Hole_Number Sample_Number MGAE MGAN Depth_mm Colour Piso% Clay VISHM Veg_cover Comments HMLoss HM% Image Aa NN001 397262 8347595 800 Red <12 Minor easy to slime Yes Open to sparse Terminated on dol boulder sandy fraction >50% of con >5 smaller fraction ilm and some titano 6.00% NN001 Ab NN002 397264 8347548 650 Purple <10 Minor easy to slime Yes Open to sparse sandy fraction >50% of con >5 smaller fraction ilm and some titano 6.00% NN002 Ac NN003 397270 8347500 650 Red <10 Minor easy to slime Yes Open to sparse sandy fraction >50% of con >5 smaller fraction ilm and some titano 3.00% NN003 Ad NN004 397263 8347458 650 Orange <5 Minor easy to slime Minor Open to sparse sandy fraction >50% of con >5 smaller fraction ilm and some titano 5.00% NN004 Bd NN005 397214 8347458 600 Orange <3 Minor easy to slime No Open to sparse sandy fraction >50% of con >5 smaller fraction ilm and some titano 1.00% NN005 Bc NN006 397212 8347501 700 Brown <2 Minor easy to slime No Open to sparse sandy fraction >50% of con >10 smaller fraction and some tinano 1.00% NN006 Bb NN007 397212 8347545 1000 Brown <10 Minor easy to slime Minor Open to sparse sandy fraction >50% of con >5 smaller fraction ilm and some titano 2.00% NN007 Ba NN008 397212 8347597 1000 Orange <12 Minor easy to slime Minor Open to sparse sandy fraction >50% of con >5 smaller fraction ilm and some titano 3.00% NN008 Ca NN009 397161 8347597 800 Red <10 Minor easy to slime Minor Open to sparse sandy fraction >50% of con >5 smaller fraction ilm and some titano 4.00% NN009 Cb NN010 397156 8347549 750 Red <5 Minor easy to slime Yes Open to sparse sandy fraction >50% of con >5 smaller fraction ilm and some titano 4.00% NN010 Cc NN011 397155 8347503 800 Brown <10 Minor easy to slime Minor Open to sparse sandy fraction >50% of con >5 smaller fraction ilm and some titano 6.00% NN011 Cd NN012 397158 8347454 800 Brown <12 Minor easy to slime Yes Open to sparse sandy fraction >50% of con >5 smaller fraction ilm and some titano 6.00% NN012 Ce NN013 397161 8347408 1000 Orange <5 Minor easy to slime Minor Open to sparse sandy fraction >50% of con >5 smaller fraction ilm and some titano 4.00% NN013 De NN014 397114 8347409 750 Orange <5 Minor easy to slime Minor Open to sparse sandy fraction >50% of con >5 smaller fraction ilm and some titano 3.00% NN014 Dd NN015 397111 8347457 750 Brown <10 Minor easy to slime Minor Open to sparse sandy fraction >50% of con >5 smaller fraction ilm and some titano 3.00% NN015 Dc NN016 397108 8347507 750 Orange <5 Minor easy to slime Minor Open to sparse sandy fraction >50% of con >5 smaller fraction ilm and some titano 7.00% NN016 Db NN017 397105 8347559 850 Purple <7 Minor easy to slime Yes Open to sparse sandy fraction >50% of con >5 smaller fraction ilm and some titano 8.00% NN017 Da NN018 397110 8347619 800 Red <10 Minor easy to slime Yes Open to sparse sandy fraction >50% of con >5 smaller fraction ilm and some titano 5.00% NN018 Ea NN019 397055 8347621 850 Red <5 Minor easy to slime Yes Open to sparse sandy fraction >50% of con >5 smaller fraction ilm and some titano 12.00% NN019 Eb NN020 397056 8347572 1000 Black <10 Difficult black soil No very grassy sandy fraction >50% of con >5 smaller fraction ilm and some titano 6.00% NN020 Ec NN021 397058 8347523 1000 Pale orange <5 Minor easy to slime No Sparse trees and grass sandy fraction >50% of con >5 smaller fraction ilm and some titano 8.00% NN021 Ed NN022 397063 8347476 750 Red <5 Minor easy to slime Minor Open to sparse sandy fraction >50% of con >5 smaller fraction ilm and some titano 8.00% NN022 Ee NN023 397060 8347426 1000 Red <5 Minor easy to slime Yes Sparse trees and grass sandy fraction >50% of con >10 smaller fraction and some tinano 12.00% NN023 NN024 397271 8347790 750 Purple <5 Minor easy to slime Yes Open road sandy fraction >50% of con >10 smaller fraction and some tinano 10.00% NN024 NN025 397278 8347995 1000 Red <5 Minor easy to slime Yes Open road SSt Float to N 100m sandy fraction <50% of con >10 smaller fraction and some tinano 22.00% NN025 Gate NN026 397300 8348337 850 Purple <5 Minor easy to slime Yes Open road sandy fraction <50% of con >10 smaller fraction and some tinano 13.00% NN026 Gate200E NN027 397505 8348368 850 Purple <5 Minor easy to slime Yes Open road sandy fraction >50% of con >10 smaller fraction and some tinano 10.00% NN027 Gate600E NN028 397901 8348376 850 Red <2 Minor easy to slime Yes Open road sandy fraction >50% of con >10 smaller fraction and some tinano 13.00% NN028 average 6.82% average less highest and lowest 6.46%