H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 29/11/2013 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 05/11/2013 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no EL27243 H0101 Tenement_holder Mithril H0102 Project_name Huckitta H0106 Tenement_Operator Mithril H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 09/10/2013 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 18/10/2013 H0202 Template_format DS_1 H0203 Number_of_data_records 100 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 02/12/2013 H0300 Related_data_files H0301 Surface_location_data_file EL27243_2013_A_02_DrillCollars.txt H0303 Downhole_geochem_data_file EL27243_2013_A_04_DownholeGeochem.txt H0304 Downhole_survey_data_file EL27243_2013_A_05_DownholeSurvey.txt H0307 Lithology_code_file EL27243_2013_A_07_LoggingCodes.txt H0308 File verification list H0400 Drill_code RC H0401 Drill_contractor Titeline H0402 Description RC H0500 Feature_located Hole Collar H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum AHD H0503 Projection UTM H0530 Coordinate_system Projected H0531 Projection_Zone 53 H0532 Surveying_instrument Handheld GPS H0533 Surveying_company H1000 Hole_id DEPTH_FROM DEPTH_TO Relogged Lith_Qualifier Lith_Qualifier2 Lith_Qualifier3 Lithology Acidtest Weathering Regolith_Type Hardness ColourShade Colour1 Colour2 Comments Stratigraphy LoggedBy H1001 Units metres metres H1004 Accuracy 0.1 0.1 D AHURC01 0 1 P qtz rnd gyp LGV 5 MD ORA TAN Sandy gravel. Sand grains are med.-fine grained and sieve away; leaving mod well sorted gravel; dominated by rnd qtz and gyp. Q/Tn AJK D AHURC01 1 4 P qtz peb gyp LGV 5 MD CRM TAN As above but with subset of larger pebble-sized grains; these mostly qtz; gyp and fragments of weathered amphibolite Q/Tn AJK D AHURC01 4 5 P fes qtz rnd LGV 5 MD RED BRN Rust coloured; Fe oxide rich horizon; roughly correlates with calcrete/gypcrete interval of AHURC02. Qtz gravel grains stil common. Q/Tn AJK D AHURC01 5 9 P qtz rnd gyp LGV 5 MD BRN TAN Gravel as above; but with increasingly larger; more angular (less mature) grain size. Q/Tn AJK D AHURC01 9 12 P frg ang LGV 5 MD GRY Gravel now dominated by weathered basement (amphibolite?) fragments. Colour change distinct. Q/Tn AJK D AHURC01 12 14 P cem LCA 4 MD CRM GRY Regolith cement containing fragments of basement amphibolite. Interp - formed at contact; water table controlled precip. Q/Tn AJK D AHURC01 14 24 P grn wmd MAM 2 MD GRY WHT Slightly to moderately weathered (selective feldspar destruction); granular to weakly foliated amphibolite; dominated by amphibole (~60%; clear 60/120 cleavages); plagioclase (20%); minor/variable qtz; bt. N AJK D AHURC01 24 26 P qtz MQT 1 MD WHT Quartz dominated metamorphic interbed; probably quartzite due to more chonchoidal fracture planes and absence of significant mica N AJK D AHURC01 26 67 P fol mic pyr MAM 1 DK GRY WHT Granular to moderately foliated amphibolite; dominated by amphibole (~50%; clear 60/120 cleavages); plagioclase (20%); 20% dark mica; minor/variable qtz-rich interbeds. Pyrite is common throughout; whereas biotite (as loose platelets in chips) occurs in sporadic concentrations. N AJK D AHURC01 67 75 P mic qtz bnd MGQ 1 LT GRY WHT Abrupt contact with quartz-muscovite gneissic interval. Wavy gneissic banding texture seen only in some chips; elsewhere more akin to amphibolite. Muscovite is abundant but only with qtz. No biotite/phlogopite. N AJK D AHURC01 75 100 P fol mic pyr MAM 1 DK GRY WHT Granular to moderately foliated amphibolite; dominated by amphibole (~50%; clear 60/120 cleavages); plagioclase (20%); 20% dark mica; minor/variable qtz-rich interbeds. Pyrite is common throughout; whereas biotite (as loose platelets in chips) occurs in sporadic concentrations. N AJK D AHURC02 0 3 P san qtz gyp LGV 5 MD CRM GRY Sandy surface gravels (clasts ~2mm).Sand v. fine; sieves away instantly. No clay. Mostly qtz; gyp and trace dark mag fragments Q/Tn AJK D AHURC02 3 9 P fes gyp cem LCA 4 MD RED BRN Iron stained calcrete. Mostly gypsiferous cement; iron oxide and Si. Q/Tn AJK D AHURC02 9 41 P fol pbl mel MAM 1 DK GRY BLK Dark; foliated amphibolite; compositionally dominated by amphibole (60%) and plagioclase (35%). Pink; equant/blocky garnet porphyroblasts are abundant. Common qtz veining + possible thin gneissic banded intervals. Minor mica; possibly replacing hbl. Rare weathered surfaces; mostly fresh. Riddock Amphibolite or correlative? N AJK D AHURC02 41 43 P pbl sil MGN 1 MD GRY WHT Quartz; mafic (amphibole) and dark mica-dominated interbed; possibly gneissic. Dark accicular-prismatic amphiboles/replacive mica porphyroblasts are sometimes randomly orientated; elsewhere they have indication of semi-parallel wavy fabric. N AJK D AHURC02 43 63 P fol pbl mic MAM 1 DK GRY BLK Dark; foliated amphibolite; dominated by amphibole and plagioclase. Occasional pink garnet porphyroblasts. Localised but common micaceous intervals - these occur as abundant biotite and more rarely; muscovite plates. Additionally; pyrite is increasingly common with depth; eg. 61-62. Rare magnetism in some intervals - small dark chips N AJK D AHURC02 63 66 P pbl sil MGN 1 MD GRY WHT Quartz rich interval; muscovite locally (and abruptly) replaces biotite as common flaky mica. Possible gneissic interbed. N AJK D AHURC02 66 100 P fol pyr mic MAM 1 DK GRY BLK Dark; foliated amphibolite; dominated by amphibole and plagioclase. Occasional pink garnet porphyroblasts. Localised but common micaceous intervals - these occur as abundant biotite and more rarely; muscovite plates. Additionally; pyrite is increasingly common with depth; eg. 68-69m. No major base metal anomalism indicated by XRF. Terminates in increasingly gneissic chips. Generally negligible magnetism detected in chips; except in small dark intervals ~ 66-67m. N AJK D AHURC03 0 2 P LSD MD ORA GRY Surfical sands and gravels containing basement fragments MDS D AHURC03 2 9 P LSR MD GRY GRN Weathered amphibolite (saprock) with clay coatings on chips surface MDS D AHURC03 9 10 P LSI LT ORA BRN Faun coloured Silcrete MDS D AHURC03 10 11 P LSR Intensely weathered amphibolite (saprock) with pastel green clay coatings (smectite?). MDS D AHURC03 11 37 P MAM MD GRY LME Moderately weathered; medium grained; locally leucocratic; amphibolite containing hornblende + plag +/- biotite +/- pyrite. Interp; Hearts Range Meta-Igneous Complex MDS D AHURC03 37 100 P MAM MD GRY BLK Locally leucocratic; weakly foliated; amphibolite (after mafic intrusive); contaning tabular hornblende; acicular to anhedral plagioclase; varible biotite +/- quartz +/- pyrite. Interp; Hearts Range Meta-Igneous Complex MDS D AHURC04 0 7 P qtz rnd san LGV 4 MD TAN Sandy cover gravels; max gran size varies from fine sand (sieves away) to pebbles. Non magnetic; not clayey and dominated by rnd qtz. Q/Tn AJK D AHURC04 7 40 P fol mic mon MAM 0 DK GRY WHT Monotonous hornblende (~40%); biotite (~30%); plag (15%); qtz (15%) amphibolite. Foliated/somewhat schistose with rare minor pyrite. Minor unidentified pale green mineral; possibly discolouration of qtz? N AJK D AHURC04 40 42 P fol qtz met MAM 0 DK GRN WHT Weak-moderately foliated 'greenschist'. Not really schistose fabric; more granular cystalline; but mineralogy (chlorite-pale green min-quartz) more closely resembles greenschist than amphibolite facies. N AJK D AHURC04 42 51 P fol mic met MAM 0 DK GRY WHT Amphibolite composed of hornblende (~40%); biotite (~30%); plag (15%); qtz (15%). Foliated. Minor pyrite disseminated. Similar to surface outcrop near collar point. N AJK D AHURC04 51 57 P fol qtz met MAM 0 DK GRN WHT Weak-moderately foliated 'greenschist'. Not really schistose fabric; but mineralogy (chlorite-pale green min-quartz) more closely resembles greenschist than amphibolite facies. N AJK D AHURC04 57 61 P fol mic pyr MAM 0 DK GRY WHT Amphibolite composed of hornblende (~40%); biotite (~30%); plag (15%); qtz (15%). Foliated. Minor pyrite disseminated. N AJK D AHURC04 61 63 P fol qtz met MAM 0 DK GRN WHT Weak-moderately foliated 'greenschist'. Not really schistose fabric; but mineralogy (chlorite-pale green min-quartz) more closely resembles greenschist than amphibolite facies. N AJK D AHURC04 63 72 P fol mic pyr MAM 0 DK GRY WHT Amphibolite composed of hornblende (~40%); biotite (~30%); plag (15%); qtz (15%). Foliated. Minor pyrite disseminated. N AJK D AHURC04 72 81 P fol qtz met MAM 0 DK GRN WHT Weak-moderately foliated 'greenschist'. Not really schistose fabric; but mineralogy (chlorite-pale green min-quartz) more closely resembles greenschist than amphibolite facies. N AJK D AHURC04 81 83 P fol mic met MAM 0 DK GRY WHT Amphibolite composed of hornblende (~40%); biotite (~30%); plag (15%); qtz (10%); disseminated magnetite (5%). Foliated. Minor pyrite disseminated. similar to surface outcrop near collar point. Strongly magnetic. N AJK D AHURC04 83 100 P fol met MAM 0 DK GRN WHT Weak-moderately foliated 'greenschist'. Not really schistose fabric; but mineralogy (chlorite-pale green min-quartz) more closely resembles greenschist than amphibolite facies. N AJK D AHURC06 0 2 P LGV MD BRN BLU Sandy; lithic-dominated gravel. Largest grain size up to pebble. Red surficial sands sieve away to fragments of underlying shallow basement. AJK D AHURC06 2 3 P LSI MD TAN Weathering product (possibly at one-time water table); composed largely of silica cemented basement fragments. AJK D AHURC06 3 6 P MAM MD GRY BLU Weakly-moderately weathered amphibolite; weathering intensity decreases with depth. AJK D AHURC06 6 43 P MAM MD GRY BLU Weakly-mod foliated (generally non-schistose) amphibolite; composed of massive fine-grained amphibole (~65%); with varying quantities of quartz; pink garnet; dark and white micas; plagioclase and trace pyrite. Possible trace silimanite. Possible commpositional banding fabrics; esp where qtz increases; prompting interp of gneissic interbeds. Interp intermediate-mafic igneous protolith. AJK D AHURC06 43 100 P MAM MD GRY BLU Amphibolite as above; except highly magnetic. Magnetite + possible trace pyrrhotite - interp metamorphoc magnetite or inherited from mafic protolith? AJK D AHURC07 0 3 P LGV MD BRN TAN Sandy surficial gravels; with sand sieving away rapidly to well sorted quartz granins AJK D AHURC07 3 5 P LGV MD RED BRN Iron oxide stained and Fe-rich clay covered gravels - less sorted. Fe increase attributed to regolith development and cementation. AJK D AHURC07 5 11 P LGV LT TAN Immature gravel; with sand to pebble sized grains; many of which are angular and have local outcrop derivation AJK D AHURC07 11 16 P LCA LT CRM GRY Lithic calcrete cement containing med grained lithic/qtz clasts - interpreted as base of developing 'regolith'. AJK D AHURC07 16 74 P MAM DK GRY BLU Weakly-well foliated amphibolite; containing ~70% amphibole; variable quantities of dark mica; qtz; plag; sericite altered fspar and trace pyrite. Mod weathered in uppermost 4m; fresh after that. Non-magnetic; no garnet. Where qtz abundance increases; quasi gneissic banding occurs. Interp'ed strat is Harts Range Meta-Igneous complex. AJK D AHURC07 74 77 P MAM DK GRY BLU As above; but with small pink garnets AJK D AHURC07 77 86 P MAM DK GRY BLU Weakly-well foliated amphibolite; containing ~70% amphibole; variable quantities of dark mica; qtz; plag; sericite altered fspar and trace pyrite. Mod weathered in uppermost 4m; fresh after that. Non-magnetic; no garnet. Where qtz abundance increases; quasi gneissic banding occurs. Interp'ed strat is Harts Range Meta-Igneous complex. AJK D AHURC07 86 94 P MAM LT GRY GRN Amphibolite as above; but extremely weathered + muscovite + green clay alteration (nontronite?) Most likely a fault or fracture along which meteoric water has ingressed and weathered. AJK D AHURC07 94 100 P MAM DK GRY BLU Weakly-well foliated amphibolite; containing ~70% amphibole; variable quantities of dark mica; qtz; plag; sericite altered fspar and trace pyrite. Mod weathered in uppermost 4m; fresh after that. Non-magnetic; no garnet. Where qtz abundance increases; quasi gneissic banding occurs. Interp'ed strat is Harts Range Meta-Igneous complex. AJK D AHURC08 0 4 P LGV LT BRN ORA Surface sands; sieve unable to retain fine sands and left with residual quartz grains MDS D AHURC08 4 5 P LGV MD TAN CRM Variably ferruginous gravels and calcrete MDS D AHURC08 5 6 P LGV MK CRM Sand to pebble sized quartz dominated gravels MDS D AHURC08 6 14 P LCA MD TAN CRM Calcrete chips hosting small lithics/qtz grains within a gravelly quartz base MDS D AHURC08 14 17 P LGV LT BRN TAN Fe-oxide stained rock chips; minor calcrete (from uphole?) and gravels consisting of quartz; dark grey chips (amphibolite?) and minor pink garnet MDS D AHURC08 17 20 P LGV MK CRM BRN Gravels containing sub-angular quartz with subordinate pink garnet; dark grey rock chips and feldspar. MDS D AHURC08 20 27 P MAM MD GRY TAN Fe-stained weakly foliated; ortho(?) amphibolite; containing hornblende; plag; dark mica; quartz; pyrite. Non magnetic and no garnet visible. Interp; Harts Range Meta-Igneous Group MDS D AHURC08 27 46 P MAM MO GRY CRM Weakly-moderately foliated (almost gneissic in places) ortho(?) amphibolite; containing hornblende; dark lustrous mica; plag; quartz and trace to weakly disseminated pyrite. Salt and pepper textured. Interp; Harts Range Meta-Igneous Group MDS D AHURC08 46 47 P MAM MD GRN GRY Retrogressed; weakly-moderately foliated ortho(?) amphibolite; containing hornblende; chlorite; quartz and trace pyrite +/- mica. Possible fracture/fault plane controlling alteration. Interp; Harts Range Meta-Igneous Group MDS D AHURC08 47 53 P MAM MO GRY CRM Weakly-moderately foliated (almost gneissic in places) ortho(?) amphibolite; containing hornblende; dark lustrous mica; plag; quartz and trace to weakly disseminated pyrite. Salt and pepper textured. Interp; Harts Range Meta-Igneous Group MDS D AHURC08 53 54 P MAM MD GRN GRY Retrogressed; weakly-moderately foliated ortho(?) amphibolite; containing hornblende; chlorite; quartz and trace pyrite +/- mica. Possible fracture/fault plane controlling alteration. Interp; Harts Range Meta-Igneous Group MDS D AHURC08 54 76 P MAM MO GRY CRM Weakly-moderately foliated (almost gneissic in places) ortho(?) amphibolite; containing granular hornblende; dark mica; quartz; plag; chlorite (?) and trace to weakly disseminated pyrite +/- tourmaline.Salt and pepper textured. Interp; Harts Range Meta-Igneous Group MDS D AHURC08 76 78 P MAM MD GRY GRN Strongly magnetitc; ortho(?) amphibolite containing green acicular actinolite; hornblende; feldspar; dark and light mica; magnetite; trace pyrite and quartz. MDS D AHURC08 78 79 P MGQ MK CRM GRY Large quartz chips displaying the weak alignment/banding of amphibole -mica-pyrite MDS D AHURC08 79 87 P MAM DK GRY GRN Variably magnetic and weakly-moderately foliated; ortho(?) amphibolite containing hornblende; quartz; plag; dark-light mica; dark green actinolite and trace pyrite (occas euhedral) +/- magnetite. An increased abundance of actinolite appears to result in an increased magnetic strength. Rare light pastel green chips could be epidote; or a possible retrogressive feature. MDS D AHURC08 87 88 P MAM LT GRN GRY Light pastel green epidote (?) associated with quartz and overprinting amphibolite - possibly related to hydrothermal alteration along localised fracture/fault. plane and was coincident with water returns. No clays present. MDS D AHURC08 88 100 P MAM DK GRY GRN Variably magnetic and weakly-moderately foliated; ortho(?) amphibolite containing hornblende; quartz; plag; dark-light mica; dark green actinolite and trace pyrite (occas euhedral) +/- magnetite. An increased abundance of actinolite appears to result in an increased magnetic strength. Rare light pastel green chips could be epidote; or a possible retrogressive feature. MDS D AHURC09 0 6 P LSD MD ORA BRN Quaternary Fe-stained clays and immature sands to gravels containing quartz; feldspar; mica and lithics derived from local outcrop MDS D AHURC09 6 9 P LCA LT TAN BRN Ferruginous lithic calcrete and chips of basement in a gravelly base MDS D AHURC09 9 11 P LAL LT TAN CRM Immature sands - sub-rounded quartz and feldspar grains with subordinate garnet; possible palaeochannel MDS D AHURC09 11 17 P LAL MK CRM BRN Calcrete chips and immature sands; - sub-rounded quartz; k-feldspar; pink garnet and basement lithics MDS D AHURC09 17 19 P CLA MD LME Claystone MDS D AHURC09 19 28 P LSP MD LME BUF Sticky; mousse-like saprolitic clays (nontronite or smectite?) containing weathered basement (saprock) chips defined by a Pl-Bt-Hbl mineralogy. Possible mafic intrusive? MDS D AHURC09 28 33 P LSR MD GRY CRM Moderately foliated saprock (amphibolite?) chips; comprised of Bt-Hbl-Pl-Grt-Py +/- Qtz. Trace pyrite; Salt and pepper texture. MDS D AHURC09 33 34 P LSP MD TAN GRY Sticky; mousse-textured saprolitic clays (nontronite or smectite?) containing weathered basement chips defined by a Pl-Bt-Hbl mineralogy. Possible mafic intrusive? MDS D AHURC09 34 59 P LSR DK GRY CRM Foliated (almost schistose) amphibolite (saprock); comprised of dark and light mica; hornblende; pink garnet; plag with subordinate quartz and pyrite. Lime green clays lost in sieve; possible nontronite and/or smectite. Interp; Harts Range Meta-Igneous Group MDS D AHURC09 59 60 P MQF MD CRM Plagioclase feldspar dominated interval - possibly represents gneissic banding MDS D AHURC09 60 66 P MAM DK GRY CRM Foliated (almost schistose) amphibolite (saprock); comprised of lustrous dark mica; hornblende; pink garnet; plag; quartz +/- sillimanite. Trace pyrite. Interp; Harts Range Meta-Igneous Group MDS D AHURC09 66 78 P MIG MO GRY WHT Weakly magnetic; meta-mafic (amphibolite?) comprised of hornblende; plagioclase; dark mica +/- magnetite. Trace Pyrite. Notable absence of a pervasive foliation; quartz and garnet. Is this a less intensely metamorphosed mafic intrusive? MDS D AHURC09 78 98 P MAM DK GRY CRM Foliated (almost schistose) amphibolite; comprised of lustrous dark mica; hornblende; pink garnet; plag; quartz +/- sillimanite. Trace pyrite. Interp; Harts Range Meta-Igneous Group MDS D AHURC09 98 100 P MIG DK GRN GRY Weakly foliated and magnetic meta-mafic (amphibolite?) containing hornblende; dark mica; dark green actinolite (or chlorite); plag +/- quartz. Trace magnetite. No garnet or schistosity. Less intensely metamorphosed mafic intrusive (?) MDS D AHURC10 0 6 P LSD MD ORA BRN Quaternary and Tertiary Fe-stained clays and quartz-phyric (sub-rounded) sands with lesser feldspar and lithic grains MDS D AHURC10 6 9 P LSD MK BRN CRM Immature sands consisting of sub-angular to sub-rounded quartz-feldspar-mica and larger calcrete chips and lithics MDS D AHURC10 9 15 P LCA LT TAN CRM Gravel to pebble sized calcrete chips with subordinate basement lithics; quartz and pink garnet MDS D AHURC10 15 17 P LSR LT CRM LME Mottled zone (?) -strongly leached (and bleached?) weathered basement fragments MDS D AHURC10 17 24 P LSP MD LME GRY Sticky; mousse-like saprolitic clays (nontronite or smectite?) containing weathered (saprock) basement chips defined by a pervasive foliation; micaceous sheen and a Pl-Bt-Hbl mineralogy. Possible mafic intrusive? MDS D AHURC10 24 29 P MGQ MK CRM GRY Melanocratic; Fe-stained; quartz-feldspar-amphibole gneiss. Abundant platy; golden brown biotite-phlogopite sheets throughout MDS D AHURC10 29 39 P MGN DK GRY CRM Extremely micaceous; foliated; Fe-stained; amphibole-mica-plagioclase gneiss ( amphibolite facies). Red garnet and quartz are less common. Trace pyrite. Omnipresent golden brown biotite-phlogopite sheets. MDS D AHURC10 39 42 P MQF MD LME GRY Sticky; mousse-like saprolitic clays (nontronite or smectite?) containing weathered (saprock) basement chips defined by a pervasive foliation; micaceous sheen and a Pl-Bt-Hbl mineralogy. Position of saprolite horizon is curious - possibly structurally controlled weathering MDS D AHURC10 42 45 P MGN MO GRY CRM Micaceous; foliated; Fe-stained; amphibole-mica-quartz - plagioclase gneiss (amphibolite facies). Occasional (red) ferruginous chips. MDS D AHURC10 45 48 P MSC DK RED GRY Ferruginous (hematite after magnetite?); dark red-grey; weakly magnetic; foliated; micaceous schist. Consisting of dark mica; plagioclase; hematite and Fe-Ti oxide +/- amphibole. MDS D AHURC10 48 52 P MGN MO GRY CRM Micaceous; foliated; Fe-stained; amphibole-mica-quartz - plagioclase gneiss (amphibolite facies). Occasional (red) ferruginous chips. MDS D AHURC10 52 53 P MQF MD LME GRY Sticky; mousse-like saprolitic clays (nontronite or smectite?) containing weathered (saprock) basement chips defined by a pervasive foliation; micaceous sheen and a Pl-Bt-Hbl mineralogy. Position of saprolite horizon is curious - possibly structurally controlled weathering MDS D AHURC10 53 55 P MGN MO GRY CRM Micaceous; foliated; Fe-stained; amphibole-mica-quartz - plagioclase gneiss (amphibolite facies). Occasional (red) ferruginous chips. MDS D AHURC10 55 60 P MIG MD GRY Foliated; lustrous; weakly magnetic; meta-mafic; consisting of dark mica + plag + amphibole +/- magnetite +/- pyroxene). Slight salt and pepper texture - possibly amphibolite facies?? Interp; Harts Range Meta-Igneous Complex. MDS D AHURC10 60 65 P MQF MD TAN KHA Sticky; mousse-like saprolitic clays (nontronite or smectite?) containing weathered (saprock) micaceous basement chips; quartz and feldspar. Position of saprolite horizon is curious - possibly structurally controlled weathering or preferential weathering along melanocratic gneissic bands MDS D AHURC10 65 67 P MGN DK GRY Micaceous; foliated; Fe-stained; hornblende- biotite/phlogopite - plagioclase amphibolite. The occurrence of this leucocratic band between melanocratic intervals probably represents banding within a large gneissic package. Interp; Iridina Gneiss MDS D AHURC10 67 75 P MQF MK WHT CRM Sticky; mousse-like saprolitic clays containing omnipresent sub-angular quartz and feldspar chips. Interval may represent gneissic banding. Structurally controlled weathering? or preferential weathering along melanocratic gneissic bands? MDS D AHURC10 75 77 P MIG MD GRY CRM Foliated; lustrous; weakly magnetic; meta-mafic; consisting of dark mica + plag + amphibole +/- magnetite +/- pyroxene). Trace sulphides. Slight salt and pepper texture - amphibolite facies?? Interp; Harts Range Meta-Igneous Complex. MDS D AHURC10 77 95 P MSC MD GRY RED Variably ferruginous; weakly magnetic; Fe-stained; biotite schist. Consisting of hornblende + plag + dark mica (biotite/phlogopite) +/- quartz. MDS D AHURC10 95 100 P MIG MD GRY GRN Weakly foliated ortho? Amphibolite; consisting of hbl- bt (+/- muscovite) - plag +/- actinolite or chlorite (hard to distinguish in chips). Chlorite may be a retrogressive phenomena. MDS D END OF FILE EOF