H0002 Version 3 H0003 Date_generated 12/12/2013 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 31-Dec-2012 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no or Combined_rept_no EL28117 H0101 Tenement_holder RUM H0102 Project_name Ammaroo H0106 Tenement_operator RUM H0150 250K_map_sheet_number H0151 100K_map_sheet_number Ammaroo, Sandover H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 01-Jan-10 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 31-Dec-12 H0202 Data_format SL3 H0203 Number_of_data_records 22 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 12-Dec-2013 H0301 Location_data_file EL28117_2013_AS_02_DHCollar.txt H0302 Lithology_data_file EL28117_2013_AS_04_DHLithology.txt H0303 Assay_data_file EL28117_2013_AS_05_DHAssay.txt H0304 Survey_data_file EL28117_2013_AS_06_DHSurvey.txt H0400 Drill_code RAB H0401 Drill_contractor BULL H0402 Drill Code Description RAB: Rotary Air Bore H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum AHD H0503 Projection UTM MGA H0530 Coordinate_system Projected H0531 Projection_zone UTM53S H1000 DataSet Hole_ID Hole_Type Max_Depth Planned_Grid_ID Planned_East Planned_North Planned_RL Orig_Grid_ID Orig_East Orig_North Orig_RL Orig_Survey_Method Orig_Survey_Date Orig_Survey_By NAT_Grid_ID NAT_East NAT_North NAT_RL Nat_Survey_Method Nat_Survey_Date Nat_Survey_By LL_Grid_ID LL_Lat LL_Long LL_RL Local_Grid_ID Local_East Local_North Local_RL Parent_Hole_ID Precollar_Depth BOCO_Depth TOFR_Depth Water_Depth Lease_ID Prospect Hole_Status Date_Started Date_Completed Validated Validated_Date Validated_By Responsible_Person Comments Historic_Hole_ID Data_Source H1001 Metres Metres Metres Metres D Ammaroo APRA032 RAB 46 MGA94_53 528838 7594989 HHGPS MGA94_53 528838 7594989 HHGPS EL28117 BC1 7/10/2011 7/10/2011 False JN HOLE CAVING IN FROM TOP, EOH Ticket 39675\ ExplorationLogs_October_ed.xls D Ammaroo APRA033 RAB 42 MGA94_53 528540 7596745 HHGPS MGA94_53 528540 7596745 HHGPS EL28117 BC1 7/10/2011 7/10/2011 False JN HOLE CAVING IN FROM TOP, EOH Ticket 39675\ ExplorationLogs_October_ed.xls D Ammaroo APRA034 RAB 49 MGA94_53 529498 7598354 HHGPS MGA94_53 529498 7598354 HHGPS EL28117 BC1 7/10/2011 7/10/2011 False JN HOLE CAVING IN FROM TOP, EOH Ticket 39675\ ExplorationLogs_October_ed.xls D Ammaroo APRA035 RAB 60 MGA94_53 529959 7594144 HHGPS MGA94_53 529959 7594144 HHGPS EL28117 BC1 7/10/2011 7/10/2011 False JN HOLE CAVING IN FROM TOP, EOH Ticket 39675\ ExplorationLogs_October_ed.xls D Ammaroo APRA036 RAB 39 MGA94_53 529981 7592082 HHGPS MGA94_53 529981 7592082 HHGPS EL28117 BC1 7/10/2011 7/10/2011 False JN HOLE CAVING IN FROM TOP, EOH Ticket 39675\ ExplorationLogs_October_ed.xls D Ammaroo APRA037 RAB 39 MGA94_53 530961 7594927 HHGPS MGA94_53 530961 7594927 HHGPS EL28117 BC1 7/10/2011 7/10/2011 False JN HOLE CAVING IN FROM TOP, EOH Ticket 39675\ ExplorationLogs_October_ed.xls D Ammaroo APRA038 RAB 63 MGA94_53 533618 7595149 HHGPS MGA94_53 533618 7595149 HHGPS EL28117 BC1 7/10/2011 7/10/2011 False JN HOLE CAVING IN FROM TOP, EOH Ticket 39675\ ExplorationLogs_October_ed.xls D Ammaroo APRA043 RAB 44 MGA94_53 537171 7593210 HHGPS MGA94_53 537171 7593210 HHGPS EL28117 BC1 8/10/2011 8/10/2011 False JN Ticket 39675\ ExplorationLogs_October_ed.xls D Ammaroo APRA044 RAB 18 MGA94_53 537890 7591220 HHGPS MGA94_53 537890 7591220 HHGPS EL28117 BC1 8/10/2011 8/10/2011 False JN HOLEENDED DUE TO LOOSE SANDS Ticket 39675\ ExplorationLogs_October_ed.xls D Ammaroo APRA045 RAB 39 MGA94_53 551794 7567951 HHGPS MGA94_53 551794 7567951 HHGPS EL28117 BC1 8/10/2011 8/10/2011 False JN HOLE ENDED IN SILICIFIED PELOIDALST Ticket 39675\ ExplorationLogs_October_ed.xls D Ammaroo APRA046 RAB 25 MGA94_53 551009 7569797 HHGPS MGA94_53 551009 7569797 HHGPS EL28117 BC1 8/10/2011 8/10/2011 False JN HOLE ENDED DUE TO LOOOSE SANDS Ticket 39675\ ExplorationLogs_October_ed.xls D Ammaroo APRA047 RAB 46 MGA94_53 550079 7574588 HHGPS MGA94_53 550079 7574588 HHGPS EL28117 BC1 8/10/2011 8/10/2011 False JN HOLE ENDED DUE TO CLAYS Ticket 39675\ ExplorationLogs_October_ed.xls D Ammaroo APRA048 RAB 53 MGA94_53 546224 7572881 HHGPS MGA94_53 546224 7572881 HHGPS EL28117 BC1 8/10/2011 8/10/2011 False JN HOLE ENDED DUE TO LOOSE SANDS Ticket 39675\ ExplorationLogs_October_ed.xls D Ammaroo APRA049 RAB 60 MGA94_53 540787 7583935 HHGPS MGA94_53 540787 7583935 HHGPS EL28117 BC1 8/10/2011 8/10/2011 False JN Ticket 39675\ ExplorationLogs_October_ed.xls D Ammaroo APRA050 RAB 34 MGA94_53 541737 7586814 HHGPS MGA94_53 541737 7586814 HHGPS EL28117 BC1 9/10/2011 9/10/2011 False JN HOLE ENDED DUE TO BAD CONDITION Ticket 39675\ ExplorationLogs_October_ed.xls D Ammaroo APRA051 RAB 75 MGA94_53 543267 7588144 HHGPS MGA94_53 543267 7588144 HHGPS EL28117 BC1 9/10/2011 9/10/2011 False JN ENDED WITH BLADE REFUSEL Ticket 39675\ ExplorationLogs_October_ed.xls D Ammaroo APRA053 RAB 39 MGA94_53 538500 7584005 HHGPS MGA94_53 538500 7584005 HHGPS EL28117 BC1 9/10/2011 9/10/2011 False JN Ticket 39675\ ExplorationLogs_October_ed.xls D Ammaroo APRA054 RAB 42 MGA94_53 536873 7582594 HHGPS MGA94_53 536873 7582594 HHGPS EL28117 BC1 9/10/2011 9/10/2011 False JN Ticket 39675\ ExplorationLogs_October_ed.xls D Ammaroo APRA055 RAB 37 MGA94_53 535284 7581213 HHGPS MGA94_53 535284 7581213 HHGPS EL28117 BC1 9/10/2011 9/10/2011 False JN Ticket 39675\ ExplorationLogs_October_ed.xls D Ammaroo APRA056 RAB 39 MGA94_53 527636 7580514 HHGPS MGA94_53 527636 7580514 HHGPS EL28117 BC1 9/10/2011 9/10/2011 False JN Ticket 39675\ ExplorationLogs_October_ed.xls D Ammaroo APRA057 RAB 27 MGA94_53 526241 7584566 HHGPS MGA94_53 526241 7584566 HHGPS EL28117 BC1 9/10/2011 9/10/2011 False JN HOLE ENDED WITH BLADE REFUSAL Ticket 39675\ ExplorationLogs_October_ed.xls D Ammaroo APRA060 RAB 22 MGA94_53 526927 7582551 HHGPS MGA94_53 526927 7582551 HHGPS EL28117 BC1 10/10/2011 10/10/2011 False JN HOLE ENDED IN GRAVEL SANDS, LOOSING AIR Ticket 39675\ ExplorationLogs_October_ed.xls EOF