H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 24-Nov-2017 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 24-Nov-2017 H0005 State Northern Territory H0100 Tenement_no/Combined_report_no EL25467/EL25467_2017_C_11_CofundingFinalReport.pdf H0101 Tenement_holder Marindi Metals Pty Ltd H0102 Project_name Yalco H0106 Tenement_operator Teck Australia H0150 250K_map_sheet_number MOUNT YOUNG D5315 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number TAWALLAH RANGE 6066 H0152 50K_map_sheet_number NA H0153 25K_map_sheet_number NA H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 15-Aug-2017 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 14-Aug-2019 H0202 Data_format DL4 H0203 Number_of_data_records 28 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 24-Nov-2017 H0301 Collar_data_file EL25467_2017_C_02_DrillCollars.txt H0302 Lithology_data_file EL25467_2017_C_03_LithoLogs.txt H0303 Assay_data_file EL25467_2017_C_04_DownholeAssays.txt H0304 Survey_data_file EL25467_2017_C_05_DownholeSurvey.txt H0307 Lithology_code_file EL25467_2017_C_06_LoggingCodes.zip H0308 File Verification List EL25467_2017_C_07_FileListing.txt H0313 Alteration_data_file EL25467_2017_C_08_Alteration_data_file.txt H0314 Magsusc_data_file NA H0315 Vein_data_file NA H0316 Recovery_data_file EL25467_2017_C_09_Recovery_data_file.txt H0317 Gamma_data_file NA H0318 DHQAQC_data_file EL25467_2017_C_10_DownholeQAQC_data_file.txt H0320 RQD_data_file EL25467_2017_C_11_RQD_data_file.txt H0323 Mineralisation_data_file EL25467_2017_C_12_Mineralisation_data_file.txt H0324 SG_data_file EL25467_2017_C_13_SG_data_file.txt H0325 Stratigraphy_data_file EL25467_2017_C_14_Stratigraphy_data_file.txt H0326 StructureInterval_data_file EL25467_2017_C_15_StructureInterval_data_file.txt H0327 StructurePoint_data_file EL25467_2017_C_16_StructurePoint_data_file.txt H0328 GeotechDetails_data_file EL25467_2017_C_17_GeotechDetails_data_file.txt H0400 Drill Code DIA H0401 Drill_contractor Titeline Drilling Pty Ltd H0402 Drill_description DIA Diamond bit coring H0500 Feature_located Drillhole Collar H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum Nominal H0503 Projection UTM H0530 Coordinate_system PROJECTED H0531 Projection_zone 53 H0532 Surface_Location_Survey_Instrument NA H0533 Surface_Location_Survey_Company NA H0900 Remarks NA H1000 Hole_id Depth From Depth To Projectcode PRIORITY RK1_CLASS RK1_CATEGORY RK1_SUBGROUP ROCK_CODE RK_COLOUR RK_MIN RK_GFORM RK_BFORM RK1_Text1 RK1_Text2 RK_TEXTURE RK2_CLASS RK2_CATEGORY RK2_SUBGROUP ROCK_CODE2 RK2_COLOUR RK2_MIN RK2_GRAINFORM RK2_BEDFORM RK2_Text1 RK2_Text2 RK2_TEXTURE RK3_CLASS RK3_CATEGORY RK3_SUBGROUP ROCK_CODE3 RK3_COLOUR RK3_MIN RK3_GRAINFORM RK3_BEDFORM RK3_Text1 RK3_Text2 RK3_TEXTURE LITH_LoggedBy LITH_COMMENT MARKER_BED H1001 metres metres H1004 0.001 0.001 0.00000001 D YLDD001 0 66.23 YAL 1 Sedimentary Carbonate Dolomite SCDU gr,lgr,lgy dol cvfg,cfg bep,bvtl,blam,bvtb,bthn tbd tib Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPS dgr,gr,lgr gcly,gslt bep,bvtl,blam,bvtb,bthn tbd tib Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSA dol gsfn,gsmd,gscr tib tgr N.McMillan Variably lt to med green andlt grey dol interbedded with med to lt green silt/muds. Bedding can be difficult to determine - appears to be mostly lam to thinly bedded. Some offse due to minor faulting. May appear irregular/internally chaotic. Fine to coarse sst beds (lithic?) common - may be graded. Very thin lams of carb silt/muds. Some minor interbeds of v thin lam fissile/friable muds. Possible halite hoppers @ 53.90m 58.32m. Fault @ 63.18 - 64.47m D YLDD001 66.23 68.96 YAL 1 Sedimentary Pelite Pelite SSPV bk dol gcly,gslt bep,bdw tnee tbd tcv,ttm,tnir,tsy Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPM br,dbr,ta dol gcly,gslt bep,bdw,bvtl tnee tbd ttm,tnir,tsy N.McMillan Interbedded v thinly laminated black carbonaceous silts and dk brown to tan silt/muds. Bedding generally regular although some disruption (nods/ minor offset/internally chaotic). Thin elongate bedding parallel and irregular dolomitic nodules appear bed-lke. MTS textures. Possible dewatering textures. Patchy dol alt texture near upper boundary. Stylolites. Very rare sst bed. Some pyrite blebs D YLDD001 68.96 71.96 YAL 1 Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSM gy,lgr,lgy dol gsvf,gsfn bep,bthn,bmed,btck tbd Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPS dgr,gr gcly,gslt bep,bdw,blam,bvtb,bthn tbd tcv N.McMillan Med to lt green silt and lt green and grey dol sst beds. Sst beds generally poorly sorted dol dom but lithic (?). Silt bedding generally irregular and lam to thin beds and sst beds thicker thin to med. Minor v thin lam carb silts. D YLDD001 71.96 75.87 YAL 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPV bk dol gcly,gslt bdw,bvtl tnee tnir tbd,tcv Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPS br,gr,lgr dol gcly,gslt bep,bwp,blam,bvtb,bthn tib tbd N.McMillan Predominantly v thinly laminated black carbonaceous silts with minor lt to med green and brown silt/muds - v thn to thn beds. Bedding regularly disrupted due to significant elongate and irregular dol nod. Stylolites. Some pyrite on fracture surfaces. D YLDD001 75.87 92.45 YAL 1 Sedimentary Carbonate Dolomite SCDU gr,lgr,lgy dol cvfg,cfg bep,bdf,blam,bvtb,bthn tbd Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSM gy,lgy dol gsmd,gscr bthn,bmed tbd Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPV bk dol gcly,gslt bep,bdw tib tnfs tnir N.McMillan Interbedded lt-med green and grey dol (green colouration appears to decrease downhole) and dol sandstone - gradnig not common. Dol appears generally lam to thin beds although bedding can appear diffuse wth dol sst generally thin to med beds. Intervals of v thinly lam carbonaceous silts often associated with irregular nodules. D YLDD001 92.45 97.45 YAL 1 Sedimentary Carbonate Dolomite SCDU gy,lgr,lgy dol cvfg,cfg blam,bvtb,bthn,bmed tbd Breccia Polymict Clast-supported BPCS bk,gy,lgr,lgy dol bcan,bcsa,bcsr bxcs tmil Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPV bk gcly,gslt bep,bdw,bvtl tib N.McMillan FAULT ZONE: Interbedded lam to meds beds of grey and lt green dol and v thin lam carb silts - bedding often offset and irregular with white carbonate veining. Intervals of predom clast supported breccia and thick white carb veining associated with the fault. Some vein hosted pyrite. D YLDD001 97.45 178.56 YAL 1 Sedimentary Carbonate Dolomite SCDU gy,lgr,lgy dol cvfg,cfg bdf,blam,bvtb,bthn tbd tsy Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSS gy,lgr,lgy gsmd,gscr,gsvc bthn,bmed,btck tbd Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPV bk,dgy dol gcly,gslt bvtl,blam tib tnfs N.McMillan Interbedded grey and lt green dol and silts (green colouration appears to decrease downhole) and coarse dol and lithic sandstone - grading not common although seems to be some reverse grading? Dol and silt beds appear generally lam to thin beds although bedding can appear diffuse wth dol sst generally hin to thick beds. Intervals of v thinly lam carbonaceous silts often associated with irregular nodules. Rare friable/fissle muds. SOme halite hoppers/evap textures? @177m. Pyrite on some fracture surfaces. D YLDD001 178.56 179.67 YAL 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPS gr gcly,gslt bdf,blam,bvtb,bthn tbd tbx Sedimentary Carbonate Dolomite SCDU lgr,lgy dol cvfg,cfg bdf,bvtl,blam,bvtb tbd tbx Breccia Polymict Clast-supported BPCS dol bcan,bcsa,bcsr bxcs tmil N.McMillan FAULT ZONE: Lt grey and green silt and dol and v thin lam carb silts. Bedding is disrupted/offset or associated with fault breccia. Some pyrite on fracture surfaces. White carbonate veining. D YLDD001 179.67 218.5 YAL 1 Sedimentary Pelite Pelite SSPS gy,lgr,lgy dol bep,blam,bvtb,bthn,bmed tbd Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSA gy,lgr,lgy dol gscr,gsvc,ggra bthn,bmed,btck tbd tgr Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPV bk,dgy dol gcly,gslt bep,bdw,bvtl,blam tib tnfs tnir N.McMillan Interbedded grey and lt green dol and silts (green colouration decreases downhole) and coarse dol and lithic sandstone. Dol and silt beds appear generally v lam to med beds although bedding can be difficult to determine. Sst beds appear thin to thick. Intervals of v thinly lam carbonaceous silts may be associated with irregular nodules. Rare friable/fissle muds. Some evap textures (?) @ 214m. Some pyrite blebs/lams associated with carbonaceous intervals D YLDD001 218.5 275.88 YAL 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPV bk,gy dol gslt bep,bwp,bvtl,btnib tnfs tbd tdw,ttm Sedimentary Carbonate Arenite SSSM gy,lgy gsfn,gsmd blam,bvtb,btnib tbd N.McMillan Carbonaceous siltstone dominated by interbedded dolomitic siltsone nodules parallel to bedding. Small intervals of metre(s) thick interbedded arenitic sandstones. These intervals include 235.8m - 237.9m 243 - 244.1m and 251.15 - 253m D YLDD001 275.88 292.53 YAL 1 Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSM gy,lgy gsvf,gsfn,gsmd ben,bvtl,blam,bthn,bmed tib Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPB cr,lbr,lgy gcly btck tma Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPV Contractor Dolomitic arenite with minor < 10cm graded beds (fining uphole) Interbedded with metre intervals of carbonaceous siltstones 280.25 - 281.9m and the more massive dolomitic mudstone 281.9 - 286.71m D YLDD001 292.53 300.99 YAL 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPV bk,dbr,gy gslt blam,bvtb,btnib tbd tib Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSD bk,gy,lgy gsvf bdp tbd tib Contractor Interbedded carbonaceous arenite grading into a carbonaceous siltstone. D YLDD001 300.99 301.48 YAL 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPS gy,lgy tbx Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPV bk gslt tbx Contractor Small brecciated interval of Siltstone and carbonaceous Siltstone. Likely a cavity infill. D YLDD001 301.48 303.42 YAL 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPM dbr,gy,lgr gcly bvtl tma tbd Contractor Massive mudstone with occassional very thin carbonaceous laminations. Minor brecciation of mudstone and carbonaceous laminations 302.75 - 302.90m. D YLDD001 303.42 305.36 YAL 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPS gy,lgy gslt,gsvf tbx Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPV bk tbx Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPD br,gy,lgy gslt tbx Contractor Brecciated Siltstone with carbonaceous siltstones and minor dolomitic siltstones D YLDD001 305.36 311.06 YAL 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPM cr,gy dol gcly bms,bgh,btck tma tbd Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSM gy gslt bgh,bvtl tbd tma Contractor Massive mudstone with minor irregular sandstone beds (medium to coarse grained) upto 15mm thick. Dolomitic D YLDD001 311.06 347.28 YAL 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPV bk,gy gslt bvtl,blam,bvtb tnfs tbd tdw,tssd Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSD gy,lgy gslt bms,bgh tnfs tbd tbx,tma Contractor Interbedded carbonaceous siltstone with arenitic siltstone. Weakly dolomitic but patchy. Significant fault from 332.60 - 333.0 m. Brecciation and minor carbonate veining from 331m to fault and then very broken ground minor carbonates from the fault down hole to approximately 345m. D YLDD001 347.28 443.66 YAL 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPV bk,gy gcly,gslt tbd tma tnfs Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPD gy gslt tnfs tbd Contractor Dominant carbonaceous siltstone with minor to very minor dolomitic siltstone nodules weakly. Carbonaceous siltstone becomes less interbedded to massive downhole. Fault from 381.12 - 381.25m. End of HQ D YLDD001 443.66 497.3 YAL 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPV bk,gy gcly,gslt tbd tma tnfs Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPD gy gslt tnfs tbd Contractor As above (HQ). Start of NQ D YLDD001 497.3 518.05 YAL 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPB gy dol gcly tbd tgh Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPV bk,dgy,gy gslt bdp tbd tgr Contractor Dolutite grading into a carbonaceous siltstone. Interval of clast (upto 2mm) supported conglomerate - mostly carbonates 503.84-504.62m and irrregular spaced graded sandy intervals (max 10cm thick). D YLDD001 518.05 529.78 YAL 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPD bk,dbr,gy gslt tbx tnfs Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPV bk gslt bep tbd tbx Contractor Matrix supported domomitic siltstone breccia. Monomictic. Interval of pyritic carbonaceous siltstone 525.5 - 529m. D YLDD001 529.78 538.8 YAL 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPV bk gslt tbx Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPD gslt tbx tbd Contractor Highly brecciated carbonaceous siltstone with angular dolomitic siltstone clasts. Monomictic. Late stage carbonate infill/veining D YLDD001 538.8 604.7 YAL 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPD dgy,gy,lgy gslt tbd tbx tnfs Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPV bk,gy gslt tbd tbx Contractor Interbedded dolomitc siltstones and carbonaceous siltstones with regular small (upto 1 m) intervals of matrix supported conglomerates to 564m then these intervals become clast supported conglomerates and med to pebble sandstones. Monomictic clasts are rounded to sub angular dolomitic siltstones. D YLDD001 604.7 636.05 YAL 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPB gy,lgy dol gcly,gslt bvtl,bmed tbd tib tnfs Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPQ bk,dgy gcly,gslt bep,blam,bthn tbd tib tsy Contractor Interbedded dolomitic and carbonaceous mudstones to siltstones. Minor carbonate veining. D YLDD001 636.05 699.96 YAL 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPB gy gcly bep,bvtl,bthn,bmed tbd tib Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPD bk,dgy,gy,lgy gslt bvtb,bmed tbd tgr tcr Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPH bk gcly bep,blam,btck tbd tma Contractor Interbedded dolomitic mud and siltstone with increasing carbonaceous mudstones/shales downhole. Interval of featureless carbonaceous shale (marker bed?) approx 645 - 650 m. From 698 - 700m there is upto 10cm interbedded chloritic clays - altered volcaniclastics? D YLDD001 699.96 728.95 YAL 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPB cr,gy gcly bep,bms,bgh,blam,bmed tgh tbd tib Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPD cr,gy gslt,gsvf blam,bmed tbd tgh tib Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPV bk gslt bvtl tbd tib Contractor Dolomitic mudstone with interbedded dolomitic siltstones and increasing carbonaceous shales downhole. Strong dolomitic alteration ghost sed textures. D YLDD001 728.95 738.4 YAL 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPB cr,gy gcly bms,bgh tbx tbd Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPD gy gslt,gsvf bms,bgh,bvtb tbx tbd tic Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPV bk gslt bvtl tbd tbx Contractor Brecciated interval of Dolomitic mudstone and siltstone and carbonaceous siltstone. likely a fault. slight Fe alt through the dolomitic siltstone and oxide staining on all broken surfaces. D YLDD001 738.4 781 YAL 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPV bk,gy gslt bep,bvtl,blam,bvtb tbd tib tbx Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPB cr,gy gcly tbx tgh tnfs Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPD gy gslt,gsvf,gsfn tbd tnfs tbx,tib Contractor Interbedded carbonacoues siltstone with dolomitic muds and siltstones. Quite a choatic interval with zones of brecciation. Irregular intervals of graded bedding. 750.4 - 758 m zone of strongly dolomitised mudstone. Nodular texture increasing from 758 m. EOH EOF