H0002 Version 3 H0003 Date_Generated 14-May-15 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 19-Mar-13 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_name EL26452 H0101 Tenement_holder Minemakers Australia Pty Ltd H0102 Project_name Wonarah H0150 Map_sheet_number 250K SF53-03 SE53-15 H0151 Map_sheet_number 100K 6157 6158 H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 9-Jan-08 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 19-Mar-13 H0202 Template_format DL1 H0203 Number_of_data_records 155 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 14-May-15 H0300 Downhole_lithology_data_file EL29840_2015_P_08_DownholeLith.txt H0301 Location_data_file EL29840_2015_P_04_DrillCollars.txt H0302 Downhole_lithology_data_file EL29840_2015_P_08_DownholeLith.txt H0303 Downhole_Geochem_data_file EL29840_2015_P_05_DownholeGeochem.txt H0304 Downhole_Survey_data_file EL29840_2015_P_09_Downhole_Surveys.txt H0305 Lithology_units_file EL29840_2015_P_06_LithUnits.txt H0306 Lithology_code_file EL29840_2015_P_07_LithCodes.txt H0307 Magsus_data_file EL29840_2015_P_10_Magsus.txt H0308 Downhole_Radeye_data_file EL29840_2015_P_11_Radeye.txt H0309 Surface_data_file EL29840_2015_P_14_SurfaceGeochem.txt H0400 Drilling_code RC H0402 Description Reverse Circulation H1000 HoleId mFrom mTo Unit Lithology1 Lithology2 Lithology2 Chert Weathering COMMENTS H1001 metres metres % % H1004 0.01 0.01 1 1 D WNRC1534 0 1 REG Osl Oae 30 ews D WNRC1534 1 2 REG Sct Sst-fg 10 ews brown cherty maybe silcrete some sst D WNRC1534 2 3 HMU Ssl-cht Sst-fg 10 hw D WNRC1534 3 4 HMU Ssl-cht Sst-fg 10 hw D WNRC1534 4 5 HMU Ssl-cht hw very ferruginous grey-brown chert D WNRC1534 5 6 HMU Ssl-cht hw very ferruginous D WNRC1534 6 7 HMU Ssl-Sms Sst-fg 30 hw very ferruginous D WNRC1534 7 8 HMU Ssl-Sms Sst-fg 20 hw very ferruginous D WNRC1534 8 9 BAS Ssl-Sms Sst-fg 10 hw very ferruginous - basaltic qm D WNRC1534 9 10 BAS Sst-fg hw D WNRC1534 10 11 BAS Ofc hw very ferruginous - basaltic qm D WNRC1534 11 12 BAS Ofc hw some ferrug manganese ssl D WNRC1534 12 13 BAS Ofc 20 hw some ferrug manganese ssl D WNRC1534 13 14 BAS Ofc hw D WNRC1534 14 15 BAS Ofc hw D WNRC1534 15 16 BAS Ofc hw very iron rich D WNRC1534 16 17 BAS Scy hw very clay rich D WNRC1534 17 18 BAS Scy ew very clay rich D WNRC1534 18 19 BAS Scy ew very clay rich D WNRC1534 19 20 BAS Scy ewn very clay rich D WNRC1534 20 21 BAS Scy ewn nontronite D WNRC1535 0 1 REG Osl ews D WNRC1535 1 2 REG Osl ews D WNRC1535 2 3 REG Osl ews D WNRC1535 3 4 REG Osl ews D WNRC1535 4 5 HMU Ssl-cht hws cherty ssl-sms D WNRC1535 5 6 HMU Ssl-Sms 10 hws mod silic plus grey chert D WNRC1535 6 7 HMU Ssl-Sst 5 hw weak silic D WNRC1535 7 8 HMU Sms-Ssl hw D WNRC1535 8 9 HMU Sms hw some clay D WNRC1535 9 10 HMU Ssl-Sms 5 hw somr yellow brown chert D WNRC1535 10 11 HMU Ssl hwg very ferrug ssl D WNRC1535 11 12 HMU Ssl 10 hwg very ferrug ssl some bn chert D WNRC1535 12 13 HMU Sms-Ssl 5 hw ferruginous plus bn banded chert D WNRC1535 13 14 HMU Ssl 5 hw rd bn chert D WNRC1535 14 15 HMU Ssl 5 hw rd bn chert D WNRC1535 15 16 HMU Ssl hw or basalt D WNRC1535 16 17 BAS Mvb ew weathered basalt D WNRC1535 17 18 BAS Mvb ew weathered basalt D WNRC1535 18 19 BAS Mvb ew weathered basalt D WNRC1535 19 20 BAS Mvb ew weathered basalt D WNRC1535 20 21 BAS Mvb ew weathered basalt D WNRC1535 21 22 BAS Mvb ew weathered basalt D WNRC1535 22 23 BAS Mvb ew clay D WNRC1535 23 24 BAS Mvb ew clay D WNRC1535 24 25 BAS Mvb ewm clay with nontronite D WNRC1535 25 26 BAS Mvb ewm clay with nontronite D WNRC1535 26 27 BAS Mvb ewm brown clay D WNRC1539 0 1 REG Oae ew D WNRC1539 1 2 REG Occ ew strong HCl reaction white calcrete D WNRC1539 2 3 REG Occ Olg 30 ew milky quartz w calcrete D WNRC1539 3 4 REG Occ ew light brown poorly consolidated granular D WNRC1539 4 5 REG Occ ew light brown poorly consolidated granular D WNRC1539 5 6 REG Occ ew light brown poorly consolidated granular D WNRC1539 6 7 HMU Ocy ew brown calcareous clay weak reaction to acid D WNRC1539 7 8 HMU Sst-mg hw no reaction poorly consol sst D WNRC1539 8 9 HMU Sst-mg Ocy hw no reaction D WNRC1539 9 10 HMU Scb hw strong reaction - could be carbonated mafic D WNRC1539 10 11 HMU Scb hw strong reaction - could be carbonated mafic D WNRC1539 11 12 HMU Scb hw strong reaction - could be carbonated mafic D WNRC1539 12 13 HMU Sms Scb 30 hw light greem sms plus weakly reactive granular scb D WNRC1539 13 14 HMU Sms Scb 20 hw sst weakly reactive D WNRC1539 14 15 HMU Scb Sms 20 hw increased acid reaction D WNRC1539 15 16 HMU Sms hw no reaction D WNRC1539 16 17 HMU Sst-vfg Sms 20 hw no reaction D WNRC1539 17 18 HMU Sst-vfg Sms 20 hw D WNRC1539 18 19 HMU Sst-vfg Sms 40 hw water in hole - 0.5 litres per sec D WNRC1539 19 20 HMU Sst-fg hw D WNRC1539 20 21 HMU Sst-fg hw bright green - looks a bit like altered mafic or ultramafic D WNRC1539 21 22 BAS Md ew bright green - looks a bit like altered mafic or ultramafic D WNRC1539 22 23 BAS Md ew bright green - looks a bit like altered mafic or ultramafic D WNRC1539 23 24 BAS Md 5 ew bright green - looks a bit like altered mafic or ultramafic D WNRC1539 24 25 BAS Md 5 ew bright green - looks a bit like altered mafic or ultramafic D WNRC1539 25 26 BAS Md ew bag mix up D WNRC1539 26 27 BAS Md ew altered volcanic - spherulitic texture D WNRC1539 27 28 BAS Md ew epidote altered volcanic maybe D WNRC1539 28 29 BAS Md ew D WNRC1539 29 30 BAS Md ew massive gn with lt bn D WNRC1539 30 31 BAS Md ew D WNRC1539 31 32 BAS Md ew medium grained intrusive - redbrowm with epidote alt feldspar D WNRC1539 32 33 BAS Md hw no green alt D WNRC1539 33 34 BAS Mvb hw porphyritic basalt maybe haematitic D WNRC1539 34 35 BAS Mvb hw haematitic basalt - like wonarah basal D WNRC1539 35 36 BAS Mvb mw haematitic basalt - like wonarah basal D WNRC1539 36 37 BAS Mvb mw haematitic basalt - like wonarah basal D WNRC1539 37 38 BAS Mvb ww haematitic basalt - magnetic to pen magnet D WNRC1539 38 39 BAS Mvb ww haematitic basalt - magnetic to pen magnet D WNRC1539 39 40 BAS Mvb ww D WNRC1539 40 41 BAS Mvb fr fresh road metal D WNRC1539 41 42 BAS Mvb fr D WNRC1539 42 43 BAS Mvb fr D WNRC1539 43 44 BAS Mvb fr D WNRC1539 44 45 BAS Mvb fr D WNRC1539 45 46 BAS Mvb ww D WNRC1539 46 47 BAS Mvb ww coarser - visible plagioclase D WNRC1539 47 48 BAS Mvb ww coarser - visible plagioclase D WNRC1539 48 49 BAS Mvb ww haematitic D WNRC1539 49 50 BAS Mvb ww haematitic D WNRC1539 50 51 BAS Mvb ww haematitic D WNRC1539 51 52 BAS Mvb ww D WNRC1539 52 53 BAS Mvb ww D WNRC1539 53 54 BAS Mvb ww D WNRC1539 54 55 BAS Mvb ww variably haematitic D WNRC1539 55 56 BAS Mvb ww variably haematitic D WNRC1539 56 57 BAS Mvb ww variably haematitic D WNRC1539 57 58 BAS Mvb ww D WNRC1539 58 59 BAS Mvb ww D WNRC1539 59 60 BAS Mvb mw haematitic and more weathered D WNRC1539 60 61 BAS Md mw strongly haematitic coarser grained rock D WNRC1539 61 62 BAS Md mw strongly haematitic coarser grained rock D WNRC1539 62 63 BAS Md mw strongly haematitic coarser grained rock hole very wet D WNRC1539 63 64 BAS Md mw strongly haematitic coarser grained rock hole very wet D WNRC1539 64 65 BAS Md mw D WNRC1539 65 66 BAS Md mw D WNRC1539 66 67 BAS D WNWE047 0 3 REG "Gravelly SILT, red-brown, common chert and dolomite gravels, highly weathered SILCRETE" D WNWE047 3 15 SSL "SILTSTONE, white to grey, fresh, thinly bedded, minor chert bands" D WNWE047 15 59 SSL "SILTSTONE, yellow-brown, soft, laminated, common limonite staining, moderate to highly weathered" D WNWE047 59 68 SSL "SILTSTONE, white to grey, fresh, thinly bedded, minor chert bands" D WNWE047 68 85 SDO "DOLOMITE, pale grey, pale brown, slightly weathered, crystalline to fine grained, common siltstone bands throughout" D WNWE047 85 87 SSL "SILTSTONE, black, laminated, carbonaceous, some quartz veins" D WNWE047 87 98 SDO "DOLOMITE, pale grey, pale brown, slightly weathered, crystalline to fine grained, common siltstone bands throughout, moderately weathered from 95-98m" D WNWE047 98 101 SSL "SILTSTONE, black, laminated, carbonaceous, some quartz veins" D WNWE047 101 118 SDO "DOLOMITE, pale grey, pale brown, slightly weathered, crystalline to fine grained, common siltstone bands throughout" D WNWE047 118 133 BAS "BASALT, grey-black to red brown, fresh, massive, fine grained, slight to moderate haematite alteration between 125-127m and 131-133m" D WNWE048 0 3.5 REG "Gravelly SILT, red-brown, common chert and dolomite gravels, highly weathered SILCRETE" D WNWE048 3.5 16 SSL "SILTSTONE, white to grey, fresh, thinly bedded, minor chert bands" D WNWE048 16 65 SSL "SILTSTONE, yellow-brown, soft, laminated, common limonite staining, moderate to highly weathered" D WNWE048 65 67 SSL "SILTSTONE, white to grey, fresh, thinly bedded, minor chert bands" D WNWE048 67 87 DOL "DOLOMITE, pale grey, pale brown, slightly weathered, crystalline to fine grained, common siltstone bands throughout" D WNWE048 87 89 SSL "SILTSTONE, black, laminated, carbonaceous, some quartz veins" D WNWE048 89 101 DOL "DOLOMITE, pale grey, pale brown, slightly weathered, crystalline to fine grained, common siltstone bands throughout, moderately weathered from 95-98m" D WNWE048 101 105 SSL "SILTSTONE, black, laminated, carbonaceous, some quartz veins" D WNWE048 105 119 DOL "DOLOMITE, pale grey, pale brown, slightly weathered, crystalline to fine grained, common siltstone bands throughout" D WNWE048 119 139 BAS "BASALT, grey-black to red brown, fresh, massive, fine grained, slight to moderate haematite alteration between 134-139m" D WNWE049 0 4 REG "Gravelly SILT, red-brown, common chert and dolomite gravels, highly weathered SILCRETE" D WNWE049 4 17 SSL "SILTSTONE, white to grey, fresh, thinly bedded, minor chert bands" D WNWE049 17 64 SSL "SILTSTONE, yellow-brown, soft, laminated, common limonite staining, moderate to highly weathered" D WNWE049 64 67 SSL "SILTSTONE, white to grey, fresh, thinly bedded, minor chert bands" D WNWE049 67 87 DOL "DOLOMITE, pale grey, pale brown, slightly weathered, crystalline to fine grained, common siltstone bands throughout" D WNWE049 87 89 SSL "SILTSTONE, black, laminated, carbonaceous, some quartz veins" D WNWE049 89 101 DOL "DOLOMITE, pale grey, pale brown, slightly weathered, crystalline to fine grained, common siltstone bands throughout, moderately weathered from 95-98m" D WNWE049 101 105 SSL "SILTSTONE, black, laminated, carbonaceous, some quartz veins" D WNWE049 105 118 DOL "DOLOMITE, pale grey, pale brown, slightly weathered, crystalline to fine grained, common siltstone bands throughout" D WNWE049 118 151 BAS "BASALT, grey-black to red brown, fresh, massive, fine grained, fault zone from 129-132m, very common brown clay" D WNWE050 0 4 REG "Gravelly SILT, red-brown, common chert and dolomite gravels, highly weathered SILCRETE" D WNWE050 4 17 SSL "SILTSTONE, white to grey, fresh, thinly bedded, minor chert bands" D WNWE050 17 64 SSL "SILTSTONE, yellow-brown, soft, laminated, common limonite staining, moderate to highly weathered" D WNWE050 64 67 SSL "SILTSTONE, white to grey, fresh, thinly bedded, minor chert bands" D WNWE050 67 87 DOL "DOLOMITE, pale grey, pale brown, slightly weathered, crystalline to fine grained, common siltstone bands throughout" D WNWE050 87 89 SSL "SILTSTONE, black, laminated, carbonaceous, some quartz veins" D WNWE050 89 101 DOL "DOLOMITE, pale grey, pale brown, slightly weathered, crystalline to fine grained, common siltstone bands throughout, moderately weathered from 95-98m" D WNWE050 101 105 SSL "SILTSTONE, black, laminated, carbonaceous, some quartz veins" D WNWE050 105 118 DOL "DOLOMITE, pale grey, pale brown, slightly weathered, crystalline to fine grained, common siltstone bands throughout" D WNWE050 118 133 BAS "BASALT, grey-black to red brown, fresh, massive, fine grained, fault zone from 129-132m, very common brown clay" EOF