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Title: Annual Report on the Kirkimbie Diamond Project, Northern Territory, 24 September 2015 to 23 September 2016
Title Holder / Company: Martin, A
Report id: CR2016-0557
Tenure: EL29803
Year: 2016
Author: Martin, C
Abstract: This report details the outcomes of rock chip sampling programme completed in June 2016. This programme focused on a number of di-pole targets selected from airborne magnetic survey modelling. Anomalous values of chromium for samples el29803B and el29803C1 requires follow up. El29803F anomalous values of Pb, Cu, Co, As, Ga, P, Sr, Th, and V compared to others. This is considered a significant sample location. Based on these results the rock chip sample is ultramafic. El29803D moderately anomalous may need follow up. El29803E appears to be more highly altered than other samples. El298031E also anomalous values and may require follow up. The results for the remaining rock chip samples show very low values to make any substantial observations. Further work will be focused on revisiting el29803B, el29803C1 and El29803F sample locations. We plan to complete more extensive indicator mineral and soil sampling surveys in this region which will be followed up by portable XRF surveys, prioritisation of drill targets, drill test and sample. Daylight Jack Minerals considers diamond prospectivity of EL 29803 as very high.
Date Added: 23-Dec-2022
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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