H0001 Exploration licence data header file H0002 Version 1 H0003 Generated 26-Jul-12 H0004 Reporting period end_date 9-Jun-12 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_name ML23283 H0101 Tenement_holder Newmont Tanami H0102 Project_name Minotaur-Windy Hill H0103 Map_sheet_number 250000 SF52-03 H0113 Map_sheet_number 100000 4856 H0123 Map_sheet_number 25000 H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition H0202 Data_format DL1 H0203 Number_of_data_records 293 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 26/07/2012 H0300 FileNames H0301 Location_data_file ML23283_2012_A_02_DH Collars.txt H0302 Downhole_lithology_dat_file ML23283_2012_A_03_DH Lithology.txt H0303 Downhole_Geochemistry_data_file ML23283_2012_A_04_DH Geochemistry.txt H0304 Downhole_survey_data ML23283_2012_A_05_DH Survey.txt H0307 Lithology_code_file ML23283_2012_A_08_Tanami LithCodes.txt H0308 File_Verification_Listing ML23283_2012_A_09_VerificationListing.pdf H0315 Vein_data_file ML23283_2012_A_07_DH Veins.txt H0318 Structural_Orientation_data_file ML23283_2012_A_06_DH Structure Orient.txt H0505 Surveying_instrument Eastman Multishot Camera H0600 Sample_code Sample_type Sample_description H0601 H0602 DD NQ Diamond core Description of sampling technique H0900 H1000 Hole ID From To Recovery Lithology Drill_code Comments H1001 units Metres metres % H1004 Accuracy 0.1 0.1 0.01 MDD0020 0 0.5 AEOL MAS FG N N "Red-brown very poorly sorted arenite. Larger angular clasts of translucent qtz amongst fine sand/silt matrix. Rare root fragments. Larger pieces of vein qtz, probably surface lag" MDD0020 0.5 2.8 LAG MAS FG N N "Angular white crystalline qtz material; appears to be vein material, not chert. Covered in red-brown FeOx rich clay material. One qtz vein clast With black oxide staining - Mn, Fe?" MDD0020 2.8 4.2 CLY MAS FG N N "A grey fgr qtz-feldspathic rock; likely a quartzite undergoing in situ weathering. Rock shows weathering induced breccia, with infill consistently of red-brown-cream clay material. Ranges from angular jigsaw breccia to isolated clasts of rock in clay mtrl" MDD0020 4.2 18 CLY MAS FG N N "Rd-brn-ylw-wht mottled saprolite. Primary lith not obvious. Pips of weathd material visible, some bands with textural resmeblance to amph rich bands dhole. Weak schistose texture still visible. Decomposed/shrd chert bands present. One frac with gyps xtals" MDD0020 18 25.1 CLY FO FG N N "Weakly wthd olive grey material; pips wthd but clearly visible; show foliation. One fine chert band, another larger cht/qz vein with associated Mn mottling at margins. Probably initially amph/bt rich rock" MDD0020 25.1 27.7 CLY FO FG N N "Patchy strong org-pnk weathering returns, obscuring texture locally. Weakly foliated pip ?schist material returns downhole. Weahteroing induced FeOx bands occur; random FeOx staining fronts. Appears like weak schistose quartzofeldspathic. One sheared cht" MDD0020 27.7 28.8 BISC PIT FG N N "Return to less weathered grey saprock. Clearly shows unit to be a biotite ?cordierite schist. Biotite groundmass with weathered pink pips; possibly po or py, or cordierite, garnet - hard to tell. Strong Mn on fractures" MDD0020 28.8 30.1 FZ FA FG BISC SH FG N N "Decomposed, possibly faulted zone; upper margins show strong shearing of porphyroblasts. Zone broken and rubbley; partly clay altered. Mn staining on fractures continues; also bright green clay (smec/nontronite?) appears on fractures" MDD0020 30.1 31.5 QZT MAS FG N N Light grey quartzofeldspathic/quartzite material. Weathering induced pseudobreccia texture. One 25 cm zone of biotite-feldspar-andalusite material showing complex (at least 2 stage) folding. Possibly looking at interbedded sandstone. Mod clayey ff wthring MDD0020 31.5 33.1 BISC FO FG N N "Weakly weathered dark grey biotite-andalusite-magnetite-?cordierite schist. Upper contact shows few thin coarser interbeds. Andalusite occurs as acicular xtals in selcet bands. Another equant porphyroblast wthd to FeOx, cord?. Complex small folds present" MDD0020 33.1 36.6 BISC FO FG QZT MAS MG N N Grey biotite-muscovite-?cordierite/garnet schist; magnetite and andalusite drops out. Interbedded massive quartzite material. Several 1-5 cm chert bands. ?Cordierite only present in finer grained silstone material MDD0020 36.6 43 FZ FA FG BISC SH FG N N Appears to be continuation above biotite-muscovite-?cordierite schist with several strongly decomposed zones which appear to be fault induced judging by sheared texture in surrounding rock. Andalusite reappears in schist. Mod weatheirng and Mn staining MDD0020 43 53.5 BISC SCHS FG N N Weakly foliated to strongly schistose muscovite (now dom)-biotite±andaluste±?garnet or cordierite schist. Andalusite and ?garnet appear confined to small individual bands.Becomes massive dhole. Decomposed and possibly faulted throughout. Rare chert bands MDD0020 53.5 54 CHRT FRC FG N N "Decomposed, possibly faulted chert (or is it qz vein?). Mod Fe and Mn oxide staining" MDD0020 54 54.6 PHYL FO FG N N "Decomposed, nut probab;ly not faulted muscovite/sericite phyllite/silstone material. No obvious shear fabric in zone. Weak white mica sheen; appears lighter and more like a muscovite-chlorite schist cf biotite schists seen uphole" MDD0020 54.6 55.8 PHYL FO FG N N "Competent muscovite schist/phyllite. Weak porphyroblasts of ?cordierite, seem to be altered to clay. Poor recovery at end of interval; only quartz rubble" MDD0020 55.8 58 PHYL FO FG N N Return to phyllite/siltstone. Now only muscovite-chlorite; no biotite or porphyroblastic minerals. Few cheryt bands (or qz veins). Broken and weakly decomposed MDD0020 58 59.7 FZ FA FG PHYL SH FG N N "Decomposed, broken and likley faulted (sheared at margins) phyllite/sandstone. One FeOx stained chert/quartz zone, extremely broken" MDD0020 59.7 62.3 APL MAS MG N N "Pink-white clay altered and locally sericitised granite. Grain size under 2mm, aplitic. Weathering makes initial composition difficult to determine, but nearly all quartz/feldspar, no mafic. Qz veins run through, weak Mn staining" MDD0020 62.3 64.2 BISC FO FG APL MAS MG N N "Biotite-muscovite schist; appears to be weak textural differences between beds. Several zones of weathered pink porpjyroblasts (possibly garnet). One aplite dyke runs through zone, brecciating wallrock. Weathering dropping off." MDD0020 64.2 65.6 APL GL MG QTZ CRN MG N N Intermingled granite and quartz. Would seem large 5-30 cm quartz veins have cross cut granite; however could be chert that failed to assimilate into magma. Granite still weakly sericitised locally. Appears to be mostly qz -K spar. Fractured MDD0020 65.6 68.3 BISC SCHS FG APL MAS MG N N Green-grey biotite-chlorite-muscovite±andalusite±?garnet schist. Weathering dropped off significantly. One darker biotite band sheared to give kinematic indicator at 67.1. All porphyroblasts in narrow bands. 2 weathered aplite dykelets in zone MDD0020 68.3 70.7 BISC SCHS FG QTZ FRC CG N N "Biotite-chlorite-muscovite-andalusite schist. Andalusite now becoming pervasive, garnet appears to be gone. Massive fractured quartz (probably veins, not chert) appears to cross cut stratigraphy. Not really clear. Qz looks more like coarse crystalline." MDD0020 70.7 76.1 QZT MAS FG BISC FO FG N N "Dark grey quartzite-looking rock dominates interval with minor biotite schist. ""Quartzite"" may be heavily silicified schist with primary texture obliterated. Strong alteration makes distinction difficult. Common qz veining. Bright green clay alters schist" MDD0020 76.1 78.8 APL MAS FG N N "Fine aplitic granite, weakly sericitised. Feldspar marginally dominates rock, and appears to mostly be orthoclase; pushes composition to syenite fields. Fractured and with cross cutting massive quartz veins. One wallrock xenolith at 78m" MDD0020 78.8 79.5 APL MAS FG BISC BX FG N N Margin of aplite intrusion with xenolithic biotite schist material MDD0020 79.5 80.9 BISC FO FG N N Dark grey biotite-andalusite-muscovite schist; weak fabric. Quartz vein with obvious silicification at margins; occurs at base of zone. Fluro green clay mineral still present on fracs and altered bands; nontronite MDD0020 80.9 83 BISC SCHS FG QTZ CRN MG N N Biotite-andalusite-muscovite±garnet schist. Stronger schistose fabric creeps into rock; garnet appears as isolated prophyroblasts. Quartz veins still make up ~40% of interval; fractured. Nontronite still present MDD0020 83 87.6 AMSC SCHS MG N N "Highly schistose biotite-garnet-amphibole-chlorite-andalusite schist. Garnet pink (almandine?), strong chloritic bands present, possibly prelacing amphibole. Few bands with andalusite (or tremolite?) Nontronite stronger, picks out andalusite. Chert beds." MDD0020 87.6 89 AMSC SCHS MG N N Schistose biotite-amphibole-chlorite-magnetite-andalusite schist. Garnet drops out; magnetite appears; amphibole becomes stronger. Magnetite appears cleavage parallel. Extremely strong local nontronite alteration in bands and andalusite xtals. Qz-cht zone MDD0020 89 91.9 BISC SCHS FG FZ FA FG N N "Biotite-muscovite±andalusite/?cordierite schist; appears all other minerals drop out. Possibly v weak magnetite still present. Excellent folding and kinematic indicators present. Few irreg qz veins, mostly bed parallel. Decomposed from basal ?fault zone" MDD0020 91.9 93 PEG MAS VCG APL MAS FG N N Very coarse pegmatite with quartz-orthoclase-microcline composition and crystals to 7cm. Intruded by finer sericitic aplite. MDD0020 93 95.7 GRT MAS MG N N "Medium grained granite. Feldspar, primarily K-feldspar dominates quartz; pushes composition to monzonite/syenite field. Sericitic, strong locally. 2 biotite schist clasts as xenoliths. Cut by quartz veins, possibly chert. Lim/geoth on fracs" MDD0020 95.7 99.9 BISC SCHS FG N N Dark brown-grey biotite-amphibole±andalusite/cordierite schist. Definitely boudinaged bed paralel chert as well as cross cutting quartz viens here. Nontronite reappears in folded bed parallel bands. Strong lim/geoth staining MDD0020 99.9 102.3 BISC SCHS FG QTZ MAS MG N N "Massive quartz vein cross cuts previously described lithology; fairly convinced this is vein, not chert based on cross cutting relationship. Amphibole strongly replaced by nontronite, geothitic at margin" MDD0020 102.3 102.8 APL MAS MG N N Same monzonite-syenite aplitic intrusive as previously described MDD0020 102.8 103.9 BISC SCHS FG N N Return to biotite±amphibolr±?cordierite schist MDD0020 103.9 105.2 APL MAS MG BISC SCHS FG N N Fien aplitic granite as previously described cross cutting biotite±amph±chlorite±?cordierite schist/ One remarkable white-black-green banded-spotted zone of quartz-chlorite-biotite-manganiferous material. Mod hem/geoth staining. Weak fault basally MDD0020 105.2 108 BISC FO FG N N Foliated grey biotite-cordierite schist. No strong schistose cleavage as previous. Few veins with amph-silica selvege MDD0020 108 109.1 BISC FRC FG GRT MAS MG N N Fractured version of above unit. Nontronite returns as alteration product. One 30 cm medium grained granite dyke. MDD0020 109.1 114.7 BISC FO FG N N "Massive/weakly foliated biotite-cordierite±amphibole±chlorite schist. Common qz veining, often highly irregular with strong amphibole alteration halos. Appears veins had sulfides now weathered out. One offsetting fault that actually terminates in core" MDD0020 114.7 116.1 BISC FO FG FZ FA FG N N Nontronite altered biotite schist; strong manganiferous mottling and dendritic textures. Decomposed and fractured; possibly faulted allowing stronger alteration MDD0020 116.1 119.3 APL MAS FG N N "Aplitic granite; quartz content slightly higher than previously described. Mafic minerals present in rare patches (1% of rock). Clasts of biotite schist and large quartz crystals, possibly remnant pegmatite, in granite. Strongly wthd and decomposed dhole" MDD0020 119.3 123.4 BISC FO FG N N Bioite-cordierite schist; again only weakly foliated; quartz veins with strong amphibole-chlorite alteration halos. One zone of amph-carbonate-chlorite-mica appears ot be alteraiton derived MDD0020 123.4 124.1 APL MAS MG N N Massive aplitic monzonitic/monzogranitic dyke MDD0020 124.1 124.8 BISC FO FG N N Biotite schist; unremarkable; similar to previously described intervals MDD0020 124.8 125.8 CSRK SCHS FG N N Amphibole-carbonate-chlorite rock; schistose texture; possibly alteration derived mineralogy. If primary; calcsilicate rock MDD0020 125.8 127.2 BISC FRC FG APL MAS MG N N Fractured biotite schist; zone of granitic intrusion MDD0020 127.2 128.6 BISC FO FG N N Biotite-cordierite? Schist as described above. Several small fractures appear to have amphibole-chlorite alteration associated MDD0020 128.6 130.6 FZ FA FG N N Faulted biotite schist; strongly fractured with two zones of fault brecciation signifying movement. Clayey gouge infills fault. Nontronite appears patchily in zone MDD0020 130.6 135.9 BISC MAS FG N N "Bioitite-cordierite±amphiboile±chlorite schist. Becoming more massive with only very weak fabric. Appears bt-cord is base mineralogy, with amph-chl input as alteration around veins (cherts?)" MDD0020 135.9 140.6 BISC SCHS FG N N "Same biotite-cordierite±amphibole±chlorite schist as above, but with strongly schistose cleavage. Zones of amph-chl occur around chert or vein material; chert becoming more prevalent. Strongly boudinaged" MDD0020 140.6 149.1 BISC SCHS FG N N "Chert rich (or are they sheared veins?) biotite-cordierite schist. Chl-amph still occurs, but only on vein selveges. No amph-chl schist looking material. Schist cleavage seems to be folded at 148-149m; decomposed at 146.6, possibly faulted" MDD0020 149.1 156.9 BISC SCHS FG N N "Biotite-muscovite±chl±amphibile±pyrite schist. Biotite-muscovite dominates interval with chl-amph introduced proximal to sheared veins/?cherts. Py occurs as patchy blebs, possibly a retrograde replacement of cordierite. Veins/chts sheared" MDD0020 156.9 166.7 AMSC SCHS MG CLSC FO FG N N "Variable garnet-amphibole-chlorite-biotite-quartz schist with areas of more massive chlorite-muscovite-quartz schist. Amph-gt-bt schist with strong cleavage; quite irregular and folded. Very weak cb, pink; possibly dolomite. One bt zone with andalusite" MDD0020 166.7 168.7 APL MAS MG AMSC SCHS FG N N Pink aplitic granite; feldspar weakly dominates qz; monzonitic. Rare ferromag xtals. One schistose bt-chl-amph schist xenolithic clast MDD0020 168.7 169.2 FZ FA MG N N 5 cm strongly faulted gouged/cataclasitic material. No evidence of shearing at margins; otherwise zone is heavily fractured MDD0020 169.2 173.3 AMSC SCHS MG FZ FRC FG N N "Amphibole-chlorite-garnet-biotite-qz cherty schist. Strong cleavage, folded throughout. Boudinaged and nodular cherts; several coarse qz veins also. Minerals distributed in bands; amph-gt-chl-py cluster and bt-amph cluster. 50 cm fractured section" MDD0020 173.3 174.8 CLSC SCHS FG N N Chlorite-cordierite-biotite-quartz schist. Cordierite abruptly appears; seems to correspond to change to a chlorite dominated rock MDD0020 174.8 175.9 APL MAS FG N N Aplite as described previously; strong pale bleaching and silicification apparently associated with massive quartz veins. Chlorite in fine fractures MDD0020 175.9 177.8 FZ FA MG AMSC SCHS FG N N Fractured and locally strongly faulted amphibole-chlorite-biotite±garnet or cordierite? Schist; fault is a completely gouged cataclasite; fractures permeate rest of interval. Few cherty bands visible in competent rock MDD0020 177.8 186.6 CLSC FO MG N N "Variable banded zones of chl-amph-bt-gt schist, common chert boudins through section. Several large coarsely crystalline qz veins; one Au bearing. Mod schistose but not as strong as previously" MDD0020 186.6 194.2 AMSC SCHS MG N N "Similar gt-amph-ch-bt-qz schist as described above, but much stornger schistose cleavage; extremely narrow subparallel straight or weakly convoluted bands. Paler bleached zones also present; appear to be related to K-spar-chl-ser rich veins/bands" MDD0020 194.2 195.5 GRT MAS MG N N Sericite-pyrite alteration blasted feldspar-quartz dominated granite; original texture obliterated in places. Coarse py vein runs through zone MDD0020 195.5 197.8 CLSC SCHS FG QTZ CRN CG N N "Strogly quartz veined section of chlorite-biotite±amphibole-garnet schist. Quartz veins irreguar, messily cross cut stratigraphy. Schist with strong cleavage. Garnet and amphibole restricted to few narrow bands" MDD0020 197.8 198.7 QTZ CRN CG N N Massive white quartz veins; one schistose wallrock clast; weakly fractured with chlorite infill MDD0020 198.7 208.6 BISC SCHS FG QTZ CRN CG N N Biotite-chlorite schist; bands of amphibole-garnet and rare chert also in few select bands. Coarse quartz-feldspar vein; possibly pegmatitic vein with heavily chloritic margins. Could also be coded as chlorite schist MDD0020 208.6 209.7 FZ FRC FG APL MAS FG N N Strongly fractured zone with associated uphole aplite intrusion as contact. No obvious gouge. One quartz vein with minor feldspar MDD0020 209.7 213 CLSC FO FG N N Chlorite dominated weakly foliated chlorite-biotite±amphibole-garnet schist. Amphibole-garnet occur in defined darker green bands. Few sheared/boudinaged chert bands MDD0020 213 217.4 AMSC SCHS MG N N Extremely strongly schistose cleavage in amphibole-garnet-biotite-chlorite-quartz schist with rare chert-vein boudins. Convoluted in sections. Could also be coded Biotite schist. Pyrrhotite blebs in zone appear to be pseudomorphs of earlier silicate MDD0020 217.4 224.9 BISC FO FG QTZ CRN CG N N Biotite-chlorite weakly foliated schist. Strongly cut by now-boudinaged veins (or chert?). Thin later granitic veins. Chlorite/amphibole in vein margins MDD0020 224.9 226.6 GRT MAS MG QTZ CRN CG N N Medium grained granite; not fine enough to be aplite. Feldpsar dominates quartz; still monzonitic-granitic composition. Dyke has +10cm quartz veins on each margin; likely one phase reused earlier structure. MDD0020 226.6 236.2 BISC FO FG AMSC FO FG N N Massive foliated biotite schist with patches of amphibole-chlorite dominated schist; primarily around quartz veins. Weak fabric. Possible boudin chert zones (or veins) MDD0020 236.2 238.3 GRT MAS MG N N Medium to fine grained granite as previously described. Pale sericite-chlorite alteration around chlorite filled fractures. Coarser grains at contacts MDD0020 238.3 239 FZ FA CG GRT MAS MG N N Zone of strongly fractured granite. Leads into coarse gouge-matrix fault breccia MDD0020 239 241.5 GRT MAS MG N N Granite as described in previous intervals. Strongly sericitised margins MDD0020 241.5 245 BISC FO FG N N Massive weakly foliated biotite-muscovite-quartz±chlorite schist. Texturally less foliated/schistose than previously descrubed intervals. Quartz veins rare. One (prob altered granite-granodiorite vein) of qz-kspar-epidote-hornblende-ser. Looks propylitic. MDD0020 245 245.5 APL MAS FG QTZ CRN CG N N Massive pink-red aplite; more FeO stained than previous granites logged. Only weak patch of sericite. Again quartz veins on both margins of dyke. MDD0020 245.5 260.4 PHYL MAS FG CLSC FO FG N N Transitions to a massive grey fine grained rock; probably siltstone but could equally well be a basalt or fg subvolcanic rock. Qz-K-spar-hbld-epid-ser veins continue and are stronger in this interval; strong alteration halos give rise to chloritic schist MDD0020 260.4 262.5 QTZ CRN CG N N "Massive white, probably recrystallised quartz vein. Fractured with feldspar-quartz infill" MDD0020 262.5 269.9 BISC FO FG QTZ CRN FG N N Foliated biotite-chlorite±?tremolite schist. Basic lithology altered by numerous veins of qz-fd-hbld-epid-ser-sid-ca material. Numerous qz vein. Sulfides in vein/alteration zones MDD0020 269.9 271.5 DLT MAS MG QTZ CRN CG N N "Dark green fine-medium grained massive mafic intrusive rock. Amphibole-?pyroxene appears to be main components; feldspars seem rare; dolerite-gabbroic dike. Translucent quartz veins commonly cross cut mafic, with rare pyrrhotite in fractures" MDD0020 271.5 274.3 SLST MAS FG QTZ CRN CG N N "Massive-weakly foliated fine grained rock. Siltstone or could be basalt/fg subvolcanic rock. Only fabric is a py/po pip foliation. Brown to green-brown, strong fine biotite-chlorite alteration, dissimilar to coarse bt in schists. Cut bu numerous qz veins" MDD0020 274.3 280.2 QTZ CRN CG SLST MAS FG N N "Massive white recrystallised quartz vein. Intermixed fine biotite ?altered siltstone or ?basalt wallrock. One 30 cm aplite dyke at top of interval. Amph chlorite zones in ""silststone"" appear to be alteration. Some feldspar in vein, appears to be later sta" MDD0020 280.2 282.7 DLT MAS MG QTZ CRN CG N N Massive green mafic/dolerite intrusive. Amphibole-biotite-feldspar appear common; need petrology to tell more. More biotite and feldspar rich than previously logged 'dolerite'. Still coarse quartz veins MDD0020 282.7 284.9 QTZ MAS CG N N Massive white quartz vein with chlorite-amphibole bands near wallrock contact MDD0020 284.9 285.6 APL MAS FG N N Fine-medium grained aplitic granite. Quite pink; high K-spar still. One quartz vein MDD0020 285.6 287.5 QTZ CRN CG DLT MAS MG N N Quartz vein cutting green ?dolerite intrusion; appears mostly amphibole dominated; hard to tell if it’s a massive paramphibolite or primary amphiboles. No obvious contacts due to obscuring by quartz veins MDD0020 287.5 294.4 SLST CHY FG N N Massive qy-bn fine grained cherty/sil ?siltstone (I suppose could still be fine mafic). Weak fabric; not a schist. One 30 cm banded section; are they beds or a fabric?. Amph-qz-ser-epid veins return; possibly propylitic altered granodiorite dykelets. MDD0020 294.4 294.9 FZ FA CG N N Strongly fractured and weakly gouged/cataclasitic fault zone. Downhole healed by quartz; uphole all gouged and decomposed MDD0020 294.9 303.3 SLST FO FG CHRT CHY FG N N "Massive to weakly foliated, patchily cherty or silicified siltstone. Weak fabric/banding visible; areas of fg biotite defined by brown hue. -Alteration or metamorphic?" MDD0020 303.3 303.8 FZ FRC FG SLST CHY FG N N "Fractured, carbonate infilled cherty/silicified siltstone." MDD0020 303.8 305.6 FZ FA FG N N Strongly gouged fault; weakly consolidated breccia; remians crumbly/rubbley elsewhere MDD0020 305.6 324.6 GRT MAS MG N N Moderately sericitised granite. Quartz-feldspar approx equal proportions. 1-3mm grain size. Fairly homogenous. Few qz veins MDD0020 324.6 328.8 SLST MAS FG N N Fine grained massive rock; either siltstone xenolith or fg basalt/mafic intrusive. No hornfelsing (which is expected sitting in middle of granite body); so more likely a fg mafic. Veins have mod chl-amph altn at margins. Qz-epid-hbld-cb veins also occur MDD0020 328.8 343.1 GRT MAS MG N N Granite as per 305.6-324.6 MDD0020 343.1 348.5 GRT MAS FG APL MAS FG N N Coarser grained granite with later seeping intrusions of aplite. Weak sericite and patchy chlorite. Muscovite forms coarse high sheen greyish crystals MDD0020 348.5 352.4 GRT FRC MG N N Medium grained granite; fractured MDD0020 352.4 365.4 GRT MAS MG N N Granite as per previous MDD0020 365.4 366.9 GRT FRC MG N N Weakly fractured granite MDD0020 366.9 370.4 GRT MAS MG N N Granite as per previous MDD0020 370.4 370.9 GRT FRC MG N N "Weakly fractured granite. From here on in, granite becomes weakly clay altered becoming pale cream-pink colour" MDD0020 370.9 385.1 GRT MAS MG N N Granite as per previous MDD0020 385.1 388 GRN MAS MG FZ FRC MG N N Granite as per previous; strongly fractured in zones MDD0020 388 400.9 GRT MAS MG N N Granite as per previous MDD0020 400.9 403.1 GRT FRC MG N N Granite as per previous; weakly fractured MDD0020 403.1 413.9 GRT MAS MG N N Granite as per previous MDD0020 413.9 415.3 GRT MAS MG N N Granite as per previous; weakly fractured MDD0020 415.3 424.4 GRT MAS MG N N "Granite as per previous, becoming more white and clay altered. Clay both white and green; smectite?" MDD0020 424.4 430.1 SLST MAS FG L N Weakly altered body. Weakly sheared downhole. Grains to small to identify but but in altered sections some visable Amph/bio/calc/feld. Pegmatite/granite intrusions of ~ 250mm within unit. MDD0020 430.1 433.8 GRT FO MG N N Pinky white in colour and equigranular. Shows a slight foliation especially amongst mafic grains. Atz/carb veins and veinlets throughout. Within the unit a 30cm xenolith of what looks to be the host SLST with biotite and garnet pips appears. MDD0020 433.8 435.9 SLST MAS FG L N Simular to the higher SLST. MDD0020 435.9 436.5 QZT MAS MG QZT FRC FG N N "Sharp upper contact and messy lower contact (very altered) with a qtz, hrn,calc, kspar, plag,chlo mineral assemblage." MDD0020 436.5 445.9 SLST MAS VFG M N Alteration throughout. Qtz veins have almost entirely been replaced by biotite or chlorite-calcite. Amphibole mineralisation in these veins near end of unit. MDD0020 445.9 446.8 GRT FO MG N N "Pinkish white equigranular granite simular to that earlier in sequence. Again minor foliation of mafic minerals. Sharp top/bottom contacts, xenoliths apparent in rock that are simular to host moterial (SLST_). Qtz veining of ~1.5cm diameter." MDD0020 446.8 448.7 SLST BED FG L N "Bedding becomes messy downhole and then disappears. Amph/chl alteration at top of unit with bio alt more promonent at the bottom of the unit, especially at lower boundary." MDD0020 448.7 450 GRT MAS MG N N Pinkish white equigranular granite simular to those described earlier. Feldspars and qtz make up approx 90-95% of groundmass with biotite/amphibole (prob. Hrn) the rest. MDD0020 450 451.7 SLST BED FG L N calc/amph/chl alterationwith minor biotite especially at veins. MDD0020 451.7 453 SLST MAS VFG SLST FA VFG L N broken core. Many garnet pips visible throughout. In more altered sections visible amph and feld. Amph/calc/bio alteration with calcite alteration in veins. MDD0020 453 456.5 GR GRAN MG L N Pinkish white granite described earlier with xenoliths of SLST (<20cm) throughout. Margins of the xenolith cal/amp altered with the middle of the xenoliths chlorite altered. Some bedding apparent in larger xenoliths. MDD0020 456.5 461 SLST BED VFG L N biotite alteration defines bedding that becomes less apparent with depth. Many veins throughout with largest qtz ~25cm. Most veins intencly altered (amp/chl/cal). MDD0020 461 465.6 GRT MAS MG SLST BED VFG Alternating granite/SLST. Possibly just large xenoliths (<50cm) within granite unit. Granite white with green tinge due to alteration. Weak bedding in SLST with garnet pips near igneous boundaries. MDD0020 465.6 471.3 SLST MAS VFG L N altered qtz veind throughout. One white pegmatite/granite band in unit. Different to previous granite as has a coarse groundmass and diff moin assemblage. MDD0020 471.3 473.1 SLST MAS VFG SLST FRC VFG L N Some amphibole alteration in veind. MDD0020 473.1 479.8 SLST MAS VFG L N Some very altered sections throughout unit (<30cm). Possibly very altered qtz veins? Altered bio/amp/chl. Garnet pips throughout. MDD0020 479.8 491.2 GRT FO MG N N "White looking granite of feld (ortho/plag), qtz, amp and biotite. Mafics make up ~10%. Weak mineral alignment seen in mafic minerals.Weak green (some sort of clay alteration?) on surfaces of some fractures/joints." MDD0020 491.2 491.8 GRT BX MG SLST MAS FG N None Biot-rich fragments in granite host. MDD0020 491.8 585.3 GRT MAS MG N None "White looking granite of feld (ortho/plag), qtz, amp and biotite. Mafics make up ~10%, +/- 5%. Small crysts of PY throughout." MDD0020 585.3 591.8 SLST BED FG L None Very strong biot alt. Gradational zone of strong sil. MDD0020 591.8 592.4 GRT MAS MG N None Single large schist fragment. MDD0020 592.4 594.1 SLST BED FG QTZ MAS FG N None "Stronger chl/amph alt BEDP, convoluted bedding. Thick qtz vug" MDD0020 594.1 601.3 SLST BED FG N None "Granite @ 596.4m. Strong biot alt, with strong chl/amph bedp alt. Consistent 10-50mm spaced bedding." MDD0020 601.3 612 GRT MAS MG N None "Granite of feld (ortho/plag), qtz, amp and biotite. Mafics make up ~10%, +/- 5%. Small crysts of PY throughout." MDD0020 612 612.9 SLST BED FG GRT BX FG N None Veining throughout MDD0020 612.9 623 GRT MAS MG N None "Granite of feld (ortho/plag), qtz, amp and biotite. Mafics make up ~5%, +/- 2%. Small crysts of PY throughout." MDD0020 623 627.8 GRT MAS MG N None "Black biot crysts drop off, same white granite continues, slightly finer grained but still medium." MDD0020 627.8 629.6 GRT MAS MG N None "Slightly finer grained matrix, and biot crysts return." MDD0020 629.6 652 GRT MAS MG N None Homogenous zone of mod grained matrix with no dark biot/mafic crysts. MDD0020 652 658 GRT MAS MG N N MDD0020 658 670.4 GRT MAS MG N N Increae in grainsize. MDD0020 670.4 671 GRT MAS MG SLST BED FG N None Biot schist fragments MDD0020 671 692 GRT MAS MG N N "Smaller, medium grainzise." MDD0020 692 695.3 GRT MAS MG N N Increase in grainsize. MDD0020 695.3 697.7 GRT MAS FG N N Close to fine grainsize (still called medium). MDD0020 697.7 728.3 GRT MAS MG L None Grainsize increases in broken zone. Low graphite (? Smooth) in fracture fills. MDD0020 728.3 730 GRT MAS MG N N MDD0020 730 737 GRT MAS MG N N Increase in black biot flakes/crysts. MDD0020 737 741 GRT BA MG N N Wide-spaced bans of granites (2 genertaions?). MDD0020 741 761 GRT MAS MG N N Homogenous zone. MDD0020 761 786 GRT MAS CG N N Slight increase in grainsize. MDD0020 786 789 GRT MAS CG SLST MAS FG N N Schist fragments/coarse clasts (biot-rich) MDD0020 789 800 GRT MAS MG N N MDD0020 800 801 GRT MAS MG GRT MAS FG N N Very fine-grained intrusive within granite. Sharp conacts. MDD0020 801 818 GRT MAS MG N N MDD0020 818 820 GRT MAS CG N N "Broken zone, vuggy qtz crysts" MDD0020 820 821 GRT MAS CG N N MDD0020 821 823 GRT MAS MG N N Finer grainsize MDD0020 823 828 GRT MAS CG N N MDD0020 828 830 GRT MAS MG N N MDD0020 830 852.3 GRT MAS CG N N MDD0020 852.3 853.2 GRT MAS FG GRT GRAN CG N N Coarse intrusive (mixed with main granite) MDD0020 853.2 868.8 GRT MAS MG N None Homohgenous granite. MDD0020 868.8 881.1 GRT MAS CG N N "Coarse biot crysts, with large >3cm porphyro blasts?" MDD0020 881.1 882 GRT MAS MG N N Finer grainsize MDD0020 882 883.3 GRT MAS CG N N Changes to paler colour MDD0020 883.3 887.1 GRT MAS CG N N Darkens MDD0020 887.1 897.2 GRT MAS CG N N "More pominent biot crysts, 1 per 2m biot frags." MDD0020 897.2 899 GRT MAS MG N N MDD0020 899 900 GRT MAS CG N N MDD0021 0 0.9 AEOL GL CS N N Brown-red rounded-subangular quartz grains with minor maghemite/geothite grains; coated with orange oxide and minor silt sized fraction. Massive; structureless and washed out by drilling. Probably or aeolian and/or colluvial origin MDD0021 0.9 3.7 LATT CGC PB N N Orange-red clay and silt material with common lateritic nodules and manganiferous patches. Weak yellow clay developed in zones MDD0021 3.7 6.3 CNGL POWD MGV N N Mottled orange-red-brown and pale pallid leached clay with ?ferricrete and possible lithic clasts within. Appear to be zone of leaching creating pallid mottles amongst more ferruginous material. Clasts increasing at base MDD0021 6.3 10.5 CLY CGC PB N N Orange-red iron oxide stained ?saprolite; clay-sand matrix with ferrugionus-maghemitic clasts and lithi clasts. Becoming pale yellow at base MDD0021 10.5 13.7 CLY CGC PB N N Pale yellow pallid clayey ?saprolite; oxide stil permeates in fractures and patches. Rare ferruginous clasts MDD0021 13.7 64 MDST MAS MUD GYWK GBD MSD N N Pale cream-yellow clay and poorly sorted sand/clay material with rare FeOx bands. Unclear whether is a later unlithified lacustrine clay-wacke sequence or a weathered continuation of underlying Killi Killi Formation or Ware Group material. Base unclear. MDD0021 64 79.8 GYWK BA MSD MDST MAS MUD N N Two lithologies; Massive to weakly foliated porrly sorted subang.-subrnd. quartz-feldspar-?pumiceous grains. Also massive to wkly x-bedded silt-mudstone; appears to be no grading. FeOx weathing in strong bands; possibly bed planes. MDD0021 79.8 81.9 SLST BED SLT SDST BED FS L N "Cross bedded fine sandstone-siltstone; irregular beds; looks high energy environment. Black laminae; carbon, heavy minerals? Weak feOx altn" MDD0021 81.9 82.9 MDST MAS MUD N N Gradual change from uphole into massive mud-siltstone. Weak micaceous sheen and possibly ghosted cordierite porphyroblasts. Conchoidal fracture; weathering decreasing in this section MDD0021 82.9 88 SDST MAS MSD N N "Massive to foliated at base strongly lithified sandstone (almost quartzite). Appears to be more arenitic than surrounding units; grades into unit below, still minor silt/micaceous material" MDD0021 88 90.9 MB GYWK FO MSD CNGL FO MGV N N Basally a conglomerate consisting of round quartz grains to 2cm and eutaxitic ?pumice fiamme. Base is finer with the coarser material 10 cm above base of interval. Grades in to arkose/wacke material; poorly sorted. Possibly ignimbrite or base surge origin MDD0021 90.9 96 MB SLST BED SLT SDST FO FS N N "Foliated basal weakly micaceous green-grey schist/siltstone; possibly cordierite bearing. Middle 50 cm is strongly cross bedded with black material defining beds. Unclear if this is part of bouma sequence, base surge or other environment" MDD0021 96 123.7 MB GYWK FO MSD GRT CRN MG N N Massive foliated quartz-?eutaxitic pumice bearing wacke; weakly micaceous. Clearly some sheared veins. One 20 cm alkali-feldspar granite dyke MDD0021 123.7 125 MB CNGL FO FGV GYWK FO MSD N N Basally a quartz-?pumice conglomerate with rare lithics grading to finer wacke/sandstone material as above. Looking more and more like an ignimbrite/tuff or base surge deposit. Otherwise may denote channels; but no clear channel features in above sands MDD0021 125 127.9 MB GYWK FO MSD N N Return to quartz-?pumice bearing wacke/sandstone; still appears tuffaceous locally MDD0021 127.9 128.8 MB PHYL FO SLT N N "Zone of phyllite to very fine sandstone with clear foliation and minor shearing in interval. Common dark green ?porphyrbalsts of semi-dendritic shape, however sheared out of shape; may be chlorite replacing or pseudomorphing al-silicate or tormaline" MDD0021 128.8 134.7 MB GYWK GBD CS N N "Graded poorly sorted sandstone; basally with coarse rounded ro subangular quartz-feldspar grains in fine sand matrix; interval consists of 2 graded beds; both with phyllite rip up clasts, upper most one with stratification at top as grades into phyllite" MDD0021 134.7 141.6 MB PHYL FO SLT N N Return to finely micaceous wthd phyllite with weak fabric. Lenses of poorly sorted sandstone in finer material. Porphyroblastic texture now strong; possibly diagenetic chlorite or chlorite replacing Al-silicate; scapolite? MDD0021 141.6 144.3 MB GYWK GBD CS N N Return to coarse qz-fd grain wacke material. Weak oxidation still present MDD0021 144.3 154.7 MB PHYL FO SLT SDST GBD FS N N Series of fine sandstones that grade up into phyllitic siltstones with chloritic porphyroblasts/relics. Sandstone seems better sorted than above wackes; no coarse qz-fd grains either. Gouged fault at 151.4m. Lenses of finer material may be clasts or beds MDD0021 154.7 156.8 FZ FA FG SDST FO FS N N "Several strongly gouged faults within silty sandstone material; porphyroblasts sheared. Faults less than 5cm, but cataclastic in nature. Base marks end of variable but pervasive oxidation; from here on becomes weak and patchy around fraactures" MDD0021 156.8 163 MB SLST LAM SLT SDST BED FS M N Marked change to varibaly carbonaceous laminated to bedded siltstone and fine sandstone. Porphyroblasts nearly absent; folds and shears obvious. Nontronite on fractures. Diagenetic py still remnant MDD0021 163 164.3 FZ FA FG SLST BED EFS L N Strongly fractured zone with one 5 cm gouged carbonaceous fault/cataclasite. MDD0021 164.3 168 MB PHYL BED SLT N N "Return to phyllitic, non carbonaceous siltstone as previously seen. Hematite common on fractures. One zone with dendritic dark green ?chlorite/glauconite with strong cream coloured. Black specks throughout; tourmaline? Weak bedding" MDD0021 168 169.9 MB SDST FO FS N N Massive fine micaceous sandstone/wacke MDD0021 169.9 170.6 MB PHYL MAS FG N N "Appears to be fine grained mica rich phyllitee. No bedding and homogenous fd-mafic groundmass. Contains porphyroblastic or meta-authigenic chlorite throughout; round, not dendritic/irregular like elsewhere; fresher, possible cordierite" MDD0021 170.6 171.3 MB QZT MAS MG N N Appears to be quartzite of same compositionof sandstone seen uphole; appears to be heated up. Weak planar features my be remnant bedding. MDD0021 171.3 172.2 MB PHYL MAS FG SDST BX FS N N Return to chlorite-porphyroblastic phyllite. Base with entrained sandstone/quartzite MDD0021 172.2 181.6 MB QZT GBD CS N N "Same graded wacke beds as seen uphole; coarse basal rounded quartz grains, minor feldspar. Seems to be cooked up to quartzite grade. Poossibly remnant bedding through zone. Patch of clay-chlorite-oxide altered material" MDD0021 181.6 185.9 MB PHYL FO SLT FZ FA FG N N Return to chlorite-blastic phyllite/sitstone material. Has strong brownish colour; hematite - why here?. Grades into underlying sandstone; not basalt. Several less than 30cm faulted zones MDD0021 185.9 188.5 MB GYWK GBD MSD N N Typical wackes with grading as seen previously; not a quartzite MDD0021 188.5 196.9 MB SLST BED SLT N N "Series of siltstone/mudstone beds with variable amounts of chlorite; some appear to have black centre; torm/chl/-bt/diop? Possibly authigenic chlorite; growing around nucleii of some nature. Laminations, x-beds and slumps visible" MDD0021 196.9 201.1 MB GYWK GBD MSD N N Weakly quartzitic wacke grading up to narrow fine cordierite-chlorite blastic siltstone MDD0021 201.1 208.4 GRT CRN MG N N Variably textured granite/greisen. Appears to have been monzogranitic compostion; now moderately sericitised. Onle irregular aplite vein. MDD0021 208.4 212.1 MB GYWK FO MSD N N "Massive to foliated wacke material as previous, parts have weak ghosted porphyroblasts of ?cordierite" MDD0021 212.1 216.8 GRT CRN MG PEG CRN CG N N "Return to sericitic granite/greisen as previous. 30 cm pegmatite at basal contact; gradational with main body. Contains clear muscovite crystals; is the muscovite in the granite primary? If so suggests this granite of anatexic origin, not a differentiate" MDD0021 216.8 264.6 MB GYWK MAS MSD PHYL FO FG N N "Interbedd and varibaly graded wackes and cordierite-chlorite blastic phyllites; numerous repetitions, not worth breaking out individually. 2 pale kaolin/adularia? Altered 'pods'; not sure how they fit in" MDD0021 264.6 267.8 MB GYWK MAS MSD N N Massive wacke/quartzite MDD0021 267.8 268.4 MB PHYL FO FG N N Cordierite-chlorite blastic MDD0021 268.4 284.2 MB GYWK MAS MSD N N MDD0021 284.2 287.2 FZ FA FG GYWK GBD MSD N N Strongly fractured locally with clear fault gouge; several zones in interval; otherwise has competent zones of wacke grading into blastic phyllite material MDD0021 287.2 316.3 MB GYWK MAS MSD N N MDD0021 316.3 323.4 MB PHYL FO FG GYWK GBD MSD N N Return to wacke grading into phyllite; probably represent more complete mass flow deposits. Black grains still present; look either like diopside or tourmaline MDD0021 323.4 329.3 MB SLST BED FG SDST MAS FS L N "Metasediments. Silts grading to fine sands. Very altered, especially silts. Alteration gives splotchy appearance and overprints bedding. Splotchy alteration is browny green with light yellow/brown halos. Dark green/black minerals visible. Possible correla" MDD0021 329.3 331.6 MB GYWK PIT MSD "Graded fine to med grained Greywacke, This whole sequence is possibly correlated to the Madigan Beds." MDD0021 331.6 333.9 HW SLST BED FG L N Splotchy alteration running through beds. Soft and brown. This unit has some mineralization occurring within the beds MDD0021 333.9 340.7 HW SDST MAS MSD SLST BED EFS L N Graded sands /silts. Altered and deformed beds. A few cherts. Madigan Beds? MDD0021 340.7 346.9 HW SDST MAS MSD N N MDD0021 346.9 350.2 HW SLST BED EFS SDST BED FS L N Interbedded silts and Sands. MDD0021 350.2 350.7 FZ FZ FRC FG L None MDD0021 350.7 352.2 HW SLST BED EFS SDST FRC FS L N "Graded silts to sands. Mineralization within the beds, Core is fractured.Beds weakly magnetic. Pyrrhotite but possibly magnetite as well." MDD0021 352.2 358 HW SCH FO VFG M None "What could be the SHIM equivalent, the WHIM. Planar to irrigator beds with higher graphite and sulphide content. Magnetic Pyrrhotite FF and in beds. Pitted dolomite throughout." MDD0021 358 362.2 HW SDST MAS FS L N MDD0021 362.2 363 GRT GRAN MG N N Granite; k-Feldspar /Feldspar/Qtz/Amphibol/ Biotite / muscovite MDD0021 363 365 HW SDST MAS FG N N "Yellow brown soft sandstone with the splotchy alteration that has been seen before. Could be a chlorite alteration? Black biotite/hornblade ""specks""." MDD0021 365 377.8 BI LAM FG N N Sharp bottom contact and gradational top contact suggesting it could have been altered by the younger granite. Could be a schistose sandstone though? MDD0021 377.8 382.2 HW SDST LAM FG L None extremely convoluted bedding. Top of unit appears to contain the edge of an intrusion. Magnetic in parts. MDD0021 382.2 382.7 BI GL MG L None Sharp contacts at both top & bottom. MDD0021 382.7 393.3 HW GYWK MAS MG N None sharp contacts at both ends of unit. Contact at base where facture is. 20 cm near base appears similar to above unit; Convoluted bedding/ many sulphides. MDD0021 393.3 393.9 HW SLST LAM EFS M None top contact determined due to abrupt change in grainsize. MDD0021 393.9 395.1 FZ FZ FRC FG M None MDD0021 395.1 400.6 HW SDST MAS FG L None has similar but less distinct 'splotchy' alteration as with unit 363-365. has old healed veins. Appears to be massive. Several convoluted wispy beds. MDD0021 400.6 401.9 FZ FZ FRC FG L N faulted at the beginning of the unit and fractured more at the end. MDD0021 401.9 403.8 HW SDST BED FG N N "Weakly bedded, slight magnetism. Splotchy alteration (dark green)." MDD0021 403.8 405.8 HW SLST LAM FG L IB possible sheared zone (20 cm) at base of unit. [sharp top contact of zone. Irregular sharp contact at base.] looks like a mixing of sediments. Slumping at base of unit.[soft sediments] MDD0021 405.8 422.4 HW SLST BED FG GYWK MAS FS L N Sequence of interbedded silts and sands (coarsening). Folding structure at 405.5 with intense magnetite. Magnetic silts and patchy in wackes. Splotchy chlorite? At alteration with sericite halos? MDD0021 422.4 423.8 FZ FZ FA FG SLST BED FG L None fractured throughout with small faulted section in the middle. Bedding present. MDD0021 423.8 428.2 HW SDST BED FG L None wavy bedding. Tiny amphibole pips. Increased sulphides.Beds 1cm to 15cm. MDD0021 428.2 428.8 FZ FZ FRC FG L None MDD0021 428.8 429.5 HW SLST BED FG "Convoluted beds with magnetite. ""Splotchy"" alteration as already described." MDD0021 429.5 436.3 HW SDST BED FG SLST FRC FG L None "highly convoluted bedding. Large ""splotchy' alteration as earlier(inclusive of paler halo)alteration pod at top of unit; marks the beginning of the unit. Also has a sharp contact at the base. Last 30 cm fairly planar bedded still with lm but none after" MDD0021 436.3 442.4 HW SDST BED VFG M None weakly bedding at the start of unit with some magnetism. MDD0021 442.4 448.3 HW SDST BA FG M None "much ""splotchy"" alteration. In sections; not throughout. Abrupt bottom contact." MDD0021 448.3 457.5 HW SDST MAS FG M None fairly uniform. Abrupt top & bottom contacts. Quite dark grey in colour = graphite. MDD0021 457.5 458.2 HW SDST BA VFG more splotchy alteration. Sharp upper & lower contacts. MDD0021 458.2 461.6 HW SDST MAS FG M Return to the graphitic sandstone. MDD0021 461.6 462.6 HW SLST LAM SLT SDST MAS MSD L N Convoluted pelitic and carbonaceous siltstone/schist with minor massive sandstone/greywacke. Appears to have extensive soft sediment deformation. Few chlorite/amphibole rich laminae MDD0021 462.6 465.8 HW SDST MAS MSD N N Massive sandstone/wacke with minor pale bleaching amongst biotite alteration MDD0021 465.8 467.2 HW SCH BED SLT L N Pale pelitic sericitie-cordierite schist with minor chlorite. Common porphyroblastic ovoids of cordierite with margins retrogressed to chorite. One weakly carbonaceous section with coarse andalusite/?staurolite. MDD0021 467.2 470.2 HW SLST BED SLT L N Darker weakly carbonaceous convolutedly bedded cherty/silic. siltstone. Fine layers of coarser biotite rich sandstone appear to have been injected out of their original positions and throughout the beds; likely indicates further soft sed deformation. Sil MDD0021 470.2 471 HW SDST MAS MSD SLST BED SLT L N Massive biotite-pyrite rich sandstone with rip up clasts of bedded siltstone/schist MDD0021 471 476 SLST BED FG FZ FRC FG L N More weakly bedded siltstone in fractured zone. Pale porphyrbolstic ovoids of ?cordierite still present and rare andalusite in darker more carbonaceous layers. Several fractionated granite/monzonite dykelets of Ksp-qz-musc composition. MDD0021 476 476.9 FZ FZ FA FG L N Rubbley fault zone in varable siltstone/sandstone material MDD0021 476.9 481.3 HW SDST MAS MSD FZ FRC FG N N Fracture massive wacke/sandstone material MDD0021 481.3 483.9 HW SLST BED SLT SDST BED FS L N "Bedded siltstone to fine sandstone. Beds convoluted, several darker possibly more cbnaceous beds which contain dark green euhedral amphibole or chlorite pseudomporphs of andalusite. Weakly cherty/silcfied" MDD0021 483.9 487.3 HW SCH BED FG FZ FRC SLT N N Fractured bedded pelitiec sericite-andalusite schist with minor chlorite/?amphibole/?diopside. Andalusite coarsely porphyroblastic and locally replaced by chlorite. Unclear as to whether dark euhedral minerals are amph/pyx or chl pseudomorphs. 1 pegmatite MDD0021 487.3 488.8 GRT GRAN MG N N White-pink weakly altered feldspar-quartz-muscovite granite MDD0021 488.8 492.6 HW SCH BED FG M N "Well bedded andalusite schist. Weak-mod carbonaceous, with andalusite porphyblasts concentrated in bands. Rare pelitic cordierite bearing beds with accessory amph/diop?" MDD0021 492.6 494.1 WHIM CHRT CHY FG CSRK CRN CG N N "Massive pale green cherty unit. Clear coarse pale green/silvery crystals stand out; under lens these appear to be either growths around finer qz-?cly/ser matrix or retrogressed crystals. Unclear what they are; maybe diopside. If so, maybe calcsilicate" MDD0021 494.1 499.7 WHIM CHRT CHY FG SLST BED SLT L N Strongly cherty or indurated siltstone; weakly bedded with zones of ?jaspilitic mudstone laminations. Patches of diop/amph calcslicate material and few andalusite and possibly garnet bearing layers. Sulphides common. End is fine ?calcsilicate w black cht MDD0021 499.7 502.7 WHIM SCH BED FG M N Strongly bedded biotite-andalusite-pyrrhotite schist/siltstone MDD0021 502.7 503.7 WHIM CHRT CHY FG SLST BED SLT L N Strongly cherty or indurated siltstone with no andalusite. Pale white and limonitic/jaspilitic chert beds common. Sediments vary from silt to mud MDD0021 503.7 504.9 HW SDST MAS MSD N N Massive wacke/sandstone. Rare fine rip up clasts of mudstone MDD0021 504.9 506.9 HW SCH BED FG M N "Andalusote-biotite-pyrrhotite schist/siltstone, well bedded. Andalusite to 3 cm long bladed porphyroblasts" MDD0021 506.9 508.6 HW SDST MAS MSD N N Massive wacke/sandstone MDD0021 508.6 509.9 HW SLST BED SLT FZ FA FG L N Weakly sheared and locallly faulted silstone with no andalusite. Few pelitic beds with cordierite/chlorite ovoids. MDD0021 509.9 510.6 HW SLST BED FG L N Weakly bedded fine sandstone/siltstone MDD0021 510.6 513 HW SCH BED FG SDST BED FS M N Biotite-andalusite-pyrrhotite schist with fine beds of sandstone interbedded MDD0021 513 515.6 HW SDST MAS MSD SCH BED FG L N "Massive sandstone with local beds of andalusite schist and a pale pelitic cordierite-chlorite schist. Sandstone contains white relict crystals, possibly faint andalusite growths or relict feldspar grains" MDD0021 515.6 516.1 GRT GRAN MG N N Massive mod-fine grained granite of K-spar-quartz-muscovite composition (monzonite/monzogranite composition) MDD0021 516.1 530.6 HW SDST MAS MSD SLST BX FG N N Massive sandstone with few siltstone and cherty clasts. Variable amounts of feldspar throughout' possibly tuffaceous input. MDD0021 530.6 531.2 HW SCH BED FG M N Andalusite-pyrrhotite schist with minor chert/qz veining? MDD0021 531.2 532.4 HW SDST MAS MSD N N MDD0021 532.4 536.4 HW CHRT CHY FG CLSC SCHS FG L N Strongly chloritic green schist with chert beds and nodules throughout. Strongly sulphidic. Minor beds of amphibole calcsiicate and possiby garnet. Po dominates and Asp also common MDD0021 536.4 541 TF BCH BED FG SCH BED FG M N Andalusite-biotite-pyrrhotite schist with common chert nodules MDD0021 541 550.6 MFS CRN FG N N Unclear exactly what this is; is either inversely graded sericite rich quartz wacke or a sericitised aplite/granite; lower contact is not clear and may be a zone where grain size becomes very fine; but overall looks transitional to underlying sandstone. MDD0021 550.6 558.8 SDST MAS FG N N "Also slightly unclear; most likely mica rich sandstone, but possibly fine granodiorite intrusion; however would require almost complete alteration of feldspar to sericite. Weak inverse grading if is sediment. Fractionated pegmaitite dykelet" MDD0021 558.8 559.9 SLST MAS FG N "Above unit appears to grade into finer siltstone-fine sandtone rock; no bedding, still unsure what this really is. Sericitsed matrix at contact and blebs of chlorite replacement" MDD0021 559.9 561.4 TF CHRT CHY FG CLSC BA FG N N Strongly cherty/?veined chloritic schist unit. High sulphide content. Minor amphibole-calcsilicate beds MDD0021 561.4 562.8 FZ FA FG GRD GRAN MG N N Faulted upper margin of granodiorite intrusion. MDD0021 562.8 625.3 GRD GRAN MG N N "Massive phaneritic to seriate granodiorite intrusion. Mineralogy appears to consist of 40% qz, 40% feld, 20% amphibole. Trace biotite also present. Fedlspar aears to be exclusively plagioclase. Very weak sericite alteration in places." MDD0021 625.3 626.1 FZ FZ FA FG N N Rubbley fault in granodiorite MDD0021 626.1 650 GRD GRAN MG N N Granodiorite as previous. Grain size and texture vary through body from rare phaneritic zones to more common seriate textures with grains of fine to coarse size; reflects complex ascent of magma and emplacement MDD0021 650 650.8 FZ FZ FA FG N N MDD0021 650.8 673.8 GRD GRAN MG N N Slight magnetism probably due to po. MDD0021 673.8 710 GRD GRAN FG N N Irregular mafic xenoliths < 2 cm. Fine groundmass. MDD0021 710 710.6 FZ FZ FRC FG N N Faulted granite. MDD0021 710.6 782.7 GRD GRAN FG GRD GL CG N N "Granodiorite coarsening with depth. Mafic xenoliths, largest being 5cm in diameter." MDD0021 782.7 785.8 GRD GL FG N N Sharp upper contact. MDD0021 785.8 786.3 FZ FZ FRC FG N N "Fractured core , slight green tinge- Alteration, chlorite." MDD0021 786.3 794.5 GRD GRAN FG L N MDD0021 794.5 887.7 GRD GRAN MG GRD GRAN CG N N Some small mafic xenoliths. Possible small Basic intrusive. Similar troche to the granodiorite. MDD0021 887.7 888.2 BI MAS FG N N Mafic unit. Very simular to the surrounding Granodiorite but < 15% Qtz fraction. MDD0021 888.2 900.9 GRD GRAN CG N N patchy chlorite alteration.