"NGALIA EL24566 NORTH ARUNTA BLOCK, NORTHERN TERRITORY." GPS Eastings Northings Sample No COMMENTS S(22deg) E(131deg) 740081.9367 7532790.227 Ngalia 1 "Outside tenement, granitic outcrop, greinisation, with muscovite alteration. N/S E/W fracturing, this outcrop was very granular" 17.603' 19.819' 742467.8303 7533368.677 Ngalia 2 "Another granite outcrop, with no visible greinisation and far less granular" 17.297' 21.194' 744422.5117 7533830.466 Ngalia 3 "Boundary btw quartz reef and granite. The quartz vein was 20m thick trending N/W, steeply dipping NE. Veins of Fe and possibl secondary U mineralisation occur in 5-25mm bands. Commonly throughout are Mn and Fe spotting on the surface." 17.031' 22.335' 744422.5117 7533830.466 Ngalia 3b as above 17.031' 22.335' 745745.4477 7534178.915 Ngalia 4 "Massive outcrop of granite. This granite has massive feldspar phenocrysts, up to 7cm long. Fairly homogeneous. Isolated occurances muscovite and biotite rich rock. " 16.829' 23.101' 746119.6299 7534296.098 Ngalia 5 "Massive granite outcrop. Feldspar rich, with gossonous bits. Mn and muscovite rich zones kicking the highest. E-W alignment of outcrop. " 16.762' 23.314' 753351.389 7536919.075 Ngalia 6 Very weathered and leached granite subcrop. 15.290' 27.492' 762911.1182 7543193.22 Ngalia 7 "Outside tenement, northwest bound on the Tanami rd. Roadside subcrop, muscovite-biotite schist." 11.801' 33.001' 751143.8789 7549295.508 Ngalia 8 "Outside tenement. Roadside massive outcrop of granite. Some zones nearly pegmatitic, with potential secondary U mineralisation along fractures." 08.598' 26.099' 16.742' 22.004' NGL1 Granite quartz reef contact 16.634' 21.931' NGL2 As above 12.880' 35.472' NGL3 Roadside 14.030' 39.118' NGL4 "Roadside. Off the Tanami Rd, calcareous sediment with qtz veining, the rock appears quite granitic and may be altered granite with the release of ca through thermal alteration or weathering. Additional bi-mu schist is scattered along the side of the road. NB. This is not in tenement." 16.061' 25.896' NGL5 Scrape site with exposure of meta-sediments associated with intrusion of the proximal granites. The unit is trending NW. 19.217' 18.427' RR1 "Rankins reward prospect, a small u rich sandstone amongst the 20yr old ruins. The same site has fossilised wood within sandstone. " 19.217' 18.427' FOSSILSED WOOD "Rankins reward prospect, a small u rich sandstone amongst the 20yr old ruins. The same site has fossilised wood within sandstone. "