H0002 Version 3 H0003 Date_generated 15/11/2011 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 5/12/2011 H0005 State NT H0100 [Tenement_no/Combined_report_no] EL27243 H0101 Tenement_holder Mithril Resources Ltd H0102 Project_name Mallee Bore H0106 Tenement_operator Mithril Resources Ltd H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SG53-15 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 6051 H0200 Start_date_of_data_aquisition 6/11/2010 H0201 End_date_of_data_aquisition 5/11/2011 H0202 Template_format SL1 H0203 Number_of_data_records 268 H0204 Date_of_metadate_update 15/11/2011 H0300 Related_data_filenames H0301 Location_data_file EL27243_2011_A_02_DrillCollarsAC.txt H0302 Downhole_lithology_data_file EL27243_2011_A_03_LithoLogsAC.txt H0303 Downhole_geochem_data_file EL27243_2011_A_04_DownholeGeochemAC.txt H0304 Downhole_survey_data_file H0307 Lithology_code_file EL27243_2011_A_05_LithologyCodes.txt H0400 Drill_code ACR H0401 Drill_contractor Drill North Pty Ltd H0402 Description Aircore Aircore H0500 Feature_type Hole_collar H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum AHD H0503 Projection Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) H0530 Coordinate_system Projected H0531 Projection_zone 53 H0532 Surveying_instrument GPS H0533 Surveying_company Mithril Resources Ltd H0900 Comments H1000 Data_field_names HEADING CODE DESCRIPTION D DHEM c Cased - ready for DHEM D DHEM Y DHEM completed D DRILL_TYPE AC Aircore D DRILL_TYPE DD Diamond D DRILL_TYPE RC Reverse Circulation D DRILL_TYPE RC/DD Reverse Circulation/Diamond tail D EL_NUMBER 26942 Leaky Bore D LOGGER AL Amy Lockheed D LOGGER DM Damien Mizow D LOGGER EW Emmett Weatherford D LOGGER JMM Jim McKinnon-Matthews D LOGGER MK Micah Kemp D LOGGER PL Patrick Lyons D COMPANY BLACKLAWS Blacklaws Drilling Pty Ltd D COMPANY DRILLNTH Drill North Ltd D COMPANY EURO Euro Exploration D COMPANY GNOMIC Gnomic D COMPANY MITHRIL Mithril Resources Ltd D COMPANY UDS United Drilling Services Ltd D DRILL_METHOD AC Aircore D DRILL_METHOD DD Diamond D DRILL_METHOD HQ HQ Core D DRILL_METHOD NQ2 NQ2 Core D DRILL_METHOD OH Open Hole D DRILL_METHOD RAB Rotary Air Blast D DRILL_METHOD RC Reverse Circulation D CASING TYPE 100mm PVC 100mm PVC D CASING TYPE 40mm PVC 40mm PVC D CASING TYPE 50mm PVC 50mm PVC D CASING TYPE HQ HQ - steel casing D CASING TYPE NQ NQ - steel casing D CASING TYPE PQ PQ - Steel casing D GRID GDA GDA94 North - Grid D GRID MAG Magnetic North D GRID TRUE True North D SURVEY TYPE CAMERA Eastman Camera D SURVEY TYPE COMPASS Compass - Collar Survey D SURVEY TYPE GYRO Gyro D SURVEY TYPE GYRO_N North Seeking Gyro D SURVEY TYPE REFLEX_EZ Reflex - EZ D SURVEY TYPE REFLEX_M Reflex - Maxibore D STRUCTURE_TYPE BAN Banding D STRUCTURE_TYPE BRK Broken D STRUCTURE_TYPE CON Contact D STRUCTURE_TYPE FLT Fault D STRUCTURE_TYPE FLT-C FAULT-cohesive D STRUCTURE_TYPE FLT-I FAULT-incohesive D STRUCTURE_TYPE L01 Intersection Lineation D STRUCTURE_TYPE L12 Intersection Lineation D STRUCTURE_TYPE MASS Massive D STRUCTURE_TYPE S0 Bedding D STRUCTURE_TYPE S1 First schistocity D STRUCTURE_TYPE S2 Second schistosity D STRUCTURE_TYPE SG Gneissic Layering D STRUCTURE_TYPE SHR Shear D STRUCTURE_TYPE SLIC Slickenside D STRUCTURE_TYPE VN Vein D INTENSITY MOD Moderate Fabric Development D INTENSITY MYL Mylonitic Fabric Development D INTENSITY ST Strong Fabric Development D INTENSITY WEAK Weak Fabric Development D FILL AMPH Amphibolite D FILL BREC Breccia D FILL CONG Conglomerate D FILL CS Calcsilicate D FILL CSc Carbonate Dominant CS D FILL CSg Garnet Dominant CS D FILL FEL Felsic D FILL GN Gneiss D FILL GOS Gossan D FILL GOU Gouge D FILL HNF hornfels D FILL MAF Mafic D FILL MAR Marble D FILL META Metamorphic D FILL MSD Metasediment D FILL MY mylonite D FILL PEG Pegmatite D FILL PEL Pelite D FILL PSAM Psamite D FILL PUG Fault Pug D FILL QZT Quartzite D FILL SCH Schist D FILL SED Sediment D FILL SHL shale D FILL SILT Siltstone D FILL SST Sandstone D FILL SUL Sulphide >20% D FILL SULX sulphide with rounded clasts D FILL VN Vein D FILL QZ Quartz D FILL CAL Cailcite D SAMPLE_TYPE BLANK Blank D SAMPLE_TYPE CCP Composite Chip/Core D SAMPLE_TYPE DUP Duplicate D SAMPLE_TYPE NO SAMP No Sample D SAMPLE_TYPE NQ2 FULL C Full Core D SAMPLE_TYPE NQ2 HF C 1 Normal 1/2 NQ2 Core D SAMPLE_TYPE NQ2 HF C 2 Second 1/2 NQ2 Core D SAMPLE_TYPE NQ2 QRT C 2 Second 1/4 NQ2 Core D SAMPLE_TYPE NQ2QRT C 1 Normal 1/4 NQ2 Core 1 D SAMPLE_TYPE OREAS 110 Standard - OREAS 110 D SAMPLE_TYPE OREAS 22b Standard - OREAS 22b D SAMPLE_TYPE OREAS 22P Standard - OREAS 22P D SAMPLE_TYPE OREAS 24P Standard - OREAS 24P D SAMPLE_TYPE OREAS 52c Standard - OREAS 52c D SAMPLE_TYPE RC SPLIT RC Cyclone Split D SAMPLE_TYPE SCOOP Scoop D SAMPLE_TYPE SIV Sieved D SAMPLE_TYPE SPEAR Spear D COLOUR Bf Buff D COLOUR Bk Black D COLOUR Bl Blue D COLOUR Br Brown D COLOUR Cr Cream D COLOUR Gn Green D COLOUR Gy Grey D COLOUR Kh Khaki D COLOUR Or Orange D COLOUR Pk Pink D COLOUR Rd Red D COLOUR Tn Tan D COLOUR Wh White D COLOUR Yl Yellow D WEATHERING FR Fresh D WEATHERING MW Moderate D WEATHERING SW Strong D WEATHERING WW Weak D WEATHERING WW-FR Weak to Fresh D WEATHERING MW-WW Moderate to Weak D WEATHERING SW-WW Strong to Weak D WEATHERING SW-MW Strong to Moderate D GRAIN SIZE C Coarse D GRAIN SIZE F Fine D GRAIN SIZE M Medium D GRAIN SIZE F-M Fine to Medium D GRAIN SIZE F-C Fine to Coarse D GRAIN SIZE M-C Medium to Coarse D TEXTURE BAN Banded D TEXTURE BED Bedded D TEXTURE BRK Broken D TEXTURE BX Brecciated D TEXTURE CL Cleavage D TEXTURE CU Cumulate D TEXTURE DISC Disc Fracturing D TEXTURE DISS Disseminated D TEXTURE FOL Foliated D TEXTURE FR Fractured D TEXTURE GOS Gossanous D TEXTURE GOU Gouge D TEXTURE INT Interstitial D TEXTURE LAM Laminated D TEXTURE LAY Layered D TEXTURE MASS Massive D TEXTURE MY Mylonitic D TEXTURE PEG Pegmatitic D TEXTURE PORP Porphyritic D TEXTURE PORPB Porphyroblastic D TEXTURE SH Sheared D TEXTURE ST Stringer/veined D TEXTURE VG Vuggy D TEXTURE SG Gneissic Layering D LITH AMPH Amphibolite D LITH CSc Carbonate Dominant CS D LITH CSg Garnet Dominant CS D LITH GOS Gossan D LITH MAF Mafic D LITH PEG Pegmatite D LITH PUG Fault Pug D LITH QZ Quartz D LITH SUL Sulphide >20% D LITH SULi Sulphide >20% intermediate D LITH SULm Sulphide >20% mafic D LITH VN Vein D LITH CALC Calcrete D LITH CLAY Clay D LITH FEST Ironstone D LITH GRAV Gravel D LITH SAND Sand D LITH SAP Saprock D LITH SIL Silcrete D LITH SOIL Soil D LITH CONG Conglomerate D LITH SED Sediment D LITH SHL Shale D LITH SILT Siltstone D LITH SST Sandstone D LITH AP Aplite D LITH BAS Basic Volcanic D LITH DOL Dolerite D LITH FEL Felsic D LITH GAB Gabbro D LITH GR Granite D LITH NOR Norite D LITH UPD Peridotite D LITH UM Ultramafic D LITH CS Calcsilicate D LITH GN Gneiss D LITH MGN Mafic Gneiss D LITH FGN Felsic Gneiss D LITH HNF Hornfels D LITH MAR Marble D LITH MSD Metasediment D LITH MY Mylonite D LITH PEL Pelite D LITH PSAM Psammite D LITH QZT Quartzite D LITH SCH Schist D LITH UNK Unknown Lithology D MIN and ALT ACT Actinolite D MIN and ALT ALB Albite D MIN and ALT AMP Amphibole D MIN and ALT AMPX Amphibole/Pyroxene D MIN and ALT ANH Anhydrite D MIN and ALT BIO Biotite D MIN and ALT CAL Calcite D MIN and ALT CB Carbonate D MIN and ALT CHL Chlorite D MIN and ALT CLY Clay D MIN and ALT DP Diopside D MIN and ALT EP Epidote D MIN and ALT FE Iron D MIN and ALT FLS Feldspar D MIN and ALT GNT Garnet D MIN and ALT GOE Goethite D MIN and ALT GRP Graphite D MIN and ALT GYP Gypsum D MIN and ALT HB Hornblende D MIN and ALT JAR Jarosite D MIN and ALT KAO Kaolin D MIN and ALT MAG Magnesite D MIN and ALT MIC Micaceous D MIN and ALT MN Mn Oxide D MIN and ALT MT Magnetite D MIN and ALT MUSC Muscovite D MIN and ALT OL Olivine D MIN and ALT PLAG Plagioclase D MIN and ALT PX Pyroxene D MIN and ALT QZ Quartz D MIN and ALT SER Sericite D MIN and ALT SIL Silica D MIN and ALT SILM Silliminite D MIN and ALT SP Serpentine D MIN and ALT TAL Talc D MIN and ALT TOUR Tourmaline D MIN and ALT KFS K - Feldspar D MIN and ALT LX Leucoxene D MIN and ALT TI Titanite/Sphene D METAL MINERALS PO Pyrrhotite D METAL MINERALS PY Pyrite D METAL MINERALS CP Chalcopyrite D METAL MINERALS MT Magnetite D METAL MINERALS ASP Arsenopyrite D METAL MINERALS AU Gold D METAL MINERALS AZ Azurite D METAL MINERALS BN Bornite D METAL MINERALS CER Cerussite D METAL MINERALS CHY Chrysocolla D METAL MINERALS CT Chalcocite D METAL MINERALS GL Galena D METAL MINERALS HEM Hematite D METAL MINERALS MAL Malachite D METAL MINERALS MAR Marcasite D METAL MINERALS MOL Molybdenite D METAL MINERALS NIB Nickel Bloom D METAL MINERALS PN Pentlandite D METAL MINERALS SP Sphalerite D METAL MINERALS USUL Unknown Sulphide EOF