H0002 Version 3 H0003 Date_generated 29/09/2011 H0004 Reporting period end_date 29/09/2011 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no EL27962 H0101 Tenement_holder Crowl Creek Exploration Limited H0102 Project_name Hale River H0106 Tenement_Operator Kidman Resources Ltd H0150 Map_sheet_number 250000 SG53-03 H0151 Map_sheet_number 100000 5949 H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 10/12/2010 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 4/03/2011 H0202 Template_format SL3 H0203 Number_of_data_records 98 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 29/09/2011 H0500 Feature_located Surface location H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA H0502 Vertical_datum AHD H0503 Projection UTM H0531 Projection_zone 53 H0532 Surveying_instrument Averaged Garmin 75 H0533 Surveying_company Orogenic Exploration Pty Ltd H0601 Sample_type Rock chip H0602 Sample_description Grab samples H0700 Sample_preparation_code PUL-23 H0701 Sample_preparation_details Pulverize to 75um H0800 Assay_code WEI-21 ME-ICP06 ME-MS81 H0801 Assay_company "Australian Laboratory Services, Alice Springs" H0802 Assay_description Received sample weight Whole rock package Lihium borae fusion-ICP-MS H1000 SAMPLE East_GDA94 North_GDA94 AHD Comments Workorder Weight SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 CaO K2O Fe2O3 MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Na2O SrO P2O5 LOI SumOxide Ag Au Ba Ce Co Cr Cs Cu Dy Er Eu Ga Gd Hf Ho La Lu Mo Nb Nd Ni Pb Pr Rb Sn Sm Sr Ta Tb Th Tm Tl U V W Y Yb Zn Zr H1001 metres metres metres kg % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm H1002 WEI-21 ME-ICP06 ME-ICP06 ME-ICP06 ME-ICP06 ME-ICP06 ME-ICP06 ME-ICP06 ME-ICP06 ME-ICP06 ME-ICP06 ME-ICP06 ME-ICP06 ME-ICP06 ME-ICP06 ME-ICP06 ME-MS81 Au-AA25 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 ME-MS81 H1003 2 2 2 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 1 0.01 0.5 0.5 0.5 10 0.01 5 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.1 0.05 0.2 0.01 0.5 0.01 2 0.2 0.1 5 5 0.03 0.2 1 0.03 0.1 0.1 0.01 0.05 0.01 0.5 0.05 5 1 0.5 0.03 5 2 D KAP-01 542924 7335367 326 "Pale tan siliceous dyke, 2.5m wide, hard; 13, 8, 12, 7, 7, 7x10-3 SI" AS10186871 0.280000001 -1 -0.01 101 429 8.800000191 780 0.079999998 115 84.30000305 45 20.29999924 3.200000048 114 0.300000012 16.20000076 170.5 8.789999962 10 0.200000003 337 29 -5 72.40000153 0.899999976 1 116.5 26.29999924 0.100000001 20.10000038 0.230000004 7.599999905 -0.5 6.369999886 27 14 385 56.90000153 10 3 D KAP-02 542909 7335349 319 "Dark tan-black dyke, Cu staining, siliceous, hard, W of old trench & tag '9'" AS10186871 0.460000008 1 0.01 220 895 6.699999809 480 0.330000013 25100 143 77.19999695 37.90000153 4.699999809 198 0.800000012 27.79999924 334 14.5 4 0.300000012 622 20 105 132 4.800000191 13 209 25.20000076 0.100000001 33.90000153 2.140000105 12.94999981 -0.5 37.29999924 37 5 696 94.59999847 5 32 D KAP-03 543363 7335681 355 "Mafic weathered, soft, fine porphritic, basalt?, exposed in shallow trecnch" AS10186871 0.379999995 -1 -0.01 215 28.5 49.20000076 390 2.269999981 86 4.539999962 3.049999952 1.230000019 16.20000076 4.090000153 2.200000048 1.049999952 12.69999981 0.479999989 -2 4.599999905 13.5 93 15 3.380000114 55.70000076 2 3.49000001 134.5 0.400000006 0.860000014 1.779999971 0.469999999 -0.5 0.680000007 211 2 30.70000076 3.069999933 86 89 D KAP-04 543359 7335680 353 "Dark tan-black coated dyke, siliceous, hard, crosses side of hill with posi" AS10186871 0.340000004 -1 0.01 1005 460 21.70000076 440 0.709999979 250 120 63.70000076 24.39999962 6.400000095 154.5 0.600000024 23.5 184.5 9.880000114 7 0.5 395 43 42 82.30000305 5.300000191 1 146 450 0.100000001 27.70000076 1.029999971 9.960000038 1.100000024 22.10000038 69 23 598 67.80000305 22 20 D KAP-05 543297 7335655 354 "Dark tan-green-black coated dyke, siliceous, hard, thin quartz vienlets nea" AS10186871 0.379999995 -1 -0.01 24.20000076 356 1.799999952 90 0.039999999 17 39.09999847 19.35000038 12.39999962 2.5 72.5 0.200000003 7.210000038 146.5 3.150000095 -2 -0.200000003 251 12 -5 54.79999924 0.5 -1 78.80000305 32 -0.100000001 10.64999962 0.07 3.039999962 -0.5 1.019999981 9 2 206 21.5 -5 6 D KAP-06 543249 7335634 351 "Dark tan-green-black coated massive dyke, siliceous, hard, thin quartz vien" AS10186871 0.409999996 -1 -0.01 47 361 9.399999619 1190 0.079999998 130 58.70000076 29.20000076 13.44999981 4.699999809 87.59999847 0.200000003 10.89999962 138 4.769999981 12 -0.200000003 270 48 9 58.09999847 1.200000048 2 90.40000153 11.5 -0.100000001 14.39999962 0.200000003 4.510000229 -0.5 12.5 44 22 289 32.09999847 5 4 D KAP-07 543200 7335619 342 "Dark siliceous tan-green dyke, quartz stringers, 2m wide, NW side of leuco" AS10186871 0.449999988 -1 -0.01 6 301 2.099999905 120 0.01 17 51 25.60000038 12.10000038 2.299999952 85.19999695 -0.200000003 9.43999958 105 5.210000038 2 -0.200000003 235 12 -5 48.59999847 0.400000006 1 86.80000305 90.09999847 -0.100000001 13.25 0.330000013 4.260000229 -0.5 3.089999914 10 2 258 32.5 -5 -2 D KAP-08 543202 7335619 342 "Cream-pink massive fractures quarz-carbonate, large lens within mafic dyke" AS10186871 0.419999987 -1 -0.01 809 4.900000095 1.399999976 10 5.139999866 12 2.940000057 2.369999886 0.689999998 12.5 1.450000048 0.699999988 0.790000021 2.299999952 0.319999993 -2 0.200000003 2 5 62 0.50999999 390 1 0.790000021 64.30000305 -0.100000001 0.439999998 4.190000057 0.360000014 1.299999952 0.389999986 12 1 26.70000076 2.220000029 -5 16 D KAP-09 543592 7335768 343 "Quartz dyke, east side creek, 4cm thick, strike 150mag" AS10186871 0.319999993 -1 -0.01 91.69999695 1.600000024 1.299999952 20 0.239999995 6 0.699999988 0.689999998 0.090000004 2.299999952 0.360000014 0.200000003 0.200000003 0.899999976 0.189999998 -2 0.5 0.600000024 5 -5 0.170000002 16.5 1 0.230000004 7.400000095 0.100000001 0.109999999 0.600000024 0.150000006 -0.5 0.25999999 11 1 6.599999905 1.149999976 -5 5 D KAP-10 543553 7335789 339 "Soft grey fine prophyric unltramafic? Has carbonate capping on top, NE end" AS10186871 0.370000005 -1 -0.01 969 101 22.20000076 30 8.31000042 35 4.639999866 2.980000019 1.679999948 20 6.75 8.699999809 1.019999981 53.09999847 0.449999988 -2 21.70000076 38.09999847 24 6 11.10000038 179.5 3 7.210000038 34.40000153 1.399999976 1.059999943 14.75 0.439999998 0.699999988 2.450000048 77 2 29.89999962 2.960000038 73 364 D KAP-11 543552 7335788 338 "Green copper mineral, loose pieces from old wrorkings" AS10186871 0.330000013 1 0.01 163.5 2.700000048 1 10 0.25 305000 0.560000002 0.310000002 0.129999995 1.600000024 0.649999976 -0.200000003 0.119999997 1.299999952 0.059999999 -2 0.300000012 1.799999952 7 -5 0.400000006 4.599999905 88 0.569999993 13.30000019 -0.100000001 0.119999997 0.230000004 0.059999999 -0.5 6.03000021 20 1 2.900000095 0.319999993 -5 3 D KAP-12 544689 7336838 357 "Dark tan-black coated dyke, siliceous, hard, SW end" AS10186871 0.430000007 -1 -0.01 152.5 619 7.900000095 30 0.140000001 540 81.59999847 35.40000153 24.29999924 6.699999809 142.5 0.400000006 14.19999981 234 5.420000076 2 1.100000024 431 18 9 93.30000305 3 1 145.5 53.59999847 0.100000001 22.20000076 0.610000014 5.260000229 -0.5 6 46 4 358 36.40000153 15 10 D KAP-13 544690 7336842 357 "Dark tan-black coated dyke, siliceous, hard, NE end" AS10186871 0.389999986 -1 -0.01 99.09999847 301 5.599999905 10 0.050000001 3280 47.40000153 25.39999962 12.39999962 3.099999905 67 0.300000012 9.239999771 118 4.360000134 -2 0.400000006 207 8 6 46.09999847 0.899999976 2 67.59999847 26.29999924 -0.100000001 11.44999981 0.5 4.010000229 -0.5 4.349999905 43 4 238 28.60000038 6 13 D KAP-14 544697 7336866 360 "Dark tan-black coated dyke, siliceous, hard, SW end" AS10186871 0.419999987 -1 -0.01 66.69999695 843 6.5 20 0.029999999 90 128 61.29999924 31.20000076 5.599999905 190 0.699999988 23.39999962 265 9.630000114 3 1 554 18 7 117.5 0.699999988 1 196.5 28.89999962 0.100000001 32 0.289999992 9.409999847 -0.5 4.320000172 37 3 523 65.5 5 31 D KAP-15 544701 7336874 360 "Dark tan-black coated dyke, siliceous, hard, NE end, 2m wide" AS10186871 0.430000007 -1 -0.01 202 920 6.400000095 20 0.059999999 239 144 64.90000153 36.79999924 7.199999809 234 0.5 25.60000038 324 9.789999962 3 0.400000006 641 15 5 136.5 0.899999976 1 224 44.79999924 0.100000001 37.90000153 0.50999999 9.789999962 -0.5 8.600000381 72 3 584 67 -5 6 D KAP-16 544727 7336925 353 "Quartz vein, 4cm thick, minor Fe staining, loose large fragment on surface" AS10186871 0.280000001 -1 -0.01 11.80000019 24.5 0.899999976 10 0.01 96 3.190000057 1.399999976 0.800000012 1.200000048 5.050000191 -0.200000003 0.560000002 9 0.209999993 -2 0.300000012 15.19999981 5 -5 3.450000048 0.600000024 1 4.949999809 2 -0.100000001 0.819999993 0.230000004 0.230000004 -0.5 0.239999995 11 1 14.89999962 1.470000029 -5 2 D KAP-17 544726 7336924 353 "Siliceous black-tan dyke, ~1.5m wide" AS10186871 0.340000004 -1 -0.01 180.5 353 38.29999924 670 0.02 47 53.59999847 27.79999924 12.75 3.299999952 81.40000153 0.200000003 10.25 138.5 4.789999962 8 0.200000003 261 25 6 56.70000076 0.800000012 1 82.40000153 38.20000076 -0.100000001 13.39999962 0.300000012 4.329999924 -0.5 8.579999924 240 10 281 30.89999962 16 4 D KAP-18 544747 7336943 353 "Siliceous tan, black coated dyke, ~1m wide" AS10186871 0.439999998 -1 -0.01 186 283 16.60000038 340 0.039999999 82 54.90000153 28.60000038 11.39999962 3 79.69999695 0.200000003 10.44999981 110.5 4.75 3 -0.200000003 211 18 5 45 1.200000048 1 77.09999847 33.59999847 -0.100000001 13.35000038 0.219999999 4.5 -0.5 5 123 3 284 31.60000038 9 8 D KAP-19 544766 7336951 347 "Siliceous tan, black coated dyke, thin quatz veinlets, NE end o/c near cree" AS10186871 0.360000014 -1 -0.01 229 236 8.800000191 930 0.090000004 64 49.70000076 26.5 11.05000019 3.200000048 65.09999847 0.300000012 9.81000042 93.59999847 4.159999847 7 0.400000006 164 24 -5 36.09999847 1.799999952 1 59.20000076 114 0.100000001 11.5 0.409999996 4.099999905 -0.5 3.109999895 39 8 258 28.29999924 9 10 D KAP-20 544762 7336949 347 "Siliceous tan, black coated dyke, no quartz" AS10186871 0.379999995 -1 0.01 177.5 215 4.900000095 380 0.029999999 23 53.70000076 30.29999924 8.520000458 2.5 65.80000305 0.200000003 10.75 76.30000305 5.190000057 4 -0.200000003 160 13 -5 34 0.699999988 1 60.90000153 33.20000076 -0.100000001 12.19999981 0.170000002 4.940000057 -0.5 2.150000095 50 2 303 34.70000076 5 4 D KAP-21 544901 7337132 345 "Siliceous tan, black coated dyke, no quartz" AS10186871 0.5 -1 -0.01 31.20000076 1845 4.699999809 680 0.029999999 64 314 154 80 8.699999809 454 0.899999976 58.40000153 623 27.60000038 5 0.200000003 1190 24 -5 263 0.800000012 1 437 24.60000038 0.200000003 78.40000153 0.540000021 24.89999962 -0.5 4.619999886 5 4 1420 180.5 -5 4 D KAP-22 545003 7337192 340 "Siliceous tan, black coated dyke, fine quartz vienlets" AS10186871 0.479999989 -1 -0.01 259 1210 21.29999924 210 0.140000001 422 188.5 95.30000305 51.20000076 9.300000191 284 0.800000012 35.5 407 16.54999924 5 0.400000006 813 88 5 183.5 1.700000048 1 288 35 0.200000003 47.20000076 4.25 15.19999981 -0.5 7.949999809 182 5 890 109.5 18 16 D KAP-23 545294 7337361 345 "Cream-pinkish quartz carbonate, NE end of outcrop, 0.5m wide" AS10186871 0.49000001 -1 -0.01 60.59999847 87.69999695 3.099999905 480 0.310000002 145 13 6.590000153 3.140000105 2.5 16.04999924 0.300000012 2.559999943 37.20000076 0.800000012 3 0.300000012 50.79999924 15 -5 11.85000038 3.900000095 1 15.25 8.100000381 -0.100000001 2.910000086 0.709999979 0.930000007 -0.5 1.929999948 11 2 80.40000153 5.71999979 6 15 D KAP-24 545282 7337352 345 "Quartz breccia in Fe stained fine grained dyke, 1m wide" AS10186871 0.529999971 -1 -0.01 53.29999924 191 7.699999809 680 0.479999989 206 12.14999962 5.679999828 5.920000076 4 25.39999962 0.300000012 2.170000076 88.5 0.670000017 4 0.400000006 110 18 -5 26.29999924 4.300000191 1 29.79999924 8.5 -0.100000001 3.410000086 1.889999986 0.769999981 -0.5 4.039999962 10 7 64.09999847 4.909999847 8 16 D KAP-25 545253 7337328 341 "Quartz rich, vugy, Fe stained dyke" AS10186871 0.419999987 -1 -0.01 195.5 281 4.199999809 700 0.310000002 190 22.20000076 10.30000019 8.329999924 3.700000048 38.40000153 0.300000012 4.039999962 106.5 1.220000029 6 0.400000006 140 23 -5 32.59999847 6.800000191 1 40.70000076 10.80000019 0.100000001 5.800000191 1.840000033 1.450000048 -0.5 4.099999905 10 4 111.5 8.970000267 9 13 D KAP-26 541518 7336095 316 "Dark tan-black coated dyke, siliceous, hard, NE end; 3, 16, 8. 33 x10-3 SI" AS10186871 0.370000005 -1 -0.01 432 400 13.19999981 300 0.219999999 53 74.40000153 39.59999847 16.5 4.699999809 88.80000305 0.300000012 14.80000019 153 5.5 19 -0.200000003 268 13 11 60.29999924 2.400000095 1 84.19999695 315 0.100000001 16.79999924 0.409999996 5.889999866 1 8.75 54 6 392 38 15 6 D KAP-27 541507 7336086 316 "White quartz, Fe staining, wihin mafic dyke" AS10186871 0.479999989 -1 -0.01 66.80000305 16 1.600000024 480 0.370000005 16 7.070000172 4.619999886 0.629999995 1.600000024 5.119999886 -0.200000003 1.570000052 5.400000095 0.74000001 4 -0.200000003 8.5 15 -5 2.059999943 3.799999952 1 3.170000076 14.39999962 -0.100000001 1.269999981 0.5 0.730000019 -0.5 0.910000026 -5 3 50.09999847 5.050000191 -5 4 D KAP-28 541507 7336086 316 "Back mafic dyke, siliceous" AS10186871 0.409999996 -1 -0.01 322 367 10.5 670 0.029999999 63 47.79999924 23.89999962 12.80000019 3.200000048 71.19999695 -0.200000003 9.100000381 150 3.539999962 11 -0.200000003 251 18 -5 56.79999924 0.800000012 1 73.5 73.90000153 -0.100000001 11.69999981 0.219999999 3.569999933 0.5 6.059999943 16 2 245 23.89999962 -5 3 D KAP-29 541485 7336076 317 "Brown-tan quartz rich mafic dyke, more quartz on contacts" AS10186871 0.479999989 -1 0.01 42.29999924 257 3.599999905 30 0.050000001 7 38.29999924 21.20000076 8.539999962 2.200000048 49.09999847 -0.200000003 7.71999979 101.5 3.299999952 -2 -0.200000003 170 11 -5 38.40000153 0.400000006 -1 49 52.09999847 -0.100000001 8.619999886 0.109999999 3.299999952 -0.5 1.029999971 11 3 221 21.79999924 -5 -2 D KAP-30 541456 7336052 319 "White quartz, Fe staining, wihin mafic dyke" AS10186871 0.409999996 -1 -0.01 86.30000305 58.90000153 2.599999905 350 0.409999996 37 10.35000038 5.630000114 1.980000019 1.700000048 10.80000019 -0.200000003 2.079999924 22.60000038 0.870000005 3 0.200000003 32.5 12 5 7.760000229 4.199999809 1 9.970000267 15.30000019 -0.100000001 2.170000076 0.519999981 0.879999995 -0.5 1.830000043 11 2 63.59999847 6 -5 4 D KAP-31 541456 7336052 319 "Black fine grained mafic dyke, 40cm wide" AS10186871 0.409999996 -1 0.01 371 356 11.30000019 640 0.039999999 76 36 17.85000038 10.60000038 3 56.29999924 0.200000003 6.679999828 156.5 3.069999933 16 0.200000003 217 18 5 50.5 1.299999952 1 60.40000153 61 -0.100000001 9.140000343 0.409999996 2.809999943 -0.5 6.639999866 13 2 182.5 20.10000038 18 6 D KAP-32 542044 7335989 334 "Dark tan/brown-black coated dyke, siliceous, hard, 40cm wide" AS10186871 0.449999988 -1 -0.01 171 84.69999695 18.60000038 350 0.02 499 27.20000076 17.20000076 4.769999981 2.599999905 26.60000038 0.200000003 5.789999962 28.39999962 3.470000029 3 -0.200000003 58.90000153 23 -5 12.55000019 0.800000012 1 23.70000076 82.40000153 -0.100000001 5.559999943 0.180000007 3.039999962 -0.5 5.730000019 32 5 145 22.60000038 8 4 D KAP-33 542033 7335980 326 "Cream, some red siliceous dyke, 40cm wide" AS10186871 0.439999998 -1 -0.01 63.79999924 213 3.099999905 660 0.050000001 42 22.20000076 14.5 4.639999866 2.5 24.20000076 -0.200000003 4.900000095 139.5 2.960000038 5 -0.200000003 118 21 -5 29.79999924 1.100000024 1 24.39999962 21.39999962 -0.100000001 4.53000021 0.610000014 2.400000095 -0.5 1.519999981 -5 3 149.5 18.20000076 -5 3 D KAP-34 542033 7335980 326 "Black-tan/brown siliceous dyke, 20cm wide" AS10186871 0.349999994 -1 -0.01 104 871 9.100000381 590 0.159999996 1195 96.30000305 50.90000153 25.5 5.599999905 148 0.400000006 18.45000076 403 9.979999542 5 -0.200000003 518 19 11 117.5 1.399999976 1 150 103 0.100000001 23.79999924 2.150000095 8.239999771 -0.5 17.20000076 21 8 474 62.29999924 -5 10 D KAP-35 542018 7335975 322 "Dark siliceous fine grained dyke 30cm wide with pieces of broken, folded qu" AS10186871 0.340000004 1 -0.01 154 171 3.200000048 350 0.119999997 180 27.29999924 14.85000038 6.869999886 1.899999976 41.5 0.200000003 5.300000191 59.79999924 3.75999999 4 -0.200000003 122 13 -5 26.29999924 1.700000048 1 42.5 30.39999962 -0.100000001 6.789999962 0.340000004 2.680000067 -0.5 4.730000019 23 2 138.5 22.5 5 11 D KAP-36 543460 7338277 355 "Dark siliceous tan-green dyke, quartz stringers, 20cm wide, strike 232 Magn" AS10186871 0.370000005 -1 -0.01 186.5 206 9.300000191 30 0.389999986 11 3.289999962 1.649999976 3.25 6.5 11.35000038 0.699999988 0.560000002 97.09999847 0.180000007 -2 1.600000024 89.80000305 24 -5 25.20000076 18.5 1 16.20000076 20 0.100000001 1.080000043 3.25 0.200000003 -0.5 1.159999967 50 2 15.60000038 1.320000052 27 29 D KAP-37 543498 7338303 353 "Felsic-quartz dyke, coarse grained, strike 218 magnetic, second dyke?" AS10186871 0.529999971 -1 -0.01 237 6.300000191 1.5 10 3.619999886 6220 5.269999981 3.819999933 0.449999988 23.10000038 2.880000114 1.299999952 1.200000048 3 0.579999983 -2 43.79999924 4 8 25 0.99000001 258 7 2.00999999 71.90000153 4.300000191 0.829999983 13.89999962 0.620000005 0.800000012 5.46999979 22 2 32.09999847 4.079999924 -5 18 D KAP-38 544218 7337908 351 "Black-tan/brown siliceous dyke, 40cm wide, minor quartz veinlets" AS10186871 0.569999993 -1 -0.01 3780 812 89.5 30 20.10000038 438 131.5 77.30000305 33.40000153 10.10000038 186 1 26.10000038 287 13.75 14 1.899999976 565 42 5 121.5 50.79999924 1 184 680 0.200000003 28.79999924 7.909999847 12.5 0.600000024 24.60000038 104 7 669 92.90000153 34 33 D KAP-39 544233 7337912 355 "Black-tan/brown siliceous dyke, some vugs, rare disjointed thin quartz vein" AS10186871 0.479999989 -1 -0.01 72.90000153 131 4.300000191 20 0.230000004 342 29.20000076 18.85000038 5.920000076 4 34.09999847 0.300000012 6.139999866 44.59999847 3.799999952 3 2.099999905 90.69999695 16 -5 19.79999924 8.199999809 1 33 23.70000076 0.200000003 5.920000076 0.699999988 3.220000029 -0.5 2.700000048 30 9 179.5 24.79999924 -5 12 D KAP-40 544259 7337914 351 "Tan-black, some red siliceous dyke" AS10186871 0.430000007 -1 -0.01 395 613 19.70000076 20 1.799999952 233 121.5 75.69999695 26.79999924 6.300000191 155.5 0.600000024 25 212 14.39999962 3 0.600000024 465 23 5 99.5 5.400000095 1 155.5 50.79999924 0.100000001 25.70000076 2.430000067 12.64999962 -0.5 11.25 133 3 655 95.69999695 6 13 D KAP-41 544292 7337926 345 "Black-tan silicoues dyke o/c in creek bed, some quartz" AS10186871 0.439999998 -1 -0.01 162 475 4.199999809 30 0.059999999 74 79.90000153 51.09999847 20 3.700000048 118.5 0.400000006 16.54999924 166 10.85000038 5 0.300000012 387 19 -5 81.19999695 0.899999976 1 129 32.40000153 0.100000001 17.70000076 0.370000005 8.729999542 -0.5 6.480000019 28 4 439 68.5 -5 7 D KAP-42 544468 7337960 345 "Quartz, fractured, minor mafics, Fe staining, 1m wide separate blow." AS10186871 0.400000006 -1 -0.01 45.59999847 22.70000076 2 20 0.389999986 35 5.079999924 3.339999914 0.709999979 1.399999976 4.239999771 -0.200000003 1.090000033 5.900000095 0.469999999 2 0.899999976 12.5 14 -5 3.019999981 6.099999905 1 3.549999952 13.80000019 -0.100000001 0.899999976 0.800000012 0.519999981 -0.5 0.75 15 1 33.90000153 3.339999914 -5 5 D KAP-43 544486 7337955 343 "Mafic and quartz interlocked, large grains, pink, Fe staining" AS10186871 0.409999996 -1 0.01 112 47.09999847 7.199999809 10 0.219999999 25 8.109999657 5.119999886 1.75 2.599999905 9.680000305 0.200000003 1.679999948 16 0.920000017 -2 0.300000012 30 13 -5 6.889999866 3.099999905 -1 9.350000381 9.199999809 -0.100000001 1.620000005 2.299999952 0.829999983 -0.5 2.430000067 101 1 53 6.199999809 -5 9 D KAP-44 544508 7337963 345 "Mafic and quartz interlocked, pickish tinch on quartz, hard" AS10186871 0.300000012 -1 0.01 1500 81.40000153 14.69999981 20 0.50999999 51 21.5 13.60000038 4.119999886 4.5 21.39999962 0.400000006 4.519999981 25.10000038 2.410000086 2 0.699999988 54.90000153 18 -5 12.39999962 2.099999905 1 18.89999962 147 -0.100000001 4.139999866 1.799999952 2.210000038 -0.5 6.28000021 59 1 127.5 16.35000038 6 25 D KAP-45 544545 7337975 339 "Tan fine grained silecous dyke, random fine quarz veinlet fragments, 0.5m w" AS10186871 0.550000012 -1 -0.01 33.90000153 306 4.699999809 30 0.02 611 83.90000153 52.40000153 16.79999924 3.400000095 97.09999847 0.800000012 17.29999924 104.5 9.670000076 -2 0.400000006 236 17 -5 50 0.5 1 91.30000305 16.60000038 0.100000001 17.14999962 5.480000019 8.729999542 -0.5 9.630000114 43 10 458 65.19999695 5 39 D KAP-46 544559 7337987 349 "Black/red/yellow dyke, NE end in creek, siliceous, hard, 0.5m wide" AS10186871 0.540000021 -1 -0.01 168.5 757 5.900000095 20 0.090000004 352 145.5 82.80000305 38.90000153 6.400000095 213 0.800000012 28.39999962 257 14.05000019 3 0.800000012 594 19 7 122.5 1.299999952 1 216 39.79999924 0.100000001 33.20000076 17.79999924 13.19999981 -0.5 14.5 83 2 750 96.5 -5 25 D KAP-47 544105 7334101 365 "Small quarz blow, 15cm wide, banding fine mafics" AS10186871 0.449999988 -1 -0.01 70.90000153 15.80000019 1.100000024 10 0.129999995 28 3.269999981 2.049999952 0.699999988 1.799999952 3.960000038 0.300000012 0.680000007 5.400000095 0.370000005 -2 0.300000012 10.30000019 5 -5 2.25 12.80000019 -1 3.74000001 4.599999905 -0.100000001 0.680000007 1.00999999 0.340000004 -0.5 0.769999981 13 1 21.10000038 2.49000001 -5 10 D KAP-48 544087 7334160 360 "Sileceous, green Cu dyke, 15cm wide, dip 70W, strike 050mag, hard, quartz s" AS10186871 0.49000001 -1 0.029999999 12.30000019 17.39999962 1.700000048 20 0.07 183500 4.550000191 2.559999943 0.980000019 1.100000024 5.260000229 -0.200000003 0.910000026 6 0.409999996 2 0.5 13.19999981 10 -5 2.859999895 0.600000024 90 5.03000021 2.5 -0.100000001 0.939999998 0.360000014 0.409999996 -0.5 20.5 183 3 24.89999962 2.869999886 -5 2 D KAP-50 544082 7334148 362 "Quarz, minor Fe stains, along ridge crest" AS10186871 0.310000002 -1 -0.01 23.89999962 3.200000048 2.799999952 20 0.280000001 195 0.319999993 0.189999998 0.079999998 1.5 0.379999995 0.200000003 0.059999999 1.399999976 0.02 -2 0.400000006 1.399999976 8 5 0.360000014 3.900000095 1 0.360000014 6.699999809 -0.100000001 0.07 0.439999998 0.029999999 -0.5 0.25999999 24 1 2 0.180000007 5 10 D KAP-51 544448 7334231 353 "Quarz, fractures, Fe stains, 40cm wide, 160mag strike" AS10186871 0.409999996 -1 0.01 1850 15.60000038 6.199999809 30 1.659999967 44 1.289999962 1.019999981 1.700000048 10 1.25999999 1.5 0.310000002 8.199999809 0.150000006 -2 5.400000095 5.800000191 16 57 1.679999948 200 1 1.169999957 171.5 0.5 0.219999999 4.820000172 0.159999996 0.600000024 0.589999974 36 2 10.10000038 1.019999981 20 50 D KAP-52 544382 7334206 352 "Iron oxide rich quartz, -5cm think, small isolated outcrop" AS10186871 0.400000006 -1 -0.01 2470 764 29.60000038 30 0.680000007 523 93.09999847 52 28.89999962 10.80000019 137.5 1.200000048 18 234 7.440000057 -2 1.100000024 549 63 59 121 12 1 168 80.90000153 0.200000003 20.89999962 3.609999895 7.880000114 -0.5 13.89999962 109 18 421 54.40000153 34 41 D KAP-53 544392 7334223 349 "Iron oxide pink/black rock breccia, soft, friable, along stike from KAP52." AS10186871 0.419999987 -1 -0.01 229 441 21 20 0.560000002 481 28.5 15.39999962 10.5 8.399999619 42.59999847 3.200000048 5.570000172 108 1.840000033 2 3.700000048 258 33 42 60.40000153 25.29999924 2 58 86.5 0.400000006 6.440000057 20.29999924 2.109999895 -0.5 7.260000229 36 3 149.5 13.35000038 27 126 D KAP-54 545274 7337342 341 "Coarse grained quartz, fine grained mafic breccia, black coatings" AS11023678 0.360000014 74 0.02 1.029999971 0.150000006 0.090000004 21.70000076 0.340000004 0.02 0.050000001 0.01 0.029999999 -0.01 0.079999998 3.029999971 100.50 -1 128 103 8.800000191 450 0.360000014 793 12.44999981 5.920000076 4.46999979 6.099999905 20.60000038 0.300000012 2.25999999 43.59999847 1 4 0.5 71.80000305 37 5 15.85000038 5.699999809 1 20.10000038 12.30000019 0.100000001 2.559999943 1.190000057 1.00999999 -0.5 8.409999847 60 3 59.90000153 6.800000191 34 15 D KAP-55 544896 7337133 348 "Mafic, dense, fine grained, siliceous, hard" AS11023678 0.479999989 71.19999695 -0.01 0.159999996 0.140000001 0.109999999 1.919999957 0.01 19.75 0.079999998 0.02 0.02 -0.01 0.239999995 3.569999933 97.20 -1 197.5 1065 17.10000038 730 -0.01 129 152 67.69999695 46.29999924 13.5 265 0.5 26.39999962 346 11.44999981 2 -0.200000003 720 24 -5 154 0.600000024 1 248 141 0.100000001 33.09999847 0.189999998 11.14999962 -0.5 8.659999847 -5 2 639 74.19999695 13 3 D KAP-56 544897 7337131 348 "Tan, siliceous, fine grained hard, fine quartz veinlets" AS11023678 0.280000001 83.80000305 -0.01 0.079999998 0.079999998 0.01 11.55000019 0.02 0.519999981 0.059999999 -0.01 0.01 -0.01 0.170000002 1.679999948 98.00 -1 32.90000153 514 16.5 570 -0.01 101 81.5 37.79999924 21 5 121 0.300000012 14.35000038 130.5 7.409999847 5 -0.200000003 309 41 -5 66 0.699999988 -1 108 15.30000019 0.100000001 16.54999924 0.140000001 6.570000172 -0.5 3.299999952 -5 5 315 47.70000076 11 2 D KAP-57 544898 7337128 348 "Tan-black, dense, fine grained" AS11023678 0.289999992 74.19999695 -0.01 0.230000004 0.07 0.400000006 7.630000114 -0.01 12.64999962 0.07 0.01 0.050000001 -0.01 0.189999998 3.190000057 98.70 -1 87.5 325 23.89999962 560 0.02 238 67.19999695 35.90000153 14.44999981 7 84.30000305 0.200000003 12.75 94.09999847 7.239999771 2 0.200000003 202 33 -5 43.09999847 1.299999952 -1 69.19999695 104 -0.100000001 12.5 0.170000002 6.25 -0.5 8.210000038 -5 4 302 45.09999847 17 2 D KAP-58 544894 7337129 350 "Tan, siliceous, fine grained, silver-black metallic outer coating" AS11023678 0.280000001 80.80000305 -0.01 0.209999993 0.140000001 0.189999998 12.64999962 0.029999999 3.180000067 0.07 0.01 0.029999999 0.01 0.25 2.410000086 100.00 -1 59.09999847 495 12 520 0.01 402 96.30000305 49.59999847 24 7.199999809 132.5 0.300000012 18.10000038 155 9.329999924 5 0.300000012 331 35 -5 71.5 0.899999976 -1 114 83.80000305 0.100000001 18.64999962 0.600000024 8.590000153 -0.5 8.390000343 99 5 443 60.20000076 13 8 D KAP-59 544853 7337136 353 "Quartz blow, strong Fe-oxide staining, sheared, strike 165M" AS11023678 0.529999971 89.80000305 0.119999997 3.529999971 0.119999997 0.07 3.920000076 0.620000005 0.379999995 0.090000004 -0.01 0.270000011 0.01 0.219999999 0.289999992 99.40 -1 62.90000153 28.20000076 5.400000095 690 0.140000001 20 3.269999981 1.559999943 1.080000043 5.5 4.630000114 0.600000024 0.589999974 10.69999981 0.289999992 7 1.100000024 15.19999981 68 5 3.539999962 2.200000048 1 4.25 123.5 0.100000001 0.649999976 0.689999998 0.270000011 -0.5 0.939999998 21 9 15.19999981 1.789999962 21 30 D KAP-60 544853 7337097 352 "Tan-black, siliceous, minor quartz blebs" AS11023678 0.460000008 76.80000305 -0.01 0.140000001 0.059999999 0.029999999 9.069999695 0.02 9.289999962 0.050000001 0.01 0.029999999 -0.01 0.330000013 2.650000095 98.50 -1 143 756 7.099999905 510 -0.01 163 112 54.90000153 32.5 9.300000191 185 0.400000006 20.29999924 249 10.44999981 4 0.300000012 506 37 -5 106 0.5 -1 172.5 62.59999847 0.100000001 23.20000076 0.939999998 9.520000458 -0.5 8.25 9 2 511 66.80000305 18 9 D KAP-61 544921 7337145 345 "Tan, black coating, siliceous, hard, small cobble on surface" AS11023678 0.50999999 68.90000153 -0.01 0.170000002 0.150000006 0.159999996 19.89999962 0.050000001 3.289999962 0.07 0.050000001 0.02 0.01 0.540000021 3.5 96.80 -1 499 1315 24.10000038 540 -0.01 360 276 153.5 63.20000076 12.80000019 376 0.899999976 54.59999847 405 30.89999962 8 0.5 876 80 7 188 0.699999988 -1 315 134 0.200000003 52.90000153 1.629999995 27.89999962 -0.5 15.55000019 49 14 1525 194 19 11 D KAP-62 545004 7337191 342 "Tan, black coating, middle of o/c, minor quartz" AS11023678 0.349999994 82 0.01 0.239999995 0.25999999 0.029999999 13.89999962 0.050000001 0.300000012 0.07 0.01 0.02 -0.01 0.469999999 2.150000095 99.50 -1 91.59999847 978 12.30000019 600 0.01 198 153 69.69999695 48.29999924 9.100000381 261 0.5 26.89999962 306 12.55000019 4 0.300000012 663 49 5 140 0.699999988 -1 239 29.70000076 0.100000001 32.70000076 1.289999962 11.60000038 -0.5 5.230000019 106 4 677 80.80000305 16 7 D KAP-63 545012 7337191 343 "Dark brown/tan, black coating, large quartz fragments" AS11023678 0.280000001 68.80000305 0.01 0.479999989 0.360000014 0.079999998 24 0.170000002 0.289999992 0.07 0.02 0.039999999 0.01 0.439999998 3.650000095 98.40 -1 193 797 20.20000076 570 0.150000006 757 124 58.40000153 37.70000076 8.800000191 201 0.5 22.29999924 245 9.470000267 7 0.300000012 516 80 6 109.5 2.5 -1 177.5 39.59999847 0.100000001 25.5 2.079999924 9.430000305 -0.5 5.75 86 11 563 62.29999924 30 12 D KAP-64 545032 7337195 343 "Tan, green copper staining near quartz rich zone" AS11023678 0.100000001 61.79999924 -0.01 0.090000004 0.349999994 0.02 28.29999924 0.02 0.540000021 0.050000001 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.670000017 4.429999828 96.30 -1 80.40000153 1735 46.20000076 440 -0.01 2500 271 135.5 92.59999847 11.89999962 405 0.899999976 51.59999847 554 22.79999924 10 -0.200000003 1080 98 5 239 0.5 -1 357 38.70000076 0.200000003 54.79999924 0.49000001 22.5 -0.5 6.630000114 38 4 1345 147 57 21 D KAP-65 545031 7337196 344 "Tan, fine quartz veinlets, vugs" AS11023678 0.25999999 89.09999847 -0.01 0.050000001 0.100000001 0.01 9.56000042 0.01 0.239999995 0.100000001 -0.01 0.02 -0.01 0.119999997 1.220000029 100.50 -1 36 239 11.89999962 780 -0.01 619 64.69999695 37 16.60000038 2.700000048 75.69999695 0.699999988 13 82 7.170000076 10 0.300000012 185 37 -5 39.20000076 0.600000024 1 61.5 10.19999981 -0.100000001 11.44999981 0.920000017 6.360000134 -0.5 4.449999809 -5 11 312 44.90000153 18 44 D KAP-66 545039 7337197 343 "Tan, hard, siliceous, minor black coatings" AS11023678 0.239999995 52.79999924 -0.01 0.050000001 0.230000004 0.02 37.70000076 0.090000004 0.479999989 0.050000001 0.01 0.02 -0.01 0.50999999 5.300000191 97.30 -1 89.59999847 1320 37 390 -0.01 1355 212 105 66.59999847 10.80000019 313 0.600000024 39.59999847 457 16.95000076 15 0.200000003 832 122 6 186.5 0.300000012 -1 278 29.10000038 0.100000001 42.5 1.159999967 16.95000076 -0.5 9.010000229 214 6 966 112 77 6 D KAP-67 544631 7336790 364 "Tan, minor black, minor quartz, hard, siliceous, ~1m wide" AS11023678 0.239999995 89.90000153 -0.01 0.119999997 0.079999998 0.039999999 5.340000153 0.02 0.230000004 0.079999998 0.01 0.029999999 -0.01 0.189999998 0.670000017 96.70 -1 88.09999847 732 6 710 0.02 82 130.5 64.80000305 32.59999847 6.599999905 201 0.400000006 24.5 247 9.93999958 8 0.300000012 536 23 5 116.5 0.800000012 1 178.5 15.69999981 0.100000001 26.29999924 0.460000008 10.35000038 -0.5 4.570000172 81 16 621 66.59999847 9 8 D KAP-68 544631 7336790 364 "Tan, hard, siliceous quartz overgrowth" AS11023678 0.230000004 93.19999695 0.01 0.25999999 0.100000001 0.029999999 5.050000191 0.029999999 0.209999993 0.07 0.02 0.029999999 -0.01 0.200000003 0.639999986 99.90 -1 164 565 9.100000381 600 0.01 143 115.5 56.79999924 28.89999962 5.900000095 169.5 0.400000006 21.29999924 185.5 9.130000114 6 0.300000012 432 32 7 92.09999847 0.800000012 -1 151 18 0.100000001 23.20000076 0.379999995 9.340000153 -0.5 5.059999943 136 13 518 61.70000076 12 7 D KAP-69 544623 7336785 369 "Reddish, hard, siliceous quartz overgrowth" AS11023678 0.340000004 92.19999695 -0.01 0.129999995 0.090000004 0.02 5.25 0.01 0.159999996 0.100000001 -0.01 0.039999999 -0.01 0.289999992 0.140000001 98.40 -1 152 1220 6.5 700 0.050000001 511 176 84.59999847 51.09999847 12.80000019 286 0.5 32.40000153 362 12.89999962 8 0.300000012 786 28 6 169.5 1.200000048 1 267 33.29999924 0.100000001 36.40000153 0.310000002 13.69999981 -0.5 14.30000019 113 36 755 88.19999695 18 4 D KAP-70 544539 7336702 399 "Tan, hard, siliceous, minor red" AS11023678 0.230000004 83.59999847 -0.01 0.07 0.109999999 0.02 13.64999962 0.029999999 0.430000007 0.059999999 0.029999999 0.02 -0.01 0.389999986 1.830000043 100.00 -1 266 1305 8.699999809 510 -0.01 94 237 116.5 59.79999924 9.399999619 358 0.699999988 44.20000076 386 18.20000076 5 -0.200000003 932 16 -5 197 0.600000024 -1 323 18.5 0.200000003 47.5 0.239999995 18.95000076 -0.5 7.710000038 178 12 1120 122.5 9 12 D KAP-71 544530 7336687 400 "Tan, fine grained, siliceous, fine quartz veinlet breccia texture" AS11023678 0.479999989 81.19999695 -0.01 0.389999986 0.100000001 0.029999999 13.80000019 0.029999999 0.230000004 0.079999998 0.01 0.029999999 -0.01 0.330000013 2.049999952 98.30 -1 47.79999924 1145 7.900000095 800 -0.01 123 225 112 55.5 7.400000095 326 0.800000012 42.09999847 365 18.79999924 8 0.300000012 780 40 7 170 0.5 1 282 13.89999962 0.100000001 44.70000076 0.270000011 18.60000038 -0.5 7.010000229 124 19 1070 123.5 10 20 D KAP-72 544507 7336660 407 "Tan, fine grained, siliceous, quartz vein broken breccia texture, fragments" AS11023678 0.449999988 87.80000305 -0.01 0.100000001 0.059999999 0.029999999 9.859999657 0.01 0.209999993 0.07 0.02 0.029999999 -0.01 0.25 1.320000052 99.80 -1 228 987 3.5 540 0.01 87 174.5 70.30000305 69.30000305 8.399999619 334 0.5 29.20000076 370 9.329999924 5 -0.200000003 909 17 -5 192 0.800000012 -1 328 12.39999962 0.100000001 39.40000153 0.310000002 10.69999981 0.699999988 6.659999847 77 10 715 65.59999847 8 3 D KAP-73 544492 7336636 408 "Tan, leached, weathered cap, siliceous" AS11023678 0.270000011 94 0.039999999 1.019999981 0.100000001 0.079999998 2.150000095 0.029999999 0.07 0.079999998 0.100000001 0.039999999 0.01 0.449999988 0.899999976 99.10 -1 976 2440 10.30000019 650 0.400000006 77 244 106.5 99.90000153 17.20000076 409 1.299999952 43.09999847 764 11.75 7 0.699999988 1510 21 16 353 3.700000048 1 435 63.79999924 0.200000003 51.70000076 22.29999924 15.39999962 -0.5 17.20000076 68 13 976 85.59999847 10 42 D KAP-74 544605 7336732 377 "Tan, siliceous, fine quartz blebs" AS11023678 0.430000007 92.59999847 -0.01 0.079999998 0.029999999 0.02 6.579999924 -0.01 0.209999993 0.050000001 0.01 0.029999999 -0.01 0.180000007 1.070000052 101.00 -1 80.19999695 502 6.599999905 370 -0.01 89 84.80000305 35.70000076 24.20000076 3.5 149.5 0.300000012 14.35000038 156 5.900000095 2 -0.200000003 390 13 -5 82.40000153 0.699999988 -1 138.5 12.80000019 -0.100000001 18.64999962 0.300000012 5.809999943 -0.5 4.130000114 66 2 321 39.40000153 8 4 D KAP-75 544598 7336754 376 "Tan, siliceous, fine vugs, 17m wide" AS11023678 0.209999993 92.30000305 -0.01 0.050000001 0.059999999 0.02 5.079999924 -0.01 0.159999996 0.159999996 0.029999999 0.029999999 -0.01 0.270000011 0.75 98.90 -1 300 1260 5.300000191 1290 -0.01 171 149.5 57.59999847 53.29999924 8.5 295 0.400000006 24.5 437 8.369999886 15 0.400000006 813 32 -5 179.5 0.300000012 1 274 21.29999924 0.100000001 34.20000076 0.5 8.699999809 -0.5 13.05000019 -5 21 647 56.29999924 6 4 D KAP-76 544696 7336905 356 "Tan, black coating, fine grained" AS11023678 0.300000012 93.80000305 -0.01 0.100000001 0.050000001 0.039999999 3.319999933 -0.01 0.879999995 0.079999998 0.01 0.029999999 -0.01 0.170000002 0.620000005 99.10 -1 116.5 651 3.900000095 610 -0.01 29 91.80000305 39.70000076 28.60000038 4.699999809 172 0.300000012 15.85000038 203 6.730000019 4 -0.200000003 492 15 -5 105 0.600000024 -1 160.5 28.60000038 0.100000001 20.39999962 0.180000007 6.349999905 -0.5 1.399999976 6 2 393 43.09999847 10 2 D KAP-77 544727 7336923 354 "Tan, black coating, fine grained" AS11023678 0.189999998 91.09999847 -0.01 0.079999998 0.050000001 0.050000001 5.230000019 0.02 1.190000057 0.100000001 0.02 0.029999999 -0.01 0.129999995 0.839999974 98.80 -1 155 427 7.300000191 850 -0.01 51 56.29999924 26.39999962 15.69999981 3.400000095 99.69999695 0.200000003 10.05000019 138 4.320000172 9 0.200000003 330 22 -5 68.19999695 0.400000006 1 98.59999847 39.79999924 -0.100000001 11.94999981 0.079999998 4.28000021 -0.5 6.460000038 42 11 252 28.39999962 7 3 D KAP-78 544758 7336974 355 "Dark tan, black coated, dense, on top small knob" AS11023678 0.49000001 90.59999847 0.02 1.039999962 0.180000007 0.079999998 3.599999905 0.059999999 1.649999976 0.059999999 0.090000004 0.039999999 0.01 1.24000001 1.389999986 100.00 -1 848 542 4.800000191 440 0.119999997 58 77.09999847 31.39999962 28.70000076 5.300000191 134 0.5 13.05000019 177 4.079999924 4 0.400000006 417 11 17 91.90000153 2.299999952 -1 128 93.40000153 0.100000001 16.79999924 1.090000033 4.670000076 -0.5 4.679999828 78 2 311 28.20000076 15 18 D KAP-79 544785 7337051 360 "Tan, vugs, minor black coating, new dyke?" AS11023678 0.330000013 93.80000305 0.01 0.25999999 0.029999999 0.039999999 3.109999895 0.02 0.189999998 0.090000004 0.01 0.039999999 -0.01 0.109999999 0.389999986 98.10 -1 67.40000153 222 5.599999905 760 0.039999999 44 53.40000153 28.89999962 12 4 75.90000153 0.300000012 10.19999981 83.59999847 4.690000057 8 0.400000006 185.5 20 8 38.40000153 1 1 65.90000153 9.600000381 -0.100000001 10.30000019 0.50999999 4.860000134 -0.5 1.75 17 15 245 31.70000076 6 8 D KAP-80 544740 7337031 356 "Tan, minor red-black coating, large rounded o/c, speckled fine quartz" AS11023678 0.340000004 90.09999847 -0.01 0.090000004 0.029999999 0.039999999 6.5 0.02 0.340000004 0.059999999 -0.01 0.029999999 -0.01 0.090000004 1.049999952 98.40 -1 31.10000038 194 5.699999809 470 -0.01 80 41.09999847 21.79999924 10 3.400000095 57.20000076 0.5 7.909999847 66.40000153 3.660000086 4 -0.200000003 145.5 15 22 31 0.600000024 -1 49 10.10000038 -0.100000001 7.929999828 0.330000013 3.630000114 -0.5 3.099999905 -5 8 189.5 24 10 43 D KAP-81 544773 7337042 354 "Tan-reddish coating on minor fractures, black on outer, fine grained" AS11023678 0.370000005 92.09999847 -0.01 0.050000001 0.050000001 0.050000001 3.75 0.01 0.670000017 0.07 0.029999999 0.029999999 -0.01 0.090000004 0.970000029 97.90 -1 312 308 3 590 -0.01 33 63.20000076 33.5 13.30000019 2.799999952 91 0.300000012 11.89999962 101.5 6.380000114 6 0.200000003 240 15 8 49.09999847 0.699999988 -1 81.30000305 23.10000038 -0.100000001 12.39999962 0.129999995 5.820000172 -0.5 2.720000029 -5 9 287 41 8 11 D KAP-82 544804 7337069 357 "Tan-red on inside, black outer, minor quartz" AS11023678 0.430000007 90.19999695 -0.01 0.07 0.07 0.039999999 6.409999847 0.02 0.239999995 0.059999999 -0.01 0.029999999 -0.01 0.200000003 1.120000005 98.50 -1 42.70000076 576 3 440 0.01 104 102 49.29999924 30.10000038 4.400000095 163.5 0.300000012 18.75 181 9.239999771 4 -0.200000003 440 12 12 93.69999695 1.200000048 -1 147.5 13.69999981 0.100000001 21.10000038 0.159999996 8.329999924 -0.5 4.070000172 37 7 462 58 11 6 D KAP-83 544804 7337069 357 "Tan-red on inside, black outer, quartz rich" AS11023678 0.310000002 93.90000153 -0.01 0.07 0.039999999 0.039999999 4.090000153 0.01 0.310000002 0.119999997 -0.01 0.039999999 -0.01 0.079999998 0.660000026 99.40 -1 48.79999924 233 4.099999905 970 -0.01 106 45.29999924 23.79999924 11.44999981 3.099999905 67.90000153 0.200000003 8.630000114 84.40000153 4.46999979 11 0.300000012 186.5 25 12 39.20000076 0.400000006 1 60.59999847 9.899999619 -0.100000001 8.909999847 0.100000001 4.099999905 -0.5 4.360000134 5 16 223 28.79999924 8 4 D KAP-84 544837 7337083 335 "Tan-red on inside, black outer, minor quartz, fine crystals on inside vugs" AS11023678 0.439999998 91.40000153 -0.01 0.109999999 0.109999999 0.159999996 4.019999981 0.059999999 1.940000057 0.090000004 0.02 0.050000001 -0.01 0.07 0.75999999 98.80 -1 219 197 2.700000048 720 -0.01 27 51.40000153 27.5 10.60000038 3.400000095 67.09999847 0.200000003 9.869999886 67 5.360000134 6 -0.200000003 163 15 -5 33.59999847 0.600000024 -1 57 41.20000076 -0.100000001 9.789999962 0.170000002 4.769999981 -0.5 1.799999952 -5 3 237 34.09999847 -5 6 D KAP-85 544837 7337083 335 "Tan-red on inside, black outer, little quartz" AS11023678 0.400000006 92.69999695 0.01 0.25 0.109999999 0.039999999 3.170000076 0.02 0.289999992 0.079999998 0.02 0.039999999 -0.01 0.330000013 0.479999989 97.50 -1 156.5 934 4.300000191 680 -0.01 124 138.5 61.59999847 41.29999924 6.099999905 225 0.400000006 24.39999962 287 9.579999924 7 0.200000003 607 20 5 130.5 0.600000024 1 204 24.60000038 0.100000001 29 0.389999986 9.729999542 -0.5 6.239999771 10 11 606 63.29999924 5 3 D KAP-86 543535 7335780 343 "Quartz rich speckled vein, green Cu staining on both sides, from small dump" AS11023678 0.400000006 91 -0.01 0.610000014 0.079999998 0.119999997 2.00999999 0.07 0.039999999 0.050000001 -0.01 0.07 -0.01 0.029999999 1.820000052 95.90 2 47.90000153 9.800000191 1.5 410 0.280000001 52200 1.629999995 0.810000002 0.449999988 2.099999905 2.230000019 -0.200000003 0.300000012 3.200000048 0.150000006 2 -0.200000003 6.199999809 11 -5 1.350000024 5.199999809 127 1.940000057 16.39999962 -0.100000001 0.319999993 0.109999999 0.140000001 -0.5 42.40000153 -5 2 7.900000095 0.920000017 5 3 D KAP-87 543553 7335786 338 "Siliceous mafic, Fe stained, loose, east end in old open cut" AS11023678 0.289999992 86.80000305 0.01 0.949999988 0.090000004 0.150000006 8.449999809 0.140000001 0.059999999 0.090000004 -0.01 0.059999999 -0.01 0.050000001 2.359999895 99.20 1 47.90000153 24.5 10.69999981 640 1.360000014 20600 3.650000095 1.75999999 1.220000029 2.799999952 4.739999771 -0.200000003 0.680000007 9.199999809 0.289999992 6 0.300000012 14.30000019 30 7 3.289999962 8.199999809 124 4.369999886 9.600000381 -0.100000001 0.680000007 0.610000014 0.280000001 -0.5 16.75 -5 9 16.29999924 1.779999971 10 9 D KAP-88 543562 7335793 346 "Tan, minor black coating on outer edges, broken fine quartz veinlets" AS11023678 0.310000002 82 -0.01 0.119999997 0.129999995 0.029999999 13.39999962 0.01 0.079999998 0.050000001 0.01 0.039999999 -0.01 0.409999996 1.860000014 98.10 -1 77.40000153 1310 14.10000038 370 0.07 477 316 149 97 10 467 0.899999976 54.90000153 391 18.39999962 4 -0.200000003 1030 24 5 204 0.899999976 2 444 15.10000038 0.200000003 63.29999924 0.340000004 22 -0.5 24.70000076 -5 14 1320 134.5 11 12 D KAP-89 543595 7335812 355 "Tan, minor red, quartz blebs common, broken" AS11023678 0.360000014 87 0.01 0.439999998 0.129999995 0.07 8.630000114 0.02 0.07 0.079999998 0.01 0.050000001 -0.01 0.25 1.320000052 98.10 -1 96 841 7.900000095 610 0.230000004 600 175.5 80.80000305 55.20000076 6.5 252 0.600000024 30.39999962 228 9.170000076 7 0.400000006 560 27 5 109.5 2.900000095 2 239 14 0.100000001 34.5 0.709999979 11.30000019 -0.5 15.89999962 -5 17 656 65.40000153 11 9 D KAP-90 543611 7335825 361 "Tan, red staining on fractures, quartz blebs on, 20cm wide" AS11023678 0.310000002 89.59999847 0.01 0.349999994 0.100000001 0.039999999 5.699999809 0.050000001 0.02 0.059999999 0.02 -0.01 -0.01 0.430000007 1.110000014 97.50 -1 177.5 1785 4.300000191 550 0.150000006 380 311 141 104.5 13.5 486 1.100000024 53.40000153 535 18.95000076 4 0.400000006 1235 16 16 242 2.200000048 1 472 20.79999924 0.200000003 63.09999847 2.059999943 21.20000076 -0.5 24.79999924 -5 8 1260 133.5 10 25 D KAP-91 543630 7335840 364 "Tan, black coating, broken quartz veinlets, ~40cm wide" AS11023678 0.409999996 59.20000076 0.109999999 3.190000057 0.129999995 1.269999981 27.20000076 0.189999998 0.029999999 0.039999999 0.029999999 0.059999999 0.01 0.419999987 4.599999905 96.50 -1 262 1210 13.89999962 290 10.14999962 2180 208 98.90000153 64.40000153 13.19999981 313 2.200000048 36.20000076 388 14.10000038 3 2.400000095 844 33 31 172 83 1 314 23.29999924 0.300000012 40.40000153 6.289999962 15 -0.5 22.79999924 62 9 935 97.90000153 36 83 D KAP-92 544509 7337963 342 "Tan, mostly black stained, blebs of quartz, near rounded tan boulders" AS11023678 0.370000005 69 0.02 0.550000012 2.579999924 0.129999995 3.430000067 0.100000001 15.14999962 0.029999999 0.039999999 0.07 0.01 0.360000014 5.579999924 97.10 -1 482 216 12.10000038 250 0.389999986 140 49.09999847 25.70000076 16.89999962 8.399999619 57.59999847 0.600000024 8.960000038 75.80000305 4.269999981 2 0.300000012 170 24 -5 35.09999847 4.300000191 -1 57.79999924 170 0.100000001 8.899999619 2.710000038 4.039999962 0.699999988 18.60000038 92 -1 221 27.89999962 17 28 D KAP-93 544555 7337988 339 "Tan, mostly black, blebs of quartz, other side of o/c from KAP46" AS11023678 0.370000005 60 0.02 0.75999999 0.129999995 0.07 32.40000153 0.109999999 0.569999993 0.039999999 0.02 -0.01 -0.01 0.680000007 4.929999828 99.70 -1 168 404 15 360 0.289999992 758 114.5 68.59999847 27.20000076 5.900000095 126.5 0.899999976 22.5 130.5 13.30000019 7 0.699999988 317 45 10 62.59999847 3.400000095 -1 115 26.5 0.100000001 19.5 10.14999962 11.35000038 -0.5 13 158 10 619 83.09999847 25 49 D KAP-94 544566 7337960 340 "Tan, minor quartz, black coatings, small secondary dyke" AS11023678 0.449999988 90.59999847 0.01 0.189999998 0.059999999 0.039999999 5.329999924 -0.01 0.219999999 0.07 -0.01 0.050000001 -0.01 0.159999996 1.00999999 97.70 1 51.70000076 338 5.5 520 0.039999999 12200 84.80000305 49.20000076 22.79999924 3.799999952 103.5 0.899999976 16.39999962 100 8.489999771 3 0.200000003 249 24 -5 48 0.699999988 -1 94.90000153 13 0.100000001 15.14999962 0.469999999 7.960000038 -0.5 10.25 32 2 394 55.59999847 9 75 D KAP-95 544538 7337941 344 "Tan, minor quartz, black coatings, small dyke" AS11023678 0.469999999 86.5 0.01 0.349999994 0.07 0.029999999 10.05000019 0.050000001 0.129999995 0.100000001 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 0.270000011 1.320000052 98.90 1 43.20000076 432 6.900000095 880 0.090000004 1925 80.90000153 41.5 32.79999924 5.5 111 1.200000048 14.75 150.5 6.449999809 11 0.5 325 28 6 68.19999695 1.299999952 1 112 14.10000038 0.100000001 15 6.03000021 6.340000153 -0.5 10.75 -5 18 353 43.20000076 7 72 D KAP-96 544100 7333832 315 "Tan ferruginous, black coating, blebs quartz, rounded o/c" AS11023678 0.449999988 81.5 0.02 0.720000029 0.119999997 0.059999999 13.05000019 0.039999999 0.079999998 0.059999999 0.029999999 -0.01 0.01 0.460000008 2.400000095 98.60 -1 337 520 26.10000038 550 0.219999999 909 83 40.79999924 34.70000076 6.199999809 120.5 0.699999988 14.55000019 194.5 6.46999979 5 0.400000006 419 56 19 86.69999695 2.900000095 1 135.5 37.79999924 0.100000001 15.94999981 2.369999886 6.340000153 -0.5 6.650000095 24 5 335 43.09999847 24 33 D KAP-97 543754 7332698 307 "Tan-red-green, fine vugs, black coated dyke, >4m wide" AS11023678 0.310000002 93.80000305 0.01 0.319999993 0.029999999 0.029999999 4.869999886 0.02 0.059999999 0.100000001 0.01 -0.01 -0.01 0.140000001 0.629999995 100.00 -1 116.5 165 7.400000095 920 0.109999999 313 61.20000076 32.59999847 15.94999981 2.799999952 61.90000153 0.300000012 11.35000038 54.90000153 5.159999847 11 0.300000012 149 29 305 29.89999962 1.5 1 58.40000153 11.39999962 -0.100000001 10.5 0.360000014 5 -0.5 4.269999981 -5 14 256 34.20000076 9 11 D KAP-98 543743 7332684 302 "Tan-red-green, no vugs, black coated dyke, >4m wide" AS11023678 0.379999995 80.59999847 -0.01 0.25 0.029999999 0.02 15.60000038 0.01 0.319999993 0.059999999 0.059999999 -0.01 -0.01 0.289999992 2.339999914 99.60 -1 671 275 19.60000038 570 0.050000001 537 80.59999847 43.90000153 22.89999962 3.799999952 88.19999695 0.300000012 14.94999981 84.30000305 7.579999924 4 -0.200000003 223 26 112 43.79999924 0.800000012 -1 85.40000153 14.5 0.100000001 14.25 0.310000002 6.909999847 0.5 5.889999866 -5 2 341 49.29999924 20 7 D KAP-99 543718 7332663 304 "Tan-yellow-black-red, fine vugs with v fine crystals, black coated dyke, br" AS11023678 0.430000007 93.30000305 -0.01 0.180000007 0.029999999 0.02 3.49000001 0.029999999 0.170000002 0.090000004 0.02 -0.01 -0.01 0.129999995 0.389999986 97.90 -1 181 276 6.199999809 780 0.050000001 164 75.5 39.90000153 21.70000076 2.5 88.5 0.200000003 13.75 90.19999695 7.53000021 8 0.200000003 241 27 41 47.70000076 0.699999988 1 88 6.800000191 -0.100000001 13.64999962 0.180000007 6.400000095 -0.5 2.390000105 -5 12 317 48 10 4 EOF