H0002 Version 3 H0003 Date_generated 28/11/2012 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 5/11/2012 H0005 State NT H0100 [Tenement_no/Combined_report_no] EL27178 H0101 Tenement_holder Mithril Resources Ltd H0102 Project_name Lizzie Creek H0106 Tenement_operator Mithril Resources Ltd H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SF53-14 SF53-15 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 5851 5951 H0200 Start_date_of_data_aquisition 6/11/2011 H0201 End_date_of_data_aquisition 5/11/2012 H0202 Template_format SL1 H0203 Number_of_data_records 18 H0204 Date_of_metadate_update 18/12/2012 H0300 Location_data_file EL27178_2012_A_06_SurfaceLocationsFieldCheck.txt H0301 Location_data_file EL27178_2012_A_06_SurfaceLocationsFieldCheck.txt H0308 File_Verification_Listing EL27178_2012_A_07_FileListing.txt H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum AHD H0503 Projection Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) H0530 Coordinate_system Projected H0531 Projection_zone 53 H0532 Surveying_instrument GPS H0533 Surveying_company Mithril Resources Ltd H0900 Comments H1000 Data_field_names ANOMALY ID PRIORITY EASTING NORTHING MGA ZONE DESCRIPTIVE NOTES SOURCE OF EM RESPONSE RECOMMENDATIONS H1001 Units metres metres D 18 3 507300 7416850 MGA94-53S Hosted in homogeneous looking amphibolite (Lizzie Creek Amphibolite). No distinctive change in lithology near the anomaly. Inconclusive Follow-up target. D 20 2 507550 7416190 MGA94-53S Hosted in homogeneous looking amphibolite (Lizzie Creek Amphibolite). No distinctive change in lithology near the anomaly. Inconclusive Follow-up target. D 22 1 507800 7416190 MGA94-53S Hosted in homogeneous looking amphibolite (Lizzie Creek Amphibolite). No distinctive change in lithology near the anomaly. Inconclusive Follow-up target. D 23 3 508300 7416785 MGA94-53S Amphibolite and biotite-quartz-garnet-feldspar gneiss. No distinctive change in lithology near the EM anomaly. Inconclusive Follow-up target. D 31 1 497170 7423845 MGA94-53S "Fine-grained Gabbro with large (3-4mm), rounded plag crystals; does not appear to contain qtz." Inconclusive Follow-up target. D 32 2 497965 7426130 MGA94-53S Hosted in a Biotite Feldspar Gneiss with thin discontinuous bands of fg amphibolite within. Inconclusive Follow-up target. D 33 2 501765 7415075 MGA94-53S Located near the occurrence of a mafic intrusion. No sign of visibles. Assays not suggestive of sulphides present either. Inconclusive Follow-up target. D 34 3 503765 7417290 MGA94-53S Hosted in homogeneous looking amphibolite (Lizzie Creek Amphibolite). No distinctive change in lithology near the anomaly. Inconclusive Follow-up target. D 35 3 503765 7418775 MGA94-53S Hosted in homogeneous looking amphibolite (Lizzie Creek Amphibolite). No distinctive change in lithology near the anomaly. Inconclusive Follow-up target. D 36 3 504370 7416760 MGA94-53S Hosted in homogeneous looking amphibolite (Lizzie Creek Amphibolite). No distinctive change in lithology near the anomaly. Inconclusive Follow-up target. D 37 3 504370 7419330 MGA94-53S Hosted in homogeneous looking amphibolite (Lizzie Creek Amphibolite). No distinctive change in lithology near the anomaly. Inconclusive Follow-up target. D 38 3 504765 7415915 MGA94-53S Hosted in homogeneous looking amphibolite (Lizzie Creek Amphibolite). No distinctive change in lithology near the anomaly. Inconclusive Follow-up target. D 39 3 504975 7414665 MGA94-53S Hosted in homogeneous looking amphibolite (Lizzie Creek Amphibolite). No distinctive change in lithology near the anomaly. Inconclusive Follow-up target. D 40 2 505965 7414335 MGA94-53S Hosted in homogeneous looking amphibolite (Lizzie Creek Amphibolite). No distinctive change in lithology near the anomaly. Inconclusive Follow-up target. D 41 1 506565 7417030 MGA94-53S Hosted in homogeneous looking amphibolite (Lizzie Creek Amphibolite). No distinctive change in lithology near the anomaly. Inconclusive Follow-up target. D 42 1 506965 7416985 MGA94-53S Hosted in homogeneous looking amphibolite (Lizzie Creek Amphibolite). No distinctive change in lithology near the anomaly. Inconclusive Follow-up target. D 43 2 507165 7414510 MGA94-53S Hosted in homogeneous looking amphibolite (Lizzie Creek Amphibolite). No distinctive change in lithology near the anomaly. Inconclusive Follow-up target. D 45 3 512300 7416800 MGA94-53S Medium to coarsely crystalline Gabbro that corresponds to the magnetic low of 'George' intrusion. Inconclusive Follow-up target. EOF