H0100 Tenement_no/Combined_rept_no Alcoota project H0101 Tenement_holder Tanami Gold NL H0102 Tenement_operator Tanami Gold NL H0103 Project_name Alcoota project H0104 25OK_map_sheet_number SF5310 H0105 100K_mapsheet_number H0200 Start_date_of_data_acqnisition 20-Nov-03 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 20-Nov-03 H0202 Data_format SL2 HO2O3 Number_of_data_records 127 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 20-Jan-2004 H0300 Collar_data_file EL_9803_FR_SL2_COLL2003F H0301 Survey_data_file H0302 Assay_data_file EL_9803_FR_DG2_ASS2003F H0303 Geology_data_file EL_9803_FR_DL2_GEO2003F H0400 Drill_code AC H0402 Drill_description Aircore drillhole H0900 Remarks H1000 Hole_ID From To Regolith Lithology Alteration Comments H1001 metres metres Hl004 1 1 D ALA001 0 1 ALV CLY brown to green clay D ALA001 1 3 ALV GRV/SLT silty gravel 1-3 mm; rounded quartz D ALA001 3 22 ALV siSLT "hardpanised dark red silt, traces of 1 mm rounded quartz" D ALA001 22 29 ALV CLY weakly mottled (white to red to yellow/brown) indurated clay with silt and very rare fien pebbles D ALA001 29 30 ALV GRV/SLT round pebbles to 4 x 6 mm; in weakly mottled moderately hard clay- basal lag? D ALA001 30 33 WTH SAP "weakly mottled, indurated sap rock/clay?" D ALA001 33 40 MOT SAP mottled sap rock? Mauve/red to white D ALA001 40 44 WTH liSAP yellow/brown saprock- weakly haematitic D ALA001 44 62 WTH SAP "weakly mottled, indurated yellow/brown sap" D ALA001 62 78 WTH CLY clay (dispersive) with minor indurated sap rock D ALA001 78 80 WTH CLY/SAP greenish clay and soft sap D ALA001 80 96 POX GRT/fGNS cl green; strongly chloritised groundmass with white/pink quartz and feldspar - chloritised granite or felsic gneiss D ALA002 0 1 ALV SLT/SOL silty clay/soil D ALA002 1 2 ALV GRV/SLT angular-subangular medium-coarse gravelly silt D ALA002 2 26 ALV siSLT "hardpanised dark red silt, fine to medium quartz grains throughout" D ALA002 26 28 ALV GRV/siSLT gravelly hardpanised silt D ALA002 28 32 ALV GRV/CLY weakly indurated silty clay with medium-coarse rounded pebbles D ALA002 32 33 ALV GRV/CLY basal section of above D ALA002 33 38 ALV feSAP red/white mottled indurated sap (haematitic) D ALA002 38 45 PAL SAP indurated white sap D ALA002 45 76 WTH SAP "weakly mottled sap (white to pale yellow/brown), becoming clayey with depth" D ALA002 76 85 WTH hmSAP/CLY weakly haematitic mauve sap rock/clay D ALA002 85 88 WTH CLY yellow/brown sap clay D ALA002 88 95 WTH/POX clGRT cl " weathered, chloritised felsic lithology, pink feldspar debris in places" D ALA002 95 99 POX/FR clGRT cl "grey, coarse angular quartz debris, white feldspar, much dark green chlorite- chloritised granite or flesic gneiss" D ALA003 0 2 ALV SLT/GRV gravelly red silt - relatively fine round pebbles D ALA003 2 24 ALV siSLT hardpanised dark red silt - coarser grains throughout D ALA003 24 36 ALV siCLY/GRV "damp/moist, heaby dark red silty clay with gravel throughout, hardpanised towards base of interval" D ALA003 36 38 ALV GRV "clayey gravel; rounded pisoliths with thin goethitic coats, weakly mottled, rounded quartz- basal lag?" D ALA003 38 54 WTH/MOT hmSAP "weakly mottled (mauve - white) sap, wekaly haematitic" D ALA003 54 68 WTH/PAL qtSAP pale grey sap - much quartz debris (medium - coarse); pallid zone? D ALA003 68 96 WTH qtSAP weakly mottled (pale grey - yellow/brown) dispersive clay - abundant medium to coarse quartz in places D ALA003 96 118 WTH SAP/biGNS "quartz-rich debris in medium green, clayey, mica-rich material, rare saprock fragments" D ALA003 118 120 POX bifGNS "medium green/grey, muscovite-biotite felsic gneiss, weakly chloritised, very deeply weathered" D ALA004 0 4 ALV CLY/GRV clay with 1-3mm rounded gravel D ALA004 4 26 ALV siSLT/GRV "variably hardpanised dark red silty clay, minor gravel throughout" D ALA004 26 40 ALV SLT/CLY "sticky silty clay with minor gravel (rounded pisoliths, quartz), weakly hardpanised in places" D ALA004 40 44 ALV siSLT/siCLY hardpanised red clay/silt D ALA004 44 46 ALV GRV/CLY polished gravel (much lateritic looking debris- e.g. Fe-saprock with bedrock textures) and red clay D ALA004 46 50 ALV/FER feGRV/feSAP "subangular, Fe-haematite saprock chunks, lesser rounded material- ferricrete or transported nodular laterite???, some bedrock textures, thin goethitic cutans in places" D ALA004 50 53 MOT feCLY "weakly mottled, white-mauve clay - haematitic sections look like above material" D ALA004 53 60 PAL siCLY indurated white sap with very fine quartz grains D ALA004 60 80 LAC CLY "pale grey-pale yellow clay, becoming very heavy with depth, locally limonitic (bands?), quartz debris increasing with depth- especially 76-80m- broken pebbles?" D ALA004 80 84 LAC CLY/GRV "balling heavy waxy clay with limonitic material, abundant very fine quartz grains and black specks (charcoal?) - similar to above interval but clay is waxier and heavier" D ALA004 84 94 WTH SAP mauve muscovitic sap clay D ALA004 94 107 WTH hmmuSAP/SCH mauve-dark brown strongly foliated muscovitic saprock after schist D ALA004 107 114 WTH/POX VQ/muSCH greenish/brown; clear-grey-honey coloured quartz debris with lesser adhering muscovite-biotite schist D ALA005 0 2 ALV GRV/CLY gravelly clay D ALA005 2 34 ALV siSLT/siCLY "variably hardpanised dark red silty clay, minor gravel throughout" D ALA005 34 39 ALV CLY/GRV gravellly red clay D ALA005 39 52 ALV siCLY/GRV "variably hardpanised dark red silty clay, with gravel throughout- lower section sieved" D ALA005 52 54 ALV CLY orange clay D ALA005 54 60 ALV CLY/hmCLY "weakly mottled (orange - white - yellow/brown) variably indurated silty clay, haematitic in places, trace rounded gravel" D ALA005 60 70 ALV CLY white indurated material- saprock? D ALA005 70 80 ALV siCLY weakly mottled (yellow/brown - white) indurated material D ALA005 80 96 ALV CLY "weakly mottled (yellow/brown), sticky, waxy, non-dispersive clay with abundant silt, quartz, black specks etc" D ALA005 96 104 ALV CLY/GRV sticky white clay with coarse (0.5-2 cm) round pebbles- basal lag? D ALA006 0 12 ALV SLT D ALA006 12 24 ALV/MOT CLY D ALA006 24 46 ALV/MOT CLY/GRV D ALA006 46 111 ALV CLY/GRV D ALA006 111 115 ALV GRV/CLY D ALA007 0 6 ALV SLT/GRV D ALA007 6 18 ALV/MOT CLY/GRV D ALA007 18 30 ALV SLT/GRV D ALA007 30 34 SAP GRT D ALA007 34 45 WTH GRT D ALA007 45 53 POX/FR GRT weathered to fresh medium grained granodorite D ALA008 0 12 ALV SLT D ALA008 12 26 ALV CLY D ALA008 26 46 MOT/ALV CLY/GRV D ALA008 46 58 SAP? CLY/GRV D ALA008 58 62 SAP GRT D ALA008 62 68 WTH GRT weathered fine grained granite D ALA009 0 11 ALV SLT D ALA009 11 37 ALV CLY D ALA009 37 46 SAP? CLY D ALA009 46 49 MOT CLY D ALA009 49 56 SAP CLY D ALA009 56 63 WTH/SAP CLY/GRT? medium grained intrusive? D ALA009 63 65 FR GAB fresh gabbro (mafic granulite?) D ALA010 0 21 ALV SLT/GRV D ALA010 21 37 ALV CLY D ALA010 37 38 ALV GRV/CLY D ALA010 38 54 SAP CLY D ALA010 54 58 SAP CLY green sap clay D ALA010 58 60 WTH SCH Very altered green schist D ALA011 0 21 ALV SLT/GRV D ALA011 21 40 ALV CLY D ALA011 40 44 SAP CLY D ALA011 44 50 MOT/SAP GRT?/CLY D ALA011 50 54 SAP SCH? D ALA011 54 59 WTH/FER qtSCH ferriginous quartz rich schist (meta-sediment) D ALA012 0 3 ALV SLT/GRV D ALA012 3 48 ALV CLY D ALA012 48 52 ALV SND/CLY D ALA012 52 63 SAP CLY D ALA012 63 70 SAP CLY/GRT? D ALA012 70 75 SAP CLY D ALA012 75 81 SAP CLY/GRT? D ALA012 81 90 SAP GRT/CLY D ALA012 90 94 WTH Msch weathered mafic schist D ALA012 94 100 WTH/POX mGNR/SCH weathered to fresh mafic granulite - schistose in places D ALA013 0 9 ALV GRV/SLT D ALA013 9 17 ALV CLY D ALA013 17 26 ALV CLY D ALA013 26 50 ALV CLY D ALA013 50 69 ALV CLY D ALA013 69 77 ALV SND/CLY D ALA013 77 79 ALV/SAP? GRV/SND gravely lag possibly near the base of transported D ALA014 0 10 ALV GRV/SLT D ALA014 10 11 ALV GRV/SLT D ALA014 11 32 ALV CLY/GRV/SND D ALA014 32 51 ALV CLY D ALA014 51 64 ALV CLY/SND D ALA014 64 73 ALV GRV/CLY D ALA014 73 78 SAP CLY D ALA014 78 81 SAP CLY D ALA014 81 86 WTH GRT weathered felsic possibly a gniess or granite D ALA014 86 88 WTH/FR DOL?/AMP? slightly foliated intermediate to mafic rock meta-dolerite? D ALA015 0 26 ALV SLT/GRV D ALA015 26 59 ALV SND/CLY D ALA015 59 74 ALV SND/CLY D ALA015 74 93 SAP CLY D ALA015 93 100 SAP CLY/SCH D ALA015 100 106 SAP/WTH DOL?/PEG D ALA015 106 107 FR intGRT intermediate medium grained granite EOF