Verification Listing VL1 Exploration Work Type File_name Format Description Office Studies Report preparation PlentyRiver_2009_A_01_Report.pdf pdf Text of report Pertographic Descriptions Appendix_5_Petrography pdf Petrographic descriptions of polished thin sections Airborne Exploration Surveys Electromagnetics PlentyRiver_VTEM_east "ASEG GDF (dat, dfn, prj)" East survey area Electromagnetics PlentyRiver_VTEM_central "ASEG GDF (dat, dfn, prj)" Central survey area Electromagnetics PlentyRiver_VTEM_west "ASEG GDF (dat, dfn, prj)" Western survey area Electromagnetics VTEM_A528_Report.pdf pdf Contractor Operations Report Ground Exploration Surveys Ground Geophysics Electromagnetics AusQuest7-09.pdf pdf Contractor operations report Electromagnetics Data files "chn, tem, pem (ascii)" Located data Downhole EM DHEM_AusQuest JN2112.pdf pdf Contractor operations report Downhole EM "Data 09WDG2, 09WDG3 and 09WDG4" "raw, tem, chn, pem (ascii)" Data files Drilling All drilling PlentyRiver_2009_A_02_DrillCollars.txt txt Drill collar data All drilling PlentyRiver_2009_A_03_DwnholeSurveys.txt txt Downhole surveys All drilling PlentyRiver_2009_A_04_LithCodeSheet.txt txt Lithological code sheet All drilling PlentyRiver_2009_A_05_LithLogs.txt txt Downhole lithology data All drilling PlentyRiver_2009_A_06_MagSus.txt txt Downhole magnetic susceptibility All drilling PlentyRiver_2009_A_07_DwnholeDensity.txt txt Downhole density determinations All drilling PlentyRiver_2009_A_08_DwnholeGeochemA.txt txt Downhole geochemical data All drilling PlentyRiver_2009_A_09_DwnholeGeochemB.txt txt Downhole geochemical data All drilling PlentyRiver_2009_A_10_DwnholeGeochemC.txt txt Downhole geochemical data All drilling PlentyRiver_2009_A_11_DwnholeGeochemD.txt txt Downhole geochemical data All drilling PlentyRiver_2009_A_12_DwnholeGeochemE.txt txt Downhole geochemical data All drilling PlentyRiver_2009_A_14_RQD.txt txt Rock_quality_data All drilling PlentyRiver_2009_A_15_DwnholeStructure.txt txt Downhole structural data All drilling Various jpg Core photographs All drilling Various jpg Photographs of rehabilitated drill sites File Verification Listing PlentyRiver_2009_A_13_FileListing.txt txt This file