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Title: EL 30242 Mount Cornish Project Annual report for the reporting period 26 November 2015 to 25 November 2016
Title Holder / Company: Jinka Minerals
Kentor Minerals (NT)
Report id: CR2016-0657
Tenure: EL30242
Year: 2017
Author: Lennartz, R
Abstract: To follow up on field geological mapping during the previous reporting period, a rock chip sampling program was undertaken in conjunction with a re-visit to the tenement by company geologists who traversed the region in anticipation of further exploration activities. An area was mapped in the southern portion of the tenement (Figure 2) with an emphasis on the identification of rare earth elements within a granitic textured matrix. The fine to medium, even-grained biotite granodiorite and leucogranites contained weathered porphyroblasts of unidentified metamorphic rocks. Within the granitic rocks there were numerous coarser grained, pegmatitic dykes and narrow veins which were sampled for their rare earth potential. The pegmatite's consisted of medium to very coarse grained sodic plagioclase, quartz, k-feldspar, muscovite, tourmaline, apatite and sphene. Results from the sampling program did not support the potential for the granitic units in the southern portion of the tenement to contain significant rare earth potential.
Date Added: 23-Dec-2022
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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