H0002 Version 3 H0003 Date_generated 20/06/2012 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 3/07/2012 H0005 State NT H0100 [Tenement_no/Combined_report_no] EL28369 H0101 Tenement_holder Mithril Resources Ltd H0102 Project_name Brumby Dam H0106 Tenement_operator Mithril Resources Ltd H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SF53-14 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 5851 H0200 Start_date_of_data_aquisition 4/07/2011 H0201 End_date_of_data_aquisition 3/07/2012 H0202 Template_format SL1 H0203 Number_of_data_records 15 H0204 Date_of_metadate_update 20/06/2012 H0300 Related_data_filenames H0301 Location_data_file EL28369_2012_A_02_SurfaceLocations.txt H0306 Surface_geochem_data_file EL28369_2012_A_03_SurfaceGeochem.txt H0307 Lithology_code_file EL28369_2012_A_04_LithologyCodes.txt H0308 File_Verification_Listing EL28369_2012_A_07_FileListing.txt H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum AHD H0503 Projection Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) H0530 Coordinate_system Projected H0531 Projection_zone 53 H0532 Surveying_instrument GPS H0533 Surveying_company Mithril Resources Ltd H0900 Comments H1000 Data_field_names PROJECT EAST_GDA94_Z53 NORTH_GDA94_Z53 COLLECTION_DATE SAMPLER SAMPLE_TYPE SAMPLE_NUMBER ROCK_TYPE MIN_1 ALT_1 SAMPLE_DESCRIPTION DIP DIP_DIR COMMENTS H1001 Units metres metres dd/mm/yyyy degrees degrees D HUCKITTA 490874 7424088 3/11/2011 DM ROCK 67799 PEG 50 40 si-gt-chl rock ~ 3m thick D HUCKITTA 490874 7424088 3/11/2011 DM ROCK 67800 SCH basil outcrop ~ 5m wide D HUCKITTA 490874 7424088 3/11/2011 DM ROCK 67801 FGN gabro intrusion within shcist zone D HUCKITTA 490874 7424088 3/11/2011 DM ROCK 67802 LMST CB 55 10 "felsic gneiss, mafic, quartzite, epidote," D HUCKITTA 490874 7424088 3/11/2011 DM ROCK 67803 SCH 55 5 D HUCKITTA 490874 7424088 3/11/2011 DM ROCK 67804 UNKN MAG fine grained mafic D HUCKITTA 490874 7424088 3/11/2011 DM ROCK 67805 QZ MAG coarse grained mafic D HUCKITTA 491666 7422576 20/09/2011 DM ROCK 70749 QZVN QZ "Quartz Vein with tourmaline caps. Fe-rich in places with pits possible after sulphide. 2x0.5-1m wide veins present, roughly striking 025deg. Hosted in felsic gneiss." coarse grained mafic D HUCKITTA 491654 7422558 20/09/2011 DM ROCK 70750 QZVN QZ "Quartz Vein with tourmaline caps. Fe-rich in places with pits possible after sulphide. 2x0.5-1m wide veins present, roughly striking 025deg. Hosted in felsic gneiss." small hill - mafic pod D HUCKITTA 491490 7422646 20/09/2011 DM ROCK 71151 GAB bt-rich gabbro. Isolated spherical boulders over 30x30m Siderite tourmaline hornblende D HUCKITTA 491184 7422604 20/09/2011 DM ROCK 71152 QZVN QZ "Ferruginous quartz vein. Euhedral pits. 30cm wide, trending N-S" Siderite tourmaline hornblende D HUCKITTA 491214 7422763 20/09/2011 DM ROCK 71153 PEG "Pegmatite. 1m wide, trending E-W" Fe-Mn Gossan D HUCKITTA 491375 7422767 20/09/2011 DM ROCK 71154 QZVN QZ 0.5m wide Quartz vein with weak malachite staining. Trending 030deg. Fe rich pits. Fe-Mn Gossan D HUCKITTA 491375 7422767 20/09/2011 DM ROCK 71155 QZVN QZ 0.5m wide Quartz vein. Trending 030deg. Fe rich pits. Host rock is a gneiss Polly Gossanous horizon D HUCKITTA 491385 7422265 20/09/2011 DM ROCK 71156 QZVN QZ 0.5-1m wide quartz vein with tourmaline cap. Host rock is a mscv-qtz schist. 40-50m in strike length Polly Gossanous horizon EOF 38 355 59 38 VTEM103 - gossanous horizon 5m long x 0.3m wide country rock for background - mafic country rock for background - siliceous gneiss Mn rich sample from between pegmatite and felsic gneiss VTEM108 - gabbro with minor pock marks VTEM108 - felsic gabro rock Niton upto 1500 ppm Cu cruddy biotite felodspar qtz rock 2m wide mineraliation rottern gossanous rock upto 5m goethitic ironstone Rotten gossanous rock on NW side of drainage 1m wide goethitic rock Rotten quartz rich rock with minor boxworks after garnet or sulphide] 1m wide kaolinitic rock and minor Mn-Fe Ox staining. 1m wide kaolinitic rock and minor Mn-Fe Ox staining. 1m wide kaolinitic rock and minor Mn-Fe Ox staining. 1m wide kaolinitic rock and minor Mn-Fe Ox staining. "Residual lag, minor Fe-stone, sampled over GEM anomaly" 58 48 Magnetite rich quartzite 100 "Gossanous qtz vein, ~ 50 cm wide. TOUR and boxworks." "Silicified calcsilicate. Isolated outcrop. Banding subvertical, trends north-south." 60 355 Top of gossan. Sampled. Sample contains malachite. area of sheetwash near VTEM anomaly. "Medium to coarse grained biotite gabbro. Obvious pitting on surface, persumably after sulphides. Up to 1% blebby sulphides found - dominant silver coloured Pyrrhotite with some chalcopyrite" 25 228 unreliable dip. Pitting evident in gabbro samples through here. pitting evident in many samples through here. "Outcropping bt gabbro. Surface appears pitted, persumably after sulphides. Trace Po and CP evident. Jim hit his head here with Hammer. Prospect will now be called HammerHead!" 40 47 "S1 measured on gt, quartzite" Near BA108. Fine grained mafic (dolerite) or re-crystallised gabbro. Slightly magnetic. No signs of mineralisation. This mafic is very large >1km in length and 50-100m in width Dolerite o/c with pits on surface 60 50 approximate location 50 36 near contact with felsic gniess thin gossan ~20cm? gabbro 2m off gniess contact. Gabbro 30m thick here. niton indicates high Ni and Cu. bt-gt gneiss feld-bt-gt gneiss Mafic 50 50 Slightly rotten rock. Ni upto 450ppm from Niton. Niton~200ppm Ni Grungy rock. Niton Ni ~ 200ppm. siliceous gossan 0.1m wide siliceous gossan 0.1m wide siliceous gossan 0.1m wide 35 350 basil trend 3m wide at surface basil trend <1m wide <.5m wide <1m wide 3-4m wide m- silica garnet and fe-ox gossan absured by scree 2m wide 4m wide 3 m wide 5-6m wide 4m wide <1m wide 40 20 S1. Siliceous gossan - Fe-Ox silica +/- garnet "Gossan - FeOx, MnOx. Basil horizon. Quartz vein with Fe-Ox clots to 30cm." QV only. Composite sample of quartz vein and iron oxide material Iron rich amphibolite. Not gossan. Iron rich amphibolite. Not gossan. Minor garnet -quartz rock. 40 65 Ironstone and rotten silica rock. Less than 1m wide zone. less than 1m thick. 1m wide gossan horizon. Fe-Ox rotten silica rock. 2m wide gossan horizon. Fe-Ox. Rotten silica rock. subcrop of lode horizon - fe-ox rich amphibolite + minor GQ "leached silica rock, minor amphibolite" Good gossan subcrop. 2m thick. Obscured by scree Gossanous quartz vein. 1m thick. Quartz vein with malachite and magnetite. 3m thick zone. Malachite rich gossan. Rotten silica garnet rock "1m wide fe-st, leached AMPH" 40 40 Gossanous rotten silica rock. Fe-Ox. !m thick. 1m thick AMPH iron stained amphibolite/ aphibolite garnet rock iron stained amphibolite 2m thick iron stained amphibolite - 2m thick iron stained amphibolite - 2m thick 4m thick rotton siliceous gossan. 2m thick rotten silica rock "float- gossan, fest, QV. Suspect 2m wide" "gossan, feox, 4m thick, suspect thicker due to folding" "Gossan, Gq, Fe Ox (~4m thick)" "Gossan, FeSt, garnet amphibolite" "gossan, silica garnet rock, fe stained AMPH (30cm)." gossan on the edge of a pegmatite Quartz vein with minor ironstone Gossan and QV approx 10m long and 5m wide. 1m wide iron rich amphibolite. Minor GQ. Iron rich amphibolite. 2m thick. "Ferruginous quartz float: weathered Fe-banding on surface only. Host rock is a granulite. Source of quartz float lies ~20m to north, up slope." "Ferruginous quartz float: weathered Fe-banding on surface only. Host rock is a granulite. Source of quartz float lies ~20m to north, up slope." Fe-rich quartz vein sub-crop Fe-rich quartz vein sub-crop "Quartz Vein outcrop ~1m wide, dipping to the north @ 45-50deg" "Quartz Vein outcrop ~1m wide, dipping to the north @ 45-50deg" 20cm wide quartz vein.May be the extension of a pegmatite further to my west but no mica present and fine grained. 20cm wide quartz vein.May be the extension of a pegmatite further to my west but no mica present and fine grained. Mildly ferruginous quartz float Mildly ferruginous quartz float 30 30 S1 measured on nearby amphibolite 30 30 S1 measured on nearby amphibolite 52 308 S1 measured on nearby amphibolite 52 308 S1 measured on nearby amphibolite