H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_Generated 20-Nov-12 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 25-Aug-12 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_name EL24552 H0101 Tenement_holder Barfuss Corporation Pty Ltd H0102 Project_name Harts Range H0106 Tenement_operator Barfuss Corporation Pty Ltd H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SF5310 SF5311 SF5214 SF5315 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 5851 5852 5951 5952 H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 26-Aug-05 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 25-Aug-12 H0202 Template_format SG1 H0203 Number_of_data_records 57 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 20-Nov-12 H0300 Related_data_filenames H0301 Report_text EL24552_2012_AS_01.pdf H0302 Surface_geochem_comp_data_file EL24552_2012_AS_02_SurfaceGeochem1.txt H0303 Surface_geochem_comp_data_file EL24552_2012_AS_03_SurfaceGeochem2.txt H0304 Surface_geochem_comp_data_file EL24552_2012_AS_04_SurfaceGeochem3.txt H0305 Surface_geochem_comp_data_file EL24552_2012_AS_05_SurfaceGeochem4.txt H0306 Surface_geochem_comp_data_file EL24552_2012_AS_06_SurfaceGeochem5.txt H0307 Surface_geochem_comp_data_file EL24552_2012_AS_07_SurfaceGeochem6.txt H0308 Surface_geochem_comp_data_file EL24552_2012_AS_08_SurfaceGeochem7.txt H0309 Surface_geochem_comp_data_file EL24552_2012_AS_09_SurfaceGeochem8.txt H0310 Location_data_file EL24552_2012_AS_10_Drillholes.txt H0311 Ground_spectrometer_survey_traverse_data EL24552_2012_AS_11_groundRadTraverses.txt H0312 Ground_spectrometer_survey_point_data EL24552_2012_AS_12_groundRadPoints.txt H0313 Verification_list EL24552_2012_AS_13_FileList.txt H0500 Feature_located sample point H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum AHD H0503 Projection UTM MGA H0530 Coordinate_system Projected H0531 Projection_zone 53 H0532 Surveying_instrument "GPS, Garmin hand-held; +/-4-6m" H0533 Surveying_company Flagstaff GeoConsultants Pty Ltd H0600 Sample_code RO H0601 Sample_type rock H0602 Sample_description rock chip composite H0700 Sample_preparation_code PR001 PR034 PR044 PR002 H0701 Sample_preparation_details sort & dry crush pulverise split H0702 Job_no u109905 H0800 Assay_code FA003 ICP102 ICP302 ICP104 ICP304 H0801 Assay_company UT "UltraTrace Pty Ltd, W.A." H0802 Assay_description FA003 fire assay (40 g); ICP-OES ICP102 mixed acid digest; ICP-OES ICP302 mixed acid digest; ICP-MS ICP104 "peroxide fusion, dilute acid digest; ICP-OES" ICP304 " peroxide fusion, dilute acid digest; ICP-MS" H0900 Comments H1000 FIELD SAMPLE_ID EAST NORTH sample-type Ag Al-1 Al-2 As Au-1 Au-2 Au-3 B Ba Be Bi Ca Cd Ce Co Cr Cs Cu-1 Cu-2 Dy Er Eu Fe Ga Gd Ge Hf Ho In K La Li Lu Mg Mn Mo Na Nb Nd Ni-1 Ni-2 P Pb Pd-1 Pd-2 Pr Pt-1 Pt-2 Rb Re S Sb Sc Si Sm Sn Sr Ta Tb Te Th Ti Tl Tm U V W Y Yb Zn Zn Zr Location sample type Description H1001 UNITS metres metres ppm % % ppm ppb ppb ppb ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppb ppb ppm ppb ppb ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm H1002 ASSAY_CODE ICP302 ICP102 ICP104 ICP302 FA003 FA003 FA003 ICP104 ICP304 ICP302 ICP302 ICP102 ICP302 ICP304 ICP104 ICP104 ICP302 ICP102 ICP104 ICP304 ICP304 ICP304 ICP104 ICP302 ICP304 ICP304 ICP304 ICP304 ICP302 ICP102 ICP304 ICP302 ICP304 ICP104 ICP104 ICP302 ICP102 ICP304 ICP304 ICP102 ICP104 ICP104 ICP302 FA003 FA003 ICP304 FA003 FA003 ICP302 ICP302 ICP104 ICP302 ICP102 ICP104 ICP304 ICP302 ICP302 ICP304 ICP304 ICP302 ICP304 ICP104 ICP302 ICP304 ICP304 ICP104 ICP304 ICP304 ICP304 ICP102 ICP104 ICP304 H1003 DETECTION_LIMIT_LOWER 20 0.01 0.05 100 1 1 1 50 50 20 0.1 0.01 5 10 20 50 1 5 50 10 10 10 0.01 50 10 20 2 10 1 0.01 10 1 10 0.01 20 0.5 0.01 100 10 5 50 200 1 1 1 10 1 1 0.2 5 100 0.2 5 0.01 10 1 0.5 100 10 5 100 0.01 0.1 10 100 50 50 100 10 5 50 10 H1004 ACCURACY na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na H1005 DETECTION_LIMIT_UPPER na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na H1006 PREFERED_ASSAY H1007 ASSAY_COMPANY UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT DATA HR442 478954 7443562 RO -20 7.41 -100 -1 -50 750 -20 0.1 1.15 -5 110 40 100 5 60 40 20 -10 6.61 -50 30 -20 10 -10 -1 2.59 50 28 -10 2.07 1340 -0.5 1.05 -100 50 40 600 22 -1 10 -1 195 -5 100 -0.2 20 30.6 20 2 159 100 -10 -5 -100 0.57 1.2 -10 200 150 -50 200 10 115 550 "S of track, 15km SE of Mt Riddoch station" outcrop composite GNEISS: sl.wthd; med.grnd; feldspar-qtz-biot-garnet; weak-mod. foliation (not banding) DATA HR443 478918 7443617 RO -20 6.98 -100 -1 -50 950 -20 0.7 5.63 -5 110 -20 -50 7 35 -10 -10 -10 3.96 -50 -10 -20 8 -10 -1 4.03 50 18 -10 1.3 580 0.5 1.35 -100 40 15 1000 21 -1 10 -1 213 -5 800 -0.2 15 29 -10 6 851 -100 -10 -5 -100 0.4 1.1 -10 -100 100 -50 -100 -10 40 330 "track cutting, 15km SE of Mt Riddoch station" outcrop composite "MARBLE & GNEISS, weathered, ferruginous: wthd gneiss (as for HR442) & marble (& greenish calcsilicate) with pervasive wk-mod. orange-brown ferrug. wthring/staining/?enrichment" DATA HR444 476755 7444518 RO -20 6.72 -100 -1 -50 50 -20 0.4 2.42 -5 30 60 250 -1 6140 -10 -10 -10 12.4 -50 -10 -20 6 -10 -1 0.09 10 3 -10 4.1 2560 0.5 0.54 -100 20 75 200 -1 2 -10 -1 -0.2 -5 -100 -0.2 35 25.9 -10 5 42 -100 -10 -5 -100 0.93 -0.1 -10 -100 300 -50 -100 -10 290 270 "E of track, 12.6km SE of Mt Riddoch station; W wall of old dozer cut pit" channel (0.75m) (rough) GARNET-?CUMMINGTONITE rock: weathered ?sheared soft crumbly m.grnd rock; with ?magnesite (& some chlorite?); sample between HR445 & HR446 DATA HR445 476755 7444519 RO -20 5.43 -100 -1 -50 -50 -20 0.2 1.88 -5 50 40 100 -1 1850 -10 -10 -10 8.73 -50 -10 -20 6 -10 -1 0.03 30 2 -10 2.38 1260 -0.5 0.53 -100 20 35 400 -1 -1 -10 2 1 -5 100 -0.2 15 32.8 -10 4 92.5 -100 -10 -5 -100 0.37 -0.1 -10 -100 150 -50 -100 -10 100 300 "E of track, 12.6km SE of Mt Riddoch station; W wall of old dozer cut pit" channel (1m) (rough) "GNEISS: wthd, mod.banded, f-m.grnd qtz-feld-hornbl-garnet; with tr. malachite-azurite on fractures; sample above HR444" DATA HR446 476755 7444517.5 RO -20 3.53 -100 -1 -50 -50 -20 -0.1 1.72 -5 -10 60 150 -1 525 -10 -10 -10 7.79 -50 -10 -20 4 -10 -1 0.04 -10 2 -10 2.31 1080 -0.5 0.27 -100 -10 60 400 -1 -1 -10 -1 1.2 -5 100 -0.2 20 34.8 -10 2 39 -100 -10 -5 -100 0.52 -0.1 -10 -100 150 -50 -100 -10 95 280 "E of track, 12.6km SE of Mt Riddoch station; W wall of old dozer cut pit" channel (0.5m) (rough) "GNEISS: wthd, mod.banded, f-m.grnd qtz-feld-hornbl-garnet; some coarser qtz-garnet rock; some brown haem. on fractures; sample below HR444" DATA HR447 476719 7444497 RO -20 7.66 -100 -1 -50 -50 -20 0.8 2.26 -5 20 80 250 -1 13600 10 -10 -10 17.7 -50 10 -20 4 -10 -1 0.02 -10 7 -10 5.86 4040 0.5 0.47 -100 20 50 1600 -1 -1 -10 -1 0.8 -5 900 -0.2 60 20.4 -10 6 53 -100 -10 -5 -100 1.88 -0.1 -10 -100 600 -50 -100 -10 480 220 "E of track, 12.6km SE of Mt Riddoch station; ridge-top" grab (outcrop) GARNET-?CUMMINGTONITE rock: coarse.grained rock; with abundant interstitial pale greenish malachite-?magnesite material; small patch of subcrop amongst scree DATA HR448 476778 7444518 RO -20 7.94 -100 1 -50 -50 -20 2 3.21 -5 20 60 350 -1 6710 10 -10 -10 16.8 -50 -10 -20 4 -10 -1 0.07 -10 3 -10 5.31 3820 1.5 0.38 -100 20 40 400 -1 -1 -10 -1 1.4 -5 200 -0.2 45 20.6 -10 6 12.5 -100 -10 -5 -100 1.2 -0.1 -10 -100 350 -50 -100 -10 235 210 "E of track, 12.6km SE of Mt Riddoch station; ridge-top" "channel (~3m) (rough, N-S)" "GARNET-?CUMMINGTONITE rock: brown, mod.soft, rubbly, wthd weakly-mod.ferrug. coarse.grained rock; common pale ?magnesite; trace-minor pale greenish malachite-?magnesite material (mostly around centre of ~3m-thick unit)" DATA HR449 476847 7444575 RO -20 7.82 -100 1 -50 50 -20 4.8 3.18 -5 30 80 300 -1 5530 10 -10 -10 14.8 -50 10 -20 6 -10 -1 0.13 10 3 -10 4.89 3380 1 0.83 -100 20 45 1000 3 -1 -10 1 8.4 -5 100 -0.2 40 22.7 -10 5 45.5 -100 -10 -5 -100 1.05 -0.1 -10 -100 350 -50 -100 -10 235 290 "E of track, 12.6km SE of Mt Riddoch station; low scarp in W side of creek" channel (0.3m) (rough) GARNET-?CUMMINGTONITE/?HORNBLENDE GNEISS: weathered med-coarse.grained garnetiferous zone; plus pale ?magnesite; trace-minor malachite; sample between HR450 & HR451 DATA HR450 476847 7444575 RO -20 5.5 -100 -1 -50 -50 -20 0.1 1.98 -5 60 40 100 -1 385 -10 -10 -10 7.98 -50 -10 -20 6 -10 -1 0.03 30 4 -10 2.12 1320 0.5 1.14 -100 20 30 1000 2 -1 -10 -1 2 -5 200 -0.2 15 33 -10 3 150 -100 -10 -5 -100 0.43 -0.1 -10 -100 150 -50 -100 -10 205 220 "E of track, 12.6km SE of Mt Riddoch station; low scarp in W side of creek" channel (2m) (rough) GNEISS: variable f-m.grnd qtz-feld-hornbl-garnet gneiss; sample above HR449 DATA HR451 476847 7444575 RO -20 2.4 -100 -1 -50 -50 -20 0.1 1.32 -5 20 40 50 -1 375 -10 -10 -10 4.46 -50 -10 -20 2 -10 -1 0.03 -10 2 -10 1.12 660 1 0.32 -100 -10 20 400 -1 -1 -10 -1 1.4 -5 100 -0.2 10 37.4 -10 2 56 -100 -10 -5 -100 0.31 -0.1 -10 -100 100 -50 -100 -10 75 110 "E of track, 12.6km SE of Mt Riddoch station; low scarp in W side of creek" channel (2m) (rough) "GNEISS, partially silic.: f-m.grnd qtz-garnet-hornbl. gneiss; top metre strongly silic &/or qtz vein; top few cm garnet-rich; possible trace malachite in base of main silic zone; sample below HR449" DATA HR452 476809 7444539 RO -20 8.05 -100 13 23 -50 -50 -20 20.2 2.42 -5 20 60 300 -1 23800 -10 -10 -10 17.5 -50 -10 -20 4 -10 -1 0.05 -10 2 -10 4.69 4020 1.5 0.24 -100 10 25 600 2 -1 -1 -10 -1 -1 1.2 -5 100 -0.2 45 19.1 -10 4 9.5 -100 -10 -5 -100 1.29 -0.1 -10 -100 250 -50 -100 -10 230 210 "E of track, 12.6km SE of Mt Riddoch station; low scarp in W side of creek" channel (1m) (rough) GARNET-?CUMMINGTONITE rock: coarse.grained rock; with pale ?magnesite & common malachite; ca. 1m-wide unit DATA HR453 477850 7444756 RO -20 7.67 -100 -1 -50 300 -20 0.3 4.99 -5 40 60 150 -1 450 -10 -10 -10 8.97 -50 -10 -20 4 -10 -1 0.22 20 4 -10 3.76 1660 -0.5 1.27 -100 20 60 1000 1 -1 -10 -1 5.8 -5 -100 -0.2 40 26.2 -10 3 91.5 -100 -10 -5 -100 1.06 -0.1 -10 -100 350 -50 -100 -10 145 170 "N of track, 13km SE of Mt Riddoch station; in side of gully" subcrop composite "GNEISS, weathered: soft light-orangy-tan (-sl.greenish) fine grained ?hornblende-?magnetise-qtz; band amongst amphibolite" DATA HR454 477621 7444752 RO -20 11.4 -100 -1 -50 750 -20 0.1 2.21 -5 100 80 200 2 190 20 10 -10 12.5 -50 20 -20 6 -10 -1 1.98 50 5 -10 4.34 2200 0.5 1.88 400 40 85 400 8 -1 10 2 186 -5 -100 -0.2 45 21.8 10 1 169 -100 -10 -5 -100 0.97 1 -10 100 300 -50 100 10 165 260 "N of track, 13km SE of Mt Riddoch station; low hillside" subcrop composite GARNET-?CUMMINGTONITE gneiss: wthd med-coarse.grained feld-qtz-biot-garnet-?cumm. gneiss; ca. 20-30% garnet; small patch subcrop (~0.5m) amongst amphibolite & soil cover DATA HR455 477534 7444745 RO -20 8.93 -100 -1 -50 -50 -20 -0.1 3.05 -5 30 60 200 -1 285 40 20 -10 11.9 -50 30 -20 6 -10 -1 0.09 20 2 -10 3.37 3020 -0.5 1.8 600 20 55 400 -1 -1 -10 1 -0.2 -5 100 -0.2 50 25.3 10 2 227 -100 -10 -5 -100 0.96 -0.1 -10 200 250 -50 200 20 550 250 "N of track, 13km SE of Mt Riddoch station; low hillside" "channel (2m) (rough, N-S)" "GNEISS: wthd; pale whitish sugary f.grnd ?qtz-feld. groundmass, with abundant (~20-30%) coarse 94-15mm) brown garnet porphyroblasts; also finer ?cummingtonite porph's; minor fine black ?metallic mineral in g'mass" DATA HR456 475809 7445182 RO -20 5.55 -100 -1 -50 100 -20 -0.1 8.57 -5 10 80 -50 -1 145 -10 -10 -10 12.3 -50 -10 -20 4 -10 -1 0.21 -10 4 -10 5.7 3180 -0.5 1.36 -100 10 30 400 -1 -1 -10 -1 5 -5 100 -0.2 85 20.2 -10 -1 76 -100 -10 -5 -100 3.77 -0.1 -10 -100 950 -50 -100 -10 155 140 "valley W of track, 11.4km SE of Mt Riddoch station" subcrop composite "ULTRAMAFIC, hornblendic: blackish med-coarse grnd hornblende-rich ?meta-ultramafic; inc. some fine qtz; unit 1-2m-thick, few m below ""top"" (N edge) of leucocratic amphibolite (anorthosite?) unit" DATA HR457 475823 7445174 RO -20 2.88 -100 -1 -50 -50 -20 0.7 6.83 -5 -10 80 2200 -1 850 -10 -10 -10 5.17 -50 -10 -20 -2 -10 -1 0.05 -10 2 -10 13.7 1380 -0.5 0.72 -100 -10 870 1000 -1 -1 -10 3 0.6 -5 100 -0.2 10 25.7 -10 -1 19 -100 -10 -5 -100 0.19 -0.1 -10 -100 150 -50 -100 -10 55 60 "valley W of track, 11.4km SE of Mt Riddoch station" float composite ULTRAMAFIC: med-coarse grnd green ?hornblende/?actinolite ?meta-ultramafic; scatter of float on soil & patch subcrop of leucocratic amphibolite (anorthosite?) unit; few m further south than HR456 DATA HR458 476269 7444362 RO -20 6.1 -100 -1 -50 50 -20 0.6 3.18 -5 50 40 100 -1 2440 -10 -10 -10 5.76 -50 -10 -20 6 -10 -1 0.03 30 3 -10 1.52 1280 -0.5 1.36 -100 20 30 800 2 -1 -10 -1 0.8 -5 100 -0.2 15 32.6 -10 5 227 -100 -10 -5 -100 0.49 -0.1 -10 -100 150 -50 -100 -10 660 270 "N of track, 12.3km SE of Mt Riddoch station; low hillside" "channel (0.4m) (rough, N-S)" "GNEISS: ca. 0.4m-thick unit; lt-grey, weakly foliated, med.grnd qtz-?hornbl(-garnet) gneiss; with weak-mod. green malachite staining on fractures & some dissem.; sample between HR459 & HR460" DATA HR459 476269 7444362 RO -20 7.99 -100 -1 -50 -50 -20 -0.1 2.95 -5 60 40 150 -1 2130 10 -10 -10 8.14 -50 10 -20 4 -10 -1 0.03 30 8 -10 3.42 1860 -0.5 2.29 -100 30 65 1200 3 -1 -10 -1 1.2 -5 100 -0.2 35 26.6 -10 5 168 -100 -10 -5 -100 0.92 -0.1 -10 -100 200 -50 -100 -10 430 190 "N of track, 12.3km SE of Mt Riddoch station; low hillside" "channel (0.3m) (rough, N-S)" "GNEISS: pale grey, sugary, fine-med.grnd qtz-feld-?hornbl(-garnet) gneiss; sample below HR458" DATA HR460 476269 7444362 RO -20 4.44 -100 -1 -50 -50 -20 0.2 2.77 -5 50 40 -50 -1 550 20 -10 -10 3.5 -50 10 -20 4 -10 -1 0.02 20 2 -10 0.67 720 -0.5 0.91 200 20 20 600 1 -1 -10 -1 0.8 -5 200 -0.2 10 35 -10 4 234 -100 -10 -5 -100 0.28 -0.1 -10 -100 100 -50 -100 -10 415 170 "N of track, 12.3km SE of Mt Riddoch station; low hillside" "channel (0.2m) (rough, N-S)" "GNEISS: lt-grey, weakly foliated, med.grnd qtz-?hornbl(-garnet) gneiss; sample above HR458" DATA HR461 474241 7444204 RO -20 7.07 -100 -1 -50 -50 -20 -0.1 5.54 -5 30 60 250 -1 285 -10 -10 -10 9.79 -50 -10 -20 4 -10 -1 0.04 10 6 -10 4.5 3100 -0.5 1.76 -100 20 60 1000 -1 -1 -10 -1 2.2 -5 100 -0.2 45 25.4 -10 3 148 -100 -10 -5 -100 1.51 -0.1 -10 -100 400 -50 -100 -10 1280 180 "N of track, 11km SE of Mt Riddoch station" "channel (1m) (rough, N-S)" AMPHIBOLITE: grey fine grained hornbl-qtz rock; (approx. adjacent rough channel samples: HR461 (1m) above HR462 (3m) above HR463 (3m) above HR464 (1m)) DATA HR462 474239 7444202 RO -20 3.97 -100 -1 -50 50 -20 -0.1 1.78 -5 50 -20 150 -1 160 -10 -10 -10 3.82 -50 -10 -20 4 -10 -1 0.02 20 4 -10 1.39 800 1 1.26 -100 20 40 400 -1 -1 -10 -1 1.8 -5 100 -0.2 10 35.9 -10 3 125 -100 -10 -5 -100 0.29 -0.1 -10 -100 100 -50 -100 -10 165 160 "N of track, 11km SE of Mt Riddoch station" "channel (3m) (rough, N-S)" GNEISS (quartzite?): whitish/pale-tan sugary f(-m) grnd qtz-feld(-hbl-gnt); weak-mod.foliation; (approx. adjacent rough channel samples: HR461 (1m) above HR462 (3m) above HR463 (3m) above HR464 (1m)) DATA HR463 474239 7444200 RO -20 5.85 -100 -1 -50 50 -20 0.3 2.54 -5 50 60 150 -1 1760 20 -10 -10 6.61 -50 20 -20 4 -10 -1 0.03 20 9 -10 2.65 1760 -0.5 1.79 200 30 40 800 1 -1 -10 -1 1.4 -5 100 -0.2 20 32 -10 4 148 -100 -10 -5 -100 0.69 -0.1 -10 -100 200 -50 100 -10 520 180 "N of track, 11km SE of Mt Riddoch station" "channel (3m) (rough, N-S)" "GNEISS (quartzite?): pale sugary f(-m) grnd qtz-feld(-hbl-gnt); some hard, qtzose; tr. coarser garnet-rich rock; tr. malchite staining (middle of sample interval); (samples HR461 (1m) above HR462 (3m) above HR463 (3m) above HR464 (1m))" DATA HR464 474234 7444198 RO -20 6.91 -100 -1 -50 -50 -20 0.1 7.64 -5 30 80 250 -1 70 10 -10 -10 11.2 -50 10 -20 4 -10 -1 0.1 -10 3 -10 4.23 2200 0.5 1.61 -100 20 40 1400 -1 -1 -10 -1 2.8 -5 200 -0.2 50 23.1 -10 2 152 -100 -10 -5 -100 1.83 -0.1 -10 -100 500 -50 -100 -10 145 200 "N of track, 11km SE of Mt Riddoch station" "channel (1m) (rough, N-S)" AMPHIBOLITE: grey fine-med.grained hornbl-qtz-feld(-garnet) rock; (approx. adjacent rough channel samples: HR461 (1m) above HR462 (3m) above HR463 (3m) above HR464 (1m)) DATA HR465 474291 7444204 RO -20 7.86 -100 -1 -50 -50 -20 0.2 4.64 10 30 80 350 -1 960 10 -10 -10 14.6 -50 10 -20 6 -10 -1 0.07 10 7 -10 6.36 4820 -0.5 1.08 -100 30 55 1600 -1 -1 -10 -1 2.4 -5 -100 -0.2 60 20.5 -10 5 75 -100 -10 -5 -100 1.96 -0.1 -10 -100 550 -50 -100 -10 3280 230 "N of track, 11km SE of Mt Riddoch station" "channel (1m) (rough, N-S)" GARNET-?CUMMINGTONITE rock: coarse.grained ?cumm-garnet(-qtz-feld); ca. 1m-thick band/zone on top (N) side of qtzite (as sampled in HR462 & HR463) (same zone thinner or absent along strike) DATA HR466 465488 7444593 RO -20 3.45 -100 5 -50 50 -20 0.4 3.78 -5 -10 140 6150 -1 380 400 30 -10 -10 8.32 -50 20 -20 -2 -10 -1 0.08 -10 3 -10 15.4 1520 -0.5 0.27 400 -10 2400 400 -1 1 -10 8 2 -5 200 -0.2 25 18 -10 -1 23 -100 -10 -5 -100 0.14 -0.1 -10 100 100 -50 100 -10 150 40 "S side of hilltop, 8.1km S of Mt Riddoch station" outcrop composite ULTRAMAFIC: med.grnd dark green olivine-rich rock; weakly weathered; common light brown-reddish fine ?micaceous patches DATA HR467 465531 7444599 RO -20 3.05 -100 38 42 -50 100 -20 0.9 3.76 -5 20 140 3550 -1 515 500 110 40 -10 7.38 -50 70 -20 2 20 -1 0.08 -10 2 -10 16.3 1480 -0.5 0.28 1400 20 1900 400 -1 2 3 -10 5 5 1.6 -5 400 -0.2 20 20.3 30 -1 16.5 400 20 -5 -100 0.11 -0.1 -10 800 100 100 500 30 100 50 "S side of hilltop, 8.1km S of Mt Riddoch station" outcrop composite ULTRAMAFIC: med.grnd darker green olivine-rich rock; minor ferrug. ?micaceous material/patches DATA HR468 465543 7444596 RO -20 0.25 -100 3 -50 -50 -20 -0.1 3.74 -5 130 160 750 -1 85 70 30 -10 35.7 -50 50 -20 26 10 -1 0.01 40 1 -10 0.73 4120 -0.5 0.06 1000 100 95 17800 -1 -1 20 3 1 -5 100 -0.2 20 1.29 30 8 83.5 200 10 -5 -100 21.4 -0.1 -10 400 1000 -50 300 20 195 1140 "S side of hilltop, 8.1km S of Mt Riddoch station" scree composite (near in situ?) "ILMENITE: common scree (vein fragments?); frag's up to 1-3cm; dark metallic grey, weakly-not magnetic; inc. minor fine qtz and some orangy goethitic (weathered) material (in/on ultramafic body)" DATA HR469 465650 7444704 RO -20 3.82 -100 2 -50 50 -20 0.2 5 -5 20 80 3900 -1 180 -10 -10 -10 6.97 -50 -10 -20 -2 -10 -1 0.11 -10 2 -10 13.8 1540 -0.5 0.45 400 10 550 400 -1 -1 -10 -1 1.8 -5 100 -0.2 40 24.2 -10 -1 15 -100 -10 -5 -100 0.22 -0.1 -10 -100 200 -50 -100 -10 80 80 hill 8km S of Mt Riddoch station outcrop composite ULTRAMAFIC: med-coarse grnd dark green olivine-rich rock; min-mod.weathered; some orangy wthd material; minor calcite on fractures DATA HR470 465416 7444839 RO -20 2.81 -100 2 -50 -50 -20 0.1 2.68 -5 10 140 8600 -1 395 -10 -10 -10 8.57 -50 -10 -20 -2 -10 -1 0.07 -10 2 -10 16.7 1560 -0.5 0.38 200 -10 2260 -200 -1 4 -10 5 1 -5 200 -0.2 20 22.2 -10 -1 13.5 -100 -10 -5 -100 0.12 -0.1 -10 -100 100 -50 -100 -10 135 50 hill 7.8km S of Mt Riddoch station outcrop composite ULTRAMAFIC: weathered brown med.grnd ?olivine/?chlorite-rich rock; with mod. dark orangy-brown weathered material DATA HR471 464698 7446125 RO -20 10.8 -100 -1 -50 -50 -20 -0.1 2.09 -5 20 80 400 -1 120 40 30 -10 20.6 -50 30 -20 22 -10 -1 -0.01 -10 3 -10 5.48 7760 -0.5 -0.01 -100 -10 100 200 -1 1 -10 3 1 -5 200 -0.2 105 17.9 -10 -1 1 -100 -10 -5 -100 0.35 -0.1 -10 -100 200 -50 200 30 195 860 "S side of hilltop, 6.8km SSE of Mt Riddoch station" outcrop composite GARNET ROCK: med.grained reddish garnet(-qtz(-hornblende?)) rock; ca. 4-5m-thick unit in or beside ultramafic body DATA HR472 464699 7446112 RO -20 8.62 -100 2 -50 1800 -20 -0.1 0.13 -5 10 120 650 91 305 40 10 -10 12.1 -50 20 -20 22 -10 -1 4.8 20 33 -10 9.61 520 1.5 0.53 600 20 265 -200 12 3 -10 4 390 -5 200 -0.2 25 17.1 10 -1 64.5 200 -10 -5 -100 1.41 2.7 -10 300 450 -50 100 10 225 870 "S side of hilltop, 6.8km SSE of Mt Riddoch station" outcrop composite "BIOTITE ROCK: coarse black biotite; with occ. garnet (+ hornblende?); unfoliated; sl.weathered; patch ca.1m in diam., within garnet unite (HR471)" DATA HR473 464616 7446185 RO -20 1 -100 3 -50 150 -20 0.1 1.25 -5 -10 160 4800 6 150 30 10 -10 11.2 -50 20 -20 6 -10 -1 0.4 -10 4 -10 20.1 1800 -0.5 0.09 600 -10 1500 200 -1 6 -10 11 30.6 -5 400 -0.2 10 18 -10 -1 13.5 200 -10 -5 -100 0.14 -0.1 -10 300 100 -50 100 10 150 270 "W side of hill, 6.8km SSE of Mt Riddoch station" float/subcrop composite "ULTRAMAFIC: sl.wthd med.grnd, greenish/brownish ?amphibole/olivine-dominated ?meta-ultramafic" DATA HR474 464673 7446148 RO -20 0.6 -100 2 -50 -50 -20 -0.1 1.4 -5 -10 160 4450 -1 100 10 -10 -10 10.8 -50 -10 -20 -2 -10 -1 0.02 -10 3 -10 21 1740 -0.5 0.1 600 -10 1500 400 -1 4 -10 8 -0.2 -5 200 -0.2 10 18 -10 -1 13.5 -100 -10 -5 -100 0.29 -0.1 -10 100 50 -50 -100 -10 150 60 "W side of hilltop, 6.8km SSE of Mt Riddoch station" subcrop composite "ULTRAMAFIC: sl.wthd med.grnd, greenish/brownish ?amphibole/olivine-dominated ?meta-ultramafic" DATA HR475 464713 7446141 RO -20 2 -100 -1 -50 -50 -20 0.3 2.4 -5 -10 140 4500 -1 -50 -10 -10 -10 10 -50 -10 -20 -2 -10 -1 0.04 -10 4 -10 17.7 1480 -0.5 0.15 -100 -10 1900 200 3 1 -10 4 2 -5 200 -0.2 20 18.6 -10 -1 20 -100 -10 -5 -100 0.14 -0.1 -10 -100 100 -50 -100 -10 100 40 "hilltop, 6.8km SSE of Mt Riddoch station" outcrop composite ULTRAMAFIC: sl.wthd dark green ?olivine-?amphibole ?meta-ultramafic; common orangy goethitic patches and trace possible fine ?gossanous material DATA HR476 464754 7446128 RO -20 2.4 -100 -1 -50 -50 -20 0.2 1.82 -5 -10 160 3600 -1 100 10 -10 -10 9.9 -50 -10 -20 -2 -10 -1 0.03 -10 6 -10 19.3 1440 -0.5 0.09 600 -10 2350 200 -1 7 -10 13 1.8 -5 200 -0.2 15 17.9 -10 -1 15.5 200 -10 -5 -100 0.12 -0.1 -10 300 50 -50 -100 -10 100 40 "E side of hilltop, 6.8km SSE of Mt Riddoch station" outcrop composite "ULTRAMAFIC: med.grnd, dark olivy-greenish ?olivine-rich ?meta-ultramafic; common brownish weak weathering (inc. rock surface)" DATA HR477 464796 7446135 RO -20 0.9 -100 2 -50 -50 -20 0.1 0.8 -5 -10 160 4500 -1 100 10 -10 -10 12 -50 -10 -20 -2 -10 -1 -0.01 -10 3 -10 20.1 1480 -0.5 0.04 400 -10 2700 200 -1 15 -10 16 0.6 -5 200 -0.2 10 17.8 -10 1 5 -100 -10 -5 -100 0.1 -0.1 -10 100 100 -50 -100 -10 100 20 "E side of hilltop, 6.8km SSE of Mt Riddoch station" outcrop composite "ULTRAMAFIC: med.grnd, dark olivy-greenish ?olivine-rich ?meta-ultramafic; common brownish weak weathering (inc. rock surface), some sl.reddish" DATA HR478 464842 7446165 RO -20 1.2 -100 2 3 -50 -50 -20 -0.1 0.12 -5 30 160 4150 -1 150 -10 -10 -10 12 -50 -10 -20 -2 -10 -1 0.02 10 3 -10 20.6 1260 -0.5 -0.01 -100 -10 2500 200 -1 28 29 -10 20 24 2 -5 300 -0.2 10 17.7 -10 11 3 -100 -10 -5 -100 0.1 -0.1 -10 -100 100 -50 -100 -10 150 20 "E side of hilltop, 6.7km SSE of Mt Riddoch station" outcrop composite PERIDOTITE: dense dark greenish olivine rock; minor fine brown ?garnet; sl. brownish weathering; minor pale green-white serpentine on fractures DATA HR479 464867 7446174 RO -20 0.8 -100 -1 -50 200 -20 -0.1 0.05 -5 -10 140 3850 -1 100 -10 -10 -10 9.9 -50 -10 -20 -2 -10 -1 0.01 -10 1 -10 20 940 -0.5 -0.01 -100 -10 2050 200 -1 2 -10 6 1 -5 400 -0.2 10 17.2 -10 -1 6 -100 -10 -5 -100 0.06 -0.1 -10 -100 50 -50 -100 -10 150 50 "E side of hilltop, 6.7km SSE of Mt Riddoch station" outcrop composite PERIDOTITE: hard dense dark greeny-black ?olivine rock; pale cream-tan weathered surface; minor brown weathered material DATA HR480 507834.25 7447748.5 RO -20 0.3 -100 -1 -50 400 -20 179 0.81 -5 1380 -20 -50 2 100 16900 6370 270 8.3 50 10500 -20 292 2650 -1 0.18 260 6 630 0.13 6800 1.5 0.04 210000 3050 50 400 5500 -1 360 1 37.2 -5 -100 7.6 115 0.83 4530 25 149 70400 2650 5 13600 1.67 0.7 900 114000 300 10300 80100 5360 150 3240 "low rise, ca.3.3 km E of Barfuss site office" float (near in situ?) ?SAMARSKITE (or similar): dense brittle blackish lustrous radioactive mineral; two fragments (larger up to 2-4cm) on soil cover along S side of qtz vein in pegmatite core DATA HR481 507843.5 7447749.75 RO -20 1.5 -100 4 50 4600 -20 780 1.4 -5 860 -20 -50 -1 100 7350 4060 160 1.34 -50 3270 -20 478 1380 -1 0.06 510 7 760 0.1 1380 -0.5 0.12 163000 890 50 1400 41000 -1 180 -1 85 -5 100 645 60 3.18 1160 20 1500 110000 1000 -5 13600 1.17 -0.1 710 104000 250 3500 32600 5370 100 4720 "low rise, ca.3.3 km E of Barfuss site office" scree/float composite (near in situ?) ?SAMARSKITE (or similar): dense brittle blackish lustrous radioactive mineral; five fragments (ca. 1 cm) in soil cover along S side of qtz vein in pegmatite core DATA HR482 507847.73 7447751.5 RO -20 0.15 -100 3 -50 50 -20 141 0.6 -5 1160 -20 -50 -1 50 18800 6890 280 9.07 50 11500 -20 310 2960 -1 0.13 90 6 560 0.11 9460 1 0.02 232000 3380 50 -200 5310 -1 370 4 18.6 -5 -100 1.2 85 0.37 5000 19 26 58900 2870 5 16100 1.75 0.1 950 121000 300 11500 85800 5360 250 3410 "low rise, ca.3.3 km E of Barfuss site office" grab (subcrop) ?SAMARSKITE (or similar): dense brittle blackish lustrous radioactive mineral; one fragment (ca. 1-2 cm) in/on wthd coarse mica beneath soil cover along S side of qtz vein in pegmatite core DATA HR483 507848.75 7447751.75 RO -20 0.2 -100 -1 -50 50 -20 145 0.56 -5 1230 -20 -50 1 100 17400 6470 260 8.75 50 11000 -20 332 2710 -1 0.05 150 5 540 0.12 8740 1 0.03 230000 3260 50 -200 5410 -1 360 -1 16.2 -5 100 1.6 80 0.76 4860 19 10 65900 2700 -5 15700 1.83 0.2 870 122000 250 10700 80700 5070 200 3600 "low rise, ca.3.3 km E of Barfuss site office" grab outcrop composite ?SAMARSKITE (or similar): dense brittle blackish lustrous radioactive mineral; cluster of 14+ fragments (or broken weathered larger piece - ca. 10 cm?) in wthd coarse mica beneath soil cover along S side of qtz vein in peg'te core DATA HR484 507848.75 7447751.75 RO -20 0.9 -100 1 1300 -50 -20 0.1 0.1 -5 60 -20 50 -1 50 90 40 -10 2.23 -50 60 -20 16 -10 -1 0.04 20 2 -10 0.49 300 0.5 0.1 9600 30 -50 400 23 -1 -10 -1 2.6 -5 100 -0.2 -5 43.1 30 -1 4.5 700 -10 -5 400 0.03 -0.1 -10 400 -50 150 500 30 -50 260 "low rise, ca.3.3 km E of Barfuss site office" grab outcrop composite QUARTZ: smoky grey quartz from pegmatite (or qtz vein) beside radioactive sample HR483 site DATA HR485 507836.25 7447748.5 RO -20 0.25 -100 2 -50 100 -20 150 0.58 -5 1280 -20 -50 -1 100 17500 6360 260 8.61 50 10900 -20 336 2690 -1 0.06 150 9 540 0.1 9280 1 0.04 224000 3440 50 -200 5120 -1 380 1 16.8 -5 -100 2.4 80 2.3 4800 21 33.5 58800 2730 5 15800 1.7 0.2 860 116000 250 11200 79000 4980 150 3390 "low rise, ca.3.3 km E of Barfuss site office" float/?subcrop (in situ?) "?SAMARSKITE (or similar): dense brittle blackish lustrous radioactive mineral; one fragment (ca. 1-2 cm) at base of soil, on wthd coarse mica along S side of qtz vein in pegmatite core" DATA HR486 507849.75 7447752 RO -20 0.25 600 -1 -50 550 -20 136 1.07 -5 1330 -20 -50 1 50 16300 6110 250 8.09 -50 10100 -20 308 2620 -1 0.09 220 3 490 0.08 8140 2.5 0.1 206000 3190 50 -200 7300 -1 360 2 17.4 -5 -100 7.4 80 0.8 4530 16 515 44100 2510 -5 15000 1.58 0.5 840 112000 250 10500 74300 4710 250 3210 "low rise, ca.3.3 km E of Barfuss site office" float composite (near in situ?) ?SAMARSKITE (or similar): dense brittle blackish lustrous radioactive mineral; three fragments (ca. 1-3 cm) in soil cover along S side of qtz vein in pegmatite core DATA HR487 507852.5 7447752 RO 40 0.25 600 4 -50 350 -20 116 0.68 -5 1090 -20 -50 -1 100 17800 6790 280 8.3 -50 10900 -20 302 2820 -1 0.07 110 7 650 0.08 7400 2.5 0.03 200000 2940 50 400 6070 -1 330 5 14.4 -5 -100 5 70 0.64 4500 22 187 52300 2710 -5 16900 1.7 0.6 950 112000 250 9950 83000 5690 200 3410 "low rise, ca.3.3 km E of Barfuss site office" grab (subcrop) ?SAMARSKITE (or similar): dense brittle blackish lustrous radioactive mineral; two fragments (ca. 1-2 cm) in wthd coarse mica beneath soil cover along S side of qtz vein in pegmatite core DATA HR488 507854.5 7447752.5 RO 40 0.45 600 -1 -50 400 -20 124 0.65 -5 1290 -20 -50 -1 100 17200 6310 250 7.91 -50 10500 -20 322 2690 -1 0.15 220 9 510 0.09 8580 2 0.12 194000 3240 50 -200 5150 -1 370 2 23 -5 -100 3 75 1.72 4470 20 178 46600 2630 -5 15700 1.6 0.5 850 113000 250 8250 78100 4830 250 3550 "low rise, ca.3.3 km E of Barfuss site office" grab outcrop composite "?SAMARSKITE (or similar): dense brittle blackish lustrous radioactive mineral; cluster of 10+ fragments (or broken weathered larger piece - ca. 5-10 cm?) in chalky white feldspar, beside wthd coarse mica beneath soil along S side of qtz vein in peg'te core" DATA HR489 507910 7447719 RO -20 8.6 -100 213 205 50 650 -20 5.3 3.33 -5 130 -20 100 8 6800 60 20 -10 3.08 -50 40 -20 8 -10 -1 3.73 60 27 -10 1.37 1120 1.5 2.14 11800 50 -50 1600 37 1 2 20 -1 -1 217 -5 700 -0.2 15 28.2 30 2 219 500 -10 -5 400 0.28 1.1 -10 300 100 250 300 20 150 170 "low rise, ca.3.4 km E of Barfuss site office" "channel (0.3m) (rough, E-W)" PEGMATITE in schist/gneiss: thin (5-10cm) discontinuous peg. in f.grnd grey schist/gneiss; irregular weak malachite staining over ca. 0.3m-wide zone in/around peg'te DATA HR490 507850.75 7447755.25 RO 40 0.85 500 7 -50 600 -20 152 0.89 -5 1130 -20 -50 2 50 14900 5240 240 7.68 -50 10100 -20 434 2260 -1 0.45 150 11 460 0.09 6880 3.5 0.1 180000 2910 50 600 5200 -1 330 4 39.8 -5 -100 7 60 2.26 4500 16 435 63100 2400 -5 13300 1.75 0.5 730 113000 200 7850 73300 4350 150 4320 "low rise, ca.3.3 km E of Barfuss site office" float composite (near in situ?) "?SAMARSKITE (or similar): dense brittle blackish lustrous radioactive mineral; five fragments (ca. 1-2 cm) beneath soil, in/on contact of coarse mica zone and feldspar pegmatite rock; along N side of qtz vein in pegmatite core" DATA HR491 507792 7447833 RO -20 9.41 -100 6 -50 950 -20 2.4 0.65 -5 240 -20 -50 4 3410 80 40 -10 0.91 -50 60 -20 4 -10 -1 10.2 120 10 -10 0.52 320 -0.5 1.26 6000 100 20 -50 2000 79 -1 30 2 453 -5 100 -0.2 5 30.7 40 1 161 200 -10 -5 300 0.1 2.1 -10 300 -50 100 500 40 25 140 "low on W-facing hillside, ca.3.3 km E of Barfuss site office" "channel (0.5m) (rough, E-W)" "GNEISS: sl.wthd; feldspar-qtz-biot; shallow dip to W: minor irreg. malachite staining on foliation/joints, in zone parallel foliation, with probably ca. 0.5m true thickness" DATA HR492 507781 7447890 RO -20 10 -100 13 -50 950 -20 2.5 1.14 -5 460 -20 -50 6 5400 100 70 -10 1.35 -50 60 -20 4 20 -1 8.53 220 17 -10 0.78 420 -0.5 1.77 7800 200 15 -50 1400 74 -1 60 -1 408 -5 -100 -0.2 10 29.5 50 2 179 600 10 -5 200 0.16 1.5 10 200 50 50 600 60 35 70 "low on W-facing hillside, ca.3.3 km E of Barfuss site office" "channel (1m) (rough, E-W)" "GNEISS: sl.wthd; feldspar-qtz-biot; shallow dip to W: minor irreg. malachite staining on foliation/joints, in more biotitic foliation zones; above (E of) HR493" DATA HR493 507781 7447901 RO -20 7.08 -100 -1 -50 800 -20 0.1 0.39 -5 70 -20 50 3 100 20 10 -10 0.85 -50 10 -20 4 -10 -1 7.2 30 5 -10 0.49 220 -0.5 1.01 2400 20 50 50 600 48 -1 -10 -1 293 -5 100 -0.2 -5 33.7 -10 -1 133 200 -10 -5 -100 0.03 1.1 -10 -100 -50 -50 -100 10 20 70 "low on W-facing hillside, ca.3.3 km E of Barfuss site office" "channel (1m) (rough, E-W)" "GNEISS: sl.wthd; feldspar-qtz(-mica); shallow dip to W: minor irreg. malachite staining on foliation/joints, in more biotitic foliation zones; between HR492 & HR494" DATA HR494 507778 7447894 RO -20 8.87 -100 8 -50 750 -20 0.4 2.65 -5 150 -20 -50 3 4040 30 20 -10 1.51 -50 20 -20 2 -10 -1 3 70 12 -10 0.63 380 -0.5 2.68 1800 60 20 -50 1600 42 -1 20 -1 120 -5 300 0.2 5 32 20 1 287 200 -10 -5 -100 0.12 0.6 -10 300 -50 -50 200 20 35 40 "low on W-facing hillside, ca.3.3 km E of Barfuss site office" "channel (0.5m) (rough, E-W)" "GNEISS: sl.wthd; feldspar-qtz-biot; shallow dip to W: minor irreg. malachite staining on foliation/joints, in more biotitic foliation zones; below (W of) HR493" DATA HR495 507779 7447893 RO -20 8.74 -100 55 62 -50 1150 -20 9 1.5 -5 70 -20 -50 4 33800 30 20 -10 1.45 -50 20 -20 2 -10 -1 8.14 30 12 -10 0.56 520 1 1.4 1200 40 10 -50 5400 69 -1 -1 -10 -1 -1 320 -5 400 0.2 10 27.1 10 1 207 100 -10 -5 -100 0.12 1.5 -10 -100 50 -50 100 10 35 40 "low on W-facing hillside, ca.3.3 km E of Barfuss site office" grab subcrop composite ??SCAPOLITE ROCK: thin band (?5-10cm) of pale grey-brownish sl.translucent interlocking crystalline rock; common malachite staining; subcrop above (E of) HR494 DATA HR496 507797 7447892 RO -20 8.17 -100 3 -50 950 -20 1.3 0.59 -5 80 -20 -50 4 2190 20 -10 -10 1.23 -50 10 -20 -2 -10 -1 9.03 40 10 -10 0.5 360 -0.5 1.19 1600 40 10 -50 1800 51 -1 10 -1 417 -5 100 -0.2 5 29.3 10 1 149 200 -10 -5 -100 0.12 2.1 -10 -100 -50 -50 -100 -10 30 20 "low on W-facing hillside, ca.3.3 km E of Barfuss site office" "channel (2m) (rough, E-W)" "PEGMATITE: W-dipping sl.rubbly feld-qtz-biot peg'te, with minor irregular malachite staining" DATA HR497 507653 7447918 RO -20 4.6 -100 -1 -50 100 -20 3.2 18.7 -5 70 40 -50 -1 220 -10 -10 -10 13.9 -50 -10 -20 2 -10 -1 0.15 30 -1 -10 0.09 14900 0.5 0.04 1000 30 5 -50 4400 4 -1 -10 -1 6.2 -5 100 -0.2 -5 19.2 -10 8 57.5 100 -10 -5 -100 0.17 -0.1 -10 -100 50 -50 -100 -10 15 70 ca.3.2 km E of Barfuss site office float composite (near in situ) "GARNET ROCK: brownish f.grnd garnet & garnet-epidote-qtz rock; some brown ferrug., sl.haematitic; float near epidote-?actinolite calcsilicate subcrop amongst soil cover" DATA HR498 507622 7438937 RO -20 0.25 500 5 -50 1000 20 65.6 2.75 -5 570 -20 -50 1 50 13800 4380 80 4.74 -50 9950 -20 570 1890 -1 0.07 90 -1 350 0.02 2520 -0.5 0.1 100000 2370 -50 -200 4040 -1 220 -1 9 -5 200 60.4 20 1.77 5000 50 658 234000 2350 -5 10900 2.75 0.4 640 73300 300 3700 81000 3910 100 1690 "low rise on W side of SE-NW creek, 6.6km S of Spriggs Creek bore" float (single) "?SAMARSKITE (or similar): dense brittle blackish lustrous radioactive mineral; single large fragment (ca. 2x3x6cm); inc. tabular crystal as in HR440; in soil on S side of thick pegmatite near HR440 site - prob. from same site (both not in situ, but may be close)" EOF