Desc Code Abandoned ABANDONED ACICULAR AC Actinolite ac Aircore AC Albite (sodic feldspar) sf Alkali Feldspar af Altered ALT Altered rock (unknown) ALT AMORPHOUS AM Amphibole (general) ax Amphibolite AMPH AMYGDALOIDAL (igneous) AG Andalusite an Andesite AND Anhydrite ah Ankerite ak Anorthite (calcic feldspar) cf Anorthosite ANOR Apatite ap APHANITIC (igneous) AP Aplite APL Aquifer AQ Arkose ARK Arkose sandstone Zone 9 Arrinooka ARRI Arsenopyrite as Arsnopyrite asp Auger AUG Ausurv AUSURV Azurite az BANDED BN Banded iron formation BIF Barite ba Basalt BAS BEDDED (sedimentary) BD Biological Limestone LMB Biotite bi Biotote biot Black BK Black Shale BSH Black spots SPOTTED Blue BL Bornite bo Brackish BR Breccia BX Breccia BX BRECCIATED BX Brown BR Bullion BULL Calcite cc Calcite Vein CV Calcrete CALC Calcrete CC Camera CAMERA Carbonate CO3 Carbonate CO3 Carbonate (general) cb Carnotite ca Cassiterite ct Cavity CAVITY Cavity Zone 8 Chalcedony cd Chalcocite ce chalcopyrite cpy Chalcopyrite cp Channel CH Chemical Limestone LMC Chert CH Chilled Margin Chill Mar Chip Samples CHIPS Chlorite cl Chlorite CHL Chromite cr Chrysocolla ck Cinnabar cn CLAST SUPPORTED (sedimentary) CS Clay CY Clay CY Clay CY Clay (general) cy Clay (general) cy Claystone CT Coarse C Collar - lined up drill mast with compass COLL Collophane ch Complete C Complete COMPLETE Composite Chips COMP Cone - Medium Funnel CN/M Cone - No Funnel CN/O Cone - Small Funnel CN/S Cone Splitter CONE Cone splitter on RC rig Cone Conglomerate CG Contact/boundary BOUND Cordierite co corse grained CG Costean COST Covellite cv Cream CM CROSS BEDDED (sedimentary) XB Crystal Tuff XTUFF CUMULATE (igneous) CU Cuprite ci Cut Core CUTCORE Dacite Zone 14 Dacite DAC Dark D Dark brown siliceous siltstone and ironstone Zone 6 Depositional Limestone LMD Diamond Drill Hole DDH Differential GPS DGPS Diorite DIOR Disseminated DISS Dolerite DOL Dolomite do Dolomite DOM Dolomite DOL Dolomite/Dolomitic Limestone Zone 5 Dolomitic Hornfels Dol HF Dry D Dry - Scoop SCP/D Eastman Camera - Single Shot EASTMAN Epidote ep Epidote EPI EQUIGRANULAR EQ Evaporite (general) ev Evaporites EV Fault FLT Feldspar FELD Feldspar (general) fd Ferricrete FC Ferruginous FE Ferruginous FERR Field duplicate DUP Field duplicate for IC3 analysis DUP-IC3 Field Duplicate for ICP analysis DUP-ICP Field Duplicate for XRF analysis DUP-XRF Field duplicate for XRF analysis DUP-XRF Field Resample RESAMPLE Field resample RESAMPLE Field standard STD Field standard - blank BLANK Final Result RESULT Fine F FISSILE FI FLOW BANDED (igneous) FB Fluorite fl Fold FLD Folitation FOL Fractures FRACTURES Fresh FR Fresh F Fuchsite fu Gabbro GAB Galena ga Garnet gn Gentel Fold FW Geo 9 GEO9 Gneiss GNS GNEISSIC GN Goethite go Goethite go Gossan GOS GPS GPS Grab Sample GRAB Granite GRN Granodiorite GRNDIOR GRANULITIC (igneous) GR GRAPHIC (igneous) GP Graphite graph Graphite gr Graphitic GRAPH Graphitic Silstone GST Gravel G Gravel GR Green GR Grey GY Greywacke SG Grid Drilling GRID Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum gy Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum GYP Gyroscope GYRO Haematite he Haematite he Half Core HCORE Halite ha Hand Held GPS HHGPS Hematite HEM Hematite HM Hematite quartz breccia HQB Hornblende hb Hornfels HF Hornfels HF Hydrocarbons (general) hc Illite il Illite il Ilmenite im In Progress INPROGRESS INEQUIGRANULAR IQ Interpreted INT IRNST Banding IRNST Banding Iron Oxide (general) fe Iron Oxide (general) fe Ironstone IRNST Ironstone + quartz IRNST + QTZ Isoclinal Fold FC Jarosite jarosite Johanson JHN Kaolinite ka Kaolinite ka Komatiite KOM Kyanite ky Lab Pulp Checks LABCHCK Lab Pulp Split PULPSP Lab Repeat 1 1 Lab Repeat 2 2 Lab Repeat 3 3 LAMINATED LM Lamprophyre LAM Leucoxene le Light L Light grey siltstone with chert Zone 10 Limestone LMA Limonite li Limonite li Lithic sandstone and conglomerate Zone 11 Lithic Tuff LTUFF Magnesite ma magnetite mag Magnetite mg Magnetite Magnetite Magnetite MAG Magnetite MAG Magnetometer MAG Malachite ml Manganese MANG Mangenese Mn Manual Core Split SPLITCORE Marble MARB Marcasite mr Maroon MR MASSIVE MA Massive Sulphide MS Massive Sulphide MS MATRIX SUPPORTED (sedimentary) MS Measured MEAS Medium M Medium M Medium grained MG Mica (general) mc Moderate M Moderate M Moist M Molybdenite mo Monzonite MONZ Muscovite mu Native Copper cu Native Gold au No sample recovery NSR NODULAR (sedimentary) NO Norite NOR Not Recorded NR NR NR Olivine ov Open Fold FM OPHITIC (igneous) OP Orange OR "Orange, grey, brown siltstone" Zone 3 "Orange, grey, brown siltstone with chert" Zone 4 Original Field Sample ORIG Original Field sample ORIG Orthoclase (potassic feldspar) kf Pebble P PEGMATITIC (igneous) PG Pegmatitie PEG Pentlandite pn Perched water table P_WT PHANERITIC (igneous) PH Phosphate P Phosphorite PH Phyllite PHYL PILLOW (igneous) PI Pink PK Plagioclase Feldspar pf Planned PLAN Planned PLANNED Planned PLAN Porphrytic POR PORPHYRITIC (igneous) PO PORPHYROBLASTIC (metamorphic) PP Porphyry POR Purple PU pyrite py Pyrite py Pyrolusite pl Pyroxene (general) px Pyroxenite PYRX pyrrhotite po Pyrrhotite po QTZ - Carbonate QTZ - CO3 Quarter Core QCORE Quartz qz Quartz QTZ Quartz QTZ Quartz Sandstone QSD Quartz vein QV Quartz Vein QV Quartz-carbonate vein QCV Quartz-carbonate vein QCV Quartzite Zone 16 Quartzite QTZite RAB Blade RAB Hammer RAB PCD RC CHIPS RC CHIPS Red RD "Red sand, soil and gravel" Zone 1 Resplit Field Sample RESPLIT Reverse Circulation RC Rhyodacite RHYDAC Rhyolite RHY Riffle Split RIFFLE Riffle Splitter RIFFLE Riffle/Box RF/3/BX Roller Cone ROLL Rotary Air Bore RAB Rum Jungle Resources RJR Rutile ru SACCAROIDAL SA Salty SALT Sand SN Sandstone SD Sandy Limestone Zone 7 Scheelite sh Schist SCH Scoop Sample SCOOP Semi Massive Sulphide SMS Sent to Lab S Sericite sc Sericite SER Serpentine sr Serpentinite SERP Serpentinite SRP Shale SH Shear SH Siderite sd Silcrete SIL Silica si Siliceous SI Sillimanite sl Silt Z Siltstone ST Siltstone when ironstone is mixed Zone 15 Skarn SKN Slate SLT Smectite sm Smectite sm Soil SL Sonic Drilling SONIC Spear Sample SPEAR Sphalerite sp SPHERULITIC SP SPINIFEX (igneous) SX Spotted SPOTTED Spotted or-gy siltstone associated with LMA Zone 13 Staurolite st Stibnite sb Strong S Strong S Sulphide SULPH Sulphide (general) su Sulphides SULF Sulphides SULPH Surveyed SURV Syenite SYN Sylvite sv Tacheometer TACH Talc ta Tan TN Tan-brown and brown-grey dolomitic sltstn Zone 12 Telluride (general) tl Terra Search TERRA Thompson THMP Tight Fold FS Tonalite TON Tourmaline to Trachyte TRC Tremolite tm Tuff TUFF TUFFACEOUS TF Turquoise tq undefined clays above LMA Zone 17 Underdale UND Unspecified Drill Core CORE Vacuum VAC Vein VEIN Vein VN Vein VN Very fine V VESICULAR (igneous) VS Vibracore Drilling VIB Vitric Tuff VTUFF Voids VOIDS Volcanoclastic VC Water table WT Weak W Weak W Weathered light grey siltstone Zone 2 Wet W Wet - Scoop SCP/W White WH Whole Core WCORE Yellow YW mang Dol hornfels