1_Texture ps poorly sorted Lith1_Texture ws well sorted Lith1_GrainSize bl boulders - >256mm Lith1_GrainSize cg coarse - 0.5 to 1mm Lith1_GrainSize co cobbles - 64 to 250mm Lith1_GrainSize fg fine - 0.125 to .25 Lith1_GrainSize fmg fine-medium Lith1_GrainSize gr granules - 2 to 4mm Lith1_GrainSize mcg medium-coarse Lith1_GrainSize mg medium - 0.25 to 0.5 Lith1_GrainSize pb pebbles - 4 to 64mm Lith1_GrainSize vcg very coarse - 1 to 2mm Lith1_GrainSize vfg very fine - 0.062 to 0.125 Lith1_Oxidation F fresh rock Lith1_Oxidation O oxidised Lith1_Oxidation PO partially oxidised Lith1_Oxidation R reduced dark grey to black often contains sulphides and carbonaceous material Lith1_Weathering BOW Base of Weathering Lith1_Weathering EW extremely weathered almost soil Lith1_Weathering F fresh rock Lith1_Weathering HW highly weatthered completely stained or bleached internal fabric can be altered Lith1_Weathering MW moderately weathered completely stained or bleached but original rock fabric visible Lith1_Weathering SW slightly weathered has partial staining along cracks and joints Lith1_Colour_Tone d dark Lith1_Colour_Tone l light Lith1_Colour_Tone m med Lith1_Colour1/Lith1_Colour2 bk black Lith1_Colour1/Lith1_Colour2 bl blue Lith1_Colour1/Lith1_Colour2 bn brown Lith1_Colour1/Lith1_Colour2 cm cream Lith1_Colour1/Lith1_Colour2 gn green Lith1_Colour1/Lith1_Colour2 gy grey Lith1_Colour1/Lith1_Colour2 kk khaki Lith1_Colour1/Lith1_Colour2 or orange Lith1_Colour1/Lith1_Colour2 pk pink Lith1_Colour1/Lith1_Colour2 pu purple Lith1_Colour1/Lith1_Colour2 rd red Lith1_Colour1/Lith1_Colour2 wh white Lith1_Colour1/Lith1_Colour2 ye yellow Lith1_Strat DDDol Derim Derim Dolerite Lith1_Strat Ky Kyalla Formation: interbedded siltstone, sandstone and mudstone Lith1_Strat Mo Moroak Sandstone: bedded sandstone with quartz granule intervals Lith1_Strat Sh Undifferentiated Sherwin Formation - interbedded siltstone, sandstone, mudstone and ironstone Lith1_Strat ShHD_01 Sherwin Formation: Hodgson Downs Unit 1 - between ShHD_Oir and Moroak Sandstone Lith1_Strat ShHD_02 Sherwin Formation: Hodgson Downs Unit 2 - above ShHD_Oir Lith1_Strat ShHD_Oir Sherwin Formation: Hodgson Downs Oolitic Ironstone Lith1_Strat ShMF_01 Sherwin Formation: Mount Fisher Unit 1 - between ShMF_Oir and Moroak Sandstone Lith1_Strat ShMF_02 Sherwin Formation: Mount Fisher Unit 2 - above ShMF_Oir Lith1_Strat ShMF_Oir Sherwin Formation: Mount Fisher Oolitic Ironstone Lith1_Strat ShMS_02 Sherwin Formation: Mount Scott Unit 2 - below Lower Ironstone Lith1_Strat ShMS_03 Sherwin Formation: Mount Scott Unit 3 - between Lower and Upper Ironstone Lith1_Strat ShMS_LIrs Sherwin Formation: Mount Scott Lower Ironstone Lith1_Strat ShMS_UIrs Sherwin Formation: Mount Scott Upper Ironstone Lith1_Strat ShSC_01 Sherwin Formation: Sherwin Creek Unit 1 - between ShSC_LSIrs and Moroak Sandstone Lith1_Strat ShSC_02 Sherwin Formation: Sherwin Creek Unit 2 - between Lower Ironstone and Lower Soft Oolitic Ironstone Lith1_Strat ShSC_03 Sherwin Formation: Sherwin Creek Unit 3 - between Middle and Lower Ironstone Lith1_Strat ShSC_03_Irs Sherwin Formation: Sherwin Creek Unit 3 - Thin Ironstone Horizon Lith1_Strat ShSC_03_L Sherwin Formation: Sherwin Creek Unit 3 - Lower Part below Thin Ironstone Horizon Lith1_Strat ShSC_03_U Sherwin Formation: Sherwin Creek Unit 3 - Upper Part above Thin Ironstone Horizon Lith1_Strat ShSC_04 Sherwin Formation: Sherwin Creek Unit 4 - between Middle and Upper Ironstone Lith1_Strat ShSC_LIrs Sherwin Formation: Sherwin Creek Lower Ironstone Lith1_Strat ShSC_LIrs_L Sherwin Formation: Sherwin Creek Lower Ironstone - Lower Horizon Lith1_Strat ShSC_LIrs_U Sherwin Formation: Sherwin Creek Lower Ironstone - Upper Horizon Lith1_Strat ShSC_LIrs_W Sherwin Formation: Sherwin Creek Lower Ironstone - Waste Horizon Lith1_Strat ShSC_LSIrs Sherwin Formation: Sherwin Creek Lower Soft Oolitic Ironstone Lith1_Strat ShSC_MIrs Sherwin Formation: Sherwin Creek Middle Ironstone Lith1_Strat ShSC_MIrs_L Sherwin Formation: Sherwin Creek Middle Ironstone - Lower Horizon Lith1_Strat ShSC_MIrs_U Sherwin Formation: Sherwin Creek Middle Ironstone - Upper Horizon Lith1_Strat ShSC_MIrs_W Sherwin Formation: Sherwin Creek Middle Ironstone - Waste Horizon Lith1_Strat ShSC_UIrs Sherwin Formation: Sherwin Creek Upper Ironstone Lith1_Strat Un Not Identified Lith1_Strat Ve Velkerri Formation: grey to black siltstone/mudstone with fine glauconitic sandstone