H0001 Exploration licence data header file H0002 Version Version 1 H0003 Date_generated 40728 H0004 Reporting period end_date 40697 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no EL25931 H0101 Tenement_holder Bulman Resources Pty Ltd H0102 Project_name Bulman H0106 Tenement_Operator Bulman Resources Pty Ltd H0150 Map_sheet_number 250000 SD5306 H0151 Map_sheet_number 100000 5770 H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 40331 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 40697 H0202 Template_format SG1 H0203 Number_of_data_records 19 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 40728 H0300 Related_data_filenames H0307 Lithology_code_file H0500 Feature_located surface location H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA 94 H0502 Vertical_datum AHD H0503 Projection UTM H0508 Local_grid_name H0530 Coordinate system MGA H0531 Projection_zone 53 H0532 Surveying_instrument GPS H0533 Surveying_company H0600 Sample_code rock chip H0601 Sample_type rock chip H0602 Description H0700 Sample_preparation_code H0701 Sample_preparation_details H0800 Assay_code G420M G420I H0801 Assay_description H1000 Sample Number MGA53_E_m MGA53_N_m Locale Ag Al Ca Cd Co Cu Fe Mg Mn Mo Na Ni Pb V Zn Comment H1001 units ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm H1002 Assay_code G420M G420I G420I G420M G420M G420M G420I G420I G420M G420M G420I G420M G420M G420I G420M H1003 Detection Limits 1 1000 30 1 20 7 5 100 5 1 500 20 4 15 5 D 1512 432848.43 8491796.49 8491800N <0.5 11000 1000 <0.05 3.85 30 54600 800 320 3.9 <500 31.2 44 40 55 BR SO in GY LS-DS O/C D 1513 436950 8499507 CN fault zone <0.5 6000 500 1.7 113 36 61000 500 33600 8.45 <500 79.4 28 <20 320 "FT BX; Fe-stained, Strong Mn; BK fine cubes of ex-PY(?) / GA" D 1514 436903 8499403 CN fault zone <0.5 8500 500 0.95 134 30 28600 200 64800 8.9 <500 66.4 26 20 340 BX FT zone - Extensively BO; Strong Mn D 1515 431927.66 8492954.85 W BEL009 1 1500 400 <0.05 1.25 4 5000 400 391 10.6 <500 75.2 218 <20 30 "LS-DS, calcareous stringers; DOL contact proximal" D 1516 431926.69 8492914.82 W BEL009 3 3000 700 0.1 2.4 6 8400 500 200 7.7 <500 45.4 546 <20 105 "BO blocky calcareous SS, minor LAM LS-DS; Frrug; Poddy haem, fine grained" D 1517 431925.91 8492918.13 W BEL009 4 5000 400 0.1 5.85 6 18800 1200 697 21.6 <500 66.4 1390 <20 315 SS (?)LS-DS Poddy min - fine grained S; possible remobilisation D 1518 425070.81 8499164.75 Ripple Hill <0.5 6500 500 0.05 40.3 6 12000 500 2570 9.85 <500 82 64 <20 105 calcareous SS D 1519 424985.45 8499315.48 Ripple Hill <0.5 2500 700 0.1 8.85 14 18000 500 408 9.65 <500 80.8 20 <20 165 "Rubbley O/C SIL LS-DS; HAEM rich; Some chert replacement; Minor Pb, Strong Fe (weak Zn)" D 1520 424949.46 8499529.94 Ripple Hill <0.5 23500 600 0.6 201 76 367000 1400 5940 3.85 <500 214 158 80 4320 Float; Haem LIM Siltstone D 1521 424930.59 8499658.74 Ripple Hill <0.5 22500 400 1.25 351 106 355000 1600 3880 2.65 <500 555 42 100 5620 fg LIM FER SS D 1522 424934.66 8499484.56 Ripple Hill <0.5 6000 600 0.8 191 76 383000 1100 5380 2.9 <500 287 96 60 7400 float (?) - FT ; LIM FER SS; well defined ripple marks in SS D 1523 425042.15 8499809.36 Ripple Hill <0.5 30500 200 0.3 179 44 359000 1400 1200 1.9 <500 155 52 80 8960 "FER f. LAM SLST; beneath bleached LS-DS, on the ridge" D 1524 425246.89 8499723.12 Ripple Hill <0.5 6000 700 0.95 386 116 421000 1000 4900 4.95 <500 764 166 160 5860 Strongly FER LS-DS D 1525 425554.09 8498906.65 Bulman Fault <0.5 7500 500 0.45 79.6 26 58600 500 6180 4.9 <500 107 422 40 855 "LIM FER LS-DS; Vughy texture, next to track" D 1526 433208.6 8493416.89 BEL001 <0.5 13500 1200 0.05 60.7 14 27000 1000 2250 6.7 <500 68.4 76 40 90 "LIM bleached calcareous SS; 35ppm Zn, 13ppm Pb, 3.8ppm Mo, 13ppm As, 24ppm Sn, minor Hg; " D 1527 432306.91 8492908.05 BEL009 4 3000 300 14.3 5.25 20 14800 200000 439 0.7 <500 10 1930 <20 71300 "Weathered; Pistachio GR min/ SIL banding; Below Strom LS-DS, at contact with SS/SLST" D 1528 432426.82 8492800.54 BEL009 <0.5 2000 900 0.4 1.2 8 6000 188000 558 0.35 <500 4.2 268 <20 3910 BR- LAM LS-DS; from costean; GR-BR VN D 1529 432399.66 8492801.79 BEL009 17 3500 500 <0.05 2.3 24 6400 6800 230 8.35 <500 53.8 1910 <20 215 "LIM and FER; white Pb Ox, Pb min in LS-DS" D 1530 432447.78 8492596.76 S BEL009 12.5 10000 500 0.15 8.85 8 9200 3700 1390 5.75 <500 38.8 3910 140 725 Strongly haem LS-DS; YW staining suggests alteration - Pb(?)