code_type code description aa as above ABD ABANDONED abs absent abt abundant abv above abz albitised ac across aci acicular ad adjacent adc andesitic adl amygdale ads andesite aft after agg aggregate ahl anhedral al alluvium alg along ali aligned alit alignment alt acicular leucoxene thr altd altered altn alteration am amphibolite amps amphiboles amt amount apx approximately ard around aren arenite argc argillic args argillaceous argt argillite ash ash ass associated ASZ BANDED SILICEOUS ZONE atho although att alternate attg alternating av average azm azimuth b barren bb bleb bby blebby bc broken core bcg becoming bcon basal contact bd band bdd banded bdg banding bec become bedg bedding bg being bkh blackish bkn broken bl blue bld bladed blh bluish blk block blky blocky blw below bn brown bnh brownish BOCO BASE OF COMPLETE OXIDATION boco base of complete oxidation brck bedrock brd broad brg bearing bt brilliant btm bottom btn between btr botryoidal bu boudin bv basalt bvc basaltic bwk boxwork bx breccia bxn brecciation bz banded zone ca core axis cag coating calc calcareous CAV CAVITY cav cavity cavs cavities cb carbonaceous cby cut by c-c cross-cut cem cement cf contains from cgo consisting of chc chloritic chca chlorite-carbonate chld chloritised chv chalcedony vein cl close clr clear clt clast clv cleavage cm centimetre cn common cng containing cntn contamination cny commonly co colluvium coa coated cod carbonated cof colloform col colour cold coloured colo core loss cols colourless comp component con contact conc concordant cong conglomerate cor coarse cos contains cot contain cpn composition cpng compositional banding cps chips cqv comb quartz vein cren crenulation crmy creamy crt calcrete cs carbonates csg casing cst consist ct chert cub cubic cun cutan cvg carbonate veining cxy complexity cy clay cyy clayey d dark da dacite dac dacitic damp damp sample dca degrees to core axis decg decreasing deep deep def defined deg degrees dev developed dfm deform dfmn deformation dh downhole di diorite dia diameter dipg dipping dis displace disd displaced dist displacement dk dyke dn down dol dolerite domd dominated domt dominate domy dominantly drn direction ds disseminated dsct discrete dsn dissemination dsp disrupt dspd disrupted dst distort dstd distorted dy dusky edl ellipsoidal ee en-echelon ehl euhedral elg elongate elgn elongation EOH END OF HOLE EOHC END OF HOLE:CASING LEF EOHR END OF HOLE:CASING RET EOP END OF PRECOLLAR eq equal eql equidimensional eqy equally esp especially est estimate estd estimated ex extremely exlt exhalite exlv exhalative ext extent extl extensional extn extension fa fold axis fb flow band fbg flow banding fbx flow breccia fcs facies fd fold fdg folding fest ironstone fgd facing down on graded beds fgu facing up on graded beds fi fine fib fibrous fid filled FILL FILL fin filling fiy finely fl flow flk flake flt fault flw following fmd formed fmr former fmy formerly FNCS form form fpc feldspathic fra fracture frag fragment freq frequently frmg forming frz fracture zone fs feldspars fsh fresh ft ferricrete ftd flattened fw footwall gb gabbro gc graphitic gg gouge ghsd ghosted gk greywacke gly generally gmass groundmass gn green gnd grained gng gangue gngr granite gneiss gnh greenish gns gneiss goc goethitic gos goss goss gossanous grav gravel grn grain grp granophyre gst greenstone gsz grain size gy grey gyh greyish ham hornblende amphibolite hd hard hdn hardened hf hornfels himg high magnesium HIP HOLE IN PROGRESS hip hole in progress hl hairline hly highly hmgs homogeneous hw hanging-wall hyd hydrothermal ibd interbed ibdd interbedded ifd isoclinally folded ig increasing il isoclinal im irregular masses imb imbricated imy immediately inc increase incd included incn inclusion incs includes inct incipient incv inclusive infd infilled infg infilling init initially ins intense insig insignificant int intermediate intn intercalation intr intrusion intv intrusive intx interlocking invl interval iny intensely ir irregular iry irregularly isu insitu iy increasingly jar jarosite jspc jaspilitic jspd jasperoidal jspt jaspilite jt joint km komatiite kmc komatiitic ks k-spar kt knot lacks lacks lap lapilli lcon lower contact le laminae lf logged for lg large lgr larger lht light lil lithological lils lithologies lily lithology lin lineation lly locally llzd localized lmc limonitic ln lamination lpy lamprophyre lr lower ls less than lsr lesser lt laterite ltc lateritic ly layer m metre ma mafic amphibolite magc magnetic mc mafic mcg medium to coarse grain med medium medd medium dark mft microfault mftd microfaulted mftg microfaulting mid middle mil milky min mineral mis micas mj major mjy majority ml mullion mlht medium light mm millimetre mn minor mnly mainly mns manganiferous mnst manganese staining mod moderate mr moroon ms massive sulphides msd mineralised msms metasediments msn mineralisation mst most msy mostly mtl mantle mtld mantled mtlg mantling mu mafic undifferentiated mud mudstone mut multiple mvt microveinlet mxd mixed my moderately myf moderately foliated myl mylonite myp moderately-packed mz mineralised zone n/a not assayed n/s n/s !not sampled NA NOT ASSAYED na not available napp not applicable NC NO CORE nc no core ndet not determined NL NOT LOGGED NS NOT SAMPLED ns numerous NSR NO SAMPLE RECOVERED nsr no sample recovered nw narrow ob overburden obl oblique obsd observed oc occurrence occ occasional ocr occur ocrd occurred ocrg occurring ocy occasionally ol olive onc oncolites ora orange orr orientation reading ort orientation ortd oriented ost ostracods ov overlying ox oxide oxd oxidised oxdn oxidation oxz oxidised zone p pale pal pallid pats patches pay platy pbl porphyroblast pbx pyroclastic breccia PC PRECOLLAR pc precollar pch palaeochannel pcl particle pd pebble dyke breccia perp perpendicular pg pegmatite phy porphyry pis pisolite pk pink pkh pinkish pl polylith pla pillow lava plc polylithic ple place plec pleochroic pln plane pm polymetallic pno phenocryst poc pyrrhotitic pos possible posy possibly pot potassic ppy pyritic stylolites pre pr preceding prby probably pre preserved pred predominant predy predominantly pres present prl parallel prom prominent pry poorly prz primary zone psm prismatic ptg ptygmatic ptl partial ptly partially pto parallel to pty partly pu purple puh purplish pyc pyritic pylc phyllitic qc quartz-carbonate qfp quartz feldspar porphy qqc quartz/quartz carbonate qt quartzite qv quartz vein qzs quartzose r rich rbl rubble rd rhyodacite rdh reddish recd recovered recv recovery refg reflecting reg region rep replace rept replacement repv replacive rf raft rg regular rhy rhyolite rk rock rl related rry rarely rt relict rxld recrystallised rxln recrystallisation ry relatively s sulphides sap saprolite sapc saprolitic sapr saprock sas saussuritised saz saussuritisation sc silcrete scad scattered sch schist sci schistosity scv sulphide chalcedony veining scy secondary sdc sulphidic sdk sand dyke sds sandstone sec section sed sediment sedy sedimentary sem semi-fresh serc sericitic serd sericitised serp serpentinite sev several sg specific gravity sh shale shg shearing shl subhedral shp sharp shr shear SHZ SHEAR ZONE sic silicic sid silicified sig significant sil siliceous sim similar sin silicification sls slickensides slt silt sltst siltstone slty silty sly slightly sm small smr smear smy smokey soft soft spd serpentinised sps sparse spsy sparsely spt spherulite sptd spotted spy spotty sss soft sediment slumping stk strike stmc stromatolitic stn stain stnd stained stng staining str strong stt structure sttl structural stw stockwork stwd stockworked/net veined sty stylolite stys stylolites stz stringer zone suf surface sug supergene sugz supergene zone sur surround surg surrounding sy strongly syf strongly foliated syg sygmoidal sz shear zone szd sized tab tabular tb transposed bedding tf tuff tg tension gash than than tho though ti tight tk thick tky thickly tn thin tny thinly TOFR TOP OF FRESH ROCK tofr top of fresh rock ton tonalite tpd transported tr trace tran transition trc trachytic trl transitional trs translucent trz transition zone tt throughout twd toward txt texture ualtd unaltered ucon upper contact ucy unconformably uh uphole ulcs upper and lower contac um ultramafic umin unmineralized umu ultramafic undifferent un underlying und undifferentiated uni uniform ur upper uwed unweathered v very vbl variable vbly variably vd very dark vdy very dusky vert vertical vis visible vit vitric vl vesicle vlht very light vn vein vnd veined vng veining vnt veinlet vol volcanic volc volcaniclastic volm volume vp very pale vt variolite vuy vuggy w with wed weathered wedg wedge weg weathering wet wet sample whe where whi which wi within wide wide wk weak wo without WOK WORKINGS/STOPE wr wallrock wspy wispy wth width wy weakly wyf weakly foliated xe xenolith xl crystal xld crystallised xln crystallisation yw yellow ywh yellowish z zone age A Archaean age C Carboniferous age Cz Cainozoic age D Devonian age E Cambrian age J Jurassic age K Cretaceous age M Mesozoic age O Ordovician age P Permian age PE Precambrian age PR Proterozoic age PRM Mesoproterozoic age PRN Neoproterozoic age PRP Paleoproterozoic age Pz Paleozoic age Qny Quarternary age S Silurian age Tert Tertiary age TR Triassic alteration AAB ALBITIC ALTN alteration AAR ARGILLIC ALTN alteration ABA SILICA-BIOTITE-ALBITE ALTN alteration ABL BLEACHED alteration ABS BIOTITE-SERICITE ALTN alteration ABT BIOTITE ALTN alteration ACA CARBONATE ALTN alteration ACC CHLORITE-CARB/BIOT/PYRR ALTN alteration ACG CHLORITE-GARNET ALTN alteration ACH CHLORITIC ALTN alteration AEP EPIDOTE ALTN alteration AFE FERRUGINOUS ALTN alteration AFU FUCHSITIC ALTN alteration AHM HAEMATITIC ALTN alteration AIK ILLITE-KAOLINITE ALTN alteration AMN MANGANIFEROUS ALTN alteration APC CHLORITE-BT-PO ALTERATION alteration APH PHYLLIC ALTN alteration APR PROPYLITIC ALTN alteration APT POTASSIC ALTN alteration APY PYRITIC ALTN alteration AQP QUARTZ-PYRITE ALTN alteration ASA SAUSSURITIC ALTN alteration ASB SILICA-BIOTITE-ASPY/PYRR ALTN alteration ASE SERICITIC ALTN alteration ASI SILICIC ALTN alteration ASK SKARN ALTN alteration ASM SMECTITE-ILLITE ALTN alteration ASS SILICA-SERICITE ALTN alteration AST SERPENTINISATION alteration ASU SULPHIDIC ALTN alteration ASZ SILICEOUS BANDED ZONE altint 1 WEAK altint 2 MODERATE altint 3 STRONG colour bk black colour bl blue colour bn brown colour gn green colour gy grey colour ol olive colour ora orange colour pk pink colour pu purple colour red red colour wh white colour yw yellow colour_desc bkh blackish colour_desc bl blue colour_desc blh bluish colour_desc bn brown colour_desc bnh brownish colour_desc gn green colour_desc gnh greenish colour_desc gy grey colour_desc gyh greyish colour_desc ol olive colour_desc ora orange colour_desc pk pink colour_desc pkh pinkish colour_desc pu purple colour_desc puh purplish colour_desc rdh reddish colour_desc red red colour_desc yw yellow colour_desc ywh yellowish devi AL BY ALPHA/BETA devi CP COREMAP DEVICE devi CS COMPASS (OUTCROP) devi RK ROCKET LAUNCHER dom_mineralogy VA ADULARIA VEIN dom_mineralogy VB BIOTITE VEIN dom_mineralogy VC CARBONATE VEIN dom_mineralogy VD FELDSPAR VEIN dom_mineralogy VE QTZ CARBONATE VEIN dom_mineralogy VF FLOURITE VEIN dom_mineralogy VH CHALCEDONIC SILICA VEIN dom_mineralogy VL CHLORITE VEIN dom_mineralogy VM Fe/MANGANESE VEIN dom_mineralogy VO VEIN - OTHER dom_mineralogy VP AMPHIBOLE GROUP MINERALS VEIN dom_mineralogy VQ QUARTZ VEIN dom_mineralogy VR SERICITE VEIN dom_mineralogy VS SULPHIDE VEIN dom_mineralogy VT TOURMALINE VEIN dom_mineralogy VU SULPHATE VEIN dom_mineralogy VW SCHEELITE VEIN dom_mineralogy VY BARITE VEIN drill Alcor ALCOR drill Arrinooka ARRINOOKA drill Ausdrill AUSDRILL drill AusdrillNW AUSDRILL NW drill Barminco BARMINCO drill Bostech BOSTECH drill Challenge CHALLENGE drill Connector CONNECTOR drill Drill Powe DRILL POWER drill Drill Torq DRILL TORQUE drill Drillcorp DRILLCORP drill Drillex DRILLEX drill G&K G&K drill Green GREEN drill L Kennedy L KENNEDY drill McKay McKAY drill Northwest NORTHWEST drill P Kennedy P KENNEDY drill Redmond REDMOND drill Ryan RYAN drill Stanley STANLEY drill Sulina SULINA drill Wallis WALLIS drill Westralian WESTRALIAN DIAMOND element Ag element Al element As element au element Au_C element Au_F element B element Ba element be element Bi Element br br element C element Ca element Cd element Ce element Cl element Co element Cr element Cs element Cu element dy element er element Eu element F element Fe element Ga element Gd element ge element Grin Grind Pass % element Hf element Hg element ho element Ir element K element La element Li element LOI element lu element Mg element Mn element Mo element Na element Nb element Nd element Ni element Os element P element Pb element Pd element pr element Pt element Rb element Rh element Ru element S element Sb element Sc element se element Si element Sm element Sn element Sr element ta element Tb element Te element Th element Ti element Tl element tm element U element V element W element wg_C element Wght Lab Weight of Sample Element Y Y element Yb element Zn element Zr fabint 1 very weakly developed fabint 2 weakly to moderately developed fabint 3 moderately developed fabint 4 strongly developed fabint 5 intensely developed fabric ags augen structured fabric bud boudinaged fabric bxd brecciated fabric cat cataclastite fabric clvd cleaved fabric crd crenulated fabric dfmd deformed fabric drf drag-folded fabric fdd folded fabric fn foliation fabric fol foliated fabric frad fractured fabric fz fault zone fabric intd intercalated fabric myc mylonitic fabric ofd openly folded fabric pfd ptygmatically folded fabric sce schistose fabric shd sheared fabric shf shear foliation fabric sld slickensided fabric tfd tightly folded fabric un unconformity feat BOCO Base of Complete Oxidation feat BOTM Base of Transported Mat. feat CBI Cover Bedrock Interface feat EOH End of Hole feat PC Pre Collar feat PRED Pre collar depth feat SOH Start of Hole feat TOFR Top of Fresh Rock feat TOSA Top of Saprock feat vg Visible Gold feat WID Water Info Depth feat WT Water Table feat wt water table feat YD Younging Downwards feat YU Younging Upwards grid 51_TO_50 51_TO_50 grid AIRSTRIP_M AIRSTRIP_M grid AMG AMG grid BARRA BARRA grid BMA BMA grid BMA_M BMA_M grid BREAM BREAM grid BUL BUL grid BULGERA BULGERA grid BULGERA EA BULGERA EAST grid COLOSSUS COLOSSUS grid CYCLOPS CYCLOPS grid EEL EEL grid GREAT_W GREAT_W grid J_CAIRN J_CAIRN grid MULGA YARD MULGA YARD grid NEDS CREEK NEDS CREEK grid ORIENT ORIENT grid PELICAN PELICAN grid PLUTWEST PLUTWEST grid POL POL grid PPP_MINE PPP_MINE grid PRICKLEY PRICKLEY grid RANDALL RANDALL grid REDROSS REDROSS grid RESTITAN RESTITAN grid RESTITIN RESTITIN grid SPARROW SPARROW grid TRIPLE P TRIPLE P grid TS TANK TS TANK grid YADGY YADGY grid YOWEREENA YOWEREENA gsize cg coarse grained gsize fg fine grained gsize fmg fine to medium grained gsize mcg medium to coarse grained gsize mg medium grained gsize pgc pegmatitic gsize vfg very fine grained hole_status COMPLETE Completed Drilling Hole_Type AC Air Core Hole_Type ACD Aircore Diamond Tail Hole_Type AG Auger Hole_Type AGD Auger Diamond Tail Hole_Type DD Diamond Hole_Type GC Grade Control Hole_Type HAG Hand Auger Hole_Type LAG Lag Sample (Tanami) Hole_Type MR Mud Rotary Hole_Type MRD Mud Rotary Diamond Hole_Type P Percussion Hole_Type RAB RAB Hole_Type RABD RAB diamond tail Hole_Type RC Reverse Circulation Hole_Type RCD Diamond tail Hole_Type REG Regolith Hole_Type TR Trench Hole_Type VAC Vacuum Hole_Type WB Water Bore indi IDP DELTA PORPHYROBLAST/PORPHYROCLAST ASYMMETRY indi IJD FAULT/FRACTURE JOG DILATION indi ILD SLICKENLINES/SLICKENSTEPS indi ILF MINERAL FIBRES indi ILS SLICKENSIDES indi IMF MICA FISH indi IPF PORPHYROCLAST FRACTURING indi ISC S-C PLANES IN MYLONITE indi ISP SIGMA PORPHYROBLAST/PORPHYROCLAST ASYMMETRY indi IVE EN ECHELON VEINS indi IVF FOLDED VEINS indi IVO VEIN ORIENTATION RELATIVE TO ASSOCIATED FAULT/SHEAR indi IVX VEIN OFFSET Insitu/Trans I Insitu Insitu/Trans I/T Insitu and Transported Insitu/Trans T Transported Insitu/Trans T/I Transported and Insitu kine LL LEFT LATERAL/SINISTRAL kine N NORMAL kine OND OBLIQUE MOVEMENT WITH COMPONENTS OF NORMAL AND DEXTRAL kine ONS OBLIQUE MOVEMENT WITH COMPONENTS OF NORMAL AND SINISTRAL kine ORD OBLIQUE MOVEMENT WITH COMPONENTS OF REVERSE AND DEXTRAL kine ORS OBLIQUE MOVEMENT WITH COMPONENTS OF REVERSE AND SINISTRAL kine R REVERSE kine RL RIGHT LATERAL/DEXTAL kine UE BLOCK THAT MOVED UPWARDS (EAST UP) kine UN BLOCK THAT MOVED UPWARDS (NORTH UP) kine US BLOCK THAT MOVED UPWARDS (SOUTH UP) kine UW BLOCK THAT MOVED UPWARDS (WEST UP) kinematic LL left lateral kinematic N normal kinematic OND oblique normal dextral kinematic ONS oblique normal sinistral kinematic ORD oblique reverse dextral kinematic ORS oblique reverse sinistral kinematic R reverse kinematic RL right lateral kinematic UE east up kinematic UN north up kinematic US south up kinematic UW west up kinind IDP delta porphyroblast kinind IJD jog dilation kinind ILD slickensteps kinind ILF mineral fibres kinind ILS slickensides kinind IMF mica fish kinind IPF porphyroclast fracture kinind ISC SC planes kinind ISP sigma porphyroblast kinind IVE enechelon veins kinind IVF folded veins kinind IVO vein orientation kinind IVX vein offset lithcode AAB ALBITIC ALTN lithcode AAR ARGILLIC ALTN lithcode ABA SILICA-BIOTITE-ALBITE ALTN lithcode ABS BIOTITE-SERICITE ALTN lithcode ABT BIOTITE ALTN lithcode ACA CARBONATE ALTN lithcode ACC CHLORITE-CARB/BIOT/PYRR ALTN lithcode ACG CHLORITE-GARNET ALTN lithcode ACH CHLORITIC ALTN lithcode AEP EPIDOTE ALTN lithcode AFE FERRUGINOUS ALTN lithcode AFU FUCHSITIC ALTN lithcode AHM HAEMATITIC ALTN lithcode AMN MANGANIFEROUS ALTN lithcode APC CHLORITE-BT-PO ALTERATION lithcode APH PHYLLIC ALTN lithcode APR PROPYLITIC ALTN lithcode APT POTASSIC ALTN lithcode AQP QUARTZ-PYRITE ALTN lithcode ASA SAUSSURITIC ALTN lithcode ASB SILICA-BIOTITE-ASPY/PYRR ALTN lithcode ASE SERICITIC ALTN lithcode ASI SILICIC ALTN lithcode ASK SKARN ALTN lithcode ASM SMECTITE-ILLITE ALTN lithcode ASS SILICA-SERICITE ALTN lithcode ASZ SILICEOUS BANDED ZONE lithcode COLO CORE LOSS lithcode DFC LAMINATED FERRICRETE lithcode DFF MASSIVE FERRICRETE lithcode DFN NODULAR FERRICRETE lithcode DFO FERRICRETE-UND lithcode DFP PISOLITHIC FERRICRETE lithcode DFW FRAGMENTAL FERRICRETE lithcode DFX BRECCIATED FERRICRETE lithcode DKC LAMINATED CALCRETE lithcode DKF MASSIVE CALCRETE lithcode DKN NODULAR CALCRETE lithcode DKO CALCRETE-UND lithcode DKP PISOLITHIC CALCRETE lithcode DKW FRAGMENTAL CALCRETE lithcode DKX BRECCIATED CALCRETE lithcode DLC LAMINATED LATERITE lithcode DLF MASSIVE LATERITE lithcode DLN NODULAR LATERITE lithcode DLO LATERITE-UND lithcode DLP PISOLITHIC LATERITE lithcode DLW FRAGMENTAL LATERITE lithcode DLX BRECCIATED LATERITE lithcode DNC LAMINATED MAGNESITE lithcode DNF MASSIVE MAGNESITE lithcode DNN NODULAR MAGNESITE lithcode DNO MAGNESITE-UND lithcode DNP PISOLITHIC MAGNESITE lithcode DNW FRAGMENTAL MAGNESITE lithcode DNX BRECCIATED MAGNESITE lithcode DYC LAMINATED GYPCRETE lithcode DYF MASSIVE GYPCRETE lithcode DYN NODULAR GYPCRETE lithcode DYO GYPCRETE-UND lithcode DYP PISOLITHIC GYPCRETE lithcode DYW FRAGMENTAL GYPCRETE lithcode DYX BRECCIATED GYPCRETE lithcode DZC LAMINATED SILCRETE lithcode DZF MASSIVE SILCRETE lithcode DZN NODULAR SILCRETE lithcode DZO SILCRETE-UND lithcode DZP PISOLITHIC SILCRETE lithcode DZW FRAGMENTAL SILCRETE lithcode DZX BRECCIATED SILCRETE lithcode F FELSIC VOLCANIC lithcode FD DACITE lithcode FDAP DACITE AMP/BIOT-FELDSPAR+/-QUARTZ PORPHYRY lithcode FDEP DACITE QUARTZ FELDSPAR PORPHYRY lithcode FDFP DACITE FELDSPAR PORPHYRY lithcode FDN DACITE PEPERITE lithcode FDQP DACITE QUARTZ PORPHYRY lithcode FDY DACITE HYALOCLASTITE lithcode FE FELDSPATHOID-RICH VOLCANIC lithcode FG OBSIDIAN OR VOLCANIC GLASS lithcode FOAP UNCLASSIFIED AMP/BIOT PORPHYRY lithcode FOEP UNCLASSIFIED QUARTZ FELDSPAR PORPHYRY lithcode FOFP UNCLASSIFIED FELDSPAR PORPHYRY lithcode FOQP UNCLASSIFIED QUARTZ PORPHYRY lithcode FR RHYOLITE lithcode FREP RHYOLITE QUARTZ-FELDSPAR PORPHYRY lithcode FRFP RHYOLITE FELDSPAR PORPHYRY lithcode FRN RHYOLITE PEPERITE lithcode FRQP RHYOLITE QUARTZ PORPHYRY lithcode FRY RHYOLITE / HYALOCLASTITE lithcode FT FELSIC TUFF lithcode FTDA DACITE ASH / LAPILLI / VITRIC TUFF lithcode FTDB DACITE BRECCIA / AGGLOMERATE lithcode FTDL DACITE LITHIC CRYSTAL TUFF lithcode FTDT DACITE PYROCLASTIC - IGNIMBRITE lithcode FTDX DACITE CRYSTAL TUFF / QUARTZ-EYE TUFF lithcode FTOA UNCLASSIFIED ASH / LAPILLI TUFF lithcode FTOB UNCLASSIFIED BRECCIA / AGGLOMERATE lithcode FTOL FELSIC LITHIC CRYSTAL TUFF lithcode FTOT UNCLASSIFIED IGNIMBRITE lithcode FTOX UNCLASSIFIED CRYSTAL TUFF lithcode FTRA RHYOLITE ASH / LAPILLI / VITRIC TUFF lithcode FTRB RHYOLITE BRECCIA / AGGLOMERATE lithcode FTRL RHYOLITE LITHIC CRYSTAL TUFF lithcode FTRT RHYOLITE PYROCLASTIC - IGNIMBRITE lithcode FTRX RHYOLITE CRYSTAL TUFF / QUARTZ-EYE TUFF lithcode G GRANITOID lithcode GA MICROGRANITE (felsite or aplite) lithcode GAG GREISEN lithcode GAP PEGMATITE lithcode GF FELDSPATHOID-RICH INTRUSIVE lithcode GFM FOID-RICH DIORITIC ROCK lithcode GFS FOID-RICH SYENITE / FOID MONZOSYENITE lithcode GI INTERMEDIATE DYKE lithcode GID DIORITE lithcode GIDQ QUARTZ DIORITE / TRONDHJEMITE Lithcode GIEP DIORITIC QUARTZ-FELDSPAR PORPHYRY lithcode GIFP INTERMEDIATE FELDSPAR PORPHYRY lithcode GIHP INTERMEDIATE FERRO-MAG RICH PORPHYRY lithcode GIM MONZODIORITE lithcode GIMQ QUARTZ MONZODIORITE lithcode GOOP PORPHYRITIC GRANITOID INTRUSIVE lithcode GR GRANITE lithcode GRA ALKALI FELDSPAR GRANITE lithcode GRD GRANODIORITE lithcode GREP GRANITIC QUARTZ-FELDSPAR PORPHYRY lithcode GRFP GRANITIC FELDSPAR PORPHYRY lithcode GRQ QUARTZ-RICH GRANITIC ROCK lithcode GRQP GRANITIC QUARTZ PORPHYRY lithcode GRT TONALITE lithcode GS SYENITE lithcode GSA ALKALIE FELDSPAR +/-QUARTZ SYENITE Lithcode GSEP SYENITIC QUARTZ-FELDSPAR PORPHYRY lithcode GSFP SYENITIC FELDSPAR PORPHYRY lithcode GSHP SYENITIC FERRO-MAG RICH PORPHYRY lithcode GSM MONZONITE lithcode GSMQ QUARTZ MONZONITE lithcode GSQ QUARTZ SYENITE lithcode I INTERMEDIATE VOLCANIC lithcode IA ANDESITIC VOLCANIC lithcode IAAP ANDESITIC PORPHYRY - biot or amp phenos lithcode IAB BASALTIC ANDESITE lithcode IAFP ANDESITIC PORPHYRY - feldspar dom phenos lithcode IAN ANDESITIC PEPERITE lithcode IAOP ANDESITIC PORPHYRY lithcode IAPP ANDESITIC PORPHYRY - olivine or pyx dom phenos lithcode IAY ANDESITIC HYALOCLASTITE / PILLOW FLOW lithcode IH TEPHRITIC VOLCANIC lithcode IL LATITE lithcode ILAP LATITE PORPHYRY - biot or amp phenos lithcode ILFP LATITE PORPHYRY - feldspar dom phenos lithcode ILN LATITE PEPERITE lithcode ILOP LATITE PORPHYRY - phenos undefined lithcode ILY LATITE HYALOCLASTITE / PILLOW FLOW lithcode IOOP UNCLASSIFIED INTERMEDIATE PORPHYRY lithcode IP PHONOLITIC VOLCANIC lithcode IR TRACHYTE lithcode IRA TRACHYANDESITE lithcode IRAP TRACHYTE PORPHYRY - biot or amp phenos Lithcode IRAY TRACHYANDESITE - HYALOCLASTIC / PILLOW FLOW lithcode IRFP TRACHYTE PORPHYRY - feldspar dom phenos lithcode IRN TRACHYTE PEPERITE lithcode IROP TRACHYTE PORPHYRY lithcode IRY TRACHYTE HYALOCLASTITE / PILLOW FLOW lithcode IT INTERMEDIATE TUFF lithcode ITAA ANDESITIC ASH / LAPILLI TUFF lithcode ITAB ANDESITIC BRECCIA / PYROCLASTIC lithcode ITAL ANDESITIC LITHIC CRYSTAL TUFF lithcode ITAX ANDESITIC CRYSTAL TUFF Lithcode ITIB INTERMEDIATE BRECCIA / UNDIFF lithcode ITLA LATITE ASH / LAPILLI TUFF lithcode ITLB LATITE BRECCIA / PYROCLASTIC lithcode ITLL LATITE LITHIC CRYSTAL TUFF lithcode ITLX LATITE CRYSTAL TUFF lithcode ITRA TRACHYTE ASH / LAPILLI TUFF lithcode ITRB TRACHYTE BRECCIA / PYROCLASTIC lithcode ITRL TRACHYTE LITHIC CRYSTAL TUFF lithcode ITRX TRACHYTE CRYSTAL TUFF Lithcode M MAFIC ROCK - UNDIFF lithcode MB BASALT lithcode MBFP PORPHYRITIC BASALT - plag phenocryst dom lithcode MBK KOMATIITIC OR HIGH Mg BASALT lithcode MBKC COARSE-GRAINED HIGH Mg BASALT lithcode MBKH HIGH Mg PILLOWED FLOW / HYALOCLASTITE lithcode MBKN KOMATIITIC OR HIGH Mg PEPERITE lithcode MBMP PORPHYRITIC BASALT - ov/pyx phenocrst dom lithcode MBT THOLEIITIC BASALT lithcode MBTC COARSE-GRAINED THOLEIITIC BASALT lithcode MBTH THOLEIITIC PILLOWED FLOW / HYALOCLASTITE lithcode MBTN THOLEIITIC PEPERITE lithcode MD DOLERITE lithcode MDF FELDSPATHIC DOLERITE / MICRODOLERITE lithcode MDG MAGNETIC DOLERITE lithcode MDM MELANOCRATIC DOLERITE lithcode MDQ QUARTZ DOLERITE lithcode MDQG GRANOPHYRIC DOLERITE lithcode MG GABBRO lithcode MGA ANORTHOSITE lithcode MGB MAFIC LAYERED COMPLEX lithcode MGF FELDSPATHIC GABBROIC ROCK lithcode MGG MAGNETIC GABBRO lithcode MGM MELANOCRATIC GABBRO lithcode MGN MONZOGABBRO lithcode MGQ QUARTZ-BEARING GABBRO lithcode MGQG QUARTZ GABBRO - granophyric texture lithcode MPD POST-DEF MAFIC INTRUSIVE (eg. Prot dolerite) lithcode MT BASALTIC / MAFIC TUFF lithcode MTOA BASALTIC / MAFIC TUFF - ash/lapilli lithcode MTOB BASALTIC BRECCIA / COARSE PYROCLASTIC lithcode MTOL BASALTIC / MAFIC TUFF - lithic lithcode MTOX BASALTIC / MAFIC TUFF - crystal Lithcode NL NOT LOGGED lithcode NRH RESIDUAL SOIL-LOAM lithcode NRI RESIDUAL SOIL-INDURATED lithcode NRJ RESIDUAL SOIL-LITHIC DETRITUS lithcode NRK RESIDUAL SOIL-CALCAREOUS lithcode NRL RESIDUAL SOIL-LATERITIC DETRITUS lithcode NRO RESIDUAL SOIL-UND lithcode NRP RESIDUAL SOIL-GYPSIFEROUS lithcode NRQ RESIDUAL SOIL-Q-RICH lithcode NRW RESIDUAL SOIL-SME-RICH GILGAI lithcode NRY RESIDUAL SOIL-CLAY-RICH Lithcode NS NOT SAMPLED Lithcode NSR NO SAMPLE RECOVERED lithcode NTH TRANSPORTED SOIL-LOAM Lithcode NTI TRANSPORTED SOIL-INDURATED lithcode NTK TRANSPORTED SOIL-CALCAREOUS Lithcode NTL TRANSPORTED SOIL-LATERITIC lithcode NTO TRANSPORTED SOIL-UND lithcode NTP TRANSPORTED SOIL-GYPSIFEROUS lithcode NTQ TRANSPORTED SOIL-Q-RICH lithcode NTV TRANSPORTED SOIL-IRONSTONE lithcode NTW TRANSPORTED SOIL-SME-RICH GILGAI lithcode NTY TRANSPORTED SOIL-CLAY-RICH lithcode PB "BRECCIA ZONE - unsubdivided, barren" lithcode PBC "BRECCIA ZONE - collapse, barren" lithcode PCB MARBLE lithcode PCC "CALC-SILICATE - calcic-garnet,cpx, +/-amp" lithcode PCM "CALC-SILICATE - magnesian-ov, pyx, serp, talc, trem" lithcode PDB "FAULT GAUGE, FAULT BRECCIA" lithcode PDC CATACLASTITE lithcode PDS INTENSE BRITTLE-DUCTILE SHEAR ZONE lithcode PDY MYLONITE lithcode PDYP PROTOMYLONITE lithcode PDYU ULTRAMYLONITE lithcode PGF FELSIC GRANULITE lithcode PGM MAFIC GRANULITE lithcode PGU ULTRAMAFIC GRANULITE lithcode PHF BIOTITE-QUARTZ-FELDSPAR HORNFELS lithcode PHM MAFIC HORNFELS lithcode PHP PELITIC HORNFELS lithcode PHZ CALC-SILICATE HORNFELS lithcode PNA MAFIC AMPHIBOLITE lithcode PNB BANDED GNEISS lithcode PNE AUGEN GNEISS lithcode PNF FELSIC OR GRANITIC GNEISS lithcode PNM MAFIC GNEISS lithcode PNP PELITIC GNEISS / AMPHIBOLITE lithcode PNT MIGMATITIC PEGMATOIDAL GNEISS lithcode PNZ CALC-SILICATE GNEISS lithcode PP PHYLLITE lithcode PPC CHLORITIC PHYLLITE lithcode PPG GRAPHITIC PHYLLITE lithcode PPS MICACEOUS PHYLLITE lithcode PQA QUARTZ-MAGNETITE-AMPHIBOLE ROCK lithcode PQM QUARTZ-MAGNETITE ROCK lithcode PQU ORTHOQUARTZITE lithcode PS SCHIST lithcode PSA PELITIC SCHIST lithcode PSB BIOTITE DOMINATED SCHIST lithcode PSC CHLORITE DOMINANT SCHIST lithcode PSD CHLORITE-SERICITE (+/-QUARTZ) SCHIST lithcode PSF "FELSIC SCHIST (Qz, Fd, +/-mica, +/-amph)" lithcode PSG GRAPHITIC SCHIST lithcode PSH AMPHIBOLE+/-CHLORITE DOMINANT SCHIST lithcode PSM MAFIC SCHIST lithcode PSS SERICITE / MUSCOVITE SCHIST lithcode PSU ULTRAMAFIC SCHIST lithcode PSZ CALC-SILICATE SCHIST lithcode RLA LSAP-ACID TO INT. PLUT.PRECURSOR lithcode RLF LSAP-FELSIC VOLCANIC PRECURSOR lithcode RLI LSAP-INT. VOLC. OR TUFF PRECURSOR lithcode RLM LSAP-IGNEOUS MAFIC PRECURSOR lithcode RLO LSAP-UND lithcode RLQ LSAP-VEIN Q lithcode RLR LSAP-METAMORPHIC PRECURSOR lithcode RLS LSAP-SEDIMENTARY PRECURSOR lithcode RLU LSAP-ULTRAMAFIC PRECURSOR lithcode RLV LSAP-MAFIC VOLCANIC PRECURSOR lithcode RLZ LSAP-SHEAR ZONE lithcode RUC USAP-CHY OR MAS-BEARING lithcode RUCI USAP-CHY INDURATED OR MAS BEARING INDURATED lithcode RUD USAP-RED. CLAY DOMINANT lithcode RUE USAP-MSV OR MN-FE-RICH IRONSTONE lithcode RUG USAP-KAO-GOE DOMINANT lithcode RUGG USAP-KAO STRONGLY GOE lithcode RUGH USAP-KAO-GOE HM lithcode RUGI USAP-KAO-GOE INDURATED lithcode RUH USAP-KAO-HM DOMINANT lithcode RUHG USAP-KAO-HM GOE lithcode RUHH USAP-KAO STRONGLY HM lithcode RUHI USAP-KAO-HM INDURATED lithcode RUI USAP-INDURATED lithcode RUK USAP-KAO-Q DOMINANT lithcode RUKG USAP-KAO-Q GOE lithcode RUKH USAP-KAO-Q HM lithcode RUKI USAP-KAO-Q INDURATED lithcode RUM USAP-MOT KAO-RICH lithcode RUO USAP-UND lithcode RUQ USAP-VEIN Q DOMINANT lithcode RUQG USAP VEIN Q GOE lithcode RUQH USAP-VEIN Q HM lithcode RUQI USAP-VEIN-Q INDURATED lithcode RUS USAP-MN OR FE-MN RICH CLAY HORIZON lithcode RUSI USAP-MN INDURATED OR FE-MN RICH CLAY HORIZON INDURATED lithcode RUT USAP-TALC-BEARING lithcode RUY USAP-KAO DOMINANT lithcode RUYI USAP-KAO INDURATED lithcode RUZ USAP-PROBABLE SHEAR ZONE lithcode S UNDIFFERENTIATED SEDIMENTARY ROCK lithcode SA "ARGILLITE, gsize<0.05mm" lithcode SAD CALCAREOUS ARGILLITE / MARL lithcode SAF "MUDSTONE, SHALE & SLATE" lithcode SAG GRAPHITIC / CARBONACEOUS ARGILLITE lithcode SAL LITHIC ARGILLITE lithcode SAP MICACEOUS SHALE / MUDSTONE lithcode SAS SILTSTONE lithcode SAY FINELY LAMINATED / GRADED ARGILLITE +/-SAND lithcode SCC CARBONATE ROCK lithcode SCCK CHALK DEPOSIT lithcode SCD DOLOSTONE / DOLOMITIC LIMESTONE lithcode SCE EVAPORITE -undiff lithcode SCI IRON FORMATION lithcode SCIC CARBONATE FACIES IRON FORMATION lithcode SCIO OXIDE FACIES IRON FORMATION lithcode SCIS SILICATE FACIES IRON FORMATION lithcode SCIZ SULPHIDE FACIES IRON FORMATION lithcode SCJ JASPER lithcode SCL LIMESTONE lithcode SCN SINTER lithcode SCP PHOSPHORITE lithcode SCS VFG SILICEOUS SEDIMENT (radiolarite/diatomite etc) lithcode SCT CHERT lithcode SCZ EXHALITE lithcode SCZD EXHALITE - carbonate dominant lithcode SCZF EXHALITE - sulfate dominant lithcode SCZQ EXHALITE - silicate dominant lithcode SCZZ EXHALITE - sulphide dominant lithcode SK CARBONACEOUS SEDIMENT lithcode SKA ANTHRACITE lithcode SKB BITUMINOUS COAL lithcode SKL LIGNITE lithcode SKP PEAT lithcode SR RUDITE (CONGLOMERATE & SED BRECCIA) lithcode SRB ANGULAR CLASTS - BRECCIA lithcode SRBK ANGULAR CLASTS - pebble to cobble-size dom lithcode SRBR ANGULAR CLASTS - boulder-size dom lithcode SRBU ANGULAR CLASTS / MONOMICT BRECCIA lithcode SRBW ANGULAR CLASTS / POLYMICT BRECCIA lithcode SRC ROUNDED CLASTS - CONGLOMERATE lithcode SRCK ROUNDED CLASTS - pebble to cobble-size dom lithcode SRCR ROUNDED CLASTS - boulder-size dom lithcode SRCU ROUNDED CLASTS / MONOMICT CONGLOMERATE lithcode SRCW ROUNDED CLASTS / POLYMICT CONGLOMERATE lithcode SRS INTERBEDDED CONGLOMERATE & SANDSTONE OR ARGILLITE lithcode SS SANDSTONE / ARENITE - gsize>.05mm <2mm lithcode SSA ARKOSE & FELDSPATHIC SANDSTONE lithcode SSAC COARSE-GRAINED FELDSPATHIC SANDSTONE lithcode SSAF FINE-GRAINED FELDSPATHIC SANDSTONE lithcode SSAM MEDIUM-GRAINED ARKOSE AND FELDSPATHIC SANDSTONE lithcode SSD CALCAREOUS SANDSTONE lithcode SSG GRAPHITIC / CARBONACEOUS SANDSTONE lithcode SSH FINELY INTERBEDDED / LAMINATED SANDSTONE & ARGILLITE lithcode SSL LITHIC SANDSTONE lithcode SSLB PEBBLY SANDSTONE lithcode SSLC COARSE-GRAINED LITHIC SANDSTONE lithcode SSLF FINE-GRAINED LITHIC SANDSTONE lithcode SSLK COBBLY SANDSTONE lithcode SSLM MEDIUM-GRAINED LITHIC SANDSTONE lithcode SSOC COARSE-GRAINED SANDSTONE lithcode SSOF FINE-GRAINED SANDSTONE lithcode SSOM MEDIUM-GRAINED SANDSTONE lithcode SSP MICACEOUS SANDSTONE lithcode SSPC COARSE GRAINED MICACEOUS SANDSTONE lithcode SSPF FINE-GRAINED MICACEOUS SANDSTONE lithcode SSPM MEDIUM-GRAINED MICACEOUS SANDSTONE lithcode SSQ QUARTZITE lithcode SSW GREYWACKE/TURBIDITE lithcode SSWC COARSE-GRAINED GREYWACKE / TURBIDITE SANDSTONE lithcode SSWF FINE-GRAINED GREYWACKE / TURBIDITIC SANDSTONE lithcode SSWM MEDIUM-GRAINED GREYWACKE / TURBIDITE SANDSTONE lithcode SSY FINELY BEDDED / GRADED SANDSTONE lithcode SV VOLCANICLASTIC / EPICLASTIC lithcode SVA VOLCANIC / TUFFACEOUS ARGILLITE lithcode SVD VOLCANIC DEBRIS FLOW lithcode SVS VOLCANIC CRYSTAL / LITHIC SANDSTONE lithcode SVX VOLCANIC BRECCIA lithcode TAA ALLUVIUM-MIXED PROVENANCE lithcode TAD ALLUVIUM-RED. CLAYS OR SILT lithcode TAE ALLUVIUM-MNS lithcode TAG ALLUVIUM-GOE. lithcode TAH ALLUVIUM-LOAM lithcode TAI ALLUVIUM-IND (HARDPANS) lithcode TAJ ALLUVIUM-LITHIC DETRITUS lithcode TAK ALLUVIUM-CALCAREOUS lithcode TAL ALLUVIUM-PROXIMAL LATERITIC DETRITUS lithcode TAM ALLUVIUM-MOT (INCL. MEGA-MOT) lithcode TAN ALLUVIUM-RUNNING SANDS lithcode TAO ALLUVIUM-UND lithcode TAP ALLUVIUM-GYPSIFEROUS lithcode TAQ ALLUVIUM-Q-RICH lithcode TAR ALLUVIUM-CB//ORGANIC (INCL. LIGNITE) lithcode TAT ALLUVIUM-DOLOMITE/MAGNESITE lithcode TAV ALLUVIUM-DISTAL LATERITIC DETRITUS lithcode TAW ALLUVIUM-SME-RICH GILGAI lithcode TAY ALLUVIUM-CLAY-RICH lithcode TAZ ALLUVIUM-SILICEOUS (INCL CT CHY) lithcode TBB LAVA FLOWS-BASIC OR MAFIC (LAVAS AND TEPHRA ONLY) lithcode TBO LAVA FLOWS-UNDIFF lithcode TBZ LAVA FLOWS-SILICEOUS (INCL CT CHY) lithcode TCA COLLUVIUM-MXD PROVENANCE lithcode TCD COLLUVIUM-RED. CLAYS OR SILT lithcode TCE COLLUVIUM-MNS lithcode TCG COLLUVIUM-GOE. lithcode TCH COLLUVIUM-LOAM (SAND-CLAY MIXTURE) lithcode TCI COLLUVIUM-IND (HARDPANS) lithcode TCJ COLLUVIUM-LITHIC DETRITUS lithcode TCK COLLUVIUM-CALCAREOUS lithcode TCL COLLUVIUM-PROXIMAL LATERITIC DETRITUS lithcode TCM COLLUVIUM-MOT (INCL. MEGA-MOT) lithcode TCN COLLUVIUM-RUNNING SANDS lithcode TCO COLLUVIUM-UND lithcode TCP COLLUVIUM-GYPSIFEROUS lithcode TCQ COLLUVIUM-Q-RICH (INCL. VEIN Q DETRITUS) lithcode TCR COLLUVIUM-CB//ORGANIC (INCL. LIGNITE) lithcode TCT COLLUVIUM-DOLOMITE/MAGNESITE lithcode TCV COLLUVIUM-DISTAL LATERITIC DETRITUS lithcode TCW COLLUVIUM-SME-RICH GILGAI lithcode TCY COLLUVIUM-CLAY-RICH (KAO) lithcode TCZ COLLUVIUM-SILICEOUS (INCL CT CHY) lithcode TDA BEACH DEPOSITS-MXD PROVENANCE lithcode TDD BEACH DEPOSITS-RED. CLAYS OR SILT lithcode TDE BEACH DEPOSITS-MNS lithcode TDG BEACH DEPOSITS-GOE. lithcode TDH BEACH DEPOSITS-LOAM (SAND-CLAY MIXTURE) lithcode TDI BEACH DEPOSITS-IND (HARDPANS) lithcode TDJ BEACH DEPOSITS-LITHIC DETRITUS (INCL FERRUG. SAPROLITE DETRITUS) lithcode TDK BEACH DEPOSITS-CALCAREOUS lithcode TDM BEACH DEPOSITS-MOT (INCL. MEGA-MOT) lithcode TDN BEACH DEPOSITS-RUNNING SANDS lithcode TDO BEACH DEPOSITS-UND lithcode TDP BEACH DEPOSITS-GYPSIFEROUS lithcode TDQ BEACH DEPOSITS-Q-RICH (INCL. VEIN Q DETRITUS) lithcode TDR BEACH DEPOSITS-CB//ORGANIC (INCL. LIGNITE) lithcode TDT BEACH DEPOSITS-DOLOMITE/MAGNESITE lithcode TDV BEACH DEPOSITS-DISTAL LATERITIC DETRITUS lithcode TDW BEACH DEPOSITS-SME-RICH GILGAI lithcode TDY BEACH DEPOSITS-CLAY-RICH (KAO) lithcode TDZ BEACH DEPOSITS-SILICEOUS (INCL CT CHY) lithcode TEA AEOLIAN DEPOSITS-MXD PROVENANCE lithcode TED AEOLIAN DEPOSITS-RED. CLAYS OR SILT lithcode TEG AEOLIAN DEPOSITS-GOE. lithcode TEI AEOLIAN DEPOSITS-IND (HARDPANS) lithcode TEJ AEOLIAN DEPOSITS-LITHIC DETRITUS lithcode TEK AEOLIAN DEPOSITS-CALCAREOUS lithcode TEL AEOLIAN DEPOSITS-LATERITIC (PROXIMAL LATERITIC DETRITUS) lithcode TEM AEOLIAN DEPOSITS-MOT (INCL. MEGA-MOT) Lithcode TEN AEOLIAN DEPOSITS-RUNNING SANDS lithcode TEO AEOLIAN DEPOSITS-UND lithcode TEP AEOLIAN DEPOSITS-GYPSIFEROUS lithcode TEQ AEOLIAN DEPOSITS-Q-RICH (INCL. VEIN Q DETRITUS) lithcode TER AEOLIAN DEPOSITS-CB//ORGANIC (INCL. LIGNITE) lithcode TET AEOLIAN DEPOSITS-DOLOMITE/MAGNESITE lithcode TEV AEOLIAN DEPOSITS-DISTAL LATERITIC DETRITUS lithcode TEY AEOLIAN DEPOSITS-CLAY-RICH (KAO) lithcode TEZ AEOLIAN DEPOSITS-SILICEOUS (INCL CT CHY) lithcode THB ASH PLAIN DEPOSITS-BASIC OR MAFIC (LAVAS AND TEHPRA ONLY) lithcode THE ASH PLAIN DEPOSITS-MANGANIFEROUS lithcode THO ASH PLAIN DEPOSITS-UNDIFF lithcode THZ ASH PLAIN DEPOSITS-SILICEOUS (INCL CT.CHY) lithcode TJA ORGANIC DEPOSITS-MXD PROVENANCE lithcode TJD ORGANIC DEPOSITS-RED. CLAYS OR SILT lithcode TJG ORGANIC DEPOSITS-GOE. lithcode TJH ORGANIC DEPOSITS-LOAM (SAND-CLAY MIXTURE) lithcode TJI ORGANIC DEPOSITS-IND (HARDPANS) lithcode TJJ ORGANIC DEPOSITS-LITHIC DETRITUS lithcode TJK ORGANIC DEPOSITS-CALCAREOUS lithcode TJM ORGANIC DEPOSITS-MOT (INCL. MEGA-MOT) lithcode TJN ORGANIC DEPOSITS-RUNNING SANDS lithcode TJO ORGANIC DEPOSITS-UND lithcode TJP ORGANIC DEPOSITS-GYPSIFEROUS lithcode TJQ ORGANIC DEPOSITS-Q-RICH (INCL. VEIN Q DETRITUS) lithcode TJR ORGANIC DEPOSITS-CB//ORGANIC (INCL. LIGNITE) lithcode TJT ORGANIC DEPOSITS-DOLOMITE/MAGNESITE lithcode TJW ORGANIC DEPOSITS-SME-RICH GILGAI lithcode TJY ORGANIC DEPOSITS-CLAY-RICH (KAO) lithcode TJZ ORGANIC DEPOSITS-SILICEOUS (INCL CT CHY) lithcode TMA MARINE DEPOSITS-MXD PROVENANCE lithcode TMD MARINE DEPOSITS-RED. CLAYS OR SILT lithcode TME MARINE DEPOSITS-MNS lithcode TMG MARINE DEPOSITS-GOE. lithcode TMH MARINE DEPOSITS-LOAM (SAND-CLAY MIXTURE) lithcode TMI MARINE DEPOSITS-IND (HARDPANS) lithcode TMJ MARINE DEPOSITS-LITHIC DETRITUS lithcode TMK MARINE DEPOSITS-CALCAREOUS lithcode TML MARINE DEPOSITS-PROXIMAL LATERITIC DETRITUS lithcode TMM MARINE DEPOSITS-MOT (INCL MEGA-MOT) lithcode TMN MARINE DEPOSITS-RUNNING SANDS lithcode TMO MARINE DEPOSITS-UND lithcode TMP MARINE DEPOSITS-GYPSIFEROUS lithcode TMQ MARINE DEPOSITS-Q-RICH (INCL. VEIN Q DETRITUS) lithcode TMR MARINE DEPOSITS-CB//ORGANIC (INCL. LIGNITE) lithcode TMT MARINE DEPOSITS-DOLOMITE/MAGNESITE lithcode TMV MARINE DEPOSITS-DISTSL LATERITIC DETRITUS lithcode TMW MARINE DEPOSITS-SME-RICH GILGAI lithcode TMY MARINE DEPOSITS-CLAY-RICH (KAO) lithcode TMZ MARINE DEPOSITS-SILICEOUS (INCL CT CHY) lithcode TPA PLAYA DEPOSITS-MXD PROVENANCE lithcode TPD PLAYA DEPOSITS-RED. CLAYS OR SILT lithcode TPE PLAYA DEPOSITS-MNS lithcode TPG PLAYA DEPOSITS-GOE. lithcode TPI PLAYA DEPOSITS-IND (HARDPANS) lithcode TPJ PLAYA DEPOSITS-LITHIC DETRITUS lithcode TPK PLAYA DEPOSITS-CALCAREOUS lithcode TPL PLAYA DEPOSITS-PROXIMAL LATERITIC DETRITUS lithcode TPM PLAYA DEPOSITS-MOT (INCL. MEGA-MOT) lithcode TPN PLAYA DEPOSITS-RUNNING SANDS lithcode TPO PLAYA DEPOSITS-UND lithcode TPP PLAYA DEPOSITS-GYPSIFEROUS lithcode TPQ PLAYA DEPOSITS-Q-RICH (INCL. VEIN Q DETRITUS) lithcode TPR PLAYA DEPOSITS-CB//ORGANIC (INCL. LIGNITE) lithcode TPT PLAYA DEPOSITS-DOLOMITE/MAGNESITE lithcode TPV PLAYA DEPOSITS-DISTAL LATERITIC DETRITUS lithcode TPY PLAYA DEPOSITS-CLAY-RICH (KAO) lithcode TPZ PLAYA DEPOSITS-SILICEOUS (INCL CT CHY) lithcode TWA SHEETWASH-MXD PROVENANCE lithcode TWD SHEETWASH-RED. CLAY OR SILT lithcode TWE SHEETWASH-MNS lithcode TWG SHEETWASH-GOE. lithcode TWH SHEETWASH-LOAM lithcode TWI SHEETWASH-IND (HARDPANS) lithcode TWJ SHEETWASH-LITHIC DETRITUS lithcode TWK SHEETWASH-CALCAREOUS lithcode TWL SHEETWASH-PROXIMAL LATERITIC DETRITUS lithcode TWM SHEETWASH-MOT (INCL. MEGA-MOT) lithcode TWN SHEETWASH-RUNNING SANDS lithcode TWO SHEETWASH-UND lithcode TWP SHEETWASH-GYPSIFEROUS lithcode TWQ SHEETWASH-Q-RICH lithcode TWR SHEETWASH-CB//ORGANIC (INCL. LIGNITE) lithcode TWT SHEETWASH-DOLOMITE/MAGNESITE lithcode TWV SHEETWASH-DISTAL LATERITIC DETRITUS lithcode TWW SHEETWASH-SME-RICH GILGAI lithcode TWY SHEETWASH-CLAY-RICH (KAO) lithcode TWZ SHEETWASH-SILICEOUS (INCL CT CHY) lithcode TXA GLACIAL TILL DEPOSITS-MXD PROVENANCE lithcode TXD GLACIAL TILL DEPOSITS-RED. CLAYS OR SILT lithcode TXE GLACIAL TILL DEPOSITS-MNS lithcode TXG GLACIAL TILL DEPOSITS-GOE. lithcode TXH GLACIAL TILL DEPOSITS-LOAM (SAND-CLAY MIXTURE) lithcode TXI GLACIAL TILL DEPOSITS-IND (HARDPANS) lithcode TXJ GLACIAL TILL DEPOSITS-LITHIC DETRITUS lithcode TXK GLACIAL TILL DEPOSITS-CALCAREOUS lithcode TXL GLACIAL TILL DEPOSITS-PROXIMAL LATERITIC DETRITUS lithcode TXM GLACIAL TILL DEPOSITS-MOT (INCL. MEGA-MOT) lithcode TXN GLACIAL TILL DEPOSITS-RUNNING SANDS lithcode TXO GLACIAL DEPOSITS-UND lithcode TXP GLACIAL TILL DEPOSITS-GYPSIFEROUS lithcode TXQ GLACIAL TILL DEPOSITS-Q-RICH (INCL. VEIN Q DETRITUS) lithcode TXR GLACIAL TILL DEPOSITS-CB//ORGANIC (INCL. LIGNITE) lithcode TXT GLACIAL TILL DEPOSITS-DOLOMITE/MAGNESITE lithcode TXW GLACIAL TILL DEPOSITS-SME-RICH GILGAI lithcode TXY GLACIAL TILL DEPOSITS-CLAY-RICH (KAO) lithcode TXZ GLACIAL TILL DEPOSITS-SILICEOUS (INCL CT CHY) lithcode U ULTRAMAFIC ROCK lithcode UB KIMBERLITIC UNIT lithcode UC CARBONATITE lithcode UD DUNITE lithcode UDA ADCUMULATE DUNITE lithcode UDOI INTRUSIVE DUNITE lithcode UH HORNBLENDITE lithcode UHA ADCUMULATE HORNBLENDITE lithcode UHM MESOCUMULATE HORNBLENDITE lithcode UHO ORTHOCUMULATE HORNBLENDITE lithcode UHOI INTRUSIVE HORNBLENDITE lithcode UK KOMATIITE lithcode UL LAMPROPHYRE lithcode UMB TALC-CARBONATE ULTRAMAFIC lithcode UMBI INTRUSIVE TALC-CARBONATE ULTRAMAFIC lithcode UMC CHLORITE DOMINANT ULTRAMAFIC lithcode UMR AMPHIBOLE-CHLORITE ULTRAMAFIC lithcode UMS SERPENTINITE lithcode UMSI INTRUSIVE SERPENTINITE lithcode UMT TALC-CHLORITE ULTRAMAFIC lithcode UMTI INTRUSIVE TALC-CHLORITE ULTRAMAFIC lithcode UN ULTRAMAFIC LAYERED INTRUSIVE lithcode UP PERIDOTITE lithcode UPM MESOCUMULATE PERIDOTITE lithcode UPO ORTHOCUMULATE PERIDOTITE lithcode UPOI INTRUSIVE PERIDOTITE lithcode UPS SPINIFEX TEXTURED PERIDOTITE lithcode UPY HYALOCLASTITE PERIDOTITE lithcode UT LAMPROITE lithcode UX PYROXENITE lithcode UXA ADCUMULATE PYROXENITE lithcode UXC CLINOPYROXENITE lithcode UXCI INTRUSIVE CLINOPYROXENITE lithcode UXH HORNBLENDE PYROXENITE lithcode UXHI INTRUSIVE HORNBLENDE PYROXENITE lithcode UXM MESOCUMULATE PYROXENITE lithcode UXO ORTHOCUMULATE PYROXENITE lithcode UXOI INTRUSIVE PYROXENITE lithcode UXP ORTHOPYROXENITE lithcode UXPI INTRUSIVE ORTHOPYROXENITE lithcode UXS SPINIFEX TEXTURED PYROXENITE lithcode UXV OLIVINE PYROXENITE lithcode UXVI INTRUSIVE OLIVINE PYROXENITE lithcode UXW WEBSTERITE lithcode UXWI INTRUSIVE WEBSTERITE lithcode UXY HYALOCLASTITE PYROXENITE lithcode ZB "BRECCIA ZONE - unsubdivided,mineralised" lithcode ZBC "BRECCIA ZONE - collapse,mineralised" lithcode ZBH "BRECCIA ZONE - hydrothermal,mineralised" lithcode ZCB CARBONATE-CEMENTED BRECCIA lithcode ZCS CARBONATE STOCKWORK lithcode ZCV MASSIVE CARBONATE VEINING lithcode ZGM MASSIVE GOSSAN ZONE lithcode ZGS SEMI-MASSIVE GOSSAN lithcode ZLC CHLORITE STRINGER ZONE lithcode ZMM MASSIVE MAGNETITE lithcode ZMS SEMI-MASSIVE MAGNETITE lithcode ZQB QUARTZ-CEMENTED BRECCIA lithcode ZQS QUARTZ STOCKWORK lithcode ZQV MASSIVE QUARTZ VEIN lithcode ZSB SULPHIDE BRECCIA lithcode ZSD STRINGER OR DISSEMINATED SULPHIDES lithcode ZSM MASSIVE SULPHIDES lithcode ZSS SEMI-MASSIVE SULPHIDES lithcode ZYM MASSIVE BARITE lithcode ZYV INTENSE BARITE VEINING lithcode ZZV MINERALISED OR ALTERED SHEAR ZONE mineral ab albite mineral act actinolite mineral adt andalusite mineral adu adularia mineral ag silver mineral alm almandine garnet mineral alu alunite mineral amp amphibole mineral ank ankerite mineral ant anthophyllite mineral asb asbestos mineral au gold mineral ba barite mineral bt biotite mineral c carbonate mineral cal calcite mineral cb carbon mineral cdt cordierite mineral cel celadonite mineral ch chlorite mineral chd chloritoid mineral chy chalcedony mineral cp chalcopyrite mineral cpx clinopyroxene mineral cq comb quartz mineral cr chromite mineral cu copper mineral cy clay mineral dom dolomite mineral dp diopside mineral ep epidote mineral f feldspar mineral fc felsic mineral flu fluorite mineral fox iron oxide mineral foxs iron oxides mineral fu fuchsite mineral fuc fuchsitic mineral g graphite mineral gah gahnite mineral gnt garnet mineral goe goethite mineral gp gypsum mineral ha halite mineral hb hornblende mineral hm haematite mineral hmc haematitic mineral ill illite mineral ilm ilmenite mineral iron iron mineral ka kaolin mineral kao kaolinitic mineral kaol kaolinite mineral ksp potassium feldspar mineral lm lime mineral lmt limonite mineral lx leucoxene mineral mag magnetite mineral man manganese mineral mas magnesite mineral mh maghemite mineral mi mica mineral mic micaceous mineral musc muscovite mineral ni nickel mineral non nontronite mineral oln olivine mineral op opal mineral opq opaque mineral opx orthopyroxene mineral pb lead mineral phl phlogopite mineral plg plagioclase mineral pp pyrophyllite mineral pt platinum mineral px pyroxene mineral pyl phyllite mineral pylc phyllitic mineral q quartz mineral qr rutilated quartz mineral ru rutile mineral scl scheelite mineral scp scapolite mineral sdt siderite mineral ser sericite mineral si silica mineral silm sillimanite mineral sme smectite mineral smil smectite-illite mineral sp serpentine mineral spn sphene mineral stl staurolite mineral t talc mineral tm tremolite mineral tou tourmaline mineral vg visible gold mineral ze zeolite mineral zn zinc morphology A branched morphology B boudinaged morphology C stringer veins morphology D foliation morphology E deflected morphology F fracture/gash fill morphology G sigmoidal morphology H sheeted veins morphology K linkage morphology L ladder veins morphology N shatter network morphology O other/unclassified morphology P planar morphology R horsetail network morphology S stockworks morphology T ptygmatic morphology W wispy morphology X shatter breccia orie BOC Bottom of Core orie TOC Top of Core Outcrop fl Float Outcrop fl/oc Outcrop fl/sc Outcrop oc Outcrop Outcrop oc/fl Outcrop oc/sc Outcrop sc Subcrop Outcrop sc/fl Outcrop sc/oc oxidised 0 fresh oxidised 1 weakly oxidised oxidised 2 weakly to moderately oxidised oxidised 3 moderately oxidised oxidised 4 strongly oxidised oxidised 5 intensely oxidised reli H High reli L Low reli M Moderate s_texture D diffuse s_texture S sharp s_texture W weak s_type C UNDIFFERENTIATED CONTACT s_type CTB bedding/layering s_type CTI intrusive contact s_type FB FAULT BRECCIA s_type FC SHEAR FABRIC s_type FM MYLONITE s_type FNCC spaced cleavage s_type FNCF phyllitic cleavage s_type FNCG gneissic banding s_type FNCH schistose cleavage s_type FNCN crenulation cleavage s_type FNCS slatey cleavage s_type FNO foliation undiff s_type FR SHEAR FRACTURE s_type FS SHEAR ZONE s_type FSS SECONDARY FAULT s_type JO open joints s_type JP single joint set s_type JS joint sets s_type LC crenulation lineation s_type LD slickensteps s_type LF mineral fibres s_type LH fold hinge plunge s_type LM mineral elongation s_type LS slickensides s_type LT fabric lineation s_type LV fold vergence s_type LX intersection lineation s_type LY younging s_type PD fault plane s_type PFA antiformal axis s_type PFO axial plane undiff s_type PFS synformal axis s_type VN VEIN Sample_Condition DRY DRY Sample_Condition WET WET Sample_Method B AAS Sample_Method FA50 Sample_Method RS Riffle Split Sample_Method SS Sample_Prefix H H Sample_Prefix TA TA shade bt brilliant shade d dark shade dy dusky shade gyh greyish shade lht light shade med medium shade medd medium dark shade mlht medium light shade mod moderate shade p pale shade vd very dark shade vdy very dusky shade vlht very light shade vp very pale stty C UNDIFFERENTIATED CONTACT stty CB BEDDING/LAYERING stty CI INTRUSIVE CONTACT stty CS STRUCTURAL CONTACT stty FB FAULT BRECCIA stty FC SHEAR FABRIC stty FM MYLONITE stty FP SINGLE PLANE FAULT stty FR SHEAR FRACTURE stty FS SHEAR ZONE stty FSS SECONDARY FAULT stty JO OPEN JOINTS stty JP SINGLE PLANE JOINTS stty JS JOINT SETS stty LD SLICK STEPS stty LF MINERAL FIBRES stty LH FOLD HINGE PLUNGE stty LM MINERAL ELONGATION stty LS SLICKENSIDES stty LT SHAPE FABRIC LINEATION stty LV FOLD VERGENCE stty LX INTERSECTION LINEATION stty LY YOUNGING stty S FOLIATION UNDIFFERENTIATED stty SAX FOLD AXIAL PLANE stty SB BANDING stty SC FOLIATION CLEAVAGE stty SCC FOLIATION SPACED CLEAVAGE stty SCF FOLIATION PHYLLITIC CLEAVAGE stty SCH FOLIATION SCHISTOSE CLEAVAGE stty SCL FOLIATION SLATY CLEAVAGE stty SCN FOLIATION CRENULATION CLEAVAGE stty SG FOLIATION GNEISSIC BANDING stty VCH CHLORITE VEIN stty VN VEIN stty VNC CARBONATE VEIN stty VNQ QUARTZ VEIN stty VNS SULPHIDE VEIN stty VQC QUARTZ CARBONATE VEIN style bby blebby(minerals) style bdd banded style bedd bedded(minerals) style df diffuse style dss disseminated(minerals) style fwa footwall alteration style grad gradational style hwa hangingwall alteration style mot mottled style msv massive(minerals) style mx matrix style opr overprint(other alteration) style pat patchy style perv pervasive style st stringer style sv selvedge(vein) sulphide asp arsenopyrite sulphide az azurite sulphide bo bornite sulphide cas cassiterite sulphide cc chalcocite sulphide cp chalcopyrite sulphide crc chrysocolla sulphide gl galena sulphide lol loellingite sulphide mal malachite sulphide marc marcasite sulphide mo molybdenite sulphide pn pentlandite sulphide po pyrrhotite sulphide py pyrite sulphide sb stibnite sulphide sd sulphide sulphide sph sphalerite sulphide tels tellurides sulphide wf wolframite Sulphide Survey_Quality 0 NOMINAL Survey_Quality 1 SURVEYED Survey_Quality 2 DGPS Survey_Quality 3 GPS Survey_Type CAMERA SS CAMERA Survey_Type DEMS DEMS Survey_Type EASTMAN EASTMAN CAMERA Survey_Type EASTMAN DI "EASTMAN CAMERA, DIP ONLY?" Survey_Type EOH_NOMINA (TANAMI) Survey_Type ESTIMATED (TANAMI) Survey_Type GYRO GYRO Survey_Type MAXIBOR MAXIBORE Survey_Type MULTIBOR MULTIBORE (TANAMI) Survey_Type SOH_NOMINA (TANAMI) Survey_Type SS_CAMERA SS CAMERA Survey_Type SURTRON SURTRON texture acum adcumulate texture acy accretionary texture adll amygdaloidal texture agl agglomerate texture ahc aphyric texture amo amorphous texture ana anastomosing texture ang angular texture apc aplitic texture aph aphanitic texture bdd banded texture bedd bedded texture ble bleached texture cbd cross-bedded texture cbg cross bedding texture cbx crackle breccia texture ccry concretionary texture cct cross-cutting texture cemd cemented texture chmr chilled margin texture clc clastic texture congc conglomeratic texture cons consolidated texture csd clast supported texture cty cherty texture cul cumulate texture eqg equigranular texture fbd flow banded texture fe ferruginous texture fis fissile texture fls flaser-structured texture fos fossiliferous texture fpz feldspar zoned texture frb friable texture frl fragmental texture ftbx flow top breccia texture gbc gabbroic texture gla glassy texture glr granular texture gnc gneissic texture gpc graphic texture grb granoblastic texture grbg graded bedding texture grc granitic texture grpc granophyric texture gty gritty texture hfc hornfelsic texture hpz hardpanized texture hyc hyaloclastic texture ind indurated texture istl interstitial texture knk kinked texture ktd knotted texture lcd load-casted texture ld laminated texture ler lenticular texture lic lithic texture lind lineated texture lpk loose-packed texture lpl lit-par-lit texture ltd lateritised texture lyd layered texture mcd mud-cracked texture mcum mesocumulate texture mmc monomictic texture mot mottled texture msv massive texture mxsd matrix supported texture nod nodular texture ocum orthocumulate texture oo oolitic texture orb orbicular texture pas pull-apart structures texture pbc porphyroblastic texture pcc pyroclastic texture pgc pegmatitic texture phc porphyritic texture pic pisolitic texture pil pillow texture pmc polymictic texture ps pseudomorph texture pum pumiceous texture qe quartz eye texture qut quench texture texture qx quartz crystals texture rb ribbon banded texture rbly rubbly texture rdd rounded texture rm ripple marked texture rw reworked texture scd scoured texture scn schlieren texture sdy sandy texture sptc spherulitic texture sptx spinifex texture texture srd sub-rounded texture styc stylolitic texture tce talcose texture tp tight-packed texture ts tuffaceous texture unc unconsolidated texture vlr vesicular texture vtc variolitic texture wld welded texture xec xenolithic texture xle crystalline v_texture A acicular v_texture B breccia v_texture C colloform v_texture CH chalcedony - massive v_texture CR crustiform v_texture CX crystals v_texture D bladed v_texture E moss v_texture F fibrous v_texture G sugary v_texture H comb bladed v_texture I mosaic v_texture K cockade v_texture L banded v_texture M comb v_texture N ribbon v_texture O other v_texture P spider v_texture PL plumose v_texture Q massive microcrystalline v_texture R replacement v_texture S sheared v_texture T lattice bladed v_texture U irregular v_texture V vuggy v_texture W mold v_texture X extensional v_texture Y bucky v_texture Z zonal v_zone CBl "Chalcedony only; Q, T" v_zone Cmo "Chalcedony only; Q, W>T" v_zone CTr "Chalcedony>X; T, C>G, E" v_zone Xad "X+adularia; M, X>G" v_zone Xca "Xcoarse, carb>adularia; M, X" v_zone XTr "X>Chalcedony; U, E>C, T, Q"