Request to Energy Metals To Whom It May Concern: We have become aware of a discrepancy in the reported coordinate of a drillhole drilled at Camel Flat in 2010. In your report ‘2010 Combined Annual Report_EL24453, EL24463 & EL24533.doc’ the drillhole CFD1002 has been given the following coordinates: Easting Northing Comment 736,652 7,722,431 In Table 3 Page 14 736,624.16 7,522,446.37 In Ngalia Regional Collars 2011.xlsx (Appendix 1) Furthermore, in the ASX Release by Energy Metals dated 14th October 2010, hole CFD1002 was located at: 736,652E / 7,522,431N. Would you please clarify the correct drillhole coordinate and submit a corrected copy of the relevant section of the report. Also, can you supply: POSITIONING METHOD CORE TYPE (NQ/PQ) CORE FRACTION (1/4,1/2,etc) DRILLING DATE DRILLING COMPANY Energy Metals Reply The ASX release was done in October 2010, prior to the hole being picked up with a RTK DGPS (accuracy of around 10mm) and the collar coordinates for the hole in the release were most likely from the hand held GPS (nominal accuracy of +/- 5m) In December 2010 all the collars for the 2010 exploration were picked up by Brian Blakeman Surveys from Alice Springs with a RTK DGPS with the high accuracy. I think the collar coordinates in the Appendix are from that later survey. The error in the coordinates in Table 3 appear to be the same as the ASX release if the second 7 in the Northing is a typo, which is possible. Also the body of the report was mostly compiled prior to the accurate GPS coordinated being available. One issue that to me appears to be a concern and will need checking is the accuracy of the hand held GPS vs the RTK DGPS. Given the nominal accuracy of both I would not expect the collar coordinates to be 28m different in the Easting or 15m in the Northing. We will also look at a comparison between the initial hand held GPS and the RTK DGPS and evaluate the quoted accuracy of each method. The other details ( drill dates etc etc) are answered below in your Email. POSITIONING METHOD - Positioned by compass (azimuth) and hand held GPS then picked up with a RTK DGPS in December 2010 CORE TYPE (NQ/PQ) - NQ CORE FRACTION (1/4,1/2,etc) - ½ core sampled DRILLING DATE – Started 6/9/2010 completed 14/10/2010 DRILLING COMPANY - Core Drilling, Diamond from surface.