H0002 Version 3 H0003 Date_generated 16/10/2013 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 20/08/2013 H0005 State NT H0100 [Tenement_no/Combined_report_no] EL25643 EL25653 H0101 Tenement_holder Mithril Resources Ltd H0102 Project_name Mt Isabel Acacia Bore H0106 Tenement_operator Mithril Resources Ltd H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SG53-15 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 5951 6051 6050 5950 H0200 Start_date_of_data_aquisition 3/08/2012 H0201 End_date_of_data_aquisition 30/06/2013 H0202 Template_format SL1 H0203 Number_of_data_records 76 H0204 Date_of_metadate_update H0300 Related_data_filenames H0301 Location_data_file EL25643_25653_2013_A_08_SurfaceLocations.txt H0306 Surface_geochem_data_file EL25643_25653_2013_A_09_SurfaceGeochem.txt H0307 Lithology_code_file H0308 File_Verification_Listing H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum AHD H0503 Projection Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) H0530 Coordinate_system Projected H0531 Projection_zone 53 H0532 Surveying_instrument GPS H0533 Surveying_company Mithril Resources Ltd H0900 Comments H1000 Data_field_names PROJECT PROSPECT EL_NUMBER EAST_GDA94_Z53 NORTH_GDA94_Z53 RL COLLECTION_DATE SAMPLER SAMPLE_TYPE SAMPLE_NUMBER COLOUR GRAINSIZE WEATHERING TEXTURE ROCK_TYPE MIN_1 MIN_2 MIN_3 ALT_1 ALT_2 ALT_3 SAMPLE_DESCRIPTION ECONOMIC_MINERALS STRUCTURE_TYPE DIP DIP_DIR STRIKE DISCOVER_STRUCTURE_CODE MAG_SUS_AVE SG COMMENTS H1001 Units ILLOGWA 25643 560710 7370657 3/08/2012 DM FLOAT 86961 CBT carbonate float with subtle malachite MAL cbt float/ sub-crop over 10x10m. Looks hydrothermal D ILLOGWA 25643 560713 7370663 3/08/2012 DM ROCK 86962 VN Vein quartz with x-cutting iron veinlets + ex pyrite 10-20cm wide vein quartz intruding Albarta MM (schist andf mafic volcanics + nearby granites) D ILLOGWA 25643 560102 7370475 3/08/2012 DM ROCK 86963 VN EP CB quartz-cbt-ep vein with subtle malachite MAL Possible source outcrop ~10m to the west of sample location. D ILLOGWA 25643 559995 7371608 3/08/2012 DM FLOAT 86964 MAF Mafic float. Notinh to explain soil geochem anomalism other than trace mafic float found ontop of Albarta MM D ILLOGWA 25643 563443 7371796 9/08/2012 DM ROCK 86965 QZHM HEM Hematite quartz vein with abundant secondary pyrite MAL D ILLOGWA 25643 563416 7371796 9/08/2012 DM ROCK 86966 FERC "Ferricrete cap? Associated with very dark, fe-stone outcrop" D ILLOGWA 25643 563445 7371814 9/08/2012 DM ROCK 86967 QZHM HEM Quartz hematite rock with strong boxworks D ILLOGWA 25643 563457 7371804 9/08/2012 DM ROCK 86968 VN Quartz vein with thin Fe/ hematite veinlets. Unit strikes approx. 50m east of this sample location and trends undercover D ILLOGWA 25643 567242 7368856 14/05/2013 MG ROCK 86969 OrBr C SW GRT FLS QZ MIC Basement Granite Slightly magnetic D ILLOGWA 25643 567245 7368856 14/05/2013 MG ROCK 86970 GyBk F MW MSED Metasediment 66 350 Magnetic with visible layering D ILLOGWA 25643 567213 7369004 14/05/2013 MG ROCK 86971 BkRd F FEST Iron stone Iron stone float in creek where 100ppm Cu soil anomalie was recorded D ILLOGWA 25643 567161 7369233 14/05/2013 MG ROCK 86972 BkRd F FEST Iron stone Iron stone float collected over 100m radius D ILLOGWA 25643 566794 7369599 14/05/2013 MG ROCK 86973 BkRd F FEST Iron stone Large area of QZ + MSED + GRT float with minor magnetic FEST float D ILLOGWA 25643 567217 7369797 14/05/2013 MG ROCK 86974 BkRd F FEST Iron stone FEST float collected over 50m2 area D ILLOGWA 25643 564024 7369709 14/05/2013 MG ROCK 86975 GyBk M SW GRT Mylonitic Granite Fe veinlets ± CHL in mylonitic Granite - minor sulphides (CP/PY) D ILLOGWA 25643 564024 7369729 14/05/2013 MG ROCK 86976 GyBk M SW GRT Mylonitic Granite No visible sulphides D ILLOGWA 25643 562429 7369483 14/05/2013 MG ROCK 86977 BkRd M HW FEST Shear Gossen? "Fe rish horizon within Qz ridge with boxworks from ex-sulphides (PY). Similar to ""gossen"" along strike to the E" D ILLOGWA 25643 562514 7369461 14/05/2013 MG ROCK 86978 WhGy F HW QZVN Shear Gossen? Continuation of Qz + PY shear zone/leeched gossen horizon D ILLOGWA 25643 562006 7368801 14/05/2013 MG ROCK 86979 BkRd F FEST Iron stone Fe stone float - explains Cu anomalie??? D ILLOGWA 25643 556404 7369596 2/09/2012 AL ROCK 87045 Gn M-C WW-FR GAB PX AMP PLAG EP "Gabbro, Clinopyroxene-amphibole-plagioclase" Confirms Cu anomaly seen in soil samples. Surrounded by altered granite (epidote) D ILLOGWA 25643 553851 7369826 25/09/2012 AL ROCK 87046 QZVN Hill above soil sample MI-269 Quartz vein within GRT (?). Possible hematite (minor + sulphide?). E-W trending. Mafic (GAB) dyke close to GRT N-S trending D ILLOGWA 25643 535858 7383251 29/09/2012 AL ROCK 87047 FEST "FEST rock chip samples picked up in small drainage. Elevated Ni, Cu and Zn (Niton)" D ILLOGWA 25643 554020 7370942 30/09/2012 AL FLOAT 87048 COV Cover and QZ float (minor hematite?). In line with Mt Isabel/El Gordo hills. E-W fence ~ 50m from site D ILLOGWA 25643 557627 7373592 3/10/2012 AL FLOAT 87049 FEST Soil Anomaly Follow-up (MI-538). FEST sample. Nodules D ILLOGWA 25643 557627 7373592 3/10/2012 AL FLOAT 87050 QZ Soil Anomaly Follow-up (MI-538). QZ sample. Some hematite and sulphide? D ILLOGWA 25643 562245 7370186 22/09/2012 AL ROCK 87051 QZVN Quartz vein trending E-W. Pyrite/hematite present. Surrounding subcrop GRT/QZITE. Continuation of Mini Me? D ILLOGWA 25643 560626 7371330 22/09/2012 AL ROCK 87052 QZVN Quartz vein on VTEM anomaly. Weathering pattern (after mica?) D ILLOGWA 25643 555120 7371476 13/05/2013 DM ROCK 87063 Carbonate vein MAL Low relief outcropping altered granite with cbt veining. Traces of malachite in cbt vein. Grt is coarse grained (k-feld-qtz-hnb) with thin x-cutting qtz veins with epidote. Stronf fe-staining at surface. 0.3-0.5m wide D ILLOGWA 25643 555091 7371441 13/05/2013 DM ROCK 87064 FE Carbonate vein MAL "Cbt vein with <1cm Fe stained veinlets, hosting malachite (stockwork texture). Cbt vein intrudes mafic host." D ILLOGWA 25643 555091 7371441 13/05/2013 DM ROCK 87065 Mafic Mafic rock with malachite bearing cbt veins D ILLOGWA 25643 555802 7373031 14/05/2013 DM ROCK 87066 CHL EP Qtz-chl-epidote vein intruding mafics or meta-seds Vein is 20cm wide and trending 140deg. 20m long D ILLOGWA 25643 555808 7372242 14/05/2013 DM FLOAT 87067 FE Mafic float with strong fe-staining in grt basement D ILLOGWA 25643 556395 7372992 12/05/2013 DM ROCK 87068 FE CHL Weakly altered vein quartz with x-cutting Fe veinlets + chl D ILLOGWA 25643 563183 7368445 12/05/2013 DM ROCK 87069 Sandstone outcrop with 1-3mm clastic clasts D ILLOGWA 25643 566387 7368802 12/05/2013 DM ROCK 87070 MAG CHL Mylonitic qtz-feld-mag-chl? Grt D ILLOGWA 25643 566387 7368802 12/05/2013 DM ROCK 87071 Weakly magnetic meta-sediments Part of Albarta Metamorphics D ILLOGWA 25643 566812 7368599 12/05/2013 DM FLOAT 87072 Fe-stone float Fe-stone float collected next to MI-988. Cover + mnr calcrete also evident D ILLOGWA 25643 560590 7371334 28/06/2013 DM ROCK 87073 GyWh QZ CHL Deformed Qtz-Chl rock with malachite. 0.5-1cm x-cutting qtz veins MAL D ILLOGWA 25643 560590 7371336 28/06/2013 DM FLOAT 87074 QZHM HEM Qtz-hem float. Sample collected over 5m diameter D ILLOGWA 25643 560520 7371370 28/06/2013 DM ROCK 87075 QZ MAG Shrd Qtz-Mag rock with small eu-hedral boxworks after pyrite SHR 85 40 1 D ILLOGWA 25643 560436 7371409 28/06/2013 DM ROCK 87076 QZVN FE Quartz vein with Fe-veinlets with subtle malachite MAL Some hematite float also in area D ILLOGWA 25643 560401 7371445 28/06/2013 DM ROCK 87077 QZVN Quartz Vein intruding Albarta Metamorphics. QZVN has visible 'spots' of CPY and Malachite CP VN 80 0 D ILLOGWA 25643 560446 7371544 28/06/2013 DM ROCK 87078 FEST FE Trace Fe-stone (<5cm clasts) collected over 10m radius Abundant VN qtz float also at surface D ILLOGWA 25643 560671 7371327 28/06/2013 DM ROCK 87079 VN QZ CHL Outcropping qtz-chl vein. ~20cm wide D ILLOGWA 25643 560700 7371303 28/06/2013 DM ROCK 87080 QZVN FE "Quart zvein with specks of Fe-staining, some showing oxidies CPy" CP Vein is 20-30cm wide D ILLOGWA 25643 560533 7371182 28/06/2013 DM ROCK 87081 QZVN EP HEM Quartz Vn with strong hydrothermal alteration (epidote - hematite +/- malachite) MAL D ILLOGWA 25643 556200 7372504 28/06/2013 DM FLOAT 87082 WhBk M DIO PLAG HNB MN "Bleached diorite float. Medium grained, plag-hnb rock with MN staining." Following up Soil Sample 223c. D ILLOGWA 25643 555446 7373244 28/06/2013 DM ROCK 87083 QZVN QZ CHL Multiple hydrothermal Quartz chlorite veins trending 290-110deg. Veins <0.5m wide D ILLOGWA 25643 565604 7367953 29/06/2013 DM FLOAT 87084 FEST MN Mn rich float D ILLOGWA 25643 565604 7367953 29/06/2013 DM FLOAT 87085 SDST FE Fe-rich Sandstone float Sample collected over 20m radius. Suspect Fe-veinlets in Sandstone are source of copper anomalism D ILLOGWA 25643 564724 7368796 29/06/2013 DM ROCK 87086 MYL Mylonitic grt with malachite. MAL Ferruginous float in vicinity of sample location D ILLOGWA 25643 564690 736881 29/06/2013 DM ROCK 87087 Gy MYL FE Mylonitic GRT. Fe-staining on surface with possible boxworks Structure is trending 104-284deg and is sub-vertical D ILLOGWA 25643 564500 7369033 29/06/2013 DM ROCK 87088 MSED SER MUSC Sheared meta-sed or GRT. White mica alteration. D ILLOGWA 25643 560741 7372143 29/06/2013 DM ROCK 87089 FEST Fe-stone float collected over 30m (probably associated with Fe-veinlets in Grt) Following up MI-712. small rise with granite subcrop and some mafics D ILLOGWA 25643 561287 7371564 29/06/2013 DM FLOAT 87090 QZVN QZ CHL Quartz-chlorite vein with secondary sulphide (Py). Vein intrudes Albarta Metamorphics Regional fabric trending 113-283deg. Cross cutting Hematite veins also observed in quartzites D ILLOGWA 25643 558827 7373160 29/06/2013 DM FLOAT 87091 CHRT QZ HEM Silicified qz-hem float (chert). On area of low rise. Dominant chert/ qtz vn float with wk hematite alteration over 200x50m. E-W orientation D ILLOGWA 28335 533347 7379741 30/06/2013 DM ROCK 87094 GRT HEM SIL Outcropping Grt with intense Hematite/ Mushketivite + Fluorite + silica alteration. Outcrop over 3x3m D ILLOGWA 25643 524073 7363400 30/06/2013 DM ROCK 87095 GnBr F MVOL EP "Fine grained, weakly magnetic, siliceous rock with strong epidote alteration. Mafic to intermediate composition. Unit may be volcanic although it does appear to intrude broader i broader mafic package. Abundant CPY and malachite" CP D ILLOGWA 25643 524126 7363430 30/06/2013 DM ROCK 87096 GnBr F MVOL EP Green-brown outcrop with strong epidote alteration. Cpy+Bornite+Py in trace abundances. Secondary pits exist on surface Ex-sulphide? Or hornfels? Or vesicles? Unit may be a dyke of mafic to intermediate composition. BN Unit is trending 250-70deg D ILLOGWA 25643 524254 7362300 3/07/2013 DM ROCK 87097 Br C MVOL HEM CHL Mafic volcanic? 2-6cm sub-angular clasts evident on exterior in fine grained matrix (brecciated?) No evidence of brecciation on fresh surface. Fresh surface is blue-grey and is very fine grained. Weak hematite alteration exists and is pervasively chloriti D ILLOGWA 25643 524280 7362263 3/07/2013 DM ROCK 87098 Br C MVOL HEM CHL Mafic volcanic? 2-6cm sub-angular clasts evident on exterior in fine grained matrix (brecciated?) No evidence of brecciation on fresh surface. Fresh surface is blue-grey and is very fine grained. Weak hematite alteration exists and is pervasively chloriti rough dimension of outcrop: 100x50m. Strikes ~NW and is in contact with Bitter Srpings FM to the Nth. D ILLOGWA 25643 524260 7362270 3/07/2013 DM ROCK 87099 VN QZ CB Quartz-carbonate vein. Open texture. "Sub-vertical vein, trending 300deg. ~1m long and 30cm wide" D ILLOGWA 25643 563387 7370263 13/10/2012 MG FLOAT 87170 TnBk F FEST Iron Stone Common Iron stone lag in area of cover along VTEM anomaly D ILLOGWA 25643 563269 7370265 13/10/2012 MG FLOAT 87171 BrGy F-C SILC Silcrete Area of abundant Qz + Fest + Silcrete float adjacent to AC05_007 D ILLOGWA 25643 564237 7370053 13/10/2012 MG FLOAT 87172 GyBk F FEST Magnetite Massive Magnetite and Heamatite float in area dominated by cover D ILLOGWA 25643 560621 7371513 13/10/2012 MG FLOAT 87173 TnBk F FEST Iron Stone Rare Iron stone float amoungst qz rich float D ILLOGWA 25643 560739 7370478 13/10/2012 MG ROCK 87174 TnBk F QZVN Quartz vein 80 12 QZ vein with significant Fe staining. Crystalline texture with fine sulfides (pyrite) through out. Sit along structure with Cb unit 20m North D ILLOGWA 25643 560839 7370430 13/10/2012 MG ROCK 87175 TnBk F QZVN Quartz vein Eastern extent of PY bearing Qz vein with extensive Fe staining. Approx 1-2m wide with Cb unit 30m N D ILLOGWA 25643 541619 7372239 14/10/2012 MG FLOAT 87176 GyWh F-C FEST Heamatite Boulders of massive heamatite found amoungst Qzite float - Qz inclusions D ILLOGWA 25643 560536 7371319 28/11/2012 DM SUBCROP 87215 RdBr QZVN 1m wide quartz vein with visible pyrite. Looks altered with cross-cutting thin (<1cm) quartz veins within unit. Secondary oxide pits also evident. Trending 120°. Sub-crop 20m long D ILLOGWA 25643 541838 7375156 29/11/2012 DM SUBCROP 87216 GRT weak hematite or magnetite alteration in granite. Close to VTEM anomaly. Area mostly undercover. D ILLOGWA 25643 542492 7375065 29/11/2012 DM SUBCROP 87217 GRT Limonite/geothite altered granite D ILLOGWA 25643 542492 7375076 29/11/2012 DM SUBCROP 87218 GRT Limonite/geothite altered granite D ILLOGWA 25643 542478 7375045 29/11/2012 DM ROCK 87219 GRT GOE Outcropping granite with strong limonite and geothite alteration. Dominant secondary Py. Whita mica also present. Weakly magnetic D ILLOGWA 25643 542483 7375092 29/11/2012 DM ROCK 87220 GRT FE dominant secondary pyrite with limonite alteration in granite. Bands of secondary pyrite evident D ILLOGWA 25643 542507 7375166 29/11/2012 DM ROCK 87221 GRT Limonite/geothite altered granite "could be a dkye ~1m wide, trending N-S" EOF