H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 06/06/2014 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 12/04/2014 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no EL27435 H0101 Tenement_holder Mithril Resources Ltd H0102 Project_name Huckitta H0106 Tenement_Operator MMG Exploration Pty Ltd H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 07/10/2013 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 12/05/2014 H0202 Template_format DL_4 H0203 Number_of_data_records 100 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 10/06/2014 H0300 Related_data_files H0301 Surface_location_data_file EL27435_2014_A_03_DrillCollars.txt H0303 Downhole_geochem_data_file EL27435_2014_A_06_DownholeGeochem.txt H0304 Downhole_survey_data_file EL27435_2014_A_04_DownholeSurvey.txt H0307 Lithology_code_file EL27435_2014_A_08_LithoCodes H0400 Drill_code RC H0401 Drill_contractor Titeline Drilling H0402 Description RC H0500 Feature_located Hole Collar H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum AHD H0503 Projection UTM H0530 Coordinate_system Projected H0531 Projection_Zone 53 H0532 Surveying_instrument Handheld GPS H0533 Surveying_company MMG Exploration Pty Ltd H1000 Hole_id DEPTH_FROM DEPTH_TO Relogged Lithology ColourShade Colour1 Colour2 Comments Stratigraphy LoggedBy H1001 Units metres metres H1004 Accuracy 0.1 0.1 D AHURC05 0 6 P LSD LT ORA PNK Fine aeolian sands (which sieve away) and surficial quartz-phyric sands with Fe stained clays MDS D AHURC05 6 9 P LGV LT KHA GRN Clayey gravel with similar components to the above unit MDS D AHURC05 9 15 P LGV LT ORA CRM Moderatly sorted gravel containing sub-angular quartz; basement lithics; silcrete and ferruginous chips. Hosted within a sandy clay MDS D AHURC05 15 47 P CLA MD KHA GRY Soft; gravelly; micaceous clayS containing Fe-stained quartz; mica; claystone and occasional basement chips. Possibly saprolith zone?? based on mica content. MDS D AHURC05 47 55 P LSP MD KHA BRN Soft; gravelly clay dominated by foliated; quartz + muscovite + biotite basement chips. MDS D AHURC05 55 67 P MSC DK GRY Medium grained; quartz-biotite schist (amphibolite?) also containing muscovite and plagiolclase +/- garnet. MDS D AHURC11 0 3 P LSD MD ORA BRN Aeolian dust; surficial sands and clays consisting of sub angular (1-20mm) quartz grains; basement lithics and ferruginous chips MDS D AHURC11 3 7 P LCA LT CRM TAN Angular calcrete chips and gravels with subordinate quartz and basement lithics MDS D AHURC11 7 8 P LSD MD BUF CRM Sands consisting of sub-angular to sub-rounded quartz grains; calcrete and feldspar. MDS D AHURC11 8 14 P CLA LT LME TAN Gritty; sticky clays comprised of gravel to pebble sized claystone (and/or calcrete) chips. Subordinate grey-blue basement lithics MDS D AHURC11 14 27 P CLA LT BUF TAN Sandy; pellet forming; variably goethitic clays. Trace amounts of gritty quartz and basement lithics dispersed throughout MDS D AHURC11 27 29 P CLA MD BRN RED Gritty; weakly ferruginous; pellet forming; hard clays MDS D AHURC11 29 30 P CLA LT BRN CRM Weakly pellet forming clays MDS D AHURC11 30 31 P LSD LT PNK CRM Very fine sands within a clayey matrix; with infrequent ferruginous chips MDS D AHURC11 31 33 P CLA MD RED BRN Mousse-like; puggy; red-brown clays intermingled with pellet forming creamy clays MDS D AHURC11 33 35 P LSD LT KHA CRM Immature river(?) sands; sub-angular to sub-rounded quartz grains hosted in fine; soft clay MDS D AHURC11 35 45 P CLA LT GRY BRN Pellet forming; weakly pliable; soapy clays. Colour varies between red; grey and brown. Partially bleached. Trace ferruginous nodules scattered throughout MDS D AHURC11 45 50 P LSD LT GRY Very fine; micaceous sands in a soft clay matrix. Clay content increasing downhole along with sub-rounded quartz grains. Sands tend to wash away when sieving. Drill-rods beginning to bog MDS D AHURC11 50 51 P CLA MD BUF Gritty; weakly goethitic; soft cays MDS D AHURC11 51 52 P LSD LT CRM GRY Sub-angular to sub-rounded quartz-phyric sands to gravel with minor clays MDS D AHURC11 52 53 P LCA LT BUF YEL Fe-stained; angular calcrete chips with subordinate quartz +/-claystone MDS D AHURC11 53 58 P LSI MK CRM BUF Silcrete - small to large (2-20mm); angular; brown to clear quartz fragments and Fe-stained clays MDS D AHURC11 58 60 P CLA MD BUF Gritty; pellet forming clays; contamination from uphole explains presence of large quartz chips MDS D AHURC11 60 61 P LGV DK PPL CRM Gravelly quartz and red to purple ferruginous nodules (Nodular Duricrust?) MDS D AHURC11 61 63 P CLA MD LME RED Pastel lime; Fe-stained; pellet forming clays along with ferruginous (saprock?) nodules . Chips up to 1cm wide. MDS D AHURC11 63 65 P LGV MD RED BRN Poorly sorted; ferruginous gravel containing large (<3cm); sub-rounded; oxidised basement nodules and minor red clays. MDS D AHURC11 65 75 P CLA MD BUF BRN Ferruginous; light buff becoming brown-red; goethitic to ferruginous; puggy clays. Occasional quartz (brown-black) and basement (saprock?) lithics dispersed throughout. MDS D AHURC11 75 84 P MCL MK WHT GRY Carbonate altered calc-silicate? Chips comprised predominately of caronate (dolomite?) with subordinate; opaque oxides; quartz and trace pyrite. Protolith is unknown; however; it appears to have been stripped by (meteoric?) fluids resulting in a strong calcareous and silica overprint. Groundwater between 75-84m. Interp; Brady Gneiss Calc-Silicate? Rods becoming bogged and completely blocked with sands. Risk of losing gear; decided to retrieve rods and terminate the hole. MDS D AHURC12 0 2 P LGV MD ORA BRN Aeolian dust; surficial sands; gravels and clays consisting of sub angular (1-20mm) quartz grains; calcrete shards and ferruginous chips. MDS D AHURC12 2 12 P LCA LT CRM WHT Bleached (?) sub-angular calcrete (or claystone) dominated by gravels and clays MDS D AHURC12 12 21 P CLA MD TAN CRM Soft; sandy to gritty pediolithc clays MDS D AHURC12 21 22 P LSD MK WHT CRM Very fine; well sorted; quartz-phric river sands with minor clays MDS D AHURC12 22 24 P CLA MD TAN CRM Soft; sandy clays with trace amounts of small (<5mm) Fe-stained nodules MDS D AHURC12 24 45 P CLA LT BRN TAN Banded; light brown; tan and grey; puggy clays. Texturally and compositionally the clays are very similar and do not warrant further sub-division; however; they range from variably; gritty ; ferruginous ; bleached to slightly goethitic. Occasional ferruginous nodules and siliceousl basement (?) chips present. MDS D AHURC12 45 50 P LSD LT CRM GRY Fine grained; well sorted; quartz-phyric sands within a clayey matrix MDS D AHURC12 50 51 P LSI MK CRM BRN Brown-red to clear silcrete chips with minor claystone fragments MDS D AHURC12 51 52 P LSD LT CRM GRY Fine grained; well sorted; quartz-phyric sands within a clay matrix MDS D AHURC12 52 53 P CLA LT YEL BUF Puggy; goethitic clay MDS D AHURC12 53 56 P LGV MK WHT BRN Gravels consiting of angular quartz and claystone chips. Fe-oxide (reduction spots?) staining on some chips. MDS D AHURC12 56 59 P CLA LT TAN KHA Dull pastel lime; gritty; puggy clays. MDS D AHURC12 59 63 P CLA DK TAN BRN Griity; weakly pellet forming and goethitic clays MDS D AHURC12 63 64 P CLA LT CRM GRY Sticky; puggy; bleached clay. MDS D AHURC12 64 66 P CLA MD BUF YEL Sticky; mousse-like; puggy; goethitic clays. MDS D AHURC12 66 75 P CLA MD RED BRN Ferruginous clays. Light brown-red; ferruginous; mousse-like to weakly pliable; sticky clays. MDS D AHURC12 75 89 P MCL MK WHT GRY Dolomitised calc-silicate (dolostone?) Chips comprised predominately of dolomite with subordinate; quartz; opaque oxides; mica; trace pyrite +/- . Protolith is unknown; however; it appears to have been stripped by (meteoric?) fluids resulting in a strong calcareous and silica overprint. Groundwater between 75-84m. Interp; Brady Gneiss Calc-Silicate MDS D AHURC12 89 100 P MCL MK WHT GRN Weakly magnetic; dolomitisd; calc-silicate (dolostone?) Chips comprised of dolomite with subordinate quartz; mica; pyrite; opaque oxides +/- magnetite. Chips have a greenish hue which may be due to trace amounts of amphibole or chlorite. Interp; Brady Gneiss Calc-Silicate MDS D AHURC13 0 2 P LCO DK ORA BRN Surficial aeolian sands that sieve away; leaving a residual oxidised clay behind. MDS D AHURC13 2 5 P LGV LT BRN ORA Moderately sorted; quartz dominated (creek) sands to gravels MDS D AHURC13 5 7 P LCA LT GRY Gravelly; angular calcrete chips and claystone MDS D AHURC13 7 11 P LGV MD TAN RED Claystone gravel MDS D AHURC13 11 18 P CLA WHT BUF Soft; weakly pellet forming; (bleached?) clays MDS D AHURC13 18 21 P CLA LT BRN TAN Gritty to silty pedolithic clays MDS D AHURC13 21 23 P CLA LT TAN CRM Silty; sticky clays MDS D AHURC13 23 24 P LGV MD TAN Gritty Claystone MDS D AHURC13 24 26 P CLA LT BRN RED Ferruginous; oxidised clays MDS D AHURC13 26 30 P CLA MD BUF Goethitic; sticky; puggy clays containing Fe-oxide fragments (ferricrete?) MDS D AHURC13 30 32 P CLA LT LME BUF Sticky; soft clay containing pastel green claystone fragments MDS D AHURC13 32 36 P CLA LT BUF CRM Soft; sticky and puggy clays MDS D AHURC13 36 43 P CLA MD BRN ORA Weakly pliable; moderately hard; oxidised Tertiary clays MDS D AHURC13 43 45 P CLA MD KHA LME Soft; silty; smectite / nontronite clays MDS D AHURC13 45 47 P CLA MD BRN ORA Weakly pliable; moderately hard; oxidised Tertiary clays; containing calc-silicate basement chips towards end of interval MDS D AHURC13 47 74 P MCL MD GRY WHT Weakly banded; dolomitised calc-silicate. Chips comprised of dolomite (and calcite?) with subordinate; quartz; opaque oxides; mica (biotite); trace pyrite +/- amphibole. Subtle biotite mineral foliation noted within some chips. Interp; Brady Gneiss MDS D AHURC13 74 76 P MCL MD GRY WHT Weakly magnetic; dolomitised calc-silicate. Coexisting magnetite -pyrite series seems to be controlling the magnetic character. Chips comprised of dolomite (and calcite?) with subordinate; quartz; opaque oxides; mica (biotite); trace pyrite +/- amphibole and pyrrhotite. Subtle biotite mineral foliation noted within some chips. Interp; Brady Gneiss? MDS D AHURC13 76 84 P MCL MD GRY WHT Weakly banded; dolomitised calc-silicate. Chips comprised of dolomite (and calcite?) with subordinate; quartz; opaque oxides; mica (biotite); trace pyrite +/- amphibole. Subtle biotite mineral foliation noted within some chips. Interp; Brady Gneiss MDS D AHURC13 84 87 P FTZ LT TAN CRM Fault zone - Puggy fault gouge/clays with gravelly calcareous chips MDS D AHURC13 87 90 P MCL MD GRY WHT Weakly magnetic; dolomitised calc-silicate. Coexisting magnetite -pyrite series seems to be controlling the magnetic character. Chips comprised of dolomite (and calcite?) with subordinate; quartz; opaque oxides; mica (biotite); trace pyrite +/- amphibole and pyrrhotite. Subtle biotite mineral foliation noted within some chips. Interp; Brady Gneiss? MDS D AHURC13 90 96 P FTZ LT TAN CRM Fault zone - Puggy fault gouge/clays with gravelly calcareous chips MDS D AHURC13 96 98 P MIG DK GRY WHT Magnetic; fine grained; moderately carbonate altered; amphibole-biotite meta-mafic sill. Interp; (Hearts Range?) Meta-Igneous Sill MDS D AHURC13 98 101 P CAR MK WHT Massive (vein?) carbonate MDS D AHURC13 101 106 P MCL MK WHT GRY Dolomitised calc-silicate. Chips comprised of dolomite with subordinate; amphibole; biotite; quartz; opaque oxides; trace pyrite. Interp; Brady Gneiss. Clay-rich zone @ 103-104m; due to rods sitting in the ground without rotating for a 24 hour period. MDS D AHURC13 106 117 P MCL MD GRY WHT Weakly magnetic; dolomitised calc-silicate. Chips comprised of dolomite with subordinate biotite; amphibole; quartz; opaque oxides; trace pyrrhotite; magnetite and pyrite. Interp; Brady Gneiss (calc-silicate) MDS D AHURC13 117 138 P MCL MK WHT GRY Dolomitised; calcareous rock containing dolomite (and calcite?); biotite; opaque oxides and trace to weakly disseminated pyrrhotite; pyrite +/- arsenopyrite and magnetite. Small chalky chips throughout; possible Talc-Carbonate alteration??. Interp; Brady Gneiss (calc-silicate) MDS D AHURC13 138 140 P FTZ DK GRY BRN Fault zone - Wet; puggy fault gouge/clays; containing calcareous chips and a displaying a subtle increase in magnetic character. Groundwater intercepted at 138m MDS D AHURC13 140 163 P MCL MK WHT GRY Weakly banded; dolomitised calcareous rock. Chips comprised of dolomite (and calcite?) with subordinate biotite; opaque oxides; quartz; trace pyrite; pyrrhotite +/- amphibole (actinolite). Banded white; cream and grey carbonate horizons occur throughout this interval. Fine powdery chips could represent a component of Talc-Carbonate alteration. Interp; Brady Gneiss (calc-silicate) MDS D AHURC13 163 166 P CAR MK WHT GRN Carbonate altered rock. Greenish hue within the carbonate. Dull bronze; non-magnetic sulphide; possibly pentlandite +/- small dispersions of yellow-gold chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite @ 165-166m. MDS D AHURC13 166 169 P MCL DK CRM BLU Amphibole-biotite bearing calcareous rock ( Carbonate altered amphibolite?). Protolith could be mafic. Trace sulphides MDS D AHURC13 169 186 P MCL MK WHT GRN Banded (1-2m's); carbonate altered calc-silicate (gneiss?). Containing variable quantities of dolomite/calcite; with subordinate biotite; sulphides (pyrite/pyrrhotite); Fe-oxides +/- magnetite and amphibole. Green to brownish hue in carbonates could be siderite with possible limonite staining. Interp; Brady Gneiss EOH MDS D AHURC14 0 3 P LSD MD ORA BRN Surficial aeolian sands; gravels and minor clays MDS D AHURC14 3 15 P LCA LT BRN CRM Gravel to pebble sized calcrete chips +/- claystone. Rods becoming bogged. MDS D AHURC14 15 16 P LGV MK TAN CRM Moderately sorted; quartz dominated (river?) sands to gravels with several large silicic and calcrete chips MDS D AHURC14 16 17 P CLA MD GRY CRM Pellet forming mottled clays with gypcrete chips MDS D AHURC14 17 20 P CLA LT KHA Puggy; pedolithic clays; containing gritty; Fe-stained chips MDS D AHURC14 20 23 P CLA MD BUF Puggy; mottled pedolithic clays containing yellow to red ferruginous nodules MDS D AHURC14 23 27 P LGV MD RED BRN Ferruginous nodules - Possible Fe-Duricrust or Ferricrete? Hosted in ferruginous sticky clays MDS D AHURC14 27 32 P LCA LT CRM BUF MDS D AHURC14 32 35 P CLA MD BUF CRM Gritty; weakly pellet forming; pedolithic clays MDS D AHURC14 35 65 P CLA MD BRN RED Oxidised; variably goethitic and ferruginous; weakly pliable clays MDS D AHURC14 65 70 P LSI MK WHT CRM Silcrete Cap(?); Gravelly quartz chips with minor F-stained fragments MDS D AHURC14 70 71 P LSP MD BUF LME Saprolitic nontronite clays MDS D AHURC14 71 75 P LSR Fe-stained; moderately clay altered; leucocratic; fine grained; biotite schist with subordinate quartz and amphibole. Appears to have a mafic protolith; however; unsure if it was sedimentary or igneous ? MDS D AHURC14 75 77 P MSC DK GRY GRN Leucocratic; fine grained; biotite schist with subordinate quartz and amphibole +/- chlorite. Appears to have a mafic protolith; however; unsure if it was sedimentary or igneous? Possibly part of a larger gneissic unit. MDS D AHURC14 77 80 P MGQ LT GRY WHT Quartz-biotite gneiss ? Could be the silicified equivalent of the above unit MDS D AHURC14 80 81 P CLA MD BRN Contamination from uphole due to severe water ingress MDS D AHURC14 81 114 P MSC DK GRY Moderately silicified; finely foliated; biotite schist with varying quantities of quartz +;/- amphibole. Possible mafic protolith MDS D AHURC14 114 116 P VQ LT CRM WHT Coarse grained plagioclase feldspar and quartz chips - possible vein at the interface between the overlying biotite schist and underlying quartzo-feldspathic gneiss. MDS D AHURC14 116 137 P MQF MD CRM GRY Quartzo-feldspathic biotite (ortho)gneiss within minor amphibole +/- tourmaline MDS D AHURC14 137 138 P MAM MO BLK WHT Amphibolite; containing biotite + amphibole (fine grained hornblende) + plagioclase. Salt and pepper texture MDS D AHURC14 138 140 P MIG DK GRY GRN Fine grained; leucocratic; magnetic; biotite schist. Containing quartz; mica; magnetite +/- amphibole MDS D AHURC14 140 145 P MAM MO BLK WHT Amphibolite; containing; biotite + amphibole (fine grained hornblende) + plagioclase. Salt and pepper texture MDS D AHURC14 145 174 P MSC DK GRY GRN Fine grained; mica (bt + mus) - plag - quartz schist. Also containing fine grained amphibole; occasional red garnet and trace pyrite. Slight greenish hue may be due to biotite luminescence seen through milky quartz. MDS EOF