H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 11-Apr-16 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 18-Mar-16 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combined_rept_no EL26206 H0101 Tenement_holder Merlin Diamonds Limited H0102 Project_name Arnhem Land Project - Mainoru Lead-Zinc Prospect H0106 Tenement_operator Merlin Diamonds Limited H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SD5306 SD5310 H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 19-Mar-15 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 18-Mar-16 H0202 Data_format SL1 H0203 Number_of_data_records 539 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 11-Apr-16 H0300 This_filetype EL26206_2016_A_MMIsamples.txt H0301 Location_data_file EL26206_2016_A_MMIsamples.txt H0305 Surface_geochem_comp_data_file EL26206_2016_A_MMIresults.txt H0307 Lithology_code_file MDL_LithCodes.pdf H0308 File_Verification_Listing EL26206_2016_A_FileListing.txt H0500 Feature_type MMI sample site description H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum AHD arbitrary RL200 nominal H0503 Projection Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) H0530 Coordinate_system Projected H0531 Projection_zone 53 H0532 Surveying_instrument hand-held GPS H0533 Surveying_company MDL H0600 Sample_code Soil H0601 Sample_type MMI H0602 Sample_description soil from B horizon nylon sieved @ -2mm H0900 "Comments: ""samples taken beneath the humic horizon below soil colour change""" H1000 Sample_id MGA_E MGA_N Line_id Sample_date Moisture Sample_depth Sample_colour Sample_description Vegetation Outcrop_formation H1001 metres metres cm D 15-101-001 393100 8463700 O-01 4-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with laterite + rock fragments - sil GyWh qtz sst Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-002 393100 8463725 O-01 4-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with laterite + rock fragments - sil dolomite wattle + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-003 393100 8463750 O-01 4-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn "clayey sand with laterite + rock fragments - sil GyWh qtz sst, minor sil dolomite" wattle + bloodwoods Limmen/Dook Creek contact D 15-101-004 393100 8463775 O-01 4-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with laterite + rock fragments - sil dolomite Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-005 393100 8463800 O-01 4-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with laterite + rock fragments - sil GyWh qtz sst + sil dolomite Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen/Dook Creek contact D 15-101-006 393100 8463825 O-01 4-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with laterite + rock fragments - sil dolomite Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-007 393100 8463850 O-01 4-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - sil pebbly basal sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods basal Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-008 393100 8463875 O-01 4-Jun-15 very damp 10-15 dk Bn clayey sand with laterite + rock fragments - sil dolomite Bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-009 393100 8463900 O-01 4-Jun-15 very damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with laterite + rock fragments - sil GyWh qtz sst + sil dolomite Bloodwoods Limmen/Dook Creek contact D 15-101-010 393100 8463925 O-01 4-Jun-15 wet 10-15 dk Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - sil pebbly basal sandstone Bloodwoods basal Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-011 393100 8463950 O-01 4-Jun-15 very damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - sil pebbly basal sandstone contact with bioturbated goethite-stained Cretaceous sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-012 393100 8463975 O-01 4-Jun-15 very damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand Bauhinia + bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-013 393100 8464000 O-01 4-Jun-15 very damp 10-15 PkBn clayey sand with surface scree of Fe-stained sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-014 393100 8464025 O-01 4-Jun-15 very damp 10-15 YeBn clayey sand with surface scree of Fe-stained sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-015 393100 8464050 O-01 4-Jun-15 wet 10-15 YeBn clayey sand with minor surface scree of Fe-stained sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-016 393100 8464075 O-01 4-Jun-15 very damp 10-15 YeBn clayey sand with minor surface scree of Fe-stained sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-017 393100 8464100 O-01 4-Jun-15 very damp 10-15 YeBn clayey sand with minor surface scree of Fe-stained sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-018 393100 8464125 O-01 4-Jun-15 very damp 10-15 GyBn clayey sand with laterite lag Bauhinia + bloodwoods sand + laterite D 15-101-019 393100 8464150 O-01 4-Jun-15 very damp 10-15 GyBn clayey sand with laterite lag Bauhinia + bloodwoods sand + laterite D 15-101-020 393100 8464175 O-01 4-Jun-15 very damp 10-15 GyBn clayey sand with minor laterite lag Bloodwoods sand + laterite D 15-101-021 393100 8464200 O-01 4-Jun-15 very damp 10-15 GyBn clayey sand with minor laterite lag Bloodwoods sand + laterite D 15-101-022 393100 8464225 O-01 4-Jun-15 very damp 10-15 YeBn clayey sand with laterite lag Bloodwoods sand + laterite D 15-101-023 393100 8464250 O-01 4-Jun-15 very damp 10-15 Bn clayey sand with abundant laterite lag + low outcrop of bioturbated Cretaceous sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-024 393100 8464275 O-01 4-Jun-15 very damp 10-15 YeBn clayey sand with abundant laterite lag - no outcrop Bauhinia + bloodwoods sand + laterite D 15-101-025 393100 8464300 O-01 4-Jun-15 very damp 10-15 YeBn clayey sand with abundant laterite lag + Fe-stained sandstone scree - no outcrop Bauhinia + bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-026 393100 8464325 O-01 4-Jun-15 damp 10-15 YeBn clayey sand with abundant laterite lag + Fe-stained sandstone scree - no outcrop Bauhinia + bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-027 393100 8464350 O-01 4-Jun-15 damp 10-15 YeBn clayey sand with abundant laterite lag + Fe-stained sandstone scree - no outcrop gravel trees + bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-028 393100 8464375 O-01 4-Jun-15 damp 10-15 YeBn clayey sand with abundant laterite lag + Fe-stained sandstone scree - no outcrop Bauhinia + bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-029 393100 8464400 O-01 4-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with abundant laterite lag + Fe-stained sandstone scree - no outcrop large bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-030 393100 8464425 O-01 4-Jun-15 slightly damp 10-15 YeBn clayey sand with abundant laterite lag - no outcrop Bauhinia + bloodwoods sand + laterite D 15-101-031 393100 8464450 O-01 4-Jun-15 damp 10-15 YeBn clayey sand with abundant laterite lag - no outcrop gravel trees + bloodwoods sand + laterite D 15-101-032 393100 8464475 O-01 4-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with abundant laterite lag - no outcrop gravel trees + bloodwoods sand + laterite D 15-101-033 393100 8464500 O-01 4-Jun-15 very damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with very abundant laterite lag - no outcrop gravel trees + bloodwoods sand + laterite D 15-101-034 393100 8464525 O-01 4-Jun-15 damp 10-15 YeBn clayey sand with very abundant laterite lag - no outcrop gravel trees + bloodwoods sand + laterite D 15-101-035 393100 8464550 O-01 4-Jun-15 very damp 10-15 YeBn clayey sand with very abundant laterite lag - no outcrop gravel trees + bloodwoods sand + laterite D 15-101-036 393100 8464575 O-01 4-Jun-15 damp 10-15 GyBn clayey sand with very abundant laterite lag - no outcrop large bloodwoods sand + laterite D 15-101-037 393100 8464600 O-01 4-Jun-15 damp 10-15 CrBn clayey sand with very abundant laterite lag - no outcrop large bloodwoods sand + laterite D 15-101-038 393100 8464625 O-01 4-Jun-15 very damp 10-15 GyBn clayey sand with very abundant laterite lag - no outcrop large bloodwoods sand + laterite D 15-101-039 393100 8464650 O-01 4-Jun-15 very damp 10-15 CrBn clayey sand with abundant laterite lag - no outcrop large bloodwoods sand + laterite D 15-101-040 393100 8464675 O-01 4-Jun-15 very damp 10-15 YeBn clayey sand with abundant laterite lag - no outcrop large bloodwoods sand + laterite D 15-101-041 393100 8464700 O-01 4-Jun-15 very damp 10-15 YeBn clayey sand with abundant laterite lag - no outcrop large bloodwoods sand + laterite D 15-101-042 392050 8463750 O-02 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - strongly ferruginised sst Bauhinia + bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-043 392150 8463750 O-02 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - strongly ferruginised sst large bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-044 392250 8463750 O-02 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 GyBn clayey sand with numerous laterite nodules - laterite lag + small Fe-sst scree candle-tree + bloodwoods sand + laterite D 15-101-045 392350 8463750 O-02 5-Jun-15 very damp 10-15 YeBn clayey sand with numerous laterite nodules - low outcrop Fe-Cret Sst 15m WSW Bauhinia + bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-046 392450 8463750 O-02 5-Jun-15 very damp 10-15 YeBn clayey sand with minor laterite nodules - laterite lag on surface large bloodwoods sand + laterite D 15-101-047 392500 8463750 O-02 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 YeBn clayey sand with laterite nodules - low outcrop Fe-Cret Sst Bauhinia + bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-048 392550 8463750 O-02 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with laterite nodules - low outcrop Fe-Cret Sst gravel trees + bauhinia Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-049 392600 8463750 O-02 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - silicified basal pebbly sst + minor sil dolomite Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen/Dook Creek contact D 15-101-050 392650 8463750 O-02 5-Jun-15 mod damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - silicified basal pebbly sst Bauhinia + bloodwoods basal Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-051 392700 8463750 O-02 5-Jun-15 mod damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - Cret Fe-sst lag on suface Bauhinia + bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-052 392750 8463755 O-02 5-Jun-15 mod damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand at edge of Cret Fe-sst outcrop Bauhinia + bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-053 392850 8463750 O-02 5-Jun-15 mod damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with small Fe-sst outcrops Bauhinia + bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-054 392950 8463750 O-02 5-Jun-15 mod damp 10-15 YeBn clayey sand with rock fragments - laterite + Cret Fe-sst lag on suface candle-tree + bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-055 393000 8463750 O-02 5-Jun-15 mod damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with Fe-sst fragments - large o/c sil sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-056 393050 8463750 O-02 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments + laterite amongst sil sst outcrops bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-057 393150 8463750 O-02 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops of sil pebbly sst + sil dolomite Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen/Dook Creek contact D 15-101-058 393200 8463750 O-02 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil dolomite bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-059 393255 8463750 O-02 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil dolomite (moved wast out of gully) bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-060 393300 8463750 O-02 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - outcrops sil sandstone + sil dolomite bloodwoods Limmen/Dook Creek contact D 15-101-061 393350 8463750 O-02 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with ock fragments - sil pebbly sandstone bloodwoods basal Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-062 393400 8463750 O-02 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - scattered outcrops of sil sst bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-063 393450 8463750 O-02 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrRd clayey sand with rock fragments - scattered outcrops of sil sst large bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-064 393550 8463750 O-02 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - scattered outcrops of sil sst large bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-065 393650 8463750 O-02 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - sil dolomite outcrops bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-066 393700 8463750 O-02 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - sil dolomite outcrops bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-067 392450 8463250 O-03 5-Jun-15 very damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with laterite nodules & surface laterite lag bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-068 392500 8463250 O-03 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with laterite nodules - site next to low outrop sil sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-069 392550 8463250 O-03 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 RdBn clayey sand with laterite + rock fragments - site next to low outrop sil pebbly sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods basal Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-070 392600 8463250 O-03 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 RdBn clayey sand with laterite + rock fragments - site next to low outrop sil pebbly sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods basal Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-071 392650 8463250 O-03 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 RdBn clayey sand with rock fragments - site next to low outrop sil sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-072 392700 8463250 O-03 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 RdBn clayey sand with laterite + rock fragments - site next to low outrop sil pebbly sst + sil dolomite bloodwoods Limmen/Dook Creek contact D 15-101-073 392750 8463250 O-03 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 RdBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outrop sil sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-074 392805 8463245 O-03 5-Jun-15 very damp 10-15 OrBn site moved due to extensive outcrop - clayey sand with large rocks sil sst Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-075 392850 8463250 O-03 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn site moved due to extensive outcrop - clayey sand with large rocks sil sst Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-076 392895 8463250 O-03 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 Bn site moved due to extensive outcrop - clayey sand with large rocks sil sst Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-077 392950 8463250 O-03 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 GyBn clayey sand with large rocks sil sst - site on east side of creek Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-078 393000 8463250 O-03 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 GyBn clayey sand with large rocks sil sst - site near top of slope out of creek large bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-079 393050 8463250 O-03 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 RdBn clayey sand with large rocks sil sst - site near top of slope out of creek Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-080 393100 8463250 O-03 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - near edge of sil dolomite outcrop Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-081 393150 8463250 O-03 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - site on mid-slope into gully with sil dolomite rubble bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-082 393200 8463250 O-03 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - site on east slope out of gully with sil sst + sil dolomite rubble bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-083 393250 8463250 O-03 5-Jun-15 mod damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with small rock fragments + laterite - low outcrop sil dolomite bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-084 393300 8463250 O-03 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 Bn clayey sand with med-large rock fragments - low outcrops sil sandstone bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-085 393350 8463250 O-03 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with large rock fragments - site amongst scree + outcrop of sil sandstone bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-086 393450 8463255 O-03 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - moved to north side of small creek bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-087 393550 8463250 O-03 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments amongst low outcrop of sil dolomite at base of slope bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-088 393645 8463250 O-03 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 GyBn clayey sand with angular small rock fragments at base of slope - sil dolomite bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-089 393750 8463250 O-03 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 GyBn clayey sand with angular small rock fragments near base of slope - sil dolomite bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-090 393795 8463250 O-03 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments near base of east slope - sil dolomite bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-091 393850 8463250 O-03 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - sil dolomite gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-092 392750 8462950 O-04 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments amongst low outcrop sil sandstone bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-093 392800 8462950 O-04 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments amongst low outcrop sil sandstone - well sorted bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-094 392855 8462955 O-04 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments amongst low outcrop sil sandstone - well sorted f-cs qtz Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-095 392900 8462950 O-04 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments amongst low outcrop sil sandstone - well sorted f-med qtz Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-096 392950 8462950 O-04 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn "clayey sand with rock fragments amongst low outcrop sil sandstone - f-med + pebbly sst, minor sil dolomite" Limmen/Dook Creek contact D 15-101-097 393005 8462950 O-04 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments amongst low outcrop sil sandstone - well sorted f-med qtz bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-098 393050 8462950 O-04 6-Jun-15 damp 20-25 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments amongst low outcrop sil sandstone - well sorted f-cs qtz Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-099 393100 8462960 O-04 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments amongst low outcrop sil sandstone - well sorted f-cs qtz Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-100 393140 8462955 O-04 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 Bn site moved as off top of steep gorge - taken amongst sil dolomite boulders near edge of cliff Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-101 393185 8462935 O-04 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 Bn "site moved to west side of creek, mid slope - sil dolomite + blocks of pebbly sil sst on slope" bloodwoods Limmen/Dook Creek contact D 15-101-102 393255 8462950 O-04 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 Bn site at top of east side of gorge amongst sil dolomite outcrop bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-103 393300 8462950 O-04 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments amongst low sil dolomite outcrops bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-104 393345 8462950 O-04 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments amongst low sil dolomite outcrops bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-105 393400 8462950 O-04 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - scattered low sil dolomite outcrops + surface scree bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-106 393450 8462950 O-04 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops of sil sst + surface scree sil sst + sil dolomite bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-107 393500 8462950 O-04 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 YeBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low sil dolomite outcrops + surface scree gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-108 393550 8462950 O-04 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low sil dolomite outcrops + surface scree gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-109 393650 8462950 O-04 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 Bn "clayey sand with rock fragments - low sil dolomite outcrops + surface scree, near creek" gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-110 393750 8462955 O-04 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 Bn sample taken on north side of wide extent of outcropping sil sandstone gravel trees + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-111 393100 8464425 O-01 4-Jun-15 slightly damp 10-15 YeBn duplicate of 15-101-030 Bauhinia + bloodwoods sand + laterite D 15-101-112 393100 8463250 O-03 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 Bn duplicate of 15-101-080 Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-113 392250 8464050 15 5-Jun-15 mod damp 10-15 YeGy "clayey sand with rock fragments + laterite - no outcrop, Fe-sandstone float" large bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-114 392350 8464050 15 5-Jun-15 mod damp 10-15 YeGy "clayey sand with rock fragments + laterite - no outcrop, Fe-sandstone float" large bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-115 392450 8464050 15 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 YeGy "clayey sand with rock fragments + laterite - no outcrop, Fe-sandstone float" bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-116 392550 8464050 15 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 YeGy clayey sand with large rock fragments - surface covered with ferruginised Cretaceous sandstone scree bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-117 392650 8464050 15 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 YeGy clayey sand with small rock fragments - surface covered with ferruginised Cretaceous sandstone scree bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-118 392750 8464050 15 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 YeGy clayey sand with small rock fragments + laterite - surface covered with ferruginised Cretaceous sandstone scree bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-119 392850 8464050 15 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 YeGy clayey sand with small rock fragments + laterite - surface covered with ferruginised Cretaceous sandstone scree bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-120 392950 8464050 15 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 YeGy clayey sand with small rock fragments + laterite - surface covered with ferruginised Cretaceous sandstone scree bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-121 393000 8464050 15 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 YeGy clayey sand with small rock fragments + laterite - surface covered with ferruginised Cretaceous sandstone scree bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-122 393050 8464050 15 5-Jun-15 mod damp 10-15 YeBn clayey sand with small rock fragments + laterite - surface covered with ferruginised Cretaceous sandstone scree melaleuca + bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-123 393150 8464050 15 5-Jun-15 mod damp 10-15 YeBn clayey sand with small rock fragments + laterite - surface covered with ferruginised Cretaceous sandstone scree Bauhinia + bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-124 393200 8464050 15 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 Bn clayey sand with small rock fragments + laterite - surface covered with ferruginised Cretaceous sandstone scree Bauhinia + bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-125 393250 8464050 15 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 dk Bn clayey sand with rock fragments + laterite - sil dolomite subcrop + surface scree Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-126 393250 8464050 Grid 15 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 dk Bn duplicate of 15-101-125 Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-127 393350 8464050 15 5-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - outcropping sil dolomite + sil sandstone bloodwoods contact Limmen/Dook Creek D 15-101-128 393450 8464050 15 5-Jun-15 mod damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - sand with laterite lag + outcropping sil dolomite gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-129 393550 8464050 15 5-Jun-15 mod damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil sandstone gravel trees + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-130 393650 8464050 15 5-Jun-15 mod damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - sand with laterite lag + outcropping sil dolomite gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-131 393750 8464050 15 5-Jun-15 mod damp 10-15 GyBn "clayey sand with rock fragments - sil dolomite outcrop, on slope down onto sand plain, site near base" large bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-132 391950 8463650 13 6-Jun-15 very damp 15-20 OrBn "clayey sand with numerous laterite - no outrop, laterite lag, sil qtz sandstone 5m east" large bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-133 392050 8463650 13 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn "clayey sand with numerous laterite + Fe-sst - no outrop,site at base of Cret Sst ridge" large bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-134 392150 8463650 13 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with numerous Fe rock fragments + laterite - Fe Cret sst lag on sand large bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-135 392250 8463650 13 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with numerous Fe rock fragments + laterite - Fe Cret sst lag on sand large bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-136 392350 8463650 13 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with laterite + Fe-rock fragments - scattered low outcrop Cret Fe-sst gravel trees + bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-137 392450 8463650 13 6-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn "clayey sand with laterite + rock fragments - Cret sst scree, sil sst outcrop 10m south" Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-138 392550 8463650 13 6-Jun-15 damp 10-15 YeBn "clayey sand with minor laterite - no outcrop, sand with laterite lag, sil sandstone outcrop 20m to north" melaleuca + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-139 392650 8463650 13 6-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with large rock fragments - low outcrop sil sandstone + sil pebbly sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-140 392750 8463650 13 6-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with laterite + rock fragments - sand with laterite + rock clast lag at site with sil sst outcrop 0m north bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-141 392850 8463650 13 6-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil dolomite bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-142 392950 8463650 13 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 YeBn "clayey sand with laterite - laterite lag on surface, site east of shallow creek" Bauhinia + bloodwoods sand D 15-101-143 393000 8463650 13 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - site amongst low outcrop sil dolomote with sil sandstone float Bauhinia + bloodwoods contact Limmen/Dook Creek D 15-101-144 393050 8463650 13 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil dolomite bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-145 393100 8463650 13 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops of sil sandstone + sil dolomite Bauhinia + bloodwoods contact Limmen/Dook Creek D 15-101-146 393150 8463645 13 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops of sil sandstone + sil dolomite Bauhinia + bloodwoods contact Limmen/Dook Creek D 15-101-147 393150 8463645 Grid 13 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn duplicate of 15-101-146 Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen/Dook Creek contact D 15-101-148 393200 8463650 13 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops of pebbly sil sandstone upslope + sil dolomite downslope Bauhinia + bloodwoods contact Limmen/Dook Creek D 15-101-149 393250 8463650 13 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn "clayey sand with rock fragments - site on slope into creek, low outcrops of pebbly sil sandstone upslope + sil dolomite downslope" Bauhinia + bloodwoods contact Limmen/Dook Creek D 15-101-150 393300 8463655 13 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn "clayey sand with rock fragments - site moved to east side of creek, sil dolomite scree + local low outcrop" gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-151 393350 8463650 13 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops of pebbly sil sandstone with some sil dolomite gravel trees + bloodwoods contact Limmen/Dook Creek D 15-101-152 393400 8463650 13 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops of sil dolomite with jasper gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-153 393450 8463650 13 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops of sil pebbly sandstone gravel trees + bloodwoods basal Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-154 393500 8463650 13 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops of sil dolomite with jasper gravel trees + bloodwoods contact Limmen/Dook Creek D 15-101-155 393550 8463650 13 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops of sil pebbly sandstone gravel trees + bloodwoods basal Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-156 393650 8463650 13 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments + laterite - low outcrops of sil dolomite gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-157 393750 8463650 13 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments onto hard dolomite - low outcrops of sil dolomite bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-158 392150 8463850 14 6-Jun-15 very damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with laterite + rock fragments - no outcrop but Fe- Cret sst lag gravel trees + bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-159 392240 8463850 14 6-Jun-15 very damp 10-15 YeBn clayey sand with laterite - no outcrop but laterite lag gravel trees + bloodwoods sand D 15-101-160 392350 8463850 14 6-Jun-15 damp 10-15 YeBn clayey sand with laterite - no outcrop but laterite lag gravel trees + bloodwoods sand D 15-101-161 392450 8463850 14 6-Jun-15 damp 10-15 YeBn clayey sand with minor laterite - no outcrop but laterite lag melaleuca + bloodwoods sand D 15-101-162 392550 8463850 14 6-Jun-15 very damp 10-15 Bn clayey sand with laterite + rock fragments - low outcrop Fe-sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-163 392650 8463850 14 6-Jun-15 damp 10-15 YeBn "clayey sand with numerous laterite - no outrop, laterite lag" Bauhinia + bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-164 392750 8463850 14 6-Jun-15 very damp 10-15 YeBn "clayey sand with numerous laterite - no outrop, laterite lag, sil qtz sandstone 5m SW" bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-165 392850 8463850 14 6-Jun-15 mod damp 10-15 YeBn "clayey sand with minor laterite - no outcrop, sand with laterite lag" bloodwoods sand D 15-101-166 392950 8463850 14 6-Jun-15 mod damp 10-15 YeBn "clayey sand with laterite - no outcrop, sand with laterite lag" bloodwoods sand D 15-101-167 393050 8463850 14 6-Jun-15 damp 10-15 RdBn clayey sand with large rock fragments - low outcrop sil sandstone + sil dolomite Bauhinia + bloodwoods contact Limmen/Dook Creek D 15-101-168 393150 8463850 14 6-Jun-15 damp 10-15 RdBn "clayey sand with minor rock fragments - sand withlaterite lag, sil sandstone + sil dolomite outcrops nearby" Bauhinia + bloodwoods contact Limmen/Dook Creek D 15-101-169 393250 8463850 14 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 RdBn clayey sand with rock fragments - rock scree mostly sil dolomite gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-170 393350 8463850 14 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 RdBn clayey sand with rock fragments - sil sandstone + sil dolomite outcrops bloodwoods contact Limmen/Dook Creek D 15-101-171 393450 8463850 14 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil dolomite + scree on sand gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-172 393550 8463850 14 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 GyBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil dolomite bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-173 393645 8463845 14 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - outcrops sil dolomite on slope into creek bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-174 393750 8463850 14 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 Bn "clayey sand with rock fragments - on slope into creek, sil dolomite scree" gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-175 392950 8462750 4 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil med-cs qtz sst + sil dolomite bloodwoods contact Limmen/Dook Creek D 15-101-176 393000 8462750 4 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with numerous rock fragments - sil dolomite low outcrop + surface scree bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-177 393050 8462750 4 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with numerous rock fragments - sil dolomite low outcrop + surface scree gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-178 393100 8462750 4 6-Jun-15 damp 10-15 CrBn clayey sand with numerous rock fragments - sil dolomite low outcrop + surface scree gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-179 393150 8462750 4 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - sil pebbly sandstone + sil dolomite low outcrop + surface scree bloodwoods contact Limmen/Dook Creek D 15-101-180 393200 8462750 4 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with numerous rock fragments - sil pebbly sandstone + sil dolomite outcrops + surface scree bloodwoods contact Limmen/Dook Creek D 15-101-181 393245 8462745 4 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 Bn "west edge of gorge, near top - clayey sand with rock fragments amongst outcrops sil pebbly sandstone" bloodwoods basal Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-182 393305 8462745 4 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 dk Bn east edge of gorge - clayey sand amongst sil dolomite outcrop + boulders kapok + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-183 393350 8462750 4 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 Bn clayey sand with numerous rock fragments - low outcrops of sil dolomite bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-184 393400 8462750 4 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 CrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops of pebbly sil sandstone + sil dolomite bloodwoods contact Limmen/Dook Creek D 15-101-185 393455 8462750 4 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 dk Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops of sil dolomite bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-186 393500 8462750 4 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 GyBn clayey sand with numerous rock fragments - sil dolomite surface scree bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-187 393550 8462750 4 6-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn "clayey sand with numerous rock fragments - sil dolomite surface scree, near outcrop sil dolomite" bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-188 393600 8462750 4 6-Jun-15 mod damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with small rock fragments - site near low outcrop sil m-cs qtz sandstone bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-189 393650 8462750 4 6-Jun-15 mod damp 15-20 RdBn clayey sand - low outcrop sil sandstone 5m to south bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-190 393750 8462750 4 6-Jun-15 mod damp 15-20 RdBn clayey sand - small outcrop pebbly sil sandstone 10m to west bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-191 392850 8462850 5 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - outcropping m-cs sil qtz sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-192 392900 8462860 5 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments taken between outcrops of sil f-m qtz sandstone. Site moved away from creek Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-193 392900 8462860 Grid 5 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 Bn duplicate of 15-101-192 Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-194 392950 8462850 5 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - between outcrops of sil f-cs qtz sandstone. Sst ridge trending ~NW-SE Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-195 393000 8462850 5 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - outcropping sil pebbly qtz sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods basal Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-196 393050 8462850 5 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 Bn clayey sand with numerous rock fragments - sil dolomite scree + outcrop nearby Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-197 393100 8462850 5 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 RdBn clayey sand with rock fragments - site amongst sil sst boulders on NE side of creek Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-198 393150 8462850 5 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - low ridge of sil dolomite kapok + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-199 393200 8462850 5 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn "clayey sand with rock fragments - end of low ridge, start of decent into valley, sil dolomite" bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-200 393255 8462845 5 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn "clayey sand with rock fragments - on slope into creek, sil dolomite" bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-201 393305 8462850 5 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn "clayey sand with rock fragments - site at top of east side of gorge trending N-S, amongst sil dolomite boulders" bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-202 393350 8462850 5 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - amongst sil dolomite outcrops bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-203 393400 8462850 5 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 CrBn "clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil qtz sst, surface scree sil sst + sil dolomite" bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-204 393450 8462850 5 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 YeBn "clayey sand with rock fragments - pebbly sil qtz sandstone outcrops, site near base of slope, edge of sand" gravel trees + bloodwoods basal Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-205 393500 8462850 5 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 CrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - site amongst low sil pebbly sst outcrops with sil dolomite float bloodwoods contact Limmen/Dook Creek D 15-101-206 393545 8462845 5 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn "clayey sand with minor rock fragments - base of slope, start of sand, sil dolomite outcrop 5m west" bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-207 393650 8462850 5 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 CrBn "clayey sand with rock fragments local small sil dolomite outcrop, sil dolomite float" bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-208 393750 8462850 5 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 RdOr clayey sand with minor laterite/small rock fragments - no outcrop large bloodwoods sand D 15-101-209 393850 8462850 5 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 RdOr "clayey sand - no outcrop, no lag on surface" Bauhinia + bloodwoods sand D 15-101-210 393950 8462850 5 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 RdOr "clayey sand - no outcrop, no lag on surface" Bauhinia + bloodwoods sand D 15-101-211 394050 8462850 5 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 RdOr "clayey sand, minor laterite - no outcrop, no lag on surface" Bauhinia + bloodwoods sand D 15-101-212 394150 8462850 5 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 RdOr clayey sand with rock fragments - no outcrop but probably over sil sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods sand D 15-101-213 394250 8462850 5 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 RdOr clayey sand with minor rock fragments - very large low flat sil sst outcrop 10m to west & north Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-214 394350 8462850 5 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 RdOr "clayey sand - no outcrop, no lag on surface" Bauhinia + bloodwoods sand D 15-101-215 394450 8462850 5 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 RdOr clayey sand with rock fragments - sil m-cs qtz sandstone outcrop 5m to north acacia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-216 394550 8462850 5 7-Jun-15 very damp 15-20 RdOr "clayey sand - no outcrop, no lag on surface" bloodwoods sand D 15-101-217 394650 8462850 5 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 RdBn "clayey sand - no outcrop, no lag on surface" bloodwoods sand D 15-101-218 394750 8462850 5 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn "clayey sand - no outcrop, no lag on surface" bloodwoods sand D 15-101-219 394850 8462850 5 7-Jun-15 damp 10-15 CrBn "clayey sand - no outcrop, no lag on surface" bloodwoods sand D 15-101-220 392650 8463050 7 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - minor sil sst outcrop bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-221 392700 8463050 7 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with minor laterite - minor sil sst outcrop acacia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-222 392745 8463050 7 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn "clayey sand with rock fragments - site near sil sandstone outcrop, with some sil dolomite float" bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-223 392800 8463050 7 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn "clayey sand with rock fragments - site near sil f-cs qtz sandstone outcrop, with some sil dolomite float" bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-224 392850 8463050 7 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - amongst low outcrops of sil f-cs qtz sandstone outcrop + boulders bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-225 392850 8463050 Grid 7 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn duplicate of 15-101-224 bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-226 392900 8463060 7 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn "clayey sand with rock fragments - site moved to north side of small creek, sil dolomite scree + local low outcrop" bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-227 392950 8463055 7 7-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn "clayey sand with rock fragments - site moved out of creek, sil dolomite low outcrop + surface rubble" bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-228 393000 8463050 7 7-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - site amongst sil dolomite float on north side of small creek Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-229 393050 8463050 7 7-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 YeBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops + scree boulders of sil dolomite Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-230 393100 8463050 7 7-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops + scree boulders of sil dolomite bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-231 393150 8463050 7 7-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops + scree boulders of sil dolomite Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-232 393195 8463050 7 7-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 Bn site moved to top of west side of gorge - clayey sand with rock fragments amongst sil dolomite outcrop + scree boulders candle tree + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-233 393250 8463050 7 7-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 CrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - sil dolomite outcrops + boulder scree bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-234 393300 8463050 7 7-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 CrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - sil dolomite float + minor outcrops bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-235 393350 8463050 7 7-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 CrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - sil dolomite outcrops + boulder scree bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-236 393400 8463050 7 7-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - sil dolomite outcrops + scree Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-237 393450 8463050 7 7-Jun-15 damp 10-15 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - sil f-m qtz sandstone outcrops + boulder scree kapok + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-238 393550 8463050 7 7-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 OrBn "clayey sand with rock fragments - near base of slope, low outcrops of sil sandstone + sil dolomite" gravel trees + bloodwoods contact Limmen/Dook Creek D 15-101-239 393650 8463050 7 7-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil dolomite + surface scree gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-240 393750 8463050 7 7-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil f-vcs qtz sandstone bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-241 392350 8463350 10 9-Jun-15 damp 15-20 CrBn clayey sand with laterite + Fe-sst - Fe-sst + laterite lag on sand Bauhinia + bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-242 392400 8463350 10 9-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with laterite - Fe-sst + laterite lag on sand Bauhinia + bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-243 392450 8463350 10 9-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with laterite - Fe-sst + laterite lag on sand Bauhinia + bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-244 392500 8463350 10 9-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with laterite + rock fragments - sil dolomite + Fe-sst float Bauhinia + bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-245 392550 8463350 10 9-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrop sil dolomite Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-246 392600 8463350 10 9-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops of ?brecciated sil dolomite Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-247 392650 8463350 10 9-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with minor small rock fragments - sample onto sil qtz sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-248 392700 8463350 10 9-Jun-15 damp 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrop sil dolomite gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-249 392750 8463350 10 9-Jun-15 damp 15-20 CrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrop sil dolomite gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-250 392855 8463350 10 9-Jun-15 damp 15-20 Bn "clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrop sil dolomite, moved east out of creek" gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-251 392950 8463350 10 9-Jun-15 damp 10-15 GyBn clayey sand with rock fragments - extensive outcropping sil dolomite with jasper gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-252 393000 8463350 10 9-Jun-15 damp 10-15 CrBn clayey sand with small rock fragments - low outcrops + scree sil dolomite with pink jasper Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-253 393050 8463350 10 9-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with minor small rock fragments - sample onto sil dolomite with jasper Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-254 393100 8463350 10 9-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - jasper in sil dolomite 25m east large bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-255 393150 8463350 10 9-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn "clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil m-cs qtz sandstone, with sil dolomite 5m west" gravel trees + bloodwoods contact Limmen/Dook Creek D 15-101-256 393200 8463350 10 9-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn "clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil m-cs qtz sandstone, with sil dolomite 5m west" gravel trees + bloodwoods contact Limmen/Dook Creek D 15-101-257 393250 8463350 10 9-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn "clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil pebbly qtz sandstone, with sil dolomite 5m west" gravel trees + bloodwoods contact Limmen/Dook Creek D 15-101-258 393300 8463350 10 9-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil dolomite upslope from basal pebbly sandstone bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-259 393350 8463350 10 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil m-cs qtz sandstone bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-260 393450 8463350 10 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil qtz sandstone bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-261 393550 8463350 10 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops + scree of sil dolomite candle tree + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-262 393650 8463350 10 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops + scree of sil dolomite bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-263 393750 8463350 10 9-Jun-15 damp 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil dolomite bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-264 392250 8463450 11 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 CrBn clayey sand with laterite + minor rock fragments - laterite + Fe-sst lag on surface gravel trees + bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-265 392350 8463450 11 9-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn "clayey sand with laterite + minor rock fragments - laterite + Fe-sst lag on surface, low outcrop Fe-sst" gravel trees + bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-266 392400 8463450 11 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 GyBn "clayey sand with laterite + minor rock fragments - laterite + Fe-sst lag on surface, low outcrop Fe-sst" heather + Bauhinia + bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-267 392450 8463450 11 9-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - extensive low outcrop sil dolomite with some jasper heather + Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-268 392500 8463450 11 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 OrBn "clayey sand with rock fragments + laterite - sand with laterite + sil dolomite scree, near sil dolomite outcrop" Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-269 392550 8463445 11 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - extensive low outcrop sil dolomite Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-270 392600 8463450 11 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - extensive low outcrop sil dolomite Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-271 392650 8463450 11 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 OrBn "clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil pebbly qtz sandstone, with sil dolomite float" Bauhinia + bloodwoods contact Limmen/Dook Creek D 15-101-272 392750 8463450 11 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 OrBn "clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil pebbly qtz sandstone, with sil dolomite float" Bauhinia + bloodwoods contact Limmen/Dook Creek D 15-101-273 392850 8463450 11 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil pebbly sandstone gravel trees + bloodwoods basal Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-274 392950 8463450 11 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 CrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil m-cs qtz sandstone gravel trees + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-275 393000 8463450 11 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 CrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil dolomite 2m upslope Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-276 393050 8463450 11 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 CrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil sandstone 10m south bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-277 393100 8463450 11 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil sandstone bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-278 393150 8463450 11 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-279 393200 8463450 11 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-280 393250 8463450 11 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil dolomite + surface scree Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-281 393300 8463450 11 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - extensive outcrops sil sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-282 393300 8463450 Grid 11 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 Bn duplicate of 15-101-281 Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-283 393345 8463450 11 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil sandstone + pebbly sandstone with sil dolomite float gravel trees + bloodwoods contact Limmen/Dook Creek D 15-101-284 393400 8463450 11 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 Bn clayey sand with numerous rock fragments - amongst low outcrops sil dolomite with jasper gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-285 393455 8463450 11 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 Bn clayey sand with numerous rock fragments - amongst low outcrops sil dolomite with jasper gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-286 393550 8463450 11 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 GyBn "clayey sand with numerous rock fragments - on west slope down to creek, sil dolomite low outcrops + boulder scree " gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-287 393655 8463450 11 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 GyBn "clayey sand with numerous rock fragments - near summit of steep slope out of creek on east side, sil dolomite outcrops + boulder scree " bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-288 393750 8463450 11 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 CrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - sil dolomite scree + low outcrop bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-289 392150 8463550 12 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 OrBn "clayey sand with rock fragments - goethite stained bioturbated sandstone at base, near head of creek" bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-290 392250 8463550 12 9-Jun-15 mod damp 10-15 CrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - goethite stained bioturbated sandstone at base Bauhinia + bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-291 392350 8463550 12 9-Jun-15 mod damp 10-15 CrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - goethite stained bioturbated sandstone at base + low outcrops Bauhinia + bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-292 392400 8463550 12 9-Jun-15 mod damp 10-15 Bn clayey sand with laterite + Fe-sst fragments - lat + Fe-sst lag Bauhinia + bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-293 392450 8463550 12 9-Jun-15 mod damp 10-15 Bn clayey sand with laterite + Fe-sst fragments - lat + Fe-sst lag Bauhinia + bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-294 392500 8463550 12 9-Jun-15 mod damp 10-15 Bn clayey sand with laterite + Fe-sst fragments - mostly laterite lag Bauhinia + bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-295 392550 8463550 12 9-Jun-15 mod damp 10-15 RdBn clayey sand with rock fragments - sil dolomite scree + minor low outcrops heather + Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-296 392600 8463550 12 9-Jun-15 mod damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - sil dolomite scree + minor low outcrops bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-297 392645 8463545 12 9-Jun-15 mod damp 10-15 GyBn clayey sand with rock fragments - site moved west out of swamp melaleuca Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-298 392750 8463550 12 9-Jun-15 mod damp 15-20 OrBn "clayey sand with laterite + rock fragments - sil dolomite float, no outcrop at site" Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-299 392850 8463550 12 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - sil dolomite outcrop + scree Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-300 392950 8463550 12 9-Jun-15 damp 10-15 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - edge of extensive outcrop sil sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-301 393000 8463550 12 9-Jun-15 damp 10-15 Bn clayey sand with laterite + Fe-sst rock fragments - low outcrop highly ferruginised bioturbated Cretaceous sandstone in sand with laterite + Fe-sst lag bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-302 393050 8463550 12 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - extensive low outcrops sil m-cs qtz sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-303 393100 8463550 12 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - sil dolomite outcrop + scree Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-304 393150 8463550 12 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - sil dolomite outcrop + scree candle tree + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-305 393200 8463550 12 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - sil dolomite outcrop + scree Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-306 393250 8463550 12 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 CrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - sil dolomite outcrop + scree Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-307 393300 8463550 12 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 Bn "clayey sand with rock fragments - sil dolomite outcrop upslope, sil sandstone downslope" Bauhinia + bloodwoods contact Limmen/Dook Creek D 15-101-308 393350 8463550 12 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - sil sandstone low outcrop with sil dolomite boulder scree Bauhinia + bloodwoods contact Limmen/Dook Creek D 15-101-309 393400 8463550 12 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments amongst low outcrop sil pebbly sandstone candle tree + bloodwoods basal Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-310 393450 8463550 12 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 Bn "clayey sand with rock fragments - east side of creek, scree is sil dolomite + sil sandstone" bloodwoods contact Limmen/Dook Creek D 15-101-311 393500 8463550 12 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 Bn "clayey sand with rock fragments - west side of creek, outcrop is brecciated sil dolomite" bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-312 393555 8463550 12 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 Bn "clayey sand with rock fragments - moved to east side of creek, boulders of sil dolomite" bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-313 393650 8463550 12 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 RdBn "clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops of sil dolomite, site at top of east slope into creek" bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-314 393750 8463550 12 9-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil dolomite bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-315 392550 8463150 8 10-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn "clayey sand with rock fragments - extensive low outcrop sil m-cs qtz sandstone forming low ridge SW-NE, fine network veining ?after carbonate" Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-316 392600 8463150 8 10-Jun-15 damp 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil dolomite + surface scree Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-317 392650 8463155 8 10-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments onto sil sst - low outcrops sil m-cs qtz sandstone gravel trees + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-318 392700 8463150 8 10-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - scattered small outcrops sil dolomite in sand Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-319 392750 8463150 8 10-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - scattered small outcrops sil m-cs qtz sandstone in sand Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-320 392800 8463150 8 10-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - scattered small outcrops sil m-cs qtz sandstone + sil dolomite Bauhinia + bloodwoods contact Limmen/Dook Creek D 15-101-321 392850 8463150 8 10-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - scattered low outcrops sil dolomite in sand Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-322 392900 8463150 8 10-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - scattered low outcrops sil dolomite in sand Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-323 392950 8463155 8 10-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - scattered low outcrops sil dolomite + surface rubble Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-324 393000 8463150 8 10-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil f-m qtz sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-325 393050 8463150 8 10-Jun-15 damp 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - sil dolomite scree with outcrop 20m south Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-326 393100 8463150 8 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 Bn clayey sand - site amongst boulders sil dolomite on lower slope into west side of creek candle tree + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-327 393150 8463160 8 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 Bn clayey sand - site amongst boulders sil dolomite on east side of creek mid-slope bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-328 393200 8463150 8 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - sil dolomite outcrop + loose scree boulders bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-329 393250 8463150 8 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 Bn clayey sand + numerous rock fragments - amongst low outcrops + boulders of sil dolomite bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-330 393300 8463150 8 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand + numerous rock fragments - amongst low outcrops + boulders of sil sandstone bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-331 393350 8463150 8 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with minor rock fragments - low outcrops sil med-cs qtz sandstone with fine network veining bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-332 393450 8463150 8 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 OrBn "clayey sand with rock fragments amongst outcrops + boulders of sil v brecciated dolomite, looks disrupted" gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-333 393555 8463155 8 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - on lower west slope into creek with sil dolomite scree + boulders bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-334 393650 8463150 8 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 GyBn clayey sand with rock fragments amongst outcrops + boulders of sil dolomite bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-335 393750 8463150 8 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - minor low outcrops sil qtz sandstone gravel trees + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-336 393800 8463150 8 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments amongst outcrops + boulders of sil m-cs qtz sandstone gravel trees + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-337 393850 8463150 8 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 CrBn clayey sand with rock fragments amongst outcrops of sil sandstone with sil dolomite scree gravel trees + bloodwoods contact Limmen/Dook Creek D 15-101-338 393900 8463150 8 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 CrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrop sil dolomite bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-339 393950 8463150 8 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 CrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil dolomite large bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-340 394005 8463155 8 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 CrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrop sil m-cs qtz sandstone with fine network veining large bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-341 394100 8463165 8 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments onto sil sst - extensive outcrops sil m-cs qtz sandstone large bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-342 394200 8463150 8 10-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with minor laterite - site at edge of extensive outcrop sil qtz sandstone large bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-343 393705 8463145 8 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 GyBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops of sil dolomite with red jasper gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-344 393050 8462650 3 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - sil dolomite low outcrop + surface scree Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-345 393100 8462650 3 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - sil dolomite low outcrop + surface scree boulders gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-346 393150 8462650 3 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 GyBn clayey sand with rock fragments - sil dolomite low outcrop + surface scree boulders gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-347 393200 8462650 3 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 GyBn clayey sand with rock fragments - sil dolomite low outcrop + surface scree boulders gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-348 393255 8462650 3 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrop pebbly sil sst with some sil dolomite float bloodwoods contact Limmen/Dook Creek D 15-101-349 393300 8462655 3 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 Bn moved north away from creek - clayey sand with rock fragments amongst sil dolomite outcrop + boulders gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-350 393350 8462645 3 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 Bn site at top of cliff on west side of creek - clayey sand with rock fragments with sil dolomite outcrop + boulders gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-351 393395 8462640 3 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments with sil dolomite outcrop + boulders bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-352 393450 8462660 3 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 GyBn clayey sand with rock fragments - sil dolomite minor low outcrop + float. Site moved north of creek bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-353 393550 8462650 3 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops of sil m-vcs sandstone large bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-354 393650 8462650 3 10-Jun-15 damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with v minor rock fragments -outcrop of sil m-vcs sandstone 5m south large bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-355 393750 8462650 3 10-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with minor rock fragments onto sil m-vcs sandstone large bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-356 393750 8462650 3 10-Jun-15 damp 10-15 OrBn duplicate of 15-101-355 large bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-357 393150 8462550 2 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock framents - low outcrop sil dolomite + surface scree bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-358 393200 8462550 2 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 Bn clayey sand with rock framents - low outcrop sil dolomite + surface scree bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-359 393250 8462550 2 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 Bn clayey sand with rock framents - low outcrop sil dolomite + surface scree bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-360 393300 8462555 2 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 Bn clayey sand with rock framents - low outcrop sil dolomite + surface scree bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-361 393350 8462550 2 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 Bn clayey sand with rock framents - surface scree is sil dolomite bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-362 393450 8462550 2 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - large outcrop sil sandstone 10m north large bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-363 393555 8462555 2 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 Bn "clayey sand with rock fragments - large outcrop sil sandstone, site moved NE" large bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-364 393650 8462550 2 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with minor rock fragments - sample taken onto sil sst large bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-365 393750 8462550 2 10-Jun-15 slightly-damp 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with v minor rock fragments - sample taken onto sil sst large bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-366 391750 8462950 6 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - site mid slope with low outcrops sil dolomite bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-367 391850 8462950 6 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 RdOr "clayey sand with laterite + small rock fragments - site on slope down to east, minor low o/c sil dolomite" gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-368 391950 8462950 6 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 RdOr clayey sand with rock fragments - site near top of rise with low o/c sil dolomite & Cret sst o/c 5m Sth gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-369 392045 8462950 6 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 YeGy "clayey sand with laterite - site at top of rise with no o/c, qtz sand with minor laterite lag over ?Cret sst" large bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-370 392150 8462950 6 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 RdOr "clayey sand with laterite - site on low angle slope down to east, no o/c, sand with laterite lag" large bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-371 392250 8462950 6 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 RdOr "clayey sand with laterite - site on low angle slope down to east, no o/c, sand with laterite lag" large bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-372 392350 8462950 6 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 YeGy "clayey sand with numerous laterite - site on low slope down to east, no outcrop, sand with laterite lag" large bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-373 392450 8462950 6 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrOr "clayey sand with some laterite - site on low slope down to east, no outcrop, sand with laterite lag" large bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-374 392555 8462955 6 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 YeGy "clayey sand with rock fragments - slope down to creek, low outcrops sil dolomite + pebbly sil sandstone" large bloodwoods basal Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-375 392655 8462950 6 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 GyBn clayey sand with rock fragments - site amongst low o/c sil sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-376 392705 8462950 6 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 YeBn clayey sand with rock fragments - site amongst low o/c sil f-m qtz sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-377 392795 8462955 O-04 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 Bn repeat of 15-101-093 bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-378 392895 8462950 O-04 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn repeat of 15-101-095 bloodwoods basal Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-379 393005 8462950 O-04 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn repeat of 15-101-097 bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-380 393055 8462955 O-04 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn repeat of 15-101-098 Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-381 393135 8462965 O-04 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn repeat of 15-101-100 Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-382 391750 8463050 7 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 YeOr clayey sand with minor laterite - sand with minor laterite gravel trees + bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-383 391850 8463050 7 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 YeGy clayey sand with laterite + rock fragments - site at base of 'cliff slope' of cs sil qtz sandstone gravel trees + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-384 391950 8463045 7 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrGy clayey sand with numerous rock fragments - sil dolomite low outcrop + surface scree gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-385 392050 8463050 7 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with numerous laterite - outcropping goe-rich Cretaceous bioturbated sandstone gravel trees + bloodwoods Cretaceous sandstone D 15-101-386 392150 8463050 7 2-Aug-15 slightly-damp 15-20 OrBn "clayey sand with numerous laterite - sand with laterite lag, no outcrop" large bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-387 392250 8463050 7 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 YeGy "clayey sand with numerous laterite - sand with laterite lag, minor ferricrete" large bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-388 392350 8463050 7 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrGy "clayey sand with numerous laterite - sand with laterite lag,no outcrop" large bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-389 392455 8463050 7 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn "clayey sand with no laterite + minor small rock fragments - no outcrop, but f-cs qtz sil sst float" gravel trees + bloodwoods sand D 15-101-390 392550 8463050 7 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - site amongst low o/c sil sandstone gravel trees + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-391 391750 8463150 8 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 YeOr clayey sand with v minor laterite - no outcrop large bloodwoods sand D 15-101-392 391850 8463150 8 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrOr clayey sand with minor small rock fragments - no outcrop at site but sil sst o/c 10m west gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-393 391950 8463150 8 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn clayey sand with numerous rock fragments - low outcrops of sil dolomite with red jasper gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-394 392050 8463150 8 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 GyBn clayey sand with numerous rock fragments - low outcrops of sil dolomite Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-395 392150 8463150 8 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 GyBn "clayey sand with numerous laterite nodules - sand with laterite lag, no outcrop" large bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-396 392250 8463150 8 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 YeGy "clayey sand with numerous laterite nodules - sand with laterite lag, no outcrop" large bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-397 392350 8463150 8 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn "clayey sand with numerous laterite nodules - sand with laterite lag, no outcrop" Bauhinia + bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-398 392455 8463150 8 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments + minor laterite -site amongst minor sil sandstone outcrops Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-399 391750 8463250 9 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 YeBn "clayey sand - no outcrop, sand with minor laterite lag" large bloodwoods sand D 15-101-400 391850 8463250 9 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 RdOr "clayey sand - no outcrop, sand with minor laterite lag" large bloodwoods sand D 15-101-401 391950 8463250 9 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn "clayey sand with laterite + minor rock fragments - no outcrop at site, some sil dolomite scree + numerous laterite" large bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-402 392050 8463250 9 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn "clayey sand with laterite - site at base of slope with low o/c goe-rich Cret sandstone, surface rock scree + laterite lag" gravel trees + bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-403 392050 8463250 9 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn duplicate of 15-101-402 gravel trees + bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-404 392150 8463250 9 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrGy clayey sand with laterite + someFe-sst rock fragments - minorlow ferricrete o/c with sand + laterite lag large bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-405 392250 8463250 9 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 YeGy "clayey sand with numerous laterite - sand + laterite lag, no outcrop" Bauhinia + bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-406 392350 8463250 9 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn "clayey sand with numerous laterite - sand + laterite lag, no outcrop" Bauhinia + bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-407 391750 8463350 10 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 GyBn "clayey sand - no outcrop, no laterite or rock fragments" large bloodwoods sand D 15-101-408 391850 8463350 10 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn "clayey sand - no outcrop, no laterite or rock fragments" large bloodwoods sand D 15-101-409 391950 8463350 10 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 YeBn "clayey sand - no outcrop, minor laterite" large bloodwoods sand D 15-101-410 392050 8463350 10 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 RdBn "clayey sand with laterite + numerous rock fragments - no outcrop, but site 20m nth of outcropping sil dolomite" gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-411 392150 8463350 10 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 GyBn minor low outcrop Fe Cretaceous sst with much surface scree - site on slope down to north gravel trees + bloodwoods Cretaceous sandstone D 15-101-412 392250 8463350 10 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 GyBn "clayey sand with numerous laterite - sand + laterite lag, no outcrop" large bloodwoods sand D 15-101-413 391750 8463450 11 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 WhGy "clayey sand - no outcrop, no laterite or rock fragments" melaleuca + grevillea sand D 15-101-414 391850 8463450 11 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrGy "clayey sand - no outcrop, no laterite or rock fragments" large bloodwoods sand D 15-101-415 391950 8463450 11 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrGy "clayey sand - no outcrop, no laterite or rock fragments" large bloodwoods sand D 15-101-416 392050 8463450 11 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrGy no outcrop - ferruginised Cretaceous sst scree on sand. Site on flat with low slope down to west large bloodwoods Cretaceous sandstone D 15-101-417 392150 8463450 11 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 GyBn no outcrop - ferruginised Cretaceous sst scree on sand. Site near base of slope large bloodwoods Cretaceous sandstone D 15-101-418 391850 8463550 12 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 YeGy "clayey sand with no laterite or rock fragments - no outcrop, sand with v minor laterite lag. " large bloodwoods sand D 15-101-419 391950 8463550 12 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn "clayey sand with no laterite or rock fragments - no outcrop, sand with v minor laterite lag. " large bloodwoods sand D 15-101-420 392050 8463550 12 2-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn clayey sand with Fe-sst rock fragments - Fe Cretaceous sst outcrop 10m east Bauhinia + bloodwoods Cretaceous sandstone D 15-101-421 393095 8463795 Or01 3-Aug-15 dry 15-20 Bn repeat of 15-101-005 Bauhinia + bloodwoods basal Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-422 393105 8463850 Or01 3-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn repeat of 15-101-007 Bauhinia + bloodwoods basal Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-423 393098 8463748 Or01 3-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn repeat of 15-101-003 wattle + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-424 393105 8463695 Or01 3-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn repeat of 15-101-001 Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-425 391550 8462750 Or03 3-Aug-15 dry 10-15 OrBn repeat of 15-101-070W large bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-426 391650 8462750 Or03 3-Aug-15 v slight damp 15-20 Bn repeat of 15-101-070E Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-427 391750 8462750 4 3-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn clayey sand with rock frags - low o/c basal pebbly sil qtz sst Bauhinia + bloodwoods basal Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-428 391850 8462750 4 3-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock frags - low o/c sil sst Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-429 391950 8462750 4 3-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn "clayey sand with rock frags - no o/c at site, sil sst o/c 5m SW" Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-430 392050 8462750 4 3-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn "clayey sand with numerous laterite - no o/c, sand with laterite lag" Bauhinia + bloodwoods sand D 15-101-431 392150 8462750 4 3-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrGy "clayey sand with numerous laterite - no o/c, sand with laterite lag" large bloodwoods sand D 15-101-432 392250 8462750 4 3-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn "clayey sand with moderate laterite - no o/c, sand with laterite lag" large bloodwoods sand D 15-101-433 392350 8462750 4 3-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn "clayey sand with moderate laterite - no o/c, sand with laterite lag" large bloodwoods sand D 15-101-434 392450 8462750 4 3-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn clayey sand with laterite - low o/c Fe poorly-sorted clayey sst large bloodwoods Cretaceous sandstone D 15-101-435 392550 8462750 4 3-Aug-15 dry 15-20 GyBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low o/c Fe-stained Cret sst large bloodwoods Cretaceous sandstone D 15-101-436 392650 8462750 4 3-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn clayey sand with rock frags - site near top of slope down to ESE bloodwoods Cretaceous sandstone D 15-101-437 392755 8462750 4 3-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrGy clayey sand with laterite + rock frags - site mid slope with Cret sst scree Bauhinia + bloodwoods Cretaceous sandstone D 15-101-438 392850 8462750 4 3-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn clayey sand with rock frags onto sil sst - site at base of sil qtz sst ridge Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-439 391550 8462850 5 3-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn clayey sand wth laterite - laterite lag on sand large bloodwoods sand D 15-101-440 391650 8462850 5 3-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn "clayey sand with numerous rock fragments - site near base of steep slope, low o/c sil dolomite + scree" bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-441 391750 8462850 5 3-Aug-15 dry 10-15 CrBn clayey sand with numerous rock frags onto sil dolomite - low o/c sil dolomite gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-442 391850 8462850 5 3-Aug-15 dry 15-20 Bn clayey sand with laterite + Fe rock frags - ferricrete o/c with laterite + Fe Cret sst bloodwoods Cretaceous sandstone D 15-101-443 391950 8462850 5 3-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrOr "clayey sand with numerous laterite - no outcrop, sand with laterite lag" large bloodwoods ferricrete D 15-101-444 392050 8462850 5 3-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn "clayey sand with numerous laterite - no outcrop, sand with laterite lag" large bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-445 392150 8462850 5 3-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrGy "clayey sand with numerous laterite - no outcrop, sand with laterite lag" large bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-446 392250 8462850 5 3-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn "clayey sand with numerous laterite - no outcrop, sand with laterite lag" gravel trees + bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-447 392350 8462850 5 3-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn "clayey sand with numerous laterite - no outcrop, sand with laterite lag" gravel trees + bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-448 392450 8462850 5 3-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn "clayey sand with numerous laterite - no outcrop, sand with laterite lag" Bauhinia + bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-449 392550 8462850 5 3-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrGy clayey sand with laterite - minor low o/c Cret sst Bauhinia + bloodwoods Cretaceous sandstone D 15-101-450 392650 8462850 5 3-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrGy "clayey sand with mod laterite - no o/c, sand with some laterite lag" Bauhinia + bloodwoods sand D 15-101-451 392750 8462850 5 3-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrGy "site amongst low o/c pebbly conglomerate, some Fe-stain - ?Cret sst" Bauhinia + bloodwoods Cretaceous sandstone D 15-101-452 391350 8462550 2 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 YeGy clayey sand with v minor laterite - no outcrop Bauhinia + bloodwoods sand D 15-101-453 391450 8462550 2 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn "site just up from base of slope, amongst sil dolomite o/c & scree" gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-454 391555 8462550 2 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn clayey sand with rock frags & minor laterite - site at top of rise amongst o/c & scree sil sst gravel trees + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-455 391650 8462550 2 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with numerous laterite - ferricrete o/c 10m to east gravel trees + bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-456 391750 8462550 2 4-Aug-15 dry 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with laterite onto sil sst - site amongst low o/c sil sst gravel trees + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-457 391850 8462550 2 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with laterite + rock frags - sand with surface laterite lag probably over sil sst gravel trees + bloodwoods sand D 15-101-458 391950 8462550 2 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with some laterite - sand with laterite lag Bauhinia + bloodwoods sand D 15-101-459 392050 8462550 2 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with abundant laterite - sand with laterite lag bloodwoods sand D 15-101-460 392150 8462550 2 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with abundant laterite - sand with laterite lag large bloodwoods sand D 15-101-461 392250 8462550 2 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with abundant laterite - sand with laterite lag large bloodwoods sand D 15-101-462 392350 8462550 2 4-Aug-15 dry 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with laterite onto ferricrete - minor ferricrete outcrop large bloodwoods ferricrete D 15-101-463 392450 8462550 2 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 Bn sand + laterite lag amongst low Cret sst o/c - site 10m from edge of steep drop-off bloodwoods Cretaceous sandstone D 15-101-464 392550 8462550 2 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 Bn walked down slope with Cret conglomerate cobbles/scree - site at base of slope with sil sst o/c 10m nth. Clayey sand with rock fragments Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-465 392650 8462550 2 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 Bn clayey sand with laterite - site amongst sil f-m well-sorted qtz sst o/c gravel trees + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-466 392750 8462550 2 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with laterite - site amongst sil f-m well-sorted qtz sst o/c gravel trees + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-467 392850 8462555 2 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 Bn clayey sand with laterite - site amongst sil f-m well-sorted qtz sst o/c gravel trees + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-468 392950 8462550 2 4-Aug-15 dry 10-15 Bn site mid-slope amongst sil dolomite o/c & sil sst scree Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-469 393050 8462550 2 4-Aug-15 dry 10-15 Bn clayey sand with rock frags & minor laterite - site on lower slope with scree on surface sand Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-470 391350 8462650 3 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrGy clayey sand - no laterite or rock fragments on surface large bloodwoods sand D 15-101-471 391450 8462650 3 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 GyBn clayey sand - no laterite or rock fragments on surface large bloodwoods sand D 15-101-472 391550 8462650 3 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock frags - site amongst sil qtz sst o/c. Site near top of slope Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-473 391650 8462650 3 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - site amongst low o/c sil dolomite gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-474 391750 8462650 3 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low o/c sil qtz sst surrounded by sand Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-475 391850 8462650 3 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low o/c sil qtz sst surrounded by sand Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-476 391950 8462650 3 4-Aug-15 dry 10-15 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low o/c sil qtz sst surrounded by sand Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-477 392055 8462645 3 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn clayey sand with numerous laterite + Fe-sst - no outcropsand with numerous laterite lag gravel trees + bloodwoods Cretaceous sandstone D 15-101-478 392150 8462650 3 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn clayey sand with numerous laterite - sand with abundant laterite lag gravel trees + bloodwoods Cretaceous sandstone D 15-101-479 392250 8462650 3 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with minor laterite - sand with minor laterite lag large bloodwoods sand D 15-101-480 392250 8462650 3 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn duplicate of 15-101-479 large bloodwoods sand D 15-101-481 392350 8462650 3 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn clayey sand with numerous laterite + rock fragments - sand with laterite lag + Cret sst scree large bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-482 392450 8462650 3 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn clayey sand with laterite + rock fragments - sand with laterite lag + Cret sst scree Bauhinia + bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-483 392550 8462650 3 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with laterite + rock frags - site 10m east of cliff top with Cret sst o/c Bauhinia + bloodwoods Cretaceous sandstone D 15-101-484 392650 8462650 3 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn "clayey sand with rock frags - low o/c sil sst, scree mostly Cret sst" Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-485 392750 8462650 3 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn "clayey sand with rock frags - o/c sil qtz sst 10m east, sand with laterite lag + rock fragments scree" Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-486 392850 8462650 3 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn "clayey sand with mostly laterite, minor rock frags - low o/c sil qtz sst" Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-487 392950 8462650 3 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn clayey sand with rock frags - low o/c sil qtz sst gravel trees + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-488 391250 8462350 1A 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn clayey sand - sand with minor rock fragments on surface bloodwoods sand D 15-101-489 391360 8462355 1A 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 GyBn "clayey sand with rock fragments - amongst low o/c sil med-cs well-sorted sandstone, near top of rise" bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-490 391450 8462350 1A 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - amongst low o/c sil med-cs well-sorted sandstone gravel trees + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-491 391550 8462350 1A 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 Bn "clayey sand with rock fragments + laterite - sand with laterite onto sil dolomite, minor low outcrops" gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-492 391650 8462350 1A 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 Bn "clayey sand with numerous rock fragments - site at base of snall scree slope with sil dolomite, near edge of creek. " bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-493 391750 8462350 1A 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn clayey sand with rock fragments + laterite - low outcrop goe Fe-rich Cretaceous bioturbated sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-494 391850 8462350 1A 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn clayey sand with laterite + rock fragments - minor low outcrop goe Fe-rich Cretaceous bioturbated sandstone in sand with laterite lag Bauhinia + bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-495 391950 8462350 1A 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - sand with numerous laterite lag + Fe-Cretaceous sandstone fragments large bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-496 392050 8462350 1A 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - sand with numerous laterite lag + Fe-Cretaceous sandstone fragments large bloodwoods laterite on sand over Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-497 392150 8462350 1A 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 GyBn clayey sand with numerous rock fragments - extensive low outcrops of goe Fe-rich Cretaceous bioturbated sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-498 392250 8462350 1A 4-Aug-15 dry 10-15 CrBn clayey sand with rock fragments onto Cretaceous sandstone - sand with low outcrops goe Fe-rich Cretaceous bioturbated sandstone bloodwoods Cretaceous Sandstone D 15-101-499 392350 8462350 1A 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrGy clayey sand with rock fragments - mid steep slope with Cretaceous sst outcrop at top and Cretaceous conglomerate boulders + outcrop at site gravel trees + bloodwoods conglomerate - Cretaceous D 15-101-500 392450 8462350 1A 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrGy "clayey sand with rock fragments - near base of slope, low outcrops of sil f-m sandstone 10m north" bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-501 392550 8462350 1A 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with laterite + rock fragments - flat area of sand with laterite lag between sil sandstone ridges heather + Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-502 392650 8462350 1A 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with minor rock fragments - flat area of sand with minor laterite lag between sil sandstone ridges bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-503 392750 8462350 1A 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - site at base of sil sst ridge amongst sil sst boulders gravel trees + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-504 391350 8462450 1 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 Bn clayey sand with minor small rock fragments - sand with no lag bloodwoods sand D 15-101-505 391440 8462450 1 4-Aug-15 dry 10-15 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments onto sandstone candle tree + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-506 391550 8462450 1 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 Bn clayey sand with laterite + ferricrete rock fragments - site has ferruginised sst + laterite scree with low outcrops of sil sandstone 5m west bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-507 391650 8462450 1 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil quartz sandstone bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-508 391750 8462450 1 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn "clayey sand with laterite - sand with minor laterite lag, no outcrop" bloodwoods sand D 15-101-509 391850 8462450 1 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn "clayey sand with laterite - sand with minor laterite lag, low outcrop sil sst 4m Nth" Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-510 391950 8462450 1 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with numerous laterite - minor low outcrops goe-rich Cretaceous bioturbated sandstone in sand with abundant laterite lag bloodwoods Cretaceous sandstone D 15-101-511 392050 8462450 1 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 BnGy clayey sand with numerous laterite - minor low outcrops goe-rich Cretaceous bioturbated sandstone in sand with abundant laterite lag bloodwoods Cretaceous sandstone D 15-101-512 392150 8462450 1 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 BnGy clayey sand with numerous laterite - minor low outcrops goe-rich Cretaceous bioturbated sandstone in sand with abundant laterite lag bloodwoods Cretaceous sandstone D 15-101-513 392250 8462450 1 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 BnGy clayey sand with numerous laterite - minor low outcrops goe-rich Cretaceous bioturbated sandstone in sand with abundant laterite lag Bauhinia + bloodwoods Cretaceous sandstone D 15-101-514 392350 8462450 1 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 Bn clayey sand with numerous laterite + rock fragments - minor low outcrops goe-rich Cretaceous bioturbated sandstone in sand with abundant laterite lag Bauhinia + bloodwoods Cretaceous sandstone D 15-101-515 392450 8462450 1 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - base of Cret sst scree slope - propbably over sil sst bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-516 392545 8462450 1 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - site amongst sil sandstone outcrops + boulders bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-517 392655 8462455 1 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 CrBn clayey sand with laterite + rock fragments - sand with laterite lag between low ridges of sil sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-518 392740 8462455 1 4-Aug-15 dry 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - low outcrops sil sandstone heather + Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-519 392845 8462440 1 5-Aug-15 dry 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - sil sandstone outcrops Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-520 392960 8462455 1 5-Aug-15 dry 15-20 Bn "clayey sand with rock fragments - site moved due to creek, sil sandstone outcrop to Nth & West" Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-521 393055 8462450 1 5-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - site amongst low outcrop sil dolomite plus float gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-522 393150 8462445 1 5-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - site amongst low outcrop sil dolomite plus float gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-523 393255 8462450 1 5-Aug-15 dry 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - site amongst low outcrop sil dolomite plus float gravel trees + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-524 393350 8462450 1 5-Aug-15 dry 15-20 Bn clayey sand with minor rock fragments - site near low o/c sil sandstone bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-525 393455 8462445 1 5-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with minor rock fragments - site at edge of low o/c sil sandstone bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-526 393550 8462450 1 5-Aug-15 dry 15-20 Bn "clayey sand with rock fragments - site near extensive low outcrops sil sandstone, scree includes some sil dolomite" bloodwoods contact Limmen/Dook Creek D 15-101-527 393650 8462450 1 5-Aug-15 dry 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - site near low outcrop sil sandstone bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-528 393750 8462450 1 5-Aug-15 dry 15-20 RdOr clayey sand - sand with minor small rock fragments on surface bloodwoods sand D 15-101-529 392850 8462350 1A 5-Aug-15 dry 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - sand with rock scree + laterite with low sil sandstone outcrops bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-530 392945 8462345 1A 5-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with rock fragments - site amongst low o/c + rubble of sil dolomite Bauhinia + bloodwoods Dook Creek Formation D 15-101-531 393050 8462350 1A 5-Aug-15 dry 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - site amongst low o/c of sil sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-532 393155 8462350 1A 5-Aug-15 dry 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - site amongst low o/c of sil sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-533 393250 8462350 1A 5-Aug-15 dry 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - site amongst low o/c of sil sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-534 393350 8462350 1A 5-Aug-15 dry 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - site amongst low o/c of sil sandstone Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-535 393450 8462350 1A 5-Aug-15 dry 15-20 Bn clayey sand with rock fragments - site amongst minor low o/c of sil sandstone candle tree + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-536 393550 8462350 1A 5-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with minor rock fragments - site amongst minor low o/c of sil sandstone heather + Bauhinia + bloodwoods Limmen Sandstone D 15-101-537 393650 8462350 1A 5-Aug-15 dry 15-20 Bn "clayey sand - sand with no rock fragments or laterite on surface, no outcrop" bloodwoods sand D 15-101-538 393750 8462345 1A 5-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn clayey sand with no laerite nor rock fragments - sand with no lag & no outcrop large bloodwoods sand D 15-101-539 393750 8462345 1A 5-Aug-15 dry 15-20 OrBn duplicate of 15-101-538 large bloodwoods sand EOF