H0100 Tenement_no/Combined_rept_no. E10117 H0101 Tenement_holder BHP H0102 Project_name Mount Doreen K H0106 Tenement_operator Mithril Resources H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SF5212 H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 29-Aug-04 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 28-Aug-05 H0202 Data_format SL1 H0203 Number_of_data_records 13 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 5-Oct-05 H0303 location_data_file 10117_A_July05_logs_1.txt H0306 assay_data_file 10117_A_July05_assay_3.txt H0400 Drill_code air core H0401 Drill_contractor Bostech Drilling H0402 Description Air core H0501 Geodetic _Datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum AHD H0503 Projection UTM H0504 Projection_Zone 52 H0532 Surveying_instrument Downhole depth H0900 Remarks H1000 Hole # d_from d_to lithology colour description H1001 (units) metres metres H1004 (units accuracy) 0.1 0.1 D AYAC01 0 0.3 silty sand red silty D AYAC03 0 1 sand red "red, silty, aeolian" D AYAC03 1 2 calcrete light brown and red "frags of silcrete, lt brown + red, massive" D AYAC03 2 11 silcrete white "white, massive, v hard, well silicified (water) 10-11m opaline chert" D AYAC03 11 15 clay brown "brown, gritty" D AYAC03 15 21 lmst/calcrete (+silcrete) light brown "lt brown, massive, hard" D AYAC03 21 33 silcrete white "white, v hard, (nodular)massive, clayey, interlayers, transparent chert and white coloured" D AYAC03 33 50 clay red "red, with cse to fine angular qtz" D AYAC03 50 56 silcrete white "white hard, massive, pale green towards 55-56m" D AYAC03 56 63 clay grey/green "grey +green, gritty, silty, some red/brown ferruginous colouring, thin interbeds of ferruginous sandly clay + ferricrete" D AYAC03 63 69 clay "grey, yellow, dark red" "grey + yellow + dk red, mottled and ferruginous" D AYAC03 69 75 clay dark red "dk red, ferrugenous" D AYAC03 75 85 clay off white "off white + yellow, weakly ferrugenous" D AYAC03 85 108 clay/weathered basement yellow brown "yel/brown (mustard brown/yell) (lower saprolite), ?poss transported, but immature and proximal provanance, rare biotite + heay minerals, v little or no qtz" D AYAC03 108 110 granite brown and black "v hard, qtz, palg, biotite, poor sample, blade refusal, milky white qtz, small chips of qtz +biot" D AYAC04 0 0 silty sand red "red, aeolian, fine" D AYAC04 0 6 calcrete + silcrete light red/brown light red/brown (at top) to white (deeper) D AYAC04 6 18 clay light brown "lt brown, sandy + silty, firm" D AYAC04 18 25 silcrete white to v pale grey-green white to v pale grey-green D AYAC04 25 33 clay grey brown "grey-brown, silty/sandy" D AYAC04 33 42 clay and ?calcrete/silcrete hard fragments in clay D AYAC04 42 46 clay red & white "red, hard, firm ferrugenous, silty, silcrete layers, (white silcrete)" D AYAC04 46 56 silcrete white "hard, white, massive" D AYAC04 56 63 clay red/brown "firm, red/brown,sandy/silty" D AYAC04 63 77 clay light grey and yellow "firm, lt grey + yellow + red, sandy/silty" D AYAC04 77 84 clay light grey "with weak silicate induration, lt grey" D AYAC04 84 87 ferrugenous clay dark brown drk brown + yell brown goethite and pale yell clay D AYAC04 87 96 clay yellow brown "yell brown, small goethite frags" D AYAC04 96 100 gravel? "quartz, granite, frags + clay" D AYAC04 100 101 two-pyroxene biotite microdiorite black "v hard, fine grained, black (also see petrological report)" D AYAC05 0 0 sand red "red silty, aeolian" D AYAC05 0 6 silcrete + calcrete light brown coating and massive D AYAC05 6 21 clay brown "partly indurated, hard-firm, very silty + sandy, brown, (water)" D AYAC05 21 24 silcrete white "white, massive" D AYAC05 24 45 clay red brown "partly indurated, hard-firm, very silty + sandy, red/brown-brown, some silcrete bands" D AYAC05 45 57 silcrete white "silcrete white translucent, v hard, cherty" D AYAC05 57 63 clay brown "firm, silty, brown" D AYAC05 63 66 clay light grey/green "firm silty, lt grey/green + yellow" D AYAC05 66 67 clay + sandstone "ferrugenous, weak to mod cementation" D AYAC05 67 74 silcrete light grey yellow "lt grey, yellow, sandy (sicified sst)" D AYAC05 74 84 clay red brown " red/brown, yellow, silty to smooth" D AYAC05 84 99 silcrete/clay + sst light grey off white "firm to hard, cemented matrix supported sandst, lt grey to off white + v pale yellow + red Fe patches (top of basement?)" D AYAC05 99 109 clay/basement light grey to yellow "lt grey to yellow (goethitic), possibly weathered basement" D AYAC06 0 4 limestone light brown oc of silcrete/lmst D AYAC06 4 9 clay brown "brown, puggy, firm, silty" D AYAC06 9 25 clay light brown "lt brown, gritty + silty (transported)" D AYAC06 25 27 clay pale green "pale green, ?glauconite?" D AYAC06 27 28 silcrete/lmst brown "hard, brown" D AYAC06 28 33 clay and quartz brown clay and very fine to med-coarse angular quartz D AYAC06 33 37 clay and silcrete/lmst orange orange D AYAC06 37 40 "silcrete, minor clay" white "white, hard" D AYAC06 40 51 clay red "red, firm" D AYAC06 51 54 clay grey/green "green grey, silty, firm, some yellow patches" D AYAC06 54 57 clay green "green, silty, firm" D AYAC06 57 65 silcrete/clay light grey "lt grey, sst - matrix supported, clayey, siliceous" D AYAC06 65 69 sandy clay light grey "lt grey - associated w above silcrete, coarse sand/gravel 68/69 m" D AYAC06 69 71 biotite monzogranite plag and medium sized black decussate biotite (also see petrological report) D AYAC07 0 3 sand red "red, aeolian, f, silty" D AYAC07 3 15 clay light brown "lt brown, firm, some silicious portions" D AYAC07 15 24 clay red "red, some hard fragments, silty + sandy" D AYAC07 24 33 clay very pale grey "v pale grey to off white, mod.firm, only sl indurated" D AYAC07 33 48 clay and silcrete red "red, v firm sandy clay with hard siliceous fragments" D AYAC07 48 57 silcrete + clay red browm "red brown, silcrete and sandy clay" D AYAC07 57 63 silcrete + clay white & red/brown white and dark red/brown - ferrugenous and motteld D AYAC07 63 72 ferrugenous silcrete dark red brown "dark red & dk brown, ferrugenous clay hard fragments" D AYAC07 72 75 clay + silcrete white red purple "white, purple, red clay and silcrete - mottled, ferrugenous" D AYAC07 75 108 clay/basement yellow brown "weathered basement, smooth to weakly gritty, saprolite/kaolin, with yel/brn goethite stained clay" D AYAC07 108 111 weathered basement white yellow green "saprock, white + yellow + green clay with wthd biot/?chlorite" D AYAC07 111 115 hornblende-biotite diorite dark grey "mafic rock dk grey coloured, f grained" D AYAC08 0 3 silcrete + calcrete pale brown limest unit? Pale brn to off white D AYAC08 3 4 clay very pale grey green v pale grey/green D AYAC08 4 6 clay pale red brown "pale red/brn to off white, w limest fragments" D AYAC08 6 25 clay brown orange "sandy, silty, brn to orange brn (6-12m or/brn, 12-25m brn/grey)" D AYAC08 25 27 clay grey green pale grn to grey/grn D AYAC08 27 33 limest and clay light brown and grey/green lt brn limest (silcrete?) w grey/grn clay and red/brn clay D AYAC08 33 41 clay red/brown "red/brn w some greenish patches, sandy and silty" D AYAC08 41 47 clay red "red, smooth" D AYAC08 47 49 clay red "red, gritty, w coarse angular fragments/qtz grains" D AYAC08 49 57 clay (?basement?) yellow white red "yel + white + red, gritty, granular sample " D AYAC08 57 64 clay/basement orange yellow "orange + yell + brn w faint greenish base, smooth clay, dry granular sample" D AYAC08 64 67 weathered basement green white yellow "green + white + yell + brn, saprock" D AYAC08 67 76 wthd mafic dark green "dk green saprock with biot (? or black decusssate hornblende), relict textures in some of the sample" D AYAC08 73 76 hornblende-biotite quartz diorite with syenogranite dyklet grey "wthd clayey diorite med-cse grained black mineral (?hornblende or biot?) and plag, also massive quartz veining (or granite?) cloudy translucent qtz, (also see petrological report)" EOF