Anomaly MGA_E MGA_N Tenure_ID Comments ST007 773800 8514900 SEL24352 Structural Target; arcuate flexure between Glencoe/Woolwonga Site 6 774000 8514600 EL 4415 Anomalous Au in rock chips; visible Au in 3 soils; RAB drill results 'patchy' Northern Gold 760820 8522520 EL 5490 rock chip sample of 3.55g/t Au and anomalous stream seds in folded Koolpin Fm/Zamu Dolerite. Suggest mapping/sampling. Difficult access? Grove Hill 779720 8507280 EL 7231 Also outlined on EL6187; soil anomaly follows NS faulted contact of Mt Bonnie and Zamu. ST003 780981 8512101 EL 7231 "Patchy anomalous soil to max of 43ppb Au. Close to flexure point on Woolwonga trend, as seen on TMI" 93AAAC047 772760 8522150 EL 7372 Aircore drilling followed up weak soils anomaly. Drillhole returned 52ppb Au and As to 200ppm Fenton 760900 8498000 EL 7601 "Soil sampling returned peak values of 193 ppb Au, but follow-up vac drilling returned 0.2g/t Au" BT001 777310 8503660 EL 7623 In SE Burnside EOMP as drill target; NS-trending +20ppb Au anomaly following Mt Bonnie/Gerowie contact Santorini 750239 8524511 EL 7492 Has resource estimate; requires modelling and perhaps more drilling Kazi 752825 8523570 remains open at depth and to the North. Ranked No. 5 feasibility target due to high grade and potential to upgrade Ithaca 751086 8519876 EL 7769 LLFA soil anomaly 500mx 200m of >20ppb Au; RC drilling (13 holes) gave max intercept of 3.13g/t Au in IT07. Needs further review Ios 751037 8517100 "Resource of 723,438t @ 1.29g/t Au for 30,000oz in 1995; could be higher. Near railway; needs field-checking & further drilling" Bons Rush 752094 8525888 Now on recently granted ML23617; needs resource modelling; infill drilling for resource upgrade Big Red Blob 753329 8526810 SEL9591 Soil anomaly; RAB drilling intersected 6m @ 1.11g/t Au from 3m in BRR168. Further work required 93GHVA489 772330 8508560 EL 7926 57ppb Au in vac hole on coincident soil anomaly. May be NW extension of stronger soil anomaly at BT004 BT004 772910 8507910 part of the same arcuate soil anomaly as ST002. Also has EL7926 soil/vac anomaly as part of a NW trend(?) Ellison 771260 8520940 EL 8003 600m x 100m soil anomaly of +50ppb Au with noted Bi mineralisation in Zamu Dolerite. Needs investigation McCallum1 768900 8527510 EL 8053 Soil anomaly within Gerowie Tuff McCallum2 769600 8528080 EL 8053 Soil anomaly; part of an anomalous trend extending into EL24351 further north. Exploration target Liberator Ext 758100 8499730 EL 8082 Soil anomaly EL 8082 756730 8499730 EL 8082 Soil anomaly snaking through Koolpin/Mt Bonnie sediments Liberator 758200 8501230 EL 8128 Soil and RAB anomaly; 2m @ 8.6g/t Au from 27m in LB20; 15m @ 1.6g/t Au from 51m in LB07 Beacon Hill 749750 8506600 EL 8129 500m x 100m soil anomaly at +40ppb Au; does not appear to be drill-tested EL 8521 748750 8522350 EL 8521 Weak +5ppb Au BLEG soil anomaly; follow-up RAB drilling had 10 samples > 40ppb Au on soil anomaly EL 8550 751550 8522390 EL 8550 Coincident soil/RAB anomaly with 14m @ 1.17g/t Au from 5m; 4m @ 3.41g/t Au from 2m in PQ17 BT003 777320 8501420 EL 8579 Soil anomaly up to 250ppb Au on interpreted flexure position on an anticline on contact between Koolpin/Zamu EL 8683 768000 8525150 EL 8683 Soil anomaly requiring further infill sampling & checking. On contact between Zamu & Gerowie Golden Wall 750830 8503320 EL 8886 NW-trending soil anomaly approx 500m x 100m Scrapper 773500 8518350 EL 8898 Soil anomaly; drilling by Dominion intersected max value of 4.68g/t Au in WN48; needs more work Santorini East 750348 8524160 Midpoint between 2 soil anomalies to 1140ppb Au (sth and NW points given in report) F16 754505 8528632 Quest Far South 753629 8521660 SEL9591 NE- trending soil anomaly max 360ppb Au; drilling outlined N-trending bedrock Au/As anomaly associated with mod N-trending mag anomaly. Needs more drilling Midway 751510 8502000 ?Fenton rock chip anomaly by Dominion(?) May be what was mentioned by Shaw 2004 as area of interest from rock chip sampling. Does not appear to be drilled Big Howley West 754032 8505960 SEL9591 260ppb Au soil anomaly Chinese W Fault Block 754874 8504275 SEL9591 30ppb Au soil anomaly identified from NGNL work Santorini South 750253 8522560 2 parallel SE-trending anomalies approx 150m apart. Midpoint taken as prospect location. See detailed results before any extra work 8550 East 751856 8521637 430ppb Au anomaly Sth Goodall Stress Anomaly 756500 8535600 EL 5313 South along Goodall anticline structure; stress mapping anomaly low stress / high dilation