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Title: Annual Report on Mineral Tenement EL 27942 Alice Springs Region Year 6 20 November 2016
Title Holder / Company: AMI Resources
Report id: CR2016-0568
Tenure: EL27942
Year: 2016
Author: Caughey, R
Abstract: Based on previous geochemical analysis results, we conducted further samplings and prospecting on the three areas of copper occurrences-unnamed site 932, unnamed site 933, and Point of Springs copper sites. Our field prospecting and sampling were conducted in April 2016, focusing on three copper prospective areas: Point Springs, unnamed site 932 and unnamed site 933. The team has collected 30 rock samples in the areas of Point Springs, unnamed site 932 and unnamed site 933. The principal prospectivity of the project appears to be the three known copper occurrences, and surrounding areas. Point Spring and the unnamed occurrence 932 are about 6 km apart and in or proximal to the Oomoolmilla and Charlotte Fault systems, and it is likely that the fault deformation has had some influence on the copper mineralisation. The fault zones in between these two, and adjacent areas, and along trend to the west of Point Spring and south of occurrence 932 may be prospective. The unnamed copper occurrence 933, further east, is different in being hosted by the Bonya Schist basement, and is more similar to the Jervois Mineral Field copper deposits to the east and southeast. Prospectivity around this occurrence is more likely to be to the south-southeast, towards the Green Hoard occurrence, just outside AM's licence, and to the east, where the Kings Legend Amphibolite Member probably lies under cover, and to the north, where any continuity of this mineralisation, and the Amphibolite Member, may extend under alluvial cover about 1 to 1.5 km further before terminating the eastern extent of faulting from the Oomoolmilla Fault system.
Date Added: 22-Dec-2022
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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