H0002 Version 3 H0003 Date_generated 20-Apr-2011 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combined_rept_no. EL25367 H0101 Tenement_holder Uramet Minerals H0102 Project_name Mount Skinner H0106 Tenement_operator Uramet H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SF 53-10 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 5753 H0152 50K_map_sheet_number H0153 25K_map_sheet_number H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 21-Feb-2007 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 13-Jan-2011 H0202 Data_format DL1 H0203 Number_of_data_records 1908 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 20-Apr-2011 H0301 location_data_file EL25367_2011_F_03_DrillCollars.txt H0302 lithology_data_file EL25367_2011_F_06_Lithologylogs.txt H0303 assay_data_file EL25367_2011_F_05_DownholeGeochem.txt H0307 lithology_code_file EL25367_2011_F_07_LithologyCodes.txt H0308 file_verification_list EL25367_2011_F_11_Filelisting.txt H0400 Drill_code AC H0401 Drill_contractor Arrinooka Drilling H0402 Description Aircore Drilling H0502 Vertical_datum local 0 H0532 Surveying_instrument Downhole depth H0533 Surveying_company H0900 Remarks H1000 Hole_id From To Recovery Lithology Notes H1001 metres metres H1004 D WAC0002 21.00 22.00 g Sst sst bleached w mn veins D WAC0002 22.00 23.00 g Sst sst bleached w clay D WAC0002 20.00 21.00 g Sst sst damp w min mn D WAC0002 19.00 20.00 g Sst sst damp well rounded D WAC0002 18.00 19.00 g Sst sst damp w mod qtz and mn D WAC0002 17.00 18.00 g Sst sst damp D WAC0002 16.00 17.00 g Sst sst damp D WAC0002 15.00 16.00 g Sst sst motteld calcrete D WAC0002 14.00 15.00 g Sst sst mottled calcrete D WAC0002 13.00 14.00 g Rca calcrete mottled w sst D WAC0002 12.00 13.00 g Rsi silcrete mxd w calcrete D WAC0002 11.00 12.00 g Rsi cream silcrete D WAC0002 3.00 4.00 g Rca calcrete w pk and green grains D WAC0002 23.00 24.00 g Sst sst bleached w fericrete charts. EOH D WAC0002 10.00 11.00 g Rsi br opalised silcrete D WAC0002 2.00 3.00 p Rca calcrete slightly damp D WAC0002 0.00 1.00 g Rca calcrete D WAC0002 4.00 5.00 g Rca calcrete w min sst grains D WAC0002 5.00 6.00 g Rca calcrete wh massive D WAC0002 6.00 7.00 g Rca calcrete wh massive D WAC0002 7.00 8.00 g Rca calcrete mxd w silcrete D WAC0002 8.00 9.00 g Rca br opalised w calcrete mxd w silcrete 200cps D WAC0002 9.00 10.00 g Rca br opalised calcrete w silcrete D WAC0002 1.00 2.00 g Rca calcrete D WAC0003 9.00 10.00 g Rca nodules maybe D WAC0003 8.00 9.00 g Rca D WAC0003 7.00 8.00 g Rca qtz. fericrete clasts D WAC0003 0.00 1.00 g Rso soil. possible shell framents D WAC0003 1.00 2.00 g Rso few black grains D WAC0003 2.00 3.00 p Rso clear qtz present D WAC0003 3.00 4.00 g Rso calcrete nodules D WAC0003 10.00 11.00 g Rca green cement around brown clasts D WAC0003 5.00 6.00 g Rca possible dark opal D WAC0003 18.00 19.00 g Rsn ccr and pyr almost equal D WAC0003 4.00 5.00 g Rca a few white flecks D WAC0003 11.00 12.00 g Rca chips flat. possible lamination D WAC0003 12.00 13.00 g Rca D WAC0003 13.00 14.00 g Rca some sand D WAC0003 14.00 15.00 g Rsn D WAC0003 15.00 16.00 g Rsn D WAC0003 17.00 18.00 g Rsn D WAC0003 19.00 20.00 g Sst fe conglomerations D WAC0003 20.00 21.00 g Sst fe conglomerations. EOH D WAC0003 6.00 7.00 g Rca mn infill D WAC0003 16.00 17.00 g Rsn few bkpkwh chunks D WAC0004 4.00 5.00 g Rca calcrete opalised brown D WAC0004 14.00 15.00 g Sst sandstone w coarser qtz grains D WAC0004 3.00 4.00 g Rca calcrete redish cream D WAC0004 21.00 22.00 g Sst sandstone homogeneous. EOH D WAC0004 20.00 21.00 g Sst sandstone yellow brown homogeneous D WAC0004 19.00 20.00 g Sst sandstone yellow brown homogeneous D WAC0004 17.00 18.00 g Sst sandstone w black spots D WAC0004 15.00 16.00 g Sst sandstone w coarser qtz grains D WAC0004 12.00 13.00 g Sst sandstone w min opalisation D WAC0004 13.00 14.00 g Sst sandstone w black spots D WAC0004 5.00 6.00 g Rca opalised calcrete w sst chunks D WAC0004 11.00 12.00 g Sst sandstone w min ccr and slc D WAC0004 10.00 11.00 g Sst sandstone w min ccr and slc D WAC0004 9.00 10.00 g Rsi silcrete mxd w calcrete opalised D WAC0004 8.00 9.00 g Rsi silcrete mx w calcrete D WAC0004 7.00 8.00 g Rca calcrete silicified D WAC0004 6.00 7.00 g Rca opalised ccr mottled w sst D WAC0004 16.00 17.00 g Sst sandstone w black rounded clasts D WAC0004 1.00 2.00 g Rca calcrete w black spots D WAC0004 0.00 1.00 g Rso soil cover red w qtz D WAC0004 18.00 19.00 g Sst sandstone w black minerals D WAC0004 2.00 3.00 g Rca calcrete redish cream D WAC0005 14.00 15.00 g Sst sandstone on water table D WAC0005 4.00 5.00 g Rca calcrete w reddish colour D WAC0005 5.00 6.00 g Rca calcrete enclosing qtz grains D WAC0005 6.00 7.00 g Rca calcrete massive D WAC0005 7.00 8.00 g Rca calcrete w black dentrites D WAC0005 8.00 9.00 g Rca min calcrete cementing sst D WAC0005 9.00 10.00 g Sst mottled sst ccr mix D WAC0005 10.00 11.00 g Sst sandstone homogeneous D WAC0005 11.00 12.00 g Sst sandstone homogeneous D WAC0005 13.00 14.00 g Sst sandstone homogeneous D WAC0005 1.00 2.00 p Rso red soil cover D WAC0005 15.00 16.00 g Sst sandstone w black grains D WAC0005 16.00 17.00 g Sst sandstone w black grains D WAC0005 17.00 18.00 g Sst sandstone w min black stuff D WAC0005 18.00 19.00 g Sst sandstone homogeneous D WAC0005 19.00 20.00 g Sst sandstone homogeneous D WAC0005 20.00 21.00 g Sst sandstone w black clasts. EOH D WAC0005 12.00 13.00 g Sst sandstone homogeneous D WAC0005 0.00 1.00 p Rso red soil cover D WAC0005 2.00 3.00 p Rso red soil cover D WAC0005 3.00 4.00 g Rca red soil mxd w calcrete D WAC0006 14.00 15.00 g Sst sandstone homogeneous D WAC0006 5.00 6.00 g Rca D WAC0006 23.00 24.00 g Sst sandstone w black dentrites. EOH D WAC0006 22.00 23.00 g Sst sandstone homogeneous D WAC0006 21.00 22.00 g Sst sandstone homogeneous D WAC0006 20.00 21.00 g Sst sandstone homogeneous D WAC0006 19.00 20.00 g Sst sandstone homogeneous D WAC0006 18.00 19.00 g Sst sandstone homogeneous D WAC0006 17.00 18.00 g Sst sandstone homogeneous D WAC0006 15.00 16.00 g Sst sandstone homogeneous D WAC0006 13.00 14.00 g Sst sandstone homogeneous D WAC0006 12.00 13.00 g Sst sandstone homogeneous D WAC0006 11.00 12.00 g Sst sandstone homogeneous D WAC0006 10.00 11.00 g Sst fe cement loose D WAC0006 9.00 10.00 g Sst fe cement loose D WAC0006 8.00 9.00 g Sst fe cement loose D WAC0006 7.00 8.00 g Rca some clay? D WAC0006 4.00 5.00 g Rca D WAC0006 16.00 17.00 g Sst sandstone homogeneous D WAC0006 2.00 3.00 p Rso D WAC0006 1.00 2.00 p Rso D WAC0006 0.00 1.00 p Rso D WAC0006 6.00 7.00 g Rca fine bk cementation D WAC0006 3.00 4.00 g Rca D WAC0007 18.00 19.00 g Sst sandstone homogeneous D WAC0007 7.00 8.00 g Sst sandstone homogeneous D WAC0007 8.00 9.00 g Sst sandstone homogeneous D WAC0007 9.00 10.00 g Sst sandstone homogeneous D WAC0007 10.00 11.00 g Sst sandstone homogeneous D WAC0007 11.00 12.00 g Sst sandstone homogeneous D WAC0007 12.00 13.00 g Sst sandstone homogeneous D WAC0007 13.00 14.00 g Sst sandstone homogeneous D WAC0007 14.00 15.00 g Sst sandstone homogeneous D WAC0007 15.00 16.00 g Sst sandstone homogeneous D WAC0007 6.00 7.00 g Sst mottled sst ccr D WAC0007 17.00 18.00 g Sst sandstone homogeneous D WAC0007 2.00 3.00 p Rso red soil cover D WAC0007 19.00 20.00 g Sst sandstone w black clasts D WAC0007 20.00 21.00 g Sst sandstone w black clasts D WAC0007 21.00 22.00 g Sst sandstone w fericrete clasts D WAC0007 22.00 23.00 g Sst sandstone w fericrete clasts D WAC0007 23.00 24.00 g Sst sandstone w fericrete clasts D WAC0007 24.00 25.00 g Sst sandstone w fericrete clasts D WAC0007 25.00 26.00 g Sst sandstone w fericrete clasts D WAC0007 26.00 27.00 g Sst sandstone w rounded grains. EOH D WAC0007 16.00 17.00 g Sst sandstone homogeneous D WAC0007 3.00 4.00 g Rca calcrete w black dentrites D WAC0007 1.00 2.00 p Rso red soil cover D WAC0007 0.00 1.00 p Rso red soil cover D WAC0007 5.00 6.00 g Rca calcrete w black dentrites D WAC0007 4.00 5.00 g Rca calcrete w black dentrites D WAC0008 8.00 9.00 g Sst sst brown D WAC0008 17.00 18.00 g Sst sst homogeneous D WAC0008 15.00 16.00 g Sst sst w feri charts and black grains D WAC0008 14.00 15.00 g Sst sst brown w black grains D WAC0008 1.00 2.00 p Rso soil cover D WAC0008 13.00 14.00 g Sst sst w black grains and feri charts D WAC0008 16.00 17.00 g Sst sst w min ccr D WAC0008 12.00 13.00 g Sst sst brown w black grains D WAC0008 11.00 12.00 g Sst sst brown w black grains D WAC0008 9.00 10.00 g Sst sst brown w black grains D WAC0008 7.00 8.00 g Sst sst w min ccr D WAC0008 6.00 7.00 g Rca calcreted sst D WAC0008 5.00 6.00 g Rca calcrete massive. abandoned hole EOH D WAC0008 4.00 5.00 g Rca calcrete pinkish D WAC0008 3.00 4.00 g Rca calcrete cementing soil D WAC0008 2.00 3.00 p Rso soil cover mxd w loose calcrete D WAC0008 10.00 11.00 g Sst sst brown w black grains D WAC0008 0.00 1.00 p Rso soil cover D WAC0009 10.00 11.00 g Sst sst br w min black grains D WAC0009 2.00 3.00 g Rca calcrete mxd w coarse soil D WAC0009 3.00 4.00 g Rca calcrete mxd w green pinkish sst D WAC0009 4.00 5.00 g Rca ccr well cemented sst D WAC0009 5.00 6.00 g Rca ccr well cemented pk sst D WAC0009 6.00 7.00 g Rca ccr mottled sst D WAC0009 7.00 8.00 g Sst sst well rounded D WAC0009 1.00 2.00 p Rso red soil D WAC0009 9.00 10.00 g Sst sst w ccr and feri grains D WAC0009 11.00 12.00 g Sst sst homogeneous D WAC0009 12.00 13.00 g Sst sst homogeneous w black grains D WAC0009 13.00 14.00 g Sst sst homogeneous D WAC0009 14.00 15.00 g Sst sst homogeneous D WAC0009 15.00 16.00 g Sst sst homogeneous D WAC0009 16.00 17.00 g Sst sst homogeneous D WAC0009 8.00 9.00 g Sst sst well rounded w black grains D WAC0009 17.00 18.00 g Sst sst homogeneous. EOH D WAC0009 0.00 1.00 p Rso red soil D WAC0035 3.00 4.00 g Rca massive calcrete D WAC0035 4.00 5.00 g Rca massive calcrete slightly opalised D WAC0035 5.00 6.00 g Rca calcrete minor opalised D WAC0035 6.00 7.00 g Rca calcrete opalised D WAC0035 1.00 2.00 g Rca massive calcrete D WAC0035 2.00 3.00 g Rca massive calcrete D WAC0035 10.00 11.00 g Sst sst minor cemented D WAC0035 7.00 8.00 g Rca calcrete minor silicified cx D WAC0035 11.00 12.00 g Sst sst minor cemented D WAC0035 12.00 13.00 g Sst sst minor cemented D WAC0035 13.00 14.00 g Rsn sand water table D WAC0035 14.00 15.00 g Rsn sand rounded EOH D WAC0035 0.00 1.00 g Rca massive calcrete D WAC0035 8.00 9.00 g Rca calcrete w min sst D WAC0035 9.00 10.00 g Rca calcrete minor opalised D WAC0036 5.00 6.00 g Rca some light br opal cement D WAC0036 1.00 2.00 g Rca some rown cement D WAC0036 2.00 3.00 g Rca massve ccr D WAC0036 4.00 5.00 g Rca massive ccr poss light si cement D WAC0036 0.00 1.00 g Rca nodular recemented D WAC0036 6.00 7.00 g Rca lots bropal light And dark D WAC0036 7.00 8.00 g Rca opal discrete grains D WAC0036 9.00 10.00 g Rca opal cement ca D WAC0036 10.00 11.00 g Rca brown nodules and poor fe cement ss D WAC0036 11.00 12.00 g Rsn river sand w trc fe cemen D WAC0036 12.00 13.00 g Rsn river sand more fe cement D WAC0036 13.00 14.00 g Rsn river sand more fe cement D WAC0036 8.00 9.00 g Rca less opal D WAC0036 3.00 4.00 g Rca massve ccr D WAC0036 14.00 15.00 g Rsn river sand w trc fe cement D WAC0037 13.00 14.00 g Rsn poorly feruginized river sand D WAC0037 9.00 10.00 g Rca opalized cemented massive ccr D WAC0037 10.00 11.00 g Rca rounded ccr D WAC0037 11.00 12.00 g Rca rounded ccr D WAC0037 17.00 18.00 g Rsn green, fe cement D WAC0037 16.00 17.00 g Rsn poor green noncalc cement D WAC0037 14.00 15.00 g Rsn poorly feruginized river sand D WAC0037 8.00 9.00 g Rca trc opal, D WAC0037 15.00 16.00 g Rsn poorly feruginized river sand D WAC0037 7.00 8.00 g Rca opalized cemented massive ccr D WAC0037 6.00 7.00 g Rca opalized cemented massive ccr D WAC0037 5.00 6.00 g Rca less opal D WAC0037 4.00 5.00 g Rca opalized cemented massive ccr D WAC0037 3.00 4.00 g Rca opalized cemented massive ccr D WAC0037 2.00 3.00 g Rca recemented ccr trc br opal D WAC0037 0.00 1.00 g Rca recemented pkwh ccr D WAC0037 12.00 13.00 g Rsn poorly feruginized river sand D WAC0037 1.00 2.00 g Rca recemented ccr w fe stain on grains D WAC0038 14.00 15.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0038 38.00 39.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0038 28.00 29.00 g Rsn sand w greenish bits D WAC0038 27.00 28.00 g Rsn sand w greenish bits D WAC0038 26.00 27.00 g Rsn sand w qtz D WAC0038 25.00 26.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0038 24.00 25.00 g Rsn sand w ccr bits D WAC0038 23.00 24.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0038 22.00 23.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0038 21.00 22.00 g Rsn sand greenish D WAC0038 20.00 21.00 g Sst sst cementation D WAC0038 19.00 20.00 g Rsn sand mottled w ccr D WAC0038 18.00 19.00 g Rsn sand mottled w ccr D WAC0038 17.00 18.00 g Rsn sand w some ccr bits D WAC0038 12.00 13.00 g Rca ccr mxd w sst mottled D WAC0038 15.00 16.00 g Rsn sand redbrown D WAC0038 0.00 1.00 g Rca cemented nodular ccr- br leathery stuff- from rig? D WAC0038 13.00 14.00 g Sst sst mxd w ccr mottled D WAC0038 11.00 12.00 g Rca ccr mxd w dolocrete D WAC0038 10.00 11.00 g Rca opal cement darker again D WAC0038 9.00 10.00 g Rca opal lighter color D WAC0038 8.00 9.00 g Rca opalized wh ccr, opal subeq D WAC0038 7.00 8.00 g Rca opalized wh ccr D WAC0038 6.00 7.00 g Rca opalized wh ccr D WAC0038 5.00 6.00 g Rca massive ccr D WAC0038 4.00 5.00 g Rca massive ccr D WAC0038 3.00 4.00 g Rca massive ccr D WAC0038 2.00 3.00 g Rca massive ccr D WAC0038 1.00 2.00 g Rca cemented nodulat ccr D WAC0038 16.00 17.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0038 63.00 64.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0038 54.00 55.00 g Rsn green sand D WAC0038 70.00 71.00 g Sst grey red sst D WAC0038 69.00 70.00 g Sst limy sandstone D WAC0038 68.00 69.00 g Sst limy sandstone D WAC0038 67.00 68.00 g Sst limy sandstone D WAC0038 66.00 67.00 g Rsn grey sand D WAC0038 72.00 73.00 g Sst grey yellowbrown sst D WAC0038 64.00 65.00 g Rsn sand w ferricrete D WAC0038 73.00 74.00 g Sst grey brown sst D WAC0038 62.00 63.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0038 61.00 62.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0038 60.00 61.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0038 59.00 60.00 g Rsn sand w clay and many green olivine? D WAC0038 58.00 59.00 g Rsn sand w dcr? Green min D WAC0038 36.00 37.00 g Rsn sand w some clay D WAC0038 56.00 57.00 g Rsn yellow sand D WAC0038 65.00 66.00 g Rsn sand w ferricrete D WAC0038 81.00 82.00 g Rsn clay sand D WAC0038 44.00 45.00 g Rsn sand w some cementation D WAC0038 45.00 46.00 g Rsn quartz sand D WAC0038 87.00 88.00 g Rcy kaolinite. EOH D WAC0038 86.00 87.00 g Rcy kaolinite D WAC0038 85.00 86.00 g Rcy kaolinite D WAC0038 84.00 85.00 g Rcy Rcy D WAC0038 71.00 72.00 g Sst grey red sst D WAC0038 82.00 83.00 g Rcy sandy clay D WAC0038 55.00 56.00 g Rsn green yellow sand D WAC0038 80.00 81.00 g Rsn clay sand D WAC0038 79.00 80.00 g Rsn quartz sand D WAC0038 78.00 79.00 g Rsn sand w conglomerate D WAC0038 77.00 78.00 g Rsn grey sand slightly cemented D WAC0038 76.00 77.00 g Rsn grey angular sand contains basement D WAC0038 75.00 76.00 g Sst grey goethite sst D WAC0038 74.00 75.00 g Sst grey goethite sst D WAC0038 83.00 84.00 g Rsn clay sand D WAC0038 33.00 34.00 g Rsn quartz sand D WAC0038 30.00 31.00 g Rsn quartz sand D WAC0038 57.00 58.00 g Rsn sand w min dol? D WAC0038 32.00 33.00 g Rsn quartz sand D WAC0038 53.00 54.00 g Rsn green sand w ferricrete D WAC0038 34.00 35.00 g Rsn quartz sand D WAC0038 35.00 36.00 g Rsn sand w some clay D WAC0038 29.00 30.00 g Rsn quartz sand D WAC0038 37.00 38.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0038 39.00 40.00 g Rsn sand w some clay D WAC0038 40.00 41.00 g Rsn sand w some clay D WAC0038 51.00 52.00 g Rfc ferricrete D WAC0038 31.00 32.00 g Rsn quartz sand D WAC0038 41.00 42.00 g Rsn sand w clay D WAC0038 52.00 53.00 g Rfc ferricrete D WAC0038 50.00 51.00 g Rsn sand w ferricrete D WAC0038 49.00 50.00 g Rsn sand w ferricrete D WAC0038 48.00 49.00 g Rsn sand w min ferricrete D WAC0038 47.00 48.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0038 46.00 47.00 g Rsn sand w white clay D WAC0038 43.00 44.00 g Rsn sand w some cementation D WAC0038 42.00 43.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0039 3.00 4.00 g Rca calcrete cx w br matrix D WAC0039 14.00 15.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0039 2.00 3.00 g Rca calcrete creamy D WAC0039 1.00 2.00 g Rca calcrete D WAC0039 0.00 1.00 g Rca calcrete D WAC0039 12.00 13.00 g Rca ccr sand opalised D WAC0039 11.00 12.00 g Rca opalised ccr D WAC0039 10.00 11.00 g Rca opalised ccr D WAC0039 13.00 14.00 g Rsn sand cemented D WAC0039 9.00 10.00 g Rca opalised ccr D WAC0039 8.00 9.00 g Rca opalised ccr D WAC0039 7.00 8.00 g Rca ccr dcr minor opalised D WAC0039 6.00 7.00 g Rca ccr dcr minor opalised D WAC0039 4.00 5.00 g Rca calcrete cx w br matrix D WAC0039 16.00 17.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0039 15.00 16.00 g Rsn rounded sand D WAC0039 17.00 18.00 g Rsn quartz sand D WAC0039 5.00 6.00 g Rca calcrete mx w dolocrete D WAC0040 8.00 9.00 g Rca ccr dcr w minor clay D WAC0040 14.00 15.00 g Rsn sand. EOH D WAC0040 13.00 14.00 g Rca ccr sand mix D WAC0040 12.00 13.00 g Rca opalised ccr dcr mix D WAC0040 11.00 12.00 g Rca opalised ccr dcr mix D WAC0040 0.00 1.00 p Rca silicified calcrete D WAC0040 9.00 10.00 g Rca calcrete D WAC0040 1.00 2.00 p Rca silicified calcrete D WAC0040 7.00 8.00 g Rca ccr mx w white clay D WAC0040 6.00 7.00 g Rca ccr mx w white clay D WAC0040 5.00 6.00 g Rca ccr mx w white clay D WAC0040 4.00 5.00 g Rca opalised ccr D WAC0040 3.00 4.00 g Rca calcrete silcrete mix D WAC0040 2.00 3.00 g Rca calcrete brownish D WAC0040 10.00 11.00 g Rca opalised ccr D WAC0060 3.00 4.00 g Rso red soil D WAC0060 11.00 12.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0060 5.00 6.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0060 14.00 15.00 g Rsn sand EOH D WAC0060 12.00 13.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0060 10.00 11.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0060 9.00 10.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0060 8.00 9.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0060 7.00 8.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0060 6.00 7.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0060 4.00 5.00 g Rso red soil D WAC0060 2.00 3.00 g Rso soil mxd w ccr D WAC0060 1.00 2.00 p Rso red soil D WAC0060 0.00 1.00 p Rso red soil D WAC0060 13.00 14.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0061 8.00 9.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0061 7.00 8.00 g Rca snd mxd w ccr D WAC0061 0.00 1.00 p Rso red soil D WAC0061 1.00 2.00 p Rso red soil D WAC0061 2.00 3.00 p Rso red soil D WAC0061 3.00 4.00 p Rso red soil D WAC0061 4.00 5.00 p Rso red soil D WAC0061 5.00 6.00 p Rso red soil D WAC0061 9.00 10.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0061 10.00 11.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0061 11.00 12.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0061 12.00 13.00 g Rsn sand water table D WAC0061 13.00 14.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0061 14.00 15.00 g Rsn sand EOH D WAC0061 6.00 7.00 g Rso soil mxd w clay D WAC0062 3.00 4.00 g Rso soil w ccr bits D WAC0062 13.00 14.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0062 12.00 13.00 g Rsn sand EOH D WAC0062 11.00 12.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0062 10.00 11.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0062 9.00 10.00 g Rsn snd mxd w ccr D WAC0062 8.00 9.00 g Rsn snd mxd w ccr D WAC0062 7.00 8.00 g Rsn snd mxd w ccr D WAC0062 6.00 7.00 g Rsn snd mxd w ccr D WAC0062 4.00 5.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0062 14.00 15.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0062 2.00 3.00 p Rso soil w ccr bits D WAC0062 1.00 2.00 p Rso red soil D WAC0062 0.00 1.00 p Rso red soil D WAC0062 5.00 6.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0063 12.00 13.00 g Rsn sand water table D WAC0063 7.00 8.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0063 14.00 15.00 g Rsn sand EOH D WAC0063 0.00 1.00 p Rso red soil D WAC0063 1.00 2.00 p Rso red soil D WAC0063 2.00 3.00 g Rso weathered calcrete D WAC0063 3.00 4.00 g Rso weathered calcrete D WAC0063 4.00 5.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0063 6.00 7.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0063 8.00 9.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0063 9.00 10.00 g Sst mottled calcrete D WAC0063 10.00 11.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0063 11.00 12.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0063 13.00 14.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0063 5.00 6.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0067 11.00 12.00 g Rca ccr mxd w silcrete D WAC0067 14.00 15.00 g Rsn sand EOH D WAC0067 13.00 14.00 g Sst mottled calcrete D WAC0067 12.00 13.00 g Rca opalised calcrete D WAC0067 1.00 2.00 g Rca calcrete D WAC0067 10.00 11.00 g Rca ccr mxd w silcrete D WAC0067 9.00 10.00 g Rca ccr mxd w silcrete D WAC0067 8.00 9.00 g Rca ccr mxd w silcrete 200cps D WAC0067 7.00 8.00 g Rca ccr mxd w silcrete 200cps D WAC0067 6.00 7.00 g Rsi silcrete D WAC0067 5.00 6.00 g Rsi silcrete D WAC0067 4.00 5.00 g Rca calcrete reddish D WAC0067 3.00 4.00 g Rca calcrete reddish D WAC0067 2.00 3.00 g Rca calcrete D WAC0067 0.00 1.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0068 3.00 4.00 g Rca calcrete D WAC0068 12.00 13.00 g Sst mottled ccr D WAC0068 11.00 12.00 g Rsi silcrete D WAC0068 10.00 11.00 g Rsi silcrete D WAC0068 9.00 10.00 g Rsi silcrete D WAC0068 8.00 9.00 g Rsi silcrete D WAC0068 7.00 8.00 g Rca opalised calcrete D WAC0068 14.00 15.00 g Rsn sand EOH D WAC0068 6.00 7.00 g Rca opalised calcrete D WAC0068 1.00 2.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0068 4.00 5.00 g Rca calcrete D WAC0068 0.00 1.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0068 2.00 3.00 g Rca calcrete D WAC0068 13.00 14.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0068 5.00 6.00 g Rca opalised calcrete D WAC0088 0.00 1.00 p Rso D WAC0088 17.00 18.00 g Rsn rnd nodules in sand, some clay D WAC0088 9.00 10.00 g Rca pink grey ccr w dk clast D WAC0088 1.00 2.00 g Rso D WAC0088 3.00 4.00 g Rso some clay D WAC0088 4.00 5.00 g Rso some clay D WAC0088 5.00 6.00 g Rso some clay, ccr nodules D WAC0088 6.00 7.00 g Rso some clay, ccr nodules D WAC0088 2.00 3.00 g Rso D WAC0088 8.00 9.00 g Rca pink grey ccr w dk clast D WAC0088 16.00 17.00 g Rsn rnd nodules in sand D WAC0088 10.00 11.00 g Rsn yellowbrown sand wth some br cement D WAC0088 11.00 12.00 g Rsn yellowbrown sand wth some br cement D WAC0088 12.00 13.00 g Rsn yellowbrown sand wth some br cement D WAC0088 13.00 14.00 g Rsn rnd nodules in sand D WAC0088 14.00 15.00 g Rsn rnd nodules in sand D WAC0088 15.00 16.00 g Rsn rnd nodules in sand D WAC0088 7.00 8.00 g Rca D WAC0089 5.00 6.00 g Rso some clay esent D WAC0089 6.00 7.00 g Rca pink ccr w bk vein br cst D WAC0089 0.00 1.00 p Rso D WAC0089 1.00 2.00 p Rso D WAC0089 2.00 3.00 g Rso D WAC0089 3.00 4.00 g Rso D WAC0089 13.00 14.00 g Rsn br cement D WAC0089 7.00 8.00 g Rca gr ccr w bk vein D WAC0089 8.00 9.00 g Rca gr ccr w bk vein D WAC0089 9.00 10.00 g Rca massive ccr D WAC0089 10.00 11.00 g Rca ccr nodules w clay D WAC0089 11.00 12.00 g Rsn br cement D WAC0089 12.00 13.00 g Rsn br cement D WAC0089 14.00 15.00 g Rsn br sand w massice ccr chips D WAC0089 4.00 5.00 g Rso D WAC0090 15.00 16.00 g Rsn sand with fe, ccr cement D WAC0090 0.00 1.00 p Rso dirt D WAC0090 9.00 10.00 g Rca some silicifiction D WAC0090 1.00 2.00 p Rso dirt D WAC0090 2.00 3.00 g Rso some clay D WAC0090 3.00 4.00 g Rca mottled br ccr w bk speck some clay D WAC0090 4.00 5.00 g Rca mottled br ccr w bk speck some clay D WAC0090 5.00 6.00 g Rca pk fe stained ccr D WAC0090 6.00 7.00 g Rca multiclored ccr D WAC0090 17.00 18.00 g Rsn sand with fe, ccr cement D WAC0090 8.00 9.00 g Rca some silicifiction D WAC0090 16.00 17.00 g Rsn sand with fe, ccr cement D WAC0090 10.00 11.00 g Rsn sand w fe cement D WAC0090 11.00 12.00 g Rsn sand w fe cement D WAC0090 12.00 13.00 g Rsn sand w fe cement D WAC0090 13.00 14.00 g Rsn sand with fe, ccr cement D WAC0090 14.00 15.00 g Rsn sand with fe, lots ccr cement D WAC0090 7.00 8.00 g Rca some silicifiction D WAC0091 6.00 7.00 g Rca massive ccr D WAC0091 14.00 15.00 g Rsn weak calc cement D WAC0091 13.00 14.00 g Rsn weak calc cement D WAC0091 12.00 13.00 g Rsn weak calc cement D WAC0091 11.00 12.00 g Rca massive ccr D WAC0091 10.00 11.00 g Rca massive ccr D WAC0091 9.00 10.00 g Rca massive ccr D WAC0091 7.00 8.00 g Rca massive ccr D WAC0091 5.00 6.00 g Rca bk cement, br clast\ D WAC0091 4.00 5.00 g Rca some clay D WAC0091 3.00 4.00 g Rso rd concreti0ns D WAC0091 2.00 3.00 g Rso soil, rd clay, few ccr nodules D WAC0091 1.00 2.00 p Rso soil, rd clay D WAC0091 8.00 9.00 g Rca massive ccr D WAC0091 0.00 1.00 p Rso soi, br clay D WAC0092 11.00 12.00 g Rca calc cemented qtz sand D WAC0092 20.00 21.00 g Rsn fe cement snd D WAC0092 19.00 20.00 g Rsn fe cement snd D WAC0092 18.00 19.00 g Rsn tc ccr and fe cement snd D WAC0092 17.00 18.00 g Rca san w some ccr D WAC0092 16.00 17.00 g Rca calc cemented qtz sand D WAC0092 15.00 16.00 g Rca calc cemented qtz sand D WAC0092 14.00 15.00 g Rca calc cemented qtz sand D WAC0092 12.00 13.00 g Rca calc cemented qtz sand D WAC0092 10.00 11.00 g Rca brown opalization D WAC0092 3.00 4.00 g Rca rdbr ccr D WAC0092 0.00 1.00 p Rso red soil D WAC0092 13.00 14.00 g Rca calc cemented qtz sand D WAC0092 2.00 3.00 p Rso ccr nod in soil D WAC0092 9.00 10.00 g Rca some silicifiction D WAC0092 4.00 5.00 g Rca ccr w black concentric zones D WAC0092 5.00 6.00 g Rca massive colored ccr D WAC0092 6.00 7.00 g Rca massive colored ccr D WAC0092 7.00 8.00 g Rca cx ccr cementing rd ccr D WAC0092 8.00 9.00 g Rca some silicifiction D WAC0092 1.00 2.00 p Rso ccr nod in soil D WAC0093 7.00 8.00 g Rca massive ccr w bk dec D WAC0093 12.00 13.00 g Rca calcreted sand D WAC0093 13.00 14.00 g Rca calcreted sand D WAC0093 11.00 12.00 g Rca calcreted sand D WAC0093 10.00 11.00 g Rca opalized ccr D WAC0093 9.00 10.00 g Rca partially silicified ccr D WAC0093 8.00 9.00 g Rca complex, multicolored ccr D WAC0093 0.00 1.00 p Rso soil w clay balls D WAC0093 5.00 6.00 g Rca massive ccr D WAC0093 4.00 5.00 g Rca massive ccr D WAC0093 3.00 4.00 g Rca pk fe stained ccr D WAC0093 2.00 3.00 g Rso soil w ccr nodules D WAC0093 1.00 2.00 g Rso soil w ccr nodules D WAC0093 6.00 7.00 g Rca massive ccr D WAC0093 14.00 15.00 g Rsn river sand D WAC0094 10.00 11.00 g Rca less opal, lighter D WAC0094 11.00 12.00 g Rca more, darker opal D WAC0094 13.00 14.00 g Rca clean and grotty ccr cemented w opal D WAC0094 15.00 16.00 g Rca white ccr cementing br ccr D WAC0094 9.00 10.00 g Rca more opal cement D WAC0094 17.00 18.00 g Rsn brown fe cemented snd D WAC0094 12.00 13.00 g Rca large, complex opal cement of ccr D WAC0094 18.00 19.00 g Rsn brown fe cemented snd D WAC0094 16.00 17.00 g Rsn brown fe cemented snd D WAC0094 0.00 1.00 g Rca ccr and clay D WAC0094 7.00 8.00 g Rca white ccr opal cement D WAC0094 6.00 7.00 g Rca white clean ccr and grotty gr ccr cemented w opal D WAC0094 5.00 6.00 g Rca opalized ccr w clay D WAC0094 4.00 5.00 g Rca opalized ccr D WAC0094 3.00 4.00 g Rca opalized ccr D WAC0094 2.00 3.00 g Rca ccr sand and clay D WAC0094 1.00 2.00 g Rca ccr sand and clay D WAC0094 14.00 15.00 g Rca white ccr cementing br ccr D WAC0094 8.00 9.00 g Rca less opal, lighter D WAC0095 10.00 11.00 g Rca calcrete D WAC0095 12.00 13.00 g Rca trc yw snd gybr ccr D WAC0095 13.00 14.00 g Rsn br snd trc rd snd, poor fe cement D WAC0095 14.00 15.00 g Rsn br snd trc rd snd, poor fe cement D WAC0095 8.00 9.00 g Rca cemente snd D WAC0095 16.00 17.00 g Rsn sand w trc fe or ca cement D WAC0095 1.00 2.00 g Rso red soil D WAC0095 15.00 16.00 g Rsn muddy snd w trc fe cement D WAC0095 7.00 8.00 g Rca cemente snd D WAC0095 6.00 7.00 g Rca massive ccr D WAC0095 5.00 6.00 g Rca red ccr, qtz sand grains D WAC0095 4.00 5.00 g Rca ccr cementing soil, sand D WAC0095 2.00 3.00 g Rso red soil D WAC0095 0.00 1.00 p Rso red soil with clay D WAC0095 11.00 12.00 g Rca opalized ccr and wh clay D WAC0095 17.00 18.00 g Rsn sand w trc fe or ca cement D WAC0095 3.00 4.00 g Rso red soil D WAC0095 9.00 10.00 g Rca cemente snd D WAC0096 13.00 14.00 g Rca br cemented snd D WAC0096 0.00 1.00 p Rso red soil D WAC0096 17.00 18.00 g Rsn snd w trc fe, cr cement D WAC0096 16.00 17.00 g Rsn sand w ccr cement D WAC0096 14.00 15.00 g Rca br cemented snd D WAC0096 12.00 13.00 g Rca br cemented snd D WAC0096 11.00 12.00 g Rca some br ccr mixed in D WAC0096 10.00 11.00 g Rca massive ccr w trc cx opal D WAC0096 2.00 3.00 p Rso red soil D WAC0096 8.00 9.00 g Rca massive ccr w trc cx opal D WAC0096 7.00 8.00 g Rca silicified ccr D WAC0096 6.00 7.00 g Rca silicified ccr D WAC0096 5.00 6.00 g Rca br ccr w snd gr, wh ccr D WAC0096 4.00 5.00 g Rca brown ccr w sand grains D WAC0096 3.00 4.00 g Rso ccr nodules in rd soil D WAC0096 9.00 10.00 g Rca massive ccr w trc cx opal D WAC0096 15.00 16.00 g Rca br cemented snd D WAC0096 1.00 2.00 p Rso red soil D WAC0097 7.00 8.00 g Rca colorful cemented snd, qtz grn up to 2mm D WAC0097 8.00 9.00 g Rca as above plus wh dol D WAC0097 9.00 10.00 g Rca trc opl, white ca and gry ca D WAC0097 10.00 11.00 g Rca br and wh all cc (acid test D WAC0097 11.00 12.00 g Rca multiclored ccr D WAC0097 12.00 13.00 g Rca ca cemented sand D WAC0097 14.00 15.00 g Rca ca cemented sand D WAC0097 6.00 7.00 g Rca colorful cemented snd, trc opl D WAC0097 2.00 3.00 p Rso Rso D WAC0097 13.00 14.00 g Rca ca cemented sand D WAC0097 4.00 5.00 g Rso ccr nodules cementing snd D WAC0097 3.00 4.00 g Rso some rd ccr chips D WAC0097 1.00 2.00 p Rso Rso D WAC0097 0.00 1.00 p Rso Rso D WAC0097 5.00 6.00 g Rca colorful cemented snd D WAC0098 4.00 5.00 g Rca massive ccr, trc sil D WAC0098 14.00 15.00 g Rsn snd w ccr D WAC0098 13.00 14.00 g Rca ccrd snd D WAC0098 17.00 18.00 g Rsn sand w br ccr D WAC0098 11.00 12.00 g Rca less opl D WAC0098 0.00 1.00 p Rca massive ccr D WAC0098 9.00 10.00 g Rca subequal dl, si D WAC0098 8.00 9.00 g Rca subequal dl, si D WAC0098 7.00 8.00 g Rca more d, less si D WAC0098 16.00 17.00 g Rsn sand w br ccr D WAC0098 5.00 6.00 g Rsi translucent sil, opal w wh dl D WAC0098 3.00 4.00 g Rca massive ccr D WAC0098 2.00 3.00 g Rca massive ccr D WAC0098 1.00 2.00 p Rca massive ccr D WAC0098 12.00 13.00 g Rca cacreded sand very hard D WAC0098 15.00 16.00 g Rsn snd w ccr D WAC0098 6.00 7.00 g Rsi same, darker br sil D WAC0098 10.00 11.00 g Rca subequal dl, si D WAC0099 1.00 2.00 p Rca pink cementing cx D WAC0099 13.00 14.00 g Rsn large ccr chips D WAC0099 8.00 9.00 g Rca D WAC0099 7.00 8.00 g Rca darker opal D WAC0099 6.00 7.00 g Rca more dark op D WAC0099 5.00 6.00 g Rca massive wh ccr, some op cement D WAC0099 4.00 5.00 g Rca massive wh ccr, some op cement D WAC0099 2.00 3.00 g Rca massive wh ccr D WAC0099 9.00 10.00 g Rca 200 cps D WAC0099 0.00 1.00 p Rca thin soi over ccr D WAC0099 12.00 13.00 g Rsn some green- brown ccr D WAC0099 11.00 12.00 g Rca lots dark opal, some snd D WAC0099 10.00 11.00 g Rca less opl D WAC0099 14.00 15.00 g Rsn large ccr chips D WAC0099 3.00 4.00 g Rca wh ccr w trc clay, opl cement D WAC0100 13.00 14.00 g Rsn smaler ccr chips D WAC0100 9.00 10.00 g Rca large ccr masses, small opa grains D WAC0100 0.00 1.00 p Rso Rso D WAC0100 1.00 2.00 p Rso Rso D WAC0100 2.00 3.00 p Rso ccr nodules in soil D WAC0100 3.00 4.00 g Rca cemented sand D WAC0100 4.00 5.00 g Rca D WAC0100 5.00 6.00 g Rca emented sand trc sil D WAC0100 6.00 7.00 g Rca opal cementing massive ccr D WAC0100 14.00 15.00 g Rsn smaler ccr chips D WAC0100 8.00 9.00 g Rsi/si mostly opal cement D WAC0100 10.00 11.00 g Rsn brownsand ccr chips D WAC0100 11.00 12.00 g Rsn brownsand ccr chips D WAC0100 12.00 13.00 g Rsn brownsand ccr chips D WAC0100 7.00 8.00 g Rca opal cementing massive ccr D WAC0101 6.00 7.00 g Rca as above, then massive white D WAC0101 3.00 4.00 g Rca mlticolored complex ccr D WAC0101 2.00 3.00 p Rso soil with ccr chips D WAC0101 1.00 2.00 p Rso soil with ccr chips D WAC0101 0.00 1.00 p Rso soil with ccr chips D WAC0101 5.00 6.00 g Rca mlticolored complex ccr, tce opa D WAC0101 7.00 8.00 g Rca altrtaning massive wh and complex br ccr D WAC0101 8.00 9.00 g Rca altrtaning massive wh and complex br ccr D WAC0101 9.00 10.00 g Rsn brown ccr in sand D WAC0101 10.00 11.00 g Rsn brown ccr in sand D WAC0101 11.00 12.00 g Rsn brown ccr in sand D WAC0101 4.00 5.00 g Rca mlticolored complex ccr D WAC0102 16.00 17.00 g Rsn snd w tce br ccr cement D WAC0102 10.00 11.00 g Rsn snd w ccr cement D WAC0102 11.00 12.00 g Rsn snd w ccr cement D WAC0102 12.00 13.00 g Rsn snd w ccr cement D WAC0102 13.00 14.00 g Rsn some sand dark, organic rich D WAC0102 15.00 16.00 g Rsn fecementrepacing ccr D WAC0102 7.00 8.00 g Rca colorful recemented snd D WAC0102 17.00 18.00 g Rsn snd w tce br ccr cement D WAC0102 14.00 15.00 g Rsn snd w br ccr cement D WAC0102 8.00 9.00 g Rsn snd w ccr cement D WAC0102 6.00 7.00 g Rca colorful recemented snd D WAC0102 5.00 6.00 g Rca colorful recemented snd D WAC0102 4.00 5.00 g Rca green abd cx ccr D WAC0102 3.00 4.00 g Rso red soil and br ccr nodules and br clay D WAC0102 2.00 3.00 p Rso red soil w cr chips D WAC0102 1.00 2.00 p Rso red soil w cr chips D WAC0102 0.00 1.00 p Rso red soil w cr chips D WAC0102 9.00 10.00 g Rsn snd w ccr cement D WAC0109 4.00 5.00 g Rca more silcrete, some light some dark. D WAC0109 0.00 1.00 g Rca br ccr w pk cement D WAC0109 1.00 2.00 g Rca massive brown and cream ccr D WAC0109 2.00 3.00 g Rca massive brown and cream ccr D WAC0109 3.00 4.00 p Rca silcreted ccr D WAC0109 5.00 5.50 p Rca more silcrete dccr, some black things D WAC0110 7.00 8.00 g Rsn brown sand w fe cement D WAC0110 0.00 1.00 p Rca rd brown calcrete D WAC0110 1.00 2.00 p Rca rd brown calcrete D WAC0110 2.00 3.00 g Rca complex multicolored ccr D WAC0110 3.00 4.00 g Rca complex multicolored ccr D WAC0110 4.00 5.00 g Rca multi colored and massive wh ccr D WAC0110 14.00 15.00 g Rsn brn snd w br clay D WAC0110 6.00 7.00 g Rca cream ccr w opal cement, fe cement D WAC0110 13.00 14.00 g Rsn brn snd w br clay D WAC0110 8.00 9.00 g Rsn brown sand w fe cement D WAC0110 9.00 10.00 g Rsn brown sand w fe cement D WAC0110 10.00 11.00 g Rsn brn sand w ccr D WAC0110 11.00 12.00 g Rca brn ccr w tce clay D WAC0110 12.00 13.00 g Rsn brn sand w ccr D WAC0110 5.00 6.00 g Rca cream ccr w br cement D WAC0111 12.00 13.00 g Rcy clay w sand D WAC0111 13.00 14.00 g Rsn sand w some ccr cement D WAC0111 0.00 1.00 g Rca recementd ccr nodules D WAC0111 1.00 2.00 g Rca ccr cemented with silica D WAC0111 2.00 3.00 g Rca ccr cemented with silica- silica darker D WAC0111 3.00 4.00 g Rca ccr cemented with silica D WAC0111 4.00 5.00 g Rca ccr cemented with silica- silica darker D WAC0111 5.00 6.00 g Rsi/si mostly opal cement, some fe D WAC0111 6.00 7.00 g Rsi/si mostly opal cement, no fe D WAC0111 7.00 8.00 g Rsi/si mostly opal cement, some fe D WAC0111 8.00 9.00 g Rsn weak fe cemented sand D WAC0111 9.00 10.00 g Rsn weak fe cemented sand D WAC0111 10.00 11.00 g Rsn weak fe cemented sand D WAC0111 11.00 12.00 g Rsn weak fe cemented sand D WAC0111 14.00 15.00 g Rsn sand w less ccr cement D WAC0112 0.00 1.00 p Rca red ccr D WAC0112 13.00 14.00 g Rsn snd and hard ccr D WAC0112 1.00 2.00 g Rca br ccr w clay D WAC0112 2.00 3.00 g Rca complex multicolored ccr D WAC0112 3.00 4.00 g Rca massive dolomitic ccr D WAC0112 4.00 5.00 g Rca msssive w clay, tce opal D WAC0112 5.00 6.00 g Rca opalized ccr D WAC0112 6.00 7.00 g Rca opalized ccr D WAC0112 7.00 8.00 g Rsn poory cemented sand with fe D WAC0112 8.00 9.00 g Rsn poory cemented sand with fe D WAC0112 9.00 10.00 g Rsn poory cemented sand with fe D WAC0112 10.00 11.00 g Rsn sand and clay weak fe cement D WAC0112 11.00 12.00 g Rsn sand and clay weak fe cement D WAC0112 12.00 13.00 g Rsn sand and ccr D WAC0112 14.00 15.00 g Rsn sand and ccr D WAC0113 7.00 8.00 g Rsn brown fe cemented snd D WAC0113 1.00 2.00 p Rca ccr and clay D WAC0113 13.00 14.00 g Rsn brown fe, ccr cemented snd D WAC0113 12.00 13.00 g Rsn brown fe cemented snd D WAC0113 11.00 12.00 g Rsn brown fe cemented snd D WAC0113 10.00 11.00 g Rsn brown fe, ccr cemented snd D WAC0113 8.00 9.00 g Rsn brown fe cemented snd D WAC0113 14.00 15.00 g Rsn brown fe cemented snd D WAC0113 6.00 7.00 g Rcy white clay w some opalized ccr D WAC0113 5.00 6.00 g Rca white ccr w br opal, some clay D WAC0113 4.00 5.00 g Rca white ccr with grey clay D WAC0113 3.00 4.00 p Rca multicolored complex ccr D WAC0113 2.00 3.00 p Rca multicolored complex ccr D WAC0113 0.00 1.00 p Rca ccr chunks and soil D WAC0113 9.00 10.00 g Rsn brown fe cemented snd D WAC0114 1.00 2.00 g Rso red soil D WAC0114 9.00 10.00 g Rca compl red ccr w cemented snd D WAC0114 16.00 17.00 g Rca cx ccr w br snd D WAC0114 15.00 16.00 g Rca cx ccr w br snd D WAC0114 14.00 15.00 g Rsn br snd w cx ccr D WAC0114 13.00 14.00 g Rsn br snd w clay D WAC0114 12.00 13.00 g Rsn br snd w clay D WAC0114 0.00 1.00 g Rso red soil D WAC0114 10.00 11.00 g Rsn br snd w br ccr D WAC0114 17.00 18.00 g Rca cx ccr w br snd D WAC0114 8.00 9.00 g Rsn sand w poor fe cement D WAC0114 7.00 8.00 g Rsn sand w poor fe cement D WAC0114 6.00 7.00 g Rsn sand w poor fe cement D WAC0114 5.00 6.00 g Rca complex, red brown ccr D WAC0114 4.00 5.00 g Rca complex, red brown ccr D WAC0114 3.00 4.00 g Rca complex, red brown ccr D WAC0114 2.00 3.00 g Rso red soil D WAC0114 11.00 12.00 g Rsn br snd w clay D WAC0115 10.00 11.00 g Rsn sand w br ccr D WAC0115 7.00 8.00 g Rca flat white ccr chip w br clay D WAC0115 12.00 13.00 g Rsn sand w weak fe cement D WAC0115 1.00 2.00 g Rca cx ccr w pk cement D WAC0115 0.00 1.00 g Rca cx nodular and br massive ccr D WAC0115 11.00 12.00 g Rsn sand w weak fe cement D WAC0115 14.00 15.00 g Rsn sand w weak fe cement some ca present D WAC0115 8.00 9.00 g Rsn sand w ccr chips D WAC0115 13.00 14.00 g Rsn sand w weak fe cement some ca present D WAC0115 6.00 7.00 g Rca grey ccr w snd grains tce clay D WAC0115 5.00 6.00 g Rca white ccr w fe stained incls D WAC0115 4.00 5.00 g Rsi/si brown opal cement w ccr chuncks D WAC0115 3.00 4.00 g Rsi/si brown opal cement w ccr chuncks D WAC0115 2.00 3.00 g Rca mssive cx ccr D WAC0115 9.00 10.00 g Rsn sand w complex ccr D WAC0116 14.00 15.00 g Rsn br snd w fe, ca weak cement D WAC0116 10.00 11.00 g Rsn br snd w fe, ca weak cement D WAC0116 12.00 13.00 g Rsn br snd w fe, ca weak cement, br clay D WAC0116 11.00 12.00 g Rsn br snd w fe weak cement D WAC0116 0.00 1.00 p Rca recemented cx ccr nodues D WAC0116 1.00 2.00 g Rca small ccr chips D WAC0116 2.00 3.00 g Rca massive cx ccr w br fe cement, clay D WAC0116 3.00 4.00 g Rca ccr w br cement, grey clay D WAC0116 4.00 5.00 g Rca ccr w br fe and opal cement D WAC0116 5.00 6.00 g Rca br ccr D WAC0116 6.00 7.00 g Rsn br snd w cx ccr nodules D WAC0116 7.00 8.00 g Rsn br snd w br ccr D WAC0116 8.00 9.00 g Rsn br snd w fe, ca weak cement D WAC0116 9.00 10.00 g Rsn br snd, tce wh ccr D WAC0116 13.00 14.00 g Rsn br snd w fe, ca weak cement D WAC0117 12.00 13.00 g Rsn sand w ca, fe cement D WAC0117 14.00 15.00 g Rsn br snd D WAC0117 0.00 1.00 g Rca complex multicolored ccr D WAC0117 13.00 14.00 g Rsn br snd D WAC0117 1.00 2.00 g Rca complex multicolored ccr D WAC0117 11.00 12.00 g Rsn and w ca, fe cement D WAC0117 10.00 11.00 g Rsn br ccr in br snd D WAC0117 9.00 10.00 g Rsn br ccr in br snd D WAC0117 7.00 8.00 p Rcy clay and massive ccr D WAC0117 6.00 7.00 p Rca brown calcreted snd grains D WAC0117 5.00 6.00 g Rca br ccr, maybe some br snd D WAC0117 4.00 5.00 g Rca wh and cx ccr chips, some opalization D WAC0117 3.00 4.00 g Rca massive cx ccr w br fe cement, clay D WAC0117 2.00 3.00 g Rca light cx ccr w cx opl cement D WAC0117 8.00 9.00 g Rsn cx ccr nodules in br snd D WAC0118 41.00 42.00 g Rcy red-brown clay with saprolitic texture D WAC0118 14.00 15.00 g Rsn br snd w cx ccr chips D WAC0118 32.00 33.00 g Rcy br, gy clay with saprolitic texture and qtz grains D WAC0118 33.00 34.00 g Rcy br, gy clay with saprolitic texture D WAC0118 34.00 35.00 g Rcy br, gy clay with saprolitic texture D WAC0118 35.00 36.00 g Rcy br, gy clay with saprolitic texture D WAC0118 36.00 37.00 g Rcy br, gy clay with saprolitic texture D WAC0118 37.00 38.00 g Rcy br, gy clay with saprolitic texture D WAC0118 38.00 39.00 g Rcy red-brown clay with saprolitic texture D WAC0118 43.00 44.00 g Rcy red-brown clay with saprolitic texture D WAC0118 40.00 41.00 g Rcy red-brown clay with saprolitic texture D WAC0118 42.00 43.00 g Rcy grey clay with br relict minerals and saprolitic texture D WAC0118 44.00 45.00 g Rcy red-brown clay with saprolitic texture D WAC0118 31.00 32.00 g Rcy br, gy clay with saproliti texture and qtz grains D WAC0118 39.00 40.00 g Rcy red-brown clay with saprolitic texture D WAC0118 15.00 16.00 g Rcy clay w ccr chips, snd D WAC0118 1.00 2.00 g Rso red soil D WAC0118 0.00 1.00 g Rso red soil D WAC0118 2.00 3.00 g Rso red soil w br snd. D WAC0118 3.00 4.00 g Rsn br snd w br ccr D WAC0118 4.00 5.00 g Rsn br snd w br ccr D WAC0118 5.00 6.00 g Rsn br snd w br ccr, fe cement D WAC0118 6.00 7.00 g Rsn br snd w br ccr large chips D WAC0118 7.00 8.00 g Rsn br snd w br ccr large chips D WAC0118 8.00 9.00 g Rsn br snd w br ccr, fe cement D WAC0118 9.00 10.00 g Rsn br snd w br ccr large chips D WAC0118 10.00 11.00 g Rsn br snd w br ccr, fe cement D WAC0118 11.00 12.00 g Rsn br snd w br ccr, fe cement D WAC0118 16.00 17.00 g Rcy clay w ccr chips, snd D WAC0118 13.00 14.00 g Rsn br snd w cx ccr chips D WAC0118 30.00 31.00 g Rcy br, gy clay with saproliti texture and qtz grains D WAC0118 17.00 18.00 g Rcy clay w snd D WAC0118 18.00 19.00 g Rcy D WAC0118 19.00 20.00 g Rcy clay w ccr chips D WAC0118 20.00 21.00 g Rcy clay w ccr chips, snd D WAC0118 21.00 22.00 g Rcy clay w ccr chips D WAC0118 22.00 23.00 g Rcy clay w ccr chips D WAC0118 23.00 24.00 g Rcy brown clay D WAC0118 24.00 25.00 g Rcy brown clay D WAC0118 25.00 26.00 g Rcy brown clay D WAC0118 26.00 27.00 g Rcy brown clay D WAC0118 27.00 28.00 g Rcy brown clay w grey clay clasts D WAC0118 28.00 29.00 g Rcy brown clay w grey clay clasts D WAC0118 12.00 13.00 g Rsn br snd w tc clay D WAC0118 29.00 30.00 g Rcy brown clay w grey clay clasts D WAC0119 1.00 2.00 g Rca pink, recementd ccr D WAC0119 0.00 1.00 g Rca pink, recementd ccr D WAC0120 4.00 5.00 g Rca cx ccr w br opal, some fe staining D WAC0120 5.00 6.00 g Rca cx ccr w br opal, some fe staining D WAC0120 0.00 1.00 g Rca brown, cream complex ccr D WAC0120 1.00 2.00 g Rca brown, cream complex ccr D WAC0120 13.00 14.00 g Rsn brown sand D WAC0120 3.00 4.00 g Rca cx ccr w br opal, some fe staining D WAC0120 11.00 12.00 g Rca cx ccr w some opal, and br snd D WAC0120 10.00 11.00 g Rca cx ccr w br opal, wh clay D WAC0120 9.00 10.00 g Rca cx ccr w br opal. D WAC0120 8.00 9.00 g Rca cx ccr w br opal, wh clay D WAC0120 7.00 8.00 g Rca cx ccr w br opal, some fe staining D WAC0120 6.00 7.00 g Rca cx ccr w br opal, some fe staining D WAC0120 2.00 3.00 g Rca complex, multicolored ccr D WAC0120 14.00 15.00 g Rsn brown sand, ccr noduels D WAC0120 12.00 13.00 g Rsn brown sand D WAC0121 7.00 8.00 g Rcy clay with hard ccr D WAC0121 14.00 15.00 g Rsn brown snd D WAC0121 13.00 14.00 g Rsn brown snd D WAC0121 12.00 13.00 g Rsn brown snd D WAC0121 11.00 12.00 g Rsn sand w ca ccr D WAC0121 10.00 11.00 g Rcy grey clay and brown sand w some ccr D WAC0121 8.00 9.00 g Rcy clay with hard ccr D WAC0121 4.00 5.00 g Rca cx ccr w opal cement tce clay D WAC0121 5.00 6.00 g Rca cx ccr w opal cement D WAC0121 3.00 4.00 g Rca cx ccr w some opal, some wh clay D WAC0121 2.00 3.00 g Rca wh ccr w gy cement D WAC0121 1.00 2.00 g Rca wh ccr w gy cement D WAC0121 0.00 1.00 g Rca wh ccr w gy cement D WAC0121 9.00 10.00 g Rsi clear silcrete w wh ccr, some wh clay D WAC0121 6.00 7.00 g Rcy clay with opalization D WAC0122 10.00 11.00 g Rsn brown fe cemented snd D WAC0122 14.00 15.00 g Rca greenish-brown ccr D WAC0122 13.00 14.00 g Rca greenish-brown ccr D WAC0122 11.00 12.00 g Rsn brown fe cemented snd D WAC0122 9.00 10.00 g Rca green-brown ccr D WAC0122 8.00 9.00 g Rca green-brown ccr D WAC0122 7.00 8.00 g Rca green-brown ccr D WAC0122 0.00 1.00 p Rso red soil, white clay balls D WAC0122 12.00 13.00 g Rsn brown fe cemented snd D WAC0122 1.00 2.00 p Rso red soil D WAC0122 6.00 7.00 g Rca green-brown ccr D WAC0122 2.00 3.00 g Rso red soil, few specks of loose ccr D WAC0122 3.00 4.00 g Rso red soil, grey and brown clay D WAC0122 4.00 5.00 g Rso red soil, br sand w poor fe cement D WAC0122 5.00 6.00 g Rca red ccr D WAC0123 8.00 9.00 g Rca massive wh ccr w opl grains D WAC0123 3.00 4.00 g Rca dark rnd ccr cemented snd balls tce clay D WAC0123 2.00 3.00 g Rso red soil w clay chips. D WAC0123 12.00 13.00 g Rsn br snd w ca cement D WAC0123 4.00 5.00 g Rca clay blls with ccr D WAC0123 5.00 6.00 g Rca grbr ccr D WAC0123 6.00 7.00 g Rca complex, layered gr, cx ccr D WAC0123 7.00 8.00 g Rca massive cx ccr w br fe cement, clay D WAC0123 0.00 1.00 p Rso red soil D WAC0123 17.00 18.00 g Rsn sand with some gren-ream dolomite cemented balls D WAC0123 13.00 14.00 g Rsn snd w ccr chips D WAC0123 14.00 15.00 g Rsn sand well cemented with green-cream dolomite D WAC0123 15.00 16.00 g Rsn sand with some gren-ream dolomite cemented balls D WAC0123 1.00 2.00 p Rso red soil D WAC0123 16.00 17.00 g Rsn sand with some gren-ream dolomite cemented balls D WAC0123 11.00 12.00 g Rsn brown, poorly cemented snd D WAC0123 10.00 11.00 g Rsn brown, poorly cemented snd D WAC0123 9.00 10.00 g Rca silicified, opalized ccr, some br fe cemented snd D WAC0124 2.00 3.00 g Rso red soil D WAC0124 13.00 14.00 g Rsn snd w some dl concretions D WAC0124 14.00 15.00 g Rsn br snd D WAC0124 12.00 13.00 g Rsn snd w some dl concretions D WAC0124 0.00 1.00 p Rso red soil D WAC0124 9.00 10.00 g Rsn snd w round ca concretions D WAC0124 1.00 2.00 g Rso red soil D WAC0124 8.00 9.00 g Rca calcreted snd w snd D WAC0124 3.00 4.00 g Rso red soil D WAC0124 4.00 5.00 g Rso red soil D WAC0124 5.00 6.00 g Rso red soil w ccr D WAC0124 6.00 7.00 g Rsn br sand w ccr D WAC0124 7.00 8.00 g Rca calcreted snd w snd D WAC0124 11.00 12.00 g Rsn snd w poor fe cement D WAC0124 10.00 11.00 g Rsn snd w poor fe cement D WAC0125 9.00 10.00 g Rgv beautiful pearly white microcrystalline quartzite w dl ccr D WAC0125 10.00 11.00 g Rgv beautiful pearly white microcrystalline quartzite w dl ccr D WAC0125 11.00 12.00 g Rsn brown sand D WAC0125 8.00 9.00 g Rca silcified massive dl ccr D WAC0125 13.00 14.00 g Rsn brown sand D WAC0125 3.00 4.00 g Rca red complex ccr D WAC0125 12.00 13.00 g Rsn brown sand D WAC0125 7.00 8.00 g Rca silcified massive dl ccr D WAC0125 6.00 7.00 g Rca complex multicolord ccr D WAC0125 4.00 5.00 g Rca mix red complex ccr and wh massice ccr D WAC0125 2.00 3.00 g Rso red soil w rd, br ccr chips D WAC0125 0.00 1.00 p Rso red soil, brown clay chips D WAC0125 1.00 2.00 g Rso red soil, brown clay chips D WAC0125 5.00 6.00 g Rca mix red complex ccr and wh massice ccr tce alteration D WAC0126 9.00 10.00 g Rcy clay with opalized ccr D WAC0126 17.00 18.00 g Rca green-brown calcreted snd w clay D WAC0126 16.00 17.00 g Rca green-brown calcreted snd w clay D WAC0126 14.00 15.00 g Rca green-brown calcreted snd w clay D WAC0126 13.00 14.00 g Rca green-brown calcreted snd w clay D WAC0126 12.00 13.00 g Rca green-brown calcreted snd w clay D WAC0126 11.00 12.00 g Rca opalized ccr, tce clay D WAC0126 10.00 11.00 g Rca opalized ccr, tce clay D WAC0126 2.00 3.00 p Rca recemented multicolord ccr D WAC0126 0.00 1.00 p Rca recemented multicolord ccr D WAC0126 1.00 2.00 p Rca recemented multicolord ccr D WAC0126 8.00 9.00 p Rca ccr with opal cement, br clay D WAC0126 3.00 4.00 g Rca laminar, recemented, multicolord ccr D WAC0126 4.00 5.00 g Rca ccr with opal cement D WAC0126 5.00 6.00 g Rca ccr with opal cement D WAC0126 6.00 7.00 g Rca ccr with opal cement, br clay D WAC0126 7.00 8.00 g Rsi/si opal with some relict ccr, tce clay D WAC0126 15.00 16.00 g Rca green-brown calcreted snd w clay D WAC0127 18.00 19.00 g Rdc solid dolocreted snd D WAC0127 12.00 13.00 g Rca cx dl ccr and br ca cemented snd D WAC0127 9.00 10.00 g Rca massice cx ccr D WAC0127 16.00 17.00 g Rca solid dolocreted snd D WAC0127 15.00 16.00 g Rca well cemente q snd w dl cement D WAC0127 13.00 14.00 g Rsn sand w dolomite cement D WAC0127 11.00 12.00 g Rca cx ccr w br opal D WAC0127 10.00 11.00 g Rca cx ccr w br opal D WAC0127 19.00 20.00 g Rcy clay w ccr chips D WAC0127 14.00 15.00 g Rca well cemente q snd w dl cement D WAC0127 17.00 18.00 g Rdc solid dolocreted snd D WAC0127 8.00 9.00 g Rca opalized ccr less opal D WAC0127 0.00 1.00 p Rca red calcrete chips and nodules in rd soil. D WAC0127 1.00 2.00 p Rca brown, cream ccr chips poss dolomite D WAC0127 2.00 3.00 g Rca opalized ccr, lots clay D WAC0127 4.00 5.00 g Rca opalized ccr D WAC0127 5.00 6.00 g Rca opalized ccr D WAC0127 6.00 7.00 g Rca opalized ccr less opal D WAC0127 7.00 8.00 g Rca opalized ccr less opal D WAC0127 3.00 4.00 g Rcy clay w opalized ccr D WAC0128 4.00 5.00 g Rca cx ccr w light br opal cement D WAC0128 13.00 14.00 g Rca grbr dolocreted river sand and clay D WAC0128 14.00 15.00 g Rca grbr dolocreted river sand and clay D WAC0128 12.00 13.00 g Rca grbr dolocreted river sand D WAC0128 11.00 12.00 g Rca massive cx dl ccr and rounded br dl ccr D WAC0128 10.00 11.00 g Rca opalized ccr- less, lighter opal D WAC0128 9.00 10.00 g Rca opalized ccr- more, darker opal D WAC0128 8.00 9.00 g Rca opalized ccr- less, lighter opal D WAC0128 7.00 8.00 g Rca opalized ccr- more, darker opal D WAC0128 3.00 4.00 g Rcy rd clay w cx dl ccr D WAC0128 5.00 6.00 g Rca brown ccr D WAC0128 2.00 3.00 g Rca rd complex ccr D WAC0128 1.00 2.00 g Rso red soil w clay, ccr chips D WAC0128 0.00 1.00 g Rso red soil w clay D WAC0128 6.00 7.00 g Rca opalized ccr and clay D WAC0129 16.00 17.00 g Rca very hard dl cementd coarse qtz snd D WAC0129 8.00 9.00 g Rca opalized ccr w white clay D WAC0129 11.00 12.00 g Rca massive dl ccr w tce opalization D WAC0129 10.00 11.00 g Rca massive dl ccr w tce opalization D WAC0129 12.00 13.00 g Rca grotty cxbr ccr D WAC0129 13.00 14.00 g Rca cx dl ccr w br opaliztion D WAC0129 14.00 15.00 g Rsn br snd w weak ccr D WAC0129 15.00 16.00 g Rca very hard dl cemented qtz snd w minor calcite D WAC0129 9.00 10.00 g Rca massive dl ccr w tce clay, opalizatio D WAC0129 17.00 18.00 g Rca very hard dl cementd coarse qtz snd, wh clay D WAC0129 0.00 1.00 g Rca massive white ccr small chips D WAC0129 7.00 8.00 g Rcy white clay w more darker opalized ccr D WAC0129 6.00 7.00 g Rcy white clay w some opalized ccr D WAC0129 5.00 6.00 g Rca massive dl ccr tce opalization D WAC0129 4.00 5.00 g Rca slightly opalized ccr D WAC0129 3.00 4.00 g Rca slightyl oplized dl ccr w br clay D WAC0129 2.00 3.00 g Rca massive white ccr small chips D WAC0129 1.00 2.00 g Rca massive white ccr small chips D WAC0130 0.00 1.00 g Rca cx ccr nodules w pk ccr cement D WAC0130 7.00 8.00 g Rca massive white ccr, tce opal D WAC0130 13.00 14.00 g Rca brown ca calcreted snd D WAC0130 1.00 2.00 g Rca cx ccr nodules w pk ccr cement D WAC0130 5.00 6.00 g Rca massive white ccr, tce opal D WAC0130 17.00 18.00 g Rsn brown snd w some dl ccr D WAC0130 16.00 17.00 g Rsn brown snd w some dl ccr D WAC0130 14.00 15.00 g Rca brown ca calcreted snd D WAC0130 12.00 13.00 g Rca massive cx ccr, green calcreted snd D WAC0130 11.00 12.00 g Rca massive cx ccr, tce opal, wh clay D WAC0130 10.00 11.00 g Rca massive cx ccr, tce cx opal, wh clay D WAC0130 9.00 10.00 g Rca massive cx dl ccr, br opal D WAC0130 8.00 9.00 g Rca massive white ccr, tce darker opal D WAC0130 6.00 7.00 g Rca massive white ccr, tce opal D WAC0130 4.00 5.00 g Rca massive white ccr,some clay, opal D WAC0130 3.00 4.00 g Rcy clay w x dl ccr, tce opal D WAC0130 2.00 3.00 g Rca cx ccr nodules w pk ccr cement, tce opal, cx ccr D WAC0130 15.00 16.00 g Rsn brown snd w some dl ccr D WAC0131 9.00 10.00 g Rca cx ccr w tce cx sil cement D WAC0131 12.00 13.00 g Rsn br snd w br ccr D WAC0131 3.00 4.00 g Rca massive cx ccr D WAC0131 2.00 3.00 g Rca massive cx ccr D WAC0131 1.00 2.00 g Rca massive cx ccr D WAC0131 0.00 1.00 g Rca cx ccr nodules w pk ccr cement D WAC0131 11.00 12.00 g Rsn br sbd w br ccr D WAC0131 13.00 14.00 g Rsn br snd w br ccr D WAC0131 14.00 15.00 g Rsn br snd w br ccr D WAC0131 10.00 11.00 g Rca cx ccr tce br fe cemented snd D WAC0131 5.00 6.00 g Rca cx ccr w br opal cement D WAC0131 6.00 7.00 g Rca cx ccr w br opal cement D WAC0131 4.00 5.00 g Rca cx ccr w some cx opal cement D WAC0131 8.00 9.00 g Rca cx ccr w more br cement D WAC0131 7.00 8.00 g Rca cx ccr w br opal cement D WAC0132 13.00 14.00 g Rca green brown dolocreted qtz snd D WAC0132 12.00 13.00 g Rca green brown dolocreted qtz snd D WAC0132 8.00 9.00 g Rca green brown black dolocrete D WAC0132 14.00 15.00 g Rca green brown dolocreted qtz snd D WAC0132 15.00 16.00 g Rca brown little chips and snd D WAC0132 16.00 17.00 g Rsn br snd w weak fe ement D WAC0132 11.00 12.00 g Rca green brown dolocreted coarse qtz snd D WAC0132 9.00 10.00 g Rca green brown black dolocrete D WAC0132 7.00 8.00 g Rca complex multicolored ccr D WAC0132 6.00 7.00 g Rca complex multicolored ccr D WAC0132 5.00 6.00 g Rca complex multicolored ccr D WAC0132 17.00 18.00 g Rsn br snd w mod dl cement D WAC0132 4.00 5.00 g Rca red ccr complex texture D WAC0132 3.00 4.00 g Rca red ccr D WAC0132 2.00 3.00 g Rso red soil w rd ccr chips and snd D WAC0132 1.00 2.00 g Rso red soil w few rd ccr chips D WAC0132 0.00 1.00 p Rso red soil D WAC0132 10.00 11.00 g Rca green brown dolocreted qtz snd D WAC0133 10.00 11.00 g Rca opalized dolomitic ccr D WAC0133 16.00 17.00 g Rsn brown snd weak ccr cement D WAC0133 12.00 13.00 g Rca green dolomitic ccr cementin snd, gy clay D WAC0133 17.00 18.00 g Rsn brown snd weak fe cement D WAC0133 15.00 16.00 g Rsn brown snd weak ccr cement D WAC0133 14.00 15.00 g Rsn brown snd weak fe cement D WAC0133 13.00 14.00 g Rsn brown snd weak fe cement D WAC0133 11.00 12.00 g Rca green dolomitic ccr ceenting qtz snd D WAC0133 9.00 10.00 g Rca opalized dolomitic ccr D WAC0133 8.00 9.00 g Rsi/si opal cement surrounding cx ccr D WAC0133 6.00 7.00 g Rca cx ccr w cx opal cement, wh clay D WAC0133 5.00 6.00 g Rca cx ccr w rusty opal cement D WAC0133 4.00 5.00 g Rca cx ccr w cx opal cement D WAC0133 3.00 4.00 g Rca cx ccr tce opal D WAC0133 2.00 3.00 g Rca cx ccr nodules w pk cement D WAC0133 0.00 1.00 g Rca cx ccr nodules w pk cement D WAC0133 1.00 2.00 g Rca cx ccr nodules w pk cement D WAC0133 7.00 8.00 g Rsi/si opal cement surrounding cx ccr D WAC0134 2.00 3.00 g Rca cx ccr w rusty eak si cement D WAC0134 12.00 13.00 g Rsn br cemented snd grain. D WAC0134 11.00 12.00 g Rca cx ccr massive, br cemented snd grains D WAC0134 10.00 11.00 g Rca cx ccr w less, lighter cement D WAC0134 9.00 10.00 g Rca cx ccr w less, lighter cement D WAC0134 8.00 9.00 g Rca cx ccr w br opal cement D WAC0134 7.00 8.00 g Rca cx ccr w br opal cement D WAC0134 6.00 7.00 g Rca cx ccr w grotty weathered opal cement D WAC0134 5.00 6.00 g Rca cx ccr w br opal cement D WAC0134 0.00 1.00 g Rca cx ccr nodules w pk ccr cement D WAC0134 3.00 4.00 g Rca cx ccr w rusty eak si cement D WAC0134 1.00 2.00 g Rca cx ccr nodules w pk ccr cement D WAC0134 14.00 15.00 g Rsn sand w ccr chips D WAC0134 15.00 16.00 g Rsn sand w ccr chips D WAC0134 4.00 5.00 g Rca cx ccr w br opal cement D WAC0134 16.00 17.00 g Rsn sand w ccr chips D WAC0134 17.00 18.00 g Rsn sand w ccr chips D WAC0134 13.00 14.00 g Rsn br cemented snd grain. D WAC0135 12.00 13.00 g Rsn br snd w weak cement D WAC0135 13.00 14.00 g Rsn br snd w weak cement D WAC0135 11.00 12.00 g Rca cx ccr w br, translucent opl cement, then br snd D WAC0135 10.00 11.00 g Rca cx ccr w br, translucent opl cement D WAC0135 9.00 10.00 g Rsi/si translucent br opal w cx ccr D WAC0135 8.00 9.00 g Rca cx ccr w br, translucent opl cement D WAC0135 7.00 8.00 g Rca cx ccr with less, lighter opal cement D WAC0135 5.00 6.00 g Rca cx ccr w br opal cement D WAC0135 4.00 5.00 g Rca cx ccr w br opal cement D WAC0135 3.00 4.00 g Rca cx ccr w br opal cement D WAC0135 2.00 3.00 g Rca massive wh ccr D WAC0135 1.00 2.00 g Rca massive wh ccr D WAC0135 0.00 1.00 g Rca massive wh ccr D WAC0135 6.00 7.00 g Rca cx ccr with less, lighter opal cement D WAC0135 14.00 15.00 g Rsn br snd w weak cement D WAC0136 2.00 3.00 g Rca massive wh ccr D WAC0136 12.00 13.00 g Rsn br snd w weak fe cement D WAC0136 11.00 12.00 g Rsn br snd w br ccr D WAC0136 10.00 11.00 g Rca moderate br silicification of cx ccr D WAC0136 9.00 10.00 g Rca moderate br silicification of cx ccr D WAC0136 8.00 9.00 g Rca highly silicified ccr D WAC0136 7.00 8.00 g Rca moderate br silicification of cx ccr D WAC0136 6.00 7.00 g Rca moderate br silicification of cx ccr D WAC0136 5.00 6.00 g Rca less silicified massive cx ccr D WAC0136 4.00 5.00 g Rca more, stronger silicification D WAC0136 14.00 15.00 g Rsn br snd w weak fe cement D WAC0136 1.00 2.00 g Rca wh ccr and br clay D WAC0136 0.00 1.00 g Rcy br clay and wh ccr D WAC0136 13.00 14.00 g Rsn br snd w weak fe cement D WAC0136 3.00 4.00 g Rca slightly silicified cx ccr D WAC0137 10.00 11.00 g Rsn weakly fe cemented snd D WAC0137 1.00 2.00 g Rso red soil D WAC0137 14.00 15.00 g Rsn weakly fe cemented snd D WAC0137 13.00 14.00 g Rsn weakly fe cemented snd D WAC0137 11.00 12.00 g Rsn weakly fe cemented snd D WAC0137 9.00 10.00 g Rsn weakly fe cemented snd D WAC0137 8.00 9.00 g Rsn weakly fe cemented snd D WAC0137 7.00 8.00 g Rca opalized cx ccr w lots gy clay D WAC0137 6.00 7.00 g Rca opalized cx ccr w br clay D WAC0137 5.00 6.00 g Rca multicolored ccr, then opalized cx ccr D WAC0137 4.00 5.00 g Rcy br clay w multicolored ccr concretions D WAC0137 3.00 4.00 g Rcy br clay w multicolored ccr concretions D WAC0137 2.00 3.00 g Rso red soil w multicolord ccr concretions D WAC0137 0.00 1.00 g Rso red soil w br clay D WAC0137 12.00 13.00 g Rsn weakly fe cemented snd D WAC0138 10.00 11.00 sample lost/ misplaced D WAC0138 7.00 8.00 g Rca br ccr cementing snd D WAC0138 14.00 15.00 g Rsn sand with weak br cement D WAC0138 13.00 14.00 g Rsn sand with weak br cement D WAC0138 11.00 12.00 g Rsn sand with weak br cement D WAC0138 9.00 10.00 g Rsn sand with weak br cement D WAC0138 8.00 9.00 g Rsn sand with weak br cement D WAC0138 5.00 6.00 g Rsn br snd w muticolored ccr D WAC0138 4.00 5.00 g Rsn br snd w muticolored ccr D WAC0138 0.00 1.00 g Rso red soil D WAC0138 3.00 4.00 g Rso red soil w br snd. D WAC0138 2.00 3.00 g Rso red soil D WAC0138 1.00 2.00 g Rso red soil D WAC0138 12.00 13.00 g Rsn sand with weak br cement D WAC0138 6.00 7.00 g Rca br ccr w clay D WAC0139 6.00 7.00 g Rsn br snd w weak fe cement D WAC0139 14.00 15.00 g Rsn br snd w weak fe cement D WAC0139 13.00 14.00 g Rsn br snd w weak fe cement D WAC0139 12.00 13.00 g Rsn br snd w weak fe cement D WAC0139 11.00 12.00 g Rsn br snd w weak fe cement D WAC0139 10.00 11.00 g Rsn br snd w weak fe cement D WAC0139 9.00 10.00 g Rsn br snd w weak fe cement D WAC0139 5.00 6.00 g Rca multicolored ccr w snd D WAC0139 4.00 5.00 g Rsn br snd w multicolored ccr concretions D WAC0139 3.00 4.00 g Rsn br snd w multicolored ccr concretions D WAC0139 2.00 3.00 g Rso red soil with multicolore ccr concretions D WAC0139 1.00 2.00 g Rso red soil D WAC0139 0.00 1.00 g Rso red soil D WAC0139 7.00 8.00 g Rsn br snd w weak fe cement D WAC0139 8.00 9.00 g Rsn br snd w weak fe cement D WAC0140 6.00 7.00 g Rsn br snd D WAC0140 7.00 8.00 g Rsn br snd w ccr D WAC0140 5.00 6.00 g Rca multicolored ccr w snd D WAC0140 4.00 5.00 g Rca multicolored ccr w snd D WAC0140 3.00 4.00 g Rso red soil, multicolored ccr, br snd D WAC0140 2.00 3.00 g Rso red soil w multicolored ccr D WAC0140 0.00 1.00 g Rso red soil D WAC0140 1.00 2.00 g Rso red soil w multicolored ccr D WAC0140 9.00 10.00 g Rsn br weakly cemented sand D WAC0140 10.00 11.00 g Rsn br weakly cemented sand D WAC0140 11.00 12.00 g Rsn br weakly cemented sand D WAC0140 12.00 13.00 g Rsn br weakly cemented sand D WAC0140 13.00 14.00 g Rsn br weakly cemented sand D WAC0140 14.00 15.00 g Rsn br weakly cemented sand D WAC0140 8.00 9.00 g Rsn br snd w ccr D WAC0141 4.00 5.00 g Rso rd soil sandier, les ccr D WAC0141 9.00 10.00 p Rsn sand, ccr, and clay D WAC0141 10.00 11.00 g Rcy clay with a little ccr D WAC0141 11.00 12.00 g Rcy clay with a little ccr D WAC0141 12.00 13.00 g Rcy clay with a little ccr D WAC0141 8.00 9.00 p Rsn sand, ccr, and clay D WAC0141 7.00 8.00 g Rsn sand and ccr D WAC0141 5.00 6.00 p Rso rd sandy soil D WAC0141 3.00 4.00 g Rso rd soil more ccr concretions D WAC0141 2.00 3.00 p Rso rd soil rd ccr concretions D WAC0141 1.00 2.00 p Rso rd soil D WAC0141 0.00 1.00 p Rso red soil tce b clay D WAC0141 13.00 14.00 g Rcy clay with a little ccr D WAC0141 14.00 15.00 g Rcy clay with a little ccr D WAC0141 6.00 7.00 g Rcy clay w ccr D WAC0142 15.00 16.00 g Rsn sand w weak fe cement, clay D WAC0142 1.00 2.00 g Rso red sandy soil w tce of clay D WAC0142 2.00 3.00 g Rso soil browner, sandier D WAC0142 3.00 4.00 g Rcy clay w sand D WAC0142 4.00 5.00 g Rsn sand w clay weak ca cement D WAC0142 5.00 6.00 g Rsn sand w clay weak ca cement D WAC0142 6.00 7.00 g Rcy clay w weak ccr cement D WAC0142 7.00 8.00 g Rca ccr and clay D WAC0142 8.00 9.00 g Rcy clay and ccr D WAC0142 9.00 10.00 g Rcy clay and ccr D WAC0142 10.00 11.00 g Rca ccr and clay D WAC0142 0.00 1.00 g Rso red sandy soil w tce of clay D WAC0142 11.00 12.00 g Rca ccr and clay D WAC0142 14.00 15.00 g Rsn sand w weak fe cement D WAC0142 13.00 14.00 g Rca ccr and snd D WAC0142 12.00 13.00 g Rca ccr and clay D WAC0143 6.00 7.00 g Rca brown-green ccr w brown clay D WAC0143 0.00 1.00 p Rso red soil D WAC0143 9.00 10.00 g Rca brown-green ccr w brown clay D WAC0143 17.00 18.00 g Rcy brown clay and sand w tce ccr D WAC0143 15.00 16.00 g Rcy brown clay and sand w tce ccr D WAC0143 14.00 15.00 g Rsn brown sand and clay with some ccr chips D WAC0143 13.00 14.00 g Rsn brown sand and clay with some ccr chips D WAC0143 12.00 13.00 g Rsn brown sand and clay with some ccr chips D WAC0143 4.00 5.00 g Rso red soil w rd ccr chips D WAC0143 10.00 11.00 g Rsn brown sand w green-brown ccr D WAC0143 1.00 2.00 p Rso red soil D WAC0143 8.00 9.00 g Rca brown-green ccr w brown clay D WAC0143 7.00 8.00 g Rca brown-green ccr w brown clay D WAC0143 5.00 6.00 g Rca green ccr w br sand D WAC0143 16.00 17.00 g Rcy brown clay and sand w tce ccr D WAC0143 3.00 4.00 g Rso red soil w rd ccr chips D WAC0143 2.00 3.00 p Rso red soil D WAC0143 11.00 12.00 g Rsn brown sand w less green-brown ccr, clay D WAC0144 4.00 5.00 g Rsn br snd w br ccr D WAC0144 1.00 2.00 g Rso red soil D WAC0144 13.00 14.00 g Rsn br snd w clay, tce fe cement D WAC0144 12.00 13.00 g Rsn br snd w clay, tce fe cement D WAC0144 11.00 12.00 g Rsn br snd w ccr D WAC0144 10.00 11.00 g Rsn br snd w less ccr D WAC0144 9.00 10.00 g Rsn br snd w br ccr D WAC0144 8.00 9.00 g Rsn br snd w br ccr D WAC0144 7.00 8.00 g Rcy br clay w br ccr and snd D WAC0144 5.00 6.00 g Rsn br snd w br ccr D WAC0144 2.00 3.00 g Rso red soil tce rd ccr D WAC0144 14.00 15.00 g Rsn br snd w clay, tce fe cement D WAC0144 0.00 1.00 g Rso red soil w grey clay D WAC0144 6.00 7.00 g Rcy br clay w br ccr D WAC0144 3.00 4.00 g Rso red soil w red ccr D WAC0145 14.00 15.00 g Rsn brown snd w strong dl cement and clay D WAC0145 6.00 7.00 g Rca ccr w grotty opal cement, wh clay D WAC0145 17.00 18.00 g Rsn sand w clay, some br cement D WAC0145 8.00 9.00 g Rca ccr w grotty opal cement, wh clay D WAC0145 9.00 10.00 g Rcy white clay w some opalized ccr D WAC0145 10.00 11.00 g Rsn brown sand w br ccr D WAC0145 16.00 17.00 g Rca dolocreted sand and brown clay tce fine qtz gravel D WAC0145 7.00 8.00 g Rca ccr w grotty opal cement, wh clay D WAC0145 11.00 12.00 g Rsn brown sand w br ccr D WAC0145 13.00 14.00 g Rsn brown snd w strong dl cement D WAC0145 12.00 13.00 g Rsn brown snd w less ccr D WAC0145 5.00 6.00 g Rca cx ccr w less brown cement D WAC0145 4.00 5.00 g Rca cx ccr w less brown cement D WAC0145 3.00 4.00 g Rca cx ccr w trabslucent dk brown cement D WAC0145 2.00 3.00 g Rca brown-cream ccr D WAC0145 1.00 2.00 p Rso red soil with concentric rdcx ccr nodules D WAC0145 0.00 1.00 p Rso red soil D WAC0145 15.00 16.00 g Rcy brown clay w cemented sand D WAC0146 11.00 12.00 g Rca massive cx and br sandy ccr D WAC0146 12.00 13.00 g Rca br ccr and clay D WAC0146 4.00 5.00 g Rca massive cx ccr D WAC0146 10.00 11.00 g Rca massive cx ccr w grotty br cement- possible ferruginized opal? D WAC0146 9.00 10.00 g Rca massive cx ccr w grotty br cement- possible ferruginized opal? D WAC0146 8.00 9.00 g Rca massive cx ccr w grotty br cement- possible ferruginized opal? D WAC0146 7.00 8.00 g Rca massive cx ccr w opal cement D WAC0146 6.00 7.00 g Rca massive cx ccr w grotty br cement- possible ferruginized opal? D WAC0146 5.00 6.00 g Rca massive cx ccr w grotty br cement- possible ferruginized opal? D WAC0146 13.00 14.00 g Rca br ccr and snd D WAC0146 2.00 3.00 g Rsn brown snd w red-brown complex ccr D WAC0146 14.00 15.00 g Rsn sand w ccr chips D WAC0146 0.00 1.00 g Rca red brown complex ccr D WAC0146 3.00 4.00 g Rca red brown complex ccr D WAC0146 1.00 2.00 g Rca red brown complex ccr D WAC0147 12.00 13.00 g Rca grotty grey-brown ccr D WAC0147 0.00 1.00 g Rca rdbr ccr D WAC0147 1.00 2.00 g Rca red-brown complex ccr with br snd D WAC0147 2.00 3.00 g Rca white nodules w pink ccr cement D WAC0147 3.00 4.00 g Rca brown ccr and clay D WAC0147 4.00 5.00 g Rca brown calcreted snd grains D WAC0147 5.00 6.00 g Rca cx ccr w grotty br cement D WAC0147 6.00 7.00 g Rca cx ccr w grotty br cement D WAC0147 8.00 9.00 g Rca cx ccr w more good opal cement D WAC0147 11.00 12.00 g Rca cx ccr w lots of hard opalization D WAC0147 13.00 14.00 g Rsn br snd w weak ca cement D WAC0147 14.00 15.00 g Rca br calcretd sand grains and sand D WAC0147 15.00 16.00 g Rca br calcretd sand grains and sand D WAC0147 16.00 17.00 g Rsn sand w some ccr cement D WAC0147 17.00 18.00 g Rsn sand w some br cement D WAC0147 9.00 10.00 g Rca grotty weathered massive cx ccr w some clay D WAC0147 10.00 11.00 g Rca grotty weathered massive cx ccr w tce opaization D WAC0147 7.00 8.00 g Rca cx ccr w good opal cement D WAC0148 16.00 17.00 g Rsn sand w tce clay D WAC0148 5.00 6.00 g Rca massive cx ccr D WAC0148 4.00 5.00 g Rca cx ccr with weathered weak br cement, tce opal D WAC0148 7.00 8.00 g Rca clay and massive cx ccr- some rusty orange bits D WAC0148 8.00 9.00 g Rca clay and cx ccr- grotty br ccr ement D WAC0148 9.00 10.00 g Rca clay and massive cx ccr D WAC0148 10.00 11.00 g Rca opalized cx ccr w some clay D WAC0148 11.00 12.00 g Rca opalized ccr- less, lighter opal D WAC0148 12.00 13.00 g Rca opalized ccr-light opal D WAC0148 13.00 14.00 g Rca brown, rusty ccr D WAC0148 15.00 16.00 g Rcy brown sandy clay D WAC0148 17.00 18.00 g Rsn brown sand with clay D WAC0148 6.00 7.00 g Rca clay and massive cx ccr D WAC0148 1.00 2.00 g Rca red and white ccr concretions D WAC0148 14.00 15.00 g Rsn brown snd D WAC0148 0.00 1.00 p Rca red ccr concretions D WAC0148 2.00 3.00 g Rca massive white ccr w red chips D WAC0148 3.00 4.00 g Rca brown clay and cx ccr weathered br cement D WAC0149 2.00 3.00 g Rso red soil occasinal rd ccr concretion D WAC0149 14.00 15.00 g Rsn sand and calcreted quartz grains D WAC0149 9.00 10.00 g Rsn br sand tce br ccr D WAC0149 10.00 11.00 g Rca recemented multicolord ccr- poss some siica D WAC0149 12.00 13.00 g Rca dolocreted qtz sand D WAC0149 13.00 14.00 g Rca dolocreted qtz sand D WAC0149 5.00 6.00 g Rso rd soil w rd ccr concretions D WAC0149 1.00 2.00 p Rso red soil occasinal rd ccr concretion D WAC0149 3.00 4.00 g Rso rd soil more rd ccr concretions D WAC0149 0.00 1.00 p Rso red soil occasinal rd ccr concretion D WAC0149 4.00 5.00 g Rso red soil occasinal rd ccr concretion D WAC0149 8.00 9.00 g Rsn br sand D WAC0149 7.00 8.00 g Rsn br sand D WAC0149 6.00 7.00 g Rso rd sandy soil D WAC0149 11.00 12.00 g Rca dolocreted qtz sand D WAC0150 5.00 6.00 g Rca cx ccr w nice opal, clay D WAC0150 17.00 18.00 g Rsn sand w calcrete D WAC0150 1.00 2.00 g Rca cream-white ccr chips D WAC0150 16.00 17.00 g Rsn sand w calcrete D WAC0150 0.00 1.00 g Rca cream-white ccr chips D WAC0150 3.00 4.00 g Rca cream ccr w nice nd grotty br opal D WAC0150 2.00 3.00 g Rca cream ccr chip, little ferrous brown chips. D WAC0150 4.00 5.00 g Rca cx ccr w nice opal D WAC0150 7.00 8.00 g Rca massive cx ccr w occasional opal veins D WAC0150 8.00 9.00 g Rca cx ccr w gy opal cement D WAC0150 9.00 10.00 g Rca cx ccr w br opal cement D WAC0150 10.00 11.00 g Rca cx ccr w br opal cement, then br ccr D WAC0150 11.00 12.00 g Rca cx ccr w br opal cement, and br ccr D WAC0150 12.00 13.00 g Rcy white clay w cx ccr D WAC0150 13.00 14.00 g Rca highly opalized ccr w clay D WAC0150 15.00 16.00 g Rca calcreted snd and clay D WAC0150 6.00 7.00 g Rca cx ccr w nice opal, more clay D WAC0150 14.00 15.00 g Rca calcreted sand D WAC0151 3.00 4.00 g Rsn brown sand w various ccr, clay D WAC0151 12.00 13.00 g Rca mottled ccr D WAC0151 11.00 12.00 g Rcy grey clay w br opal cementing cx ccr D WAC0151 13.00 14.00 g Rsn snd w weak ca-fe cement D WAC0151 10.00 11.00 g Rca massive cx ccr w tce br opal D WAC0151 5.00 6.00 g Rca complex multicolored ccr D WAC0151 14.00 15.00 g Rsn snd w weak ca-fe cement D WAC0151 2.00 3.00 g Rca pink and cream ccr various textures D WAC0151 6.00 7.00 g Rca massive cx ccr w some br chips D WAC0151 7.00 8.00 g Rca massive cx ccr and br clay D WAC0151 8.00 9.00 g Rca cx ccr w translucent opal cement D WAC0151 9.00 10.00 g Rca massive cx ccr w tce gy opal D WAC0151 1.00 2.00 g Rca calcrete nodules D WAC0151 0.00 1.00 p Rca calcrete nodules D WAC0151 4.00 5.00 g Rsn brown sand w various ccr, clay D WAC0152 16.00 17.00 g Rsn br snd w weak fe cement D WAC0152 17.00 18.00 g Rsn br snd w weak fe cement D WAC0152 2.00 3.00 g Rca pink and white recementedccr nodules D WAC0152 15.00 16.00 g Rsn br snd w weak fe-ca cement, clay D WAC0152 14.00 15.00 g Rsn br sand w weak ca cement D WAC0152 13.00 14.00 g Rsn br sand w weak fe cement D WAC0152 12.00 13.00 g Rca brown sandy ccr D WAC0152 11.00 12.00 g Rca cx ccr w opal cement D WAC0152 5.00 6.00 g Rca massive cx ccr D WAC0152 10.00 11.00 g Rca cx ccr w opal cement D WAC0152 4.00 5.00 g Rca complex multicolored ccr D WAC0152 6.00 7.00 g Rca massive cx ccr D WAC0152 0.00 1.00 g Rca pink and white ccr nodules D WAC0152 1.00 2.00 g Rca pink and white recementedccr nodules D WAC0152 7.00 8.00 g Rca massive cx ccr D WAC0152 8.00 9.00 g Rca massive cx ccr w rotten b cement D WAC0152 9.00 10.00 g Rca massive cx ccr w rotten b cement D WAC0152 3.00 4.00 g Rca pink and white recementedccr nodules D WAC0153 3.00 4.00 g Rca massive ccr, cemented nodules, cemented coarse qtz sand. D WAC0153 9.00 10.00 g Rca slightly opalized cx ccr D WAC0153 14.00 15.00 g Rsn br snd w br ccr D WAC0153 13.00 14.00 g Rca brown ccr cementing sand and loose snd D WAC0153 12.00 13.00 g Rca grey-green ccr cementing snd D WAC0153 11.00 12.00 g Rca moderately opalized cx ccr D WAC0153 10.00 11.00 g Rca cx ccr w opalization and br fe cement D WAC0153 8.00 9.00 g Rsi/si opal cementing cx ccr D WAC0153 7.00 8.00 g Rca moderately opalized cx ccr D WAC0153 6.00 7.00 g Rca highly oplizd cx ccr D WAC0153 0.00 1.00 g Rca wh ccr nodules w pk cement D WAC0153 4.00 5.00 g Rca massive cx ccr tce opal D WAC0153 2.00 3.00 g Rca cx ccr w some opalization D WAC0153 1.00 2.00 g Rca massive cx ccr w brown cement D WAC0153 5.00 6.00 g Rca highly oplizd cx ccr D WAC0153 17.00 18.00 g Rsn br snd w less br ccr D WAC0153 15.00 16.00 g Rsn br snd w less br ccr D WAC0153 16.00 17.00 g Rsn br snd w less br ccr D WAC0154 9.00 10.00 g Rsn more clay, les ccr D WAC0154 13.00 14.00 g Rsn sand w weak ca, fe cement D WAC0154 12.00 13.00 g Rsn sand w weak ca, fe cement D WAC0154 10.00 11.00 g Rsn sand w weak ca, fe cement D WAC0154 14.00 15.00 g Rsn sand w weak ca, fe cement D WAC0154 8.00 9.00 g Rca multicolored ccr w snd, white ccr chips, tce clay D WAC0154 1.00 2.00 p Rso red sandy soil D WAC0154 11.00 12.00 g Rsn sand w weak ca, fe cement D WAC0154 0.00 1.00 p Rso red sandy soil D WAC0154 7.00 8.00 g Rca multicolored ccr w snd, white ccr chips D WAC0154 2.00 3.00 p Rso red sandy soil D WAC0154 3.00 4.00 g Rso red sandy soil D WAC0154 4.00 5.00 g Rso red sandy soil D WAC0154 5.00 6.00 g Rsn brown sand w green-brown ccr concretions D WAC0154 6.00 7.00 g Rca multicolored ccr w snd D WAC0155 8.00 9.00 g Rsn brown sand w weak fe cement D WAC0155 13.00 14.00 g Rsn brown sand w weak fe cement D WAC0155 12.00 13.00 g Rsn brown sand w weak fe cement D WAC0155 11.00 12.00 g Rsn brown sand w weak fe cement D WAC0155 10.00 11.00 g Rsn brown sand w weak fe-ca cement D WAC0155 9.00 10.00 g Rsn brown sand w weak fe cement D WAC0155 14.00 15.00 g Rsn brown sand w weak fe cement D WAC0155 7.00 8.00 g Rsn brown sand w weak fe cement D WAC0155 6.00 7.00 g Rca mottled br ccr D WAC0155 5.00 6.00 g Rca cx ccr and mottled br ccr D WAC0155 4.00 5.00 g Rsn br sand w a little green-brown calcrete D WAC0155 3.00 4.00 g Rso rd soil with brgr ca concretions D WAC0155 2.00 3.00 g Rso red soil D WAC0155 0.00 1.00 g Rso red soil D WAC0155 1.00 2.00 g Rso red soil D WAC0160 11.00 12.00 g Rsi silcrete cx w some brown areas D WAC0160 8.00 9.00 g Rca strong opalised ccr D WAC0160 0.00 1.00 g Rca weathered calcrete w nodules D WAC0160 1.00 2.00 g Rca weathere ccr D WAC0160 2.00 3.00 p Rca soft ccr w wh clay D WAC0160 3.00 4.00 g Rca white ccr soft D WAC0160 4.00 5.00 g Rca white ccr soft D WAC0160 5.00 6.00 g Rca white ccr soft D WAC0160 13.00 14.00 g Rca brownish ccr D WAC0160 7.00 8.00 g Rca white ccr soft D WAC0160 17.00 18.00 g Rsn sand EOH D WAC0160 9.00 10.00 g Rdc strong opalised dcr/ccr D WAC0160 10.00 11.00 g Rsi silcrete evtl dcr but no ccr D WAC0160 12.00 13.00 p Rsi silcrete w min ccr D WAC0160 14.00 15.00 g Rca ccr greyish cream D WAC0160 15.00 16.00 g Rca mottled ccr mxd w sand D WAC0160 16.00 17.00 g Rsn mottled ccr mxd w sand D WAC0160 6.00 7.00 g Rca white ccr min opalised D WAC0161 2.00 3.00 g Rca weathered ccr D WAC0161 9.00 10.00 g Rsi silcrete/opal drk brown D WAC0161 0.00 1.00 p Rca weathered ccr D WAC0161 1.00 2.00 p Rca weathered ccr D WAC0161 3.00 4.00 g Rca ccr w min br bits D WAC0161 5.00 6.00 g Rca opalised ccr very dark brown D WAC0161 6.00 7.00 g Rca opailsed ccr D WAC0161 4.00 5.00 p Rca ccr mxd w clay D WAC0161 8.00 9.00 g Rca ccr mxd w silcrete D WAC0161 17.00 18.00 g Rsn sand w ccr chips. EOH D WAC0161 10.00 11.00 g Rsi silcrete/opal drk brown D WAC0161 11.00 12.00 g Rca opalised ccr w clay D WAC0161 12.00 13.00 g Rca greyish ccr/dcr D WAC0161 13.00 14.00 g Rca well cemented sand D WAC0161 14.00 15.00 g Rca mottled ccr mxd w sand D WAC0161 15.00 16.00 g Rca mottled ccr mxd w sand D WAC0161 16.00 17.00 g Rca mottled ccr mxd w sand D WAC0161 7.00 8.00 g Rca opailsed ccr D WAC0162 11.00 12.00 g Rca silicified calcrete D WAC0162 9.00 10.00 g Rdc dcr w silcrete D WAC0162 13.00 14.00 g Rca cx ccr and mottled br ccr D WAC0162 17.00 18.00 g Rca sand w ccr EOH D WAC0162 16.00 17.00 g Rca mottled ccr w clay D WAC0162 15.00 16.00 g Rca mottled ccr D WAC0162 14.00 15.00 g Rca mottled ccr D WAC0162 10.00 11.00 g Rca silicified calcrete D WAC0162 8.00 9.00 g Rdc drc mxd w silcrete D WAC0162 7.00 8.00 g Rsi silcrete w clay D WAC0162 6.00 7.00 g Rdc dcr w silcrete D WAC0162 5.00 6.00 g Rca calcrete w min opalisation D WAC0162 4.00 5.00 g Rca white calcrete D WAC0162 3.00 4.00 g Rca white calcrete D WAC0162 2.00 3.00 g Rca weathered ccr D WAC0162 1.00 2.00 g Rca weathered ccr D WAC0162 0.00 1.00 p Rca weathered ccr D WAC0162 12.00 13.00 g Rca opalised calcrete D WAC0163 2.00 3.00 g Rca calcrete D WAC0163 5.00 6.00 g Rca opalised ccr D WAC0163 1.00 2.00 g Rca weathered ccr D WAC0163 3.00 4.00 g Rca multicoloured ccr D WAC0163 4.00 5.00 g Rca ccr w very dark opalisation D WAC0163 0.00 1.00 g Rca weathered ccr D WAC0163 7.00 8.00 g Rca opalised ccr D WAC0163 8.00 9.00 g Rca opalised ccr D WAC0163 9.00 10.00 p Rca opalised ccr D WAC0163 10.00 11.00 g Rca ccr brownish D WAC0163 11.00 12.00 g Rca ccr mxd w some clay D WAC0163 6.00 7.00 g Rca opalised ccr D WAC0174 23.00 24.00 g Sst brown-purple sandstone to sitstone D WAC0174 6.00 7.00 g Ssh grey shale- turns to clay when washed D WAC0174 5.00 6.00 g Sst light green sst w clay D WAC0174 4.00 5.00 g Sst dark brown-purple sst D WAC0174 19.00 20.00 g Ssl brown-purple siltstone- finer grained D WAC0174 3.00 4.00 g Sst dark brown-purple sst D WAC0174 7.00 8.00 g Sst green-grey poorly sorted well cemented with calcite- tuff? D WAC0174 22.00 23.00 g Ssl brown-purple siltstone D WAC0174 12.00 13.00 g Ssl brown-purple siltstone D WAC0174 24.00 25.00 g Sst brown-purple sandstone to sitstone rust stain, green bits D WAC0174 25.00 26.00 g Sst brown-urple fine sst D WAC0174 21.00 22.00 g Ssl brown purple siltstone w dark green sandstone. D WAC0174 8.00 9.00 g Ssl brown-purple siltstone D WAC0174 9.00 10.00 g Ssl brown-purple siltstone D WAC0174 11.00 12.00 g Ssl brown-purple siltstone- poorly sorted- some fine sand D WAC0174 17.00 18.00 g Ssl brown-purple siltstone D WAC0174 13.00 14.00 g Ssl brown-purple siltstone D WAC0174 20.00 21.00 g Ssl brown-purple siltstone D WAC0174 14.00 15.00 g Ssl brown-purple siltstone- fine sandstone D WAC0174 15.00 16.00 g Ssl brown-purple siltstone- almost shale- small greenish bits present D WAC0174 1.00 2.00 g Rso red soil w pu sst chips- some ferruginized, a few ccr concretions D WAC0174 0.00 1.00 g Rso red soil w brpu sst chips D WAC0174 2.00 3.00 g Sst dark brown ferruginized sst w some ccr D WAC0174 16.00 17.00 g Ssl brown-purple siltstone D WAC0174 10.00 11.00 g Ssl brown-purple siltstone D WAC0174 18.00 19.00 g Sst brown-purple siltstone- fine sandstone. Arkosic, muscovite present D WAC0174 26.00 27.00 g Sst brown-urple fine sst, thn impenetrable gr sst cemented D WAC0175 3.00 4.00 g Rfc red and black feruginous nodules D WAC0175 17.00 18.00 g Rsi silicified ferricrete- cx cement holding bkbr nodules D WAC0175 0.00 1.00 g Rso red soil w black ccr D WAC0175 16.00 17.00 g Rsi silicified ferricrete- cx cement holding bkbr nodules D WAC0175 2.00 3.00 g Rfc red and black feruginous nodules D WAC0175 4.00 5.00 g Rca red and yellow ferrous dolocrete D WAC0175 5.00 6.00 g Rca red and yellow ferrous dolocrete D WAC0175 6.00 7.00 g Rca red and yellow ferrous dolocrete w black nodules D WAC0175 13.00 14.00 g Sst fine grain cemented sand/siltstone- yellow, red, light green D WAC0175 15.00 16.00 g Sst fine grained sst w limonite and clay D WAC0175 1.00 2.00 g Rfc red and black feruginous nodules D WAC0175 14.00 15.00 g Sst sst possible silcreted w white silicified clay pieces D WAC0175 7.00 8.00 g Rca cream massive dolocrete D WAC0175 12.00 13.00 g Rca limonitic calcrete w bk ferricrete nodules D WAC0175 11.00 12.00 g Rca silty yellow limonitic dolocrete D WAC0175 10.00 11.00 g Rca silty yellow limonitic dolocrete w red chert D WAC0175 9.00 10.00 g Rca yellow limonitic dolocrete D WAC0175 8.00 9.00 g Rca cream massive dolocrete D WAC0182 9.00 10.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0182 12.00 13.00 g Rca cemented sand D WAC0182 16.00 17.00 g Rsn mottled calcrete D WAC0182 15.00 16.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0182 13.00 14.00 g Rca cemented sand D WAC0182 11.00 12.00 g Rca brownish well cemented ccr D WAC0182 10.00 11.00 g Rca ccr w weathered bits D WAC0182 17.00 18.00 g Rsn sand EOH D WAC0182 2.00 3.00 g Rso soil w ccr bits D WAC0182 7.00 8.00 g Rca manganeferous ccr D WAC0182 6.00 7.00 g Rca manganeferous ccr D WAC0182 5.00 6.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0182 4.00 5.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0182 3.00 4.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0182 14.00 15.00 g Rca cemented sand w small silica filled voids D WAC0182 8.00 9.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0182 0.00 1.00 p Rso red soil D WAC0182 1.00 2.00 g Rso red soil D WAC0183 4.00 5.00 g Rca calcrete D WAC0183 5.00 6.00 g Rca ccr mxd w slc D WAC0183 6.00 7.00 p Rdc opalised dolocrete D WAC0183 7.00 8.00 p Rdc opalised dolocrete D WAC0183 8.00 9.00 g Rdc opalised dolocrete D WAC0183 3.00 4.00 g Rca brown opalised calcrete D WAC0183 10.00 11.00 g Rca opalised calcrete D WAC0183 11.00 12.00 g Rca opalised ccr/dcr D WAC0183 12.00 13.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0183 13.00 14.00 g Rsn mottled calcrete D WAC0183 14.00 15.00 g Rsn sand w ccr bit EOH D WAC0183 9.00 10.00 g Rdc opalised dolocrete D WAC0183 2.00 3.00 g Rca ccr w weathered bits D WAC0183 1.00 2.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0183 0.00 1.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0184 7.00 8.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0184 8.00 9.00 g Rca ccr mxd w dcr D WAC0184 9.00 10.00 g Rca ccr mxd w dcr D WAC0184 10.00 11.00 g Rca ccr mxd w dcr D WAC0184 11.00 12.00 g Rca ccr mxd w dcr D WAC0184 12.00 13.00 g Rca cx brown calcrete D WAC0184 13.00 14.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0184 14.00 15.00 g Rsn mottled calcrete EOH D WAC0184 0.00 1.00 p Rso red soil D WAC0184 5.00 6.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0184 4.00 5.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0184 6.00 7.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0184 1.00 2.00 g Rso red soil D WAC0184 3.00 4.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0184 2.00 3.00 g Rso soil w ccr bits D WAC0185 13.00 14.00 g Rca mottled ccr D WAC0185 6.00 7.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0185 7.00 8.00 g Rca ccr mxd w dcr D WAC0185 8.00 9.00 g Rca ccr mxd w dcr D WAC0185 9.00 10.00 g Rca dcr mxd w ccr min opalised D WAC0185 10.00 11.00 g Rdc dcr mxd w ccr min opalised D WAC0185 12.00 13.00 g Rca ccr mxd w dcr min opalised D WAC0185 3.00 4.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0185 14.00 15.00 g Rca mottled ccr D WAC0185 15.00 16.00 g Rsn snd w some ccr D WAC0185 16.00 17.00 g Rsn snd w some ccr D WAC0185 17.00 18.00 g Rsn sand w ccr bit EOH D WAC0185 11.00 12.00 g Rca ccr mxd w dcr D WAC0185 2.00 3.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0185 1.00 2.00 g Rso soil w ccr bits D WAC0185 0.00 1.00 p Rso red soil D WAC0185 4.00 5.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0185 5.00 6.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0205 7.00 8.00 g Rca opalised ccr/dcr D WAC0205 4.00 5.00 g Rca opalised calcrete but weathered D WAC0205 14.00 15.00 g Rsn sand EOH D WAC0205 13.00 14.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0205 12.00 13.00 g Rsn snd w ccr bits D WAC0205 11.00 12.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0205 10.00 11.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0205 8.00 9.00 g Rca opalised ccr/dcr D WAC0205 6.00 7.00 g Rca opalised ccr/dcr dol encloses ccr nodules D WAC0205 5.00 6.00 g Rca opalised calcrete but weathered D WAC0205 0.00 1.00 g Rso red soil D WAC0205 9.00 10.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0205 1.00 2.00 g Rso soil w ccr bits D WAC0205 2.00 3.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0205 3.00 4.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0206 1.00 2.00 g Rso red soil D WAC0206 8.00 9.00 g Rca opalised calcrrete EOH D WAC0206 7.00 8.00 g Rca opalised calcrete D WAC0206 6.00 7.00 g Rca opalised ccr/dcr weathered D WAC0206 5.00 6.00 g Rca opalised calcrete but weathered D WAC0206 4.00 5.00 g Rca ccr weathered w opalised bits D WAC0206 2.00 3.00 g Rso soil w ccr bits D WAC0206 0.00 1.00 g Rso red soil D WAC0206 3.00 4.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0207 0.00 1.00 g Rca ccr cont by previous calcrete sample D WAC0207 6.00 7.00 g Rca opalised ccr/dcr EOH D WAC0207 5.00 6.00 g Rca ccr dcr mix min opalised D WAC0207 4.00 5.00 g Rca calcrete D WAC0207 3.00 4.00 g Rca ccr weathered bit opalised D WAC0207 2.00 3.00 g Rca ccr weathered w opalised bits D WAC0207 1.00 2.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0226 10.00 11.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0226 0.00 1.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0226 9.00 10.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0226 8.00 9.00 g Rca opalised ccr dcr mix D WAC0226 7.00 8.00 g Rca opalised ccr dcr mix D WAC0226 6.00 7.00 g Rca opalised ccr dcr mix D WAC0226 5.00 6.00 g Rca opalised ccr dcr mix D WAC0226 4.00 5.00 g Rca ccr dcr mix D WAC0226 3.00 4.00 g Rca soft calcrete D WAC0226 11.00 12.00 g Rsn snd w clay and ccr bits EOH D WAC0226 2.00 3.00 g Rca calcrete D WAC0226 1.00 2.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0227 8.00 9.00 g Rca calcrete D WAC0227 14.00 15.00 g Rsn sand EOH D WAC0227 13.00 14.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0227 12.00 13.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0227 11.00 12.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0227 9.00 10.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0227 7.00 8.00 g Rca opalised ccr dcr mix D WAC0227 6.00 7.00 g Rca opalised ccr dcr mix D WAC0227 5.00 6.00 g Rca opalised ccr dcr mix D WAC0227 4.00 5.00 g Rca opalised ccr dcr mix D WAC0227 3.00 4.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0227 1.00 2.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0227 0.00 1.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0227 2.00 3.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0227 10.00 11.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0228 0.00 1.00 g Rso soil w ccr bits D WAC0228 10.00 11.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0228 9.00 10.00 g Rca calcrete D WAC0228 8.00 9.00 g Rca calcrete D WAC0228 7.00 8.00 g Rca opalised ccr dcr mix D WAC0228 6.00 7.00 g Rca opalised ccr dcr mix D WAC0228 5.00 6.00 g Rca opalised ccr dcr mix D WAC0228 4.00 5.00 g Rca calcrete D WAC0228 3.00 4.00 g Rca calcrete D WAC0228 2.00 3.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0228 1.00 2.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0228 11.00 12.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0229 12.00 13.00 p Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0229 11.00 12.00 p Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0229 10.00 11.00 p Rca opalised ccr dcr mix D WAC0229 3.00 4.00 g Rca calcrete D WAC0229 9.00 10.00 p Rca opalised ccr dcr mix D WAC0229 8.00 9.00 g Rca opalised ccr dcr mix D WAC0229 7.00 8.00 g Rca opalised ccr dcr mix D WAC0229 6.00 7.00 g Rca opalised ccr dcr mix D WAC0229 5.00 6.00 g Rca opalised ccr dcr mix D WAC0229 4.00 5.00 g Rca opalised ccr dcr mix D WAC0229 13.00 14.00 p Rca mottled calcrete EOH D WAC0229 0.00 1.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0229 2.00 3.00 g Rca calcrete D WAC0229 1.00 2.00 g Rca calcrete D WAC0230 34.00 35.00 g Ssl red cream limonitic slt D WAC0230 40.00 41.00 g Ssl brown red slt D WAC0230 39.00 40.00 g Ssl red brown siltstone D WAC0230 38.00 39.00 g Ssl red slt w some limonite D WAC0230 57.00 58.00 g Ssh black mica shale w malachite bits D WAC0230 37.00 38.00 g Ssl red siltstone D WAC0230 58.00 59.00 g Rcy hit water EOH D WAC0230 35.00 36.00 g Ssl red cream limonitic slt D WAC0230 43.00 44.00 g Ssh dark brown shale D WAC0230 33.00 34.00 g Ssl red siltstone w some clay D WAC0230 32.00 33.00 g Ssl red pinkish cream slt D WAC0230 31.00 32.00 g Rcy fault gouge w clay D WAC0230 30.00 31.00 g Rcy fault gouge w clay D WAC0230 29.00 30.00 g Ssl less clay but more rd slt D WAC0230 28.00 29.00 g Ssl clay fault zone cnt to slt D WAC0230 27.00 28.00 g Ssl clay fault zone cnt to slt D WAC0230 36.00 37.00 g Ssl red siltstone D WAC0230 55.00 56.00 g Ssh black mica shale w malachite bits D WAC0230 26.00 27.00 g Ssl arkosic slt mxd w rd clay D WAC0230 11.00 12.00 g Ssh shale D WAC0230 49.00 50.00 g Ssh dark shale w malachite bits D WAC0230 50.00 51.00 g Ssh shale w clay D WAC0230 51.00 52.00 g Ssh dark shale w malachite bits D WAC0230 52.00 53.00 g Ssl red brown siltstone D WAC0230 41.00 42.00 g Ssh shale w malachite bits D WAC0230 54.00 55.00 g Ssl clay mxd w malachite slt D WAC0230 42.00 43.00 g Ssh dark brown shale D WAC0230 56.00 57.00 g Ssh black mica shale w malachite bits D WAC0230 48.00 49.00 g Ssh dark shale w malachite bits D WAC0230 47.00 48.00 g Ssh dark shale w malachite bits D WAC0230 46.00 47.00 g Ssh dark shale w malachite bits D WAC0230 45.00 46.00 g Ssh dark shale w malachite bits D WAC0230 44.00 45.00 g Ssh dark shale w malachite bits D WAC0230 53.00 54.00 g Ssl red brown siltstone D WAC0230 3.00 4.00 g Sst red yellow sandstone D WAC0230 13.00 14.00 g Ssl shaly siltstone D WAC0230 25.00 26.00 g Ssl arkosic slt w mica D WAC0230 0.00 1.00 g Rso red soil D WAC0230 2.00 3.00 g Rso red soil D WAC0230 4.00 5.00 g Sst limonitic cx sst D WAC0230 5.00 6.00 g Ssl arkosic green siltstone D WAC0230 6.00 7.00 g Ssl green silty shale D WAC0230 7.00 8.00 g Ssl green pink siltstone D WAC0230 8.00 9.00 g Sst red pink sandstone D WAC0230 9.00 10.00 g Sst red pink sandstone D WAC0230 10.00 11.00 g Ssl shaly siltstone D WAC0230 21.00 22.00 g Ssl slt mxd w green shale D WAC0230 1.00 2.00 g Rso red soil D WAC0230 12.00 13.00 g Ssl shaly siltstone D WAC0230 23.00 24.00 g Ssl arkosic slt w mica D WAC0230 22.00 23.00 g Ssl arkosic slt w mica D WAC0230 24.00 25.00 g Ssl arkosic slt w mica D WAC0230 20.00 21.00 g Ssl slt mxd w green shale D WAC0230 19.00 20.00 g Ssl arkosic slt w mica D WAC0230 18.00 19.00 g Ssl arkosic slt w muscovite and limonite D WAC0230 17.00 18.00 g Ssl arkosic slt w muscovite and limonite D WAC0230 16.00 17.00 g Ssl mix rd slt and cream slt D WAC0230 15.00 16.00 g Ssl mix rd slt and cream slt D WAC0230 14.00 15.00 g Ssl mix rd slt and cream slt D WAC0231 10.00 11.00 g Ssl limonitic cx slt D WAC0231 7.00 8.00 g Ssl limonitic cx slt D WAC0231 12.00 13.00 g Ssl silicified limonitic slt D WAC0231 13.00 14.00 g Ssl silicified limonitic slt D WAC0231 14.00 15.00 g Ssl shaly slt w black bits D WAC0231 15.00 16.00 g Ssl shaly slt w black bits EOH D WAC0231 0.00 1.00 g Rso ferrigenous soil D WAC0231 11.00 12.00 g Ssl limonitic cx slt D WAC0231 1.00 2.00 g Rso ferrigenous soil D WAC0231 8.00 9.00 g Ssl limonitic cx slt D WAC0231 2.00 3.00 g Rso ferrigenous soil D WAC0231 3.00 4.00 g Ssh red limonitic sst D WAC0231 5.00 6.00 g Ssh red limonitic sst D WAC0231 6.00 7.00 g Ssh red limonitic sst D WAC0231 9.00 10.00 g Ssl limonitic cx slt D WAC0231 4.00 5.00 g Ssh red limonitic sst D WAC0232 8.00 9.00 g Rsn snd w ccr bits EOH D WAC0232 0.00 1.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0232 1.00 2.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0232 2.00 3.00 g Rca ccr dcr mix D WAC0232 3.00 4.00 g Rca ccr dcr mix D WAC0232 4.00 5.00 g Rca ccr dcr mix D WAC0232 5.00 6.00 g Rca ccr dcr mix D WAC0232 7.00 8.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0232 6.00 7.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0233 5.00 6.00 g Rca ccr w some weathered bits D WAC0233 2.00 3.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0233 7.00 8.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0233 11.00 12.00 g Rsn sand EOH D WAC0233 1.00 2.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0233 3.00 4.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0233 4.00 5.00 g Rca ccr w some weathered bits D WAC0233 6.00 7.00 g Rca ccr w mottled bits D WAC0233 8.00 9.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0233 9.00 10.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0233 10.00 11.00 g Rsn snd w ccr bits D WAC0233 0.00 1.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0234 4.00 5.00 g Rca calcrete D WAC0234 8.00 9.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0234 2.00 3.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0234 10.00 11.00 g Rsn snd w ccr bits D WAC0234 9.00 10.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0234 7.00 8.00 g Rca ccr mxd w mottled ccr D WAC0234 11.00 12.00 g Rsn sand EOH D WAC0234 5.00 6.00 g Rca opalised calcrete D WAC0234 3.00 4.00 g Rca ccr w weathered bits D WAC0234 0.00 1.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0234 1.00 2.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0234 6.00 7.00 g Rca opalised calcrete D WAC0235 5.00 6.00 g Rca opalised ccr dcr mix EOH D WAC0235 4.00 5.00 g Rca ccr dcr mix D WAC0235 3.00 4.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0235 2.00 3.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0235 1.00 2.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0235 0.00 1.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0236 2.00 3.00 g Rca calcrete D WAC0236 1.00 2.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0236 4.00 5.00 g Rca opalised ccr dcr mix D WAC0236 5.00 6.00 g Rca opalised ccr dcr mix D WAC0236 6.00 7.00 g Rca opalised ccr dcr mix D WAC0236 7.00 8.00 g Rca opalised ccr dcr mix D WAC0236 8.00 9.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0236 9.00 10.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0236 10.00 11.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0236 11.00 12.00 g Rsn sand EOH D WAC0236 0.00 1.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0236 3.00 4.00 g Rca opalised ccr dcr mix D WAC0237 9.00 10.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0237 10.00 11.00 g Rsn snd w ccr bits D WAC0237 8.00 9.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0237 7.00 8.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0237 6.00 7.00 g Rca ccr w mottled bits D WAC0237 5.00 6.00 g Rca ccr w weathered bits D WAC0237 4.00 5.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0237 3.00 4.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0237 2.00 3.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0237 1.00 2.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0237 0.00 1.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0237 11.00 12.00 g Rsn sand EOH D WAC0238 3.00 4.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0238 11.00 12.00 g Rsn sand EOH D WAC0238 10.00 11.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0238 9.00 10.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0238 8.00 9.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0238 7.00 8.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0238 6.00 7.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0238 4.00 5.00 g Rca ccr w weathered bits D WAC0238 2.00 3.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0238 1.00 2.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0238 0.00 1.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0238 5.00 6.00 g Rca ccr w weathered bits D WAC0239 0.00 1.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0239 1.00 2.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0239 2.00 3.00 g Rca calcrete D WAC0239 3.00 4.00 g Rca opalised calcrete D WAC0239 4.00 5.00 g Rca opalised ccr dcr mix D WAC0239 5.00 6.00 g Rca opalised ccr dcr mix D WAC0239 6.00 7.00 g Rca opalised ccr dcr mix D WAC0239 7.00 8.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0239 8.00 9.00 g Rca mt ccr mxd w snd EOH D WAC0240 4.00 5.00 g Rca opalised ccr dcr mix D WAC0240 1.00 2.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0240 0.00 1.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0240 3.00 4.00 g Rca opalised ccr dcr mix D WAC0240 2.00 3.00 g Rca ccr dcr mix D WAC0240 5.00 6.00 g Rca opalised ccr dcr mix D WAC0240 6.00 7.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0240 7.00 8.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0240 8.00 9.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0240 9.00 10.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0240 10.00 11.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0240 11.00 12.00 g Rsn sand EOH D WAC0241 0.00 1.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0241 1.00 2.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0241 3.00 4.00 g Rca calcrete D WAC0241 4.00 5.00 g Rca opalised ccr EOH D WAC0241 2.00 3.00 g Rca calcrete D WAC0242 0.00 1.00 g Rso red soil D WAC0242 8.00 9.00 g Rsn sand EOH D WAC0242 7.00 8.00 g Rsn snd w mottled ccr bits D WAC0242 6.00 7.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0242 5.00 6.00 g Rca ccr dcr mix D WAC0242 3.00 4.00 g Rca opalised ccr dcr mix D WAC0242 2.00 3.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0242 1.00 2.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0242 4.00 5.00 g Rca opalised ccr dcr mix D WAC0243 0.00 1.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0243 1.00 2.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0243 3.00 4.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0243 14.00 15.00 g Rsn sand EOH D WAC0243 13.00 14.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0243 12.00 13.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0243 11.00 12.00 g Rsn sand D WAC0243 10.00 11.00 g Rsn snd w ccr bits D WAC0243 9.00 10.00 g Rsn snd w ccr bits D WAC0243 8.00 9.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0243 7.00 8.00 g Rca mottled calcrete D WAC0243 6.00 7.00 g Rca ccr w mottled bits D WAC0243 5.00 6.00 g Rca calcrete D WAC0243 4.00 5.00 g Rca weathered calcrete D WAC0243 2.00 3.00 g Rca weathered calcrete EOF