H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 30-Oct-15 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 1-Sep-15 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combind_report_no 24992 H0101 Tenement_holder Cameco Australia Pty Ltd H0102 Project_name Mamadawerre H0106 Tenement_operator Northern Prospector Pty Ltd H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SD5302 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 5673 H0152 50K_map_sheet_number H0153 25K_map_sheet_number H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 2-Sep-14 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 1-Sep-15 H0202 Data_format SG4 H0203 Number_of_data_records 13 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 30-Oct-15 H0305 SurfGeochem_Data_File EL24992_2015_A_14_SMAP2015A.txt H0308 File verification List EL24992_2015_A_16_Verification_List_2015.txt H0319 SURFQAQC_data_file H0500 Feature_located Surface Sample H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum AHD H0503 Projection Map Grid of Australia (MGA) H0508 Local Grid Name H0530 Coordinate_system Projected H0531 Projection_zone 53 H0532 Surface_location_Survey_Instrument GPS H0900 Remarks H1000 Sample ID Easting_MGA Northing_MGA Sample Type Project Prospect Tenement_No Hole ID From To CPS BG Scint Date Comments Photo id H1001 NA metres metres H1002 H1003 H1004 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H1005 H1006 H1007 D 19323 348843 8635702 Rock Chip MW MW1 42163 "Weathered basement, granitic composition, weak sericite alteration (yellow felds) gneissic?" D 19324 348867 8635668 Rock Chip MW MW1 42163 "SST Pb iso sample, West side of SE-NW gully. East side down throwapproximately 25m. Weakly sericite altered granite/Granitic Gneiss below." D 19325 348850 8635700 Rock Chip MW MW1 42163 "At least 30m down throw on western side of fault, clearly visible in creek line." D 19326 348560 8635784 Rock Chip MW MW1 81 42163 "basement gneissic sample from SW-NE trending quartz bx, steeply dipping to north." D 19327 348563 8635782 Rock Chip MW MW1 81 42163 "Quartz Bx sample from SW-NE trending, NW dip -75, dip dir 316. Massive quartz bx ridgeline." D 19328 348498 8635180 Rock Chip MW MW1 42163 "basal sst/conglomerate sample from U/C, NW side of valley. Basement rocks coarse heam alteredquarts feld biotite granite/gneiss" D 19329 348360 8635062 Rock Chip MW MW1 42163 "basal sst/conglomerate sample from U/C, SE side of valley. Basement rocks coarse heam alteredquarts feld biotite granite/gneiss" D 19330 348320 8635024 Rock Chip MW MW1 42163 "SST Pb iso sample, within 3m of U/C contact. Pebbly silicified coarse SST." D 19331 348260 8635114 Rock Chip MW MW1 42163 "Qtz bx and basement. Trending 015, 300cps granitic composition, light heam and sericite alteration." D 19332 348446 8635350 Rock Chip MW MW1 42163 SST Pb iso at U/C D 19333 348446 8635350 Soil MW MW1 42163 Soil sample from peak of anomaly dark orgaic rich soil. D 348422 8635355 Mapping MW MW1 42163 D 348850 8635688 Mapping MW MW1 42163 "About 10m below U/C QBX, fol dip 20 towards 180 (shallow to south)" EOF