Hole Sample No. From To Rock Code Description Oxidation Colour Grain Size Comments MCN001 281 0 1 Alluvium "R alluvial clays, w minor carbonate frags, R stained. Minor fibourous organincs" 4 R clay MCN001 282 1 2 Alluvium "R alluvial clays w minor carbonate frags, R stained." 4 R clay MCN001 283 2 3 DLRTE "R alluvial clays w minor carbonate frags, R stained." 4 R clay-fine MCN001 284 3 4 DLRTE "highly weathered dolorite, high Br clay content in seive sample" 4 "Br, dk Gr/Bl" clay-fine MCN001 285 4 5 DLRTE "highly weathered dolorite, high Br clay content in seive sample" 4 "Br, dk Gr/Bl" clay-fine MCN001 286 5 6 DLRTE "Slightly weathered Dolorite, w minor Br clayey alt. " 1 "dk Gr/Bl, Br" fine MCN002 271 0 1 Alluvium "R alluvial clays and weathered dolorite. Minor-common carbonate frags, R stained." 4 "R, dk Gr/Bl, W" clay - fine MCN002 272 1 2 Alluvium "R alluvial clays and weathered dolorite. Minor-common carbonate frags, R stained." 4 "R, dk Gr/Bl, W" clay - fine MCN002 273 2 3 DLRTE "Weathered dolorite, w R-Br staining, alteration. Dolorite fine-med grained. Minor alluvial clays" 3 "dk GR/Bl, R" clay - med MCN002 274 3 4 DLRTE "Slightly weathered dolorite, Br-R weathering/alt. " 1 "dk GR/Bl, R" fine MCN005 261 0 1 CALCSIL Weathered calc-sil marble and alluvial R clays. Calcite frags. R staining to chips 3 "Gr/Grn, W, R" vfinr-fine MCN005 262 1 2 CALCSIL calc-sil marble w minor calcite frags. Minor R staining. Minor Grn min Gx. 1 "lt Gr/Gr, W" vfinr-fine MCN005 263 2 3 CALCSIL Calc-sil marble w minor carbonate frags. R-Or staining to carbs 1.5 "lt Gr/Gr, W" vfinr-fine MCN005 264 3 4 CALCSIL Calc-sil marble w R-/Or stained carbonates frags. Minor Grn alt minerals 1 "lt Gr/Gr, W, R" vfinr-fine MCN005 265 4 5 CALCSIL calc-sil marble w major ~30% Grn and some Or-Pink alteration. Gx mineral? Dk crystaline veinlets minor 1 "lt Gr, Grn, W, Or" vfinr-fine MCN005 266 5 6 CALCSIL ~20% grn mineral. XRF shows ~0.1-0.2% Zn values for Grn min. 1 "lt Gr, Grn, W, Or" vfinr-fine MCN005 267 6 7 DLRTE Altered dolorite and calc-sil marble. Calc-sil frags w Bl veinlets and Grn alteration testing @ 1% Zn 1 "dk Gr/Bl, W, Grn" vfinr-fine MCN005 268 7 8 Slightly Br weathered/alt dolorite. 0.5 "dk Gr/Bl, Br" vfinr-fine MCN008a 291 0 1 CRBNTE Weathered carbonates w R alluvial clays. R staining to cabonates. Minor fiborous organics 4 "W, R" clay-fine MCN008a 292 1 2 CRBNTE Weathered carbonates w R alluvial clays. R staining to cabonates. Minor fiborous organics 4 "W, R" clay-fine MCN008a 293 2 3 CRBNTE "White carbonates and calcite frags, minor clayey staining.. Carb fine-med grained." 2 "W, R" vfine-fine Zn = 0.2% MCN008a 294 3 4 CALCSIL Calc-sil marble w common carbonate frags. Slight Grn alt to calc-sil. Minor R staining 1 "W, Gr, Grn, R" vfine-fine MCN008a 295 4 5 CALCSIL "calc-sil marble, Grn Gx mineral ~15%, dk veinlets and spotting assoc w Gx, minor carbonate also." 1 "Gr, W, Grn" vfine-fine MCN008a 296 5 6 CALCSIL "calc-sil marble, Grn Gx mineral ~15%, dk veinlets and spotting assoc w Gx, minor carbonate also." 0 "Gr, W, Grn" vfine-fine Base Ox MCN008a 297 6 7 CALCSIL "Grn mineral absent, minor black spotting." 0 "Gr, W" vfine-fine MCN008a 298 7 8 CALCSIL "~20% grn Gx mineral. Bl spotting and veinets, minor." 0 "Gr, W, Grn" vfine-fine selctd chip Zn=0.2% MCN008a 299 8 9 CALCSIL "~25% Grn Gx mineral. Common Or-Br stained/alt carbonate frags,w Bl spotting." 0? "W, Grn, Gr, Or" vfine-fine Zn = 0.3% MCN008a 300 9 10 CALCSIL ~30% Grn Gx mineral of varying shades of Grn. Or-Br stained carb common. Trace silky abestos needle serpentie? 0? "W, Grn, Gr, Or" vfine-fine MCN008a 301 10 11 CALCSIL "~30 beer bottle Br coloured crystaline mieral, with needle abestos like veinlets, serpentie?? Grn miera as above ~5%" 0 "W, Br, Grn" vfine-fine MCN008a 302 11 12 CALCSIL "~25% Gr Gx mineral, Bl veinlets minor" 0 "W, Grn, Gr" vfine-fine MCN008a 303 12 13 DLRTE Slightly Br altered dolorite w minor calc-sil frags. 0 "dk Gr/Bl, Grn" fine MCN008a 304 13 14 DLRTE slight Br altered dolorite. 0 "dk Gr/Bl, Grn" fine MCN009 351 0 1 Alluvium R alluvial clays with common R stained carbonates (alluvial?) 4 "R, W" clay-fine MCN009 352 1 2 Alluvium R alluvial clays with common R stained carbonates (alluvial?) 4 "R, W" clay-fine MCN009 353 2 3 CALCSIL Calc-sil with calcite frags and carbonates. R-Pink stained 3 W R Pink fine MCN009 354 3 4 CALCSIL high Calcite content with common Grn alt 1.5 W Grn vfine-fine MCN009 355 4 5 CALCSIL high Calcite content with common Grn alt 0 W Grn vfine-fine MCN009 356 5 6 CALCSIL high Calcite content with common Grn alt 0 W Grn vfine-fine MCN014a 311 0 1 DOLST dolost w carbonate frags. R-Br staining moderate 2.5 "Gr, W, Br-R" vfine MCN014a 312 1 2 CALCSIL Calc-sil marble w minor dolost and calcite frags. Grn Gx mineral minor. Minor R-Br staining 2 "lt Gr, W, Gr" vfine MCN014a 313 2 3 CALCSIL Calc-sil marble w minor carb and calcite frags. Grn Gx mineral ~5%. Minor R-Or staining. 1 "lt Gr, W, Grn" vfine MCN014a 314 3 4 CALCSIL calc-sil marble w trace Py and Bl spotting 0 "W, lt Gr" vfine- fine Base Ox MCN014a 315 4 5 CALCSIL calc-sil marble w minor crbonates (R-Br stained). 0 "W, lt Gr" vfine- fine MCN014a 316 5 6 CALCSIL clacl-sil marble w minor Grn Gx mineral. Minor carb w Br staining 0 "lt Gr, W, Grn" vfine- fine "contaimination, cyclone cleaned" MCN014a 317 6 7 CALCSIL w ~20% Grn Gx mineral. Minor-common R-Br stained carb frags. Calcite frags W 0 "lt Gr, W, Grn" vfine- fine MCN014a 318 7 8 CALCSIL ~25% Grn Gx alteration mineral 0 "lt Gr, W, Grn" vfine- fine MCN014a 319 8 9 CALCSIL "~50% calcite W, 25% light Grn Gx mieral" 0 "W, Grn" vfine- fine MCN014a 320 9 10 CALCSIL ~15% light Grn Gx min. Common calcite 0 "W, Grn" vfine- fine MCN014a 321 10 11 DLRTE Unaltered dolorite and minor calc-sil frags. 0 dk Gr/Bl fine MCN020a 331 0 1 DOLST "Lt Gr dolost, w minor alluvial R clays. Minor carbonates w R staining" 2 "l Gr, R-Br" vfine MCN020a 332 1 2 DOLST unweathered dolost. 0.5 lt Gr vfine MCN020a 333 2 3 DOLST "Dolost and calc-sil frags, minor carbonates R stained" 2 "lt Gr, W, R" vfine-med MCN020a 334 3 4 CALCSIL Calc-sil w common carbonates. Commo Grn alt. 1 "W, lt Gr, Grn" vfine-fine MCN020a 335 4 5 CALCSIL "minor carbonates, minor Grn platey Gx? Mineral" 0.5 "lt Gr, W, Grn" vfine-fine MCN020a 336 5 6 CALCSIL minor-common pale Grn mineral 0 "W, lt Gr, Grn" vfine-fine MCN020a 337 6 7 CALCSIL minor-common pale Grn mineral 0 "W, lt Gr, Grn" vfine-fine MCN020a 338 7 8 CALCSIL minor-common pale Grn mineral 0 "W, lt Gr, Grn" vfine-fine MCN020a 339 8 9 CALCSIL "~20 Grn Gx mineral, Br-Or alt/coating to W calcite frags" 0? "W, Grn, Br" vfine-fine MCN020a 340 9 10 CALCSIL ">60% grn mineral, varyihng shades of Grn." 0 "Grn, Gr" vfine-fine MCN020a 341 10 11 CALCSIL ">60% grn mineral, varyihng shades of Grn." 0 "Grn, Gr" vfine-fine MCN020a 342 11 12 CALCSIL "~25% Grn mineral. Dk fine laminae to calc-sil, minor" 0 "lt Gr, W, Grn" vfine-fine MCN020a 343 12 13 CALCSIL Calc-sil and dolorite frags. ~15% Grn mineral 0 "t Ge, dk Gr/Bl, W, Grn" vfine-fine MCN020a 344 13 14 DLRTE Unaltered dolorite. 0 "dk Gr, Bl" vfine MCN029 241 0 1 CRBNTE Carbnate and alluvial R clays. Carbnonates highly weathered. 4 "R, W, dk Gr" clay-medium MCN029 242 1 2 CRBNTE "Carbonate/calcite frags common R, Or, Y staining. Mod-high clay content in seive sample" 3 "R, W, dk Gr" clay - fine Zn = 0.2% MCN029 243 2 3 CRBNTE "Carbonate w common calcite and weathered dolorite frags. Highly R,Y,Or stained" 3 "W, dk Gr/Bl, R, Or" vfine-fine Zn = 3.6% MCN029 244 3 4 CALCSIL "calc-sil w carbonate frags. ~25% Grn mineral Gx, epidote?" 2 "W, Grn, Gr" vfine-fine MCN029 245 4 5 CALCSIL ~ 15% Gx mineral. 0.5 "W, Gr, Grn" vfine-fine Zn = 0.1% MCN029 246 5 6 CALCSIL "Calc-sil.~10% Gx mineral, minor R-Or staining. " 0.5 "W, dk Gr, Gr, Grn" vfine-fine MCN029 247 6 7 CALCSIL Calc-sil ~25% Grn Gx mineral. Base Ox 0 "W, Gr, Grn" vfine-fine MCN029 248 7 8 CALCSIL "~10% ""Grn Gx mineral, typically less intense lighter Grn than above" 0 "W, Gr, Grn" vfine-fine MCN029 249 8 9 CALCSIL "~10% ""Grn Gx mineral, typically less intense lighter Grn than above" 0 "W, Gr" vfine-fine MCN029 250 9 10 DLRTE Dolorite and calc-sil. Silky asbestos like acicular needle mineral (serpentine?). Br alt to dolorite. Grn Gx min ~8%. 0 "dk Gr/Bl, Gr, W, Grn" vfine-fine MCN029 251 10 11 DLRTE Dlorite minor-common calc-sil. Br alt to dolorite. Grn Gx in ~2. 0 "dk GrBl, W, Grn" vfine-fine MCN029 252 11 12 DLRTE Dlorite minor-common calc-sil. Br alt to dolorite. Grn Gx in ~2. 0 "dk GrBl, W, Grn" vfine-fine MCN031 231 0 1 CALCSIL Calc-sil marble w minr carbnates abd R alluvium clays. Md R staining 2.5 "W, lt Gr, R" vfine-fine MCN031 232 1 2 CALCSIL "Calc-sil and dolost, w minr carbonates. Minr R staining" 2 "W, lt Gr, R" vfine-fine MCN031 233 2 3 CALCSIL "Calc-sil and dolost, trace clayey R alt. Grn mineral (Gx) present but trace-minor" 0.5 "W, lt Gr," vfine-fine MCN031 234 3 4 DOLST "Gr dolost w common calc-sil frags, trace carbonates. Trace Grn mineral (Gx" 0 "W, Gr, dk Gr" vfine-fine MCN031 235 4 5 DOLST "Dolost and Calc-sil w ~25% Grn Gx mineral. Varying shades of Grn. Clevage, good? 120deg? 2directins?epidote?" 0 "Gr, Grn, W" vfine-fine MCN031 236 5 6 DOLST Dolost and calc-sil w minor Grn Gx mineral. 0 "W, Gr, Grn " vfine-fine MCN031 237 6 7 CALCSIL Calc-sil marble w minor dolost frag? Absent Grn mineral 0 "W, lt Gr" vfine-fine MCN031 238 7 8 OTHER Dolorite and calc-sil. Silky asbestos like acicular needle mineral (serpentine?) ~ 15%. Grn Gx mineral min. Br clayey meterial (alt?) also present 0? "W, dk Gr/Bl, Grn" clay-fine MCN031 239 8 9 DLRTE Unaltereddolorite/basalt. 0 dk Gr/Bl fine MCN032 221 0 1 Alluvium Br-R alluvim w minor fibourous organics 4 "R, Br" clay-silt Zn = 0..4% MCN032 222 1 2 CRBNTE "Carbonates, mainly calcite w alluvium R clays ~40%. Carbonates Bl spotted and R stained." 3.5 "W, R, " clay - fine Pb = 0.2% MCN032 223 2 3 CRBNTE Carbonate and dolostone. R clay staining and coatings to calcite. 2.5 "W, Gr, R" vfine-fine MCN032 224 3 4 CALCSIL "Calc-sil mabrle w common carbonates frags. Green mineral (Gx) ~8%, Grn-dk Grn." 1.5 "Gr, W, Grn" vfine-fine MCN032 225 4 5 CALCSIL w trace Gx. Minor R clayey staining. 0.5 "W, Gr, R" vfine-fine MCN032 226 5 6 CALCSIL base of oxidation 0 "W, Gr" vfine-fine MCN032 227 6 7 CALCSIL "w common dolost frags. Lt Grn mineral, poss diff to Gx? Resinous, crystaline, assoc w calcite " 0 "W, Gr" vfine-fine MCN032 228 7 8 CALCSIL "w minor - common dolost frags, R-Pink minor staining traces of Gx. Minor dolorite frags." 0.5 "W, Gr, dk Gr/Bl" vfine-fine GW encountered MCN032 229 8 9 DLRTE Unweathered dolorite. 0 dk Gr/Bl vfine-fine MCN033 361 0 1 Alluvium R alluvial clays with common carb frags R stained 4 "R, W" clay-fine MCN033 362 1 2 Alluvium R alluvial clays with common carb frags R stained 4 "R, W" clay-fine MCN033 363 2 3 Alluvium "R alluvial clays w common dolorite frags, minor calcite/carbonates" 3 "R, Gr, W" clay-fine MCN033 364 3 4 DOLST "largely unweathered dolost, minor aulluvial R cays" 1.5 "R, Gr" clay-fine MCN033 365 4 5 DOLST Dolostone w common dolorite frags. 5% grn alt minera Gx? 1.5 "Gr, dk Gr/Bl" vfine-fine MCN033 366 5 6 DLRTE "slightly weathered dolorite Br alt, common cal" 1 "dk Gr/Bl, B,r, W" vfine-fine MCN033 367 6 7 DLRTE slightly weathered dolorite Br alt 0.5 "dk Gr/Bl, Br" vfine-fine MCN037 101 0 1 Alluvium "weathered clays/alluvium, calcite frags, red stained" 4 "W, R, Br" vfine MCN037 102 1 2 CRBNTE "Stained carbonates w Bl spotting, clayey coatings" 3 "R, Gr-Pink, W" vfine MCN037 103 2 3 DOLST Gr w Bl kaminations(weak) and spotting 2.5 "Gr, R, W" vfine MCN037 104 3 4 DOLST Gr w Bl kaminations(weak) and spotting 2.5 "Gr, W" vfine MCN037 105 4 5 DOLST Gr carbonates w calcite veinlets 2 "Gr, W" vfine MCN037 106 5 6 DOLST "w Grn-apple Grn crystaline mineral ~20%, (Gx)" 1.5 "Gr, Grn, W" vfine MCN037 107 6 7 CALCSIL "Calc-sil marble and dolostone, w Or staining" 1.5 "W, lt Gr, Or" vfine MCN037 108 7 8 CALCSIL "Gx mineral ~5%, calc-sil and dolostone" 1 "W, lt Gr" vfine MCN037 109 8 9 DLRTE "dk Gr/Bl dolorite, R-Pink clac-sil w dk spotting, Py?" 0.5 "Bl/R-Pink, W" fine MCN037 110 9 10 DLRTE "fine grained Dolorite, common olivine" 0.5 "Bl/dk Gr, R" fine wet sample MCN037 111 10 11 DLRTE w minor R clay alt 0.5 "Bl/dk Gr, R" fine MCN037 112 11 12 DLRTE "bec fine-med grained, minor-common R-Or staining" 1.5 Bl/dk Gr fine-med MCN037 113 12 13 DLRTE "bec vfine-fine grained, minor R-Or staining" 0.5 Bl/dk Gr vfine-med MCN037 114 13 14 DLRTE trace Py? 0 Bl/dk Gr vfine-fine MCN037 115 14 15 DLRTE fine grained 0 Bl/dk Gr vfine-fine MCN038 121 0 1 CALCSIL "Calc-sil marble, calclite frags" 2 "W,Gr,R" vfine MCN038 122 1 2 CALCSIL "hardness ~4, crystaline calcite and dolomite frags" 2 "W,Gr,R" vfine MCN038 123 2 3 CALCSIL Grn crystaline mineral; calcite?? Serpentine?? ~ 8%. Bl spotting 1.5 "Gr,W,Grn" vfine MCN038 124 3 4 DOLST "w above grn mineral~8%, calcite veinlets upto 4mm" 1 "Gr,W, dk Gr" vfine MCN038 125 4 5 DOLST "w vfine Bl specs and laminae, metallic? Or staining on calcite" 0.5 "Gr, W, dk Gr" vfine MCN038 126 5 6 DOLST "Grn-Y-Br-Apple crystaline mineral; translucent, resinous, uneven frac, forming w calcite, hardness ~4" 0.5 "Gr, Grn, W" vfine MCN038 127 6 7 DOLST "Bl vfine, opaque, mettallic? Elongate triaganal specs and laminae forming w calcite" 0.5 "Gr, W, Bl" vfine MCN038 128 7 8 DOLST "more uniform smaple, dolostone w calcite frags" 0.5 "Gr, Pink" vfine MCN038 129 8 9 DOLST "trace dissem Py. Dk Gr/Bl 1mm laminations, clevage 90 to laminae?" 0 "Gr, dk Gr, W" vfine MCN038 130 9 10 DOLST "G(x) ~10%, w calcite and dolomite frags. Talc pres??" 0 "Gr,Grn,W" vfine MCN038 131 10 11 DLRTE "trace dissem Py, 30% calc-sil frags, finely laminated" 0 "dk Gr/Bl, lt Gr" vfine-fine MCN038 132 11 12 DLRTE "Red '(hematite?) mineral pres, trace" 0 "dk Gr/Bl, lt Gr" vfine-fine MCN038 133 12 13 DLRTE "minor calc-sil frags, R (hematitie?) dissem" 0 "dk Gr/Bl, lt Gr" vfine-fine MCN038 134 13 14 DLRTE "minor calc-sil frags, R (hematitie?) dissem" 0 "dk Gr/Bl, dk Grn" vfine-fine MCN038 135 14 15 DLRTE minor calc-sil frags 0 "dk Gr/Bl, dk Grn" vfine-fine MCN038 136 15 16 DLRTE "trace dissem Py, trace dissem hematite?" 0 "dk Gr/Bl, dk Grn" vfine-fine MCN038 137 16 17 DLRTE "trace dissem hematite?, trace calc-sil frags" 0 "dk Gr/Bl, dk Grn" vfine-fine MCN038 138 17 18 DLRTE "trace dissem hematite?, trace calc-sil frags" 0 "dk Gr/Bl, dk Grn" vfine-fine MCN038 139 18 19 DLRTE "Saturated sample, minor calc-sil frags" 0 "dk Gr/Bl, dk Grn" vfine-fine MCN038 140 19 20 DLRTE "saturated sample, trace dissem Py" 0 "dk Gr/Bl, dk Grn" vfine-fine MCN038 141 20 21 DLRTE "saturated sample, trace dissem Py" 0 "dk Gr/Bl, dk Grn" vfine-fine MCN038 142 21 22 DLRTE Trace Py? Olivine content increase. Hornblende pres? 0 "dk Gr/Bl, dk Grn" Fine XRF ~2% Ti MCN038 143 22 23 DLRTE Trace Py? Olivine content increase. Hornblende pres? 0 "dk Gr/Bl, dk Grn" Fine XRF ~2% Ti MCN038 144 23 24 DLRTE becoming fine to medium grained 0 "dk Gr/Bl, dk Grn" fine-med XRF ~2% Ti MCN038 145 24 25 DLRTE becoming fine to medium grained 0 "dk Gr/Bl, dk Grn" fine-med MCN038 146 25 26 DLRTE becoming fine to medium grained 0 "dk Gr/Bl, dk Grn" fine-med MCN038 147 26 27 DLRTE increasing olivine content MCN040 911 0 1 OTHER "Highly weathered, Dark Brown to black Saprock with fragments of Laterite-yellow to red and dolerite." 4 "Bl, R, Y, Dk Br" Fine to med. "Fragments of Dolerite and Laterite, possible flood plain deposit." MCN040 912 1 2 OTHER "Laterite with fragments of Dolost and Dolerite, High Clay content" High Fe-Ox "R, Y, Gr, Bl" Fine to med. High clays in laterite. MCN040 913 2 3 CRBNTE "Cherty Carbonate, with frg of Dolerite and Laterite" 2 "Buff Br, Gr, W, Y, Bl" Vfine to Fine "Chl, Epi" MCN040 914 3 4 DLRTE "Dr Gr to Bl Dolerite, with veins of bone white carbonte" 0.5 "Bl, Gr, W" Vfine to Fine MCN040 915 4 5 DLRTE Black Dolerite with few fragments with K alt(?) giving Pink hues 1 "Bl, Br, W" Vfine to Fine "K-alt, carb veins (contamination)" MCN041 901 0 1 OTHER "Cherty Carb, varied in colour from white, buff to Red, Fe-Ox staining, Fragments of Dolerite and Laterite." 3 "W, R, Br" Vfine to fine MCN041 902 1 2 DOLST Grey Dolostone with high Fe-ox laterite giving Red colour 3.5 "Gr, W, R" Vfine to fine MCN041 903 2 3 CALCSIL "White to Gr caclsilicte, impure mrble(?) with chl, epi and actinolite, Mn Stainings." 0.5 "W, Grn, Gr" Vfine to fine MCN041 904 3 4 CALCSIL "Fragments of Calc Silicates and Dolostone, with minor Fe-Ox, Chl-Epi, Mn Stains" 1 "W, Grn, Gr, R, Y" Vfine to fine MCN041 905 4 5 DLRTE Black Dolerite with Fe-Ox stining and Minor K-alt with Pink Hues 1 "Bl, Br, Pk" Vfine to fine MCN041 906 5 6 DLRTE Black Dolerite with Fe-Ox stining and Minor K-alt with Pink Hues 1.5 "Bl, Br, Pk" Vfine to fine MCN041 907 6 7 DLRTE Black Dolerite with Fe-Ox stining and Minor Chl Alt. 1 "Bl, Br, Grn" Vfine to fine MCN042 891 0 1 OTHER "Red to Red Brown Cherty Dolostone with frgments of Laterite and alluvium, Mn Stains" 8 "R, Br, W, Gr, Grn" fine MCN042 892 1 2 CALCSIL "Green to Gr Calcsil, Chl, Epi, Actinolite present. Bands of Gr Dolostone" 0.5 "Grn, W, Gr" Vfine to Fine MCN042 893 2 3 DOLST "Gr Dolostone with bands of Grn Calcsilicates, minor frgments of Fe-Ox" 0.5 "Grn, Gr, W" Vfine to Fine MCN042 894 3 4 DOLST "Gr Dolostone with bands of Grn Calcsilicates, minor frgments of Fe-Ox" 0.5 "Gr, Grn, Br" Vfine to Fine MCN042 895 4 5 DOLST Gr Dolostone with Fe-Ox on the fracture plains 0.5 "Gr, Br" Vfine to Fine MCN042 896 5 6 DOLST "Gr Dolostone with bands of Calcsilicates, Chl-Epi-Actinolite" 0.5 "Gr, Grn, W" Vfine to Fine MCN042 897 6 7 DOLST "Gr Dolostone with bands of Grn Calcsilicates, Epi" 0.5 "Gr, Grn, W" Vfine to Fine MCN042 898 7 8 DLRTE Bl colour Dolerite with frg of Buff and grey colour dolostone. Fe-Ox on frcture plains 1 "Bl, Gr, Buff Br" Vfine to Fine Contact(?) of Dolost and Dolerite. MCN042 899 8 9 DLRTE Bl colour Dolerite with fragments of Fe-Ox stains 2 "Bl, Br" Vfine to Fine MCN042 900 9 10 DLRTE Dolerite with pervassive fine K-alt with pink hues 0.5 "Bl, Pk" Vfine to Fine MCN043 871 0 1 DOLST slightly weathered dolost and alluvial R clays 3 "lt Gr, R" clay-fine MCN043 872 1 2 DOLST "dolost w common W calcite frgs, minor R clay content" 2.5 "lt Gr, W, R" vfine-fine MCN043 873 2 3 CALCSIL W-lt Gr calc-sil w common calcite. Minor Grn alt to calc-sil frgs 0.5 "W, lt Gr, Grn" vfine-fine MCN043 874 3 4 CALCSIL "calc-sil w minor Grn alt frgss, minor carbnte frgs w minor Bl (mn?) spotting and Or staining" 0.5 "W, lt Gr, Grn" vfine-fine MCN043 875 4 5 CALCSIL "calc-sil w minor Grn alt frgss, minor carbnte frgs w minor Bl (mn?) spotting and Or staining" 0.5 "W, lt Gr, Grn" vfine-fine MCN043 876 5 6 CALCSIL "Dolost/Impure Lst, with Chl and Actino alt. Red Fe-ox spots and staining" 1.5 "W, Gr, Grn" vfine-fine MCN043 877 6 7 CALCSIL "Impure Dolst, white, grey to Buff Brown colour, Mn staining" 2 "W, Gr, Grn, Buff Brown" vfine-fine Tr occurence of Act/Tremo. MCN043 878 7 8 CALCSIL "Impure Dolst, Red Fe-Ox staning with Mn stains" 2.5 "W, Gr, Grn, Buff Brown" vfine-fine MCN043 879 8 9 DOLST "Dr Gr Dolost with veins(?) of White calcite, Fe-Ox and Mn stains" 2.5 "Gr, Grn, W, R" vfine-fine Few grains of Calc Si. MCN043 880 9 10 CRBNTE "Chery Lst, V Fg, varies in colours but pred white to bone white." 0.5 "W, Gr, Buff Br." vfine-fine MCN043 881 10 11 DLRTE Dr Gr to Black Dolerite with Chl along fracture plains and Fe-Ox staning 2 "Bl, Gr, W" Fine Few fragments of calcite seems contamination. MCN044 641 0 1 DOLST Gr dolost w minor Grn alt. Largely unweathered 1.5 "lt Gr, Gr, Grn" vfine-fine MCN044 642 1 2 DOLST Gr dolost w minor Grn alt. Largely unweathered 1 "lt Gr, Gr, Grn" vfine-fine MCN044 643 2 3 DOLST w minor P-Or coatings 0.5 "lt Gr, Gr, Grn" vfine-fine MCN044 644 3 4 CALCSIL Calc-sil marble and dorite. Unweathered 0 "W, lt Gr" vfine-fine MCN044 645 4 5 CALCSIL "Calc-sil marble, w minor-common Or-Pink staining." 0? "W, lt Gr, Or" vfine-fine MCN045 151 0 1 OTHER "Soil/Alluvium, w R, Bl stained carbonate frags. High clayey content, fiborous organics." 4 "R, Bl, W" fine "Ti = 2.7%, Zn=0.56%, Pb= 0.21%" MCN045 152 1 2 DLRTE "Weather dolerite, Or-R clay alt (Plag?) to chips. high Or-R clay content w sample" 3 "dk Gr/Bl, R-Or" fine "Ti = 1.3%, Zn= 0.21%" MCN046 161 0 1 OTHER "Alluvium/weathered clays w weathered dolorite frags, high alt. R stained" 4 "R, dk Gr/Bl, W" clay-fine MCN046 162 1 2 OTHER "Alluvium/weathered clays w weathered dolorite frags, high alt. R stained" 4 "R, dk Gr/Bl" clay-fine "Zn= 3.3%, Pb = 0.14%" MCN046 163 2 3 DLRTE "Weathered dolorite, high clay alt, R staining. High clayey content in sample when sieved." 3.5 "R, dk Gr/Bl" vfine-fine "Zn= 3.5%, Pb = 0.14" MCN046 164 3 4 DLRTE Weather dolorite less alt than above. Lt Gr calcite frgs. Still high R clay content in seived sample 3 "dk Gr/Bl, R, W" vfine-fine Zn = 0.06% MCN046 165 4 5 DLRTE "Weathered dolorite, high clay alt, R staining. Less clayey content in sieved sample." 2.5 "dk Gr/Bl, R" vfine-fine Zn = 0.03% MCN046 166 5 6 DLRTE Dolorite w minor R alt. 0.5 dk Gr/Bl vfine-fine MCN049 621 0 1 DOLST minor Weathered carbonates & R clays. Minor dolorite and calcite frags. R-Or staining 4 "R, lt Gr, dk Gr" clay-fine MCN049 622 1 2 DOLST " R,Or staining" 4 "R, lt Gr, dk Gr" clay-fine MCN049 623 2 3 DOLST minor-common carbonate frags wit Bl spotting (Zn=1%). R-Or staining 3.5 "Gr, W, R-Or" vfine-med MCN049 624 3 4 DOLST "minor carbonate frags, Bl spotted" 3 "Gr, W" vfine-fine MCN049 625 4 5 DOLST w minor Grn alt mineral Gx? 3 "Gr, W" vfine-fine MCN049 626 5 6 DOLST "w minor carbonate Frags, Or-Pink stained" 1 "Gr, W" vfine-fine MCN049 627 6 7 DOLST dolodt w minor Or staining 1 "Gr, W" vfine-fine MCN049 628 7 8 DOLST dolodt w minor Or staining 1 "Gr, W" vfine-fine MCN049 629 8 9 DOLST w common calc-sil. Grn alt min Gx ~35%. 1 "Grn, Gr, W" vfine-fine MCN049 630 9 10 DOLST w common calc-sil. Grn alt min Gx ~35%. 0 "Gr, W" vfine-fine MCN049 631 10 11 DOLST w common calc-sil. Grn alt min Gx ~35%. 0 "Gr, W" vfine-fine MCN049 632 11 12 DOLST w common calc-sil. Grn alt min Gx ~35%. 0 "Gr, W" vfine-fine MCN053 601 0 1 DOLST "Dolost w carbonates and calcite frags. Minor-mod staining, Or, R" 2.5 "Gr, W, Or" vfine-fine MCN053 602 1 2 DOLST "Dolodt w Common Or veinlets and coatings, Bl spotting. " 1.5 "Gr, Or" vfine-fine Zn=0.3% MCN053 603 2 3 DOLST "Common Or-Pink mineral, matt, oxidised appearance, drusy, med grained forming in veinlets upto 3mm &surfaces ; Zn= 7%. Bl dentritic spotting/growth minor to common" 1.5 "Gr, Or, W" vfine-med "Zn = 0.8%, selct = 7.2%" MCN053 604 3 4 DOLST "Common Or-Pink mineral, matt, oxidised appearance, drusy, med grained forming in veinlets upto 3mm &surfaces ; Zn= 7%. Bl dentritic spotting/growth minor to common" 1.5 "Gr, Or, W" vfine-med "Zn=0.2%, selct = 7.2%" MCN053 605 4 5 DOLST w minor -common above Or-R-pink oxidised min. Minor carbonate frags. Dentritic Bl spotting minor-common 1.5 "Gr, Or, W" vfine-med "Zn=0.4%, selct = 0.9%" MCN053 606 5 6 DOLST Grn Gx? Min ~15%. Minor Or-Pink mineral in coatings and veinlets 0.5 "Gr, Grn, Or" vfine-fine - MCN053 607 6 7 DOLST minor Or-Pink mineral and Bl dentritic spotting 1 "Gr, Or, W" vfine-fine MCN053 608 7 8 DOLST carbonate frags w Or-Pink mineral and Bl spotting. 1 "Gr, Or, W" vfine- med MCN053 609 8 9 DOLST common Or-pink mineral w Bl spotting. Grn Gx? Mineral minor. Dk laminae to Calc-sil 1 "Gr, dk Gr, Or, W, Grn" vfine- med MCN053 610 9 10 CALCSIL "minor - common Or-Pink surfaces, XRF showing lower Zn levels" 1 "Gr, W, Or" vfine-fine MCN053 611 10 11 CALCSIL Mainly W cac-sil. Or-pink mineral essentially absent 0.5 "W, lt Gr" vfine MCN053 612 11 12 CALCSIL "dk and lt Gr calc-sil, minor Grn at and minor Or-Pink surfaces" 0.5 "dk Gr, lt Gr, W, Or, Grn" vfine-fine MCN053 613 12 13 CALCSIL "dk and lt Gr calc-sil, minor Grn at and minor Or-Pink surfaces" 0.5 "dk Gr, lt Gr, W, Or, Grn" vfine-fineD MCN053 614 13 14 DLRTE "Slightly Br altered dolorite, w minor calc-sil." 0 "dk Gr/Bl, W" vfine MCN054 201 0 1 CRBNTE "weathered Carb frags, w collivial dolostone and dolorite frags. R, Bl spotting and R clay staining" 4 "W, Gr, Bl, R" clay-fine Pb = 0.1% MCN054 202 1 2 CRBNTE "weathered Carb frags, w collivial dolostone and dolorite frags. R, Bl spotting and R clay staining" 4 "W, Gr, Bl, R" clay-fine Zn = 0.1% MCN054 203 2 3 CALCSIL "Calc-sil marble w minor carbonate and dolorite frags. Gr laminae common in calc-sil, R,Or,P staining" 2.5 "W/lt Gr, dk Gr, R" vfine-fine MCN054 204 3 4 CRBNTE "Carbonate and dolost w minor calc-sil frags. Calcite veinlets and dark laminae in dolost, Minor R clay staining" 1.5 "Gr, W" vfine-fine Zn = 0.2% MCN054 205 4 5 DOLST Gr dolost with minor clacite frags. Green crystaline mineral (Gx) ~8% 0.5 "Gr, W, Grn" vfine-fine MCN054 206 5 6 DOLST "Gr dolost with minor clacite frags. (Gx) mineral ~10%, appears platey, chlorite?" 0.5 "Gr, W, Grn" vfine-fine MCN054 207 6 7 DOLST "Gr dolostone w minor calcite frags/veinlets, Green mineral absent. Basee of Ox." 0 "Gr, W" vfine-fine MCN054 208 7 8 DOLST w trace of Gx mineral and dolorite frags. 0 "Gr, W" vfine-fine MCN054 209 8 9 DOLST Dolost w common calcite frags ~30%. Minor Gx occourances. 0 "Gr, W, Grn" vfine-fine MCN054 210 9 10 DLRTE Dolorite weith common dolost/dolomite frags Pink altered. 0 "dk Gr/Bl, Pink" fine MCN054 211 10 11 DLRTE Dolorite w slight clay alt. 0 dkGr/Bl fine MCN054a 191 0 1 CRBNTE Weathered (colluvial?) carbonate frags w R alluvial clays. Bl spotting and R staining 4 "W, R, Bl" clay-fine "Zn = 0.2%, Pb = 0.2%" MCN054a 192 1 2 CRBNTE Weathered (colluvial?) carbonate frags w R alluvial clays. Bl spotting and R staining 4 "W, R, Bl" clay-fine "Zn = 0.4%, Pb = 0.17%" MCN054a 193 2 3 DLRTE "Highly weathered dolorite, w carb frags and clays. R staining and alt to dolorite" 3 "dk Gr/Bl, W, R" clay-fine Zn = 0.14% MCN054a 194 3 4 DLRTE "Highly weathered dolorite, w carb frags and clays. R staining and alt to dolorite" 3 "dk Gr/Bl, W, R" "Zn = 3.0%, Pb = 0.2%, Ag = 139ppm" MCN054a 195 4 5 DLRTE "v highly weathered dolorite, with high Br clay content in seive sample. Dolorite ~90% alt to clays" 4 "Br, W" clay - med "Zn = 1.8%, Ag = 156ppm" MCN054a 196 5 6 DLRTE "highly weathered dolorite, w clay R, Br clay alt and coatings" 3 "dk Gr/Bl, Br, R" clay - fine Zn = 1.2% MCN054a 197 6 7 DLRTE "weathered dolorite w Br, R alt. Minor calcite frags, R, Br stained." 2 "dkGr/Bl, Br, W" fine Zn = 0.4% MCN054a 198 7 8 DLRTE "slightly weathered dolorite, w minor clay alt and coatings. Fine grained" 0.5 dk Gr/Bl fine MCN054a 199 8 9 DLRTE "slightly weathered dolorite, w minor clay alt and coatings. Fine grained" 0.5 dk Gr/Bl fine MCN058a 181 0 1 Alluvium "alluvium and colluvium weathered clays w common dolorite frags(colluvial). heavily R stained, R clay alt to dolorite" 4 "R, dk Gr/Bl" clay-fine Zn = 0.35% MCN058a 182 1 2 Alluvium Alluvium clays w minor dolorite frags (colluvial) heavily R stained. Clay content >80% 4 "R, dk Gr/Bl" clay - fine Zn = 0.5% MCN058a 183 2 3 Alluvium alluvial? Br clays w common weathered and clay alt dolorite frags (colluvial?) 4 "Br, dk Gr" clay - fine Zn = 0.39% MCN058a 184 3 4 DLRTE "Very highly weathered dolorite, >60% altered to clays, weak. " 4 "Br, Gr, W, R" clay - med Zn = 2.1% MCN058a 185 4 5 DLRTE "Very highly weathered dolorite, >60% altered to clays, weak. " 4 "Br, Gr, W, R" clay - med Zn = 1.2% MCN058a 186 5 6 DLRTE "Very highly weathered dolorite, >60% altered to clays, weak. " 4 "Br, Gr, W, R" clay - med Zn = 1.0% MCN058a 187 6 7 DLRTE "Higly weathered dolorite, some indurated less weathered frags. 50% clay alt" 4 "Br, Gr, W, R" clay - med Zn = 0.9% MCN058a 188 7 8 DLRTE "Weathered dolorite, clay alt and coatings common, less pervasive than above. Fine to med grained" 3 "Br, Gr, W, R" clay - med Zn = 0.4% MCN058a 189 8 9 DLRTE "Weathered dolorite, clay alt and coatings common. Fine grained" 2.5 "dk Gr, W, R" clay - med Zn = 0.2% MCN059a 171 0 1 CALCSIL "Weathered calc-sil, finely laminated. R-Or clayey staining" 4 "R, W, Gr" vfine MCN059a 172 1 2 CALCSIL low recovery 4 "R, W, Gr" vfine XRF results poss error MCN059a 173 2 3 CALCSIL "Weathered calc-sil, finely laminated. R-Or clayey staining, with calcite frags" 4 "W, Gr, R" vfine MCN059a 174 3 4 OTHER Saturated R clay heavilyy stained. Low recovery 4 R clay "Zn=1.3%, Au = 16ppm" MCN059a 175 4 5 OTHER Saturated R clay heavilyy stained. Low recovery. Weathered dolorite frags. Clay content >90% 4 R clay Zn=2.6% MCN059a 176 5 6 OTHER Weathered dolorite/R saturated clay heaviy stained. Low recovery. Clay content >80% 4 R clay Zn=2.1% MCN059a 177 6 7 DLRTE Weathered dolorite heavily R clay stained. Minor calcite frags. Clay content 50% 4 "dk Gr/Bl, R" clay-fine Zn=0.3% MCN059a 178 7 8 DLRTE "vfine grained dolorite, minor clay alt. " 0.5 dk Gr/Bl vfine MCN059a 179 8 9 DLRTE "vfine grained dolorite, minor clay alt. " 0.5 dk Gr/Bl vfine-fine