All Mineral Titles Layers | Metadata | Historical Mineral TitlesMapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
Historical Mineral Titles | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
All Petroleum and Pipeline Titles Layers | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
Designated Area | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
All Geothermal Titles Layers | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
All Drilling Layers | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV | |
Petroleum Wells | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
Drillholes | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
Hylogged Drillholes | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
Core Library (COREDAT) | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
Bottom Hole Temperature | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
All Diamond Layers | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV | |
Kimberlites | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
Macrodiamonds | Metadata | Mapinfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
Microdiamonds | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
Diamond Indicator Mineral | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
Diamond Samples | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
All Geochemistry Layers | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV | |
All Rocks | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
Soils | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
Stream Sediments | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
Drill Max Assays | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
All Geochronology Layers | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV | |
Geochronology UPbHfO | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
Geochronology SmNd | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
All Geology Layers | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV | |
Regolith Regions 2.5M | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
Concealed Geological Boundaries | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
Geology Regions 2.5M | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
Geological Faults 2.5M | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
Geology 2.5M | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
All Geophysics Layers | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV | |
Geophysical Surveys - NTGS | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
Geophysical Surveys - Industry Open File | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
Geophysical Surveys - Industry Closed File | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
Seismic Lines | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
Geophysical Strings - Magnetics | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
Geophysical Strings - Gravity | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
To download ECW images of the raster layers in the Geophysical Imagery group go to the Geophysical Image web Server (GIWS). The images of the 250K Geological Mosaic and the 250K Topographic Mosaic can also be downloaded from the GIWS.
All Mineral Deposits and Mines Layers | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV | |
Mines | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
Mineral Occurrences | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
All Index Layers | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV | |
1:100 000 Map Sheet Index | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
1:250 000 Map Sheet Index | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
Open File Reports | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
1 Minute Graticular Blocks | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
5 Minute Graticular Blocks AGD66 | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
5 Minute Graticular Blocks GDA94 | Metadata | MapInfo | KML | Shape | CSV |
For more help and support please submit a request via the STRIKE Online Request Form, or call the Minerals and Energy InfoCentre on 08 8999 6443. Last updated: 12 March 2021