H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 9-May-14 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 8-Feb-14 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combind_report_no EL28462 H0101 Tenement_holder May Drilling Pty Ltd H0102 Project_name Giants Reef Conductor H0106 Tenement_operator May Drilling Pty Ltd H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SD5208 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 5070 H0152 50K_map_sheet_number H0153 25K_map_sheet_number H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 10-Jan-14 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 8-Feb-14 H0202 Data_format DL4 H0203 Number_of_data_records 185 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 9-May-14 H0300 Related_data_file H0301 Location_data_file EL28462_2014_C_02_COLL2014C H0302 Lithology_data_file EL28462_2014_C_03_GEO2014C H0303 Assay_data_file EL28462_2014_C_04_ASS2014C H0304 Survey_data_file EL28462_2014_C_05_SURV2014C H0305 SurfGeochem_Data_File H0307 Lithology_code_file H0308 File verification List EL28462_2014_C_08_Verification_List_2014 H0310 Water_data_file H0311 Water data incl in lithology file No H0313 Alteration_data_file H0314 Magsusc_data_file H0315 Vein_data_file EL28462_2014_C_07_VEIN2014C H0316 Recovery_data_file H0317 Weathering_data_file H0318 DHQAQC_data_file H0319 SURFQAQC_data_file H0320 Other event_data_file EL28462_2014_C_06_STRU2014C H0400 Drill_code DDH H0402 Description Diamond Drilling H0900 Remarks H1000 Hole_id Depth From Depth To Description Lithology Grainsize Lith1Qualifier Lith1Texture Lith2 Lith2GrainSize Lith2Qualifier Lith2Texture Lith3 Lith3GrainSize Lith3Texture Weathering Structure Oxidation Column18 H1001 NA metres metres NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA H1004 0 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D MDD003 0 3 "weathered pink-grey coarse grained gritty arenite or greywacke, quartz grain supported, minor micaceous matrix. High core loss (50%)" Sar cg whl mox D MDD003 3 6.4 "as above, less weathered, no core loss" Sar cg wmd wox D MDD003 6.4 12.6 "grey gritty arenite, weathering restricted to joints" Sar cg wsl D MDD003 12.6 15.31 "grey gritty arenite, fresh from here to EOH" Sar cg D MDD003 15.31 15.8 finely laminated grey to dark grey phyllite or siltstone Ssl fg bed D MDD003 15.8 15.9 "as above, broken zone, fault or shear shiny graphitic surfaces" Ssl fg shd D MDD003 15.9 17.3 "medium grained grey arenite, lower contact tectonised" Sar mg D MDD003 17.3 17.4 laminated grey siltstone with dark grey carbonaceous interbeds Ssl fg bed D MDD003 17.4 19.6 coarse grained grey gritty quartz arenite Sar cg D MDD003 19.6 20.4 interbedded fine grained arenite and siltstone Sar fg Ssl bed D MDD003 20.4 26.3 massive grey gritty arenite Sar cg mas D MDD003 26.3 26.9 "silicified grey arenite, minor quartz veining [2%]conjugate to bedding" Sar mg D MDD003 26.9 30.9 massive mg arenite Sar mg mas D MDD003 30.9 31.7 laminated micaceous siltstone Ssl fg bed D MDD003 31.7 34.9 massive medium to coarsegrained arenite/quartz arenite Sar cg mas D MDD003 34.9 35.01 "dark grey shale/phyllite interbed, shearing along contacts" Ssh vfg shd D MDD003 35.01 43.46 "grey arenite, medium to coarse grained, increasingly micaceous (shiny gold coloured muscovite) towards base of interval" Sar cg D MDD003 43.46 49.5 grey laminated micaceous siltstone/phyllite Ssl fg bed D MDD003 49.5 49.9 medium grained arenite Sar mg mas D MDD003 49.9 53.97 laminated grey siltstone/phyllite Ssl fg bed D MDD003 53.97 54.26 "shearzone, laminated, contorted banded quartz mica, trace pyrite" Rsz fg shd D MDD003 54.26 59.8 "finer grained arenite, bedded" Sar fg bed D MDD003 59.8 61.5 dark grey massive shale/phyllite Ssh vfg D MDD003 61.5 79.64 laminated fine grained grey arenite with minor micaceous siltstone interbeds Sar fg Ssl bed D MDD003 79.64 79.82 "as above, weakly silicified" Sar fg bed D MDD003 79.82 81.2 laminated fine grained grey arenite Sar fg bed D MDD003 81.2 82.6 laminated grey silstone Ssl fg bed D MDD003 82.6 90 massive finer grained grey arenite Sar fg mas D MDD003 90 90.6 "laminated silstone, last 10cm deformed, possible weak albite alteration" Ssl fg bed D MDD003 90.6 93.3 massive arenite grading into micaceous siltstone Sar mg Ssl mas D MDD003 93.3 93.5 dark grey carbonaceous shale bed Ssh vfg bed D MDD003 93.5 93.6 "faultzone, crushed carbonaceous shale, 4cm wide quartz in fault centre" Rfz vfg Ssh fau D MDD003 93.6 97 "finer grained arenite, 1/2% quartz veining" Sar fg D MDD003 97 99.4 carbonaceous siltone interbedded with arenite Ssl vfg Sar bed D MDD003 99.4 99.6 "faultzone, crushed carbonaceous shale, includes two laminated quartz veins @3cm each" Rfz vfg Ssl fau D MDD003 99.6 105.87 bedded carbonaceous and micaceous siltstone Ssl fg bed D MDD003 105.87 112.37 "medium grained grey arenite, minor slitstone interbeds" Sar mg mas D MDD003 112.37 114.2 laminated micaceous siltstone /phyllite Ssl fg bed D MDD003 114.2 118.84 medium grained grey arenite Fracturing with minor quartz (0.5%) from 117-118m Sar mg D MDD003 118.84 119.8 "bedded silstone, light grey" Ssl fg bed D MDD003 119.8 121.5 "dark grey shaley siltstone, carbonaceous, weak kspar alteration from 120.4-120.55m" Ssh vfg bed D MDD003 121.5 122.73 laminated grey siltstone Ssl fg bed D MDD003 122.73 126.7 "fg arenite, 123.7-128.3m weak k-spar alteration" Sar fg D MDD003 126.7 127.77 "as above, irregular quartz crackle veining (4 % qz)" Sar fg D MDD003 127.77 131.8 "laminated micaceous siltstone interbedded with fg grey arenite, 1-2% quartz in crackle fractures, broken core, shearing parallel to bedding. @129m minor chalcopyrite-galena in quartz veinlet" Ssl fg bed D MDD003 131.8 131.93 strongly silicified quartz brecciated arenite Sar fg bxa D MDD003 131.93 133.3 massive coarser grained arenite Sar cg mas D MDD003 133.3 134.3 "as above, minor quartz veinlets with ksparmica altered margins at 133.3 and 134.2, 3% quartz over interval" Sar cg mas D MDD003 134.3 139.7 "medium grained arenite with siltier interbeds, 1cm quartz @ 138.1m" Sar mg Ssl bed D MDD003 139.7 140.76 "sericite altered arenite, 2-3% quartz veins perpendicular to bedding" Sar mg D MDD003 140.76 142.8 "laminated micaceous siltstone, " Ssl fg bed D MDD003 142.8 144.31 "medium grained grey quartz arenite, bedded" Sar mg bed D MDD003 144.31 145.3 laminated micaceous siltstone Ssl fg bed D MDD003 145.3 146.27 "medium grained grey quartz arenite, bedded" Sar mg bed D MDD003 146.27 149.2 bedded micaceous siltstone Ssl fg bed D MDD003 149.2 152.4 medium grained silicified quartz arenite Sar mg mas D MDD003 152.4 154 "as above, pale green sericitic alteration" Sar mg mas D MDD003 154 156 medium grained silicified quartz arenite Sar mg mas D MDD003 156 156.67 "bedded arenite, 15% quartz ladder veins of 1cm width" Sar mg Vqz vnd D MDD003 156.67 157.8 "medium grained quartz arenite, 1-2% irregular quartz veins" Sar mg mas D MDD003 157.8 159.73 "variably green sericite altered medium grained arenite,minor quartz crackle fractures" Sar mg D MDD003 159.73 159.79 "quartz vein, massive white with trace pyrite" Vqz D MDD003 159.79 161.81 medium grained massive grey arenite Sar mg mas D MDD003 161.81 162.35 "Fault or shear zone. Rubbly core, minor laminated quartz pyrite (trace) vein" Rfz Vqz shd D MDD003 162.35 162.9 medium grained massive grey arenite Sar mg mas D MDD003 162.9 163.4 "strongly kfp-sericite altered arenite, minor quartz veinlets (1% as 2mm veinlets) perpendicular to bedding, trce blebby pyrite" Sar mg vnd D MDD003 163.4 166.08 "kfp altered arenite, irregular to regular quartz veining, individual veins to 1cm, minor chlorite,trace pyrite and euhedral arsenopyrite in some vein margins. About 15% quartz over interval" Sar mg Vqz vnd D MDD003 166.08 166.48 "micaceous siltstone, sericite altered" Ssl fg bed D MDD003 166.48 166.56 "quartz vein, parallel to bedding, contains some minor chlorite and pyrite" Vqz D MDD003 166.56 169.06 fine grained interbedded arenite and micaceous siltstone Ssl fg Sar bed D MDD003 169.06 169.15 "Quartz-kfp vein, chloritic margins" Vqz D MDD003 169.15 175.8 "interbedded fine grained arenite and micaceous siltstone, becoming increasingly sheared and broken down the interval" Ssl fg Sar fol D MDD003 175.8 175.92 "massive white quartz vein, parallel to bedding" Vqz D MDD003 175.92 178.8 strongly foliated micaceous siltstone/schist; zone of shearing on margin of fault Ssl vfg fol D MDD003 178.8 179.9 Shear with quartz vein fill Vqz shd D MDD003 179.9 180.5 "sericitic arenite, crackle fractured on fault margin,3-4% irregular quartz stringers" Sar mg frc D MDD003 180.5 180.75 "fault with 30% quartz fill, crushed graphitic-chloritic gouge matrix" Rfz Vqz fau D MDD003 180.75 182.2 "fine grained sheared micaceous siltstones, minor kfp alteration patches, minor irregular quartz veinlets with mnor pyrite" Ssl fg shd D MDD003 182.2 182.3 quartz vein with trace pyrite and pyrrhotite Vqz D MDD003 182.3 184.9 "shear/ductile deformation zone, 20% laminated quartz as irregular fault filling veins, minor kfp & strong sericite alteration" Rfz shd D MDD003 184.9 185.8 "sericitic siltstone, minor zones of shearing" Ssl fg shd D MDD003 185.8 187.15 "zone of intense (50%) quartz veining/flooding, strongly kfp and sericite altered margins, traces of euhedral arsenopyrite and pyrite, grey opaques in quartz" Vqz fg Ssl shd D MDD003 187.15 192.4 sericite altered fine grained arenite interbedded with micaceous siltstone Sar fg Ssl bed D MDD003 192.4 193.2 "zone of quartz veining, 25% quartz, trace pyrite" Sar fg Vqz vnd D MDD003 193.2 194.48 "bedded micaceos siltstone, sheared" Ssl fg fol D MDD003 194.48 194.53 "white quartz vein, laminated, parallel to bedding/foliation" Vqz D MDD003 194.53 194.8 "fine grained arenite, micaceous matrix" Sar fg D MDD003 194.8 194.86 white vein quatz with patches of chlorite and minor pyrite Vqz D MDD003 194.86 198.85 massive quartz arenite with minor patchy kfp-sericite alteration Sar mg mas D MDD003 198.85 199.08 "micaceous siltstone/schist, with 20% laminated quartz veins" Ssl fg Vqz fol D MDD003 199.08 204.05 "finer grained arenite, weakly silicified, sericite altered" Sar fg mas D MDD003 204.05 214.75 "micaceous coarse grained gritty arenite, quartz in felted mica groundmass, strong foliated fabric, minor 'mariolitic' quartz, vein boundaries merge into clasts, rare feldspar clasts." Sar cg fol D MDD003 214.75 214.85 "quartz vein/silicic alteration zone, subparallel to foliation" Vqz Sar D MDD003 214.85 215.38 foliated micaceous arenite Sar mg fol D MDD003 215.38 215.54 "as above, zone of quartz veining (20%)" Sar mg Vqz vnd D MDD003 215.54 217.3 fine grained micaceous arenite Sar fg mas D MDD003 217.3 217.5 Intense silicification parallel to bedding; silica flooding or originally cherty zone? Sar fg vnd D MDD003 217.5 218.1 medium grained micaceous arenite Sar mg D MDD003 218.1 219.4 "as above, strong to moderate silicification" Sar mg D MDD003 219.4 220.8 medium grained micaceous arenite Sar mg D MDD003 220.8 225.25 "bedded micaceous siltstone, minor arenite beds" Ssl fg Sar bed D MDD003 225.25 225.76 "white quartz vein, minor mica and kspar in quartz" Vqz D MDD003 225.76 226.7 "laminated micaceous siltstone, 3cm quartz vein at 226.9m" Ssl fg bed D MDD003 226.7 228.8 massive fine grained grey quartz arenite Sar fg mas D MDD003 228.8 229.1 zone of intense silicification centred on 3cm quartz mica vein Sar fg Vqz vnd D MDD003 229.1 230.04 massive fine grained grey quartz arenite Sar fg mas D MDD003 230.04 234 micaceous siltstone with minor arenite interbeds Ssl fg Sar bed D MDD003 234 234.53 silicified sericite altered siltstone Ssl fg D MDD003 234.53 234.7 White quartz vein with trace pyrite Vqz D MDD003 234.7 234.85 silicified siltstone Ssl fg D MDD003 234.85 236.8 "massive medium grained arenite, minor quartz veinlets <1%. End of HQ. " Sar mg mas D MDD003 236.8 237.25 "fine to medium grained arenite, quartz veinet at 236.9m" Sar mg mas D MDD003 237.25 242.38 interbedded siltsone and arenite Ssl fg Sar bed D MDD003 242.38 245.8 "vuggy silicified zone on fault, some clay gouge" Rfz fau D MDD003 245.8 275.81 "grey carbonaceous micaceous siltstone, well bedded, monotonous sequence" Ssl fg bed D MDD003 275.81 275.89 "laminated quartz vein, parallel to bedding, trace pyrite" Vqz D MDD003 275.89 290.5 "grey carbonaceous micaceous siltstone, well bedded, monotonous sequence" Ssl fg bed D MDD003 290.5 291.8 "massive fine grained arenite, micaceous matrix" Sar fg mas D MDD003 291.8 294.95 well laminated micaceous siltstone Ssl fg bed D MDD003 294.95 295.41 massive fine grained arenite Sar fg mas D MDD003 295.41 296.02 bedded micaceous and carbonaceous siltstone Ssl fg bed D MDD003 296.02 296.85 medium grained quartz arenite Sar mg mas D MDD003 296.85 296.9 graphitic shear/faultzone developed along carbonaceous interbed:marks change from micaceous siltstones/schists to carbonaceous siltstone/shale Rfz vfg Ssh shd D MDD003 296.9 297.4 coarse grained gritty arenite with minor cabonaceous shale interbeds Sar cg bed D MDD003 297.4 298.2 "carbonaceous shale, black, minor bedding parallel shearing; " Ssh vfg shd D MDD003 298.2 298.65 "coarse grained quartz arenite, nicaceous matrix, minor quartz veinlets perpendicular to bedding" Sar cg bed D MDD003 298.65 298.85 "carbonaceous shale, black " Ssh vfg bed D MDD003 298.85 299.84 "dark grey coarse grained arenite, weak mm scale quartz veinlets" Sar cg D MDD003 299.84 300.05 sheared graphitic carbonaceous shale Ssh vfg shd D MDD003 300.05 300.63 medium grained micaceous-matrix arenite with 3% quartz veins perpendicular to bedding Sar mg bed D MDD003 300.63 302.12 "bedded carbonaceous shale, arenite interbeds" Ssh vfg Sar bed D MDD003 302.12 305.34 "coarse gritty quartz rich arenite, fragmental, some albitised clasts, minor shale bed at 303.88" Sar cg bed D MDD003 305.34 305.44 Quartz vein with abundant brown tourmaline crystals and rare kfp Vqz D MDD003 305.44 306.01 "very coarse gritty/conglomeratic arenite, clast mostly quartz with some carbonaceous shale clsts" Scg vcg D MDD003 306.01 306.93 "nterbedded carbonaceous siltstone and shale, 1-2% irregular quartz veinlets" Ssl vfg Ssh bed D MDD003 306.93 307.34 "coarse grained quartz arenite, somewhat silicified" Sar cg D MDD003 307.34 308 "interbedded shale and medium grained arenite, minor qtz-pyrite stringers(1%) mostly parallel to bedding" Ssh vfg Ssl bed D MDD003 308 311.85 "coarse grained gritty arenite, graphitic shale beds at 309.1-309.25m.Silica-sericite alteration frm 308-308.4 " Sar cg bed D MDD003 311.85 311.9 "s above, but leached, vuggy zone, possible minor fault" Sar cg fau D MDD003 311.9 320.1 "coarse gritty arenite, 2% quartz veining as sparse 1-2cm wide qz-kfp-mica veins" Sar cg D MDD003 320.1 320.5 "very coarse gritty/conglomeratic arenite, clasts to 1cm, quartz dominant but also shale,feldspar fragments. Locally silicified-quartz flooded" Scg vcg D MDD003 320.5 320.6 quartz vein/silica flooding; vein margins blend into conglomerate matrix Vqz D MDD003 320.6 321.1 "medium grained arenite, intense sericie alteration,abundant irregular quartz ladder veining(10% qz)" Sar mg vnd D MDD003 321.1 322.45 "fine to medium grained arenite, massive, weakly silicified" Sar mg D MDD003 322.45 322.52 "Quartz vein, white, emplaced along siltstone bedding" Vqz D MDD003 322.52 322.7 laminated silstones Ssl fg bed D MDD003 322.7 323.1 fine grained massive arenite Sar fg mas D MDD003 323.1 323.27 "sheared graphitic shale interbed, 1cm quartz vein with minor pyrite,arsenopyrite alng upper contact" Ssh vfg Vqz shd D MDD003 323.27 326.7 "coarse gritty arenite , 10cm carbonaceous shale interval at 324.6m, 2-3cm quartz veins at 325.15 and 325.95m" Sar cg bed D MDD003 326.7 327.21 coarse gritty arenite Sar cg mas D MDD003 327.21 327.4 bedded carbonaceous siltstones Ssl fg bed D MDD003 327.4 328.3 coarse gritty arenite Sar cg mas D MDD003 328.3 330.83 coarse gritty arenite numerous veins from 1-8cm (10% quartz). Strong sericite alteration on vein margins Sar cg Vqz vnd D MDD003 330.83 331.35 massive white quartz vein Vqz D MDD003 331.35 332.32 "coarse gritty arenite, 4% vein quartz as irregular 1cm wide veinlets" Sar cg vnd D MDD003 332.32 333.44 fine grained micaceous arenite Sar fg mas D MDD003 333.44 335.1 "strong sericite-silica, quartz flooded arenite, 8% quartz in irregular fractures with intensely altered margins" Sar cg Vqz vnd D MDD003 335.1 336.03 very coarse grained conglomeratic moderateley silicified arenite Scg vcg D MDD003 336.03 336.15 "Quartz vein, white quartz with albitic margins" Vqz D MDD003 336.15 336.5 "highly silicified conglomeratic/gritty arenite, quartz dominant with some angular shale and feldspar clasts" Scg vcg D MDD003 336.5 336.75 "Quartz vein white, minor mica, irregular" Vqz D MDD003 336.75 337.42 very coarse grained basal grit or conglomerate Scg vcg bed D MDD003 337.42 342.3 "medium to coarse gritty arenite, poorly graded, alternating medium and gritty beds, possibly fining up-hole" Sar cg bed D MDD003 342.3 344.8 "as above, strong sericite-kfp ?alteration associated with quartz-kfp-chlorite-pyrite veining (6%)" Sar cg D MDD003 344.8 346.01 "coarser conglomeratic arenite, abundnt shale clasts, carbonaceous matrix, trace disseminated pyrite. 6 cm quartz vein @ 345.5m" Scg vcg D MDD003 346.01 350.95 bedded carbonaceous shale and siltstone Ssh vfg Ssl bed D MDD003 350.95 350.98 White vein quartz Vqz D MDD003 350.98 353.88 bedded carbonaceous shale and siltstone Ssh vfg Ssl bed D MDD003 353.88 354.05 graphitic shearzone developed in carbonaceous shale bed Ssh vfg shd D MDD003 354.05 356.8 "bedded carbonaceous siltstone, shale and fine grained arenite" Ssh vfg Sar bed D MDD003 356.8 357.18 graphitic shearzone developed in carbonaceous shale bed Ssh vfg shd D MDD003 357.18 358.2 massive fine grained arenite Sar fg mas D MDD003 358.2 358.4 graphitic shearzone developed in carbonaceous shale bed Ssh vfg shd D MDD003 358.4 359.1 carbonaceous siltstone Ssl fg bed D MDD003 359.1 359.4 "Fault, graphitic, silicified" Rfz fau D MDD003 359.4 361.75 fine grained arenite with interbeds of carbonaceous shale/phyllite Sar fg Ssh bed D MDD003 361.75 362.78 "black carbonceous shale, some quartz ladder veins (0.5%) minor 4cm offsets along veins" Ssh vfg D MDD003 362.78 362.98 Quartz +_kfp vein Vqz D MDD003 362.98 363.5 graphitic shear/fault. 1-3% pyite associated with irregular quartz fault fill Rfz shd D MDD003 363.5 363.9 "quartz veined carbonaceous siltstone, 10% quartz irregular but subparallel to core axis" Ssl fg Vqz bed D MDD003 363.9 384.5 "intercalated carbonaceous siltstone, shale and minor arenite. Graphitic shears at 369.9 and 372.5m" Ssl fg Ssh bed D MDD003 384.5 394.93 "carbonaceous shale, well bedded, graphitic shear at 385.5-385.6m, 10cm quartz kfp vein at 389.3m" Ssh vfg bed D MDD003 394.93 396.97 medium grained to gritty arenite Sar mg mas D MDD003 396.97 397.92 "bedded carbonaceous shale, minor crosscutting quartz (1%)." Ssh vfg bed D MDD003 397.92 401.7 "Medium grained arenite, 1-2% quartz as 50cm spaced veinset. EOH" Sar mg mas EOF