Westminster A26588 2009 Soil Geochemistry. Filename A26588_2009_A_02_SoilGeochem_SG1.txt H0002 Version 3 H0003 Date_generated 22-July-2009 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 08_Jul_2009 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no A26588 H0101 Tenement_holder Truscott Mining Corporation H0102 Project_name Westminster H0106 Tenement_operator Truscott Mining Corporation H0150 250K_map_sheet_number Tennant Creek 53-14 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number Tennant Creek 5758 H0152 50K_map_sheet_number H0153 25K_map_sheet_number H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 09-July-2008 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 08-July-2009 H0202 Template_format SG1 H0203 Number_of_data_records 8 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 08-July-2009 H0300 Related_data_filenames H0301 Surface_geochem_comp_data_file A26588_2009_A_02_SoilGeochem_SG1.txt H0500 Feature_located Surface_location H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum AHD Arbitrary RL500 Nominal H0503 Projection UTM MGA Zone 53 H0508 Local_grid_name H0530 Coordinate_system Projected H0531 Projection_zone 53 H0532 Surveying_instrument GPS Etrex Hand Held H0533 Surveying_company Truscott Mining Corp H0600 Sample_code SO H0601 Sample_type sO:Soil Sample H0602 Sample_description 200gm grab samples H0700 Sample_preparation_code S031 R040 H0701 Sample_preparation_details S031:Pulverise to 50um R040:Tungsten steel ring mill pulverise to 70 um H0702 Job_no PH07142846. H0800 Assay_code Au by Au-TL43 Trace elements Bi,Cu by ME-ICP43 H0801 Assay_company ALS:Australian Laboratory Services, Perth H0802 Assay_description Au-TL43 Trace Level Au 25gm aqua rega extraction graphic furnace AAS finish ,ME-ICP43 AR-ICP-AES H1000 Project Lease SampleType SampleId GDAE GDAN GDARL Accuracy Au Bi Cu Lab JobNo Machine Sampler Date H1001 metres metres metres ppb ppm ppm H1002 Au-TL43 ME-ICP43 ME-ICP43 H1003 1 1 1 1 2 1 H1004 1 1 1 1 2 1 Westminster A26558 Auger WSS0375 414049 7827420 381 GPS 16 6 21 ALS PH07142846 Kanga IH Nov-07 Westminster A26558 Auger WSS0376 414097 7827423 379 GPS 18 3 19 ALS PH07142846 Kanga IH Nov-07 Westminster A26558 Auger WSS0377 414109 7827454 382 GPS 20 7 116 ALS PH07142846 Kanga IH Nov-07 Westminster A26558 Auger WSS0378 414101 7827467 385 GPS 13 2 20 ALS PH07142846 Kanga IH Nov-07 Westminster A26558 Auger WSS0385 414148 7827423 384 GPS 5 <2 20 ALS PH07142846 Kanga IH Nov-07 Westminster A26558 Auger WSS0386 414152 7827401 381 GPS 6 <2 18 ALS PH07142846 Kanga IH Nov-07 Westminster A26558 Auger WSS0387 414201 7827400 382 GPS 5 <2 7 ALS PH07142846 Kanga IH Nov-07 Westminster A26558 Auger WSS0388 414196 7827426 386 GPS 6 <2 10 ALS PH07142846 Kanga IH Nov-07 EOF