H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 3-Mar-14 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 17-Jan-14 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no or Combined_rept_no EL24563 H0101 Tenement_holder Royal Resources H0102 Project_name Waterhouse West H0106 Tenement_operator Royal Resources H0150 250K_map_sheet_number Pine Creek (SD52-08) H0151 100K_map_sheet_number Reynolds River (5071) H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 18-Jan-13 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 17-Jan-14 H0202 Data_format SL1 H0203 Number_of_data_records 40 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 3-Mar-14 H0300 Surface_Geochem_Sample_Data_File EL24563_2013_A_02_SSamp.txt H0301 Surface_Geochem_Sample_Data_File EL24563_2013_A_02_SSamp.txt H0305 Surface_Geochem_Assay_File EL24563_2013_A_03_SAssay.txt H0318 Surface_Geochem_QAQC_File EL24563_2013_A_04_SQAQC.txt H0307 Lithology_code_file N/A H0500 Feature_located Surface_location H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum N/A H0503 Projection UTM MGA H0530 Coordinate_system Projected H0531 Projection_zone 52 H0532 Surveying_instrument GPS H0900 Comments H1000 SampleID Sample_Type Orig_Grid_ID Orig_North Orig_East Orig_RL Orig_Survey_Method Orig_Survey_Date Orig_Survey_By Lease_ID Company Prospect Geologist Sampled_By Mesh_Size Sample_Depth Sample_Weight_kg Sample_Description Date_Sampled Lith1 Terrain Slope_Dip Soil_Horizon Comments Has_Duplicate H1001 metres metres metres metres kg H1004 1 1 1 0.001 0.1 H1007 D 490903 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8546145.49 708671.45 100.979 GPS 24-Aug-13 TT EL24563 Royal Resources TT TT 86 24-Aug-13 "qtz/mag, strongly foliated, amphibolite, high density, minor sulphides, min Hm staining, high grade metamorphism, oxide crystals coarse - float" TRUE D 490904 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8546177.07 708694.35 105.667 GPS 24-Aug-13 TT EL24563 Royal Resources TT TT 87 24-Aug-13 "qtz/mag, strongly foliated well developed, amphibolite, high density, minor sulphides, min Hm staining, high grade metamorphism, oxide crystals coarse - float" FALSE D 490905 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8546300.28 708787.91 97.5427 GPS 24-Aug-13 TT EL24563 Royal Resources TT TT 88 24-Aug-13 "Hm/Goe cap rock? Qtz/mag protolith, enriched with Fe - float" FALSE D 490906 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8545974.97 708557.69 112.061 GPS 24-Aug-13 TT EL24563 Royal Resources TT TT 89 24-Aug-13 "qtz/Hm, foliated increased qtz component, strong foliation/banding - float" FALSE D 490907 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8547325.83 708566.06 101.159 GPS 24-Aug-13 TT EL24563 Royal Resources TT TT 90 24-Aug-13 "qtz/mag/goe, strong foliation - float" FALSE D 490908 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8547346.97 708550.27 101.291 GPS 24-Aug-13 TT EL24563 Royal Resources TT TT 91 24-Aug-13 "qtz/mag/hm/goe, strong foliation - float" FALSE D 490909 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8547600.08 710203.52 99.7191 GPS 24-Aug-13 TT EL24563 Royal Resources TT TT 92 24-Aug-13 "qtz/mag, altered to Hm/Goe, foliation less well developed,mlow float cover - float" FALSE D 490910 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8546327.48 707454.51 98.6672 GPS 25-Aug-13 TT EL24563 Royal Resources TT TT 93 25-Aug-13 "Hm breccia, spec Hm found near brecciated carbonate with Hm staining relatively massive, minor carbonate/qtz veining - float" FALSE D 490911 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8546792.84 707532.98 109.996 GPS 25-Aug-13 TT EL24563 Royal Resources TT TT 94 25-Aug-13 "Hm/carb/qtz breccia, rich Hm/spec Hm enrichment, min carb veining - float" FALSE D 490912 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8546975.32 708141 126.28 GPS 25-Aug-13 TT EL24563 Royal Resources TT TT 95 25-Aug-13 "Hm breccia/ carbonate, spec hematite and min carb veining - float" TRUE D 490913 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8546961.47 708245.21 108.927 GPS 25-Aug-13 TT EL24563 Royal Resources TT TT 96 25-Aug-13 "Hm/carb breccia, spec Hm, mod to strong Hm. Min qtz float - float" FALSE D 490914 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8545208.85 707726.42 123.565 GPS 25-Aug-13 TT EL24563 Royal Resources TT TT 97 25-Aug-13 "Geolsec? Qtz/Hm breccia, potential carb replacement, strong Hm/spec, min veinlets qtz - float" FALSE D 490915 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8545147.67 707769 119.896 GPS 25-Aug-13 TT EL24563 Royal Resources TT TT 98 25-Aug-13 "qtz/hm/carb - dolomite grey green - high density. Mod float, hm staining on surface" FALSE D 490916 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8545146.76 707772.9 119.497 GPS 25-Aug-13 TT EL24563 Royal Resources TT TT 99 25-Aug-13 "qtz/hm/carb - dolomite grey green - very high density. Mod float, strong hm staining on surface" FALSE D 490917 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8551620.74 708765.6 101.278 GPS 26-Aug-13 TT EL24563 Royal Resources TT TT 103 26-Aug-13 "Banded Fe Outcrop, banded to laminated Fe/qtz/carb. Lensing and uneven banding - replacement/boudinage? - hm/goe staining. Outcrop 10m plus. Possible replacement texture" TRUE D 490918 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8551590.56 708818.85 93.0964 GPS 26-Aug-13 TT EL24563 Royal Resources TT TT 104 26-Aug-13 "Massive Hm float, 20m from outcrop" FALSE D 490919 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8551396.95 708714.87 111.872 GPS 26-Aug-13 TT EL24563 Royal Resources TT TT 105 26-Aug-13 "Banded Fe, dense, less frequent carb banding freq" FALSE D 490920 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8551223.88 708628.63 101.729 GPS 26-Aug-13 TT EL24563 Royal Resources TT TT 108 26-Aug-13 "Massive Hm/spec, toward base of Banded Fe hill. Minor carbonate vn, subcrop 5m wide" FALSE D 490921 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8551009.71 708650.97 98.5566 GPS 26-Aug-13 TT EL24563 Royal Resources TT TT 109 26-Aug-13 "Massive Hm/spec, toward base of Banded Fe hill. Minor carbonate vn, subcrop 5m wide" FALSE D 490922 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8550815.82 708684.96 97.6401 GPS 26-Aug-13 TT EL24563 Royal Resources TT TT 110 26-Aug-13 "Massive Hm/spec, toward base of Banded Fe hill. Minor carbonate vn, subcrop 5m wide, steepening dip 60-70 deg, oxide grains rel coarse" FALSE D 490923 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8550669.05 708719.53 94.1585 GPS 26-Aug-13 TT EL24563 Royal Resources TT TT 111 26-Aug-13 "Massive Hm/spec, appears more altered Hm, toward base of Banded Fe hill. Minor carbonate vn, subcrop 5 - 7m wide, steepening dip 60-70 deg, oxide grains rel coarse" FALSE D 490928 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8544482 708521 115 GPS 29-Aug-13 TT EL24563 Royal Resources TT TT 120 29-Aug-13 Geolsec? Ferruginous breccia/qtz/hm. Scattered small outcrop/subcrop FALSE D 490929 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8547519 707941 117 GPS 29-Aug-13 TT EL24563 Royal Resources TT TT 122 29-Aug-13 Qtz/Hm/Breccia Geolsec?. Relatively low density with mod Fe Oxides. High % qtz clasts. Scattered bouldered outcrop near peak of hill FALSE D 490930 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8547521 708052 110 GPS 29-Aug-13 TT EL24563 Royal Resources TT TT 123 29-Aug-13 "Qtz/Hm/Breccia Geolsec?. High density. Moderate specular hematite. Found on flank of hill, mod outcrop" FALSE D 490931 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8547366 708293 98 GPS 29-Aug-13 TT EL24563 Royal Resources TT TT 124 29-Aug-13 Stanley Met? Float Sample. Laminated Qtz/Mag/Carb scattered small float found along road/fence line FALSE D 491101 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8545229 707722 128 GPS 25-Aug-13 BL EL24563 Royal Resources BL BL 901 25-Aug-13 "Geolsec? Angular qtz clasts, powdery red hematite and specular veinlets, carbonate replacement? Weakly banded, float/subcrop sample" FALSE D 491102 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8545206 707727 128 GPS 25-Aug-13 BL EL24563 Royal Resources BL BL 902 25-Aug-13 "Depot Creek Sandstone? massive grey, specular hematite, carbonate replacement, photo" FALSE D 491131 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8544526 708497 120 GPS 29-Aug-13 BL EL24563 Royal Resources BL BL 943 29-Aug-13 "float sample, Geolsec, purple-Hm matrix, qtz carbonate, homogenous" FALSE D 491132 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8544578 708482 123 GPS 29-Aug-13 BL EL24563 Royal Resources BL BL 944 29-Aug-13 "Geolsec Fm-Qtz/Hm, occasional subcrop, qtz clasts 40% <1cm-Hm pl red matrix" TRUE D 491133 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8544589 708481 125 GPS 29-Aug-13 BL EL24563 Royal Resources BL BL 945 29-Aug-13 "Geolsec Fm-Hm/Qtz, dk purple Hm matrix 70%, elongated qtz clasts <1cm 20%, best sample of float" TRUE D 491134 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8544612 708494 129 GPS 29-Aug-13 BL EL24563 Royal Resources BL BL 946 29-Aug-13 "Geolsec Fm-Hm-spec Hm, red Hm matrix massive with specular Hm, no qtz clasts, random float in subcrop of Geolsec Fm" FALSE D 491135 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8544651 708522 136 GPS 29-Aug-13 BL EL24563 Royal Resources BL BL 949 29-Aug-13 "Geolsec Fm-Hm/Qtz, Hm matrix 80%, qtz clasts 20% elongated <1cm + specular hematite, crest of rise, best sample" TRUE D 491136 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8547533 708059 116 GPS 29-Aug-13 BL EL24563 Royal Resources BL BL 950 29-Aug-13 "Geolsec Fm-Hm/Qtz breccia, Hm 60% matrix, 40% qtz angular clasts <0.5cm, minor 5% specular hematite, carbonat replacement, photo, outcrfop on top of rise, v.tall grass" FALSE D 491137 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8547294 708229 112 GPS 29-Aug-13 BL EL24563 Royal Resources BL BL 952 29-Aug-13 "SSL Hm massive, Geolsec Fm?, dk steel grey, homogenous/massive, laminations, random float minor to moderate, adjacent ,massive qtz vn" FALSE D 491138 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8547613 708047 107 GPS 29-Aug-13 BL EL24563 Royal Resources BL BL 953 29-Aug-13 "SSL Hm massive, Geolsec Fm?, red Hm, specular hematite veinlets, side of track" TRUE D 491162 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8546270 708602 100 GPS 24-Aug-13 BL EL24563 Royal Resources BL BL 882 24-Aug-13 "float sample, metajaspalite, weakly magnetic" FALSE D 491163 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8546294 708616 98 GPS 24-Aug-13 BL EL24563 Royal Resources BL BL 884 24-Aug-13 "Stanley Metamorphics, subcrop metajaspalite, photo" FALSE D 491164 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8546304 708625 102 GPS 24-Aug-13 BL EL24563 Royal Resources BL BL 885 24-Aug-13 "Stanley Metamorphics, banded metajaspalite, photo" FALSE D 491165 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8546277 708660 106 GPS 24-Aug-13 BL EL24563 Royal Resources BL BL 886 24-Aug-13 "Stanley Metamorphics, massive, equigranular metajaspalite" FALSE D 491166 Rockchip_std MGA94_52 8546214 708679 108 GPS 24-Aug-13 BL EL24563 Royal Resources BL BL 887 24-Aug-13 "Stanley Metamorphics, strongly foliated, Hm metajaspalite" FALSE EOF