H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 22-Jun-15 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 31-May-15 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combind_report_no EL24921 H0101 Tenement_holder AGE H0102 Project_name Tin Camp Creek H0106 Tenement_operator Alligator Energy H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SD5301 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 5572 5573 H0152 50K_map_sheet_number H0153 25K_map_sheet_number H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 31-May-14 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 31-May-15 H0202 Data_format DL4 H0203 Number_of_data_records 70 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 22-Jun-15 H0300 Related_data_file TCC_NTDL4_GEO2015C.txt H0301 Location_data_file TCC_NTSL4_COLL2015C.txt H0302 Lithology_data_file TCC_NTDL4_GEO2015C.txt H0303 Assay_data_file EL24921_2015_C_05_ASS2015C.txt H0304 Survey_data_file TCC_NTDS4_SURV2015C.txt H0305 SurfGeochem_Data_File H0307 Lithology_code_file TCC_LoggingCodes.xlsx H0308 File verification List TCC_Verification_List_2015.txt H0320 Other event_data_file TCC_NTDL4_GEOT2015C.txt TCC_NTDL4_HYPE2015C.txt TCC_NTDL4_GEOP2015C.txt TCC_NTDL4_STRU2015C.txt H0400 Drill_code RCDDH H0401 Drill_contractor DDH1 H0402 Description RC precollar with diamond tail H0900 Remarks H1000 Hole_id Depth From DataSet Depth To Lith_Plot Lithology Lith1_Texture Comments Fault Fault_Size Structure overprint overprint intensity Cy alteration Sil alteration Clr alteration He alteration Colour Orig_Texture Mineralogy Historic_Lith1_Code H1001 NA metres NA metres NA NA NA NA NA 1-3 NA 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 NA NA NA NA H1004 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D OBRD14-125 0 TCC 50 SST SST Fine to medium sand, pulverised lithology returning few chips from more silicious horizons. Bleached. White-Beige Loose Granular Qtz SST D OBRD14-125 50 TCC 147 SST SST Fine to coarse grained silicious SST with maroon heam altered horizons. Fine black flecks of specular heam from 140-147m approaching fault. White-Maroon Granular Qtz He SST D OBRD14-125 147 TCC 148 NR NR Fine clay filled fault structure maroon with heam/oxidation, fine competent chips, fine specular heamatite flecks above and below fault? Maroon Milled Cy He NR D OBRD14-125 148 TCC 166 SST SST Fine to coarse grained silicious SST with maroon heam altered horizons. White-Maroon Granular Qtz He SST D OBRD14-125 166 TCC 167 NR NR Fine platey schistose clay sericite chips, dark specular heamatite flecks below. Bleached fault structure. Silicious around fault Yellow schistose Cy Se NR D OBRD14-125 167 TCC 205 SST SST Fine to coarse grained silicious SST with maroon heam altered horizons. Strong heamatite alteration at 171m. Very silicious at base with 230cps at fault contact in oxidised very silicious SST White-Maroon Granular Qtz He SST D OBRD14-125 205 TCC 208 NR NR Fault with poor sample return due to water and fine clay filled structure, oxidised clays? Beige Wet no chips returned NR D OBRD14-125 208 TCC 209.6 SST SST Dark granular SST with mixed chlor and heam alteration. Fine purple clays with planear fabric, slickenslides, part of fault above? Green-Purple Granular Qtz Chl He SST D OBRD14-125 209.6 TCC 217 SST cSST BDD Poorly sorted, matrix supported bedded, medium - grit sandstone pebbly toward base of unit (basal conglomerate), pale red to pale green from variable hematite and chlorite alteration. Chlorite focussed on fractures zone e.g 210m and 214.4m. Chlorite veins 1 1 cSST D OBRD14-125 217 TCC 224.2 ARK ARSH red to cream-yellow quartz-feldspar-mica clay altered arkose-schist, variably hematite altered to bleached. Red colour clearer where mica (biotite) preserved. Bleache zones appear vuggy with complete dissolution/clay alteration of feldspar. Other parts sh 3 1 1 ARSH D OBRD14-125 224.2 TCC 256.7 ARK ARSH dark green to pale yellow - white speckled clay altered quartz-feldspar-mica arkose-schist. Weak fabric throughout. Majority of feldspar replaced by clay (after sericite or chlorite?) occasional quartz rich bands and rare quartz veining and small breccia 3 1 ARSH D OBRD14-125 256.7 TCC 259.5 ARK ARSH LAM grey-white-yellow, compositionally banded quartz-feldspar-mica schist. Schistose texture in mica rich zones. Feldspars altered to yellow clay (after sercite?). Occasional altered garnet. 2 1 ARSH D OBRD14-125 259.5 TCC 260.7 PEG PEG large quartz-feldspar-mica crystals. Mica dominantly muscovite Feldspar altered to yellow-green sericite/chlorite and some clays 2 1 PEG D OBRD14-125 260.7 TCC 288.4 ARK ARSH LAM grey-white-yellow, compositionally banded, garnetiferous (chloritised) quartz-feldspar-mica schist. Schistose texture in mica rich zones. Feldspars altered to yellow clay (after sercite?). Some possible remanat beddig textures from protolith. Very weak c ARSH D OBRD14-126 0 TCC 54 SST SST Fine-medium grained SST returning typically pulverised chips. White-maroon Loose granular Qtz SST D OBRD14-126 54 TCC 86 SST SST Very silicious SST interval with glassy appearance to chips, heam alteration and oxidised fractures giving maroon colour. White-Maroon Granular silicious Qtz He SST D OBRD14-126 86 TCC 111 SST SST Bleached silicious SST, glassy chips still granular, Chloritic fractures 97-98m very chlor and fractures above and below. Grey-Green Granular silicious Qtz Chl SST D OBRD14-126 111 TCC 137 SST SST Bleached granular SST heamatitic 125-132. White-Maroon Granular silicious Qtz He SST D OBRD14-126 137 TCC 147 SST SST Pulverised wet return, oxidised clays, Fine-med SST. Weathered with water in underlying fault. Orange Loose-Granular Qtz He Cy SST D OBRD14-126 147 TCC 149 NR NR Fine silty schistose chips. Yellow and purple with clay chlor and heam aleteration. Fault material or repeated UC? Purple yellow Schistose Cy He Se NR D OBRD14-126 149 TCC 151 SST SST Pulverised wet return, oxidised clays, Fine-med SST. Weathered with water in overlying fault. Orange Loose-Granular Qtz He Cy SST D OBRD14-126 151 TCC 152 SST SST Dark purple and green granular SST with pervasive heam alteration and chlorite fractures. Purple Green Granular Qtz He Chl SST D OBRD14-126 152 TCC 156 SST SST Pulverised bleached sand. White Loose-Granular Qtz SST D OBRD14-126 156 TCC 175.2 SST SST Silicious med SST with grey green tint due to chlorite, increasing from 160m. White-Green Granular-Silicious Qtz Chl SST D OBRD14-126 175.2 TCC 182.9 SST mSST BDD light green , fine-medium grained sandstone, weakly siliceous and weakly chloritic 1 1 mSST D OBRD14-126 182.9 TCC 189.1 SST mSST BDD red-green medium graied sandstone with weak to moderate pervasive hematite and chlorite alteration and weakly silica alteration. Chloritic fractures common FrBX 1 1 2 2 mSST D OBRD14-126 189.1 TCC 193 SST mSST BDD white-green medium grained sandstone strongly siliceous, moderately fractured with chlorite alteration on fracture planes FrBX 1 2 1 mSST D OBRD14-126 193 TCC 204.2 SST cSST BDD grey green medium to gritty sst (pebbly conglomerate in basal 1m), variably weak patchy chlorite and hematite alteration. Unconformity at 204.2m 1 1 cSST D OBRD14-126 204.2 TCC 213.6 ARK ARSH LAM grey green compositionally banded garnetiferous quartz arkose-schist with mica schist dominant in places. Patchy strong hematite alteration. Some feldspar altered to chlorite, some green-yellow clay alteration 1 1 1 ARSH D OBRD14-126 213.6 TCC 233.7 ARK ARSH LAM grey green compositionally banded garnetiferous quartz arkose-schist with mica schist dominant in places. Some feldspar altered to chlorite, some green-yellow clay alteration. strong chlorite alteration around 229m. Occasional fracturing generally chlorit 1 ARSH D OBRD14-126 233.7 TCC 246.1 AMP AMP BND very dark grey green moderately chloritic, banded quartz-mica-amphibolite, high Ti (>1%)content suggest mafic protolith. Small rubble fracture zone 10cm at 235.7m FrBX 2 2 AMP D OBRD14-126 246.1 TCC 270 ARK ARSH LAM grey green compositionally banded garnetiferous quartz arkose-schist with mica schist dominant in places. Some feldspar altered to chlorite, some green-yellow clay alteration. 259-262m strong pale green clay alteration (after chlorite?). Narrow 30cm Pegma 1 ARSH D OBRD14-126 270 TCC 292 MSH MQCS KNK mica quartz schist, biotite dominated, weak pv chlorite alteration, chlorite altered garnets 1 MQCS D OBRD14-126 292 TCC 300.5 QSH QBS LAM weakly silicified quartz biotite schist, quartz dominated , minor altered feldspar component in more arkosic beds. 1 QBS D OBRD14-127 0 TCC 11 SAP Sap Weathered profile, few chips from boulders in red -brown oxidised clay rich horizon. Red doleritic soil. Brown (red) Loose Cy Sap D OBRD14-127 11 TCC 30 DOL Dol Hard fresh dolerite, porphyritic white felds. Sulphides throughout, fine-med crystaline unit, Hard competent. Very minor chlor in fractures. Black and White Crystaline Porphyritic Maf Fs Py Dol D OBRD14-127 30 TCC 61 DOL Dol Hard fresh dolerite red felds. Sulphides present, fine-med crystaline unit, Hard competent, red felds fading to pink and white by 61m Black and Red Crystaline Massive Maf Fs Py Dol D OBRD14-127 61 TCC 180 DOL Dol Hard fresh dolerite, white felds. Homogenous med crystaline unit massive black and white. Black and White Crystaline Massive Maf Fs Py Qtz Dol D OBRD14-127 180 TCC 191.9 DOL Dol Hard fresh dolerite, fine approaching lower contact? Black Crystaline Massive Maf Py Dol D OBRD14-127 191.94 TCC 197.1 DOL DOL MAS Dark grey, coarsely porphyritic, magnetic dolerite. Chlorite fracture at 194m, occasional blebs of py Fr 1 1 DOL D OBRD14-127 197.1 TCC 203.6 DOL DOL MAS Dark grey to white speckled coarse to finely porphyritic (feldspar), magnetic dolerite 1 DOL D OBRD14-127 203.6 TCC 210.6 DOL DOL MAS Dark grey, moderate pv chlorite alt, coarsely porphyritic, magnetic dolerite. Occasional chloritic fractures 2 DOL D OBRD14-127 210.6 TCC 224.7 DOL DOL MAS grey, fine grained, less porphyritic down hole, magnetic dolerite. Basal 2m highly fractured. Base of dolerite. FrBX 1 1 DOL D OBRD14-127 224.7 TCC 236.4 QSH QCMS LAM grey green weakly chloritic, weakly siliceous, interbedded coarse to fine meta-sed (psammite/pelite), quartz dominated quartz-chlorite-mica rock with foliation mimicing protolith bedding. Moderate chlorite on fractures, rare belebs of py and cpy. Fracture 1 1 QCMS D OBRD14-127 236.4 TCC 241.3 QSH QCMS LAM grey to pink weakly siliceous, weakly chloritic finely laminated/foliated, finer chloritic beds dominate and host diss and fracture hosted py and cpy. Increase in pink feldspar component - potassic alteration 1 1 QCMS D OBRD14-127 241.3 TCC 246.4 PEG PEG dark grey - pink Quartz-K-feldspar- muscovite pegmatite zone where pegmatitc veins cross cut bedding/foliation of biotite schist/?amphibolite? Strong potassic alteration, weakly silified and variably chloritised (weak-mod), some minor carbonate component 1 2 PEG D OBRD14-127 246.4 TCC 259 AMP AMP dark grey to pink stongly potassic altered amphibolite. qtz-k-spar-sulphide veining throughout both replacing and cross cutting, introduced kspar subject to late retrograde chlorite alteration. Disseminated and blebby py and cpy where potassic alteration 2 AMP D OBRD14-127 259 TCC 268 AMP AMP green grey white strongly foliated grading into a strongly quartz veined and chloritic and sulphidic breccia zone margin of intermittent fault gouge zones 265-266m with qtz, chlorite, clay and ex-sulphide textures FBX 2 FrBX 3 1 2 2 AMP D OBRD14-127 268 TCC 272.7 AMP AMP grey white quartz-feldspar-chlorite amphibole rock with strong foliation. Qtz-chlorite and potassic alteration, moderate sulphides, diss, bleb vein and fracture hosted -py and cpy FBX 1 FrBX 2 2 1 AMP D OBRD14-127 272.7 TCC 273.6 PEG PEG quartz-feldspar-mica chlorite pegmatite in chorite schist host rock 2 1 PEG D OBRD14-127 273.6 TCC 276.5 AMP AMP dark grey, weakly foliated amphibolite (ex-Dol), minor potassic alteration with 5% qtz-sulphide veining foliation parallel and cross cutting 1 1 AMP D OBRD14-127 276.5 TCC 282 MSH MQCS LAM grey green mica-quartz-chlorite schist with disseminated, fracture hosted and x cutting silica vein hosted sulphides (py dominant) Fr 1 1 MQCS D OBRD14-127 282 TCC 286.3 MSH MQCS dark grey - white strongly foliated and folded mica-quartz schist with weak patchy potassic alteration 1 MQCS D OBRD14-127 286.3 TCC 287.8 AMP AMP dark grey fine grained amphibolite (meta Dol?) with weak foliation and weak potassic alteration 1 AMP D OBRD14-127 287.8 TCC 291 QSH QBS grey foliated quartz-mica schist minor potassic alteration with minor sulphides disseminated throughout 1 QBS D OBRD14-127 291 TCC 296.2 AMP AMP dark grey fine grained amphibolite (meta Dol?) with weak foliation and weak potassic alteration 1 AMP D OBRD14-127 296.2 TCC 297.3 QSH QBS grey foliated quartz-mica schist with 30cm quartz vein QBS D OBRD14-128 0 TCC 2 SAP Sap Fine surficial cover, oxidised red doleritic soil. Brown Loose Cy Sap D OBRD14-128 2 TCC 12 DOL Dol Oxidised black and white dolerite with highly altered feldspars and oxidation of mafics. Magnetic Black-Brown Crystaline Maf Fs Dol D OBRD14-128 12 TCC 55 DOL Dol Magnetic fresh red and black crystaline unit. Minor quartz veins and minor sulphides. Black-Red Crystaline Maf Fs Dol D OBRD14-128 55 TCC 101 DOL Dol Porphyritic black and green "blue rock". Porph dolerite, minor sulphides. Black-Green Crystaline Porphyritic Maf Fs Dol D OBRD14-128 101 TCC 114 DOL Dol Fine mafic crystaline lithology. Moderate chlorite giving pseudo porphyritic green spots. Fine sulphides throughout. Black Crystaline Spotted Maf Chl Py Dol D OBRD14-128 114 TCC 123 DOL DOL MAS dark grey weakly chloritic, non magnetic dolerite with cumulate texture. Some fracture hosted py 1 DOL D OBRD14-128 123 TCC 133.6 DOL DOL very fine grained dark grey to black, moderate chlorite altered non magnetic dolerite, finely brecciated throughout, some qtz infill, some open space vugs. Some v fine graine x cutting olive green mafic intrusive (2nd phase intrusive?) - base of Dol FrBX 1 2 DOL D OBRD14-128 133.6 TCC 137.2 QSH QCS LAM contact zone - grey green yellow quartz-chlorite dominated rock, coarse -pebble size, massive but with weak fabric in places. Yellow clay (ex-feldspar?)alteration throughout and significant hematite and specular hematite alteration in matrix. Some py on 1 1 2 QCS D OBRD14-128 137.2 TCC 149.5 QSH QCMS LAM grey green quartz-chlorite mica schist, interbedded protolith (psammite/pelite), strong foliation, some micaceous layers altered to yellow clay. Weak patchy chlorite alteration 1 1 QCMS D OBRD14-128 149.5 TCC 155 QSH QCMS LAM grey green interbedded qtz chlorite mica schist (pelite/psammite) moderate patchy chlorite alteration 2 QCMS D OBRD14-128 155 TCC 163.9 QSH QCMS LAM dark grey green, fractured interbedded qtz chlorite mica schist (pelite/psammite) moderate pervasive chlorite alteration. With elevated U up to 350ppm (pXRF). Some pyrite on chloritic fractures also. FrBX 2 3 QCMS D OBRD14-128 163.9 TCC 198 MSH MQCS LAM grey green interbedded qtz chlorite mica schist (pelite/psammite) weak patchy chlorite alteration. Occasional garnet and rare py on fractures 1 MQCS D OBRD14-128 198 TCC 210.6 QSH QBS LAM light grey and black speckled finely foliated quartz dominated, quartz-biotite schist. Brown mica- biotite 1 QBS EOF