H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 25-Nov-13 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 5-Jun-14 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no EL29029 H0101 Tenement_holder Darwin Mining Exploration P/L H0102 Project_name Silver King and Mt Irene mines H0106 Tenement_operator Darwin Mining Exploration P/L H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SF5208 SF5212 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 5154 5153 H0152 50K_map_sheet_number H0153 25K_map_sheet_number H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 16-Oct-13 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 30-Nov-13 H0202 Template_format H0203 Number_of_data_records 2 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 7-Aug-14 H0300 This_filetype EL29029_2014_A_03_AppendixII.txt H0301 Location_data_file EL29029_2014_A_03_AppendixII.txt H0302 Downhole_lithology_data_file H0303 Downhole_geochem_data_file H0304 Downhole_survey_data_file H0305 Surface_geochem_comp_data_file EL29029_2014_A_03_AppendixII.txt H0306 Surface_geochem_abbr_data_file H0500 Feature_type H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum AHD H0503 Projection UNIVERSAL_TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR H0530 Coordinate_system Projected H0531 Projection_zone 52 H0532 Surveying_instrument GPS H0533 Surveying_company Darwin Mining Exploration P/L H0600 Sample_code Rock H0601 Sample_type Rock H0602 Sample_description H0700 Sample_preparation_code H0701 Sample_preparation_details H0702 Job_no H0800 Assay_code XRF H0801 Assay_company Guilin Research Institute of Geology for Mineral Resources, Guilin, China H0802 Assay_description IC3E Mixed Acid Digest - XRF H0900 Comments H1000 Sample ID Easting Northing Location Date Cu Pb Zn W Sn V Nb Ta Th U REO Au H1001 % % % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm H1002 XRF XRF XRF XRF XRF XRF XRF XRF XRF XRF XRF XRF H1003 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 H1004 H1005 H1006 H1007 D AJ-29029-1 718220 7562498 Mt Irene abandoned mine heap 29/01/2014 21.02 0.14 0.23 2.1 300 5.5 0.29 0.91 0.2 12.1 8.65 0.22 D AJ-29029-2 718217 7562501 Mt Irene abandoned mine heap 29/01/2014 1.39 0.0017 0.062 2.4 126 10.2 0.81 2.4 0.47 156 73.66 0.2 EOF