H002 Version 3 H003 Date_generated 7-Dec-11 H004 Reporting_period_end_date 7-Aug-11 H005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combined_rept_no. EL25671 H0101 Tenement_holder Suplejack Pty Ltd H0102 Project_name Kirkimbie H0106 Tenement_operator Ord River Resources Pty Ltd H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SE 52-6 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 4662 H0152 50K_map_sheet_number H0153 25K_map_sheet_number H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 8-Aug-07 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 7-Aug-08 H0202 Data_format SG1 H0203 Number_of_data_records 22 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 25-Aug-08 H0500 Feature_located Surface location H501 Geodetic_datum WGS84 H502 Vertical_datum AHD H503 Projection Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) H0531 Projection_zone 52 H0532 Surveying_instrument GPS H0600 Sample_code Stream H0601 Sample_type Stream sediment sample H0602 Sample_description Stream sediment sample H0700 Sample_preparation_code "WEI-21, LOG-22, LEV-01, PUL-24, SPL-21, PUL-QC" H0701 Sample_preparation_details "Received Sample Weight,Sample login,Waste Disposal, pulverise to 75 micron,split, Pulverizing QC" H0703 Job_no "KR07081797, KR07081798, KR07107498" H0800 Assay_code ME-ICP41 H0801 Assay_company ALS Chemex H0802 Assay_description Aqua Regia digestion ICPAES H0900 Remarks H1000 Sample E_MGA94Z52 N_MGA94Z52 Ag As Ba Cu Cr Mo Pb S Zn Width Incised Description H1002 Precision 0.2 2 1 1 1 1 1 0.01 1 H1003 Units metres metres ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm metres metres D 43773 513212 8058590 0.6 2 240 39 50 1 15 0.03 68 15 2 "Subangular basalt 100%, basalt bedrock." D 43808 512720 8058467 0.6 <2 400 24 18 <1 10 <0.01 54 20 1.5 "Basalt bedrock, basalt 80%, vugh qtz 5%, ironstones 10%, limestone 2%, basalt banks." D 43809 512784 8058436 0.7 2 220 51 21 <1 10 <0.01 55 25 1.3 "Soil on basalt banks, basalt 70%, vughy qtz 8-10%, limestone 10%, ironstones 10%." D 43810 515689 8058885 0.8 2 160 30 88 1 10 <0.01 71 8 3 "Basaltic hills surround, basalt 80%, vesicular basalt 10%, qtz 5%, chlorite 5%." D 43811 515677 8059516 0.6 2 190 31 92 1 16 <0.01 66 55 1.5 "Basalt 75%, ironstone pisoliths 10-15%, qtz 5%, trace limestone." D 43817 512495 8053455 0.9 <2 170 44 36 <1 10 <0.01 57 40 1.5 "Basalt bedrock & basalt ridge to sth, basalt 70%, ironstones 10%, qtz 5%, trace limestone." D 43818 512465 8053435 0.2 5 210 36 173 1 40 <0.01 30 15 0.5 "Basalt bedrock, basalt 50%, hematitic nodules 20-30%, qtz 5%." D 43739 512439 8066016 <0.2 3 190 50 26 1 16 0.02 98 150 0.5 "Xlls of amethyst, smoky qtz, hematite and qtz together, vugh qtz, 15% basalt, dolomite + chert grains." D 43741 511204 8064857 <0.2 5 320 110 12 <1 18 0.01 95 22 1.2 "Chloritic basalt 45%, limestone 15%, qtz 5-10%, basalt creek banks & basalt hilltops." D 43742 511149 8064898 <0.2 4 330 108 11 <1 13 0.01 89 20 1 "Basalt banks, chlorite to vesicular to masive basalt 70%, limestone 10%, quartz 20%" D 43743 511322 8062439 0.2 3 130 28 17 <1 12 0.02 69 4 1 "Cliffs 15m high to north. Largely iron rich basalt 85%, quartz 8%, kaolin 3%, limestone 3%." D 43744 511677 8061964 <0.2 4 110 32 25 <1 11 0.01 62 5 1 "Basalt 95%, carbonate nodules 5%, chlorite 2%, banks of creek basalt with topsoil." D 43745 514051 8060669 <0.2 4 410 44 53 1 14 0.01 59 15 1.5 "Soil topped banks, basalt 90%, limestone 5%, qtz 3%, chlorite 2%." D 43746 513964 8060544 <0.2 3 150 30 68 <1 11 <0.01 65 50 4.5 "Basalt 90%, limestone 5%, ironstone 3%, qtz 2%, basalt vesicular with chloritised nodules," D 43753 513259 8068290 <0.2 4 240 50 37 <1 10 0.01 65 20 1.5 " Boulders,cobbles and pebbles basalt 100%, trace vesicular, chloritic basalts, calcite, agate." D 43754 514071 8068357 <0.2 2 210 40 17 <1 13 <0.01 53 7 0.5 "Boulders, cobbles, pebbles, and gravel basalt 90%, calcite 5%, quartz 5%, subangular to rounded" D 43755 514944 8068110 0.2 4 130 33 24 <1 12 0.01 57 12 0.5 "Boulders, cobbles and pebbles subangular, vesicular basalt and calcite. Sediment gravel basalt 95%, quartz and calcite 5%, trace chlorite." D 43757 511889 8067282 <0.2 4 250 48 45 <1 12 0.01 68 20 4 "Boulders basalt 100%, gravel basalt 100% trace vesicular, chloritic basalts, quartz." D 43758 511574 8067530 <0.2 2 180 86 17 1 10 0.01 70 11 4 "Basalt bedrock, rounded to subangular boulders basalt 95%, quartz 5%, trace agate, gravel basalt 95%, quartz 5%, trace chlorite and calcite." D 43759 512364 8063259 <0.2 4 240 36 41 1 15 0.01 84 16 1 "Angular basalt cobbles and gravel. Basalt 90%, quartz 105, carbonate cements." D 43761 512767 8061758 <0.2 5 330 41 27 <1 11 <0.01 51 15 2 "Subangular cobbles and boulders 100% basalt. Gravel basalt 90%, quartz 10%, limestone tr%." D 43762 512798 8061759 <0.2 <2 200 32 75 <1 9 0.01 60 15 0.5 "Basalt angular cobbles, boulders & gravel 95%, 5% quartz, chlorite trace." EOF