H0100 Tenement_no/Combined_rept_no EL 23630 H0101 Tenement_holder Tanami Gold NL H0102 Tenement_operator Tanami Gold NL H0103 Project_name Winnecke Project H0104 25OK_map_sheet_number SF5314 H0105 100K_mapsheet_number H0200 Start_date_of_data_acqnisition 14-Mar-05 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 16-Mar-05 H0202 Data_format SL2 HO2O3 Number_of_data_records 25 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 3-Apr-2006 H0500 Feature_located Sample point H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA 94 H0502 Vertical_datum AHD H0503 Projection MGA H0504 Projection_zone 53 H0505 Surveying_instrument GPS H0600 Sample_code ROCK H0601 Sample_type Rockchip Sample H0602 Sample_description H0800 Assay_code B/OES B/ETA B/EOES B/SAAS H0801 Assay_company Genalysis Genalysis Genalysis Genalysis H0802 Assay_description Aqua-regia digest / Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical (Atomic) Emission Spectrometry Aqua-regia digest / Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Aqua-regia digest / Enhanced sensitivity Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical (Atomic) Emission Spectrometry Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry after extraction of analyte into organic solvent H0900 Remarks X = Less then detection H1000 Sample_No MGA_E MGA_N Job No Ag As Au Au Au Bi Cd Co Cu Mo Ni Pb Sb W Zn Composite_Width Regolith Colour Lithology Lithology_Variant Vein_Type Vein_Text Vein_Mineralisation Vein_Orientation Vein_Percentage Deformation_Intensity Deformation_Orientation Grainsize Comments Prospect Date Geologist H1001 metres metres ppm ppm ppb ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm % H1002 B/EOES B/OES B/ETA B/SAAS B/SAAS B/EOES B/EOES B/OES B/OES B/EOES B/OES B/EOES B/EOES B/EOES B/OES H1003 0.1 2 1 0.01 0.01 1 0.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Hl004 1 1 0.1 1 1 0.01 0.01 1 0.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D WNK451 427599 7419655 345.1/0502003 X 3 17 X X 3 46 5 5 1 X X 5 0.4m wi VNQ BK qt 76/030 100 "ex-py pseudomorphs, Fe staining; Heavitree" Patsys Gully 14-Mar-05 MGG D WNK452 427589 7419666 345.1/0502003 X 3 315 X X 1 9 3 4 2 X X 4 0.5m wi PSS 56/008 VNQ pods with open textures and ex-py vugs; Heavitree. Patsys Gully 14-Mar-05 MGG D WNK453 427589 7419665 345.1/0502003 X X 62 X X X 10 3 4 X X X 4 0.3m wi VNQ BK qt 100 "Fe staining, ex-py vugs; Heavitree." Patsys Gully 14-Mar-05 MGG D WNK454 427573 7419702 345.1/0502003 0.4 138 45 1 X 15 221 5 63 11 2 X 232 1.5m br VNQ fe BK qt 100 74/004 Hosted by Heavitree PSS. Patsys Gully 14-Mar-05 MGG D WNK455 427557 7419687 345.1/0502003 X 3 612 0.65 1 X 1 13 3 5 18 X X 13 0.5m wi PSS VNQ pods with open textures and ex-py vugs; Heavitree. Patsys Gully 14-Mar-05 MGG D WNK456 427529 7419711 345.1/0502003 X 6 649 1 0.69 1 X 1 15 4 6 4 X X 13 0.5m wi VNQ/PSS BK qt 52/346 50 "ex-py vugs, Fe-staining; Heavitree." Patsys Gully 14-Mar-05 MGG D WNK457 427015 7419868 345.1/0502003 X X 17 X X 25 154 3 60 7 X X 351 0.5m WC pu SCF ma BK qt 10 42/004 shear zone; Arunta basement. Patsys Gully 14-Mar-05 MGG D WNK458 427015 7419868 345.1/0502003 X X 5 2 X 20 14 X 141 13 X X 257 0.5m WC pu SCF ma shear zone; Arunta basement. Patsys Gully 14-Mar-05 MGG D WNK459 422028 7426247 345.1/0502003 X X 3 2 X 6 12 3 19 14 X X 39 2m lgr SCH ep/fe FL 46/018 "finely LM within grosser layers, 10-15 m thick" 15-Mar-05 MGG D WNK460 422229 7426439 345.1/0502003 X 5 4 X X 11 7 2 26 12 X X 44 gr PSX ep/qt/mt/dp LM 48/342 no fizzy cb though appears to be after cb. 15-Mar-05 MGG D WNK462 422624 7426578 345.1/0502003 X 3 2 1 X 20 15 X 32 2 X X 44 1m bc PIA BK qt/cb 5 FL 54/016 mg 15-Mar-05 MGG D WNK463 422633 7426462 345.1/0502003 0.1 7 2 2 0.2 69 22 4 23 28 X 57 83 2m gr PSX ep/qt/(ca)/(dp) BK qt 10 LM 56/006 Some ma MnO2 + chalcedony 15-Mar-05 MGG D WNK464 422883 7425692 345.1/0502003 X 2 2 X X 11 9 2 20 4 X X 18 1m gr PSX BK qt 20 15-Mar-05 MGG D WNK465 423127 7424968 345.1/0502003 X 5 X 15 X 9 12 X 13 18 X X 37 1m gr PSX Hosted by PSP to PSM 15-Mar-05 MGG D WNK469 423273 7422432 345.1/0502003 X 5 1 1 X 3 57 8 9 16 X X 25 0.5m wi VNQ fe BK qt to 140 100 hosted in retrograde schist 56/034 15-Mar-05 MGG D WNK470 420313 7421794 345.1/0502003 X 3 121 X X 16 16 4 20 2 X X 44 1m wi SST "traverse across excavation east of Sloans, sandy" Sliding Rock 16-Mar-05 MGG D WNK471 420313 7421795 345.1/0502003 X X 186 X X 2 7 4 5 1 X X 6 1m wi SST BK qt 10 "traverse across excavation east of Sloans, sandy" Sliding Rock 16-Mar-05 MGG D WNK472 420313 7421796 345.1/0502003 X X 436 0.41 X X 6 8 4 6 X X X 12 1m wi SST BK qt 5 "traverse across excavation east of Sloans, cg py on vn margin" Sliding Rock 16-Mar-05 MGG D WNK473 420313 7421797 345.1/0502003 X X 394 0.47 X X 2 7 3 5 2 X X 243 1m wi SST bk BK ch 40 "traverse across excavation east of Sloans, sandy, 5101961 from this composite" Sliding Rock 16-Mar-05 MGG D WNK474 420313 7421798 345.1/0502003 X 3 250 0.26 X X 3 8 4 4 3 X X 46 1m br SST/VNQ bk BK ch 30 "traverse across excavation east of Sloans, sandy" Sliding Rock 16-Mar-05 MGG D WNK475 420313 7421799 345.1/0502003 X 9 22260 23.7 5 X 21 8 4 6 2 X X 57 1m br VNQ/SST wi/fe qt 80 "traverse across excavation east of Sloans, li inclusions" Sliding Rock 16-Mar-05 MGG D WNK476 420777 7424208 345.1/0502003 X X 63 X X 7 6 2 5 16 X X 12 gy PSE py "cg py, some retro mk" 16-Mar-05 SAR D WNK477 420594 7423936 345.1/0502003 X X 52 X X 3 26 4 7 2 X X 20 gy PSQ wi BK qt 5 16-Mar-05 SAR D WNK478 420558 7423697 345.1/0502003 X X 72 X X 1 9 4 4 3 X X 15 gy PSQ wi BK qt 5 16-Mar-05 SAR D WNK479 421298 7425855 345.1/0502003 X 9 6 X X 11 12 2 19 7 X X 42 gy PIA si BX "(cb), retrograde" 16-Mar-05 SAR EOF