H0002 Version 3 H0003 Date_generated 5/08/2012 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 26/07/2012 H0005 State NT H0100 [Tenement_no/Combined_report_no] EL28471 H0101 Tenement_holder Mithril Resources Ltd H0102 Project_name Coggan Bore H0106 Tenement_operator Mithril Resources Ltd H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SF53-15 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 5951 H0200 Start_date_of_data_aquisition 27/07/2012 H0201 End_date_of_data_aquisition 26/07/2012 H0202 Template_format SL1 H0203 Number_of_data_records 15 H0204 Date_of_metadate_update 5/08/2012 H0300 Related_data_filenames H0301 Location_data_file EL28471_2012_A_02_SurfaceLocations.txt H0306 Surface_geochem_data_file EL28471_2012_A_03_SurfaceGeochem.txt H0307 Lithology_code_file EL28471_2012_A_04_LithologyCodes.txt H0308 File_Verification_Listing EL28471_2012_A_07_FileListing.txt H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum AHD H0503 Projection Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) H0530 Coordinate_system Projected H0531 Projection_zone 53 H0532 Surveying_instrument GPS H0533 Surveying_company Mithril Resources Ltd H0900 Comments H1000 Data_field_names PROJECT EAST_GDA94_Z53 NORTH_GDA94_Z53 COLLECTION_DATE SAMPLER SAMPLE_TYPE SAMPLE_NUMBER ROCK_TYPE MIN_1 SAMPLE_DESCRIPTION STRUCTURE_TYPE DIP DIP_DIR COMMENTS H1001 Units metres metres dd/mm/yyyy degrees degrees D HUCKITTA 537814 7436082 19/08/2011 DM ROCK 67884 PEG small 1x0.5m pegmatite with ferruginous pits. Probably after biotite but sampled to be sure D HUCKITTA 538002 7436272 19/08/2011 DM ROCK 67885 QZITE ferruginous quartzite with strong limonite and geothite staining. strong pitting S0 - Bedding 30 74 2-3m wide but >50m strike D HUCKITTA 538225 7436422 19/08/2011 DM FLOAT 67886 FEST small sample taken of ferruginous float in small stream D HUCKITTA 538829 7436580 19/08/2011 DM ROCK 67887 SCH muscovite-biotite-schist +/- garnet Near B103 VTEM anomaly. Sequence of alternating muscovite-biotite-schist +/- garnet and foliated pegmatite D HUCKITTA 538996 7436608 19/08/2011 DM ROCK 67888 MAF mafic pod. Weak folation present. Plagioclase + hornblende + pyroxene 2-3m wide and 10 m long D HUCKITTA 535453 7431235 19/08/2011 DM ROCK 67889 QZVN QZ Ferrug qtz vein outcrop ferruginous quartz vein outcrop 2m wide x 10m long D HUCKITTA 535206 7431149 SSED 70297 drainage sample from short gully D HUCKITTA 535262 7431082 FLOAT 70298 Ironsone float and subcrop D HUCKITTA 535276 7431075 SSED 70299 Drainage sample from short gully D HUCKITTA 537573 7432821 23/08/2011 DM ROCK 70368 GAB gabbroic outcrop 10-15m wide and >50m in strike. Typical spheroidal weakening. No evidence of sulphide and no contamination gabbro is roughly striking 010. western side is flanked by quartzofeldspathic augen gneiss. D HUCKITTA 537603 7432701 23/08/2011 DM ROCK 70369 QZVN QZ Highly ferruginous quartz vein D HUCKITTA 537603 7432701 23/08/2011 DM ROCK 70370 QZVN QZ ferruginous quartz vein outcrop. 8m long by 1.5m wide. Strong limonite and geothite with large vugs of various shapes D HUCKITTA 535427 7431080 26/11/2011 DM ROCK 70644 FEST 30 Ironstone at boundary of ironstone and gneiss D HUCKITTA 537865 7436169 19/08/2011 DM ROCK 71898 PEG Large pegmatite outcrop >100m wide with small garnets (1mm) Standing on 2011VTEMB104. Unit is roughly striking 010deg. Interleaved within the pegmatite is Amphibolite D HUCKITTA 537827 7436157 19/08/2011 DM ROCK 71899 AMPH Amphibolite lens within the pegmatite. Typical hornblende + plag FOL - Foliation 54 92 weak foliation measured EOF