H0002 Version 3 H0003 Date_Generated 7-Apr-17 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 24-Mar-17 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_name EL29849 H0101 Tenement_holder Minemakers Australia Pty Ltd H0102 Project_name Wonarah H0150 Map_sheet_number 250K SE53-15 SE53-16 H0151 Map_sheet_number 100K 6158 6258 H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 19-Mar-13 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 24-Mar-17 H0202 Template_format SL3 H0203 Number_of_data_records 8 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 4-Apr-17 H0301 Location_data_file EL29849_2017_P_4_Drill_Collars.txt H0302 Downhole_lithology_data_file EL29849_2017_P_6_Downhole_Lith.txt H0303 Downhole_Geochem_data_file EL29849_2017_P_5_Downhole_Geochem.txt H0304 Downhole_Survey_data_file EL29849_2017_P_8_Downhole_Surveys.txt H0305 Lithology_units_file EL29849_2017_P_7_Lith_Units.txt H0306 Magsus_data_file EL29849_2017_P_9_Magsus.txt H0307 Downhole_Radeye_data_file EL29849_2017_P_10_Radeye.txt H0900 Remarks: Rock Code for Unit and Lithology columns H1000 Rock Code Lithology D BAS Mafic volcanics D CAV Cavity D CBX Chert breccia phosphorite (<10% P2O5) D CMU Convolute mudstone D DOL Dolomitic siltstone D HBX CBX >20% P2O5 D HDO Hangingwall dolostone D HMU Hangingwall mudstone D KMB Potassium marker bed D LPH Mudstone phosphorite (<10% P2O5 within overall +10% interval) D MBX CBX 10-20% P2O5 D MPH Mudstone phosphorite D PUN Phosphorite undifferentiated D REG Surficial D TUN Transitional sediments D TUP Transitional phosphorite D UND Undifferentiated D Ac Carbonatite D Akm Kimberlite D Alm Lamprophyre D Bx Breccia D Bxh Hydrothermal breccia D Bxk Karst Breccia D F Felsic D Fg Granite D Fga Aplite D Fgd Granodiorite D Fgl Leucrogranite D Fgm Monzonite D Fgmq Quartz monzonite D Fgn Felsic Gneiss D Fgo Granophyre D Fgp Pegmatite D Fgt Tonalite D Fmg Microgranite D Fph Phonolite D Fpo Porphyry D Fry Rhyolite D Fryt Rhyolite - general D Fryta Rhyolite - ash fall D Frytc Rhyolite - crystal D Frytl Rhyolite - lapilli D Frytw Rhyolite - welded D Fsc Felsic schist D Fsy Syenite D Ftj Trondhjemite D Ftr Trachyte D Fv Felsic Volc D Fvl Latite D Fvr Rhyolite D Fvt Felsic Volc - general D Fvt Trachyte D Fvta Felsic Volc - ash fall D Fvtc Felsic Volc - crystal D Fvtl Felsic Volc - lapilli D Fvtw Felsic Volc - welded D I Intermediate D Iad Adamellite D Ida Diorite D Idaq Quartz diorite D Isc Intermediate Schist D Iv Intermediate volcanic D Iva Andesite D Ivat Andesite - general D Ivata Andesite - ash fall D Ivatc Andesite - crystal D Ivatl Andesite - lapilli D Ivatw Andesite - welded D Ivd Dacite D Ivdt Dacite - general D Ivdta Dacite - ash fall D Ivdtc Dacite - crystal D Ivdtl Dacite - lapilli D Ivdtw Dacite - welded D Ivt Intermediate volcanic - general D Ivta Intermediate volcanic - ash fall D Ivtc Intermediate volcanic - crystal D Ivtl Intermediate volcanic - lapilli D Ivtw Intermediate volcanic - welded D M Mafic D Md Dolerite D Mg Gabbro D Mgq Quartz gabbro D Mm Amphibolite D Mn Anorthosite D Mnr Norite D Msc Mafic schist D Mt Troctolite D Mv Mafic volc. D Mvb Basalt D Mvm High Mg Basal D Mvt Tholeiite D ncv cavity D nsb backfilled D nsc contamination D nsh Not rock - hole D nsr no sample D nss stope D nxl not logged D Oae Aeolian D Oal Alluvium D Occ Calcrete D Ocl Colluvium D Ocp Caprock D Ocy Clay D Odm Duricrust-manganiferous D Oel Eluvium D Ofc Ferricrete D Ogo Gossan D Ogv Gravel D Ogy Gypcrete D Ohm Humus D Ohp Hardpan D Oik Recent Karst Fill D Ois Ironstone D Olc Lacustrine Clays D Olg Lag (gravel) D Olt Laterite (transport) D Osl Silcrete D Pdk Porphyry Dyke D S Sediment D Sag Argillite D Sak Arkose D Sar Arenite D Sbo Boundstone D Sbx Sed breccia D Sca Calcarenite D Scb Carbonate rock D Scg Conglomerate D Sco Coal D Sct Chert D Scy Claystone D Sdi Diatomite D Sdm Diamictite D Sdo Dolomite D Sex Exhalite D Sgr Grit D Sgs Grainstone D Sgw Greywacke D Sic Sif carbonaceous D Sif Sif D Sil Sif silic D Sio Sif oxide D Sis Sif sulph D Sjp jasperoid D Sjs Jaspilite D Slg Lignite D Sls Limestone D Slt Slate D Smb Marble D Smg Magnesite rock D Sml Marl D Sms Mudstone D Sms-Ssl Silty mudstone D Spa Packstone D Spe Pelite D Sph Phyllite D Spo Phosphorite D Spp Porcellinous phosphorite D Spx Phosphorite breccia D Sqo Orthoquartzite D Sqt Quartzite D Srd Rudstone D Ssh Shale D Ssl Siltstone D Ssl-Sms Muddy siltstone D Ssl-Sst Sandy siltstone D Sst Sandstone D Sst-cg Sandstone - coarse grained D Sst-cht Cherty fg-sst D Sst-fg Sandstone - fine grained D Sst-mg Sandstone - medium grained D Sst-Ssl Sst (vfg) to Ssl D Sst-vfg Sandstone - very fine grained D Stb Turbidite D Sti Tillite D Sva Tuffisite D U Ultramafic D Ud Dunite D Uhb Hornblendite D Uhz Harzburgite D Upd Peridotite D Upx Pyroxenite D Upxc Clinopyroxenite D Upxo Orthopyroxenite D Usc Ultramfic Schist D Usp Serpentinite D Uv Ultramafic D Uvk Komatiite D X Unknown Precurser D Xcb Carbonate rock undif D Xcs Calc-silicate D Xgn Gneiss D Xhf Hornfels D Xmy Mylonite D Xsc Schist D Xsk Skarn D Xsz Shear zone or sheare D Xvag "Agglomerate, volcani" D Xvc Volcaniclastic D Xvcc Cataclasite D Xvhc Hyaloclastite D Xvig Ignimbrite D Xvlh Lahar D Xvob Obsidian D Xvpx Pyroclastic D Zbx Fault breccia D Zfz Fault rock or fault D Zfzg Fault rock or fault D ew extremely weathered D hw highly weathered D mw moderately weathered D ww weakly weathered D fr fresh D fx fracture oxidation D Rlt laterite D Rcy clay zone (plasmic zone) D Rsp saprolite (undifferentiated) D Rsu upper saprolite D Rsl lower saprolite D Rsr saprock D fr fresh rock D bl bleached D cc calcreted D cp pedogenic carbonate D fc ferricreted D go goethitic D gp gypsiferous D he haematitic D hp hardpanised D in indurated D ka kaolitic D le leached D mg magnesite rich D mn manganiferous D mo mottled D no nontronitic D re reduced horizon D sc silcreted D si silicified D gy grey D bn brown D gn green D pi pink D ol olive D bk black D or orange D pu purple D rd red D bu blue D wh white D yl yellow D l light D d dark D ns poor recovery D lc low contamination D hc high contamination D is insufficient sample D nc no contamination D d dry D m moist D w wet EOF