H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 31-Oct-13 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 31-Aug-13 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combined_rept_no GR154 H0101 Tenement_holder Sinosteel Australia Pty Ltd H0102 Project_name Carpentaria H0106 Tenement_operator Sinosteel Australia Pty Ltd H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SE5304 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number "6265, 6365" H0152 50K_map_sheet_number H0153 25K_map_sheet_number H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 28/08/2012 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 11/09/2012 H0202 Template_format SL4 H0203 Number_of_data_records 668 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 31/10/2013 H0301 Location_data_file GR154_2013_GA_03_Appendix2_Collars.txt H0302 Lithology_data_file GR154_2013_GA_04_Appendix2_Lithology.txt H0303 Assay_data_file GR154_2013_GA_05_Appendix2_DownholeGeochem.txt H0304 Survey_data_file GR154_2013_GA_06_Appendix2_Surveys.txt H0307 Lithology_code_file GR154_2013_GA_10_Appendix2_Lithcode.txt H0308 File verifiction List H0310 Water_data_file H0312 Data_dictionary_file H0313 Alteration_data_file H0314 Magsusc_data_file GR154_2013_GA_08_Appendix2_Magsus.txt H0317 Weathering_data_file H0400 Drill_code RC H0401 Drill_contractor McKay Drilling H0402 Description Reverse Circulation Drilling H0500 Feature_located Drillhole collar H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum AHD H0503 Projection Universal Transverse Mercator H0508 Local_grid_name H0530 Coordinate_system Projected H0531 Projection_zone 53 H0532 Surveying_instrument GPS H0533 Surveying_company CSA Global Pty Ltd H0900 Remarks H1000 Hole_ID mFrom mTo Formation Rock1 Rock1_Description Rock1_Texture Rock2_Formation Rock2 Rock2_Description Rock2_Texture Weathering GrainSize Colour1 Colour2 %Quartz Mineral1 Mineral1_pct Mineral2 Mineral2_pct Mineral3 Mineral3_pct Mineral4 Mineral4_pct Texture Alt1 Alt1_Type Alt1_Intensity Alt2 Alt2_Type Alt2_Intensity Alt3 Alt3_Type Alt3_Intensity Structure_Type Structure_Intensity Comments Logged_By Date_Logged H1001 metres metres H1004 D SERC001 0 5 QCV Oav fine silty alluvium W5 tn H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC001 5 6 TL Olt brown pisolitic gravels Oav W5 d br H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC001 6 7 KM Oav silty alluvium W5 tn H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC001 7 12 KM Oav "red brown - grey clays with qz sand grains, matrix supported" W5 rd br H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC001 12 24 KM Ssn "clayey brown fg sands, damp (WT<12m), cretaceous?" W5 br H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC001 24 29.5 No sample return W5 H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC001 29.5 45 PK Sbd pale tan massive carbonate W1 tn H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC001 45 51 PK Sbd dolomite with interbeds of glauconitic claystone Scyg W1 tn gr H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC001 51 54 PK Sbd "brown dolomite, slightly silicified" W1 tn br H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC002 0 2 QCV Oav silty alluvium W5 tn H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC002 2 4.5 TL Olt ferruginous lateritic duricrust W5 br or H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC002 4.5 13 KM Oav silty alluvium W5 or tn H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC002 13 18 KM Ssn running qz sands-mullaman beds W5 yl or H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC002 18 19 KM Ssn "as above, chert pebbles" W5 yl H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC002 19 23 KM Ssn "running qz sands,wet" W5 yl H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC002 23 26 KM Scg "pebble conglomerate, uncemented" W5 yl br H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC002 26 31 PK Sct clay with cherty chips after silicified dolomite(?) or chert W5 tn H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC002 31 32 PK Sct "as above, with 20% MnO, Massive" Mn W5 tn bk Mn 20 H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC002 32 33 PK Sct "as above, 5% MnO" W5 tn Mn 5 H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC002 33 36 PK Sct clays and cherty chips W5 tn H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC002 36 37 PK Sbd "limonitic chips and clay, trace MnO" W5 tn br Mn 0 H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC002 37 39 PK Sbd clay with dolomite chips W4 tn H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC002 39 42 PK Sbd "as above, trace MnO" W5 tn Mn 1 H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC002 42 46 PK Sbd "hard weathered dolomite, trace MnO" W3 or tn Mn 0 H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC002 46 47 PK Sbd massive dolomite W2 tn H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC002 47 48 PK Sbd interbedded dolomite/glauconitic claystone Scyg W2 tn gr H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC002 48 53 PK Sbd massive dolomite W2 tn H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC002 53 54 PK Sbd dark grey brown silty dolomite W1 br gy H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC003 0 1 QCV Oav grey clayey sand W5 gy H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC003 1 3 QCV Oav silty alluvium W5 tn or H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC003 3 4 TL Olt lateritic duricrust W5 d br H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC003 4 7 KM Oav silty alluvium W5 or br H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC003 7 18 KM Oav silty alluvium W5 tn H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC003 18 25 KM Ssn "running sands, moist" W5 tn or H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC003 25 27 KM Scg unconsolidated pebble conglomerate W5 tn H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC003 27 31 PK Sct "brown clays wirth 5-10% MnO, some chert, after dolomite(?)" Mn W5 br bk Mn 10 H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC003 31 32 PK Sct cherrt and brown clay after dolomite W5 br H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC003 32 35 PK Sbd weathered dolomite chips W5 br H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC003 35 36 PK Sbd brown clays W5 br H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC003 36 38 PK Sbd weathered dolomite W3 tn H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC003 38 41 PK Sbd "tan dolomite, massive" W2 tn H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC003 41 42 PK Sbd silty brown grey dolomite W2 br gy H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC004 0 1 QCV Oav silty alluvium W5 gy H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC004 1 3 QCV Oav silty alluvium W5 tn H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC004 3 4 TL Olt laterite duricrust W5 or br H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC004 4 5 KM Oav clayey sands W5 br H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC004 5 20 KM Oav silty alluvium W5 tn H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC004 20 22 KM Oav "clayey alluvium,moist" W5 tn br H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC004 22 24.5 KM Ssn moist running sands W5 tn br H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC004 24.5 30 KM Scg "pebble conglomerate,moist,unconslidated" W5 tn H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC004 30 33 KM Scg "finer, gritty pebble conglomerate" W5 tn H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC004 33 34 PK Rsp brown clays W5 br H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC004 34 35 PK Sct "brown clays and chert after dolomite, 2% MnO veins" W5 br Mn 2 H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC004 35 36 PK Sbd "brown clays,chert and dolomite chips" W4 br H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC004 36 42 PK Sbd massive dolomite W2 tn H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC005 0 3 QCV Osn sandy alluvium W5 tn H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC005 3 5 KM Ogv pebbly gravel-conglomerate W5 tn br H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC005 5 10 KM Oav silty alluvium W5 or br H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC005 10 13 KM Oav clayey silty alluvium W5 br gy H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC005 13 20 KM Oav silty alluvium W5 br H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC005 20 24 KM Oav "clayey silty alluvium,moist" W5 br H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC005 24 26 KM Ssn "unconsolidated fine clayey sands,moist" W5 br H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC005 26 29 KM Scg "coarse unconsolidated pebble conglomerate, moist" W5 br H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC005 29 30 KM Scg "finer gritty pebble conglomerate, 2% MnO clasts?" W5 br Mn 2 H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC005 30 31 KM Scg pebble conglomerate W5 br H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC005 31 32 PK Sbd weathered silicic dolomite W5 br H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC005 32 34 PK Scyg yl glauconitic claystone W5 l br H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC005 34 37 PK Scyg pale gn saprolitic glauconitic claystone W5 l gr H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC005 37 40 PK Sct white chert and green clays W3 wh H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC005 40 43 PK Sct white chert and unconsolidated clay sands Ssn W4 wh tn H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC005 43 47 PK Sbd cherty clays after dolomite W4 wh yl H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC005 47 48 PK Sbd white dolomite W2 wh H.MEES 28/08/2012 D SERC006 0 1 QCV Osn grey alluvial sand W5 gy br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC006 1 2 QCV Ogv weakly ferruginous gravel W5 or br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC006 2 4 QCV Oav sandy alluvium W5 or br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC006 4 6 TL Olt lateritic gravels W5 or br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC006 6 19 KM Oav silty alluvium W5 tn br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC006 19 23 KM Ssn unconsolidated sand W5 tn br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC006 23 24 PK Ocl white kaolinitic clays W5 wh H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC006 24 25 PK Ocl "as above, with chert chips, possibly basement" Sct W5 wh H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC006 25 26 PK Sct "grey brown chert and clays, possibly after strom. Carbonate" W5 d br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC006 26 27 PK Sbd "highly weathered dolomite, weakly manganiferous, mainly as fracture coatings" W5 br bk Mn 4 H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC006 27 30 PK Sbd "chert, clay and carbonate chips after weathered dolomite, 1% MnO" Sct W5 br Mn 1 H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC006 30 31 PK No sample return H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC006 31 33 PK Sbd clays with ferrug cherty chips after dolomite W5 br Mn 2 H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC006 33 34 PK Sbd "weathered dolomite,trace MnO" W4 yl br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC006 34 37 PK Sbd "massive dolomite, trace MnO" W4 yl br Mn 0 H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC006 37 38 PK Mn MnO with brown clays W5 bk br Mn 20 H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC006 38 40 PK Sbd "brown tan dolomite , partly weathered to clay" W5 tn br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC006 40 42 PK Sbd massive dolomite W3 tn br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC006 42 45 PK Sbd massive dolomite W1 tn H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC006 45 46 PK Sbd dolomite with glauconitic claystone interbeds Scyg W1 tn gr H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC006 46 48 PK Sbd Massive dolomite W1 tn H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC007 0 1 QCV Osn Sandy alluvium W5 gy H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC007 1 4 QCV Osn Sandy alluvium W5 or br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC007 4 6 TL Olt pisolitic gravel/duricrust W5 or br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC007 6 17 KM Oav silty alluvium W5 tn H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC007 17 21 KM Scg "pebble conglomerate, unconsolidated" W5 br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC007 21 24 KM Ssn "unconsolidated sands,moist" W5 br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC007 24 33 KM Scg pebble conglomerate W5 br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC007 33 34 KM Ssn brown sandy clays W5 br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC007 34 35 PK "brown clays, with dolomite chips and 3% MnO chips" W5 br tn Mn 3 H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC007 35 36 PK Sbd "dolomite, calcite, minor chert chips" W3 l tn H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC007 36 38 PK Sbd silicified weathered dolomite W3 tn H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC007 38 40 PK Sbd "dolomite, minor claystone beds" Scyg W2 tn H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC007 40 48 PK Sbd massive dolomite W1 tn H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC007 48 50 PK Ssld grey dolomitic siltstone W1 gy H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC007 50 51 PK Sbd massive dolomite W1 tn H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SErC007 51 52 PK Scyg claystone W1 l gy H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC007 52 54 PK Sbd Mssive dolomite W1 tn H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC008 0 2 QCV Osn sandy alluvium W5 rd br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC008 2 5 TL Osn sandy loam with ferrug pisolites W5 rd br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC008 5 7 TL Olt pisolitic gravels/duricrust W5 d br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC008 7 13 KM Oav "silty alluvium, coarsening down" W5 tn or H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC008 13 18 KM Ssn fine running sands W5 tn H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC008 18 28 KM Scg "pebble conglomerate, unconsolidated" W5 br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC008 28 30 KM Ssn clayey sands W5 br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC008 30 36 KM Scg "pebble conglomerate, trace Mno on fractures" W5 br Mn 0 H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC008 36 39 KM Ocl brown clays W5 br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC008 39 41 PK Sbd pale tan clays with dolomite chips W5 tn H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC008 41 46 PK Sbd "weahtered dolomite, minor to 4% MnO staining/veinlets" W4 tn Mn 4 H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC008 46 47 PK Sbd massive dolomite W2 tn H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC008 47 48 PK Sbd "dolomite, minor MnO;1% on joints" W1 tn Mn 1 H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC008 48 51 PK Sbd massive dolomite W1 tn H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC008 51 54 PK Ssld dolomitic siltstone W1 wh H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC009 0 3 QCV Osn brown clayey sand W5 br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC009 3 5 TL Olt lateritic gravels W5 d br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC009 5 6 KM Ocl "clays, trace MnO" W5 br Mn 0 H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC009 6 10 KM Ocl clays W5 br br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC009 10 16 KM Oav silty alluvium W5 br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC009 16 22 KM Ssn fine running sands W5 br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC009 22 26 KM Ssn "moist,clayey sands" W5 br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC009 26 30 Km Scg pebble conglomerate W5 l br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC009 30 34 KM Ssn coarse sands with pebbles Scg W5 l br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC009 34 38 KM Scg "as above, more pebbles" Ssn W5 l br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC009 38 39 KM Ssn clayey sands W5 l br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC009 39 41 PK Sbd clay weathered dolomite W5 tn gy H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC009 41 42 PK Sbd "dolomite and clays, trace MnO" W3 tn yl Mn 0 H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC009 42 43 PK Sbd clays with dolomite chips W5 tn H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC009 43 44 PK Sbd massive dolomite W3 tn H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC009 44 46 PK Scyg bedded glauconitic claystone and dolomite W2 gy tn H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC009 46 47 PK Sbd "massive dolomite, 1-2% Mno in veins" W2 tn Mn 2 H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC009 47 49 PK Sbd part silicified dolomite W2 tn H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC009 49 54 PK Sbd "massive dolomite, traces of MnO as veins on joints" W2 tn Mn 1 H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC009 54 56 PK Sct white chert and clays W2 wh H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC009 56 60 PK Sbd massive dolomite W1 tn H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC010 0 3 QCV Osn loamy sand W5 rd br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC010 3 5 TL Olt pisolitic gravels/duricrust W5 d br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC010 5 11 KM Oav clayey silty alluvium W5 or br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC010 11 12 KM Oav "as above, some well rounded polymict grit" W5 or br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC010 12 13 KM Oav "silty,sandy alluvium" W5 tn or H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC010 13 14 KM Scg pebble conglomerate W5 tn H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC010 14 16 KM Ocl alluvial stiff clays W5 gy br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC010 16 18 KM Ssn silty sands W5 tn H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC010 18 21 KM Scg gritty sands W5 tn H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC010 21 23 PK Sbd "weathered carbonate, clays" W5 wh H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC010 23 25 PK Sbd "dolomite, part silicified, part clays" W5 cr br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC010 25 26 PK Scyg white clay after claystones W5 cr H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC010 26 27 PK Sbd cherty dolomite W3 cr H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC010 27 28 PK Scyg glauconitic claystone W4 l gr H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC010 28 29 PK Scyg white clay and dolomite Sbd W4 wh H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC010 29 30 PK Mn clays with ferruginous Mn Scyg W4 d br Mn 10 H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC010 30 33 PK Sbd clay weathered dolomite W4 br H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC010 33 37 PK Sbd hard massive dolomite W2 tn H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC010 37 38 PK Ssld grey dolomitic siltstone W1 d gy H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC010 38 42 PK Sbd "dolomite, minor siltstone beds" W1 tn H.MEES 29/08/2012 D SERC011 0 2 QCV Osn clayey sands W5 br H.MEES 30/08/2012 D SERC011 2 4 TL Olt lateritic gravels W5 d br H.MEES 30/08/2012 D SERC011 4 7 KM Oav silty-sandy alluvium W5 or H.MEES 30/08/2012 D SERC011 7 10 PK Sct oxidised chert and clays W5 or br H.MEES 30/08/2012 D SERC011 10 16 PK Sct white chert and kaolinite W5 wh gy H.MEES 30/08/2012 D SERC011 16 17 PK Mn clays with 10% MnO W5 d br Mn 10 H.MEES 30/08/2012 D SERC011 17 18 PK Scyg clays after glauconitic claystones W4 br gr H.MEES 30/08/2012 D SERC011 18 20 PK Scyg brown clays W5 br H.MEES 30/08/2012 D SERC011 20 21 PK Ssld brown dolomitic siltstone W2 tn H.MEES 30/08/2012 D SERC011 21 24 PK Sbd "dolomite, minor siltstone beds" W2 tn H.MEES 30/08/2012 D SERC012 0 3 QCV Osn "loamy sand, high contamination" W5 br H.MEES 30/08/2012 D SERC012 3 4 TL Olt pisolitic laterite W5 or br H.MEES 30/08/2012 D SERC012 4 12 KM Oav silty to sandy alluvium W5 or H.MEES 30/08/2012 D SERC012 12 19 KM Ocl brown clayey alluvium W5 br H.MEES 30/08/2012 D SERC012 19 20 PK Rsp clays after dolomite? W5 br H.MEES 30/08/2012 D SERC012 20 22 PK Rsp clays afterclaystone? W5 tn H.MEES 30/08/2012 D SERC012 22 23 PK Sbd "weathered dolomite, 4% Mn" W4 tn Mn 4 H.MEES 30/08/2012 D SERC012 23 24 PK Mn 30% Manganiferos dolomite W4 bk tn Mn 30 H.MEES 30/08/2012 D SERC012 24 26 PK Sbd "dolomite, 1-2% Mn" W4 tn Mn 2 H.MEES 30/08/2012 D SERC012 26 27 PK Ssld grey siltstone W3 gy H.MEES 30/08/2012 D SERC012 27 29 PK Scyg clays after claystone? W5 cr H.MEES 30/08/2012 D SERC012 29 30 PK Sbd dolomite W4 tn H.MEES 30/08/2012 D SERC012 30 33 PK Scyg clays after glauc claystone W5 br H.MEES 30/08/2012 D SERC012 33 34 PK Scyg glauconitic claystone W4 gr H.MEES 30/08/2012 D SERC012 34 35 PK Sbd "weathered dolomite,1% MnO" W4 or tn Mn 1 H.MEES 30/08/2012 D SERC012 35 36 PK Mn Mannganiferous dolomite W4 tn bk Mn 20 H.MEES 30/08/2012 D SERC012 36 37 PK Rsp "Clays, with 1-3% MnO" W5 tn Mn 3 H.MEES 30/08/2012 D SERC012 37 48 PK Sbd "siliceous weathered dolomite, trace MnO on joints" Sct W3 tn Mn 0 H.MEES 30/08/2012 D SERC012 48 54 PK Sbd chert-clay after dolomite Sct W3 tn wh H.MEES 30/08/2012 D SERC013 0 3 QCV Osn loamy sand W5 d br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC013 3 4 TL Olt lateritic gravels W5 d br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC013 4 8 KM Oav silty alluvium W5 or H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC013 8 11 KM Ssn clayey sands W5 tn H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC013 11 12 KM Sct Chert-silcrete or pebbles? W5 gy tn H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC013 12 28 KM Ssn very clayey fine sands W5 tn H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC013 28 30 KM Ssn "clay sands, rare coarse pebbles" W5 tn H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC013 30 34 PK Sct chert and clays W5 tn br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC013 34 35 PK Sbd weathered dolomitic siltstone? W5 l tn H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC013 35 39 PK Sct chert and clays W5 wh tn H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC013 39 41 PK Sbd white dolomite W1 wh H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC013 41 42 PK Scyg green clays W3 gr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC014 0 2 QCV Ocl clayey soil W5 br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC014 2 3 TL Olt "as above, with gravel pisolites" W5 br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC014 3 5 KM Ocl clays W5 br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC014 5 15 KM Oav silty alluvium W5 or tn H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC014 15 18 KM Ssld "pale siltstone, Cretaceous?, trace Mno" W5 cr Mn 0 H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC014 18 20 PK Rsp cream clays W5 cr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC014 20 21 PK Rsp cream clays with cherty chips W5 cr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC014 21 22 PK Sct "cherty clays, trace MnO" W5 tn yl Mn 0 H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC014 22 25 PK Sct chert and clays W5 tn H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC014 25 34 PK Sbd clays with chert dolomite chips W5 wh tn H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC014 34 36 PK Scyg green clays W3 gr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC014 36 38 PK Sbd cream clays with dolomite chips W3 wh H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC014 38 41 PK Scyg interbedded glauconitic claystone and dolomitc siltstones W2 cr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC014 41 42 PK Sbd fresh dolomitic siltstone W1 wh H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC015 0 2 QCV Ocl clayey soil W5 br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC015 2 3 TL Olt "as above, with gravel pisolites" W5 d br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC015 3 5 TL Ocl clays W5 br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC015 5 6 TL Olt sandy clays with pisolites W5 or H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC015 6 11 KM Oav silty alluvium W5 or H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC015 11 12 PK Sct grey silcrete/chert and clays W5 gy br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC015 12 17 PK Sct silicified weathered dolomite Sbd W4 tn cr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC015 17 18 PK Sct as above Sbd W3 gy H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC015 18 19 PK Sbd ferruginous dolomite W3 br cr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC015 19 22 PK Scyg saprolite after claystone W5 cr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC015 22 23 PK Sbd cherty dolomite interbedded with glauc claystone Scyg W4 gr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC015 23 26 PK Scyg saprolitic claystone W5 br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC015 26 27 PK Scyg grey claystone W4 gy H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC015 27 30 PK Sbd cream dolomite and clays W3 cr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC015 30 34 PK Sbd limonite stained dolomite W2 yl cr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC015 34 37 PK Sbd "dolomite, trace MnO staining" W2 br cr Mn 0 H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC015 37 40 PK Sbd weakly weathered dolomite W2 wh br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC015 40 42 PK Sbd fresh white dolomite W1 wh H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC016 0 2 QCV Ocl clayey soil W5 br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC016 2 3 TL Olt "as above, with gravel pisolites" W5 d br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC016 3 5 KM Ocl "clayey alluvium,moist" W5 br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC016 5 12 KM Oav silty alluvium W5 or H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC016 12 16 PK Rsp brown saprolite clays W5 br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC016 16 17 PK Scyg green saprolite after claystone W5 gr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC016 17 18 PK Sbd white dolomite W5 wh H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC016 18 20 PK Sct cherty dolomite Sbd W5 cr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC016 20 21 PK Sbd white dolomite W5 wh H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC016 21 30 PK Sct grey bedded chert with brown clays W4 gy tn H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC016 30 36 PK Sbd pale tan dolomite with clays W2 tn cr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC017 0 2 QCV Osn loamy soil W5 br d H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC017 2 3 TL Olt "as above, with gravel pisolites" W5 d br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC017 3 5 KM Ocl "clayey alluvium,moist" W5 br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC017 5 6 PK Sct chert and cream clays W5 or H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC017 6 11 PK Rsp "saprolite after clayey carbonate, minor chert" W5 cr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC017 11 18 PK Sct "interbedded white carbonate, chert and glauconitic claystones" Scyg W2 wh gr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC018 0 2 QCV Osn sandy to silty alluvium W5 or br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC018 2 3 TL Olt alluvium with some pisoliths W5 br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC018 3 6 KM Oav clayey to sandy alluvium W5 br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC018 6 7 KM Scg cherty gravels W5 br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC018 7 9 PK Sct "chert, carbonate and claystone, weathered" Scyg W4 tn or H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC018 9 13 PK Scyg "interbedded claystone and dolomite, chert" Sbd W4 gr wh H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC018 13 16 PK Sbd tan dolomite W4 tn H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC018 16 19 PK Scyg interbedded claystone and dolomite Sbd W4 br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC018 19 20 PK Scyg dark brown clay saprolite W5 d br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC018 20 24 PK Scyg weathered claystone W3 br gr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC018 24 27 PK Sbd tan massive dolomite W2 tn H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC018 27 29 PK Sbd dolomite with claystone interbeds Scyg W2 tn gr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC018 29 30 PK Sbd massive dolomite W2 tn H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC019 0 6 QCV Oav loamy alluvium W5 or br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC019 6 10 KM Oav silty alluvium W5 or H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC019 10 17 PK Scyg pale green claysone saprolite W5 gr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC019 17 19 PK Scyg claystone with minor sandstoe interbeds W5 gr gy H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC019 19 23 PK Scyg pale green claysone saprolite W4 gr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC019 23 35 PK Sct chert with cream clays W4 cr gy H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC019 35 36 PK Scyg pale green claysone saprolite W4 gr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC020 0 8 QCV Oav silty alluvium W5 or br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC020 8 16 KM Ssn sandy alluvium W5 tn H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC020 16 20 PK Rsp saprolite clays W5 br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC020 20 22 PK Scyg saprolite after claystone W5 gr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC020 22 30 PK Scyg "saprolitic claystone, minor chert" Sct W3 br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC020 30 32 PK Scyg green claystone W1 gr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC020 32 33 PK Sbd interbedded dolomite and chert Sct W1 tn H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC020 33 42 PK Sbd "massive carbonate, minor chert and claystone beds" W1 br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC021 0 6 QCV Oav silty alluvium W5 or br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC021 6 10 KM Osn silty-sandy alluvium W5 or H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC021 10 11 KM Scg chert pebbles W5 br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC021 11 14 PK Scyg saprolite with minor chert beds Sct W5 wh gr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC021 14 15 PK Sct chert with minor clays W5 br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC021 15 17 PK Scyg claystone saprolite with cherty beds Sct gr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC021 17 20 PK Scyg "saprolitic claystone, trace MnO,minor dolomite beds" W5 tn Mn 0 H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC021 20 22 PK Scyg saprolitic claystone W5 tn H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC021 22 23 PK Scyg "weathered claystone, minor dolomite beds" Sbd W5 gr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC021 23 24 PK Ssl purple hematitic siltstone W3 pu H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC021 24 26 PK Rsp brown clays with dolomite chips Sbd W4 br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC021 26 27 PK Sbd dolomitic siltstone W2 cr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC021 27 32 PK Scyg glauconitic claystone W1 gr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC021 32 36 PK Sbd cream massive dolomite W1 cr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC022 0 4 QCV Osn loamy sandy alluvium W5 br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC022 4 5 TL Olt lateritic gravels W5 d br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC022 5 11 KM Oav silty alluvium W5 or H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC022 11 13 KM Oav clayey alluvium W5 br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC022 13 17 KM Ssn unconsolidated sands W5 br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC022 17 23 PK Rsp brown clay after claystone? W5 br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC022 23 24 PK Sct chert with dolomite beds W5 cr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC022 24 28 PK Sbd cream dolomite W3 cr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC022 28 31 PK Scyg glauconitic claystone W1 gy gr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC022 31 38 PK Sbd massive dolomite W1 cr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC022 38 39 PK Sbd dolomite with claystone beds Scyg W1 cr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC022 39 42 PK Sbd massive dolomite W1 cr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC023 0 6 QCV Oav clayey loamy aluvium W5 rd br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC023 6 13 KM Oav silty to sandy alluvium W5 or br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC023 13 21 KM Scg polymict pebble conglomerate W5 br H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC023 21 22 PK Sbd cream dolomite W2 cr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC023 22 24.5 PK Sbd massive cream dolomite W1 cr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC023 24.5 28 PK Scyg green claystone W1 gr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC023 28 30 PK Sbd cream dolomite W1 cr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC023 30 36 PK Sbd dolomite with minor claystone interbeds Scyg W1 cr gr H.MEES 31/08/2012 D SERC024 0 9 QCV Osn red brown sandy loam W5 rd br H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC024 9 10 TL Osn "as above, with Fe pisolites" Olt W5 rd br H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC024 10 17 KM Osn clayey sands W5 br H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC024 17 18 KM Ssn sands with pebbles Scg W5 tn br H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC024 18 19 KM Scg pebble conglomerate W5 br tn H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC024 19 23 PK Sbd massive dolomite W3 tn H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC024 23 30 PK Sbd massive fresh dolomite W1 tn H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC025 0 21 KM Osn alluvial clayey sands W5 br H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC025 21 26 KM Scg "pebbel conglomerate, unconsolidated" W5 br H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC025 26 27 KM Ssn sands with pebbles W5 or br H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC025 27 30 KM Scg "pebble conglomerate, unconsolidated" W5 br H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC025 30 31 PK Sbd weathered dolomite W3 tn H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC025 31 36 PK Sbd fresh dolomite W1 l gy H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC026 0 8 QCV Osn silty to sandy alluvium W5 br H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC026 8 20 KM Osn "running sands, moist" W5 br H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC026 20 21 KM Ssn sands with pebbles W5 tn H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC026 21 25.5 KM Scg "pebble conglomerate, unconsolidated" W5 tn H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC026 25.5 30 PK Sbd massive fresh dolomite W1 l gy H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC027 0 9 KM Osn silty to sandy alluvium W5 or br H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC027 8 18 KM Ssn "running sands, moist" W5 tn H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC027 18 19 KM Ssn sands with pebbles W5 tn H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC027 19 26 KM Scg "pebble conglomerate, unconsolidated" W5 br H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC027 26 27 PK Rsp cream clay ex claystone W5 cr H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC027 27 28 PK Sct chert and cream clays Scyg W5 cr H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC027 28 29 PK Rsp saprolitic clays-ex claystone W5 cr H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC027 29 30 PK Sbd weathered dolomite W3 tn H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC027 30 32 PK no sample return H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC027 32 36 PK Sbd massive grey carbonate W5 l gy H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC028 0 6 QCV Osn silty to sandy alluvium W5 rd br H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC028 6 12 KM Osn sandy alluvium W5 tn H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC028 12 15 KM Ssn "clayey sand, rare pebbles" W5 br H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC028 15 26 KM Ssn "clayey sands, rare pebbles" W5 tn br H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC028 26 27 PK Sbd dolomite chips in clays Rsp W5 br H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC028 27 28 PK Scyg brown clay saprolite W5 br H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC028 28 29 PK Scyg green clay saprolite W4 gr H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC028 29 30 PK Scyg "brown clay, some dolomite chips" Sbd W5 br wh H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC028 30 31 PK Sbd "weathered dolomite,5% MnO chips" Mn W5 cr bk Mn 5 H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC028 31 36 PK Sbd clayey weathered dolomite W4 tn cr H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC028 36 39 PK Sbd fresh cream dolomite W1 cr H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC029 0 7 QCV Osn sandy alluvium W5 rd br H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC029 7 21 KM Osn clayey sands W5 br H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC029 21 23 KM no sample return H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC029 23 24 KM Scg sand with rare pebbles W5 tn H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC029 24 25 KM no sample return H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC029 25 35 PK Sbd cream-grey massive dolomite W1 cr gy H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC029 35 36 PK Ssld dolomitic siltstone W1 gy cr H.MEES 1/09/2012 D SERC030 0 3 QCV Osn br W5 br H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 3 4 KM Scg pebbles in alluvium W5 br H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 4 7 KM Oav fine silty alluvium W5 or H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 7 14 PK Rsp cream clays after dolomite? W5 cr H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 14 19 PK Rsp saprock after dolomite? W5 br rd H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 19 21 PK Sct chert and clays W5 br H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 21 22 PK Scyg green saprolite after claystone W5 l gr H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 22 24 PK Sct "brown cherts, trace MnO" W5 br Mn 0 H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 24 25 PK Sct "as above, >>5% MnO" Mn W5 br bk Mn 5 H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 25 26 PK Sbd weathered siliceous dolomite W4 tn H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 26 27 PK Rsp redbrown clays with 10% MnO Mn W5 br Mn 10 H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 27 28 PK Sbd "weathered dolomite, 5-10% MnO" Mn W5 br Mn 10 H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 28 29 PK Sct cherty dolomite with 5-10% MnO Mn W5 br bk Mn 10 H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 29 30 PK Sbd clay with dolomite chips W5 br cr Mn 0 H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 30 31 PK Sct cherty dolomite with 5-10% MnO Mn W5 cr bk Mn 10 H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 31 33 PK Rsp "brown clays after dolomite, with 1-3% coarser MnO chips" W5 br br Mn 2 H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 33 34 PK Sct "brown clays with cherty chips, trace MnO" W5 cr br Mn 0 H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 34 41 PK Sct creamy brown clays with white chert Scyg W5 cr br H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 41 54 PK Scyg "predominantly green clays after claystone, minor cherty beds" W4 cr gr H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 54 55 PK Sct white chert Scyg W4 wh H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 55 57 PK Scyg "claystone, minor chert" Sct W4 gr H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 57 58 PK Sbd tan dolomite W3 tn H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 58 61 PK Scyg "claystone, minor chert" W4 gr H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 61 62 PK Ssn minor sandstone interbed W4 wh tn H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 62 75 PK Scyg green claystone W4 gr H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 75 80 PK Sbd tan dolomite W2 tn H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 80 82 PK Rsp brown clay W5 br H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 82 84 PK Sbd weathered dolomite W5 br H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 84 86 PK Sbd fresh tan dolomite W1 tn H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 86 89 PK Scyg "claystone, green" W2 gr H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 89 95 PK Sbd cherty silicified dolomite W2 tn H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 95 96 PK Scyg "claystone,green" W2 gr H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 96 98 PK Sbd cherty dolomite Sct W1 gy H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 98 103 PK Sbd "weakly weathered dolomite, trace MNO on joints" W2 tn Mn 0 H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 103 112 PK Sbd fresh tan dolomite W1 tn H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 112 114 PK Scyg fresh claystone W1 gr H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 114 115 PK Sbd cream dolomite W1 cr H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 115 120 PK Sbd interbedded claystone and pink dolomite Scyg W1 gr pk H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 120 125 PK Sbd pink dolomite W1 pk H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 125 129 PK Sbd pink dolomite with claystone interbeds Scyg W1 pk gr H.MEES 2/09/2012 D SERC030 129 130 PK Sbd pink tan dolomite W1 tn H.MEES 2/09/2012 D CARC001 0 2 QCV Osn pale cream silty sand-paperbark swamp W5 cr H.MEES 3/09/2012 D CARC001 2 4 TL Osn ferruginised/lateritised yellow sandy silt W5 yl H.MEES 3/09/2012 D CARC001 4 10 KM Oav fine orange siltyalluvium W5 or H.MEES 3/09/2012 D CARC001 10 19 KM Oav "orange alluvial clays, moist" W5 or H.MEES 3/09/2012 D CARC001 19 22 PR Sbd dolomitic siltstone W3 cr H.MEES 3/09/2012 D CARC001 22 25 PR Rsp brown-green saprolite clays W5 br gr H.MEES 3/09/2012 D CARC001 25 26 PR Rsp "as above, trace MnO grains to 2mm" W5 br gr Mn 2 H.MEES 3/09/2012 D CARC001 26 33 PK Rsp dark grey clays with chips of dolomite-cavern fill? Or shale? Sbd W5 d br H.MEES 3/09/2012 D CARC001 33 41 PK Sbd "fg brown limonitic-silicified dolomite?, conchoidal fracture, trace MnO on joints, spotty texture; jasper" W5 yl br H.MEES 3/09/2012 D CARC001 41 47 PK Sbd massive pink dolomite W2 pk H.MEES 3/09/2012 D CARC001 47 54 PK Sbd "weathered, porous dolomite, spotty texture" W4 yl br H.MEES 3/09/2012 D CARC001 54 59 PK Rsp brown clay after claystone? W5 br H.MEES 3/09/2012 D CARC001 59 63 PK Sbd "weathered dolomite, minor claystone interbeds" W4 br H.MEES 3/09/2012 D CARC001 63 84 PK Sbd fresh monotonous grey-beige dolomite W1 gy H.MEES 3/09/2012 D CARC001 84 88 PK Sbd "bedded dolomite, trace MnO on joints" W1 gy Mn 0 H.MEES 3/09/2012 D CARC001 88 105 PK Sbd bedded dolomite/doloitic siltstone W1 gy H.MEES 3/09/2012 D CARC001 105 115 PK Sbd dolomite with interbeds of glauconitic claystone Scyg W1 gy gr H.MEES 3/09/2012 D CARC001 115 118 PK Sbd "red hematitic dolomite, trace py on rare non-hemtitic chips" W1 rd H.MEES 3/09/2012 D CARC001 118 121 PK Sbd "interbedded dolomite, claystoneand siltstone" Scyg W1 gy gr H.MEES 3/09/2012 D CARC001 121 127 PK Ssld "dolomitic siltstone, hematitic beds" W1 gr rd H.MEES 3/09/2012 D CARC001 127 128 PK Scyg green claystone interbedded with dolomite W1 gr H.MEES 3/09/2012 D CARC001 128 131 PK Sbd massive tan grey dolomite W1 gy tn H.MEES 3/09/2012 D CARC001 131 138 PK Scyg "green claystone interbedded with dolomite, rare pyritic beds" Sbd W1 gr H.MEES 3/09/2012 D CARC001 138 147 PK Sbd massive tan grey dolomite W1 gy H.MEES 3/09/2012 D CARC001 147 148 PK Sbd dolomite with claystone interbeds Scyg W1 gy gr H.MEES 3/09/2012 D CARC001 148 150 PK Sbd bedded dolomite W1 gy H.MEES 3/09/2012 D CARC002 0 1 PR Rsp clay saprolite after weathered carbonate W5 tn H.MEES 4/09/2012 D CARC002 1 5 PR Sbd cream weathered carbonate W3 cr gy H.MEES 4/09/2012 D CARC002 5 8 PR Scyg "bedded claystone, hematitic beds" W3 gr rd H.MEES 4/09/2012 D CARC002 8 15 PR Rsp clays after weathered claystones W5 br pk H.MEES 4/09/2012 D CARC002 15 16 PR Rsp "as above, trace MnO" W5 br Mn 0 H.MEES 4/09/2012 D CARC002 16 21 PR Rsp weathered saprolitic claystone W5 br H.MEES 4/09/2012 D CARC002 21 23 PR Scy green-brown weathered claystone W4 br gr H.MEES 4/09/2012 D CARC002 23 33 PR Scy green clayey siltstone W3 gr H.MEES 4/09/2012 D CARC002 33 34 PR Scy claystone with chert beds Sct W2 gr br H.MEES 4/09/2012 D CARC002 34 35 PR Sct pale brown white chert W2 l br H.MEES 4/09/2012 D CARC002 35 37 PR Sct bedded cherts and carbonate Sbd W2 gy cr H.MEES 4/09/2012 D CARC002 37 43 PR Sct finely laminated grey cherts and carbonate W2 gy cr H.MEES 4/09/2012 D CARC002 43 48 PR Sct chert with brown goethitic clays W3 d br H.MEES 4/09/2012 D CARC002 48 50 PR Sbd tan massive silicified dolomite W1 tn H.MEES 4/09/2012 D CARC002 50 66 PR Sbd massive dolomite W1 cr H.MEES 4/09/2012 D CARC002 66 67 PR Scyg glauconitic claystone W1 gr H.MEES 4/09/2012 D CARC002 67 73 PR Ssld interbedded dolomitic siltstone and claystone Scyg W1 cr gr H.MEES 4/09/2012 D CARC002 73 81 PR Scyg "interbedded glauconitic claystone, black shale and dolomitic siltstones" Ssh W1 gr bk H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC002 81 83 PR Ssh black carbonaceous shale W1 bk H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC002 83 85 PR Scyg green glauconitic claystone W1 gr H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC002 85 86 PR Scyg interbedded claystone and shale Ssh W1 gr bk H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC002 86 87 PR Scyg interbedded claystone and dolomtic siltstone Ssld W1 gr wh H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC002 87 88 PR Ssh carbonaceous shale W1 d gy H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC002 88 93 PR Ssld interbedded dolomitic siltstone and glauc.claystone Scyg W1 wh gr H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC002 93 95 PR Ssld dolomitic siltstone W1 l gy H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC002 95 101 PR Scyg glauconitic claystone W1 gr H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC002 101 102 PR Ssld dolomitic siltstone W1 l gy H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC002 102 103 PR Scyg claystone W1 gr H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC002 103 104 PR Scyg interbedded claystone and shale W1 gr gy H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC002 104 112 PR Ssld "dolomitic siltstone, minor claystone interbeds" Scyg W1 gy gr H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC002 112 114 PR Scyg "claystone, with lesser dolomitic siltstone beds" Ssld W1 gr gy H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC002 114 120 PR Ssld interbedded dolomitic siltstone and claystone Scyg W1 gr gy H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC003 0 4 QCV Ssn "orrange brown lateritised, mottled sandstone" W5 or br H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC003 4 11 PR Scy claystone saprolite redbrown W5 rd br H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC003 11 19 PR Scy claystone saprock W4 br gr H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC003 19 21 PR Scy olive green claystone W3 gr H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC003 21 27 PR Scyg glauconitic claystone W1 gr H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC003 27 28 PR Scyg "as above, 2mm wide pyrite veinlet" W1 gr py 1 H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC003 28 31 PR Scyg green claystone W1 gr H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC003 31 32 PK Sbd dolomite-dolomitic siltstone W1 gy wh H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC003 32 35 PK Sbd bedded dolomite W1 gy wh H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC003 35 43 PK Sbd bedded dolomite W1 gy tn H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC003 43 44 PK Sbd "as above, narrow band of disseminated pyrite- EM anomaly?" W1 gy tn py 2 H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC003 44 48 PK Sbd massive dolomite W1 tn wh H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC005 0 0.5 QCV Osn yellow quartz sandstone W5 yl H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC005 0.5 1 TL Olt gravels/duricrust W5 or rd H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC005 1 5 KM Ssn red clayey quartz sands W5 rd or H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC005 5 7 KM Ssn red-yellow clayey sands W5 rd yl H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC005 7 10 PR Ssl weathered clayey siltstone Scy W5 br H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC005 10 12 PR Scy "claystone saprolite, silty beds" Ssl W5 l br H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC005 12 14 PR Scy weathered claystone W5 l br H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC005 14 30 PR Scyg fresh glauconitic claystone W1 gr H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC005 30 32 PR Sbd massive fg grey dolomite W1 gy H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC005 32 37 PR Scyg fresh glauconitic claystone W1 gr H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC005 37 39 PR Scyg "as above, interbedded with grey dolomite" Sbd W1 gr gy H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC005 39 41 PR Scyg fresh glauconitic claystone W1 gr H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC005 41 43 PR Sbd grey fg dolomite Scyg W1 gy H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC005 43 45 PR Scyg glauconitic claystone W1 gr H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC005 45 48 PR Scyg "as above, interbeds of brown cherty carbonate?" Sbd W1 gr br H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC005 48 53 PR Ssn fg dolomitic sandstone W1 gr gy H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC005 53 55 PR Ssl glauconitic siltstone W1 gr H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC005 55 60 PR Ssl glauconitic siltstone with brown ferruginous claystone beds Scy W2 gr br H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC006 0 3 TL Osn "Sands, partly ferruginised-lateritic" W5 or H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC006 3 6 KM Rsc "silcrete, pale cream" W5 cr H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC006 6 17.5 KM Ssn "silty sandstone, quartz grains" W5 yl H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC006 17.5 18 KM Scy claystone saprolite W5 yl H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC006 18 23 KM Ssn silty sandstone W5 yl H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC006 23 26 KM Ssn clean running qz sands W5 yl H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC006 26 27 KM Ssn "as above, 5-10% MnO cementing sand" Mn W5 yl bk Mn 10 H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC006 27 28 KM Ssn "as above, 5% MnO" W5 l tn Mn 5 H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC006 28 34 KM Ssn clean running sands W5 l tn H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC006 34 37 KM Ssn clayey sands W5 pk tn H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC006 37 41 KM Scg "polymict gritty gravels, major aquifer" W5 gy wh H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC006 41 43 KM Ssn "lithified sands and silt, minor gravels" W5 gy H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC006 43 44 KM Scg polymict conclomerate-grit W5 gy H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC006 44 47 PR Rsp "kaolinitic clays, part silicified, possibly after carbonate" W5 wh H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC006 47 57 PR Rsp white clay with numerous chips of laminated chert Sct W5 wh H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC006 57 61 PR Ssld "white weathered carbonate, minor chert beds" Sct W3 wh gy H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC006 61 62 PR Rsp grey clays W5 gy H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC006 62 63 PR Rsp khaki clays with rare carbonate chips W5 kh H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC006 63 66 PR Rsp khaki clays with angular chert chips after silicified dolomite W5 kh H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC006 66 69 PR Sbd partly silicified fg dolomite W3 wh H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC006 69 73 PR Scy clay saprolite W5 br H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC006 73 78 PR Scyg weathered glauconitic claystone W4 tn gr H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC006 78 84 PR Ssld "weathered calcareous siltstone, minor glauconite" W3 gy H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC006 84 107 PR Sct white fg chert or sil.carbonate interbedded with green glauconitic clays Scyg W4 wh gr H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC006 107 117 PR Sbd fg fresh massive carbonate W1 tn H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC006 117 118 PR Scyg green claystone interbed W1 gr H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC006 118 119 PR Scyg claystone interbedded with pink cherty carbonate W1 wh gr H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC006 119 122 PR Sbd "hite pink bedded fg carbonate, siliceous" W1 pk wh H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC006 122 123 PR Sbd khaki brown carbonate W1 br H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC006 123 124 PR Scy hematitic claystone W1 rd br H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC006 124 126 PR Sbd interbedded claystone and white carbonate Scy W1 wh gr H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC006 126 127 PR Scyg "claystone, partly hematitic" W1 rd gr H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC006 127 128 PR Sbd interbedded claystone and white carbonate Scy W1 gr wh H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC006 128 132 PR Scyg "claystone, partly hematitic" W1 rd gr H.MEES 6/09/2012 D CARC007 0 0.5 QCV Osn fine cream sands W5 cr yl H.MEES 7/09/2012 D CARC007 0.5 3 TL Olt lateritic gravels W5 rd br H.MEES 7/09/2012 D CARC007 3 6 KM Osc "white silcrete, possibly calcareous" W5 wh H.MEES 7/09/2012 D CARC007 6 21 KM Ssn yellow clayey quartz sands W5 yl H.MEES 7/09/2012 D CARC007 21 24 KM Ssn brown very clayey sands W5 br H.MEES 7/09/2012 D CARC007 24 34 KM Ssn unconsolidated clean qz sands-aquifer W5 yl H.MEES 7/09/2012 D CARC007 34 36 KM Ssn "as above, with chips of hard sandstone" W5 yl H.MEES 7/09/2012 D CARC007 36 42 KM Scg "polymict conglomerate, unconsolidated, aquifer" W5 yl gy H.MEES 7/09/2012 D CARC007 42 45 PR Rsp red brown saprolite after claystone W5 rd yl H.MEES 7/09/2012 D CARC007 45 49 PR Scyg green clays after claystone W5 gr H.MEES 7/09/2012 D CARC007 49 54 PR Scyg green clays interbedded with chert Sct W5 gr wh H.MEES 7/09/2012 D CARC007 54 60 PR Sbd white fg bedded carbonate W3 wh H.MEES 7/09/2012 D CARC007 60 67 PR Scyg claystone interbedded with white carbonate-chert Sbd W5 gr wh H.MEES 7/09/2012 D CARC007 67 68 PR ferruginous zone-possibly contamination W5 rd br H.MEES 7/09/2012 D CARC007 68 71 PR Scyg "green clays, very poor contaminated samples" W5 gr H.MEES 7/09/2012 D CARC007 71 72 PR no sample return W5 H.MEES 7/09/2012 D CARC007 72 73 PR Scyg "green clays, minor yellow-brown carbonate or phosphate" W5 gr H.MEES 7/09/2012 D CARC007 73 80 PR Scyg sandy green clays-possible contamination W5 gr H.MEES 7/09/2012 D CARC007 80 92 PR Scyg green grey clays W5 gr gy H.MEES 7/09/2012 D CARC007 92 95 PR Scyg green clays with bands of hematitic claystone W5 gr rd H.MEES 8/09/2012 D CARC007 95 98 PR Scyg glauconitic claystones W4 gr H.MEES 8/09/2012 D CARC007 98 100 PR Scyg "as above, carbonate interbeds" W4 gr H.MEES 8/09/2012 D CARC007 100 103 PK Sbd "fg white dolomite, some ferrugious chips" W2 wh br H.MEES 8/09/2012 D CARC007 103 113 PK Sbd laminate (stromatolitic?) white dolomite W1 wh H.MEES 8/09/2012 D CARC007 113 117 PK Sbd massive part silicified dolomite W1 wh H.MEES 8/09/2012 D CARC007 117 120 PK Sct cherty dolomite W1 gy wh H.MEES 8/09/2012 D CARC007 120 122 PK Sbd "silicified, stromatolitic dolomite, trace pyrite" W1 gy wh py 1 H.MEES 8/09/2012 D CARC007 122 150 PK Sbd fg bedded dolomite/dolomitic siltstone W1 wh wh H.MEES 8/09/2012 D CARC008 0 0.5 QCV Osn fine white sands W5 wh H.MEES 8/09/2012 D CARC008 0.5 2 TL Olt lateritic gravels/duricrust W5 or br H.MEES 8/09/2012 D CARC008 2 4 KM Ssl silicified white siltstone Rsc W5 wh H.MEES 8/09/2012 D CARC008 4 8 KM Ssl white kaolinised siltstones W5 wh br H.MEES 8/09/2012 D CARC008 8 14 KM Ssn "yellow quartz sandstone, consolidated weakly" W5 yl H.MEES 8/09/2012 D CARC008 14 16 KM Ssn "clayey sands, poorly consolidated" W5 yl H.MEES 8/09/2012 D CARC008 16 19 KM Ssn "yellow quartz sandstone, consolidated weakly to moderately" W5 yl H.MEES 8/09/2012 D CARC008 19 20 KM Ssn "as above, minor red hematitic chips" W5 yl rd H.MEES 8/09/2012 D CARC008 20 22 KM Ssn "yellow quartz sandstone, consolidated weakly to moderately" W5 yl H.MEES 8/09/2012 D CARC008 22 27 KM Ssn "unconsolidated clayey sands, moist" W5 yl H.MEES 8/09/2012 D CARC008 27 29 KM Scy sandy clays moist W5 cr H.MEES 8/09/2012 D CARC008 29 35 KM Ssn "clean running qz sands, aquifer" W5 tn H.MEES 8/09/2012 D CARC008 35 36 KM Ssn "as above, minor limonitic ferruginous layers" W5 tn H.MEES 8/09/2012 D CARC008 36 37 KM Scg "gritty polymict conglomerate, unconsolidated" W5 tn gy H.MEES 8/09/2012 D CARC008 37 38 KM Ssn clayey sand and grit aquifer W5 tn br H.MEES 8/09/2012 D CARC008 38 41 KM Ssl "beige siltstone/silt, poorly consolidated, aquifer" W5 gy H.MEES 8/09/2012 D CARC008 41 45 KM Scg "polymict conglomerate, unconsolidated, aquifer" W5 gy H.MEES 8/09/2012 D CARC008 45 47 PR Scy grey clays W5 gy cr H.MEES 8/09/2012 D CARC008 47 52 PR Scyg green-grey clays after glauconitic claystone W5 gy gr H.MEES 8/09/2012 D CARC008 52 54 PR Sbd finely bedded cherty stromatolitic carbonate W4 wh gy H.MEES 8/09/2012 D CARC004 0 1 TL Rlt pisolitic laterite and sands W5 br or H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC004 1 3 TL Rlt "lateritic clays, some pisolites" W5 rd br H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC004 3 5 KM Ssn palid zone-clayey sandstone W5 wh H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC004 5 9 KM Ssn yellow quartz sandstone W5 yl br H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC004 9 11 PR Scy grey claystone saprolite W5 gy H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC004 11 14 PR Scyg green claystone W4 gr H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC004 14 21 PR Scyg "green gllauconitic claystone, minor glauconitic siltstone beds" W1 gr H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC004 21 24 PR Ssl glauconitic siltstone W1 gr H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC004 24 31 PR Scyg interbedded glauconitic siltstone and claystone Ssl W1 gr H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC004 31 72 PR Scyg "glauconitic claystone, minor interbeds of glauconitic siltstone and rare sandstone" W1 gr H.MEES 5/09/2012 D CARC004 72 73 PR Scyg green-grey claystone W1 gr gy H.MEES 9/09/2012 D CARC004 73 74 PR Ssn "massive grey qz arenite, fg" W1 gy H.MEES 9/09/2012 D CARC004 74 80 PR Scyg green-grey claystone W1 gr gy H.MEES 9/09/2012 D CARC004 80 82 PR Ssn grey fg qz arenite interbeds W1 gy H.MEES 9/09/2012 D CARC004 82 84 PR Scy grey claystone/shale W1 gr gy H.MEES 9/09/2012 D CARC004 84 91 PR Ssl "green-grey siltstone, mudstone with minor sandstone interbeds" W1 gr gy H.MEES 9/09/2012 D CARC004 91 98 PR Ssn fg grey quartz arenite-quartzite W1 gy H.MEES 9/09/2012 D CARC004 98 101 PR Scyg green and hematitic red claystones interbededed with sandstone Ssn W1 gr rd H.MEES 9/09/2012 D CARC004 101 104 PR Ssn fg green-grey sandstones W1 gr gy H.MEES 9/09/2012 D CARC004 104 113 PR Ssn green grey fg sandstone with minor green and red claystone partings Scy W1 gr gy H.MEES 9/09/2012 D CARC004 113 115 PR Scyg green claystone W1 gr H.MEES 9/09/2012 D CARC004 115 121 PR Scy dark grey claystone/shale W1 d gy H.MEES 9/09/2012 D CARC004 121 125 PR Scy green claystone W1 gr H.MEES 9/09/2012 D CARC004 125 129 PR Scy "green claystone, in part oxidised to redbrown claystone" W1 rd gr H.MEES 9/09/2012 D CARC004 129 139 PR Ssl "green grey siliceous siltstone, minor micaceous interbeds" W1 gr gy H.MEES 9/09/2012 D CARC004 139 141 PK Sbd "tan massive dolomite, trace MnO staining on joints" W1 tn Mn 0 H.MEES 9/09/2012 D CARC004 141 186 PK Sbd massive dolomite W1 tn H.MEES 9/09/2012 D CARC004 186 188 PK Scyg glauconitic claystone interbedded with silty dolomite Ssld W1 gr wh H.MEES 9/09/2012 D CARC004 188 192 PK Ssld silty dolomite interbedded with claystone Scyg W1 wh gr H.MEES 9/09/2012 D CARC004 192 195 PK Scyg "claystone, interbedded with dolomitic siltstone and black shale" Ssh W1 gr gy H.MEES 9/09/2012 D CARC004 195 197 PK Ssld dolomitic siltstone interbedded with green claystone Scyg W1 wh gr H.MEES 9/09/2012 D CARC004 197 198 PK Ssh grey shale inrerbedded with dolomitic siltstone Ssld W1 wh H.MEES 9/09/2012 D CARC009 0 2 TL Olt "laterite duricrust, 100x10-6 Mag.sus" W5 or br H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 2 5 KM Oav mottled zone in silty alluvium W5 wh or H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 5 14 KM Oav clayey sands W5 l br H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 14 22 PK Sct "grey banded chert interbedded with clays, minor carbonate" Rsp W5 br H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 22 26 PK Sbd "manganiferous weathered siliceous-limonitic ex-carbonate, MnO as staining, rare veinlets" W5 br Mn 2 H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 26 29 PK Sbd weathered limonitic fg carbonate W3 br H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 29 40 PK Sbd fg pink-tan carbonate W1 pk tn H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 40 56 PK Sbd tan recrystallised dolomite W1 tn H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 56 57 PK "nosample return, cavity. Possibly fault zone?" H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 57 58 PK Sbd "limonitic oxidised carbonate, trace MnO staining" W3 br Mn 0 H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 58 106 PK Sbd massive bedded dolomite W1 tn H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 106 107 PK Sbd "as above, minor green claystone bed" Scyg W1 tn gr H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 107 110 PK Sbd massive bedded dolomite W1 tn H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 110 111 PK Sbd dolomite interbedded with green claystone Scyg W1 tn gr H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 111 114 PK Sbd carbonate with minor claystone interbeds Scyg W1 tn H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 114 116 PK Scyg green claystones W1 gr H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 116 123 PK Ssl "red brown calcareous siltstone, weakly hematitic, interbeddedwith dolomitic silstone" Ssld W1 rd gr H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 123 127 PK Scy hematitic claystone/siltstone W1 rd br H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 127 133 PK Sbd "dolomite, with minor interbeds of green claystone" Scyg W1 tn gr H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 133 137 PK Sbd pink-tan dolomite W1 pk tn H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 137 142 PK Sbd tan dolomite W1 tn H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 142 155 PK Sbd "pink and tan dolomite, occassional minor claystone beds" W1 tn pk H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 155 162 PK Sbd tan dolomite with minor green claystone interbeds Scyg W1 tn gr H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 162 166 PK Sbd pink-tan dolomite W1 pk tn H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 166 168 PK Scyg iterbedded green siltstone and sandstone Ssn W1 gr tn H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 168 169 PK Ssn tan sandstone W1 tn H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 169 171 PK Ssn sandstone with green claystone interbeds Scyg W1 tn gr H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 171 173 PK Sbd dolomite interbedded with green claystone Scyg W1 tn gr H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 173 174 PK Ssn green-tan sandstone W1 gr tn H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 174 175 PK Scyg green silty claystone with dolomite interbeds Sbd W1 gr tn H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 175 192 PK Sbd fg tan recrystalised dolomite W1 tn H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 192 195 PK Sbd well bedded grey dolomite W1 gy H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 195 197 PK Sbd "as above, minor claystone and sandstone beds" Scyg W1 gy gr H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 197 198 PK Sbd fg tan dolomite W1 tn gy H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 198 201 PK Ssl "interbedded siltstone, dolomite and claystone" Sbd W1 gr gy H.MEES 10/09/2012 D CARC009 201 211 PK Sbd "partly recrystallised dolomite, mnior green claystone partings" W1 pk gy H.MEES 11/09/2012 D CARC009 211 220 PK Sbd pink bedded dolomite W1 pk gy H.MEES 11/09/2012 D CARC009 220 222 PK Ssh grey shale interbedded with pink dolomite Sbd W1 gy pk H.MEES 11/09/2012 D CARC009 222 223 PK Sbd reb brown massive carbonate W1 rd br H.MEES 11/09/2012 D CARC009 223 224 PK Sbd bedded fg dolomite W1 gy rd H.MEES 11/09/2012 D CARC009 224 226 PK Sbd pink grey dolomite W1 pk gy H.MEES 11/09/2012 D CARC010 0 2 TL Olt "laterite duricrust, not magnetic" W5 d br H.MEES 11/09/2012 D CARC010 2 6 KM Oav mottled clayey sandy alluvium W5 wh rd H.MEES 11/09/2012 D CARC010 6 9 KM Oav clayey alluvium W5 or br H.MEES 11/09/2012 D CARC010 9 10 KM Oav clayey alluvium with rounded chert pebbles W5 or br H.MEES 11/09/2012 D CARC010 10 11 KM Osn fine pink sands W5 pk H.MEES 11/09/2012 D CARC010 11 13 PR Rsp cream brown clays W5 cr br H.MEES 11/09/2012 D CARC010 13 15 PR Rsp pale cream-green clays W5 cr gr H.MEES 11/09/2012 D CARC010 15 16 PR Sbd "weathered silicified dolomite, minor MnO staining" W5 cr br H.MEES 11/09/2012 D CARC010 16 18 PR Ssn "weathered fg sandstone, qz arenite" W5 tn H.MEES 11/09/2012 D CARC010 18 22 PR Ssn interbedded sandstone and clays Scy W5 tn gr H.MEES 11/09/2012 D CARC010 22 25 PK Sbd "weathered limonitic, weakly manganiferous (staining, pervasive) dolomite" W5 or H.MEES 11/09/2012 D CARC010 25 31 PK Sbd dark brown clays with chips of orange weathered dolomite W5 or br H.MEES 11/09/2012 D CARC010 31 35 PK "no sample return, cavity" H.MEES 11/09/2012 D CARC010 35 37 PK Sbd dark brown clays with chips of orange weathered dolomite W5 br or H.MEES 11/09/2012 D CARC010 37 47 PK Sbd pink tan massive dolomite W2 pk tn H.MEES 11/09/2012 D CARC010 47 50 PK Sbd "tan weathered dolomite, cherty bands" W3 tn H.MEES 11/09/2012 D CARC010 50 57 PK Sbd cream-tan dolomite W2 tn cr H.MEES 11/09/2012 D CARC010 57 96 PK Sbd grey dolomite W1 gy tn H.MEES 11/09/2012 D CARC010 96 97 PK Sbd "grey dolomite, partly silicified, minor clay partings" W1 gy H.MEES 11/09/2012 D CARC010 97 102 PK Sbd grey dolomite W1 H.MEES 11/09/2012 EOF