H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 12-Jun-13 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 15-Feb-13 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combind_report_no EL28184 H0101 Tenement_holder Copper Range Ltd H0102 Project_name Larrimah Phosphate H0106 Tenement_operator Copper Range Ltd H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SD5313 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 5567 5566 5466 H0152 50K_map_sheet_number H0153 25K_map_sheet_number H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 16-Feb-12 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 15-Feb-13 H0202 Data_format DL4 H0203 Number_of_data_records 255 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 13-Jun-13 H0300 Related_data_file H0301 Location_data_file EL28184_NTSL4_COLL2013A.txt H0302 Lithology_data_file EL28184_NTDL4_GEO2013A.txt H0303 Assay_data_file EL28184_NTDG4_ASS2013A.txt H0304 Survey_data_file H0305 SurfGeochem_Data_File H0307 Lithology_code_file EL28184_NTDL4_LITH2013A.txt H0308 File verification List EL28184_Verification_List_2013.txt H0310 Water_data_file H0311 Water data incl in lithology file No H0313 Alteration_data_file H0314 Magsusc_data_file H0315 Vein_data_file H0316 Recovery_data_file H0317 Weathering_data_file H0318 DHQAQC_data_file H0319 SURFQAQC_data_file H0320 Other event_data_file H0400 Drill_code H0401 Drill_contractor H0402 Description H0500 Feature_located Drillhole_collar H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum Nominal H0503 Projection Map Grid of Australia (MGA) H0508 Local Grid Name H0530 Coordinate_system Projected H0531 Projection_zone 53 H0532 Surface_Location_Survey_Instrument None H0533 Surface_Location_Survey_Company Unknown H0536 Downhole_Geophysical_Survey_Instrument H0537 Downhole_Geophysical_Survey_Company H0900 Remarks H1000 Hole_id Depth From Depth To Formation Rock1 Rock1_Description Rock1_Text Rock2_Formation Rock2 Rock2_Description Rock2_Texture Weathering GrainSize Colour1 Colour2 %Quartz Mineral1 Mineral1_pct Mineral2 Mineral2_pct Mineral3 Mineral3_pct Mineral4 Mineral4_pct Texture Alt1 Alt1_Type Alt1_Intensity Alt2 Alt2_Type Alt2_Intensity Alt3 Alt3_Type Alt3_Intensity Structure_Type Structure_Intensity Comments Logged_By Date_Logged H1001 NA metres metres NA H1004 0 0.01 0.01 0 D LRC001 0.00 1.00 QCV Oav "loamy recent alluvium,high organics content" W5 rd br H.MEES 23/04/2012 D LRC001 1.00 7.00 QCV Oav recent alluvium W5 or H.MEES 23/04/2012 D LRC001 7.00 9.00 TL Ogv "indurated, lateritic gravels" W5 or H.MEES 23/04/2012 D LRC001 9.00 11.00 K Ssn "sandy clays, more indurated fragments, possibly former sandstone" W5 or H.MEES 23/04/2012 D LRC001 11.00 15.00 K Smd "brown clays, possibly saprolitic or never consolidated" W5 l br H.MEES 23/04/2012 D LRC001 15.00 16.00 K Ssn sandy saprolitic clays W5 l br H.MEES 23/04/2012 D LRC001 16.00 18.00 K Ssn sandy saprolitic clays W5 yl H.MEES 23/04/2012 D LRC001 18.00 22.00 K Ssn coarse sandy (little clay) wash horizon-base of drainage? W5 yl H.MEES 23/04/2012 D LRC001 22.00 29.00 Clm Rsp "plastic brown clays, trace qz sand" W5 br H.MEES 23/04/2012 D LRC001 29.00 30.00 Clm Sbl "massive, fractured grey limestone" W5 gy H.MEES 23/04/2012 D LRC001 30.00 32.00 Clm Rsp red brown saprolitic clays W5 rd br H.MEES 23/04/2012 D LRC001 32.00 36.00 Clm Ssn "fg silty sandstone, saprolitic" W5 or br H.MEES 23/04/2012 D LRC001 36.00 41.00 Clm "no recovery, wet plastic clays or cavity? Hammer repeatedly blocked, abandoned hole" W5 H.MEES 23/04/2012 D LRC002 0.00 1.00 QCV Oav loamy alluvium and some gravel fill W5 or br H.MEES 24/04/2012 D LRC002 1.00 7.00 QCV Oav "loamy recent alluvium, sandy loam" W5 or br H.MEES 24/04/2012 D LRC002 7.00 10.00 QCV Oav "red sandy clays, coarse rounded qz, minor pale mottles" W5 rd br H.MEES 24/04/2012 D LRC002 10.00 11.00 TL Ogv "as above, with laterite pisoliths" W5 rd br H.MEES 24/04/2012 D LRC002 11.00 13.00 K Ssn pale grey-brown mottled clayey qz sands W5 gy br H.MEES 24/04/2012 D LRC002 13.00 14.00 K Ssn "clayey qz sand, unconsolidated, poorly sorted" W5 l br H.MEES 24/04/2012 D LRC002 14.00 15.00 K Ssn "clayey gritty qz sands,basal quartz wash horizon" W5 l br H.MEES 24/04/2012 D LRC002 15.00 16.00 Clm Sct grey brown chert/silicified limestone and clays Rsp W5 br gy H.MEES 24/04/2012 D LRC002 16.00 20.00 Clm Rsp "pale clays, minor ferruginous chips" W5 l cr H.MEES 24/04/2012 D LRC002 20.00 22.00 Clm Sbl "massive white-brown semi translucent massive limestone, trace black inclusions" W3 wh br H.MEES 24/04/2012 D LRC002 22.00 23.00 Clm Rsp cream clay saprolite W5 br cr H.MEES 24/04/2012 D LRC002 23.00 25.00 Clm Sbl "sparry limestone and clay saprolite, brown and translucent, possibly nodular " Rsp W4 br H.MEES 24/04/2012 D LRC002 25.00 26.00 Clm Sbl earthy brown sparry limestone (grainstone) W4 d br H.MEES 24/04/2012 D LRC002 26.00 27.00 Clm Sbl "as above, with saprolitic clays 50%" Rsp W5 d br H.MEES 24/04/2012 D LRC002 27.00 29.00 Clm Sbl massive earthy brown sparry limestone W3 d br H.MEES 24/04/2012 D LRC002 29.00 35.00 Clm Sbl "weathered limestone saprock, trace green clays" Rsp W4 l br H.MEES 25/04/2012 D LRC002 35.00 39.00 Clm Sbl brown limestone with minor white calcite veins W3 br H.MEES 25/04/2012 D LRC002 39.00 42.00 Clm Sbl "brown limestone, some black limestone ooids. Ooidal grainstone" W3 br H.MEES 25/04/2012 D LRC002 42.00 44.00 Clm Sbl brown limestone (grainstone) W3 br H.MEES 25/04/2012 D LRC002 44.00 48.00 Clm Sbl "grey-brown limestone 50%,basalt 50%, becoming fresh" Mba W2 br gy H.MEES 25/04/2012 D LRC002 48.00 58.00 Cba Mba near fresh dark grey-brown basalt W1 gy br H.MEES 25/04/2012 D LRC003 0.00 1.00 QCV Ocv "sandy loam, organic rich soil" W5 br H.MEES 25/04/2012 D LRC003 1.00 2.00 QCV Oav red-brown sandy loam W5 rd br H.MEES 25/04/2012 D LRC003 2.00 3.00 K Ssl "sandy clay, possibly saprolite after clayey siltstone" W5 l br H.MEES 25/04/2012 D LRC003 3.00 8.00 K Ssl "cream clays with 10% gritty qz, after sandy siltstone" W5 cr H.MEES 25/04/2012 D LRC003 8.00 17.00 K Ssn "unconsolidated yellow gritty qz sands with little clays,poor recovery" W5 yl H.MEES 25/04/2012 D LRC003 17.00 18.00 K Ssn gritty qz sand with some quartz arenite chips W5 wh gy H.MEES 25/04/2012 D LRC003 18.00 21.00 K Ssn "clayey sand, unconsolidated, with coarse qz pebbles- basal wash " W5 yl br H.MEES 25/04/2012 D LRC003 21.00 22.00 Clm Sct "massive white-grey chert -silcrete/sililicified limestone-hole abandoned, slumping sands" W2 wh gy H.MEES 25/04/2012 D LAC004 0.00 3.00 TL Olt Pisolitic laterite gravels W5 rd br H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC004 3.00 6.00 K Ocl lateritised-mottled zone clays W5 br H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC004 6.00 10.00 K Ssn "unconsolidated gritty, poorly sorted qz sands" W5 or yl H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC004 10.00 13.00 K Ssn "mainly unconsolidated orange sand, minor poorly cemented sandstone chips" W5 or H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC004 13.00 23.00 K Ssn "damp, clayey(20%) qz sand" W5 or H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC004 23.00 25.00 K Ssn coarse gritty qz sands W5 pk wh H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC004 25.00 26.00 K Ssn "fine qz sands with 20% clays, minor sandsrone" W5 pk wh H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC004 26.00 27.00 K Ssn "clayey sandstone, minor ferruginous gravel-palaeosurface?" W5 pk wh H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC004 27.00 28.00 Clm Sbl vuggy white-grey limestone and brown clays Rsp W5 wh gy H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC004 28.00 35.00 Clm Rsp massive yellow brown clays W5 yl br H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC004 35.00 36.00 Clm Sbl cream-grey clayey limestone W4 cr gy H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC004 36.00 37.00 Clm Sbl white clay saprolite W5 wh H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC004 37.00 39.00 Clm Sbl cream-grey limestone W3 cr gy H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC005 0.00 1.00 TL Ocv sandy soil and lateritic gravels W5 rd br H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC005 1.00 3.00 TL Olt pisolitic lateritic gravel W5 rd br H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC005 3.00 10.00 K Ssl cream mottled zone clays with minor gritty qz W5 cr rd H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC005 10.00 11.00 K Ssn fine unconsolidated qz sands W5 wh H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC005 11.00 13.00 K Ssn "fg, silty qz arenite, modersately clay cemented" W5 cr wh H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC005 13.00 23.00 K Ssn unconsolidated fine qz sands W5 pk H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC005 23.00 31.00 K Ssn "unconsolidated gritty qz sands, minor small pebbles" W5 l gy H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC005 31.00 34.00 Clm Sbl "ferruginous-goethitic vuggy karstic palaeosurface(?), mainly yellow brown clay" Rsp W5 yl br H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC006 0.00 1.00 QCV Ocv sandy soil and lateritic gravels W5 br H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC006 1.00 2.00 TL Olt pisolitic lateritic gravel W5 rd br H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC006 2.00 3.00 K Ocl "mottled zone sandy clays 50%, pisolitic gravel 50%" W5 rd br H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC006 3.00 6.00 K Ocl "partly lithified, hard silicified mottled zone (ex siltstone?)" W5 or br H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC006 6.00 10.00 K Ssl "mottled siltstone, indurated" W5 cr br H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC006 10.00 12.00 K Ssl yellow-white mottled siltstone W5 wh yl H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC006 12.00 13.00 K Ssn indurated dark redbrown hematitic sandstone W5 d rd H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC006 13.00 22.00 K Ssn unconsolidated to weakly consolidated coarse qz sands W5 or H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC006 22.00 30.00 K Ssn clean fine to medium grained white qz sands W5 wh br H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC006 30.00 32.00 K Ssn coarse gritty clayey qz sands W5 br wh H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC006 32.00 35.00 K Ssn clean white gritty qz sand W5 wh H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC006 35.00 36.00 K Ssn "coarse basal qz grit, 1-5mm" W5 wh H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC006 36.00 37.00 K Ssn "coarse basal grit 30%, ferruginous, goethitic rock 70%" W5 yl br go 5 H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC006 37.00 40.00 Clm Rlt "strongly hematitic(> 20%)(some iron ore chips)rock, minor qtz grit-palaeo laterite?" W5 d rd hm 25 H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC006 40.00 41.00 Clm Rsp "brown clays, minor hematite chips and clays" W5 br hm 5 H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC006 41.00 42.00 Clm Ssn "hard yl-br fg quartzitic sandstone, 50% brown clays" Rsp W5 yl br H.MEES 26/04/2012 D LAC007 0.00 3.00 QCV Oav "red clayey sand, soil" W5 rd br H.MEES 27/04/2012 D LAC007 3.00 10.00 QCV Oav fine grained recent alluvial sands W5 rd br H.MEES 27/04/2012 D LAC007 10.00 13.00 TL Rmz "mottled zone clays, after siltstone" W5 cr br H.MEES 27/04/2012 D LAC007 13.00 20.00 K Ssl "siltstone, weathered to pink-white clays" W5 pk wh H.MEES 27/04/2012 D LAC007 20.00 29.00 K Ssl kaolinised siltstone W5 wh H.MEES 27/04/2012 D LAC007 29.00 30.00 K Ssl yellow-white kaolinised siltstone W5 yl wh H.MEES 27/04/2012 D LAC007 30.00 31.00 K Ssn "clayey sandstone, very fine grained" W5 wh H.MEES 27/04/2012 D LAC007 31.00 34.00 K Ssn "fine white qz sands, poorly consolidated" W5 wh H.MEES 27/04/2012 D LAC007 34.00 36.00 K Ssn "white qz arenite, moderately consolidated" W5 wh H.MEES 27/04/2012 D LAC007 36.00 62.00 K Ssn "white-grey qz sands, medium grained poorly sorted, unconsolidated 0-5% clay clean building sands" W5 wh gy H.MEES 27/04/2012 D LAC007 62.00 63.00 Clm Rsp yellow clay W5 yl H.MEES 27/04/2012 D LAC008 0.00 7.00 QCV Osn red fine sandy soil W5 rd br H.MEES 27/04/2012 D LAC008 7.00 14.00 K Rmz mottled zone after sandy siltstones? W5 or br H.MEES 27/04/2012 D LAC008 14.00 19.00 K Ssl "sandy siltstone, yellow brown saprolitic" W5 l br H.MEES 27/04/2012 D LAC008 19.00 24.00 K Ssl "yellow limonitic siltstone, last metre indurated" W5 yl H.MEES 27/04/2012 D LAC008 24.00 43.00 K Ssn unconsolidated fine to gritty qz sand W5 wh gy H.MEES 27/04/2012 D LAC008 43.00 44.00 K Rsp yellow-brown limonitic clay with 20% qz sand W5 yl br H.MEES 27/04/2012 D LAC008 44.00 45.00 K Rsp yellow-brown clays W5 yl br H.MEES 27/04/2012 D LAC008 45.00 47.00 K Ssn coarse gritty qz sands cemented with brown clays W5 yl br H.MEES 27/04/2012 D LAC008 47.00 47.30 Clm Sct "grey brown chert, possibly silicified carbonate?" W1 br gy H.MEES 27/04/2012 D LAC010 0.00 2.00 QCV Osn orange residual qz sands W5 or H.MEES D LAC010 2.00 3.00 TL Olt orange sands with pisolitic gravel W5 or H.MEES D LAC010 3.00 4.00 TL Olt orange laterite gravel W5 l or H.MEES D LAC010 4.00 10.00 K Ssl pale cream saprolite clays after siltstone W5 cr H.MEES D LAC010 10.00 12.00 K Ssl cream brown saprolitic siltstone W5 cr br H.MEES D LAC010 12.00 16.00 K Ssl yellow saprolitic siltstone W5 yl H.MEES D LAC010 16.00 23.00 K Ssn fine pale pink-orange unconsolidated qz sand W5 pk or H.MEES D LAC010 23.00 26.00 K Ssn "pale grey qz sands, some weakly cemented" W5 l gy H.MEES D LAC010 26.00 27.00 K Ssn yellow qz sands W5 yl H.MEES D LAC010 27.00 28.00 K Rsp yellow clays and sand Ssn W5 yl H.MEES D LAC010 28.00 29.00 K Ssn "yellow sands, some chips of silicified siltstone" W5 yl H.MEES D LAC010 29.00 30.00 Clm Rsp "yellow clays, 5-10% chert ,possibly silicified carbonate" Sct W5 yl H.MEES D LAC010 30.00 33.00 Clm Rsp yellow plastic clays W5 yl H.MEES D LAC010 33.00 34.00 Clm Rsp "as above, rare qz with green clay" W5 yl H.MEES D LAC010 34.00 37.00 Clm Rsp yellow clays W5 yl H.MEES D LAC010 37.00 39.00 Clm Rsp "almost no recovery, yellow clay with rare chert and limestone" W5 yl H.MEES D LAC010 39.00 40.00 Clm Sbl pale brown limestone W2 l br H.MEES D LAC011 0.00 3.00 QCV Osn deep red loamy soil W5 rd H.MEES D LAC011 3.00 4.00 TL Olt orange lateritic gravels and mottled zone W5 or H.MEES D LAC011 4.00 9.00 K Ssl pale cream-yellow saprolitic siltstone W5 cr H.MEES D LAC011 9.00 10.00 K Ssl "as above, some gritty qz sand" Ssn W5 cr H.MEES D LAC011 10.00 14.00 K Ssn "unconsolidated qz sand, predominantly fine-to medium" W5 cr H.MEES D LAC011 14.00 17.00 K Ssn "unconsolidated qz sand, medium-coarse" W5 cr wh H.MEES D LAC011 17.00 18.00 K Rsp "yellow brown clays, 20% sands" Ssn W5 yl br H.MEES D LAC011 18.00 19.00 K Rlt limonitic indurated ferruginous rock W5 br H.MEES D LAC011 19.00 20.00 K Ssn very clayey sand W5 l br H.MEES D LAC011 20.00 21.00 Clm Sct cherty silcrete nodules in yellow clays Rsp W5 yl br H.MEES D LAC011 21.00 24.00 Clm Rsp yellow brown saprolite clay W5 l br H.MEES D LAC011 24.00 27.00 Clm Rsp brown saprock W5 br H.MEES D LAC011 27.00 29.00 Clm Rsp saprolitic clay W5 yl H.MEES D LAC011 29.00 32.00 Clm Sbl vuggy silicified limestone (flint/chert)and clays W5 gy yl H.MEES D LAC011 32.00 34.00 Clm Sbl light brown massive limestone W2 l br H.MEES D LRC012 0.00 1.00 QCV Osn yellow sandy soil W5 yl or H.MEES D LRC012 1.00 3.00 TL Olt orange lateritic gravels W5 or H.MEES D LRC012 3.00 5.00 K Osn fine orange sand W5 or H.MEES D LRC012 5.00 6.00 K Ssn "coarse gritty sands, weakly consolidated" W5 l or H.MEES D LRC012 6.00 8.00 K Ssn unconsolidated qz grits W5 l or H.MEES D LRC012 8.00 9.00 Clm Sct chert/silcrete and clays W5 gy br H.MEES D LRC012 9.00 11.00 Clm Rsp white brown saprolite clays W5 wh br H.MEES D LRC012 11.00 14.00 Clm Rsp dark brown clays W5 d br H.MEES D LRC012 14.00 15.00 Clm Rsp silicified limestone and clays Sct W5 br H.MEES D LRC012 15.00 20.00 Clm Sbl "massive pale cream limestone, hard" W2 cr H.MEES D LRC012 20.00 23.00 Clm Sbl saprolite clays with sparry calcite-ex limestone? W4 cr H.MEES D LRC012 23.00 24.00 Clm Sbl "massive grey-cream limestone, trace qz grains" W2 cr gy H.MEES D LRC012 24.00 26.00 Clm Sbl cream fresh massive limestone W1 cr H.MEES D LRC012 26.00 29.00 Clm Sbl brown clays with 30% chips of fresh limestone-cavity fill? Rsp W4 br cr H.MEES D LRC012 29.00 32.00 Clm Sbl cream linestone W2 cr bk H.MEES D LAC013 0.00 3.00 QCV Osn dark red sandy soil W5 d rd H.MEES D LAC013 3.00 5.00 QCV Osn coarse gritty sands with clay matrix W5 l br H.MEES D LAC013 5.00 11.00 K Ocl sandy clays -last 4m mud-waterinjected W5 l or H.MEES D LAC013 11.00 12.00 Clm Rsp clay with rare chert-silcrete fragments W5 l br H.MEES D LAC013 12.00 14.00 Clm Rsp "clay saprolite, abundant chert fragments" Sct W5 yl br H.MEES D LAC013 14.00 20.00 Clm Rsp brown clays W5 yl br H.MEES D LAC013 20.00 21.00 Clm Sbl silicified limestone and clays W5 br gy H.MEES D LAC013 21.00 23.00 Clm Rsp clays with some chert/silicified limestone fragments Sbl W5 yl br H.MEES D LAC013 23.00 24.00 Cba Rsp yellow clays W5 yl br H.MEES D LAC013 24.00 34.00 Cba Mba basalt saprock-saprolite W5 br H.MEES D LAC013 34.00 35.00 Cba Mba weathered basalt W4 gy br H.MEES D LAC014 0.00 2.00 QCV Osn red sandy soil W5 d rd H.MEES D LAC014 2.00 3.00 TL Olt red sandy soil and lateritic gravels Osn W5 d rd H.MEES D LAC014 3.00 6.00 TL Olt orange lateritic gravels W5 or H.MEES D LAC014 6.00 8.00 K Ssl mottled zone after siltstone W5 l or H.MEES D LAC014 8.00 9.00 K Ssl yellow saprolitic clayey siltstone W5 yl H.MEES D LAC014 9.00 10.00 K Ssn "indurated sandstone, mg dark grey qz rich" W5 gy or H.MEES D LAC014 10.00 11.00 K Ssn "clayey sand, iunconsolidated" W5 or br H.MEES D LAC014 11.00 12.00 K Ssn hard indurated sandstone-ferrug.matrix W5 d br H.MEES D LAC014 12.00 15.00 K Ssn unconsolidated mg poorly sorted clayey sands W5 l br H.MEES D LAC014 15.00 16.00 K Ssn "clayey sands, lenses of hard indurated sandstone" W5 br H.MEES D LAC014 16.00 18.00 K Ssn clayey sand W5 yl br H.MEES D LAC014 18.00 27.00 K Ssn unconsolidated qz sands W5 yl br H.MEES D LAC014 27.00 28.00 Clm Sct hard cherty silcrete-clay horizon W5 gy br H.MEES D LAC014 28.00 30.00 Clm Rsp "plastic brown clays, water injected" W5 br H.MEES D LAC014 30.00 35.00 Clm Ssn sandy brown clay-possibly sand from uphole? W5 br H.MEES D LAC014 35.00 38.00 Clm Rsp "brown clay, virtually no recovery" W5 br H.MEES D LAC014 38.00 39.00 Clm Sbl "light brown limestone, partly silicified" W3 l br H.MEES D LAC014 39.00 40.20 Clm Sbl light brown massive to vuggy limestone W2 l br H.MEES D LAC015 0.00 3.00 QCV Osn red sandy soil W5 rd H.MEES 2/05/2012 D LAC015 3.00 4.00 QCV Osn gritty sand W5 rd br H.MEES 2/05/2012 D LAC015 4.00 9.00 TL Olt orange lateritic gravels and sandy clay W5 or H.MEES 2/05/2012 D LAC015 9.00 12.00 K Ssl "ferruginised, mottle zone after siltstone?" W5 or br H.MEES 2/05/2012 D LAC015 12.00 19.00 K Ssn unconsolidated clayey sands W5 yl br H.MEES 2/05/2012 D LAC015 19.00 32.00 K Ssn clean unconsolidated qz sands W5 l yl H.MEES 2/05/2012 D LAC015 32.00 36.00 Clm Sct brown sticky clay with chert/silcrete vuggy nodules Rsp W5 yl br H.MEES 2/05/2012 D LAC015 36.00 37.00 Clm Sct "as above , with a 2cm qz pebble" W5 br gy H.MEES 2/05/2012 D LAC015 37.00 40.00 Clm Ssl "fine grained indurated, siliceous siltstone saprock" W5 br gy H.MEES 2/05/2012 D LAC015 40.00 45.00 Cba Mba "ferruginous saprock, traces of carbonate (in weathered basalt)" W5 l br H.MEES 2/05/2012 D LAC015 45.00 47.00 Cba Mba brown basalt saprock W5 br H.MEES 2/05/2012 D LAC015 47.00 48.00 Cba Mba weakly weathered grey basalt W2 gy H.MEES 2/05/2012 D LAC016 0.00 2.00 QCV Osn red sandy soil W5 rd H.MEES 2/05/2012 D LAC016 2.00 3.00 QCV Oav sandy orange-grey clay W5 br gy H.MEES 2/05/2012 D LAC016 3.00 5.00 K Smd "cream-white weathered, kaolinised calcareous mudstone" W4 cr wh H.MEES 2/05/2012 D LAC016 5.00 12.00 K Smd white-kaolinised calcareous mudstone? W3 wh cr H.MEES 2/05/2012 D LAC016 12.00 14.00 K Ssn pale white brown unconsolidated qz sands W5 wh br H.MEES 2/05/2012 D LAC016 14.00 17.00 K Ssn clayey (kaolin) sands W5 wh H.MEES 2/05/2012 D LAC016 17.00 21.00 K Ssn moderately cemented(by clay) sandstone W4 wh H.MEES 2/05/2012 D LAC016 21.00 22.00 K Ssn "as above, with hard flinty chert nodules" W5 gy H.MEES 2/05/2012 D LAC016 22.00 23.00 K Ssn moderately clay cemented sandstone W5 cr wh H.MEES 2/05/2012 D LAC016 23.00 24.00 Cba Rsp "apple green and brown clays after mafic?, minor sandstone" Ssn W5 gr br H.MEES 2/05/2012 D LAC016 24.00 30.00 Cba Mba saprolite after basalt W5 br cr H.MEES 2/05/2012 D LAC017 0.00 1.00 QCV Osn orange sandy soil W5 or H.MEES 3/05/2012 D LAC017 1.00 2.00 QCV Ocl sandy clay W5 or H.MEES 3/05/2012 D LAC017 2.00 3.00 TL Olt sandy clays with lateritic gravels Ocl W5 or H.MEES 3/05/2012 D LAC017 3.00 9.00 K Ssn "yellow, clayey, gritty unconsolidated sands" W5 yl H.MEES 3/05/2012 D LAC017 9.00 11.00 Clm Rsp "clayey, silty brown saprolite" W5 yl H.MEES 3/05/2012 D LAC017 11.00 12.00 Clm Sct silcrete/chert in brown clays Rsp W5 yl br H.MEES 3/05/2012 D LAC017 12.00 14.00 Clm Rsp "brown saprolite clays, minor silcrete" W5 yl br H.MEES 3/05/2012 D LAC017 14.00 21.00 Clm Sbl "brown limestone, hard" W2 l br H.MEES 3/05/2012 D LAC017 21.00 22.00 Clm Rsp yellow-brown clay saprolite W5 yl br H.MEES 3/05/2012 D LAC017 22.00 25.00 Clm Sbl "thinly bedded limestone, interbedded with yellow clays?" Rsp W5 yl br H.MEES 3/05/2012 D LAC017 25.00 27.00 Clm Rsp yellow clay saprolite W5 yl br H.MEES 3/05/2012 D LAC017 27.00 31.00 Clm Rsp "red-yellow clay saprolite, possibly after mafic?" W5 rd yl H.MEES 3/05/2012 D LAC017 31.00 32.00 Clm Rsp yellow clay saprolite W5 yl H.MEES 3/05/2012 D LAC017 32.00 33.00 Clm Rsp "as above, some limestone fragments" Sbl W5 yl br H.MEES 3/05/2012 D LAC018 0.00 1.00 QCV Osn sandy alluvial soils W5 rd br H.MEES 3/05/2012 D LAC018 1.00 3.00 TL Olt loamy soil with lateritic gravels W5 rd H.MEES 3/05/2012 D LAC018 3.00 9.00 K Ssl clayey saprolite-after mudstone? W5 cr H.MEES 3/05/2012 D LAC018 9.00 12.00 K Ssl yellow-orange saprolitic siltstone W5 yl or H.MEES 3/05/2012 D LAC018 12.00 18.00 K Ssn unconsolidated medium-coarse qz sands W5 cr wh H.MEES 3/05/2012 D LAC018 18.00 19.00 K Ssn grey sandstone-hard quartz arenite-blade refusal W4 gy H.MEES 3/05/2012 D LAC042 0.00 7.00 QCV Osn red sandy loam W5 d rd D LAC042 7.00 10.00 QCV Oav mottled silty alluvium W5 d rd D LAC042 10.00 13.00 TL Olt lateritic gravel nodules W5 br D LAC042 13.00 14.00 K Oav clays an gritty qz: basal wash W5 wh yl D LAC042 14.00 15.00 K Ssn "white sandstone, fine qz in clay-si matrix" W5 wh D LAC042 15.00 31.00 K Ssn mg-cg unconsolidated qz sands W5 tn gy D LAC042 31.00 32.00 K Ssn "hard indurated mottled sandstone; coarse qz in a finer grained si-fe-clay matrix, minor brown cherty nodules and fe-si veins" Sct W5 rd wh D LAC043 0.00 6.00 QCV Osn red sandy soils W5 d rd D LAC043 6.00 10.00 K Ssn "orange unconsolidated qz sands , transitional from recent cover above to older sands below" W5 or D LAC043 10.00 23.00 K Ssn "unconsolidated qz sands, fg-mg, pale yellow" W5 l yl D LAC043 23.00 28.00 K Ssn "leached white qz sands, unconsolidated" W5 wh D LAC043 28.00 29.00 K Ssn coarse qz pebble horizon within qz sands W5 wh gy D LAC043 29.00 33.00 K Ssn white qz sands mg unconsolidated W5 wh D LAC043 34.00 35.00 K Ssn moderately hard indurated quartz arenite W5 wh tn D LAC043 35.00 40.00 K Ssn uconsolidated mg qz sands W5 l gy D LAC043 40.00 41.00 K Rsp light brown clays and sand W5 l br D LAC043 41.00 42.00 Clm Rsp "khaki clays, possibly after mafic?" W5 kh D LAC043 42.00 43.00 Clm Rsp "brown sandy clay with large chips of ""ironstone"" fe-si rock; possibly ferruginous equivalent of the chert-silcrete horizon" Sif W5 D LAC043 43.00 44.00 Clm Rsp "as above, only few fe chips, refusal in hard brown siltstone, not calcareous unless dolomitic" Ssl W4 D LAC044 0.00 7.00 QCV Osn "red sands, gradational to below" W5 rd D LAC044 7.00 11.00 K Ssn "pink qz sands, slightly clayey, unconsolidated, mg" W5 pk D LAC044 11.00 13.00 K Ssn very clayey yellow sands W5 yl D LAC044 13.00 15.00 K Ssn unconsolidated white sands with 5% clays W5 wh D LAC044 15.00 16.00 K Ssn brown clayey sand W5 br D LAC044 16.00 21.00 K Ssn "unconsolidated white qz sands, no clay" W5 wh D LAC044 21.00 24.00 K Ssn "poor sample recovery, water injected, presumably clayey sands" W5 l tn D LAC044 24.00 26.00 K Ssn white unconsolidated mg qz sands W5 wh D LAC044 26.00 28.00 K Ssn white qz sands with clayey bands W5 wh D LAC044 28.00 31.00 K Ssn clean white qz sands W5 wh D LAC044 31.00 33.00 K Ssn "white clayey qz sands, minor pale green clays" W5 wh D LAC044 33.00 38.00 K Ssn white clean qz sands W5 wh D LAC044 38.00 39.00 K Ssn white sands with some yellow limonitic indurated sandstone W5 wh yl D LAC044 39.00 43.00 K Ssn "limonitic clayey sandstone, sandstone chips" W5 yl D LAC044 43.00 44.00 K Ssn "red sandstone, clays and cherty silcrete chips, possibly old weathering surface" Sct W5 rd D LAC044 44.00 46.00 Cba Mba pale green yellow saprolite after basalt W5 gr yl D LAC044 46.00 52.00 Cba Mba green saprock after basalt W4 gr D LAC044 52.00 54.00 Cba Mba "green-grey basalt, weakly weathered to fresh" W2 gr END