H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 12-Jun-13 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 15-Feb-13 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combind_report_no EL28185 H0101 Tenement_holder Copper Range Ltd H0102 Project_name Larrimah Phosphate H0106 Tenement_operator Copper Range Ltd H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SD5313 SE5301 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 5465 5466 5565 5566 H0152 50K_map_sheet_number H0153 25K_map_sheet_number H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 16-Feb-12 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 15-Feb-13 H0202 Data_format DL4 H0203 Number_of_data_records 79 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 13-Jun-13 H0300 Related_data_file H0301 Location_data_file EL28185_2013_A_03_COLL2013A.txt H0302 Lithology_data_file EL28185_2013_A_04_GEO2013A.txt H0303 Assay_data_file EL28185_2013_A_05_ASS2013A.txt H0304 Survey_data_file H0305 SurfGeochem_Data_File H0307 Lithology_code_file EL28185_2013_A_06_LITH2013A.txt H0308 File verification List EL28185_2013_A_07_Verification_List_2013.txt H0310 Water_data_file H0311 Water data incl in lithology file No H0500 Feature_located Drillhole_collar H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum Nominal H0503 Projection Map Grid of Australia (MGA) H0508 Local Grid Name H0530 Coordinate_system Projected H0531 Projection_zone 53 H0532 Surface_Location_Survey_Instrument None H0533 Surface_Location_Survey_Company Unknown H0536 Downhole_Geophysical_Survey_Instrument H0537 Downhole_Geophysical_Survey_Company H0900 Remarks H1000 Hole_Type Rock_Formation Rock_Code Texture Structure Weathering Grainsize Colour_Code Mineral_Code Mineral_Style Alteration_Code Alteration_Type Intensity_Code Sample_Type Sample_Method Sample_Category Strength H1001 Code Description Drilling_Contractor Drillers_Name Drill_Rig Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description Sample_Condition Standard_ID SampleQuality Sampled_By Mesh_Size SoilType Slope_Direction Vegetation Code Description D AC Air Core AMWD Jarrad RIG3 QCV Quarternary Cover Sequence NSR No sample return mas Massive fol Foliated W1 Fresh rock C Coarse 0.5-1.0mm bk Black ab Albite AG Aggregates mts Metasomatised B "bands, bedding controlled" 1 "Trace, 0 - 5% " ADITH Hand dug channel sampling of Adit CUTCORE Cut Core BLANK Field Blank Dry GBF100 High Contamination H.MEES -40# OXIDISED E Medium ES Extremely Strong D Adit Adit- Horizontal tunnel into bedrock. K Mullaman Beds Oav Alluvium vrm Vermiform fld Folded W2 Slightly weathered F Fine 0.10-0.25mm gy Grey ac Actinolite APL Aplitic hyd Hydrothermal D disseminated 2 "Slight, 5 - 25%" ALLUV Alluvial Sample GRAB Grab Sample FIELD DUPLICATE Duplicate of a sample Moist STD500 Low Contamination CHRIS M. -80# CLAY N Sparse VS Very Strong D CH Channel Clm Cambrian Limestones Ocl Clay (plasmic) zone nod Nodular shr Sheared W3 Moderately weathered M Medium 0.25-0.5mm br Brown af Alkali feldspar BD Bedded hyp Hypogene E pervasive 3 "Moderate, 25 - 50% " AUG Auger NR Not Recorded NR Not Recorded Wet No Contamination NE Thick MS Medium Strong D DDH Diamond Drill Hole Cba Antrim Basalt Oca Calcrete pis Pisolitic myl Mylonitic W4 Highly weathered VC Very Coarse 1.0-2.0mm gr Green Ag Silver BK Buck sup Supergene F foliation controlled 4 "Strong, 50 - 75%" AVE Average Grade of Downhole Intersection RIFFLE Riffle Split NS Not sampled Saturated Possible Contamination NW Very Thick S Strong D NR Not recorded Ogv Gravel mtl Mottled slk Slickensided W5 Completely weathered VF Very Fine 0.06-0.10mm kh Khaki ak Ankerite BKH Buck Honey al Albitisation G gossanous 5 "Intense, 75 - 100%" BEDRK Bedrock Sample CONE Cone Splitter ORIG Original Field Sample S W Weak D RAB Rotary Air Bore Ocv Colluvium grn Granular lin Lineated yl Yellow am Amphibole BKS Buck Sugary ar Argillic L lodes BOH Bottom of the Hole SCOOP Scoop Sample RESAMPLE Field Resample SE VW Very Weak D RC Reverse Circulation Osc Silcrete por Porphyritic cre Crenulated md Mustard an Andalusite BKT Buck Translucent bl Bleached M massive CHAR Character Sample SPEAR Spear Sample RESPLIT Resplit Field Sample SW EW Extremely Weak D TCH trench- Sampled as horizontal drillhole. Osn Sand cmg Chill margin fra Fractured or Orange as Arsenopyrite BKW Buck White cb Carbonate P patches. pods CHIPS Chip Samples SPLITCORE Manual Core Split STANDARD Field Standard W D Unknown Unknown Olt Lateritised colluvium fln Flinty jnt Jointed rd Red Au Gold BL Blebs fer Ferruginisation R fracture controlled COMP Composite Sample D Rlt Laterite-duricrust-residual grs Greasy clv Cleaved pk Pink ay Amethyst BLD Bladed chl Chloritisation S stockworks CORE Unspecified Drill Core D Rsp Saprolite Clay-Rock not defined kno Knotty cr Cream bi Biotite BN Banded kao Kaolinisation V veins COS Coarse Oversize D Rmz Mottled zone rnd Rounded wh White Bi Bismuth BO Boxworked ser Sericitisation HCORE Half Core D Sif Banded Iron Formation ang Angular tn Tan bo Bornite BOIL Boiling Texture sil Silicification INT D $ph Massive phospate bl Blue ca Calcite BX Brecciated epd Epidotised NR Not Recorded D Sct Chert pu Purple cd Chalcedony CG Coarse-grained ksp Potassic PIT Pit sample D Smd Mudstone l Light ch Chalcocite CL Clastic QCORE Quarter Core D Ssh Shale m Medium ci Cinnibar COL Colloform vein SLG Sludge D Ssl Siltstone d Dark cl Chlorite CR Clast replacement WCORE Whole Core D Ssld Dolomitic Siltstone cp Chalcopyrite CRN Crystalline D Sslc Carbonaceous Siltstone Cu Copper CU Cubic D Sgw Greywacke Di Diamond CVL Convoluted D Ssn Sandstone do Dolomite DOGT Dog Tooth D Sbd Dolomite ep Epidote DS Disseminated D Sbl Limestone fd Feldspar EA Earthy D Sblm Massive limestone fl Flourite FF Fracture Filling/Coatings D Sblm Marl ga Garnet FG Fine-grained D Mba Basalt ga Galena FL Flakes D Vqz Quartz Vein gl Glaucophane GL Glassy D Tbx Fault breccia go Goethite GLB Glassy Buck D Tsz Shear Zone Gr Graphite GO Gossanous D gy Gypsum HSC Honey Sugary/Saccharin D hb Hornblende IB Interbedded D Hg Mercury IF Infill D mn Manganese oxides LA Layered D hm Hematite LENS "Lens, lenses." D il Ilmenite LT Lateritic concentration D ka Kaolinite MA Massive D kf K-feldspar MF Matrix filling D ky Kyanite MG Medium Grained D le Leucoxene MK Milky D lm Limonite MO Mottled D ma Malachite MVT Microveinlet D mb Molybdenite MX Matrix Sulphides D mg Magnetite NE Needles D mm Montmorillonite NG Number of Grains D mr Marcasite PAT Patchy D ms Magnesite PER Pervasive D mu Muscovite RE Replacement D Ni Nickel REX Re-crystallised D ol Olivine RM Remobilised D op Opal RO Rosettes D pg Plagiocalse SCC Sugary/Saccharin D ph Phlogopite SH Sheared D pl Psilomelane SK Stockwork D pn Pentlandite SM Semi-massive D po Pyrrhotite SN Staining D px Pyroxene SP Speck D py Pyrite SR Sinter D qt Quartz ST Stringer D rt Rutile SX Skarn D Sb Antimony SY Stylolitic D sd Siderite TL Translucent D se Sericite VC Concordant Vein D sh Sphene VF Vug filling D sn Spinel VLT Veinlets D sp Sphalerite VN Vein D st Stibnite VS Selvage to Veins D su Staurolite VX Crosscutting Vein D Su Sulphur D sx Sillimanite D sz Serpentinite D ta Talc D to Tourmaline D tr Tremolite D tz Topaz D ve Vermiculite D ze Zeolite D zo Zoisite D zr Zircon end