H0002 Version 3.1 H0003 Date_generated 7 March 2011 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 5/08/2010 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combined_rept_no EL22307 H0101 Tenement_holder Legend International Holdings Inc. H0102 Project_name Abner H0106 Tenement_operator Legend International Holdings Inc. H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 16 November 2010 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 23-November-2010 H0202 Data_format DL1 H0203 Number_of_data_records 41 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update H0300 Downhole_lithology_data_file EL22307_2010_F_04_DL1.txt H0301 Location_data_file EL22307_2010_F_03_SL1.txt H0400 Drill_code DIA H0402 Description DIA H1000 Hole_ID Depfrom Depto Drill_code Recovery Lithology Description H1001 metres metres % H1004 0.1 0.1 5 D ABDD000019 0 5.4 DIA 0 Clay Core loss.Mud precollar calcareous clays at surface D ABDD000019 5.4 6.1 DIA 0 Calc silicate v soft white clay with hard angular silififed shards D ABDD000019 6.1 15.6 DIA 40 Calcrete calcrete? Calc silicate vuggy brecciated silia clasts extremely weathered to kaolinite. Lots of core loss . Poss cavities? D ABDD000019 15.6 18.6 DIA 45 Siltstone weathered siltstone to kaolinite remnant bedding D ABDD000019 18.6 20.5 DIA 75 Siltstone "more limonitic, some qtz grains/calcareoous stnes included" D ABDD000019 20.5 23.7 DIA 86 Siltstone "bedded fg siltstone clay, well oxidised some coarse sandy layers, easily crushed and dented" D ABDD000019 23.7 44.5 DIA 89 Sandstone oxidised sandstone bedding folded and varies with bands of red white yellow hematite at 32 m D ABDD000019 44.5 47 DIA 100 Siltstone "faulted, banded siltstone and fg sandstone, hm alt bands + (dendritic?) balck mineral (mn) in fracture lines. Late stage." D ABDD000019 47 48.1 DIA 50 Sandstone "very fine grain sst/silt bedded,non-magnetic black mineral (Mn?)" D ABDD000019 48.1 53.5 DIA 98 Sandstone Yellow/brown bedded siltstone D ABDD000019 53.5 57 DIA 77 Sandstone "Fine-grained sandstone-siltstone bedded, crushed to clay, with black mineral" D ABDD000019 57 61.5 DIA 74 Breccia "Oxidised breccia, large calcite dolomitic clasts+ sandstone and silicate clasts" D ABDD000019 61.5 62.2 DIA 52 Clay Yellow fine grained silt D ABDD000019 62.2 63.9 DIA 73 Siltstone "White fine-grained silt/mudstone, very soft rock" D ABDD000019 63.9 65.2 DIA 48 Siltstone D ABDD000019 65.2 71 DIA 72 Siltstone mostly kaolinite + hm and lli alteration D ABDD000019 71 73 DIA 63 Clay talcy D ABDD000019 73 74.5 DIA 50 Clay hairline fractures D ABDD000019 74.5 77.5 DIA 27 Clay fractured v soft clay / silt D ABDD000019 77.5 80 DIA 40 Clay fractured v soft clay / silt D ABDD000019 80 85.23 DIA 63 Clay "gritter bedded silts/sand, v soft" D ABDD000019 85.23 93.5 DIA 59 Clay "kaolintic clay breccia, sandy matrix, clasts of siltstone and sst" D ABDD000019 93.5 96.7 DIA 84 Clay "polymictic breccia+clay hm altered with large calc silicate clasts, QTZ + kaolinitic matrix" D ABDD000019 96.7 98 DIA 77 Calcsilicate D ABDD000019 98 98.1 DIA 53 VEIN goethitic breccia vien black carbonaceous mineral pervasive in fracture-fill D ABDD000019 98.1 99.6 DIA 88 Clay D ABDD000019 99.6 99.8 DIA 83 VEIN goethitic breccia vien black carbonaceous mineral pervasive in fracture-fill D ABDD000019 99.8 102.2 DIA 98 Calcsilicate "Calcsilicate, weakly fractured, wh/pk in places, hm replacemnet, dendritic mineralisation @ contact with breccia" D ABDD000019 102.2 105 DIA 77 Clay "patchy hm alteration, yebr or clay matrix" D ABDD000019 105 106.2 DIA 81 Clay banded clay ka + li + balck min D ABDD000019 106.2 112 DIA 66 Clay Possible fault breccia D ABDD000019 112 118.9 DIA 65 Calcsilicate highly fractured zoned clays D ABDD000019 118.9 125.1 DIA 97 Calcsilicate massive calcsilicate D ABDD000019 125.1 128.35 DIA 57 Calcsilicate margins of contact with breccia are darkened with go alteration (colloformal) D ABDD000019 128.35 133.25 DIA 100 Breccia D ABDD000019 133.25 134 DIA 100 Calcsilicate D ABDD000019 134 136.9 DIA 100 Breccia D ABDD000019 136.9 142.45 DIA 88 Calcsilicate D ABDD000019 142.45 144.5 DIA 74 Calcsilicate D ABDD000019 144.5 150.3 DIA 59 Breccia D ABDD000019 150.3 153.3 DIA 100 Calcsilicate EOF