H0100 Tenement_no EL22413 H0101 Tenement_holder Rio Tinto Exploration H0102 Tenement_operator Rio Tinto Exploration H0103 Project_name Baiguridji River H0104 250k_mapsheet_number 5307 H0105 100k_mapsheet_number 6071 H0200 Start_date_of_data_aquisition 5/08/2007 H0201 End_date_of_data_aquisistion 5/08/2007 H0202 Data_Format DL H0203 Number_of_data_records 28 H0204 Date_of_Metadata_update 9/06/2008 H0301 Location_data_file BaiguridjiRiver_2007_A_02_drillcollars.txt H0302 Downhole_lithology_data_file BaiguridjiRiver_2007_A_03_lithology.txt H0303 Downhole_geochem_data_file BaiguridjiRiver_2007_A_04_downholegeochem_XRF.txt H0400 Drill_Code NQ aircore H0401 Drill_Contractor Wallis Drilling H0502 Vertical_datum Topographic map H1000 HOLEID DFROM DTO COLOUR1 LITH1_QUAL LITH1 LITH1_ABUN (%) COLOUR2 LITH2_QUAL LITH2 LITH2_ABUN (%) COLOUR3 LITH3_QUAL LITH3 LITH3_ABUN (%) MIN1_INT MIN1 MIN2_INT MIN2 MIN3_INT MIN3 ALT1_INT ALT1_STYLE ALT2_INT ALT2_STYLE ALT3_INT ALT3_STYLE RECOVERY (%) COMMENTS D AC07BR001 0 1 BROWN COARSE SOIL LATERITE friable sandy soil with laterite pebbles and few white clay fragments D AC07BR001 1 2 BROWN COARSE sand clay """ + less lat pebbles" D AC07BR001 2 3 red fine clay sand """ clay fragments are mottled" D AC07BR001 3 3.5 BROWN silicified SILTSTONE siltstone "siltstone with chert lenses, v hard (bit cannot bite through - hole stopped)" D AC07BR002 0 1 BROWN COARSE SOIL LATERITE lat/soil friable sand D AC07BR002 1 2 red COARSE clay LATERITE "clay (bx?) friable clay rich material, some peds (variably mottled) some PIS" D AC07BR002 2 3 red COARSE clay LATERITE """" D AC07BR002 3 3.5 BROWN sandstone "Basement (Sandstone) medium grained, mature" D AC07BR003 0 1 BROWN COARSE SOIL LATERITE friable clay dominated sandy matrix with clay peds and few laterite pebbles D AC07BR003 1 2 BROWN COARSE clay LATERITE """ + more PIS" D AC07BR003 2 3 BROWN COARSE clay LATERITE """ - PIS + more mottled" D AC07BR003 3 3.75 BROWN silicified SILTSTONE siltstone "hit basement, silicified clay/siltstone" D AC07BR004 0 1 BROWN fine soil clay friable clay dominated sandy matrix with clay peds and few laterite pebbles D AC07BR004 1 2 BROWN clay """ + more PIS" D AC07BR004 2 3 BROWN clay hard mottled clay peds D AC07BR004 3 4 BROWN clay """" D AC07BR004 4 5 BROWN sandstone hard gritty sandstone (basement?) D AC07BR004 5 6 pink sandstone hard silicified siltstone D AC07BR005 0 1 BROWN fine SOIL clay several laterite pebbles and mottled clay peds in clay rich/sandy soil matrix D AC07BR005 1 2 BROWN fine clay sand """ + more sand" D AC07BR005 2 3 BROWN clay """ + more clay" D AC07BR005 3 4 BROWN clay mottled clay D AC07BR005 4 5 BROWN gritty clay sandstone """ + poorly rounded qtz sand" D AC07BR005 5 6 BROWN gritty clay sandstone """ + poorly rounded qtz sand" D AC07BR005 6 7 pink gritty clay sandstone """ + poorly rounded qtz sand" D AC07BR005 7 8 pink arkosic sandstone sandstone "gritty arkosic qt sandstone, cemented and variably Fe stained" D AC07BR005 8 9 pink arkosic sandstone sandstone """" EOF