H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 25-Feb-14 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 28-Dec-13 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combind_report_no EL25307 H0101 Tenement_holder ProtoResources & Investments Ltd Rodney Johnston H0102 Project_name Lindeman's Bore H0106 Tenement_operator ProtoResources & Investments Ltd H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SE5207 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 4963 4962 H0152 50K_map_sheet_number H0153 25K_map_sheet_number H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 29-Dec-12 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 28-Dec-13 H0202 Data_format DL4 H0203 Number_of_data_records 44 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 25-Feb-14 H0300 Lithology_data_file EL25307_2014_A_03_GEO2014A.txt H0301 Location_data_file EL25307_2014_A_02_COLL2014A.txt H0302 Lithology_data_file EL25307_2014_A_03_GEO2014A.txt H0303 Assay_data_file EL25307_2014_A_05_ASS2014A.txt H0307 Lithology_code_file EL25307_2014_A_06_LithCodes.txt H0400 Drill_code DDH H0402 Description Diamond Hole H0900 Remarks H1000 Hole_id Depth From Depth To Recovery Colour Regolith Oxidation Grainsize Lithology Hardness Texture Descriptor Veins Veining - % Mineralisation % - mineralisation Mineralisation Style Sulphide(s) Sulphide % Sulphide Style Comments H1001 NA metres metres % NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA % NA % NA NA % NA NA H1004 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D D LBD004 0 33.5 77 br so cg DOLST 1 ct st Highly weathred clastic dolostone with limey matrix and interstitial felsic/clayey clasts after feldspar? D LBD004 33.5 34.4 87 rd/br wo vfg SCH 5 si it Laminated siliceous cherts D LBD004 34.4 45.5 62 br so fg SSM 1 cy st clayey laminated mudstones D LBD004 45.5 48.5 54 lt so fg SMS 2 cy md light more competeant mudstones D LBD004 48.5 51.9 23.4 rd/br so vfg SCH 5 si it mn 1 ds Laminated siliceous cherts-very hard on bit- HQ to NQ at 51.8m. Strong core loss D LBD004 51.9 61.9 48.5 lt/tn mo vfg SSL 4 si md mn 1 ds siliceous stylotically laminated silstones. Still quite broken in part but getting more competent D LBD004 61.9 69.2 71.2 lt/tn mo vfg SSL 4 si md se / gl 3 lm siliceous stylotically laminated silstones. Still quite broken in part but getting more competent D LBD004 69.2 78.8 71.9 lt/br mo vfg SAR 5 si md chl/gl/cb 7 vn/vs "siliceous arenitic fg sandstone starting to freshen, some wispy serecite alteration present within laminations (Farquharson Sandstone?). " D LBD004 78.8 79 100 dk br/gn wo cg OBX 5 si st se / gl/cb 10 vn/ba smal zone of siliceous breccia with rounded qtz clasts and silica veining with chloroite/sericite/glaucophane and carbonate veinlets. Quite patchy and could be a slump type bxx within f.g arenite. D LBD004 79 86 97 lt br/gy wo fg-cg SAR/OBX 5 lam md cb 10 li/cb 25 vg sublith arenites and small diagentic slump type breccias of coarser grained material (volcanoclastics?). Laminations are horizontal to CA. Stromatolites at 81.9m D LBD004 86 92.8 100 lt gy/br mo fg-cg SSL/OBX 4 vg st cb 5 cherty f.g silts and sands with small bands of slump bxx. Strong vuggy texture wich is weathered evaporites? D LBD004 92.8 101.2 100 gy/gn uo vfg SSM 5 lm st cb 5 dolomitic muds and silts with occasional c.g well rounded basal conglomerate ie; @96.2m D LBD004 101.2 108.2 100 gy/gn uo vfg SSM 5 lm/fr st cb 3 dolomitic muds and silts with some carbonate veining -diagenticslumping present and occasional ripup clasts D LBD004 108.2 113 93.8 gy/gn uo vfg SSM 5 lm/fr st dolomitic muds and silts reasonably strong fracturing due to faulting D LBD004 113 116.7 81.1 gy/gn uo vfg SSM 5 lm/fr st cb 5 Not as fractured D LBD004 116.7 116.8 100 gy/gn so PUG 1 cy st cb 1 10cm of fault pug D LBD004 116.8 124.3 101.3 gy/gn uo vfg SSM 5 lm/fr st cb 5 dolomitic muds and silts reasonably strong fracturing due to faulting D LBD004 124.3 143 97.9 gy/gn/bk uo vfg-cg SSM 5 lm st cb 3 sd 5 vn Dominately mudstones with rip up clasts of other material in places and some basal conglomeratic units. Patches of very dark carbonaceous muds suggesting low energy marine environment D LBD004 143 154 100 gy/bk uo fg/vfg SSM/SSL 5 lm st Grey to dark grey/bk muds and silts. Some soft sed deformation and minor conglomeratic basal units (145.3m). Fining uphole. D LBD004 154 160.5 100 lt gy uo vfg/cg SSM 5 lm st cb 5 fe 20 pv Quite clean lighter colred silts and muds. Minor congl. Units and some chert rip up clasts/boudins D LBD004 160.5 160.9 100 br/red uo vfg SSM 5 mas st cb 6 red/brown classic style red beds. Atypical of iron rich quiessent anoxic shallow marine/evaporitic environ. D LBD004 160.9 177.5 100 gy/dkgy uo vfg SSM/SSL 5 lm/bu st Typical Limbunya group as above with the gammut of muds silts (dominant )and gritty c.g sands and basal thin congl. Units fining up hole. D LBD004 177.5 178.6 98 gy/dkgy uo vfg SSM/SSL 5 lm/fr st cb 25 As above but very broken and fractured D LBD004 178.6 186.74 7 gy mo fg SST 5 po it cb 25 sd 10 Siliceous arenitic f.g sandstone. Very pourous due to dissolution of meteroic fluids. Core recovery very poor. Gold colored scrappings on core due to stabiliser from rig. D LBD004 186.74 207.5 100 gy/dkgy uo fg-cg SSM/SSL/SST 4 lm st cb 5 sd/fe 15 Mix of metased fining uphole. Numerous carbonate units // to horizontal bedding (evaporitive units) to 2cm. Carbonate typically dogtooth in texture. D LBD004 207.5 225.9 100 lt br/pk uo mg SST 4 df st deformed (melange like ) mix of sands and silts with strong pink carbonate veining (dogtooth). CO3 is often pink/red in color suggesting Fe rich. D LBD004 225.9 253.8 100 gy/dkgy uo vfg SSM/SSL 5 lm/bu st Typical Limbunya group as above with the gammut of muds silts (dominant )and gritty c.g sands and basal thin congl. Units fining up hole. D LBD004 253.8 286.8 100 ltbr/gy ou mcg SST 5 strom st Clean med. Grained sandstone exhibiting strong stromatolitic textures D LBD004 286.8 298.5 100 ltbr/gy ou cg SST 5 strom st As above but coarser grained sst. Some intervals of quite coarse grained sands and grits present with lithics to 5mm D LBD004 298.5 317.4 100 ltbr/dkgy ou vcg SST/SCG 3 bd st coarse sand and grits (paleo-river gravels). Fg sands exhibit some x-bedding and soft sed textures D LBD004 317.4 321 100 gy/br/gr wo cg SCG 4 rd st mus 5 Coarse grained basal conglomerate . Rounded clasts to 10cm in diameter. D LBD004 321 325.9 100 rd/br uo fg SST 4 ms st Well sorted fine grained iron rich sandstone. Some micaceous fractures D LBD004 325.9 332.4 100 gy wo fg MOO 4 mo st cb 5 19 py 0 diss Mottled mafic (basalt) with hyaloclastic textures evident. Inverway Metamorphics contact D LBD004 332.4 373.48 97 ltbr mo fg MOO 4 mo st cb 5 ep/bi/hm/se 20 py 1 diss As above but representing saprolitic paleo-surface. Hyaloclastic textures still present and evident through weathering. Trace py. Core often broken and hard drilling D LBD004 373.48 399.8 100 gy/pk/gr uo fg MOO 5 mo st cb 6 ep/bi/hm/ 20 py 1 diss Strongly mottled pottassically altered mafic. Trace py and more on fractures. Leopard like appearance. Some patchy sericite alt @ 386m D LBD004 399.8 410 95 gy/pk/gr uo fg MOO 5 fr st cb/qtz 25 ep/bi/hm/ 20 py 2 diss above but strongly fractured D LBD004 410 432.85 100 gy/pk/gr uo fg MOO 6 fr st cb/qtz 30 hm/chl 25 py/po 10 diss/clots D LBD004 432.85 433.5 100 gy/pk/gr uo MOO 5 sh st cb/qtz 10 hm/ep/sd 35 py <1 diss Some strong clots and disseminated py/po D LBD004 410 441.5 100 dkgy/wh uo MOO 5 vn st cb/qtz 30 hm/ep/sd 40 py 2 diss Intensly altered mafic with strong qtz/CO3 veining and epidote/hematite/biotite alteration. High Fe and Ti as well as K with Niton (mafic host) D LBD004 441.5 442.2 100 rd wo MOO 5 per st cb/qtz 30 hm/ep/sd 35 py <1 diss As above with intense pervasive red hematite alteration . Small puggy shear at down hole contact of 1cm. (introduction of Fe rich fluid). Minor c.g py at fractures D LBD004 442.2 444.4 100 dkgy/wh uo MOO 5 vn st cb/qtz 25 hm/ep/sd 40 py <1 diss Intensly altered mafic with strong qtz/CO3 veining and epidote/hematite/biotite alteration. High Fe and Ti as well as K with Niton (mafic host) D LBD004 444 475.4 100 dkgy/wh uo MOO 5 vn st cb/qtz 30 hm/sd/ank 15 py 3 diss Strong epidote alteration D LBD004 475.4 486.6 100 bl uo fg SSH 5 fol st hm/ep/sd 40 py <1 diss Foliated bblck shale with foliat. @ 65 degrees to CA. minor siderite ankerite D LBD004 486.6 504 100 dkgy/wh uo MOO 5 vn st Strong epidote alteration - high mag sus EOF