LITHOLOGY SHEET GENERAL GEOLOGY Minerals Alteration Vein LibWeath libGrainsize LIBColourTone LIBColour LIBStructure Regolith Profile LITHOCODE LibQualifier LibMincode LibMin_Style LibAlt_Code LibAlt_Style LibAlt_Int LIBVein_code LibVein_Style Code Desc Code Desc Lith_Code Description Code Description Grain_Size Description Code Description Code Description Code Description AEOL Aeolian sands Br Bedrock GROUP: Regolith Regolith Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Desc Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Desc C Complete VF Very Fine L Light BL Blue BA Band ALUV Alluvium CARB_Nd Carbonate Nodule AEOL Aeolian sands ACI Acicular AB albite ACI Acicular AB Albite BA Banded T Trace CAL Calcite ANA Anastomosing S Strong F Fine M Medium BK Black BX Breccia CLAL Alluvial clay Fr Freshrock ALUV Alluvium AGG Aggregate ACT actinolite AMY Amygadaloidal AC Amphibole chlorite BX Breccia W Weak CB Carbonate ARC Arcuate M Moderate M Medium D Dark BR Brown CAT Cataclastic CLAY Clay Lt Laterite CLAL Alluvial clay AMO Amorphous ALSI aluminosilicate (unspecified) APH Aphanitic ALU Alunite DS Disseminated M Moderate CHR Chromite BA Banded PW Partial C Coarse X Mottled CR Cream FD Fold CLAY_CA Carbonate Clay Mt Mottled CLAY Clay AMY Amygadaloidal ALU alunite BA Banded AMPH Amphibole FO Foliation S Strong CL Chlorite BOX Boxwork F Fresh VC Very Coarse GR Green FO Foliation CLCT Calcrete Nd Nodular CLAY_CA Carbonate Clay ANG Angular AMPH amphibole BLD Bladed ANK ankerite FR Fracture controlled I Intense CPX Clinopyroxene BX Breccia vein X Mixed GY Grey FR Fracture CLCT_2 Calcrete (hard secondary calcrete) Rd Reduced CLAY_CB Carbonaceous Clay APH Aphanitic AND andalusite BL Blebby AP apatite FT Fault controlled CPY Chalcopyrite COX Cock's Comb KH Khaki FT Fault CLSA Sandy Clay Pd Pallid CLCT Calcrete BA Banded ANH anhydrite BX Breccia APY arsenopyrite IRR Irregular EP Epidote EN En echelon NR Not Recorded JT Joint CLSA_CA Carbonate Sandy Clay Ps Pisolitic CLCT_2 Calcrete (hard secondary calcrete) BD Bedded ANK ankerite CLT Clast ARGL Argillic MAS Massive FELD Feldspar EXT Extensional OL Olive LI Lineation CLCT_ND Nodular Calcrete Ox Oxidised CLSA Sandy Clay BLD Bladed AP apatite CX Crystal AS Amphibole serpentine MO Mottled GR Graphite FA Fault OR Orange SH Shear COLV Colluvium Rx Redox front CLSA_CA Carbonate Sandy Clay BLK Blocky APY arsenopyrite CUM Cumulate AT Amphibole talc PAT Patchy HEM Hematite FR Fracture veins PI Pink VN Vein CONG Conglomerate Sed Sediment CLCT_ND Nodular Calcrete BOU Boudinaged ATG antigorite DS Disseminated ATH Anthophyllite PV Pervasive MGS Magnesite GLA Glassy PU Purple CYST Claystone Sr Saprock COLV Colluvium BX Brecciated ATH anthophyllite FT Fault controlled AU gold SEL Selective MGT Magnetite INFILL Infills RE Red FECT Ferricrete S Saprolite CONG Conglomerate BK Broken AU gold FLK Flakes AZ azurite SH Shear PEG Pegmatoid IRR Irregular WH White FELO Limonite So Soil CYST Claystone CAT Cataclastic AZ azurite FO Foliation BN bornite SLV Selvage - vein PL Plagioclase LAD Ladder veins YE Yellow FERC Ferricrete - Laterite Tr Transported FECT Ferricrete CAV Cavities BN bornite FR Fracture controlled BT biotite SPO Spotted PY Pyrite LAM Laminated FEST Ironstone Su Upper saprolite FELO Limonite CEM Cemented BRT barite INC Intercumulus CAL calcite SW Stockwork PYRX Pyroxene MAS Massive GOSN Gossan Sl Lower saprolite FERC Ferricrete - Laterite CH Cherty BT biotite IGR Intergranular CB Carbonate VN Vein QC Quartz Carbonate OIK Oikocryst GPCT Gypcrete FEST Ironstone CRE Crenulated C carbon INT Interstitial CC chalcocite WIS Wispy QPY Quartz Pyrite PAR Parallel GRAV Gravel GOSN Gossan CUM Cummulate CAL calcite IRR Irregular CCB Chlorite carbonate QZ Quartz PAT Patchy LIG Lignite GPCT Gypcrete DU Disturbed CB carbonate LAM Laminae CHR Chromite SERP Serpentine SAW Saw Tooth SACL Clayey sand GRAV Gravel EA Earthy CC chalcocite NET Net textured CL Chlorite SPEC Specularite SH Shear veins SACL_CA Carbonate Clayey sand LIG Lignite EQ Equigranular CCL chrysocolla NOD Nodular CLC chalcedony SULP Sulphide SHT Sheeted SACL_CB Carbonaceous Clayey sand SACL Clayey sand FZ Fault zone CHR chromite OIK Oikocryst CNT carnotite TC Talc Chlorite SIG Sigmoidal SAND Sand SACL_CA Carbonate Clayey sand FT Faulted CL chlorite OPH Ophitic CPY chalcopyrite TLC Talc SR Saddle reef veins SAND_CA Carbonate Sand SACLCB Carbonaceous Clayey sand FER Ferruginous CLAY clay mineral PAT Patchy CTL chrysotile STY stylolitic SAND_CB Carbonaceous Sand SAND Sand FB Flow banded CLC chalcedony PV Pervasive CU copper SW Stockwork SASI Sandy silt SAND_CA Carbonate Sand FO Foliated CNT carnotite PHE Phenocrysts DOL dolomite TAB Tabular SLCH Chalcdony Silcrete SANDCB Carbonaceous Sand FR Fracture zone COAL coal POI Poikilitic EP Epidote VLT Veinlets SLCT Silcrete SASI Sandy silt FRG Fragmental COR corundum POR Porphyritic FELD feldspar VUG Vuggy SLCT_M Massive Silcrete SLCH Chalcdony Silcrete FRI Friable CPX clinopyroxene POB Porphyroblastic FEOX iron oxide WIS Wispy SLCT_G Grainy Silcrete SLCT Silcrete GLSY Glassy CPY chalcopyrite PS Pseudomorph FER "Ferruginous, iron oxides" SLT Silt SLCT_M Massive Silcrete GN Gneissic CRD cordierite RX Recrystallised FL fluorite SLT_CA Carbonate Silt SLCT_G Grainy Silcrete GRP Granophyric CTL chrysotile REM Remobilised GN galena SLT_CB Carbonaceous Silt SLT Silt GRA Granular CU copper SAC Saccharoidal GNT garnet SOIL Soil SLT_CA Carbonate Silt GV Gravelly CUOX oxidised copper minerals SEL Selective GP gypsum SLT_CB Carbonaceous Silt GRE Greasy DOL dolomite SLV Selvage vein GR graphite SOIL Soil GT Gritty EP epidote SMS Semi-massive GRSN Greisen GROUP: Saprolite Saprolite HARD Hard FE iron SH Sheared GSN Gossanous SPAM Amphibolite saprolite HET Heterogeneous FELD feldspar SMD Smeared GT goethite SPFE Ferruginous saprolite HOM Homogenous FEMG ferromagnesian mineral SPS Sparse HEM Hematite SPFL Felsic saprolite IND Indurated FEOX iron oxide SPH Spherulitic HL halite SPGB Gabbroic saprolite IQ Inequigranular FL fluorite SPX Spinifex ILL illite SPGN Gneiss saprolite JT Joints FSPD feldspathoid SPO Spotted ILM ilmenite SPGT Granitic saprolite KI Kink GARN garnierite SW Stockwork JAR jarosite SPMF Mafic saprolite KN Knotted GLT glauconite ST Streaky KFS k-feldspar SPRL Saprolite LAM Laminated GN galena STR Stringer KLN Kaolinite GROUP: Saprock Saprock LR Lateritic GNT garnet VN Vein hosted LMN limonite SAAM Amphibolite saprock LEU Leucrocratic GP gypsum WIS Wispy MAL malachite SADO Dolerite saprock LIG Lignitic GR graphite XN Xenolithic MCS marcasite SAFL Felsic saprock LI lineated GT goethite MGH maghemite SAGB Gabbroic saprock SALO Lower saprolite HBL hornblende MGS magnesite SAGT Granite saprock MAS Massive HEM hematite MGT Magnetite SAME Metasediment saprock MIC Microcrystalline HL halite MICA mica SAMF Mafic saprock MIG migmatitic ILL illite MNOX manganese oxides SAPY Pyroxenite saprock FOM Moderatley Foliated ILM ilmenite MNT montmorillonite SARK Saprock MO Mottled JAR jarosite MGSR Magnetite serpentine SASE Serpentinite saprock NOD Nodular KFS k-feldspar MS muscovite SAUM Ultramafic saprock OIK Oikocrystic KLN kaolinite NR Not recorded GROUP: Sediment Sediment OPH Ophitic LMN limonite NTN nontronite ARKS Arkose sandstone OG Organic material MAL malachite OPL opal / opalite BIF Banded Iron Formation PAL Pallid MCS marcasite PHL phlogopite CCST Carbonate cemented siltstone PHE Phenocrysts MGH maghemite PN pentlandite CHRT Chert PW Pillowed MGS magnesite PO pyrrhotite CONG Conglomerate PIS Pisolitic MGT magnetite POT Potassic KOPI Powdery Gypsum Dunes POI Poikilitic MICA mica PR Propylitic LMST Limestone PO Porous MNOX manganese oxides PY Pyritic MARL Marl POR Porphyritic MNT montmorillonite PYRX pyroxene PEBB Pebble POB Porphyroblastic MS muscovite QZ quartz SDST Sandstone PS Pseudomorph NTN nontronite RR Red rock SEDT Sediment RX Recrystallised OL olivine RT rutile SHLE Shale RDX Redox front OPL opal / opalite SD siderite SILT Silt RO Rounded OPQ opaque mineral SERC Sericite SLST Siltstone SAC Saccharoidal OPX orthopyroxene SERP Serpentine TILL Till SA sandy OR orthoclase SHK schrockingerite GROUP:Volcanic Volcanic SCH Schistose PHL phlogopite SI Silicified ANDT Andesite SH Sheared PHOS phosphate SK Skarn BAS Basalt SI Silicified PN pentlandite SMEC smectite DACT Dacite SLT Silty PO pyrrhotite SP sphalerite FLVC Felsic volcanic SOFT Soft PY pyrite SPL spinel FLVS Felsic volcanic sediment SPH Spherulitic PYOX oxidised pyrite SULP sulphide INVC Intermediate volcanic SPX Spinifex PYRX pyroxene TC Talc chlorite INVS Intermediate volcanic sediment STK Sticky QZ quartz TLC Talc MFVC Mafic volcanics SW Stockworked RT rutile TOUR tourmaline MFVS Mafic volcanic sediment FOS Strongly Foliated SCH scheelite TR Tremolite RHYL Rhyolite STY Stylolitic SD siderite U uranium TUFF Tuff SR Sub-rounded SE selenium URN uraninite ULVC Ultramafic volcanic SU Sulphidic SERC sericite UROX uranium oxide mineral GROUP:Intrusive Intrusive TRAN Transported SERP serpentine URP uranophane ANTS Anorthosite UN Unconsolidated SHK schrockingerite VRM vermiculite APLT Aplite SAUP Upper saprolite SIL sillimanite ZEOL zeolite DOLR Dolerite VN Veined SMEC smectite DOUM Mafic to ultramafic dyke VE Vesicular SP sphalerite DUNT Dunite VI Vitric SPL spinel GBRO Gabbro VU Vuggy ST staurolite MEDI Diorite FOW Weakly Foliated SULP sulphide MEGD Granodiorite XN Xenolithic SUOX oxidised sulphide MEGT Granite TLC talc MEMZ Monzonite / Syenodiorite TOUR tourmaline MESY Syenite TR tremolite NORT Norite U uranium PIRD Peridotite URN uraninite SERP Serpentinite UROX uranium oxide mineral ULMF Ultramafic rock URP uranophane GROUP:Metamorphic Metamorphic VRM vermiculite AMPH Amphibolite ZEOL zeolite MEFE Felsic gneiss ZN Zinc MEGM Mafic gneiss ZRN zircon MEGN Gneiss MEPE Metapelite MESC Schist