H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 12-Jun-13 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 15-Feb-13 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combind_report_no EL28184 H0101 Tenement_holder Copper Range Ltd H0102 Project_name Larrimah Phosphate H0106 Tenement_operator Copper Range Ltd H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SD5313 SE5301 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 5465 5466 5565 5566 H0152 50K_map_sheet_number H0153 25K_map_sheet_number H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 16-Feb-12 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 15-Feb-13 H0202 Data_format DL4 H0203 Number_of_data_records 299 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 13-Jun-13 H0300 Related_data_file H0301 Location_data_file EL28185_2013_A_03_COLL2013A.txt H0302 Lithology_data_file EL28185_2013_A_04_GEO2013A.txt H0303 Assay_data_file EL28185_2013_A_05_ASS2013A.txt H0304 Survey_data_file H0305 SurfGeochem_Data_File H0307 Lithology_code_file EL28185_2013_A_06_LITH2013A.txt H0308 File verification List EL28185_2013_A_07_Verification_List_2013.txt H0310 Water_data_file H0311 Water data incl in lithology file No H0500 Feature_located Drillhole_collar H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum Nominal H0503 Projection Map Grid of Australia (MGA) H0508 Local Grid Name H0530 Coordinate_system Projected H0531 Projection_zone 53 H0532 Surface_Location_Survey_Instrument None H0533 Surface_Location_Survey_Company Unknown H0536 Downhole_Geophysical_Survey_Instrument H0537 Downhole_Geophysical_Survey_Company H0900 Remarks H1000 Hole_id Depth From Depth To Formation Rock1 Rock1_Description Rock1_Text Rock2_Formation Rock2 Rock2_Description Rock2_Texture Weathering GrainSize Colour1 Colour2 %Quartz Mineral1 Mineral1_pct Mineral2 Mineral2_pct Mineral3 Mineral3_pct Mineral4 Mineral4_pct Texture Alt1 Alt1_Type Alt1_Intensity Alt2 Alt2_Type Alt2_Intensity Alt3 Alt3_Type Alt3_Intensity Structure_Type Structure_Intensity Comments Logged_By Date_Logged H1001 NA metres metres NA H1004 0 0.01 0.01 0 D LAC009 0.00 3.00 QCV Olt "red, sandy pisolitic laterite gravel soil" W5 rd br H.MEES 27/04/2012 D LAC009 3.00 5.00 QCV Oav sandy alluvium or colluvium W5 rd br H.MEES 27/04/2012 D LAC009 5.00 6.00 K Rmz yellow brown mottled zone- former siltstone W5 yl br H.MEES 27/04/2012 D LAC009 6.00 18.00 K Ssl saprolitic siltstone W5 pk cr H.MEES 27/04/2012 D LAC009 18.00 22.00 K Ssl yellow saprolitic siltstone W5 yl H.MEES 27/04/2012 D LAC009 22.00 33.00 K Ssn pink-orange fine-medium grained unconsolidated qz sands W5 or pk H.MEES 27/04/2012 D LAC009 33.00 34.00 K Ssn "some moderately consolidated sandstone, otherwise as above" W5 yl br H.MEES 27/04/2012 D LAC009 34.00 47.00 K Ssn coarse unconsolidated creamy yellow qz sands W5 yl cr H.MEES 27/04/2012 D LAC009 47.00 51.00 Clm Rsp sticky massive brown clays W5 br H.MEES 27/04/2012 D LAC009 51.00 52.00 Clm Rsp "as above, red brown" W5 rd br H.MEES 27/04/2012 D LAC009 52.00 57.00 Clm Rsp sticky yellow clays W5 yl H.MEES 27/04/2012 D LAC009 57.00 58.00 Clm Rsp "as above, some quartzite chips" W5 yl H.MEES 27/04/2012 D LAC019 0.00 3.00 TL Olt pisolitic laterite gravels W5 rd br H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC019 3.00 6.00 K Rmz mottled zone in siltstone W5 br rd H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC019 6.00 17.00 K Ssl cream saprolitic siltstone W5 cr H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC019 17.00 24.00 K Ssl "yellow, limonitic siltstone" W5 yl H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC019 24.00 25.00 K Ssn "clean ,fine grained unconsolidated qz sands" W5 l or H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC019 25.00 42.00 K Ssn "as above, white-grey" W5 wh gy H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC019 42.00 44.00 K Ssn "as above, pale pink colour" W5 pk H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC019 44.00 45.00 K Ssn sand and brown clays Rsp W5 br gy H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC019 45.00 47.00 K Rsp "grey brown clays, minor silcrete chips" W5 br gy H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC019 47.00 49.00 K Smd red brown saprolitic mudstone W5 rd br H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC019 49.00 50.00 Clm Sbl dark brown clays with chips pale brown limestone W5 d br H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC019 50.00 52.00 Clm Sbl pale brown limestone W3 l br H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC019 52.00 53.00 Clm Sct cherty silcrete and brown clays Rsp W5 yl br H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC020 0.00 1.00 QCV Osn "sandy soil, part lateritised" W5 rd br H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC020 1.00 4.00 K Rmz mottled zone after siltstone W5 cr br H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC020 4.00 16.00 K Ssl "pallid zone indurated siltstone saprolite, kaolinitic" W5 wh H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC020 16.00 22.00 K Ssl "siltstone saprolite, red-white mottled clays" W5 wh rd H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC020 22.00 24.00 K Ssl "siltstone saprolite, yellowclays" W5 yl H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC020 24.00 25.00 K Ssl "as above, with hard brown limonitic sandstone chips" Ssn W5 yl br go 5 H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC020 25.00 40.00 K Ssn unconsolidated fine clean qz sands W5 wh H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC020 40.00 41.00 K Ssn sands and brow-grey clay W5 br gy H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC020 41.00 42.00 Clm Sct grey brown clays with chips of banded silcrete-chert- almost agate gem quality Rsp W5 br gy H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC020 42.00 45.00 Clm Rsp "brown-darkbrown clays, minor chips of chert" W5 br H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC020 45.00 47.00 Clm Rsp brown clays W5 br H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC020 47.00 48.00 Clm Sct vuggy silcrete and clays W5 yl br H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC020 48.00 49.00 Clm Smd yellow saprolitic mudstone W5 yl H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC020 49.00 50.00 Clm Smd red brown saprolitic mudstone W5 br yl H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC020 50.00 51.00 Clm Ssl "brown calcareous siltstone, grey carbonate bands" W4 gy br H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC020 51.00 53.00 Clm Ssl dark brown calcareous siltstone W4 d br H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC020 53.00 54.00 Clm Ssl "as above, grey carbonate chips" W3 br gy H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC020 54.00 56.00 Clm Ssl calcareous brown siltstone W3 d br H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC020 56.00 57.00 Clm Ssl "grey calcareous siltstone, fresh" W1 gy H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC021 0.00 1.00 QCV Oav yellow brown sandy clays W5 yl br H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC021 1.00 5.00 QCV Oav yellow clays W5 yl br H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC021 5.00 11.00 K Rmz mottled cr-br clays after siltstone? W5 or br H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC021 11.00 20.00 K Rsp "cr-red mottled clays after siltstone, slightly more indurated" W5 rd cr H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC021 20.00 27.00 K Ssl limonitic siltstone saprolite W5 yl H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC021 27.00 34.00 K Ssn pale orang-pink unconsolidated fg qz sands W5 pk H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC021 34.00 36.00 K Ssn "yellow, limonitic unconsolidated fg qz sands" W5 yl H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC021 36.00 45.00 Clm Rsp sticky brown clays W5 br H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC021 45.00 48.00 Clm Rsp no sample return-clays W5 br H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC021 48.00 49.00 Clm Ssl light brown calcareous siltstone W4 l br H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC021 49.00 52.00 Clm Ssl dark brown calcareous siltstone W3 d br H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC021 52.00 55.00 Clm Ssl "fresher, grey calcareous siltstone" W2 gy H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC021 55.00 57.00 Clm Ssl "brown calcareous siltstone, more oxidised" W3 br H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC021 57.00 58.00 Clm Ssl "grey calcareous siltstone, tending to fresh-blade refusal" W2 gy H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC021 58.00 59.00 Clm Ssl "brown and hard yellow calcareos siltstone, qz grains in carbonate cement" W2 yl br H.MEES 4/05/2012 D LAC022 0.00 1.00 QCV Osn sandy redbrown soil W5 rd br H.MEES 5/05/2012 D LAC022 1.00 3.00 QCV Ocv red sandy clay with laterite pisolites W5 rd H.MEES 5/05/2012 D LAC022 3.00 6.00 TL Olt lateritic gravels W5 rd br H.MEES 5/05/2012 D LAC022 6.00 10.00 K Ocl stiff grey-red mottled clays-alluvium? W5 rd br H.MEES 5/05/2012 D LAC022 10.00 11.00 K Rmz ferruginous mottle zone clays W5 rd br H.MEES 5/05/2012 D LAC022 11.00 16.00 K Ocl plastic orange-grey mottled clays W5 or gy H.MEES 5/05/2012 D LAC022 16.00 24.00 K Ocl red-brown mottled clays- saprolite or alluvium? W5 rd br H.MEES 5/05/2012 D LAC022 24.00 29.00 K Rsp "cream saprolitic clays, trace qz sand" W5 cr H.MEES 5/05/2012 D LAC022 29.00 39.00 K Ssl saprolitic siltstone W5 cr wh H.MEES 5/05/2012 D LAC022 39.00 40.00 K Ssl limonitic saprolitic siltstone W5 yl H.MEES 5/05/2012 D LAC022 40.00 49.00 K Ssn unconsolidated mg-cg qz sands W5 l yl H.MEES 5/05/2012 D LAC022 49.00 54.00 K Ssn fg white unconsolidated qz sands W5 wh H.MEES 5/05/2012 D LAC022 54.00 56.00 K Ssn "mg,poorly sorted ubconsolidated qz sand" W5 l gy H.MEES 5/05/2012 D LAC022 56.00 57.00 K Rsp dark redbrown hematitic clays and coarse basal sand grit Ssn W5 d rd H.MEES 5/05/2012 D LAC022 57.00 58.00 Clm Rsp cream saprolite clay W5 cr H.MEES 5/05/2012 D LAC022 58.00 62.00 Clm Rsp "brown saprolite clays, minor silcrete" W5 br H.MEES 5/05/2012 D LAC022 62.00 63.00 Clm Sct brown ferruginous silcrete W5 d br H.MEES 5/05/2012 D LAC023 0.00 7.00 K Rmz silicified mottled zone- 5% qz grains in porcelanous silica-kaolin matrix W5 wh rd H.MEES 5/05/2012 D LAC023 7.00 14.00 K Rmz "mottled zone, indurated, less silicified" W5 l br H.MEES 5/05/2012 D LAC023 14.00 17.00 K Rsp "light brown saprolite clays, soft" W5 yl H.MEES 5/05/2012 D LAC023 17.00 21.00 K Rsp yellow limonitic saprolite clay W5 yl H.MEES 5/05/2012 D LAC023 21.00 23.00 K Ssl limonitic siltstone saprolite W5 yl H.MEES 5/05/2012 D LAC023 23.00 24.00 K Rsp saprolitic clays W5 yl H.MEES 5/05/2012 D LAC023 24.00 25.00 K Smd red mudstone W5 rd H.MEES 5/05/2012 D LAC023 25.00 26.00 K Rsp yellow saprolitic clay W5 yl H.MEES 5/05/2012 D LAC023 26.00 29.00 K Rsp saprolitic clay after siltstone W5 l br H.MEES 5/05/2012 D LAC023 29.00 30.00 K Rsp saprolitic limonitic clays with qz/silcrete pebbles W5 yl H.MEES 5/05/2012 D LAC023 30.00 33.00 Clm Rsp "yellow clays, minor qz grains inindurated chips" W5 yl H.MEES 5/05/2012 D LAC023 33.00 34.00 Clm Sbl "light brown fresh limestone, hard" W1 l br H.MEES 5/05/2012 D LAC024 0.00 5.00 TL Olt redbrown coarse lateritic gravels W5 rd br H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC024 5.00 7.00 K Rmz ferruginous mottled zone W5 rd br H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC024 7.00 14.00 K Rmz brownwhite mottled zone after siltstone W5 br wh H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC024 14.00 23.00 K Ssl "yellow siltstone saprolite, partly calcareous" W5 yl H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC024 23.00 24.00 K Ssn "sandstone, qz sand cemented with goethite, and yellow saprolite" W5 br H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC024 24.00 31.00 K Ssn pale orange pink unconsolidated mg qz sands W5 l pk H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC024 31.00 41.00 K Ssn "white clen fg-mg qz sands, unconsolidated" W5 wh cr H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC024 41.00 43.00 K Rsp pure white greasy clay saprolite after mudstone or carbonate? W5 wh H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC024 43.00 45.00 K Rsp pale green and brown clay with minor cherty silcrete chips Sct W5 gr br H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC024 45.00 46.00 Clm Rlt vuggy hematitic ferricrete: palaeosurface? W5 d rd hm 20 H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC024 46.00 47.00 Clm Rsp pale geen saprolite clays W5 l gr H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC024 47.00 55.00 Clm Sbl massive light brown massive limestone with clear calcite veinlets W1 l br H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC025 0.00 3.00 TL Ssn "lateritised sands;qz with hmgo matrix;strickty surfce laterite, may be boulders" Olt W5 rd br hm 15 H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC025 3.00 7.00 K Rmz ferruginous mottled zone ex ssl W5 rd br H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC025 7.00 8.00 K Ssl "mixed sandstone and siltstone, some fresh grey" Ssl W4 rd gy H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC025 8.00 11.00 K Ssl silicified pallid zone ex ssl W4 wh H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC025 11.00 13.00 K Ssl indurated limonitic ssl W4 yl H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC025 13.00 23.00 K Rsp saprolitic clays after ssl W5 pk H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC025 23.00 28.00 K Smd beige saprolitic mudstone W5 rd H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC025 28.00 30.00 K Ssl hematitic saprolite clays after ssl W5 l yl H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC025 30.00 42.00 K Ssn fine silty unconsolidated qz sands W5 l or H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC025 42.00 53.00 K Ssn "fg-mg tan qz sands,unconsolidated" W5 l tn H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC025 53.00 55.00 K Ssn yellow sands and yellow saprolite clays Rsp W5 yl H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC025 55.00 57.00 K Ssn mg unconsolidated qz sands W5 wh H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC025 57.00 59.00 Clm Sbl vuggy karstic massive limestone and sands Ssn W2 l br H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC025 59.00 60.00 Clm Sbl massive limestone W1 l br H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC026 0.00 8.00 TL Rlt laterite-sandstone Ssn W5 rd br H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC026 8.00 10.00 K Rmz "ferruginous, clayey mottled zone" W5 rd H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC026 10.00 14.00 K Ssl "pallid siliceous, porcelanous siltstone" W4 wh pk H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC026 14.00 15.00 K Ssl "siliceous porcelanous siltstone, near fresh" W2 gy H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC026 15.00 20.00 K Ssl white siliceous bleached siltstone W5 wh H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC026 20.00 24.00 K Ssl yellow saprolitic/kaolinitic siltstone W5 yl H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC026 24.00 26.00 K Smd saprolitic mudstone W5 l br H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC026 26.00 31.00 K Ssl yellow-grey siltstones W5 yl gy H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC026 31.00 33.00 K Smd weakly hematitic mudstone W5 pk H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC026 33.00 35.00 K Ssl yellow-grey siltstone W5 yl gy H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC026 35.00 37.00 K Ssn "pink fg sandstone, part lithified" W5 pk H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC026 37.00 38.00 K Ssn silty quartz arenite W5 yl H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC026 38.00 39.00 Clm Rsp yellow clays with limestone chips W4 yl H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC026 39.00 45.00 Clm Sbl massive hard fresh limestone W1 tn H.MEES 6/05/2012 D LAC027 0.00 6.00 QCV Oav "loamy, sandy clay soil, redbrown" W5 rd br H.MEES 7/05/2012 D LAC027 6.00 12.00 K Rmz "mottled zoe clays, possibly after siltstones" W5 cr rd H.MEES 7/05/2012 D LAC027 12.00 13.00 K Ssl silicified siltstone W5 cr H.MEES 7/05/2012 D LAC027 13.00 17.00 K Ssl ferruginous siltstone W5 or H.MEES 7/05/2012 D LAC027 17.00 20.00 K Ssl yellow partly silicified siltstone W5 yl cr H.MEES 7/05/2012 D LAC027 20.00 22.00 K Ssl white silicified siltstone W5 wh H.MEES 7/05/2012 D LAC027 22.00 23.00 K Ssl yellow siltstone W5 yl H.MEES 7/05/2012 D LAC027 23.00 32.00 K Smd clay saprolite after mudstone W5 pk H.MEES 7/05/2012 D LAC027 32.00 40.00 K Smd sticky plastic clay saprolite after mudstone W5 yl br H.MEES 7/05/2012 D LAC027 40.00 43.00 K Smd "clays with minor ferruginous, hematitic chips, wet,poor recovery" W5 br H.MEES 7/05/2012 D LAC027 43.00 44.00 K Ssn coarse unconsolidated qz sands W5 gy H.MEES 7/05/2012 D LAC027 44.00 46.00 K Ssn fine silty sand W5 br H.MEES 7/05/2012 D LAC027 46.00 46.50 Clm Rsp brown clay W5 br H.MEES 7/05/2012 D LAC027 46.50 47.00 Clm Sbl karstic light brown limestone W2 l br H.MEES 7/05/2012 D LAC027 47.00 51.00 Clm Ssl pale grey clayey siltstone W5 yl br H.MEES 7/05/2012 D LAC027 51.00 54.00 Clm Sbl "massive tan-brown vuggy limestone, fossiliferous" W2 tn H.MEES 7/05/2012 D LAC027 54.00 55.00 Clm Sslc calcareous siltstone W2 l kh H.MEES 7/05/2012 D LAC027 55.00 57.00 Clm Sbl massive micritic limestone W1 l kh H.MEES 7/05/2012 D LAC028 0.00 3.00 TL Rlt lateritised sandy soil and duricrust W5 rd br H.MEES 8/05/2012 D LAC028 3.00 5.00 K Rmz ferruginous hematitic mottled zone W5 rd H.MEES 8/05/2012 D LAC028 5.00 11.00 K Ssl whitered mottled siltstone saprolite W5 wh rd H.MEES 8/05/2012 D LAC028 11.00 15.00 K Ssn hematitic silty sandstone W5 d rd H.MEES 8/05/2012 D LAC028 15.00 18.00 K Ssn "fine silty sand, no chips" W5 or H.MEES 8/05/2012 D LAC028 18.00 23.00 K Ssl yellow sandy siltstone kaolinitic saprolite W5 yl H.MEES 8/05/2012 D LAC028 23.00 25.00 K Ssl white kaolinitic saprolite clays W5 wh H.MEES 8/05/2012 D LAC028 25.00 31.00 K Ssl "white siltstones, moderately indurated" W5 wh H.MEES 8/05/2012 D LAC028 31.00 40.00 K Smd yellow-grey stiff clay saprolite after mudstone W5 yl gy H.MEES 8/05/2012 D LAC028 40.00 42.00 K Smd "as above, brown" W5 br H.MEES 8/05/2012 D LAC028 42.00 44.00 K Smd yellow grey clays after mudstone W5 yl gy H.MEES 8/05/2012 D LAC028 44.00 45.00 K Smd "yellow mudstone, moderately indurated" W5 yl H.MEES 8/05/2012 D LAC028 45.00 46.00 K Smd pink ferruginous mudstone W5 pk H.MEES 8/05/2012 D LAC028 46.00 55.00 K Smd "pink-brown clays after mudstone -poor recovery ,waterinjected" W5 pk br H.MEES 8/05/2012 D LAC028 55.00 60.00 Clm Ssl "clays after siltstone, traces of gritty qz, 5 pct ferruginous chips" W5 br H.MEES 8/05/2012 D LAC028 60.00 62.00 Clm Sbl "weathered limestone; ferruginous (hm) and clayey chips, rare fresher limestone chips" W5 br rd H.MEES 8/05/2012 D LAC028 62.00 64.00 Clm Sbl massive hard limestone W2 tn H.MEES 8/05/2012 D LAC029 0.00 6.00 TL Rlt laterite duricrust W5 d rd H.MEES 9/05/2012 D LAC029 6.00 11.00 K Rmz ferruginou mottled zone after siltstone W5 or H.MEES 9/05/2012 D LAC029 11.00 12.00 K Ssl saprolitic siltstone W5 cr or H.MEES 9/05/2012 D LAC029 12.00 15.00 K Ssl "ferruginous, goethitic siltstone" W5 br H.MEES 9/05/2012 D LAC029 15.00 25.00 K Smd yellowgrey clayey mudstone W5 yl gy H.MEES 9/05/2012 D LAC029 25.00 28.00 K Smd pink hematitic clayey mudstone W5 pk H.MEES 9/05/2012 D LAC029 28.00 34.00 K Smd yellow grey clayey mudstone W5 yl gy H.MEES 9/05/2012 D LAC029 34.00 37.00 K Ssn "fg sandstone, weakly hematitic, indurated" W5 pk H.MEES 9/05/2012 D LAC029 37.00 38.00 Clm Rsp "saprolite clays, minor hematite" W5 cr H.MEES 9/05/2012 D LAC029 38.00 41.00 Clm Sbl brown moderately weathered vuggy ccarbonate W3 tn H.MEES 9/05/2012 D LAC029 41.00 44.00 Clm Sbl grey-tan massive carbonate W2 tn H.MEES 9/05/2012 D LAC030 0.00 3.00 TL Rlt laterite cap W5 rd br H.MEES 9/05/2012 D LAC030 3.00 9.00 K Rmz strongly ferruginised mottled zone after fg seds W5 rd br H.MEES 9/05/2012 D LAC030 9.00 10.00 K Rmz "strongly ferruginised mottled zone, some after sandstone" W5 rd br H.MEES 9/05/2012 D LAC030 10.00 17.00 K Ssl hematiticsaprolite clays after siltstone W5 rd H.MEES 9/05/2012 D LAC030 17.00 19.00 K Ssn "silty sandstone, mottled white-orange" W5 wh or H.MEES 9/05/2012 D LAC030 19.00 21.00 K Ssl orange limonitic clay after siltstone W5 or H.MEES 9/05/2012 D LAC030 21.00 22.00 K Ssl silicified redwhite siltstones W5 rd wh H.MEES 9/05/2012 D LAC030 22.00 23.00 K Ssl silicified pure white siltstoe W3 wh H.MEES 9/05/2012 D LAC030 23.00 24.00 K Ssl moderately silicified pink siltstone W3 l pu H.MEES 9/05/2012 D LAC030 24.00 32.00 K Ssl claye whiteyellow saprolitesaprock after siltstone W5 yl wh H.MEES 9/05/2012 D LAC030 32.00 33.00 K Ssl "as above, hard ferruginous limonite band" W5 yl H.MEES 9/05/2012 D LAC030 33.00 37.00 K Smd pink clays after mudstone W5 pk H.MEES 9/05/2012 D LAC030 37.00 45.00 K Smd yellowgrey clays after mudstone W5 yl gy H.MEES 9/05/2012 D LAC030 45.00 47.00 K Smd grey clayey mudstone W4 gy H.MEES 9/05/2012 D LAC030 47.00 54.00 K Smd yellowgrey clays after mudstone W5 yl gy H.MEES 9/05/2012 D LAC030 54.00 56.00 K Ssn fg clayey sandstone W5 yl br H.MEES 9/05/2012 D LAC030 56.00 58.50 K Ssn hematitic fg sandstone W5 d rd H.MEES 9/05/2012 D LAC030 58.50 63.00 K Ssl light brown siltstone W5 l br H.MEES 9/05/2012 D LAC031 0.00 2.50 TL Olt lateritic gravels W5 or br H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC031 2.50 9.00 K Rmz ferruginous mottled zone W5 rd br H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC031 9.00 23.00 K Smd pinkwhite clayey mudstone W5 pk wh H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC031 23.00 32.00 K Ssn orange clays and sand after sandy siltstoneor fg sandstone W5 or H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC031 32.00 36.00 K Ssl yellow clays and sand after sandy siltstone W5 yl H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC031 36.00 41.00 K Rsp "creamy saprolite clays, not sandy" W5 cr H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC031 41.00 45.00 Cba Rlt "vuggy, leached ferruginous rock, possibly former weatheringsurface on basalt?" Mba W5 rd br H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC031 45.00 48.00 Cba Mba saprolite clays after basalt W5 br kh H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC032 0.00 1.00 TL Rlt sandy soil and laterite gravels W5 d br H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC032 1.00 2.00 TL Rlt laterite gravels/duricrust W5 rd br H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC032 2.00 10.00 K Smd pink indurated mudstone W5 pk wh H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC032 10.00 12.00 K Ssl "sandy siltstone, yellow brown saprolitic" W5 yl br H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC032 12.00 22.00 K Ssn "fg silty sandstone, poorly consolidated" W5 or H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC032 22.00 26.00 K Ssl "variegated yellowpinkgrey mudstone, saprolitic" W5 yl br H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC032 26.00 30.00 K Ssl whiteyellowgrey indurated siltstone W4 wh yl H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC032 30.00 34.00 K Ssl orange saprolitic siltstone W5 or H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC032 34.00 49.00 K Smd yellowgrey saprolite clays after mudstone W5 yl gy H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC032 49.00 50.00 K Smd clays with a hematitic ironstone bed; indurated ferruginous ssl? W5 rd yl hm 5 H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC032 50.00 53.00 K Smd yellowgrey clays after mudstone W5 yl gy H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC032 53.00 54.00 K Ssn fine sands and yellow clays Smd W5 yl H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC032 54.00 55.00 K Smd pink mudstone W5 d pk H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC032 55.00 59.00 K Smd yellow-pink clays W5 yl H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC032 59.00 63.00 K Ssn weakly indurated pink sandstone and grey siltstone W5 pk gy H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC032 63.00 64.00 Clm Sct "pale green clays and yellowgreen silcrete, minor chips of fresh limestone" Sbl W5 l gr H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC032 64.00 65.00 CLm Sbl "massive limestone, minor silcrete and clay" W1 l tn H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC033 0.00 10.00 QCV Oav red sandy loam W5 d rd H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC033 10.00 22.00 TL Rmz "ferruginous mottled zone, ferricrete" W5 rd wh H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC033 22.00 28.00 K Smd purple-white clayey mudstone W5 wh pu H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC033 28.00 46.00 K Ssn "fine silty sands, orange brown, unconsolidated" W5 or br H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC033 46.00 50.00 K Ssl limonitic clayey siltstone W5 yl H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC033 50.00 52.00 K Smd clay saprolite W5 cr H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC033 52.00 54.00 K Smd purplewhite oxidised mudstone W5 pu wh H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC033 54.00 55.50 K Ssl cream hard siliceous siltstone bed W3 cr H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC033 55.50 69.00 K Smd yellow clays after massive mudstone W5 yl tn H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC034 0.00 5.00 QCV Oav "Litht brown recent alluvium, clay" W5 l br H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC034 5.00 12.00 K Ssl mottled orangecream siltmudstone saprolite W5 or cr H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC034 12.00 18.00 K Smd cream mudstone saprolite W5 cr H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC034 18.00 20.00 K Ssn dark brown silty qz sands W5 d br H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC034 20.00 24.00 K Ssn unconsolidated light brown qz sands W5 l br H.MEES 10/05/2012 D LAC034 24.00 26.00 K Ssn clayey brown qz sands W5 br H.MEES 11/05/2012 D LAC034 26.00 27.00 K Ssn brown clayey sands with white medium coarse indurated sandstone chips W5 br wh D LAC034 27.00 35.00 K Ssn "brown mg-cg qz sands, unconsolidated, minor brown clay" W5 l br D LAC034 35.00 36.40 Clm Sbl massive hard micritic limestone W2 gy br D LAC035 0.00 9.00 QCV Oav yellow recent alluvium W5 yl D LAC035 9.00 24.00 K Rmz indurated ferruginous mottled zone after siltstone W5 rd yl D LAC035 24.00 31.00 K Ssl cream hard part-silicified siltstone W5 cr D LAC035 31.00 37.00 K Smd saprolite clays after mudstone W5 yl br D LAC035 37.00 40.00 Clm Sbl massive grey micritic carbonate W2 gy D LAC036 0.00 8.00 QCV Oav recent alluvial clays W5 yl gy D LAC036 8.00 17.00 K Rmz ferruginous mottled zone after siltstone/mudstone W5 rd yl D LAC036 17.00 23.00 K Ssl saprolitic clays afte siltstone W5 wh yl D LAC036 23.00 24.00 K Smd pink clays after mudstone W5 pk D LAC036 24.00 26.00 Clm Rsp clat saproliteafter leached limestone? Some vuggy siliceous chips W5 br D LAC036 26.00 28.00 Clm Rsp "saprolite claysblack and brownpossibly mn, after carbonate" W5 br bk D LAC036 28.00 31.00 Clm Rsp kahki brown clays-after mafic or carbonate? W5 br D LAC036 31.00 33.00 Clm Sbl "pale tan limestone,hard, cear clacite veinlets" W1 l tn D LAC037 0.00 1.00 QCV Oav yellow brown recent sandy alluvium W5 yl gy D LAC037 1.00 2.00 TL Ogv "lateritic gravel, probably alluvium" W5 or rd D LAC037 2.00 10.00 K Ssl ferruginous orange-white siltstone W5 or wh D LAC037 10.00 14.00 K Smd yellow brown clay saprolite after mudstone W5 yl br D LAC037 14.00 15.00 K Ssn "dark brown sandstone, weakly indurated" W5 d br D LAC037 15.00 19.00 K Ssn orange unconsolidated qz sands fg-mg W5 l or D LAC037 19.00 20.00 K Ssn dark brown clayey sands W5 d br D LAC037 20.00 21.00 Clm Rsp dark brown sticky clay with siliceous nodules W5 br gy D LAC037 22.00 37.00 Clm Sbl "weathered limestone,unusually sandy (unconsolidated sand),saccharoidal texure, dissolves totally in HCL" W3 cr D LAC037 37.00 42.00 Clm Sbl light brown weakly weathered more massive limestone W2 l br D LAC037 42.00 43.30 Clm Sbl massive fresh grey limestone W1 gy D LAC038 0.00 3.00 QCV Osn red sandy loam W5 rd D LAC038 3.00 9.00 K Ssl indurated mottled zone after siltstone W5 or br D LAC038 9.00 10.50 K Smd saprolite clays after mudstone W5 yl D LAC038 10.50 20.00 K Ssn "black goethite-silica matrix sandstone, very hard, indurated" W5 bk or D LAC038 20.00 25.00 K Ssn unconsolidated sands alternating with hard black si-go bands as above W5 or bk D LAC038 25.00 27.00 K Ssn pale orange unconsolidated mgcg qz sands W5 l or D LAC038 27.00 28.00 K Ssn brown to black hard consolidated sandstone W4 br bk D LAC039 0.00 2.00 QCV Osn red sandy loam soil W5 rd br D LAC039 2.00 3.00 QCV Ogv "as above, with ferruginous gravel nodules" W5 rd br D LAC039 3.00 9.00 QCV Oav clayey sand W5 or wh D LAC039 8.00 15.00 TL Ogv pisolitic nodular gravels W5 br D LAC039 15.00 19.00 K Ssl yellow-white saprolitic siltstone W5 yl wh D LAC039 19.00 22.00 K Ssn "brown hard indurated mg sandstone, fe matrix" W5 br D LAC039 22.00 31.00 K Ssn clean mg to gritty poorly sorted unconsolidated qz sands W5 cr D LAC039 31.00 33.00 K Rsp yellow clays W5 yl D LAC039 33.00 34.00 K Ssn hard brown fe-indurated sandstone W4 br D LAC039 34.00 35.00 Clm Sbl pale cream limestone W1 cr D LAC040 0.00 3.00 QCV Oav recent alluvium grey-yellow clays W5 gy yl D LAC040 3.00 8.00 K Rsp sandy clays weathered ssl or older alluvium? W5 cr wh D LAC040 8.00 25.00 K Ssl "slightly indurated, bleached siltstone, calcareous" W5 wh D LAC040 25.00 35.00 K Ssn "bleached, leached (no fe) sandstone, partly silica cemented, hard with some unconsolidated patches" W4 wh D LAC040 35.00 36.00 Clm Rsp "yellow clays, trace limestone" W5 yl D LAC040 36.00 36.10 Clm Sbl refusal in hard tan limestone W1 l tn D LAC041 0.00 3.00 QCV Oav "red loamy alluvial soils, some lateritic gravel towards base" W5 rd D LAC041 3.00 6.00 K Ssl mottled weathered siltstone W5 or D LAC041 6.00 14.00 K Ssl white palid zone semi indurated siltstone W5 wh D LAC041 14.00 22.00 K Ssl "as above, more clayey, pink tinge" W5 wh pk D LAC041 22.00 25.00 K Smd grey-yellow clays after mudstone W5 gy yl D LAC041 25.00 33.00 K Ssn fine-medium white-grey unconsolidated qz sands W5 wh gy D LAC041 33.00 38.00 K Ssn "tan white unconsolidated qz sands, mg" W5 wh tn D LAC041 38.00 39.00 K Smd "brown saprolite clays with rare cherty chips, otherwise 40% sands as above" Ssn W5 br D LAC041 39.00 42.00 K Smd sticky grey clays W5 gy D LAC041 42.00 45.00 K Ssn "pink-orange fg sandstone, in part weakly consolidated" W5 pk D LAC041 45.00 46.00 Clm Sct yellow-orange silcreted sandstone Ssn W5 yl or D LAC041 46.00 47.00 Clm Rsp yellow clays with cherty silcrete nodules Sct W5 yl br D LAC041 47.00 48.00 Clm Sbl "weathered brown limestone, some grey clay=after shale?" W4 yl br D LAC041 48.00 52.00 Clm Sbl dark reddish brown massive calcareous mudstone W4 d br D LAC041 52.00 55.00 Clm Sbl "yellow weathered limestone or calcareous siltstone, porous" W5 yl br D LAC041 55.00 59.00 Clm Sbl "tan brown granular weathered limestone rock, some breccia textures, porous, could be phosphatic?" W3 l br D LAC041 59.00 60.00 Clm Sbl "vuggy, less weathered grey granular limestone" W2 gy br END