Sample No Samp Type Fraction Weight Kg MGAN MGAE Grid ID Date Sampler Tenement Company Comment Dip/Strike Lith 1 Lith 2 120819 RCP Whole 3 8494972 765198 MGA94 29.09.09 NDK/SC EL25181 HDN "Sandstone, red brown, iron rich, red he & spec he rimming vughs and replacing seds" 166 SAfe 120820 RCP Whole 3 8494964 765197 MGA94 29.09.09 NDK/SC EL25181 HDN "Sandstone, Fe rich, dark brown. Massive he infilling vughs and rimming vughs, and replacing SA. Minor limonite." SAfe 120821 RCP Whole 3 8495000 765177 MGA94 29.09.09 NDK/SC EL25181 HDN "Sandstone, Fe rich, dark brown (continuation of 819 and 820). 1m wide unit, he replacement, heavy. Brecciated in part, sed clasts, hematite matrix. " SAfe 120822 RCP Whole 3 8495036 765161 MGA94 29.09.09 NDK/SC EL25181 HDN "Sandstone, Fe rich, dark brown (continuation of 821). 1m wide unit, he replacement, heavy. Brecciated in part, sed clasts, hematite matrix. " SAfe 120823 RCP Whole 3 8494934 765219 MGA94 29.09.09 NDK/SC EL25181 HDN "Sandstone, red-brown, some he replacement." SAfe 120824 RCP Whole 3 8494916 765235 MGA94 29.09.09 NDK/SC EL25181 HDN "Sandstone, massive botryoidal He, 1m thick." 160/20E SAfe 120825 RCP Whole 3 8494900 765250 MGA94 29.09.09 NDK/SC EL25181 HDN "Sandstone, massive he, botryoidal." 140/66NW SAfe 120826 RCP Whole 3 8494868 765263 MGA94 29.09.09 NDK/SC EL25181 HDN "Sandstone, massive he replacement." SAfe 120827 RCP Whole 3 8494838 765764 MGA94 29.09.09 NDK/SC EL25181 HDN "Conglomerate. Red sandstone clasts, quartz clasts. Silica matrix. 41 cps." SC 120828 RCP Whole 3 8495326 765234 MGA94 29.09.09 NDK/SC EL25181 HDN "Sandstone, silicified, white and pink banding." SA 120829 RCP Whole 3 8495314 765232 MGA94 29.09.09 NDK/SC EL25181 HDN "Sandstone, silicified, oc." SA 120830 RCP Whole 3 8494828 765186 MGA94 29.09.09 NDK/SC EL25181 HDN "Seds - Fe rich, dark brown, powdery, he replacement (red)." Sfe 120832 RCP Whole 3 8499016 766738 MGA94 30.09.09 NDK/SC EL25181 HDN "VQ, specular he, red seds. Marks change in lithology? More green (fg seds) to the E. " VQ 120833 RCP Whole 3 8498912 766931 MGA94 30.09.09 NDK/SC EL25181 HDN "Sandstone, Fe rich, silicified, hematitic. 330 cps." 114/80N SA 120838 RCP Whole 3 8493468 767908 MGA94 1.10.09 NDK/SC EL25181 HDN "Sandstone, yellow-brown, some red Fe staining. Float. " S 120839 RCP Whole 3 8496482 765399 MGA94 1.10.09 NDK/SC EL25181 HDN "Sandstone and VQ, micaceous / ?andalusite porphyroblasts? Mullock from man made ?diggings. Also some WW2 pads around. On Hayes Creek allivial plain." S VQ 120840 RCP Whole 3 8496492 765398 MGA94 1.10.09 NDK/SC EL25181 HDN VQ. Mullock from man made ?diggings. Also some WW2 pads around. On Hayes Creek allivial plain. VQ 120841 RCP Whole 3 8496464 765383 MGA94 1.10.09 NDK/SC EL25181 HDN "sandstone, minor Fe & breccia - VQ with he matrix. Mullock from man made ?diggings. Also some WW2 pads around. On Hayes Creek allivial plain." S VQ 120842 RCP Whole 3 8496466 765384 MGA94 1.10.09 NDK/SC EL25181 HDN "Seds, grey green, intense VQ, Mullock from man made ?diggings. Also some WW2 pads around. On Hayes Creek allivial plain." S VQ 120843 RCP Whole 3 8496462 765409 MGA94 1.10.09 NDK/SC EL25181 HDN "VQ, limonite in joints and fractures. Mullock from diggings." VQ 120844 RCP Whole 3 8496458 765508 MGA94 1.10.09 NDK/SC EL25181 HDN "Seds, intense VQ, mullock from diggings. " S VQ 120845 RCP Whole 3 8496478 765315 MGA94 1.10.09 NDK/SC EL25181 HDN "VQ, bucky white o/c. Scrapings around. " VQ 120846 RCP Whole 3 8499430 766862 MGA94 2.10.09 NDK/SC EL25181 HDN "Sandstone, 365 cps. 046/62NW" SA 120848 RCP Whole 3 8499188 766906 MGA94 2.10.09 NDK/SC EL25181 HDN "VQ, spec he - float on top of ridge." 170 VQ 120849 RCP Whole 3 8499102 766804 MGA94 2.10.09 NDK/SC EL25181 HDN "VQ, spec he, li - float on top of ridge." VQ 120851 RCP Whole 3 8498922 766822 MGA94 2.10.09 NDK/SC EL25181 HDN "Sandstone, minor VQ, spec he on joint surfaces. " SA VQ 120852 RCP Whole 3 8498916 766837 MGA94 2.10.09 NDK/SC EL25181 HDN "VQZ, spec he, li." VQhe SPEC N/A N/A 8499388 766942 MGA94 9.09.09 NDK/SC EL25181 HDN Seds 210 cps. 008/58E SA SPEC N/A N/A 8499414 766819 MGA94 9.09.09 NDK/SC EL25181 HDN 326 cps 040/70NW SA SPEC N/A N/A 8499427 766723 MGA94 9.09.09 NDK/SC EL25181 HDN 325 cps 052/40NW SA SPEC N/A N/A 8499410 766559 MGA94 9.09.09 NDK/SC EL25181 HDN red-brown sandstone. Bed 030/76NW. Joint 114/80NE. 328 cps 040/80NW SA SPEC N/A N/A 8499164 766610 MGA94 9.09.09 NDK/SC EL25181 HDN "VQ, bucky white, 1m wide, some spec he. 170 cps." 168 VQ SPEC N/A N/A 8499166 766624 MGA94 9.09.09 NDK/SC EL25181 HDN Sandstone. 242 cps. 28 SA